Summary:This data set is part of a larger data harmonization effort to make lake sediment core data machine readable and comparable. Here we standardized grain-size data of sediment core 16-KP-03-L10_Long_1, retrieved in 2016 from Lake Nutenvut (Chukotka, Russia). The glacial lake Nutenvut is in an exorheic basin in the tundra-taiga transition zone. It lies at an elevation of ca. 654 m a.s.l. with a surface area of ca. 9.2 km2 and a maximum lake water depth of estimated 60 m. The 1.26 m sediment core was retrieved by a UWITEC hammer action gravity corer during the RU-Land_2016_Keperveem expedition of the Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI, Germany, Potsdam) in cooperation with the North Eastern Federal State University (NEFU, Russia, Yakutsk). Grain-size was measured by laser-based particle sizing at AWI Potsdam.