The making of future entrepreneurs. The relationship between Fablabs and entrepreneurial intentions of students in upper secondary school

This study provides a snapshot of the relationship between use of a fabrication laboratory (Fablab) and the entrepreneurial intentions of students at the upper-secondary school in the Westman Islands (FíV) in Iceland. The context of the study is established by reviewing relevant academic literature...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Dali, Birita í, 1987-
Other Authors: Háskóli Íslands
Format: Thesis
Published: 2015
Online Access:
Summary:This study provides a snapshot of the relationship between use of a fabrication laboratory (Fablab) and the entrepreneurial intentions of students at the upper-secondary school in the Westman Islands (FíV) in Iceland. The context of the study is established by reviewing relevant academic literature about entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial intentions, the role of education for entrepreneurship and the role of specific entrepreneurship education. Academic literature regarding Fablabs is also reviewed. A two-part qualitative study provides insight into the goals and intentions of local leaders (Headmistress of the school and Project manager of Fablabs in Iceland) regarding the Fablab, as well as the differences in entrepreneurial intentions of students who have used the Fablab and students who have not. The findings show that all the students in question had fairly high entrepreneurial intentions when using the Theory of Planned Behavior. Those who had interacted with the Fablab displayed more confidence and actual entrepreneurial skills, as well as a higher propensity to act, which is a part of Shapero’s model of entrepreneurial events. Finally, the study provides a discussion on the findings, how to apply the information gained to educational initiatives, social policies and further research. The conclusion is that the Fablab program is a useful tool for entrepreneurship education, while its influence on entrepreneurial intentions requires further research. Þessi rannsókn varpar ljósi á tengslin milli notkunar nemenda Framhaldsskólans í Vestmannaeyjum (FíV) á Fablab (e. fabrication laboratory) og frumkvöðlahneigð þeirra. Fræðileg umræða um frumkvöðlastarfssemi og frumkvöðlahæfni, hlutverk menntunar í sköpun frumkvöðla og hlutverk frumkvöðlamenntunar sérstaklega, er grundvöllur rannsóknarinnar. Fræðileg rit um Fablab eru einnig til umræðu, til að gefa lesendum betri skilning á Fablab í heild sinni. Tvískipt eigindleg rannsókn varpar ljósi á markmið og áætlanir þeirra einstaklinga sem hafa mest áhrif á stefnu ...