Stalking victimization : survey in the Icelandic general public

The main aim of this study was to identify characteristics of stalking victims and the effects of stalking victimization on victims in Iceland. If there would be a difference between genders and relations as well as age groups in experiencing stalking victimization. If being a stalking victim would...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Dagný Dögg Bæringsdóttir 1983-
Other Authors: Háskólinn í Reykjavík
Format: Thesis
Published: 2016
Online Access:
Summary:The main aim of this study was to identify characteristics of stalking victims and the effects of stalking victimization on victims in Iceland. If there would be a difference between genders and relations as well as age groups in experiencing stalking victimization. If being a stalking victim would affect fear and worries experienced by victims as well as if encountering stalking victimization would be associated with experiencing either physical or sexual assault. The data used for analysis in this study was obtained from an annual Icelandic crime victimization survey among the Icelandic general public in the year 2015. The sample consisted of 4000 individuals living in Iceland both women and men at the age 18-76 years old. Results revealed no significant difference regarding gender or relations, however, younger participants were significantly more likely then older to report stalking victimization. There was a significant effect on fear and worries of further victimization, however univariate results demonstrated only a significant effect for worries of further victimization. Finally there was significant association between stalking victimization and experiencing either physical or sexual assault. This study provides rare information regarding nature and prevalence of stalking victimization as well as effects on victims among the Icelandic general public. Meginmarkmið rannsóknarinnar var að skoða hvort að munur væri á milli kynja, tengsla gerenda og þolenda sem og aldursflokka í því að verða fyrir eltirhrelli. Hvort áhrif væru á því að verða fyrir eltihrelli á ótta þolenda sem og áhyggjur þeirra að verða fyrir frekari afbrotum. Að lokum hvort að tengsl væru á milli þess að verða fyrir eltihrelli og að verða fyrir annað hvort líkamlegu eða kynferðislegu ofbeldi. Gögn sem notuð voru við úrvinnslu þessarar rannsóknar voru fengin úr árlegri þolendakönnun á meðal almennings á Íslandi árið 2015. Þátttakendur voru 4000 konur og karlar á aldrinum 18-76 ára búsettir á Íslandi. Niðurstöður rannsóknarinnar sýndu að ...