The relationship between physical activity, sleep and burnout symptoms

Work is believed to be one of the main stressor in the modern world. Burnout has received considerable amount of interest lately and is believed to be the leading cause of long-term sick leave. Studies have shown that chronic stress is the main trigger for the syndrome. Despite the well-known relati...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Arnar Snær Benediktsson 1994-
Other Authors: Háskólinn í Reykjavík
Format: Thesis
Published: 2019
Online Access:
Summary:Work is believed to be one of the main stressor in the modern world. Burnout has received considerable amount of interest lately and is believed to be the leading cause of long-term sick leave. Studies have shown that chronic stress is the main trigger for the syndrome. Despite the well-known relationship between physical activity and mental health, research that have focused on physical activity and burnout are limited. Studies also showed strong relationship between burnout and sleep. The main aim of the study was to examine if physical activity exerted an influence on sleep difficulties, work-related thoughts and burnout symptoms. The study gathered data from individuals on the job market in Iceland in March 2019. Participants were 63, 33 females (52,4%) and 30 males (47,6%). Physical activity did not exert an influence on psychological detachment, sleep or burnout symptoms. However, results showed further evidence that sleep difficulties and burnout symptoms interact and that greater psychological detachment from work-related thoughts exerted a diminishing influence on sleep difficulties. Key words: burnout, physical activity, sleep, stress, work-related thoughts. Atvinna er talin vera einn helsti streituvaldur í nútíma samfélagi. Nýlega hefur kulnun í starfi fengið umtalsverða athygli þar sem hún er talin vera aðal orsök langtímaveikindaleyfa á meðal vinnandi fólks. Niðurstöður rannsókna sýna að aðal orsakavaldur kulnunar sé langvarandi streita. Samband líkamlegrar hreyfingar og andlegrar heilsu er vel þekkt en fáar rannsóknir hafa skoðað samband milli hreyfingar og kulnunar í starfi. Niðurstöður rannsókna hafa einnig sýnt fram á sterkt samband milli svefns og kulnunar. Megintilgangur núverandi rannsóknar var að kanna hvort hreyfing hefði áhrif á svefnerfiðleika, vinnutengdar hugsanir og einkenni kulnunar í starfi. Gögnum var safnað frá einstaklingum á vinnumarkaðinum á Íslandi í mars 2019. Rannsóknin samanstóð af 63 þátttakendum, 33 konum (52,4%) og 30 körlum (47.6%). Hreyfing hafði engin áhrif á ...