Summary:Multiproxy data from core LO09-18 from the Reykjanes Ridge. Calcite content and quartz/plagioclase measured using XRD. The quartz/plagioclase ratio of North Atlantic sediments reflects the varying contribution of continental derived quartz versus that of basaltic plagioclase and can be used as a proxy for the contribution of ice-rafted detritus. Details about the measurements and interpretation can be found in and Stable carbon and oxygen isotope ratios were measured on at least three aliquots of seven shells of N. pachyderma >150 µm using a Finnigan MAT 253 coupled to a Kiel IV device. Reproducibility of an external standard (NBS19) amounted to 0.05 ‰ and 0.03 ‰ (1 s.d.) for δ18O and δ13C, respectively. Foraminiferal census counts of core LO09-18 were performed on the >150 µm fraction. The assemblage data were used to derive summer sea surface temperatures using weighted averaging partial least squared regression (WA-PLS) ( and the training set of The modern temperature values for 10 m water depth during summer (July, August, September) for the calibration dataset were taken from the World Ocean Atlas version 2 (WOA, 1998). Two age models are presented. The first is based on radiocarbon ages of Neogloborquadrina pachyderma. The second is a refinement of this age model and is also based on tuning the IRD (quartz/plagioclase) time series to the oxygen isotope time series of NGRIP.