Substance abuse as a mediator between domestic violence victimization and delinquency among Icelandic adolescents

Prior research has shown that adolescents use substances or delinquency (or both) in order to escape negative feelings following domestic violence. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine substance abuse as a mediator between domestic violence victimization and delinquency among Icelandi...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Emilía Björg Þórðardóttir 1997-
Other Authors: Háskólinn í Reykjavík
Format: Thesis
Published: 2019
Online Access:
Summary:Prior research has shown that adolescents use substances or delinquency (or both) in order to escape negative feelings following domestic violence. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine substance abuse as a mediator between domestic violence victimization and delinquency among Icelandic adolescents when controlling for family structure and poor financial status. Participants in the current study were secondary school students who took part in a survey, Youth in Iceland 2016, distributed by Icelandic Centre for Social Research (ICSRA). The sample consisted of 2,194 16- to 19-year-old students with equal gender rates. The results showed that delinquency was more common among males and domestic violence victimization among females, but no gender differences were found for substance abuse. The findings in the present study were consistent with previous findings regarding relationships between domestic violence victimization, delinquency, and substance abuse, apart from gender differences. The results also indicated that for males, substance abuse fully mediated the relationship between domestic violence victimization and delinquency. For females, substance abuse was a partial mediator of that same relationship. In conclusion, teaching positive coping strategies to victims of domestic violence is important, since they seem to use substances and delinquency to cope. Fyrri rannsóknir hafa sýnt að samband sé milli þess að verða fyrir heimilisofbeldi, afbrotahegðunar og fíkniefnaneyslu. Ungmenni sem höfðu upplifað erfiðleika í lífi sínu, til dæmis ofbeldi á heimilinu, voru líkleg til þess að forðast erfiðleikana í kjölfar þess með því að neyta fíkniefna og að brjóta af sér (eða bæði). Þar af leiðandi var tilgangur þessarar rannsóknar að skoða fíkniefnaneyslu sem miðlara milli þess að hafa upplifað ofbeldi á heimilinu og afbrotahegðunar þegar stjórnað var fyrir fjölskyldu uppbygginu og slakrar fjárhagslegrar stöðu. Þátttakendur í rannsókninni voru allir þeir framhaldsskólanemar sem tóku þátt í ...