Summary:The airborne campaign 'RIISERBATHY' saw the acquisition of geophysical data across the Riiser-Larsen Ice Shelf in East Antarctica during the austral summer of 2022/2023, with Neumayer-III and Troll as base stations. It was jointly funded by the Alfred Wegener-Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany, and the Federal institute of Geosciences and Natural Resources, Hannover, Germany. Grant number of the Alfred Wegener-Institute for this campaign is 'AWI_PA_02138'. 'RIISERBATHY' is part of the overarching 'GEA' project (Geodynamic Evolution of East Antarctica). Here, airborne gravity data are deposited, acquired by a GT-2A gravity meter. Related GNSS master tracks, magnetic data, radio echo sounding data, as well as ice base and surface picks are deposited within PANGAEA as well and can be found using the PANGAEA identifier for this campaign, 'P5-236_RIISERBATHY_22_23' ( Free air anomaly data is available for filter lengths of 100, 120 and 130 seconds. Additionally, leveled data is available for 100 and 130; with standard levelling techniques applied. With a ground speed of about 140 knots, this results in theoretical spatial resolutions of around 3.5, 4.2, and 4.6 km. Root mean square errors before and after leveling lie at 2.7 mGal and 2.4 mGal for 100 s filter length, and 2.2 mGal and 1.8 mGal for 130 s filter length. Base readings were performed with a portable gravity meter at Troll station.