Proteome analysis of abundant proteins in early Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) larvae

The production of good quality larvae is a challenge in marine fish hatcheries. In this study, the proteome profile of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) was analyzed using 2-DE, MALDI TOF MS and LC-MS/MS in order to determine its protein composition. Out of 109 abundant spots analyzed with MS 77 proteins...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Hólmfríður Sveinsdóttir 1972-, Ágústa Guðmundsdóttir 1945-
Other Authors: Landbúnaðarháskóli Íslands
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: 2011
Online Access:
Summary:The production of good quality larvae is a challenge in marine fish hatcheries. In this study, the proteome profile of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) was analyzed using 2-DE, MALDI TOF MS and LC-MS/MS in order to determine its protein composition. Out of 109 abundant spots analyzed with MS 77 proteins were identified. The identified proteins were classified into 5 groups: structural proteins (56%), cytosolic proteins (29%), mitochondrial proteins (7%), secreted and extracellular proteins (7%) and nuclear proteins (1%). This study is the first step in a future construction of an Atlantic cod protein database that will be a valuable resource for molecular analysis of marine fish larval development. Afkoma og gæði er einn megin flöskuhálsinn við framleiðslu sjávarfiska í eldi. Í þessari rannsókn var próteinmengi þorsklirfa aðgreint á tvívíðum rafdráttargeljum. Um 450 próteindeplar, með mólmassa á bilinu 6-100 kDa og jafnhleðslupunkt (pI) á bilinu pH 4-7, voru greindir. Rúmlega 100 próteindeplar voru skornir út úr rafdráttargeljum til nánari skoðunar. Um 70% þeirra voru kennigreindir með massagreiningum (MALDI-TOF MS og LC-MS/MS) og upplýsingum úr prótein gagnabönkum (Swiss-Prot og NCBInr). Stór hluti próteindeplanna voru úr vöðva og frumugrind eins og búast mátti við þar sem greiningin var gerð á heilum lirfum. Niðurstöður rannsóknarinnar eru fyrsta skrefið í uppbyggingu á gagnabanka fyrir próteinmengi þorsklirfa sem mun þjóna mikilvægum tilgangi í rannsóknum á lirfum sjávarfiska í framtíðinni.