Body image concerns and depressed mood : a study on gender and sexual orientation differences

Most studies on the associations between gender, sexual orientation and body image have not included bisexual participants in the sample. A poor body image has been associated with eating disorders, anxiety and depression. Previous studies have shown that bisexual women had more depressive symptoms...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Erna Björk Einarsdóttir 1992-
Other Authors: Háskólinn í Reykjavík
Format: Thesis
Published: 2016
Online Access:
Summary:Most studies on the associations between gender, sexual orientation and body image have not included bisexual participants in the sample. A poor body image has been associated with eating disorders, anxiety and depression. Previous studies have shown that bisexual women had more depressive symptoms than the general population. The aim of this study was to examine differences in body image and depressed mood on male and female participants of heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual orientation, using a sample of 3048, mostly 16 to 19 year olds, from the population based 2013 Youth in Iceland study. Body image was assessed using 5 items from the Body and Self-Image subscale of the Offer Self-Image Questionnaire. Depressed mood was assessed using 10 items from the depression dimension of the SCL-90. Results revealed that women had a worse body image and more depressed mood than men. Bisexual women had the worst body image and the most depressed mood of all groups. Bisexual and gay men had a worse body image and more depressed mood than heterosexual men. Lesbians did not differ from heterosexual women in body image or depressed mood. Keywords: body image, depression, sexual orientation, gender, bisexuality Flestar rannsóknir á tengslum kyns, kynhneigðar og líkamsímyndar hafa ekki skoðað tvíkynhneigða einstaklinga. Slæm líkamsímynd hefur verið tengd við átraskanir, kvíða og þunglyndi. Fyrri rannsóknir hafa sýnt fram á það að tvíkynhneigðar konur upplifi meiri þunglyndiseinkenni en aðrir. Tilgangur rannsóknarinnar var að skoða mun á líkamsímynd og þunglyndiseinkennum eftir kyni á meðal gagnkynhneigðra, samkynhneigðra og tvíkynhneigðra þátttakenda. Notast var við 3048 þátttakenda úrtak úr þýðisrannsókninni Ungt fólk frá árinu 2013. Þátttakendur voru flestir á aldrinum 16 til 19 ára. Líkamsímynd var metin með 5 spurningum úr Body and Self-Image undirkvarðanum frá Offer Self-Image Questionnaire. Þunglyndi var metið með 10 spurningum úr þunglyndisvídd SCL-90. Niðurstöður gáfu í ljós að konur höfðu verri líkamsímynd og ...