Downstream process design for microalgae

Various species of microalgae have been cultured through the years but the culturing conditions and downstream process can be very different between cases. In the current thesis a downstream process is designed for two types of microalgae, Dunaliella salina and Chlorella vulgaris. Dunaliella salina...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Sindri Freyr Ólafsson 1988-
Other Authors: Háskóli Íslands
Format: Thesis
Published: 2013
Online Access:
Summary:Various species of microalgae have been cultured through the years but the culturing conditions and downstream process can be very different between cases. In the current thesis a downstream process is designed for two types of microalgae, Dunaliella salina and Chlorella vulgaris. Dunaliella salina is chosen due to its high β-carotene production, it is cultured in a photobioreactor under specific conditions to increase growth and β-carotene production. Natural β-carotene products are in the price range $275-$2,750 per kg, making it an interesting choice of product to sell. Chlorella vulgaris is often used in health nutrition and is sold for $46 per kg. A downstream process for microalgae consists of one or more of the following steps: harvesting/dewatering, cell disruption, drying and extracting. Methods for each step are reviewed and eventually the most suitable methods and equipment are used in the downstream process design. A cost analysis is done for the downstream process designs. The cost analysis shows that a downstream process of microalgae in Iceland has a great potential. Margar tegundir smáþörunga hafa verið ræktaðar í gegnum tíðina en ræktunaraðstæður og framleiðsluferli geta verið mismunandi á milli verkefna. Þessi ritgerð tekur fyrir hönnun á framleiðsluferli fyrir tvær tegundir af smáþörungum, Dunaliella salina og Chlorella vulgaris. Dunaliella salina varð fyrir valinu vegna hæfileika til mikillar β-karótín framleiðslu, ræktunin fer fram í ljóslífrænu hvarfrými (e. photobioreactor) undir sérstökum aðstæðum sem stuðla að auknum vexti og β-karótín framleiðslu. Náttúrulegar β-karótín vörur eru verðlagðar á bilinu $275-$2.750 á kg, þessi háa verðlagning gerir vörurnar áhugaverðar til sölu. Chlorella vulgaris er oft seldur á heilsumarkað fyrir $46 á kg. Framleiðsluferli fyrir smáþörunga samanstendur af einu eða fleiri af eftirtöldum þáttum: Einangrun á smáþörung úr vatni/afvötnun, frumusundrun, þurrkun og útdrætti. Fjallað er um vinnsluaðferðir innan þessara þátta og að lokum eru viðeigandi aðferðir ...