UAV geothermal mapping in Austurengjar

The aim of this study was to produce and analyze a thermal map of a geothermal area in Iceland. Austurengjar, an area part of the Krýsuvík volcanic system on the Reykjanes Peninsula was selected. The area was mapped by a UAV equipped with a dual thermal and RGB camera. The resulting thermal image an...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Jóhann Mar Ólafsson 1990-
Other Authors: Háskólinn í Reykjavík
Format: Thesis
Published: 2018
Online Access:
Summary:The aim of this study was to produce and analyze a thermal map of a geothermal area in Iceland. Austurengjar, an area part of the Krýsuvík volcanic system on the Reykjanes Peninsula was selected. The area was mapped by a UAV equipped with a dual thermal and RGB camera. The resulting thermal image and RGB orthophoto were compared to conventional mapping methods and analyzed. Temperature polygons were created for various temperature ranges in to obtain a greater understanding of the thermal distribution in the area. The methods for UAV mapping showed promising results as highly detailed images were produced after a flight of ten minutes. The results show that UAVs could be a key tool in baseline geothermal mapping and monitoring in the near future. Markmið þessarar rannsóknar var að kortleggja háhitasvæði kennt við Austuengjar á Reykjanesskaganum. Svæðið var kortlagt með þyrildi sem var útbúið með tvískiptri hitamyndavél. Útfrá þeim gögnum voru bæði myndakort sem og hitakort búin til. Þessi kort voru borin saman og greind m.t.t. hefðbundra rannsóknaraðferða. Marghyrningar (e. polygons) voru útbúnir fyrir mismunandi hitabil til þess að greina betur hitadreifingu innan svæðisins. Aðferðirnar við fjarkönnun á þessu svæði lofa góðu þar sem hágæða kort voru búin til á svæðinu eftir flug sem tók einungis 10 mínútur. Niðurstöðurnar gefa til kynna að þyrildi geta haft þýðingarmikið hlutverk í grunnrannsóknum á háhitasvæðum sem og eftirliti á háhitasvæðum. Svarmi ehf