Optimization of the operation of a network of low temperature geothermal reservoirs

In 1930 the first low temperature geothermal reservoir was harvested in Reykjavik. In the decades that followed more reservoirs where harvested and in 1990 Nejsavellir power plant began operation and supplied hot water to Reykjavík. Today all hot water used in Reykjavík has it's source from low...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Hrannar Már Sigrúnarson 1975-
Other Authors: Háskólinn í Reykjavík
Format: Thesis
Published: 2013
Online Access:http://hdl.handle.net/1946/13999
Summary:In 1930 the first low temperature geothermal reservoir was harvested in Reykjavik. In the decades that followed more reservoirs where harvested and in 1990 Nejsavellir power plant began operation and supplied hot water to Reykjavík. Today all hot water used in Reykjavík has it's source from low temperature geothermal reservoirs or power plants that heat up cold ground water with geothermal heat. Around Reykjavík there are four low temperature reservoirs and two power plants that produce water for district heating. Optimization model has been made for one of the low temperature reservoir to optimise the production from, Laugarnes. Lumped parameter modeling was used to fit the parameters for the reservoir and mixed integer linear programming for the optimization. In this project the production optimization model is extended to take into count more than one low temperature reservoir. The model was tested and four experiments conducted. They showed good result though the model could only run over 28 weeks due to computational time. The computational time was extended from previous model because the optimization model was non linear instead of being linear and that proves to need much more processing power 1930 var fyrsta laghitasvæðið nýtt á Íslandi. Áratugina sem að fylgdu þar á eftir voru fleirri lághitasvæði nýtt og árið 1990 byrjaði framleiðsla á heitu vatni á Nesjavöllum. Í dag kemur allt heitt vatn sem að notað er í Reykjavík frá lághitasvæðum eða virkjunum sem að nota jarðvarma til að hita upp kalt grunnvatn. Í kringum Reykjavík eru fjögur laghitsvæði og tvær virkjanir sem að sinna þörfum Reykjavíku fyrir heitu vatni. Bestunarlikan hefur verið gert til að besta rekstur eins af lághitasvæðunum, Laugarnes. Punktalíkna var notað til þess að herma eftir lághitasvæðinu en línuleg blönduð heiltölubestun til að besta reksturinn. Í þessu verkefni er bestunarlikaninu breytt á þann veg að hægt sé að taka tillit til fleirri en eins lagitasvæðis. Líkanið var prófað og fjögur tilfelli rannsökuð. Tilfellin sýndu góðar ...