Optimization model for cogeneration of hydro and geothermal power

Iceland and its people have been known for their ability to produce green energy using the country’s natural and pure resources. Today, Iceland’s main energy sources are hydro and geothermal power. Water level in hydropower reservoirs varies between seasons as it is at its lowest during winter and h...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Harpa Rán Pálmadóttir 1991-
Other Authors: Háskólinn í Reykjavík
Format: Thesis
Published: 2018
Online Access:http://hdl.handle.net/1946/31386
Summary:Iceland and its people have been known for their ability to produce green energy using the country’s natural and pure resources. Today, Iceland’s main energy sources are hydro and geothermal power. Water level in hydropower reservoirs varies between seasons as it is at its lowest during winter and highest during and after summer. In the mean meantime, geothermal power stations can operate day and night despite bad weather and other climate changes. Therefore, it thought to be very important for electricity producers to find the production strategy that maximizes the company’s profit of utilizing the resources over a given time. The objective of this project is to implement a mathematical nonlinear problem that optimizes the optimal cogeneration of hydro and geothermal power using an optimization software and to find a way to eliminate the nonlinearity. A model was developed that simulates the hydro power station Fljótsdalsstöð and the total production of the geothermal power stations Krafla and Þeistareykir. The nonlinear model results show that a cogeneration of hydro and geothermal power production increases total profit. A linear version of the model was made but to be able to benefit in real life operation, a more suitable version needs to be made. Íslendingar hafa verið þekktir fyrir það að framleiða græna orku með náttúrulegum og hreinum auðlindum landsins. Í dag eru aðal orkuauðlindir landsins vatnsafl og jarðvarmi. Vatnshæð í lóni vatnsaflsvirkjana er breytilegt eftir árstíðum þar sem hún er lægst yfir vetrartímann og hæst yfir sumartímann. Á sama tíma geta jarðvarmavirkjanir starfað dag sem nótt þrátt fyrir slæmt veður eða aðrar loftslagsbreytingar. Því er talið mjög mikilvægt fyrir framleiðendur rafmagns að finna þá framleiðsluáætlun sem hámarkar hagnað fyrirtækisins með því að nýta auðlindirnar sem best á hverjum tíma. Markmið þessa verkefnis er að innleiða ólínulegt stærðfræðilegt vandamál sem finnur bestu samnýtingu vatnsafls og jarðvarma með því að nota bestunarhugbúnað. Einnig að finna leið til ...