Dynamic Thermal Models for the Atlantic Cod and Evaluation of Thermal Resistance of Fish Containers

In the first part of this thesis, thermal models were built to simulate the cooling process of gutted cod. Three weight categories of fish were considered and used to project the cooling times of fish weighing between 2 kg and 9 kg from initial temperature down to 0°C. The results were set up as tab...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Sigurður Örn Ragnarsson 1991-
Other Authors: Háskóli Íslands
Format: Thesis
Published: 2017
Online Access:http://hdl.handle.net/1946/29460
Summary:In the first part of this thesis, thermal models were built to simulate the cooling process of gutted cod. Three weight categories of fish were considered and used to project the cooling times of fish weighing between 2 kg and 9 kg from initial temperature down to 0°C. The results were set up as tables where the cooling time was a function of the fish weight and its initial temperature. Four tables were generated for ambient temperatures of -1, -1.5, -2 and -3°C. The second part of this thesis involved four trials where the melting rate of ice within thermally insulated storage containers of types PUR (Polyurethane) and PE (Polyethylene) was monitored. The amount of ice was measured on a daily basis and the melting rate evaluated for each day. No lids were used in the first two trials while the containers had top lids in place for the last two. Eventually, the containers' abilities in terms of thermal resistance were evaluated based on the ambient temperatures and the respective melting rate of ice. Thermal insulation values of both types increased considerably by placing lids on during the trials. Í fyrri hluta þessa verkefnis voru kæliferlar slægðs þorsks skoðaðir. Að lokum voru líkönin útfærð í gegnum Simulink með Simscape pakkanum. Þrír mismunandi stærðar-flokkar voru notaðir til að byggja upp líkönin og voru niðurstöður úr þeim prófunum notaðar til að spá fyrir um kælitíma slægðs þorks af stærðum 2 kg til 9 kg niður að 0°C. Niðurstöðurnar voru settar upp í töflur þar sem kælitími í mínútum var sýndur sem fall af þyngd fisksins í kg og upphafshitastigi fisks. Fjórar töflur voru framkallaðar fyrir umhverfishitastig kælimiðils upp á -1, -1.5, -2 og -3°C. Í síðari hluta verkefnisins var bráðnunarhraði íss í einangruðum kerum af gerðinni PUR og PE mældur í fjórum lotum. Ísmagnið var mælt daglega í kerunum og þannig metið hversu hratt ísinn bráðnaði. Tvær lotur mælinga voru framkvæmdar þar sem kerin stóðu án loka en í síðari tveimur lotunum voru lok sett á kerin til að meta áhrif þeirra á heildarbráðnunina. Að ...