Oh, Great Mystery and Wondrous Sign: The miracles of St Þorlákr and the public experience of the divine in thirteenth and mid-fourteenth century Iceland

Hagiographical literature, and in particular, the miracles of saints, can be valuable historical sources on the people who lived during the medieval period. They describe the fears, hopes, needs, and dreams of a community of believers and demonstrate the perpetuation of that same belief through the...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Jane Eleanor Kern 1996-
Other Authors: Háskóli Íslands
Format: Thesis
Published: 2019
Online Access:http://hdl.handle.net/1946/34332
Summary:Hagiographical literature, and in particular, the miracles of saints, can be valuable historical sources on the people who lived during the medieval period. They describe the fears, hopes, needs, and dreams of a community of believers and demonstrate the perpetuation of that same belief through the cult of the saint, as it grows and changes. This thesis analyses two Old Icelandic miracle collections from St Þorlákr, the first Icelandic saint: Jarteinabók, a collection of miracles from c. 1200 in Iceland; and Þorláks saga C, the fourteenth-century redaction of the life and miracles of St Þorlákr. These miracles make use of the names of supplicants, vows and offerings to the saint, relics of Þorlákr, and dreams and visions in order to describe the local Icelandic community’s relationship with St Þorlákr over time. In particular, it explores the ways in which a private miracle experience is made public in order to grow the community of faith in Iceland. The appendix includes full English-language translations of these miracles. Heilagra manna sögur, einkum jarteinasögur, geta verið mikilvægar heimildir um líf fólks á miðöldum. Þar er lýst ótta fólks og vonum, þörfum og draumum um samfélag trúaðra. Um leið sýna heilagra manna sögur hvernig þeim draumi er viðhaldið með samfélagi þeirra er ákalla dýrlinginn og hvernig það samfélag vex og breytist. Í þessari ritgerð er rýnt í tvö jarteinasöfn tengd Þorláki helga, fyrsta íslenska dýrlingnum: Jarteinabók, safni jarteina frá um 1200 og Þorláks sögu C, fjórtándu aldar gerð af Þorláks sögu og jarteinum honum tengdum. Í þessum jarteinasögum er stöðu Þorláks helga í íslensku samfélagi í tímans rás lýst í gegnum nöfn tilbeiðenda hans, áheit og gjafir handa dýrlingnum, helga dóma Þorláks, drauma og leiðslur. Í ritgerðinni er einkum litið til þess hvernig persónuleg jartein er gerð opinber í því skyni að afla trúnni fylgis á Íslandi. Í viðauka er ensk þýðing á öllum jarteinunum.