Giellaipmárdus sámegiela ja girjjálašvuođa fága oahppogirjjis

Dát dutkan lea oahppogirjedutkan ja man fáddán lea sámegiela ja girjjálašvuođa fága oahppogirji. Dán dutkamis ledje guokte ulbmila. Vuosttažettiin figgamuš lei suokkardit dan mo oahppogirjji sisdoallu vástida Suoma vuođđooahpahusa oahppoplána sámegiela ja girjjálašvuođa fága ulbmiliidda. Nubbin, fig...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Sarivaara, Erika Katjaana
Format: Master Thesis
Language:Sami languages
Published: Sámi allaskuvla / Sámi University of Applied Sciences 2020
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Summary:Dát dutkan lea oahppogirjedutkan ja man fáddán lea sámegiela ja girjjálašvuođa fága oahppogirji. Dán dutkamis ledje guokte ulbmila. Vuosttažettiin figgamuš lei suokkardit dan mo oahppogirjji sisdoallu vástida Suoma vuođđooahpahusa oahppoplána sámegiela ja girjjálašvuođa fága ulbmiliidda. Nubbin, figgamuš lei guorahallat dan makkár giellaipmárdus oahppogirjjis lea hárjehusgirjji bargobihtáid vuođul. Dákkáraš dutkan buktá lasi dieđuid sámegiella eatnigiellan -oahpahusas ja maiddai sámegielat oahppogirjjiid sisdoalus namalassii sámegiela fága konteavsttas. Oahppogirjji giellaipmárdusa čielggadeapmi lasiha ipmárdusa das, makkár funkšuvdna sámegielas lea oahpahusas ja dan makkár gielalaš iešvuođat deattuhuvvojit oahppogirjjiin. Dán dutkamis geavahuvvui kvalitatiivvalaš dutkanmetoda. Dutkanmateriálan lei okta oahppogirji mii lea geavahusas badjeskuvllas sámegiella ja girjjálašvuođa fágas Suoma bealde. Dutkanmateriála analyserejuvvui sisdoalloanalyserenmetodain. Vuosttaš ulbmila guorahallamii geavahuvvui teoriijai vuođđuduvvi sisdoalloanalysa, goas oahppoplána ulbmilat veardádallojuvvojedje teakstagirjji sisdoaluin. Nubbi ulbmila suokkardallan čađahuvvui dutkanmateriálii vuođđuduvvi sisdoalloanalyseren metodain, goas hárjehusgirjji bargobihtát analyserejuvvojedje. Dutkanbohtosiid vuođul čielggai, ahte teakstagirjji sisdoallu vástida mealgat bures Suoma vuođđooahpahusa oahppoplána ulbmiliidda. Teakstagirjji vuođđun lea sámekultuvra ja dat lea huksejuvvon nu ahte dán figgamuš lea eallit nuppelotjahkásaš sámenuora máilmmis ja nuppe dáfus nannet nuoraid sámeidentitehta. Hárjehusgirjji bargobihtáid analyseremis ges čielggai, ahte oahppogirjjis lea funktionála giellaipmárdus. Eanáš oassi hárjehusgirjji bargobihtáin vudjot giela ráhkadusaide ja bargobihtát leat uhcit eanet mekánalaš hárjehusat main váilu vuorrováikkuhus mielohppiiguin. Goittotge hárjehusgirjjis ledje ovdamearkan bargobihtát, mat dorjot ohppiid iešreflekšuvnna oahppanproseassas ja kreatiiva čállima. Dutkan čájeha ahte sámenuoraid eatnigiella oahpahusa oahppogirji deattuha giellaoahpahusas grammatihkalaš iešvuođaid ja riektačállima. Nuppe dáfus dutkan čájeha maid ahte oahppogirjji nagoda eallit mielde jođánit nuppástuvvi áiggis. This master’s thesis is located into the field of textbook study in didactics. The study concerned the textbook of the Sámi language and literature subject. The textbook is aimed for the pupils who are studying Saami language as their first language. In this research, there were two objectivities. Firstly, the aim was to find out that, to what extent the content of the textbook corresponds with the Finnish national core curriculum. Secondly, the aim was to explore what kind of language view the textbook has got according to the assignments in the book. This study brings more information about Sámi language as a first language teaching and also the content of the textbook used in such teaching. The study of language view of the textbook increases the understanding of the function of the language in the teaching. Moreover, what kind of linguistic features are emphasized in the textbooks of language teaching. This study is a qualitative research. The research material consists one textbook, which has two parts: textbook and workbook. The textbook is used in Sámi language and literature subject in elementary school level in Finland. The data analysis was conducted by using both theory-based content analysis, and data material-based content analysis. The first objective was studied by using theory-based content analysis, when the textbook was studied in order to find out the corresponding with the national core curriculum. The second aim was analyzed through using material-based content analysis, when studying the workbook assignments. According to the results, the textbook corresponds rather well with the objectives of the Finnish national core curriculum. The textbook is based on the Sámi culture, and it has been constructed in a way, that it aims to live within the Sámi youth life, and on the other hand it aims to strengthen the Sámi identity. The workbook assignment analysis showed, that there is a functional language view in the textbook. The largest amount of the assignments are focusing on grammatical issues, and moreover the assignments are rather mechanic and those lack to great extent the collaboration with co-pupils. However, in the workbook where assignments that for example focused on pupils’ self-reflection in learning, multiliteracy skills, and creative writing. This master thesis shows, that this textbook of Sámi language and literature for the native speakers of the language emphasizes in language learning grammatic, orthography and spelling. On the other hand, research emerges, that this textbook of endangered language is able to live along with rapidly changing times. publishedVersion