The Gospel Trumpet - 09:16

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 Rtt til fi OSP ". A. I. LyzAtatiwax- TAXT. s tIFTISE. W011 taw GWELLZRS N rme a u Only M ly fully its years me ery, tt to d e r nth, ' --- !' 4civ. e. the perfect "...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Warner, D. S.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Byrum, E. E. 1887
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Summary:Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 Rtt til fi OSP ". A. I. LyzAtatiwax- TAXT. s tIFTISE. W011 taw GWELLZRS N rme a u Only M ly fully its years me ery, tt to d e r nth, ' --- !' 4civ. e. the perfect " viotory over plain English, knows that what the A. pos-irheiord GOd shalt BLOW the TRUgP ET and go wiih whirivinds" A NEW- SPUN LINE OF LIES. "' RUMP ET, wintsoevet ye do, do all to the glory " Whether therefore ye eat, or drupe„ or give none offense, neither to the Jevis;.;.- nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of pglemasiemi, aollw tGhoiidig: s, Envoetn s aees n ull7pprouf iitn, baullt the profit of many that they may be saved. 4! Ai; Cox. 10: 31,- 33. This m theis ministry, teaching. , was expected boeifn gooti ' into r to be wholly devoted to the work of sari. t. ing souls. Bat lie lifts up the same and to all Christians, " whatsoeverye( 1.0, d0 all to the glory of God." scEvea as • please all men in all things, not seek my own may profit, be saved." but tthhee profit of nianyAgt theEvyen as I prea eh.;;-' ) 1 - ed, not seeking my own profit, " that may be saved. God s word is an- even* it puts all men, preachers, and men of ery other occupation, down under the sia=. tt-gle object of living, and working for salvation of souls. We are only to pleas men when that pleasing is in thedirectiea. of their salvation. When men are pleased. with that which tends to their damnatiwe. -- we must displease rather than please-them. The Scriptures make it men's ccrewioV able service" to render their bodies an e- a tire sacrifice to God. This absolute ed secretion is essential to entire sanctifie s tion, and this consecration has never best reached where a soul retains one particat of self desire, self pleasing, self enriching or self glory. Hearts that will admit the throne of self within, are ready to fin fault with us for lifting this standard. They blindly imagine that we go to extreme, and interfere with their busin g-and their enjoyment. But we have no ing to do with the matter. No man is countable to us. Neither are we accou able to him. But we are accountable God, to deliver His message faithfully all men. And having the New Testameit. ministry committed to us, we must teach all ' men what their duty is toward Mitre;: The duty of the minister of Christ iti. te- - • make known the whole duty of all men, and admonish them to fulfill the same. But there is another, and. more briglit. picture to this life of single devoted to God. It is not only a duty toward but also a duty toward ourselves. since it conies under the head of o best interest, it really changes from to a n exalted privilege. Consitl the present and future rewards of and sacrifice to God, that service it highest privilege of men on earth. 0 when will men cease to begrudge Almighty that which is His own? Wit' will they cease to allVied that tiod rob rpm d their happiness, it they' to render themselves and substance all God, who is the real owner of the Stop this chafing about the duty o time and means to the work of salvati and consider the happy privilege of doi so. " He that soweth abundantly also reap abundantly, and he that Bowe sparingly shall reap sparingly." If every person on earth, that is bl with means, were as wise now es will be in the. next world respectinge use, he would first devote a compet portion to the necessaries and (* orator his household, for Christ's sake, to wh they belong, and then apply every cent the balance to the work of helping out of the pit of sin and wretchedness,' whatever manner the Spirit of God wo dictate. Some would doubtless be led sell the balance over and above suffice to mai tain their families, with the h ing of God and their labors, and put it= once to work for God. Others, God we bless with the exalted privilege of pying the whole, and" carefully carte on the business for His glory, using a, part as is necessary to meet the wear those of His household, and the bale to relive the sufferings of the poor, their hearts might be won to Christ, a giving to the Gospel of Christ, that t hungry may have the bread of that the rich might know the bIesseda; - of such a life ! What a Heaven Would their bosom, And some, because would urge them up to this Heav summit, are ready to complain of us, think we are trying to spoil their lie; ness. Putting light for darkness,. darkness for light. But we shall preach the New TestaM,_ standard of human happiness, whetIrta. men wish to come up to it, or whet4t•' they prefer to wrong themselves by ros bing God. "' They that be wise shall shin, as the brightnessof the firmamenk; s:.:. the stars for ever and ever."— Dan. 1.; P. they that turn many to righteousness 7/ 21 GOSPEL TRUMPET. Our Address. people are wretched and misers- ing d. waiting, and keeping' in readiness an an . Praise God I I am looking, watch western - and are: comes from God. Most of these Christ. bee on account of their craving riches for Christ to come any. time; for this chap-they have forgotten that there is a God. ter is fulfilled,-- when ye see all this come All they are looking after is lands and to pass, know ye that Christ is near, even money, they do not even enjoy this life on at the door. account of• their covetousness. some have 0 praise God! I am consecrated down hundreds and hundreds of acres, and no to the chopping- block, or burning stake. eighbors fotmiles. They are covetous, 0 hallelujah to God and the Lamb forev-sensual and devilish. The rich are crush- er and ever! Amen, and amen I o uotf Kansas to keep from starving. 0 Sarah Smith. ut ing the poor.- Many families are moving what an awful day is coming, when every knee shall how, and every tobgue shall confess that He, the giver and Creator of all things is God— when all sinners, with ' my beloved brother, and sister, we thing all the nations that forget God, shall cry have but one life to live, but one the presence of God. for the Lordut one chance in the great harvest field to gather for rocks and mountains to hide them from imperishable sheaves , b a beautiful . has sent curse on this-probation in which to lay up a rich reward God prairie, and. it is all because of the wick- in Heaven. Eternal bliss hangs upon ptahses edness, and the forgetfulness that there is improvements of brief time. We God. but once through this desert world; and if a And now about the pleasant boat ride we do not make it blossom as the rose we had on the Mississippi river. As we now, as we pass along, we shall have to ) wtheer eH felaovaetinnsg, aloloonkgin bge tawnede bne thhoel wdiantge rt hane da lboaorkr ebna cwka fsrtoen at ltohneg w tohrel dc otou rcsoem oef aonudr soeiel-beautiful rocks along the banks of the grimage. And may we not suffer from river, and how beautifully the Lord had the ford of God, that if our life does not them, and made them to look lhike convert the deseart to a fruitful ga rden, our carved old ruined castles, and some like monu- , T hearts will also be a parched ground. ments: which made a beautiful sight. As or there is a giving that enricheth, and. we were watching the beautiful banks of there is a withholding that tendeth to pov-the river and, looking down in the water erty." And " He that watereth, shall el-and then' emembered the great river of so be - watered." Selfishness militates life that we have flowing in our souls, 0 against real self interest. Sacrifice and h how our hearts did. leap for joy. Praise labor, for the welfare of others, is the path- God forever and ! way to our own highest good. Happiness evis alwaeys kindled in ourr own brea st, when This morning, September 3rd, I am sit- laboring to promote in others. ting on the bank of the Walnut River, on Compared with efforts to rescue perish-a beautiful rock, in. the State of Kansas. ing souls from sin and hell, every other We are having a meeting in the taberna- work is higher than vanity. Christ says cle in the name of the Lord. Glory be to " As the Father sent me into the world, God I He gives us victory over all devils, even so have I sent you." The christian's and all deceived men; for we meet all life is thus a foreign mission. His jionie manner of deceived men, even preachers is in Heaven, but he is needed here at professing holiness. Several of these de- present, to carry forward the great work ceived preachers came to this meeting, of salvation, for which Christ came into one of them brought his dog to the meet- the world and died. It is true we are ing. He would take his dog and hold him physical beings, and need food, clothing up before the people in place of Christ, and shelter, but after having sought the to draw the people to him on the streets, " Kingdom of God, and His righteousness," and when he has acted the fool in per- the promises are " all these things shall be forming with, his dog, then he tells the added unto us." Of course not without people that lie is called of God to preach our part, for we must be faithful in all the Gospel, ' and presumes to p r'e a c h to our temporal responsibilities. But to them. . We are often made to cry out, 0 make the tern poral affairs of this world the my God, what will the devil try next to chief absorbing concern is idolatry. to deceive the people? The Salvation The Bible Christian lives wholly for the Army is the greatest fraud the devil has promotion of righteousness and salvation outside of hell, to deceive the people. This on earth. If he plows and reaps he does dog preacher is one of their converts, they it that he may have wherewith to support go on the streets with tambourines, and these bodies in the service of God, and to Our address until further notice is as follows. D. S. WARNER, GRAND JUNCTION, MICH. SEBASTIAN MICHELS, . SOUTH HAVEN, MICH. A SENT- MONEELY HOLINESS JOURNAL ANTI- SECTARI-AN. Sent Forth in the name of the ', ord. Jesus Christ For the Purity and Unity of xis Church, the IN.:- fence of ASA., ' Ills Truth, stud. the Destruction of Sect Pah-ylon. rntasraD A' ' 01141111 TO THE RESCUE OF LOST SOULS. S. L. SPECK. GRAND JUNCTION, MICH. REQUESTS FOR PRAYERS. CARSON Oar, MIMI, DEAR BRETHREN:— I sincerely ask all the dear saints to pray for my dear son, who has lost his reason. Pray that our heavenly Father will instantly heal him, and sound-ly restore his mind. Sarah A. Anderson. —: 0:--- SOUTH CANISTEO, N. Y. Amanda Kent, desires all the saints to pray that she may be healed of fits. The Lord has saved her soul, and she has faith that she can be healed. Also pray that her parents may be saved. Thressa Cole_ D. S. WARNER,-- Editor. E. E. BYROM and S. MiCHELS,-- Publishers. TERMS, $ 1.00 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE . All business communications, moneys etc., must be addressed to the GOSPEL TRUMPET, in order to in-sure credit; otherwise we will not be responsible. Remittances should be sent by Registered Letter, or Express Order, through the American, or the United States Express Co. Small amounts may be sent in Two Cent Stamps. We will not he responsible" for money unless sent, by Registered letter or Express Order, to GOSPEL TRUMPET. NOTICE. A commission of 20 percent will be given on each new, cash subscriber, lo all who will labor for the GOSPEL TRUMPET. We make this offer so as to help the brethren that are in the field, as well as the cir-culation of the paper. rff'Parties desiring papers to canvass with should notify us regularly of their whereabouts. AEI NOTICE. All persons writing their testimony of healing must sign their name and Post Office address plainly if they wish it pub-lished. D. S. WARNER. Eg . IS YOUR TIME OUTtA53 The cross marked with, a pencil op-posite this item means that your paid subcription is out. When thus marked please renew at once, or, if the trumpet is not desired longer, notify us to stop it. We must be notified by letter and the amount due us as back pay must be sent to us, when a subscriber wishes their paper disCODtinued. Any one who does not receive their paper, should notify us at once, and it wig receive prompt attention. JICZCZ7: 638, G" c17,72, CZ / 7.1: 72. 0 7; 072. THE SABBATH TRAM ® THE SABBATH, YE/ CH D; ly 70 KEEP. IB LE Proofs that the change . from the seventh„ to the first day of the week, was made by the Lord Himself. This tract contains 64 pages : the price reduced to only 10 cts. Per dozen $ 1.00. God has enabled us to set forth the subject in the clear light of abundance of Scripture. So every reader ofthe-- Tnume- ET can glorify God in sending your orders for this Tract. This will also be a good fi-nancial help to spread other matter for the Lord. Entered at the Post ° Mee at grand Junction, Van BurenCo. Mich., as second class matter. ferN 0 T I ti E. As yet this place has not procured the privilege of a money order office. Please remit money by registered letter, or by express draft, through the' American, or the United states Express Co., Or 5ma11 quantities in stamps. Address all business letters to the GOSPEL TRUMPET. ■ fe'NOTICE. As we intend to print another edition of Songs of Victory, the next issue of the paper may possibly be a little late. We trust our dear Trumpet readers will not become impatient should there be a delay. PUBLISHER. BIBLE PROOFS. A supply of this most excellent work on the subject of entire sanctification - is now on hand at the TRUMPET OFFICE. Send your orders. Good clothbound, 493 pages. Price $ 1.25 by mail. A few hundred volumes only remain, a debt also remains upon us for their publi-cation, from which we are praying the Lord in much earnestness to relieve our heart. Since our reference to this in our New Year's Greeting, we- have received one or two small donations, on the same. May God move many others to send for the book, and help oilier- wise, as the Lord , nay direct. Amen I hold them up to attract the peopleliustead I iv ire to lum that needeth," And dust an of holding up Christ. 0 the crookedness with every other line of work the provi-that we find among the professed holiness deuce of God may have assigned to us. people! Someare so drunk on the sect What the real christian has to do in busi-wine, and are so blind that they cannot ness, and special labor, is to acquire means tell who is of God, or who is of the devil. not as an end, but as means to a higher They fellowship every body that can say and nobler end. Whenever the inspiring holiness. 0 the awful deception we find point of men's ambition enters in the among the professed holiness people in accumulation of wealth, that heart loves the West. Since the devil has changedin- the world, and the love of the Father is to an angel of light, lie is deceiving the not in him. That heart is covetous, and people_ in many ways. Is it a wonder that " covetousness is idolatry." That man's the Apostle says ' , If it were possible, the religion is vain. Not only so but when very elect should be deceived?" 0 how men labor to gain property, not as an end I thank God that it is not possible. Hal- but as a means to an end, they are still lelujah to God and the Lamb, for ever and idolaters if that ul: in ate end is any thing ever! for keeping my soul in perfect peace, but to the glory of God. For instance. and my body- in perfect health. 0 praise both he that, toils and drives his business FROM MOTHER SMITH. God! My soul is kept in perfect sweetness! for the end of increasing richesond he that —: o:— I ani reigning with Christ, sitting with Je- seeks wealth to obtain earthly honor, a-rs. OD bless all the TRUMPET readers with sus in heavenly places. Glory to Jesus! rice, or the praise of men, are equally ( Cr an abundance of grace, and much It is alarming, end fearful indeed, how robbing God, and are burning the incense love, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost, sinners are stupefied on the opiates of hell of their life to the - good of self. and complete victory in Jesus over all — Rev. 1S: 3. For all nations have drank Here is the manner of a true life toward hellish spirits and deceived men, is my of the wine of Alm wrath of her fornica- God, and whatsoever ye do in word or p rayer. Amen, agird amen tion, and they- Ore going down the steeps deed, do all in the name of the Lord Je- I want to wive my testimony to all the of hell w ith all the nations that forget sus, giving thanks to God and the Father LIST OF MONEY LETTERS RECEIY- , ED SINCE LAST ISSUE, NOT OTH-ERWISE REOEIPTED. J C Felger - James Carpenter Sarah A Anderson No. la Shull F Jacobson W J Evans A P Viquesney Clara A Bartham Enos Key M E Hurd W B Fields Li SONGS OF VICTORY. THIRD EDITION. —. o: The book contains 94 pages with notes, and 14 pages with familiar hymns, making in all 112 pages. We have improved and corrected it, also put double impression on the covers, and the cloth covers are so bound that there will be no raw edges, and the lettering is expected to wear and retain the color. Songs of Victory is especially adapted for Revival, Camp, Grove, and all other meetings, also for Sabbath school. All orders accompanied by cash, will be filled, from single copy upward. Price, single copy, cloth limp cover, 50 ets. Per dozen cloth, $ 4.80. Parties may order not less than one half dozen at the same rates as per dozen. Address all orders to the GOSPEL TRUMP-ET OFFICE, Grand Junction Mich. got God. 0 how the Scripture recorded in 2 by him.— Col. 3: 17. iu a TEUMPET readers. I want to say praise God! I am sweetly saved, and my soul is Tim- is being fulfilled.—" This know also, And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily as preserved in the grace and love of God: that in the last days perilous times shall to the Lord, and not unto men; knowing and 1 am kept by the power of God, free come; For men shall be lovers of their that of the Lord ye shall receive the re-from all sin. Praise God I. have a per- . own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, ward of the inheritance : for ye shall serve feet salvation, one that knows no shrink. blasphemers, disobedient to parents, ever the Lord Jesus Christ.— verses 23, 24. Glory be to God ! It is just as complete learning, and never able to come to the Can such scriptures be set at naught, as the Savior of the world, and 0 the won- knowledge of the truth." " And for this and men bo all things for the glory of self derful love and mercy that God does show cause God shall send them strong delu- and still be children of God? And if men forth in blessing me with good health. I Sion, that they all might believe a lie, that are to do all things to the glory of God, is have become a wonder unto many. 01 they might be damned who believe not tnotev and ittt their t beenso-praise God! I have complete victory in the truth,"- 2 Thess. 11: 12. directed, my soul through the precious blood of Je- 0 how few are receiving the truth, and ployed as to most glorify God ? But what sus. Glory be to God for - ever and ever ! are willing to walk in the light as God is object is there on earth that does not fall Well I am in the far West, and have in the light. 0 may all take warning and infinitely short of the great work of soul seen more of this world, and of the beau- stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ saving ? Therefore from every solemn tiful prairies than I ever expected to see. has made us free. For as it was in the honest view of life, we arrive at the con- It is wonderful, how God has made all days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming elusion that, whatever may be our avoca-things so beautiful all for the ben efit and of Christ. Verily I say unto you, this gen.- tion in life, the salvation of lost souls, cre-good of mankind. But 0! how little pen- eration shall not pass away till all be ful- aced to bear the image of God, and exem- / pie appreciate thegreat blessings that are filled." - 0 how I do praise God that I am phfy His rigteousness, necessarily is the all from God. They do not stop and think in this generation which has seen all this life object of all who are led by the Spirit fo.!: a moment that they, and all they have chapter fulfilled, all . but the coming of of Christ. Our stock of Church Tracts is exausted. We will publish another as soon as we' can. Until then send us no more orders, D. S. WAIZER, their all'oe Wollid „ ntoi tb bee d soon e. From that County it My testimouy is I am saysd by the now-very far to visit Bro. Ben- er of God, washed ih the blood, sanctified jwamerien hGaepopryg eto a lte Sairxn Min itlhe, e Ind., who we Wholl y, and preservd blameless, deliver-ntot wt t1 hc? a i/ li, l, ienngv efor rD em Camp- mTeReUtiMnPgE, Ta nwda iss teod Hfrios mna wmiec! k Ieldi tmhee nn, a amned odef vJielss. u Gs lworey Gospel workers. In years held a few meetings in the Marple school-hpiass pt lw: teee h, aavned bfeeeeln t htoa ta a c agmoopd- mweoerkti ncgo uOlnd hMoicuhse: , iwn hCichhes rheirseu Tltoewd ninsh - i pt, h eA lulengiatyn a Cnod, be done there. As for us, we will, no settling of the Church: into the deep things doubt, not be through with this Western of God. A number consecrated their all campaign for some months, and possibly to God, and were blessed. We expect in not until Spring. So who is ready for an the name of Jesns soon to :. ge north, and expedition to Southern Ind? Some one open new fields of labor for the Master. God will surely move to respond to this As we look aroundwe see the Whited call. Who will go ? And in every di- fields already waiting for workers; 0 rection a thousand fields are open. Do that God may send more laborers into His not promise yourselves long comfortable vineyard. The harvest is past, and the winter nights at home with your families, summer is ended, but . yet comes the glean-while souls are sliding into endless hell; ing of ( he vintage; a few berries here, and but go out and brave the storm. Necessity there in the topmost and - most fruitful demands it. The cause is very urgent. 0 branches, that must be gathered. Pray who will help to save the loss ? for us, that God may help us to work dil-the Holy Ghost. Your Bro. and tie help from abroad to start up the work tuhaelr lea bwoer sh ionp eth we ofuieldld r, easnudlt tihne hriesb cyo ngtriena- t igently in sister. McALLASTER, KAN. This morning I am praising God for the well of living water springing up unto ev-erlasting life. I have taken Jesus for my everlasting portion, and I am satisfied. I give Him all the glory for what He has done for me. He healeth all of my dis-eases, I am every whit made whole, both soul and body, by the _ blood of the Ever-lasting Covenant, and realize that Tam redeemed. I belong to t h e Church of God, whose door is open, and no man con open it, and no man: can shut it. For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free : and have been all made to drink into one Spirit." ' But now bath God set the members ev-ery one of them in the . Body as it bath pleased Him. That there should be no schism in the - Body, but that the members should have the same care one for anoth-er." " Now ye are the Bod- O* Christeand membersdn: particular." " And- Ged bath set some in the Church, first apostles, see-ondarily prophets, thirdly teachers: after. that miracles, then gifts of healing; helps; governments, diversities of tongues. Are all apostles? Are all teachers? Are all ly shed upon you. God is still with us, and is still filling us with the Holy fire. Hal-lelujah to His name! BRECKENRIDGE, MICH-DEA. R SAINTS AND TRUMPET READERS:— My testimony is I am still walking in the highway that was cast up. And an high-way shall be there, and a way, and it shah be called The way of holiness; the unclean shall not pass oyer it; but it ! shall be for those: the wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err therein.-- Isa. 35: 3. Well I ' do praise Iry dear Savior, that in this glori-ous way there is peace which passed): all urderstanding; for the Lord keeps me walk-ing in the light as He is in the light. And I have fellowship with all the saints of the most high God. I am in the battle line, and fighting for king Jesus wi th all of my might. 0 may God help us all to fight this glorious fight of faith, and at. last wear a crown in heaven. Your saved Bro. George W. Morse. CLARKS MILLS, PA. Dear GOSPEL TRUMPET family, and all the TRUMPET readers:—. 1 feel led to write my testimony for Jesus this evening. Blessed be the name of the Lord! 0 magnify the Lord with me, and let us ex-alt His name together. He has been so good to me, and has done for me far more than I was able to ask or think. Glory be to Jesus for this wonderful salvation which I haVe in my soul just now. 1 do so enjoy it. Such sweetness, and complete-ness in Christ I do praise God for the blessed assurance: that Jesus is mine, and that the Holy Ghost, the abiding Com-forter dwells in me. Blessed be Jesus! And He guides me into all truth constant-ly, and cheers and eomforts me as I jour ney through the world of sin and sorrow to my eternal home. I am a positive wit-ness for Jesus. I know that Jesus Chris: is come in the flesh, and the live of Christ is manifest in my mortal flesh. Christ dwells in me, the hope of glory, And he that bath : this hope in him purifielli him self even as he is pure. I can say of a truth, I am as pure as. he is pure. I have had professors of holiness tell me they would be afraid to say this, for fear they might do some sm. But they did not have genuine Bible holiness, or they could have given in this same testimony. Bless God I Whosoever is born of God doter not com-mit sin, for His seed remaineth in him, and he cannot sin: because he is horny of God.- 1 John 3: 9. I praise God for , a pure testimony— lor a pure heart, and kpure life. I can say that I live every day of my life without Committing sin. But- ' This is my story ) this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long. There was a time in my eiperience, when the waves and billows H of the storms of life would so dash me against the rocks, till life was almost extinct and then I would again take new courage, and press on. But bless God, I am now out where rocks I fear no more. " Drop the . anchor, furl the sail, I am safe within the vale." I want to say just here, that God has graciously, and in His own time, delivered me from all unreasonable and wicked men, and from all bondage. I am perfectly free in Christ, willing and ready to do any thing that the Lord has for me to do. Pray for me, that I may prove faithful till the end, and that God may be glorified in me continually. Your sister, saved to the uttermost just now. Mrs. L. Shady. —: 0:— BRECKENRIDGE, MOH, DEAR SAINTS:- 1 praise the Lord for sal-vation and for this great freedom in Christ, who delivers me from all the snares of the devil and fills me with His glory. I am saved, sanctified, and kept by His power ready to be revealed in the last time. Your saved sister in Christ. Ilartha E. Morse, Iii 111 workers of miracles? Have all the gifts of healing, do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret? But covet earnestly the best gifts, and yet show I unto you a more ex cellent way." 0 fear the Lord, ye His saints: for there is no want to them that fear Him. I am praising Him that He bath anointed me with the oil of gladness, and the echo of my soul is, Hallelujah to my King for the way no fowl knowetleand the vulture's eye bath not seem.- I will bless the Lord at all times, . His pulse shall continually be in my mouth. Let all the earth fear the Lord let all the inhab-itants of the world- stand in awe of Him, who lath said, Look unto me, and be ye saved; all ye ends of the earth: I am God, and there is . none else. He will bring you forth in a large place and deliver you because He delighteth in you. Isa. 62: 9 But they that have gathered it shall eat it, and praise the Lord, and they that have brought it together shall drink it in the courts of my holiness." Yours, redeemed lay the blood of the Lamb. WAUKON, IOWA. Dearly beloved brethren:-- Traise God, from whom all blessings flow, Praise Him all creatures here below. 0 how good the Lord is, to shower down such rich bless-ings upon us, and surely Iry soul ( loth magnify. the Lord, and my spirit dot ii re-joice in God my Savior. Who can help praising the Lord for His goodness, and His wonderful mercy to the children of men? " When I look at our fruit trees So plentifully Welled with sweet blossonia, it sets my heart all aglow with fresh love to God; and I cannot keep from exclaim-ing,: Let every thing that bath breath praise the Lord! Jesus is my strength, and- my soul shall still repeat, " We are sounding forth the Trumpet that shall never call retreat." Amen 1 illy Father is a God, my heritage a throne; And shall I here with passions brood; Or put her sandals on? No, by the grace of - God, I will stand for Him though I stand alone. Jesus shed His precious blood to redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto Himself a pe- Culiar people, zealous of good works. And; But the o n i dfti 56f' lista he t" . inntanil of GO , will b+ lt ' leo heir hearts thr,, nh with wally ;. orrows." 1.11: 4 0104 lioney will eat is a canker in their soul. is eallin - many tt . run to mil flu," will use dolt' onto to support them . atu Held, And they that respon, i to he of Goa will with Spirit g fatness in their stalls, while they that eeptlghtlydraWII Chi trifles of their leart will cheat themselves. and die with two, fatal disease, the cOnt • aelion, and withering up or the heart. The service of 60d brings its oWII stI • e toward, anti with-ho[ diug from Him is i n ,: v it able starva-tion and death. But we started fl to the actual resent, of tho perishino• ItilS at El like ttl " dzI•• Tho winter iA now before us. ] Nlany that t1t1 not t hi n k the open for 011101111: d labor in the field. Its nevertheless fare the v: inter to the work of pulling souk out of t he tire or hell. ( Mils' this dark world IWO& the testi-mony and exhortaticns or , very soul that has found t''" u" t h '. 3ivat 1; 1 most ery ', lave God permits us to stop, a few hungry soul: nre foubd, who . tieuld be helped to thud by : R iot) st any ono who has the Spi rit Of ( loci. iti pure heart. Most Spiritual cash[ tb. I will be listened to with lMerest— have fruits of sal vationa he goes from homo, with an humble heart, and a - single eye." to tell the wondrous dory 0! Ow rill,;. IOW We feel the fad that the lime is sh rt. anil what is done eels esoape Or immortal SoUIS a this earthl ■ mass of sin, t ! nit is reaty judgment dame e l; trod'e viral h, Hirst he done seem There are many calls . moved ' wreath.- lilt th enlarged herself." The masses on the aWfill shi' of the pit, nay lie pulled out of the lire. we lot‘•, 0 do pits thr sinner's slide; Olther ryollon helotre t‘-‘) te. ilay, Call you tarry for v; irilay klon't % Ma•, Ilrin:; the no• lly to . I ‘‘ su' cross. hero be a great running to and fro, Vinier. 60 flirt 0 ye holy brethren a sisters. Voiter every door. Wait not. 1) ed from Zion. Now every thing, is in sub-jection to Jesus, backsliders are reclaimed, sinners converted, believers sanctified, and God is shinin g out of Zion the City of per-fection, On Sabbath, after a glorious re-freshing in the Spirit from the presence of the lord— nine children of God went down into the water and were baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost ., and came forth out of the water with the glory of God shining out of their faces. Hallelujah to God and the Lamb! Dear BrO. Michels leaves to- day but we re-main a short time as we feel it is not the Lord's will that the meeting should close yet, We have kept no record of the number of consecrations but many backslid-ers have been reclaimed, sinners converted, believers sanctified, and still they wine. Pray for the saints of the living God, that we may keep in the order of the Lord and under the blood. Your saved . Bro., tried and made white. ---; o:-- MoNTEREY pearly beloved Saints of the most high it is only them- that have washed ' their ' robes, and- made them white in the bloo of the Lamb, that will he able to enter i t Through the pearly gates ofParadise, fog's no more for- aver. Amen Glory be to God! I praise God for the privilege of reading Bre:. Warner's artic' in TRUMPET of June 1st, OD the " Cleansing. Of the Sanctuary." 0 how I love the trutie and the truth makes me free. Bless God ! My heart runs out in love: to all that pr claim the whole truth as it is in Jeses. I love so much to read Bro. Warne,'; pieees, because I feel that God is in thirst, and I am greatly strengthened thereby. praise God for true shepherds that fee. the lit tle flecks that are almost fainisht ll with hunger and thirst, for the sacrist, truth and who find nothing around them but seetarian chaff to feed upon. Which lads to satisfy our outs. 0 may Godlnlat- - en the day when a, 11 of Lis dear childree will be brought into the clear light, 81111 see eye to eye. 0 the blessedness of b. - lug of one mind and heart in serving the Lord. For Heaven conies down our son:, to greet, while glory crowns the mercy seat _ Amen! Praise the Lord! And : dour fellov, - ship here below in Jesus be so sweet, whar, height of rapture shall we know, when a. iound His throne we meet. Glory to Je-sus forever and ever! 0 home' love my J' , - sus; He is my wisdom, righteousnes, sane-tification, and redemption; What more can I want. Your sister saved through the blood. Clara- A. Barham FoWLEa. MICH. Dear Brethren:— My testimony t hi s morning is that the Lord wonderfully an gloriously keeps me: Glory to His, holy mune! I\ ty prayer is that, the Lord will keep all the dear children of God faithful to Him- 0 dear brethren let, us slaw.: firm for Jesus. Keep our lanips trimmed and burning; and filled with oil. For the bridegroom will come in the hour wile:, we least expect Him; in an hour when we think not, as a thief in the - night. And unless we are prepared to meet Him in peace, we will be cast off at the left hand where there shall be weeping, and gnash ing of teeth. Let us draw with a true heart, and full assuranie of faith; having our hearts sprinkled from an evil consci-enee, and our bodies- washed in pure wa-ter. Let us hold fast, the Foregsion of our. faith without wavering; for lie is faithful that premised. For : if we sin willf011y after that we have received the knowledge of the truth; there remainethm more sac, rifice for sins. But a„ cert ain fearful look-ing for a judgment, and fiery indignation which shall devour the adversaries. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Hebrews 10: 22,--- 27. 31. Pray for me that I may stand firm for the Lord. Your Bro. saved, and kept by the Power of God, . Eilwaid Eli, —: o:— MORLEY, MICH. Dear Brethren :— May God bless and keep us all united in the one faith. bless; God to open the way for some of His min isters to come to this place and teach the pure Gospel truth. May God bless all the dear saints, and keep them saved, is my prayer. Your sister, saved in Christ. Barthena OBITUAUTES. The little daughter of Bro. and sister Or-ange Martin died Oct. 2- 87, aged 17 me. and 3 da. Bro. M. lives in Heath, Allegan Co., Mich. The little daughter has gone home to dwell with her Father in Heaven. And 0 dear parents may you meet her there is my prayer. The funeral services were conducted by the writer. Text- And Jesus said unto them, suffer the little child-ren to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.— Mark 10: 9. W. J. Devries. Bro. J. T. Smith, died at his hoirre, three miles north- east ot Atlanta, of dropsy, Oct. 7th 18S7. Bro. John was a native of Kentucky; lived eleven years in Kansaie was at the time of his death aged 60 years 3 months, anb 13 days. He died triumph-ant in the faith of the Redeemer. His companion is blessedly saved of God; lie leaves a large family of unsaved children; we pray of God the affliction may be sane tified to their good. 0 that they may all prepare to meet their God. Funeral ser-vices conducted by the undersigned. Y. Roof. Wm. N. & S. J. Smith. Correspondence. Nal nie Donnell. —: o:- ANTWERP, 0, Dear Brethren:— My testimony is, that I am saved in Jesus, both j ustified and sanctified, mete for the Master's use. It would do my soul good it some of God's ministers would come to our place : and hold a meeting, for it is much needed here. The people of this place need God's Word preached to them in its purity, There are a few standing straight for God here, who have not defiled their garments. God bless and keep all His dear saints. Z. N. Manger. ul a ct to write a call to the 1.7nheeiing winter's cruel blast, - We venture Heaven's seed to cast: Boni late and early plant the truth, In aged hearts and tender youth, Shall we be found with only leaves, When Jesus conies to gather sheaves? Nay, sowing daily o'er the land, • We'll joyful come with sheaves in hand. Nor is the preeious labor hard, Its glory isAts own reward; We plant in hearts of grim despair, A life that blooms as Eden fair, 0 were this life the utmost span, The closing destiny of man; - No toil could half so blessed prove, As sowing seed of peace and love. lull Heaven's bright eternal years, Ilave bottled up our sowing tears; There We shall greet in holy bliss, The souls we turn to righteousness. Then sow the seed in every field, And grace will bring the golden yield. We soon shall sing the joyful song, And shout the blessed harvest home. D. S. Warner. NEWS FBOUUZ 73.11). — : 0:— KENDALL, MICH. To the dear saints scattered abroad, grace, mercy, . peace, and truth be with you for l ever more, Amen. We are saved to the renolior hail the van, ClinVit I uttermost, filled with. the glory and power my soul doth magnify the Lord. We are kept by the mighty power of GodotreserV-ed blameless in His sight, triumphing over all the things ot this world, and have satan, m id, bejorml, lor. 1) s/ id4i t " 1 binmd under ollf feet, Glory to God, I ant reigning in life by one Jesus Christ, yes hallelujah reigning even now for He has made us kings and priests unto our God and Father; tohim be glory . and dominion rout' loatior aid commander. You of the Loyd, 0 hallelujah to God,. how ltd up the 44 itt one dark corner, Viit they are ttirt, n. men to righteous-um ill another. Who will put in the itbr for lestis? 1 on shall not lose 170- 111 haste Ind get ready to go out. 1011 el no call, but duty would hold at. help tIll1OVS ready. God will you in giving them some labor, as as means. A soneible young man for ever and ever. Amen. 0 this sea of e Bro. Palmer a eon pie. weeks work glass on which we stand, bless God nothing fall, and enabled him to get into the d that, many days SOOner. III that time ° illy number of souls were saved. Do Ott not think God will give that, young brother a rich reward ? Go and do like.- brethren, and " serve the Lord with oneshoulder." A few families at home eily join to keep a poor . brother's y while the Lord uses him to labor . smils " but if you stint up the bow- Os of your compassion against, him, how h the love of God i i you." wet years ago last May, we held about days meeting the vicinity a wo n . made a clean sweep, and all perverseness le nut crookedness has been destroyed by the Dtwiess Co. hnl. G0.1 saved a few souls blood of Jesus: those who. were nOt there but they have not had a visitation anv real saint or minister Oftihrit sintee to]) lung e in the crimson flood, were sever-or about one year they prospered, and others were added, but being weak, and not knowing the wiles or the adversary, they have sudered much for the want of 1p Last fall we made an earliest call, ttod bad prospects Of help for thennbu t, an mound man ha vin o- gone to them, whom theY thought at first all right, others gave going. The man proved a detriment, instead of a blessine. Now we have an-other letter from there statin g that a few aYe Yet clinging to God, while some are spiritual cripples. and all are in great need f tome faithful, lire- baptized messengers or ohrist visiting, the place. It made my 4eart, burn with a lon oing desire to go as soon as possible, or see some one else go. lathe name of the Lord, some one most rto their aid. A good work could doubt- ' ess be done there. Let about two bret r. et!. Yoluuteer, and say, we will go and put II a Couple. month: i it' the Lord wills, in goont, liern hid. Address Bro. 0. Allen, d° 10 , Daviess Ind. Bro. Clot?, has II'm° vea, from there to another town where l'uold probably be ono; her door open. . uro x, L u e . a well gifted preacher of the hen fully in the Spirit, and a lit- God: grace, mbrcy, and peace be abundant c: 11 disturb our soul. Though all hell may lake, glor y be to Heaven's King, yet all is calm amid placid on this sea; for hell cannot send forth a breeze so strong as to make a riffle upon its surface. 0 bless the Lord, his sacred pavilion in which we rest is out ot the reach of hell and sin. Glory! Glory! Glory to our God for ever and ever. We are with the dear saints of God at Kendall holding meetings at present. There was much rubbish: in the way when we came, and the saints - somewhat discouraged, but glory to God the mighty power of God has Win. B. Grover. - was there enjoined ? Why so ready to blame between New Testament baptism guess a conclusion ? If you wish men to and anything in the law. believe you are honest, why not stop and The Jews could boldly say, " We know investigate before you assert your lies. that God spake to Moses," but they could Because there were certain washings and not tell when baptism came. dippings in the law, therefore you at once ` in Mark : 27 . 33, we are told the chief priests, scribes, and elders, asked Christ " by what authority doest thou these things, and who gave thee this authority to do these things?" Jesus said to them, I will ask you one question, and answer me, and I will tell yon by what authority I do these things. The baptism of John, was it from Heaven, or of men ? answer me. And they reasoned with themselves saying, " If we shall say from Heaven He will say, Why then did. ye not believe him ? But if we shall say, of men they feared the people : for all men. counted John, that he was a prophet indeed. And they answered, We cannot tell." This circumstance and the whole record ofJohn's administration, shows that it and the baptism he enjoined, was a new order of things- out of the course of the law, Had this been a ceremony of the law, ly commanded. You know that those every man of common sense knows very ceremonies are not vague, mixed up, and well, there could have been. no questions left for men to guess at. So if New Tes- among Jews; asto whence it came. lament baptism was in the law, you know All the Jews held that the law was wary well it would be so clearly described from God, and yet they could not tell that you could point right to the place in whence baptism was. Though t he s e le book where it could be : found. Yea, chief . priests, scribes, and elders, surely you would print it out in full in your anti- believed the law of Moses, yet they confess christ sheet, in the largest and most con- that they had not believed in the baptism spicuous type you could use. But you taught by Jahn. And they dared not say it was not from Heaven, for fear of the peo-ple. These facts positively prove the sepa-rateness of the law and baptism, and that it was a new institution. The very fact that Christ put the questions to them, as to whether it was from Heaven, or of men, coupled with it the fact that He received the ordinance Himself by the hands of John, proves that it is from heaven. And all that oppose it set their mouth against the heavens, and their tongue runneth by inspiration of the devil. " But the Phari-sees and lawyers rejected the counsel of God against themseives, being not baptized of him.- Luke 7: 30. Of course these Pharisees believed the ceremonies their own law, but they did not believe the baptism of John-, whichshows positively that the latter is no part of the former. These: _ dal fact not a simple sen-tence in the Bible that associates any one of the three New Testamnt ordinances with the Levitical law. In all the controversies respecting the law, in the Acts and Epistles, there is not the slightest allusion to one of the three ordinances of Christ, they were never brought forward when the law was under consideration. And every assertion to the contrary is either stupid ignorance, or willful, pernicious lying against the truth. These sailers at` the practice of Christ and Apostles, continually call baptism, ` c- The baptism of john- John's water baptism." Why do they not say the baptism ofMoses, if given in the law? That would make your lie stand out to prominent, Men utter falsehoods in a round about way that they dare not tell straight out. But why does the word of God designate this rite as the baptism of John? Had it previously existed in the law, its origin could not have been associated with John's ministry. It is an indisputable fact that the first record of men and women being baptized in water, by the hands of any messenger of God- is that of John's minis-try. Now is John's preaching of the law. or the Gospel? The ' record is, " The law and the prophets were until John, since then the kingdom of heaven is preached." " From the days of John the baptist the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by force." John preach-ed the kingdom of God, but baptism was a part of his preaching, therefore it is one of the elements of the kingdom of God. And because first introduced through hum, Scriptures designate it as the baptism of John. Christ ratified this ordinance by receiving it Himself; when arising from the water the Holy Ghost descended upon Him in the form of a dove, and the Father spake from Heaven sayirg, " This is my beloved Son. in whom I am well pleased." Here then we have the endorsement of the whole Trinity upon this holy ordinance, against which foolish men rant, chafe, kick, and fume. And at last appears one so an-noyed by these lovely commandments of the King Eternal, that he devises a chance to wipe them all out. He supposes him-self better informed than the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Apostles, who practiced these things, but thinks it would not look well to say so. - Therefore he seeks to rec-oncile their practice by leis opposition to the same, by telling us, the ordinances were in vogue until 31 years after the era-cifixion. If this were true, surely Christ-and the inspired writers of the New Testa-ment, should leave told us. • Then the Lord should have said, " Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them until after 31 years," etc. But as it now is, we only have the words of the YARN- LINE Editor to depend upon. And as there are still more haters of salvation in babylon. than haters of the ordinances of Christ, should we allow this man to sandwich his 31 years clause into our Bible? , Some one would soon be encouraged to publish a new ver-sion of the Scriptures, with a similar paren-thesis in all the texts that teach salvation, For instance, " Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord, for then nexet thirtyone years, shall be saved." And so behold, salvation would be no more for us. So we politely excuse ourselves for not accepting the new- spun yarn- line's theory, and prefer to Confide in the same old ' Bible, without his amendment. D. S. WARNER. meaning sectarians, and testify that God has saved you out of- all. aects and detente.: illations, and your words will - call ou t a new line of talk from Heats people, ( ra quite sectish will jump up and thank Gott: that he was cradled in the Methedist church, and that he does not believe in e leaving the church. Another not so drunk-y a 0 d d e g d e needed-. And so long Jesus Christ said it should be observed, even until He came. " The cup a blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the Body of Christ? For we being many are one bread, and one body: for we are all partakers of that one Body. Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils."- 1 Cor. 10: 16,1E 21. Why did not Paul say the " cup of Mo-ses," and Moses' table?" That would have pleased Quaker heretics very much. But he was not teaching Mosaic rites, but the commandments of the Lord. - He had been a Jew, but never learned these things in the law. " For- saith he- I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you. That the Lord Jesus, the same night in which He was betrayed, • took bread," etc. 1 Cor. 11: 23. Lie- man and Yarn- line say he got it from the ceremonial law. So they may settle when they meet in the day of judg-ment. What, says the Apostle? " The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the com-munion of the blood of Christ? The bread [ loaf] which we break, is it not the coin-munion of the Body of Christ?" Then this observance is to be kept up so long as the Body of Christ, His Church, is on earth, and so long as the blood of Chtist is to be preached, to both ear and eye, as the only remedy for sin. But what more does this Divine ordi-nance set forth ? " For we being many are one bread [ loaf] and one body: for we are partakers of that one bread," [ loaf]. The glorious fact of the unity of God'st people is set forth in this holy communion. And as that fact. is a perpetual characteristic of God's holy Church, the ordinance ordained of_ Christ to set it forth to the world, and impress it upon the minds, and deepen it in the hearts of the redeemed, is necessa-rily also a perpetual institu uutttiiiHooonnn. ad the truth symbolized by this institution been of a temporary characte• e and passed. away 31 years after the crucifixion, then there would be some chance for these Bible tinkers to say that the ordinances also passed away, the ideas associated with it having ceased. But every Spiritual Ies-son the Word of God connects with this Divine observance is a permanent element of truth in the Church of God therefore the ordinance itself is a permanent part of the order of God. These are facts that no living men can dispute. And they. are equally true of all three of the New Testament monumental rites. There is not one shadow of truth in the assertion that these three ordinances were of the Levitical ceremonies. Heb. 9 : 10, is cited as proof that New Testament lit- • eral baptism- was of the law.-- t" Which Stood only in meats and drinks,' and di-verse washinge, ( Greek baptism) and car-net ordinances, imposed upon them until the time of reformation." It is tree the word " washings" above is from baptismos in the Greek. In English that means ilsliuons, or - clippings, That there were dippings, and ablutions in water, enjoined in the ' ceremonial law is all true. But does that prove that the ordinance of bap-tism, as recorded in the New Testaiment, At our s obedience to these words of Christ, puffed up ignorance rant and fume and think it very silly that we need sue simple rite to remember Christ by. Th Lord forgive thene. 0 that their heart the holy sacredness, and fruitfulness o this New Testamentinenument. The wa the opposers of these things trample o the words of Jesus, it is very evident tha they need something to remind them o Christ, that they may respect His Word future sacrifice, as did the passover, bit wae a monument, or reminder of Him wh " or as- often as ye eat this bread, an drink this cup, ye do show theLord's cleat till He come."- 1 Cor. 11.: 26. The grea mission of the Gospel, the ministry, an the entire Church, is to hold up the cruci lied Redeemer to a lost world. For th same purpose this blessed communion o the Body of Christ was instituted. So lon therefore, as there are poor, lost, sin- sic souls that need to - " behold the Lamb o nodthat taketh away the sin of the world;' end so long as there are saints on eartl who need to have their souls melted, an imbued with love to God, by surveyin the wondrous passion of the Son of Gpd so long is precious observant pe th of tin an Go bu wi assume and teach that the ordinance of baptism was one of them. This is a care-less, unscrupulous-, and ungodly treatment of the holy Bible. If baptism, as practic-ed by Christ and His Apostles, was a cere-mony of the law, why do you not give us the chapter and. verse where it was en-joined. Though that code was abolished at the crucifixion of Christ, it is all yet preserved, and can be read., by all men. One would judge from the way these quakerized priests of baal talk, that the Old Testament has perished and ceased to exist long ago,• therefore we can only guess at its contents. How we do - thank God for a whole Bible ! 0 ye rebels against the scepter of Emanuel, you know very well that every old covenant rite is definitely-, and minutely described in the books of the law of Moses, and imperative- E are told in 1 Cor. 11-: 29, that he who eats and drinks the commun-ion bread and wine, and does not discern the Lord's body, does so tie- worthily, ' ea. tinz and drinking damnation_ to him-self." What is the Lord's body? The fel-lowing scriptures answer tis question. And bath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, which is the body, thee ful-ness of him that filleth all in all. Eph. 1 : 22, 23. And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the first-born from the dead; that in all things he might have the pre- eminence. Col. 1: 18 Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you and fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his body, s sake, which is the church.- verse 24. Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular. And G- od'has set some in the church, first apostles, second-arily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healing, helps gov-ernments, diversities of tongues.-- al Cor. 12: 27, 28. " The Lord's body" is the church of the living God. Oae of the precious spiritual doctrines con : tined in the Lord's supper, is the fact; that all the children of God are one body one " new lump" " one loaf" as we see in 1 Cor. 10 : 16, 17. The sect-arian sacrament, is observed with a plate of bread cut into small * bits. That is all proper, because they are divided into schisms, and believe in sects. But the New Testament forbids sects, and teaches that all who arein Christ Jesus, are in " one body".- Rom. 12: 4, 5. And there-fore the holy communions, which repre-sents the body of Christ, is to be observed by a participation of one loaf, which rep-resents the ' one body of Christ. Now it is a fact abundantly demonstrated, that the whole sectarian world leave had their eyes so blinded by the adversary, that they have not been able to discern the body of Christ, ever since satan founded the first see!: Darinds; And therefore the sect masses have been unworthy a participation i the Lord's seppar. Even to this very day the mass of the sect membership call the sect the church, tied seem to know of no t hutch in exis- Lance except the Organisms of men. There fore they do tint d,- tern the body of' Christ, which alone is the Church. When we preached that holy men should come • out of the sect of " mingled people", with ono accord they raised the cry that we were calling men oat of the church, showing that they did not discern the Lord's body, the real Church. When we ignored sect divisions, they called us, and yet do, " no church ites", showing that they knew of no church but the sects; they do not dis-cern the body of Christ. As . we teach that the body of Christ, " as organized, or " tempered together", by the spirit of God is the Church, they completely affirm that we are " opposed to all church organiza-tions". Proving that they discern no church organization in the body of Christ At all, therefore in p resuming to eat tile bread and wine, they have eaten " damna-tion to themselves", 130 having done it ignorantly, through blinding sea educa-tion, God will forgive all who see and em-brace the truth, an: 1 fore ke the sectish confusion. The word babylon means confusion Every sentence that men utter that-' is it: discord with the word of God, is Confusion babel, Go to a meeting of even good DISCERNING THE LORD'S BODY. symbolic truth, associated with the obaery- Mice of the Lord's supper pertains to the present dispensation. , • This do in Te-membranceof Me." were circumcised " that they might kno Take notice that- this did not point to has suffered and died. F Lord ST. JAMES. .1 P DEAR the ppoowweerr BRETHREN: - God. am rai saved se the and d kept by His goodness! nave been in the true Church about 7 months. Praise the Lord for the true Church against which the gates of hell shall not prevail I was in the M. E. sect about two years. Praise the Lord I am delivered from all sectism. There are not many members in this place, but we can serve God where there are only a few. God has promised to be in our midst lire are praying God to save more of the people in this vicinity. We had a good ett si nwgi epIt . a1mS, phryo J. al: e. dBB. allyand Elbert T. Ellis. on his wine, will say , I belong to the church but if I can not live a christian in the church, I wilt come out of the church. " Another says", I think a person can a christian out of the church just as areue',. as in the church. Another speaks of so many sinners, and so much corruption the church. : All such expressions are bet confusion, and the fruits of false edu:: cation. No man that properly discerns:,: the body of Christ, can utter, such words, Such expressions are dishonoring to the L oirr dh eJJeefissrtsue s dleer ni et ti fi . es the Church of God with a human organization a hundred years old, or makes John Wesley equal With Christ Jesus, in that both Christ and: lee were founders of churches. Christ is the Author , and builder of the Church.- Now if Wesley, or any other man- were the author and founder of a church, -- that man would be equal with Christ. That." were ascribing the prerogative of the Cret, ator to the creature, and that was bias.,::. phemy. number two and three make the. church a very indifferent thing. Theis: language implies that it is hot necessary to be in the church' in order to be Saved that in so- me cases to remain saved in the church is doubtful, but outside men can live it. What horrid confusion; the fact is, tt there areno unsaved persons in thechure0 and no man on earth that has salvation ont* side the Church. riach utter absurd talk arises from confounding human sects with 4. i. the Divine Chnrch. The last sample 0,4 sectish ignorance, is also wretched lelaast phemy. The Church is a Divineinstitutiands, a " holy nation". Christ says " I am the:: door,. by me if any man enter he shall. 1*. 1 saved". There is no access to God's Chem' . ' but by Jesus Christ the door, and through:: the experience of salvation. But by can-ing corrupt institutions the Church un-holiness is ascribed to God's works, which l is blasphemy again, in anotherferm. For to ascribe a divine institution- the Ohms: - to man. is atributing to man the prevakie alive of God, and that is blasphelkted And so is it blasphemy to associate sinpaidt4 sinners with the holy temple of God. - Therefore the mother of harlots is ' quitie of names of blasphemy",- Rev, 17. Eve ery sect organization, being called, " Bap,: tist church" " Presbyterian church", with all the other 666 names, are names of lila: sphemy, from both the above reasonss All this babel talk that in any way con--- founds the Church of God with huinanif founded sects, proceeds from the want a proper discernment of Ore Divine d Church, the body of Christ. All such ex-. 7 pressions as " your Church", " our church", h independent holiness ohurchs" proceed from minds that are blinded to the ". Lord: body". Every person that can call sect the Church, does not discern the body t of Christ. Thank God! We know whattt the body of Christ i, and therefore can.: of call any thing the Church but the hod of Christ, and for us to do so were sin. o' It is blessed to stand on the sea of glas4z that is mingled with fire, having the harpsl? of God. Having gotten the - victory ever the beast- false religion- and the mark-of the beast in the forehead- sect eduction - and the mark of the beast in the right. hand,- the fellowship of sectism. Praise the Lord, the scriptural diseern-ing of the body of Christ, settles the soula: down on God, the rock of our salvation, in , . many things, in which all sectarians aree floundering, and groping in darkness, and::= tossed about by the waves of babylon ig-norance. Glory to Jesus, for perfect free-dom in Christ Jesus. Amen! D. S. Warner. 11 know very well that you have never found such records in the law : you know in your darkened subverted souls that you are dishonest before God, and are false witnesses. In Lie; man's tangled skein of yarns, in connection with Heb. 9: 10, lie also cites Mark 7: 4, 8, Which reads as follows.- " And when they come from the market, except they wash, they eat not. And many other things there be, which they have received to hold, as the wash-ing of cups, and pots, brazen vessels, and tables. For laying aside the- commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups : and many other Such like things n do." - Mark 7: 4, 8. - Here the word wash, is from the Greek baptismos. These texts explain the di-verse baptisms of Heb. 9: 10, Were they the baptism of men and women? No, they were the immersion of cups and pots, bra-zen vessels, and tables, and " many other such like things ye do." Are the immer-sions of men and women such like things? Because certain household articles were said to have been baptized, washed, or dipped, you assume the liberty to say that men and. women were baptized under the law as in the New Testament. This is a crafty deception of the devil, and shows that you are very hard put to for some new shadow of ground to base your lies upon. But did not the ceremonial law require that men's bodies were to be bathed in water? Yes, but nothing like New Testa-ment baptism. By a thorough examina-tion of the ceremonial code, we have found these instances. 1st. Whosoever toucheth the bed, seat, or flesh of a person that bath a running spree or is spit on by one leaving the sore. - Leviticus 15: 1- 11, 2nd. When the person is healed of the issue, or running sore.- Vir 13. 3rd. Another case of defilement.- Lev. 15: 1S. 41,1). Another defilem ent.- Leviticus 15: - 5th. He that let go the scape- goat.- Lev. 16: 27. 6th. He that burned the sin of-fering.- Lev. 16: 28. 7th. He that eateth that which died of itself.- Lev. 17: 15. 8th. The Priest, after burning the heif-er- Numbers 19: 7, 8. 9th. He that toucheth a dead - person,- Numbers 16: 19. 10th. He that was healed of the lepro-sy.- Lev. 14: S, 9. 11th. Aaron, the high priest.- Levit icus 16: 4. In the first 9 instances the law required that they " wash their clothes, and. bathe their flesh in water." The last two were " wash his clothes, and. wash his flesh in water." There is not a single instance all the law where one person dipped, bap-tized, immersed, washed, or bathed anoth-er in water. The washings of the flesh, or body, enjoined in the law, was for the rson to perform upon himself. And ey were a real washing, or cleansing the flesh, whereas " baptism is the put-g away of the filth of the flesh, but the swering of a good conscience toward d." It is not a washing of the body, t a simple dip of the body, or burial th Ohre t resire, There is no reeein-