Summary:In 2017 - 2022, the Ocean Floor Observation System (OFOS) was used to survey epibenthic megafauna at the station HAUSGARTEN-I (79 N, 6 E, 1300 m depth). Data were collected every year except 2020 over a set transect. Images were collected automatically every 30 seconds, and additional images were collected manually when objects of interest came into view. For analysis, 90 automatically-recorded images were selected, with 30 each from the beginning, middle, and end of the transect. Images were individually viewed using the BIIGLE online image analysis tool, and all megafauna were annotated with identifications at the lowest possible taxonomic level. The area of each image was calculated using three parallel lasers mounted on the OFOS a known distance apart and visible in the images. Data represented here are the densities (individuals m^-2) for each species or morphotype in each image.