Summary:Time-series data of physical oceanography, ocean current velocities and ocean acoustics were obtained from mooring F5-19 in the Fram Strait from July 2020 to July 2022 as part of the Helmholtz infrastructure program Frontiers in Arctic Marine Monitoring (FRAM) and the long-term monitoring program at AWI HAUSGARTEN. The mooring was deployed during RV MARIA S. MERIAN expedition MSM93 and recovered during RV POLARSTERN expedition PS131. The attached archive contains raw data files of three Seabird SBE37 MicroCATs (nominal depths: 59m, 240m, 724m; sampling interval 30m/1h), one RDI Longranger ADCP (nominal depth: 396m; sampling interval 2h) and one Nortek Aquadopp current meter (nominal depth: 723m; sampling interval 1h). The mooring also included an ASL Acoustic Zooplankton Fish Profiler (nominal depth: 139m; data archived elsewhere) and a Develogic Sonovault (nominal depth: 784m; data archived elsewhere). Auxiliary information such as sensor calibration sheets, mooring diagrams, and schedule files are also provided, if applicable.