Strategic sonsensus, information flow, and implementation success : implementing 4DX in an Icelandic transporting company

Effective strategy implementation is predicated on the assumption that employees within the organization have a basic understanding of the strategy. Strategic consensus is when all employees of all levels of the organization share a common understanding of strategic priorities. Information flow is a...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Edda Sif Oddsdóttir 1992-
Other Authors: Háskólinn í Reykjavík
Format: Thesis
Published: 2016
Online Access:
Summary:Effective strategy implementation is predicated on the assumption that employees within the organization have a basic understanding of the strategy. Strategic consensus is when all employees of all levels of the organization share a common understanding of strategic priorities. Information flow is also paramount to the success of strategy implementation. The purpose of this study is to look at the impact of strategic consensus and information flow have on the success of strategy implementation. It was hypothesized that strategic consensus and information flow will be positively associated with the implementation success of the 4 Disciplines of Execution (4DX). Participants were 29 in total, they were employees at a major domestic transporting company in Iceland adhering 4DX, ranging in age from 19 to 63. The findings validate the importance of examining both information flow and strategic consensus in greater detail to more fully understand their roles in the strategic implementation process. Árangursrík innleiðing stefnu byggir á þeirri forsendu að starfsmenn innan rektrareiningarinnar hafi undirstöðuþekkingu á stefnunni. Samstaða um stefnu ríkir þegar starfsmenn á öllum sviðum einingarinnar deila með sér skilningi á forgangsatriðum stefnunnar. Upplýsingaflæði er lykilatriði er kemur að innleiðingu stefnu. Tilgangur rannsóknar þessarar er skoðun hvaða áhrif samstaða um stefnu og upplýsingaflæði hafa á árangur við innleiðingu stefnu. Byggt var á þeirri kenningu, að samtaða um stefnu og upplýsingaflæði verði tengd jákvæðum árangri við innleiðingu hinna fjögurra ráðandi meginþátta framkvæmdar (4DX). Þátttakendur voru alls 29, á aldrinum 19 til 63 ára. Þeir voru starfsmenn eins af stærri flutningsfyrirtækjum landsins sem beitir 4DX. Niðurstöðurnar sýna fram á nauðsyn þess að athuga bæði upplýsingastreymi og samstöðu um stefnu ítarlegar til aukningar á skilningi hlutverks þeirra í innleiðingarferlinu.