Promocija je proces komuniciranja izmeĊu poduzeća i potrošaĉa s ciljem da se stvori pozitivan stav o proizvodima i uslugama ĉime bi potrošaĉe trebalo navesti da pri kupovanju daju prednost tim proizvodima. Iz toga proizlazi da je osnovna svrha promocije stimuliranje plasmana proizvoda i usluga poduz...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Jurić Arambašić, Anita
Other Authors: Šišara, Jelena
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: Veleučilište u Šibeniku. Menadžment. 2017
Online Access:
Summary:Promocija je proces komuniciranja izmeĊu poduzeća i potrošaĉa s ciljem da se stvori pozitivan stav o proizvodima i uslugama ĉime bi potrošaĉe trebalo navesti da pri kupovanju daju prednost tim proizvodima. Iz toga proizlazi da je osnovna svrha promocije stimuliranje plasmana proizvoda i usluga poduzeća. Na suvremenom turistiĉkom trţištu objektom razmjene, objektom turistiĉke potrošnje, odnosno sadrţajem turistiĉkog proizvoda smatra se mnogo toga. MeĊu njima su mnoge usluge bez kojih je nemoguće zamisliti turistiĉki proizvod; usluga prijevoza, hotelska usluga i sl. Od velike vaţnosti je kreiranje samog proizvoda ili usluge koji će se nuditi na turistiĉkom trţištu i privlaĉiti sadašnje i potencijalne kupce. To podrazumijeva da je preteĉa turistiĉkoj promociji samo proizvod ili usluga koji trebaju biti kreirani tako da privuku što širu ciljnu publiku. Od strane nositelja promocije u turizmu vaţno je i pozicioniranje na trţištu, da znaju na kojem trţištu i kome je potreban odreĊeni proizvod. Cilj samog turizma je, osim ostvarivanja profita, zadovoljavanje ţelja i potreba kupaca. U promociji turizma odreĊenog podruĉja, bilo na lokalnoj, regionalnoj ili meĊunarodnoj razini veliku ulogu igraju turistiĉke zajednice. One nastoje promovirati sami proizvod ili uslugu koja se nudi na trţištu. Smatraju se najboljim i najkvalitetnijim oglašivaĉima i promotorima turizma. Promotion is the process of comunication between companies and costumers with the aim of creating a positive attitude about products and services which costumers should give priority when they`r buying. That means that the basic purpose of promotion is to stimulate products and services placements. In the contemporary tourist market it`s considered that the object of exchange or the object of tourist consummation can be a lot of it. Among them are many services without which it`s impossible to imagine a tourist product, for example that can be transport service, hotel service, etc. Also, the creation of the product or service that will be offered on the tourist market is very important while they will attract the current and potential buyers. This mean that the forerunner of tourism promotion is just a product or service that needs to be created to attract as wide a target audience. It`s really important that marketing promoters make good positioning of products or services in the market, knowing what market needs and who needs a particular product. The goal of tourism is, besides gaining a profit, satisfying the wishes and the needs of the customers. In the promotion of tourism in a particular area, at a local, regional or international level, the tourist board plays a major role. They are trying to promote the product or service that is offered on the market. They are considered like the best and highest quality advertisers and promoters of tourism.