Alternative heating systems for northern remote communities : techno-economic analysis of ground-source heat pumps in Kuujjuaq, Nunavik, Canada

Geothermal energy, through the utilisation of ground source heat pump (GSHP) has been proposed as a heating alternative to the low efficiency and environmentally adverse diesel furnaces currently being used to meet residential heating demand in Nunavik, a cold and remote region covering the northern...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Gunawan, Evelyn, 1995-
Other Authors: Háskólinn í Reykjavík
Format: Master Thesis
Published: 2019
Online Access:
Summary:Geothermal energy, through the utilisation of ground source heat pump (GSHP) has been proposed as a heating alternative to the low efficiency and environmentally adverse diesel furnaces currently being used to meet residential heating demand in Nunavik, a cold and remote region covering the northern third of Québec, Canada. This study describes the application of the G.POT method, developed by Casasso and Sethi (2016) to create maps of the shallow geothermal potential in Kuujjuaq, the largest village in Nunavik. Resulting maps show a relatively high potential for such cold region, ranging between 5.8 MWh/year and 22.9 MWh/year for borehole heat exchanger lengths of 100 m to 300 m. 50-years life-cycle cost analyses of such geothermal systems reveal that compression GSHP with electricity derived from solar photovoltaic panels costs as low as CAD$0.15/kWh and forms the most economically attractive heating option in Kuujjuaq as compared to the diesel furnace heating currently used at CAD$0.21/kWh. Studies focusing on the applications of GSHP in subarctic conditions are currently limited and hence, this work is expected to fill in this gap. Fram hafa komið tillögur um að nýta jarðhita með varmadælum (GSHP) til upphitunar í stað díselofna sem nú eru notaðir til að hita íbúðarhúsnæði í Nunavik, köldu og afskekktu svæði sem nær yfir norðurhluta Quebec í Kanada. Díselofnar eru bæði óskilvirkir og ekki umhverfisvænir. Þessi ritgerð lýsir notkun G.POT aðferðarinnar, sem þróuð var af Casasso og Sethi (2016), til að kortleggja jarðhita á litlu dýpi í Kuujjuaq, stærsta þorpinu í Nunavik. Kortin sýna tiltölulega mikla möguleika á þessu kalda svæði, á bilinu frá 5,8 MWh/ári og upp í 22,9 MWh/ári fyrir borholu á bilinu 100 til 300m. 50 ára kostnaðargreining á lífsferli slíkra jarðhitakerfa sýnir að þjöppun GSHP með rafmagni sem fæst úr sólarsellum kostar ekki nema CAD$0,15/kWh og er hagkvæmari kyndingarvalkostur fyrir Kuujjuaq heldur en díselkynding sem nú er notuð og kostar CAD$0,21/kWh. Rannsóknir sem beinast að notkun ...