The Changing Perspectives of Ice in International Relations: Prospect of an International Ice Regime in the High Arctic

Ice is an underrepresented element in the social world of international relations. Literature to a large extent continues to focus its examination of ice in the local perspective. Limited historical sources demonstrate these perspectives to be rich in range but that connection has failed to evolve b...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Kluczyński, Kamil Łukasz, 1986-
Other Authors: Háskóli Íslands
Format: Master Thesis
Published: 2014
Online Access:
Summary:Ice is an underrepresented element in the social world of international relations. Literature to a large extent continues to focus its examination of ice in the local perspective. Limited historical sources demonstrate these perspectives to be rich in range but that connection has failed to evolve beyond those perceptions into the international arena. This thesis has attempted to bridge that gap. It has also attempted to determine the relevance of ice in the current social world, especially in relation to climate change. Ice has dramatically retreated since the end of the Little Age Ice and future projections expect exacerbation. Whether this tangible change can gather political muscle for action will also be explored in this thesis. Can there be formation of a regime exclusively on ice in the Arctic? While ice has proven to be an irreplaceable indicator for climate change, its mechanisms in connection with the changing climate still fail to be understood. Adaptation of an ice regime has proved to be difficult for the Arctic for few reasons: misunderstood ice dynamics, sovereignty of Arctic states, and the retreat of ice cover. Í hinum félagslega heimi alþjóðlegra samskipta hefur ís ekki fengið verðskuldaða athygli. Í umfjöllun hefur fremur verið einblínt á staðbundin áhrif íss í stað þess að skoða áhrifin í stærra samhengi. Takmarkaðar sögulegar heimildir gefa vísbendingu um að þessu efni hafi ekki verið veitt nægjanleg athygli á alþjóðavettvangi. Í þessari ritgerð verður leitast við að bæta þar úr. Þá verður einnig gerð tilraun til að ákvarða mikilvægi íss í núverandi heimi og þá sérstaklega í tengslum við loftlagsbreytingar. Ís hefur hörfað til muna frá lokum litlu ísaldar og framtíðarspár gera ráð fyrir að ís muni halda áfram að hörfa. Einnig verður skoðað hvort þessi áþreifanlega breyting á ís geti myndað pólitískt afl til breytinga. Er hægt að mynda bandalag ríkja sem einbeitir sér að verndun íss á norðurslóðum? Ís er áhrifsþáttur í sambandi við loftlagsbreytingar þó ekki sé vitað með hvaða hætti þau ...