A modular antenna calibration system for an anechoic chamber.

The Engineering Optimization and Modeling Center at Reykjavik University has been carrying out research on antenna CAD (Computer Aided Design) software, including the simulation-driven design of novel antenna topologies. However, simulation is not enough to validate a design: a custom RF anechoic ch...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Vladimir Omelianov 1988-
Other Authors: Háskólinn í Reykjavík
Format: Thesis
Published: 2018
Online Access:http://hdl.handle.net/1946/29590
Summary:The Engineering Optimization and Modeling Center at Reykjavik University has been carrying out research on antenna CAD (Computer Aided Design) software, including the simulation-driven design of novel antenna topologies. However, simulation is not enough to validate a design: a custom RF anechoic chamber has been built to quantify antenna performance, particularly regarding field properties such as radiation patterns. Such calibration experiments require the precise position of the antenna in the room accurately in 3-axis with a short development time, challenging material constraints, and limited funding. Axiomatic Design Theory principles were applied to develop an automated 3-axis controller system for a reference antenna and the antenna to be calibrated. Each axis can be individually controlled with a repeatability of 0,5 degree. This 4000 USD device can be fabricated using publicly available components and rapid prototyping tools. The chamber and calibration system were developing at the same time. Hence there was no possible way of testing or measuring the effect of the unshielded structure on the measurements. After multiple field tests and calibrations, the final system was limited to a 2-x axis due to the interference of the structural material, repeatability issues, and budget limitation. This, however, fulfills 95% of the conducting experiments. 3-D scans are still possible with manual adjustments. Verkfræðistofnun Háskólans í Reykjavík hefur í rannsóknarstofu sinni framkvæmt rannsóknir á loftnetum með notkun tölvustuddrar hönnunar, þar á meðal til að líkja eftir nýstárlegri loftnetahönnun. Á hinn bóginn eru líkön ekki nóg til að staðfesta hönnun. Búið er að smíða eftirómslaust herbergi til að mæla frammistöðu loftneta, sérstaklega varðandi sviðseiginleika eins og geislunarmynstur. Slíkar tilraunir til kvörðunar krefjast nákvæmrar staðsetningar loftneta í þrívíðu rými í klefanum þar sem til kemur skammur þróunartími, takmarkað hráefni og fjármagn. „Axiomatic design“ reglum var beitt til að þróa ...