Summary:Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: , from coastal sea sand. , on soil, on dead wood, from roots and leaves of and from capsules of , (incl. gen. nov.) from , on soil, from leaf spots on from hypertrophied floral and vegetative branches of and from living leaves of , fromagrassland. , from a rotten trunk. , oncalcareoussoil. , from wood of symptomatic , on pieces of wood and herbaceousdebris. , among grass on a lawn. , onwetground. , on decayed branch of unknown angiosperm tree and on decayed log of unknown angiosperm tree. , (incl. gen. nov.)ondeadstemsof , from the gut of a sp. termite, on soil and on branches of . , from soil under , on twigs of broad leaved trees on the ground. , on leaves of f. , from healthy roots of , (incl. gen. nov.)from stems of an sp. , (incl. gen. nov.), and (incl. gen. nov.), fromdeadculmsof and from and from and from dead culms of from from dead culms of and from leaves of from sp., (incl. gen. nov.)from dead leaves of from (incl. gen. nov.)fromleavesof from from needles of and (incl. gen. nov. and fam. nov.)from . , from twigs of sp., from dead leaves of from fallen leaves and from dead leaves , from permafrost and from driftwood of , from abio film covering adeteriorated limestone wall. , from needles of on soil in grasslands, on soil in grasslands, on a dry dead branch of sp., onlitterinamixedforest, from , (incl. gen. nov.)fromleaves of and from leaves of , from leaf litter of ssp. from , from bark of from leaf litter of and from twigs of . , on sandy soil, on on from dung, from a blackened metal railing of an industrial warehouse and in soil under , associated with , oncorticatedwood. , from , from indoor air in a hospital, (incl. gen. nov.)fromoffice dust, (incl. gen. nov.)fromatombstone, from air in a store, from air sample in house, from air in a brick room, from air in a classroom, from airinmen'slockerroomand from sludge in a water reservoir. , on rotten wood, inside seed of , on soil in tropical evergreen mixed ...