The Gospel Trumpet - 25:22

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 getAhnedr hheis s ehlaelcl ts fernodm h tihs ea nfoguerls w winitdhs a, fgrroemat osnoue nedn do fo fa hTerauvmenp etot, tahned o tthheery. shall gather to Matt. 24: 31. - VOLUME NO....

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Main Author: Byrum, E. E.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Gospel Trumpet Company 1905
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Summary:Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 getAhnedr hheis s ehlaelcl ts fernodm h tihs ea nfoguerls w winitdhs a, fgrroemat osnoue nedn do fo fa hTerauvmenp etot, tahned o tthheery. shall gather to Matt. 24: 31. - VOLUME NO. XXV. ofrf. e. 1f7fii/- e IA So will I seek out my sheep, and will deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day. Ezek. 34: 12. Jer. 32: 39. MOUNDSVILLE, W. VA., U. S. A., THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1905. NUMBER 22. 1 ES FELLOW pilgrim, whither art thou wend-ing, to heaven or to hell? " Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls." Jer. 6: 16. " Stand ye in the ways." Oh, so many, many ways ! So many weary, heartsick and sad pil-grims sighing for peace, yet traveling in the paths of death. Amongst all these ways is the path that Jesus trod so long ago, and by the prophet it is described as the highway, and it alone leads to heaven and to rest in this world or in the future. Just one little narrow way— no other, only one way. Now ever since the way has been estab-lished, Satan, a base deceiver, has been offering substitutes. Some of his counter-feits at first sight bear some inspec-tion, and although he has named them " holiness," " love," " wisdom," " joy," " peace," etc., yet with a little investiga-tion you find that none of them bring satisfaction. So many times has the pilgrim been deceived that he begins to believe that there is no such a thing as real satisfaction, contentment, or rest in this life. But glorious truth! There is a remnant to- day that are redeemed and are boldly marching up the shining way with the portals of glory in view, who are not harassed or worried or confused, but are joyfully toiling along, with songs from their hearts and souls which are thrilled with contentment and peace. Reader, have you found this way? Be sure and find the old paths— the way that Jesus trod. Take the old way- bill and carefully follow its directions. I wish to draw a picture of how, from the beginning, deceptions were wrought to entice people from following the narrow way. It is like this: God's church— king-dam— is on the highway. In the beginnng it was f placed there and it had no counter-eits or sects but shone out " bright as the sun, clear as the morning, and terrible as an army with banners." Then the fogs and mists of deception and confusion be-gall to arise; men and devils invented every oPossible means to overthrow the church of od and rob the world of salvation and of peace. A counterfeit church was organized men which to this day calls itself the true one, although it is far, far from the humble traveled. path that Jesus described and all other chFuorrc htheiss a rreea tshoant aitr eis n aot s feocllto was-ing in detail, God's directions. Some 00a said to me, " You can not say the n Catholic church is not of God be- b of piety ( ?) to find peace for your soul, and even there you find deception and sin. Then you cry again, " Where is truth, where is wisdom, love, life ? Oh, where is peace?" Health, wealth, and wisdom will not bring peace, neither will obtaining earthly treasure. Where will we find peace? How avoid deception? Answer. In Jesus alone. He is sufficient. He opened the way and marked all the details and described every step of the path. Follow him close-ly, you can not be deceived. Some one says, " Oh, you have not tried mental train-ing; learn to control the mind, and you can have peace." Only another deception. Christian Science, new thought, suggestion, etc., wreck your nervous system, and blind you to the light of eternal day. Probably every soul in this world desires and is seeking peace, contentment, and satisfaction. Like a gentle dove, it nestles by your side wooing you continually. How many, many times you have spurned its gentle voice. Will you say, " Away with Jesus"? or will you accept the " dove of peace, the light of understanding"? Yes, it means sacrifice. It means humiliation. It means to give to Jesus the keeping of all future failures or successes, all ambitions or plans. But what are these without peace? " Jesus alone can pardon give." Peace and pardon are inseparable. If you have real peace, you have real pardon. If you have not real peace, you have not real pardon. Recently, a dear one said to me, " I am saved, but I haven't done my duty on all lines." Oh beware! Do you think she had peace? No she said she was not clear before God. God is not holding any-thing against a pardoned soul. If you have sinned against God by omitting your duty you haven't the peace that comes with par-don. To seek peace and pursue it means to seek pardon and pursue it, also to seek duty and pursue it; for to continually stand clear before the Judge we must walk in obedience to his Word, faithfully and will-ingly walking in the light. " The work of righteousness shall be peace" but " there is no peace, saith the Lord, unto the wicked." And now IN view of the fact that the Word of God clearly teaches that the dispensation we are now living in is " the dispensation of the fulness of times," that " the ends of the ages are come" upon us, and that NOW is preached to man the only gospel of salvation that he shall ever hear, we are sometimes asked to explain the expression " everlasting gospel," and Peter's refer-ence to Christ's preaching to the spirits in prison. In the interests of the truth and to help to overthrow the error which some are receiving concerning a more favorable, or even another time of soul salvation far men, I gladly take up my pen to- day. Teachers of this error are using the cause through it the Bible was preserved." Are we willing to accept this as a proof that it is the church of God ? No for it is not on the highway, and the means the Al-mighty used to preserve his Bible and answer the prayers of John Huss, Martin Luther, and other saints, may have been from any source he saw fit. You see the devil has a counterfeit for every principle of good, and his deceptions seem so real to the nnsettled wavering soul: for this reason the paths are so numerous. But you need not be deceived. Here is the way, here is the door, here is the call. Have you considered the promises and the offers ? Are you just now perfectly- satisfied with your lot; perfectly contented with your surroundings Are you all day glad and singing or are you given to " spells" of sorrow and sighing ? If so, here is the " balm in Gilead." Will you take " beauty for ashes"? Wilt thou buy gold tried in the fire that thou mayest be rich ? " Where-fore do ye spend money for that which is not bread ? and your labor for that which satisfieth not? hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness." Do you realize and will you believe that there is a real satisfaction for you in this present life ? You may, indeed, live a life of peace and contentment not luxury and selfish-ness, but comfort and ease so far as mind and soul are concerned. Will you to- day walk in the paths of humility and peace or in paths of deception used for the over-throw and destruction of your soul ? I see so many strange things. For in-stance, here is the Author of peace and truth and wisdom and love and life, offer-ing all these things without money or price. On the other hand, is an uneasy moving mass of millions, seeking and searching and offering great rewards of money and earthly treasures for peace and truth and wisdom and love and life. What does it mean ? The real Author and Endow-er says, " Come, come, whosoever will may come and without money or without price; and let him that heareth say, ' Come.' " But now as in the days of the prophets they say " We will not walk therein." Con-sequently, men and devils are manufactur-ing substitutes for these precious jewels and selling their wares for great gain. There is little deception in the diabolic curses of the liquor manufacturer as he only offers joy and peace for a season. Then there is the patent medicine man and the doctor offering you well bodies, but ignoring the power of the Cfeator. On the other hand science comes along, continually treating or mistreating on various themes. The deceptive paths of the devil are found on every side. Even the members of the body of Christ are counterfeited. We find false prophets and preachers and singers. People with itching ears follow after them, for love of self and worldly pleasure. They desire more eloquent language, more vocal idciasp ilnay singing of psalms, more median-l display of instruments of various kinds, and so on until people are willing to pay for such entertainment ( not salva-tion), and, dear ones, you must know that the theater and opera of to- day originated in the pulpit. More than that, the most renowned performances of the very religious, stage to- day are even portraying for the entertainment of sinful spectators the pas-sion of Christ, his betrayal, Gethsemane's consecration, his trial and scourging, and his death on the cross. The innocent little path of jesting and Ting leads you into lying, stealing, hack-li iting, slandering, etc. You go to the house term " everlasting gospel" and some mis-understood expressions in the first epistle of Peter to support their theory. Let us look into this a little. The term " everlasting" does not always mean eternal in the commonly accepted sense of the word. The hills are said to be everlasting ( Gen. 49: 26), but other scriptures tell of a final " burning up" and " passing away" of the earth itself and therefore of the hills. Jewish ordi-nances were said to be everlasting ( Ex. 12: 24; Num. 10: 8; 1 Chr. 15: 2), but other passages tell of the " doing away,' and " abolishing" of the Jewish economy and the bringing in of the Christian dispen-sation in its stead. The hills are termed everlasting because they are to endure while the earth remains. Those ordinances were said to be " for ever," because they were to continue in force, unchanged throughout the entire Mosaic dispensation. And the gospel is called " the everlasting gospel" because it is to remain unrevoked and unchanged in all its terms, promises, principles and provisions, during all the vicissitudes of this entire dispensation. However, like both the hills and those ordi-nances, the gospel has its " own times," which shall have a close according to God's Word. Mat. 24: 14; 1 Pet. 4: 7; 1 Car. 15: 24, 27; Rev. 10: 7. The ushering in of these times was when the Lord began to preach the word of peace and salvation ( Heb. 2: 3; Acts 1: 1; 10: 37), and his final words were : " Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every crea-ture." Mark 16: 15. Nowhere in the Bible is there a statement that any commission ever was or ever shall be given to any one to preach it anywhere else than on the earth. It was " to them that dwell on the earth" that John, in his apocalyptic vision saw the messenger carrying the word of salvation to the Gentiles. Rev. 14: 6. And the Scriptures nowhere clearly state that this gospel has been, is, or ever shall be preached to any but men on the earth. But in one place, and one place only, does the inspired record say that the gospel was preached " to them that are dead." This however does not necessarily mean that they were dead, as to the body, when that gospel was preached to them. And even though it could be proved that the gospel was once preached to the dead in Hades, Peter's own words would destroy any hope of future salvation to those that are living now or that have lived since the time Peter refers to. Read 1 Pet. 4: 7, 17, 18. Now as to the statement in 1 Pet. 3: 19, that Christ went and preached to the spirits in prison— this scripture is gen-erally viewed from one of the two . follow-ing standpoints. First, that Christ preached to those spirits by his Spirit in Noah and not personally; and second, that his human spirit went and preached in the place that is the abode, between death and judgment, of the souls of them that had been aforetime disobedient while they lived on the earth. Of those interpreting the text from the latter point of view, some say he preached the gospel and others say he simply proclaimed the fact of his death. Of those interpreting the text from the former point of view, some say that the spirits were in the prison house of sin, while others think that Peter meant to say that those spirits are now in prison in Hades. It sometimes is the case that each of several slightly varying interpretations of a text contain a part of the truth and it seems as though this were the case here. It may be impossible to satis-fy some minds as to the real and full mean- THE EXILE'S RETURN. BY C. H. DEIVEY. My harp no more hangs on the willow, But wakes with a heavenly strain: My bark no more tossed by the billow, is riding at anchor again. The balm- scented breezes celestial, Enrapture my soul with delight; The glittering dews of the morning, Displace all the weeping of night. Oh, sweet, oh, how sweet in my bosom, A river of ecstasy flows! How sweet on the bosom of Jesus, My sad, broken heart finds repose! In exile no more will I perish, But with him let me suffer and toil: The kiss and the ring how I cherish! The robe let me never despoil. WHITHER GOEST THOU? BY MABEL C. PORTER. " While fell disease on every hand Walks forth with tainted breath, And pestilence with rapid stride Bestrews the land with death," and while sadness and dread are constantly confronting us; while suicides, unjust sen-tences, misplaced confidences, and so forth are abounding, what are you going to do ? While the awful judgments of God are abroad will you not call upon him? Will you not accept the offers of mercy and find " rest unto your souls".? THE EVERLASTING GOSPEL AND CHRIST'S PREACHING TO THE SPIRITS IN PRISON. BY G. P. TASKER. 2 THE GOSPEL TRUMPET spin. = an Olson; what Oo t Let us cstsicider a few points. Peter does not say here what Christ preached or proclaimed, and had he been referring to Christ's preaching to souls when he was in Hades, he surely would have made some allusion to all that were there; but instead of doing so he con-fines his remarks entirely to the disobedi-ent race of antediluvians who lived in the days of Noah. He does not so much as hint that Christ preached to any others, whether righteous or wicked. He mentions no others. To no others is there any refer-ence made in this passage. What of all those who died in other ages, and who had fewer opportunities of knowing the truth while they lived than did these people who had the preaching and examples of Noah and his prophet father, Lamech, and who could not have lived very long after the days of the prophet Enoch, who walked with God, and who in his prophecy which hag been recorded in Jude 14, 15, refers to the wickedness of the people? Is Christ a respecter of persons? If the announce-ment of his death was going to benefit any of the wicked in Hades, why should not all of the wicked dead have shared in the op-portunity of that benefit? If his atonement needed to be proclaimed to the antedilu-vians in Hades, why not to all that were there? Then why does Peter specify those " which aforetime were disobe-dient," and in hope of whose repent-ance God in his long- suffering waited for one hundred and twenty years, during which time the ark was being prepared? If they were disobedient it must have been to some known command or call of God. If God waited for their repentance, he must have in some way called them to it. If he was long- suffering he must have borne long with their resistance of the striving of his Spirit and the message delivered under his influence. Surely of all peoples these would be the least likely to be made the objects of any special dispensation of grace, such as having Christ preach the gospel to them in Hades. Why does Peter pass by all other peoples without mention If Christ ever preached in Hades why did he preach to some only, and they the people to whom Noah had already preached righteousness? 2 Pet. 2: 5. The only answer I can give to such questions is that Peter is not allud-ing to any preaching of Christ in Trades at all. Besides, does not the Spirit ex-pressly say that those in the pit can not hope for God's truth ? See Isa. 38: 18. This verse as quoted from. the LXX. is as follows: " For they that are in the grave shall not praise thee, neither shall the dead bless thee, neither shall they that are in Hades hope for thy Mercy." Together with the rich man of whom Jesus tells us in L- tilse 16, they can perhaps look up out of their misery and see, " afar off," the right-eous in their abode of rest in Paradise. But between that happy location and their state of misery there lies a great fixed and im-passable gulf. Repentance and salvation are not for them. Oh, says one, it was not to the wicked that Christ preached, but to the Old Testa-ment saints. Let us not be too sure about this. it is generally understood that the righteous are in Paradise; and it is to be believed because of Christ's own state-ment that upon his death he also went to Paradise. Luke 23: 43. But, let me ask, is the location called Paradise, a PRISON ? A prison is surely a very undesirable place, but Paul does not seem to have considered Paradise to be such. He was once " caught up into" it, and he brought back such a report as makes me feel when I read it, that I would really like to go there. 2 Cor. 12: 4. Yea, to depart and to be with Christ is far better than to remain here; but to abide in the flesh is more needful, and we must not selfishly wish to go but to stay and work and suffer for Christ. That Paradise is a prison must be clearly proved before the slightest foundation can be laid for the theory that Christ is referred to in the text as announcing his death to the righteous in Hades. This fact along with the statement that it was to those that were disobedient in " the days of Noah that Christ preached, ennsasletely overthrows that posi-tioi;, * , elOow did Christ preach what he reached to these people ? This may be better suaderlSiod by us if we observe two things: first: remember his eternal sonship to tocl the Father, and his unceasing inter-est in mankind, for whose sake he was one day to take upon himself human nature and die to redeem them from sin : and, sec-ond, consider in what way he " came and preached peace to the Gentiles of Ephe-sus ( Eph. 2: 17), to whom in person he never addressed a single sermon. How then was it he preached to them ? Ans. In spirit through his ministers in whom his Spirit was. So that Paul could consistently say that the Gentiles " have heard him and have been taught by him." Eph. 4: 21. It was Christ who wrought effectually in Peter toward to the Jews, and mightily in Paul toward to the Gentiles. Gal. 2: 8; Rosa. 15: 18. " He that heareth you heareth me," said Christ to the seventy whom he sent out; for, as Paul says, he that is joined to the Lord is one spirit. 1 Cor. 6: 17. He also said that Christ spoke in him. 2 Cor. 13: 3. Reader, note this truth : Christ's Spirit has observed and influenced mankind in every age. While Christ was not yet mani-fested in person, yet he " strove with men" and he could be " tempted" and grieved; for the Lord said, " My Spirit shall not al-ways strive with man" ( Gen. 6: 3), and we are warned against tempting Christ as some of the children of Israel did by their murmuring and rebellion, and because of which many of them perished by the ser-pents. 1 Cor. 10: 9. Again, Christ's Spir-it, as the spirit of prophecy, was in the " holy men of God" of the old testament as truly as he is in those of the new. 1 Pet. 1: 11; 2 Pet. 1: 21; 2 Sam. 23: 2; Psa. 51: 11; Rev. 19: 10. Noah was a prophet. Proof : Gen. 9 : 25- 27. And " surely the Lord God will do nothing [ relative to man], but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets." Amos 3: 7. There-fore when God premeditated the destruc-tion of mankind from off the face of the earth, unless they would come to repent-ance, he revealed to Noah what was about to take place. Death by a flood of water was to come upon man whose days would be prolonged but one hundred and twenty years more. Gen. 6: 3. ( See also the rendering of this verse in the German Bible). I doubt not that it was with this statement for an abiding text that Noah preached repentance and righteousness. My attention has been called to the fact that the Greek word for " preached," in 1 Pet. 3:. 19, is not that which of itself means to preach the gospel; but is one that means more particularly " to publish" or " proclaim" as a herald. This fact along with Peter's statement in 2 Pet. 2: 5, that Noah was " a preacher [ Gr. a herald— see R. V. margin] of righteousness," only goes to substantiate what we are saying. But whose spirit was in Noah, or under the influence of what spirit did he preach ? Answer. The Spirit of Christ; and thus in spirit, Christ, the King of righteousness, preached to those people through the min-istry of Noah. Then is not Peter just as correct in saying that in spirit Christ " went and preached" to them— those spir-its that were in the prison house of sin and are now in the prison of Tartarus— as Paul is when he says Christ " came and preached" to us Gentiles, to whom in person he never addressed himself I Shall we stumble at the saying when the Scriptures do plainly tell us that the Spirit of Christ was in the pro-phets? However, it may be well to simply state here that the Spirit's work in relat-tion to man's nature before Pentecost, was not what it has been since that time; but he has always been the executive of the will of the Godhead in every dispensation. But, says one, how do you explain Zech. 9: 11, 12 if what you have said is the true meaning of Peter's words I Answer. This passage has been used to support the theory we are opposing, but the prophet had clear reference to people in the prison house of sin, and to the day of salvation. 2 Cor. ' 6: 2. See also Isa. 49: 8, 9; 42: 6, 7. But then, says another, if what you and of Christ preaching isspseoa: k waht yalldoerthle etaenrtegdoiluouvitands hhiasvew way i hing to them in the person of Noah, and why does he refer to put to death in it right in connection with Christ's being in the flesh but quickened in the spirit, if it is not that Christs human becaussoewhpereuaendheerd-stood to these people while his body lay in the ' grave ? Ans. Peter does not go out of his • to the spirit ( or way in what he sayss, for it comes in nate-rally when referring exists between the Christian, as logy that es Spirit) of Christ, because as thhis epistles the how he was keenly alive to h nwaiorld and Christ, and Noah, the worltd thanedtim thee ark. The state of the world a of Noah, together with the impendin g jwuadsgmlieknetlaynidn thheisprmoivniddedevaernk of safety, ethre, preached on the day of Pentecost to his fellow countrymen, saying . selves s from directly s to unNto owaha ridn g he ins e rran t. si first o ne. p " lHe epistle launcdr aatgsaoinmeinlehnigsthsencopnodn, tahse weierleluamsstdawneelels-connected with the flood, and drawing a most forceful comparison and lesson from the same. And since it was Christ's Spirit that was in Noah when he preached right-eousness to the antediluvians, Peter refers to that fact when mentioning the spirit ( or Spirit) of Christ, because he has Noah and family in mind with reference to the world. the ark and the water, as a figure of Chris-tians, the world, the resurrected Christ and the ordinance of baptism. He shows how that, in view of the flood that was about to come, Christ testified righteous-ness to the wicked antediluvians through Noah by word and by deed, even as in or by the same Spirit in us he testifies right-eousness to the careless world around us who are subject to the awful jud gment and flood of fire that is now at hand. We in whose hearts Christ lives are the light of the world, and are truly those through whom Christ preaches righteous-ness to- day. We ought to so conduct our-selves that in the day of visitation the world may glorify God by having no cause in us to reproach or blaspheme him. 1 Pet. 2: 12. We also must be always ready to give answer to every one that asks of its a reason for the hope that is within us ( 1 Pet. 3: 15- 18), even as Noah was ready to give answer for the hope that was in him. His Preaching and testimony would have been out of place had he lived after the manner of those in his day, ' running with them to the same excess of riot'; but because of his righteousness and faith in God be was no doubt often reviled and evil spoken of. Now, as Peter wrote his letter he evidently had this very thought in mind relative to Christians and their testimony to the world around them, as you may discern if you read his epistle carefully. See 1 Pet. 4: 3- 5, 14. It has been said that the words " in the spirit," simply signify the opposite of " in the flesh"— alive in the spirit although dead in the flesh. That is to say, that Peter means to tell us that while Christ was dead but that we t ac s. quick, H etoo cweve r i. rq euh. quickened, doo not as to his body, he was alive as to his spirit, in the say tslipairtitC; h e , made alive. he was wthaes words acted ` n` ppuont , tosodeaalstoh, qdneineko teen etdh, a, t, ds iigffrieirfizt thmaat nhnee r was an dactwedithuptohne, but i n a effect. To quicken means " too i• mpart life." " to make alive"; and iiss • it to be be-lieved that Christ's spi ' t. or Christ, re-quired to be made alive aft etr he edeath of his body in order that, while hisis body lay in the grave, he m1ig, h gt o to Hades ? Sure-ly not. There was, as we have explained. a going and preaching of Ch * st oforr which the spirit served him as an agent instead of the flesh that is to say, he preached in spirit instead of in person. But this going and preaching must be carefully distin-guished from the staa tee ss iiggnniiffiieedd by " quick-sentnoaett edim " iwnp eltynh tte h asanptdi rC ith." r iPscet te• ei nr,' s bt hluaatn trg aqutuahigceekr ed, n oaeedss his words in verese s 1ig9n • i f• y, that it was by ( or in) the spirit ( or Spiinritt)) Christ preach-meda, d eev aelniv ea. s by ( or • in) the Spirit he was teaAchgainign , t hwaht Cerher iisst ' s thhuemrea nany scripture uman soul or spirit was active while his bood yy was in the tomb ? I know of none, miela s• t it be the passage we have been considering; and to * ther into thy hands I commend- ray sp. his Paradise until the hour of resurrec g there is no proof of it here. Th 77.0 reason that I am aware of that, God did receive it, and that he kept this sChrist, h eea is snsd doubt that as Jesus expired I believe that Peter in speaking a being " quickened," simply * era to g, made alive inn harmony ht saaihr , e dionieni, veyleoatrwrhebai tybht, y h9eue: ::: w: stcioeirsalo so the power pthowaterouorf Lthored swpailt_ ietsthorsetdthtosulgiev? l3i• e, was put to death in the flesh, yet he that " he was crucified through from the weakness God with power, according to the spirit of cbeyr 1th3e: 4 resRuornia7e1ti: o4n. ist there holiness 2 ( Isa. 34 : 16) with some other ideas that is nothing in Paul's writings to " mate" people get out of Peter's words. Finally, in view of the absence of any teaching in the writings of the evangelists or of the other apostles, to the effect that Christ's soul or spirit was active while his body lay in the tomb; or that at any this after his death upon the cross he personally preached the gospel in Hades or anywhere else or that he ever went to Tartarus_ the PRISON where it is believed the spirits of wicked men are confined along with fallen angels ( 2 Pet. 2: 4), and which is separated from Paradise ( Abraham's 1 bosom) by a great fixed gulf— I fail to see that we are warranted in using these ver. sec in 1 Peter to support the theory that Christ preached the gospel in Hades, or that any one else ever did or ever will. I call it a theory, for how can it be called a doctrine of Christ? It seems to me that the somewhat obscure phraseology pertain. ing, to these " hard- to- be- understood things" in the first epistle of Peter, makes rather too weak a foundation to support it, m upon which to try to establish it as a doc-trine. The matter is of too great import. mice for us to have been left without a " thus saith the Lord," if he had intended it to be included among the articles of me most holy faith. " CONSIDER THE IMES" ing of the scripture under consideration; but our desire shall have been accom-plished if we explain it fully enough to convince honest hearts that there is no gesonssel, in this-. text for beliayins that 9 eople are tetia, ve a chance of re t e aBsal-vaticitS after their deep. I kielow itat the Spirit" ( or preached unto BY J. GRANT ANDERSON. THERE is no subject apart from the Bible as interesting to me as the study of Botany Some of the happiest days of my life were spent, with magnifying glass, trowel and basket, roaming over the green meadow and through the woods, in search of some new spring time flower. It is very interest. ing, upon finding a new specie of flower, to find its name and place in the great veg-etable kingdom. All flowers are formed upon one general plan, but there are, in-deed, many variations and many disguises A perfect and complete flower is ore which has perfect organs of reproduction,. and floral envelopes, all following out numerical plan. During a journey the other day, I sais many pinks, trilliums, violets, bluebells, marsh- marigolds. adder- tongues, lilies, and numerous other flowers, the names of whiek I could not remember. And while I was admiring their several beauties, with I's Bard to their classification, etc., these words of Jesus suddenly came to my mind, " Con sider the lilies of the field, how they escr they toil not, neither do they spin : 0 yet I say unto you, that even Solomon a all his glory was not arrayed like one ° these. Wherefore, if God so clothe t grass of the field, which to- day is. and to= morrow is cast into the oven, shall he much more clothe you, 0 ye of litt faith ?" Mat. 6: 28- 30. Jesus invites est make a careful study of the unclerlyis principles of vegetable life. Ns thin which makes this object lesson still Tia° interesting is the discovery that not only made the illustration, bat he 3 made the lily. He simply invites ns_ consider the creation of his own ba nd, ' that which is necessary for its contirl The law of nature requires, yes'nctr° P0 eatIlpiaer. ent life to stamp its own image! its offspring, whether it be anis10 or w ab We examine a new flower canef pg1/ count its sepals, petals, stamens and and as seed is the final product ° f flower. we examine that, and fbia • aetly like the ovule from ' which it Uri; THE GOSPEL TRUMPET WILL THE DEVIL BE BOUND ONE THOUSAND YEARS? This signifies that near the end, or down-fall, of this dragon power, which began to take place with the establishing of the gospel, he raised a great power of perse-cution in self- defense against the Christian cause, which once had threatened the ruin of all heathen, or false religions. The cast-ing of the stars to the earth, was fulfilled when they cast down, by putting to death, the many bright and shining lights, who were turning many to righteousness. See Dan. 12: 3. HIS TAIL. WAR IN HRAVEN. This war in heaven which John saw en vision refers to the Ecclesiastical realm, or religious assembly, where this conflict took place. It was not a war of nation against nation. Not a secular affair. But, a spiritual conflict, in which the whole pagan world, and every corrupted form of religion, fought together against the reli-gion of Jesus our Savior, for the latter was overthrowing every form of false worship as fast as it could reach the hearts of the people. Read in Acts 19: 23- 41, how the worshipers of the great goddess Diana were molested by the preaching of the gospel by Paul. " And the same time there arose no small stir about that way." This Michael is the " archangel." Jude 9. " The chief messenger to bring tid-ings," or Christ the messenger of the Cov-enant. Mal. 3: 1. He, " and his angels, [ or messengers— the apostles and primitive saints] fought against the dragon [ pagan-ism] and the dragon fought and his angels," or all the adherents of the dragon religion waged war by bitter persecution, even unto death, with the followers of him who sat on the " white horse," and " went forth conquering, and to conquer." Read Rev. 6: 2- 1. BY JAS. B. PETERMAN. " AND I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. . And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, sad cast him into time bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled : and after that he must be loosed a little season. And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them : and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and NVItiell had not worshiped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. But the rest of the dead red not again until the thousand years Nvere finished. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is he that path part in the first resurrection : on such the second death / math no power, but they shall be ariests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years. end when the thousand years are expired, Satan 11 he loosed out of his prison, and shall am out to deceive the nations which are in he four quarters of the earth, Gog and agotz, to gather them together to battle: sae number of whom is as the sand of the et." Rev. 20 : 1- 8. From these few verses I suppose there are more ideas and doctrines formed by the vain imaginations of the blinded sectarian world, than any other eight verses in the Bible, These verses are made the foun-dation of every millennial teacher's hobby of a thousand years' millennial reign. From these they teach that the devil who tempts us will be bound, and we will then reign with Christ one thousand years. It would not be possible, to here give the multiplic-ity of speculative theories advocated that are derived therefrom. The face of the whole, shows that there is no truth in them, for the truth will bring every follower " into the unity of the faith," and Spirit. John 16: 13. But what does this binding of the " drag-on, that old serpent, which is the devil, and Satan," mean? In order to understand this, we must study the writer elsewhere. As we find that he has previously made mention and explanation of this dragon. Tn Rev. 12, you will find it clearly set forth: " And there appeared another won-der in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. And hie lungs in carbonic acid gas and moisture, and returned to the air the same as the plants found it, and exactly the same as though left upon the ground to decompose, or were burned. One lesson we learn is, nothing was made for itself. Dead men never grow. Spiri-tual or physical corpses do not move. The spiritual man neither lives nor dies to himself. Instead of living for self qual-ifications, he realizes that he is simply the smallest part of a wonderful whole. He does not ask, " Am I my brother's keep-er?" but thoughtlessly, happily, and cheer-fully goes immediately to doing something for fallen humanity. He does not strain and agonize, trying to become a strong man of God, but simply goes when duty calls and, as unconsciously as the lilies, daily in-creases his sphere of usefulness and capac-ity to perform. He discovers that he was created for a purpose and lets nature per-form unmolested, her wonderful works. In earnestness, it is all right to try to grow, but wholly wrong in principle. Which of us by taking thought, can stop our stomach from digesting food, or the blood from re-paring worn out tissue? Or, if they should stop their mysterious work, who by taking thought could start them working again? How frail man really is found to be! God says he remembers that man is dust, and let us not forget that it is so. God wills that we all be strong, and by obedience to every known law, and by living naturally and peacefully like the lilies, we will daily in-crease in strength, and our lives will be as a Christian's should—" as becometh the gospel of Christ." tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born. And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and pre-vailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great drag-on was cast out, that old serpent, called the devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world : he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him." Rev. 12: 3, 4, 7- 9. I was once taught that this was the origin of the devil. That once upon a time the devil was up in heaven, with God and all the holy angels, but he became a fallen angel through disobedience, and God and all the heavenly host waged war with him, and- finally overcame him, and he was cast out of heaven. Since then we have him up-on earth to fight. But this I could not think was reasonable, that it took God and all the holy angels to overpower him in ueaven, and that they would throw him down upon earth for us poor creatures to handle him. This would look like God did not treat us right, to so greatly molest our peace, that they might have peace in heav-en. Again, this would be the picture of the devil " A great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth." And Peter tells us in 1 Pet. 5: 8: " Your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seek-ing whom he may devour." So then he is moving about, yet, no one in the annals of time has ever beheld his mighty tail, reach-ing to heaven and taking the third part of the stars from heaven with it, and cast-ing them to the earth. What absurd posi-tions people will get themselves into, when they twist the Word of truth to prop up a fabricated structure, trying to literalize and misapply figurative language. The book of Revelation deals principally in meta-phorical and symbolic language. - Hence, this great red dragon can be no other than the old pagan Romish power with its idolatrous worship, which first made its appearance into the world over seven hun-dred years B. C., and existed until over four hundred years A. D. Its seven heads were its forms of government, and ten horns, represent the ten powers, or king-doms, which grew out of old Rome. June 8, 1905. te. Wde c. a. n goo but little further. Seeds Contain all the essentials of, and in fact are, rudimentary plants. These incipient plants are called embryos, and are com-posed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and ni oagee, which taken collectively, are called protoplasm, and, constitute the earthly be-gaining of all life. The most powerful wapieying glasses fail to show any distinction whatever between the material beginning of animal and vegetable life. nap ' es all very interesting, but the next step is still more interesting. Where is the life of the lily Where is the unseen band which is moulding and fashioning this new plant Who makes the petals of one flower white, and of another red, from the same soil ? We know they have life and that lilies do grow, but how do they grow? Growth is as mysterious as life, and both belong to God. There are a num-ber of positive essentials to growth, such as life, light, air, moisture and soil, for growth is simply the increase of a living thing in size and substance. These essen-tials to growth are interestug to study, and are intended to be applicable to spiritual growth in the Christian, but we wish to call attention simply, to two characteristics of the lily which may be helpful to some. First, lilies do not go in search of en-viromuents. If they could think and act they might wish to be removed from the fogs, and dampness of the valley, and thus escape being trampled upon by cattle, when in search of drink. They do not go in search of sunlight, water, air, or heat, they simply remain in the spot. God placed them, and even without taking any thought whatever, grow into one of the most beauti-ful of flowers. If left unmolested it follows out carefully and trustfully, the natural law of nature, by producing offspring, and then dies— not unnaturally— for its work is done. Christian! If God so clothe the lilies, and causes them to add strength to strength amidst seemingly uncondueive surround-ings; enables them to answer the noble end for which they were created, will he nut care for thee, " 0 thou of little faith"? I believe God takes more notice of his chil-dren, for whom the world was made, than he does for the lilies. The Christian, like the lily, need not go in seareh of environ-ments, for he has the vital principles of life and growth within his own soul, yes, the Alpha and Omega, the beginning of the be-ginning and the end. No use to try to evade our peculiar temptations, and environments, for the One who give, strength to the lilies, will ahem give strength to us, which will enable us to do all things through Christ who strengthens us, and wboi winds of , temptations do vow, we t'azi say with Paul, ' None of these things move ine.— The reason that lilies are supplied with 0rgans of generation is for reproduction, c. the eontinuanee of that particular specie plant life. The plan of God is the same with regard to man. txt tl noisese man up-right, but he has sought omt amany inven-tions. When Elizabeth ' who watt e barren, was favored with a she thauked God that she could then be looked upon without reproach. God leas not only vested nature with authority to punish in-fringements of her laws, but still holds in reserve an awfnl eternity, which will ru - be long enough for the infant murderers to expiate their cringes. Second, lilies grow without taking any thought. Progression in living beings re-quires movement. Living things move; things not living are only moved. Plants move as truly as animals. Some float and all move upward, or downward in search of food. The process of growth in plant life is very complex indeed, yet plants live an easy, - restful, contented life and con-tinue to grow. With regard to the com-plexity of plant growth, etc., notice one thing before we might mtuae passing to the spir- Plants were made, not for them-selves, but for a purpose. They furnish fadonioedd ., e wvSetintah rcoceuhlltu, lwsouhsgeic aihtrs , a emlllf , aa wnnhyim ikcahinl tldhifsee opwfl oaounilltsds, assnnilate from their surroundings, and which builds up their own organic life, are the essentials for food of all herbivorous animals, and to a great extent of man. The same materials which the plants gath - ered, when eaten by animal or man, pas Into the blood and through many other transformations, and are exhaled from the TEE DRAGON. " And [ the dragon] prevailed not [ did not overthrow the church of - God] neither was their place found any more in heav-en," or in the religious assembly. Before this the pagan religion was tolerated as a religious worship but it could no longer hold a place in the Ecclesiastical realm, when the religion of Jesus Christ was preached to the people, and thank God it is the same to- day; every false religion must go. IT WAS CAST OUT. " And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world." You see this dragon is only " called the devil, and Satan," because its religion and spirit was purely Satanic. " He was cast out into the earth," showing it was " earthly, sensual, devilish." Jas. 3: 15. " And his angels were cast out with him." Every adherent of that false religion was cast out with the dragon, for they were not partakers with those whom God had " raised up and made to sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus." Eph. 2: 6. A few thoughts from history may enable the reader to more fully grasp the meaning of these few verses. I will quote from Fox, page 17; after he quotes Rev. 12 : 7 he says : " In this highly wrought figurative language, we are taught to conceive of the dreadful conflict, which subsisted between the Christian and heathen professors, the persecution which for three centuries had been inflicted upon the for-mer, with the issue of the whole, in the ultimate overthrow of the Pagan persecut-ing powers, and the subversion of that idolatrous system in the empire." Again, page 15, 16, " One of the principal reasons, of the severity with which the Romans per-secuted the Christians, seems to have been the abhorrence and contempt, with which the latter regarded the religion of the em-pire. . . . The Romans gave an un-limited toleration to all religions. . . . and would not permit that of their ancestors, which was established by the laws of the state, to be turned into derision, nor the people to be drawn away from their attach-ment to it. These however, were the two things which the Christians were charged with, and that justly, though to their honor. They dared to ridicule the absurdities of the Pagan superstition, and they were ar-dent and assiduous in gaining proselytes to the truth. Nor did they only attack the religion of Rome, but also all the different shapes and forms, under which superstition appeared in the various countries, where they exercised their ministry. From hence, the Romans concluded, that the Christian sect ( ?) was not only insupportably daring and arrogant, but moreover an enemy to the public tranquility. . and was styled a distructive superstition, haters of mankind," etc. " Another circumstance that irritated the Romans against the Chris-tians, was the simplicity of their worship, which resembled in nothing the sacred rites of any other people. The Christians lead neither sacrifices, nor temples, nor images, nor oracles, nor sacredotal [ priesthood, priestly] orders. And this was sufficient to bring upon them the reproaches of an ignorant multitude, who imagined that there could be no religion without these . . . and they were declared the pests of human society. But this was not all; the sordid interests of a multitude of lazy and selfish priests, were immediately connected with the ruin and oppression of the Chris-tian cause. The public worship of such an immense number of deities was a source of subsistence, and even of riches, to the whole rabble of priests and augers, merchants, etc. . . . And as the progress of the gospel threatened the ruin of this religious traffic and the profit it produced, this raised up new enemies to the Christians, and armed the rage of persecution against their lives and their cause." The same battle is on to- day, against every shape and form of religion not coming to the standard of the Word and Spirit of God. From these few quotations of history, it is also plain to be seen that the war in heaven was a spiri-tual conflict between the Christian and the heathen professors. ( To be continued.) " There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death," E'he * IP Gospel Trumpet. A WEEKLY HOLINESS JOURNAL. Moundsville, W. Va., June 8, 1905. Entered at the Post- office at Moundsville, W. Va., as Second- class Matter. E. E. BYRUM Editor. A. L. BYERS Office Editor. Contributing Editors: . H. M. RIGGLE Cambridge Springs, Pa. CHAS. E. ORE Federalsburg, Md. J. C. BLANEY . Lemieux, Ont. J. W. BYERS Lodi, Cal. GEO. L. CoLE. 400 West 74th St., Chicago, EL J. E. FORREST It F. D. 1, Coushatta, La. Published by GOSPEL TRUMPET CO. DEFINITE, RADICAL, and ANTI- SECTARIAN, sent forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, for the publication of full Salvation, Divine Healing of the body, and the unity of all true Christians in " the faith once delivered to the saints." Subscription price, postage paid,. United States, Canada, and Mexico $ 1.00 Foreign Countries. . . . $ 1.50 Expressed in English Currency 6s. 2d. " German Curreney. 6markl8pf. ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE. In about two weeks after your subscription is received, receipt and credit of same will be shown by the address label attached to your paper or wrapper. The date on the label is your best re-ceipt, and should be watched. In ease we fail to extend the date properly, notify us at once. 1 Jan. 6 means that your subscription is paid to Jan. 1, 1906; 23 Dee. 5 means Dee. 23, 1905, etc. Papers without date are free. BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS, moneys, etc., must be addressed to GOSPEL TRUMPET CO., Moundsville, W. Va., to insure credit; otherwise we will not be responsible. R. G. Ans. Reading the scriptures, praying, and testifying in public, conversing with others about the things of the Lord, medi-tation, and talking to the Lord as we labor with our hands, are all good and really es-stBheunettr iefao lyr i entth tleha epc kemrefatehicn tot ennneoa utnhrciisneh goi, fn asgnp odrif t ttuhhaails tl ilifisefe., eapxnrhadoy Jreterss iuansn sdso ecmto umes ms tehacenl udedsx aeumds pptollea p. c rNea. o yT oihnthe s eBerc iorbenltee, pmraeayenrs. of grace is so helpful as is secret C. E 0 Ques. Can a man live a devoted Chris-tian, and not have family worship ? K. T. Ans. Among the many duties of a Chris-tian man with a family, is none more im-portant than rearing that family in the ways and fear of the Lord. I do not know how a man could bring up his children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord if he never read the Bible to them nor prayed with them. A home of parents and children, without family worship, is far from being the devoted, exemplary Christian home that it should be. Ques. Can one live a spiritual life with-out secret prayer? 4 THE GOSPEL TRUMPET ago it was a long distance sometimes from one locality to another where a saint could be found. Now they can be found in most any direction, scattered over our land, from shore to shore and yet there is need of a mighty increase in number, and a much more thorough spreading of the truth, until every honest heart finds it, both in home and foreign lands. through ro uigt h mt the e pTrRivuilepgme THE LORD'S . WORK AT MOUND As a minister of the church of Ged, awnhdatdrhyavte° learned repolerrtt sittLE, about the work here. I have been here 3ey, 171 dTahye, s abnredtd kh hraevaeu bhaeeventainkveenstaingatinintergeesitogien, giving me in formation. concerning the work First, I found the Home a beautiful one and kept in good order in every It is surmised by some that meet the T reap Family is having a fat time, puffed urup% sPtedt lording it over the saints elsewhere. Such is absolutely false, and those who think so place have no idea of the responsibility that find out how submissive the brethren are. And again, you who have not visited this would be surprised to visit this place and rests ootnhetih. efablsree tihdereanthhaetr es. o me have is this that at the general meetings a few of brethren take the lead and demand ail tthhee church to come to their terms. I eau say that I was here through the assembly and that there were no big I's and little me; but all were subject one to another, you who have been in the dark fogs of Babylon, it would inspire your very soul till he in a general assembly of the church of God like the one that has just closed here, and to see how the members have the same care one for another. Praise God! THE PUBLISHING WORE. I have investigated the work in the wee and can say that the system is grand. Row I am made to say in my heart, praise be unto our God, that. there is such an institu-tion ill the world that publishes the whole truth with such rapidity, by cancersted workers. I can say to those of a doubtful mind, Tah eo uTrr uhmelpp eint ( a) nniyc we aisy owf eG moda, ya nfede li sl ewdor tthoy help, and your prayers I urgently solicit for the workers here. Considering the pus i tions and trials and diseouragements they have, surely they need our prayers. QUEs- ritniS. Some have never stopped to consider the responsibility on the brethren regarding questions, especially Brother E. E. Byrum If you could be here a short time and look at t he letters he gets, and the many different questions he is asked outside of the ques-titats that come in fur the Trumpet, such responsibility you would not want. God's written Word is a wonderful book. It includes in its history not only the char-acter of God, but also the character of Satan. In the Bible is found not only the char-acter of the saint, but also the character of the sinner. . The Bible is the way- bill from earth to heaven; by searching its contents we learn who are missing the way and who will be lost in eternity. People may complain about the plainness of God's Word and about the narratives. picturing and exposing the dark and wick-ed deeds of men but there would have been nothing bad for God to write if man had remained in the holy state that he was made. We need not murmur at Him if he tells us of our own wickedness, and reproves us of our own sins, and chastens us for our own profit, that we might be brought out of such reproach into the honor and glory that he bestows upon us. The Bible contrasts- His holiness with man's iniquities, the experience and life of a Christian with that of the sinner, the eternal abode and happiness of the saint with the eternal abode and despair of the wicked. The Word of God is precious to the soul of the righteous. It is the life of the inner man. Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. Some feast on one part of it and some on another part, and many are not eating at all, while there are a " few" who are feasting on the entire Word— these are they whose souls are delighting them-selves in fatness; they are flourishing in the courts of his holiness. The doctrine of healing is a very promi-nent and important part of the Word of God, and it was not slighted at the assembly just held here. Nothing was kept back that was profitable to the people of God. " Behold, to obey is better than sacri-fice, and to hearken than the fat of rams." God gives the Holy Spirit to those who obey him; saves those who repent and be-lieve the gospel, and heals those who come to him in faith according to his Word. Unity is a beautiful theme of the Bible, and, God's ministers preach it and practise it. God is now calling out his people, and instead of being come- outers, as some say, they are designated ( scripturally) " sought out, a city not forsaken." Isa. 62: 12. Those who hear all God's Word preached and obey it all, are gathered into one. Saints that once were scattered in about fifteen different sects were present during the as-sembly, and are now one in heart and soul. What blessed unity, thou church of God in love complete l The Bible, preached and obeyed, will do away with sectarianism; be-cause the saints will discern the body of Christ, which is the church. God's Word teaches that we are justified by faith, sanctified by faith, healed by faith, walk by faith, and are kept by faith; but " faith without works is dead": hence, we must obey the gospel as well as believe it. Praise God far the Bible, which is a lamp to my feet and a light that shines upon my path. Reader, are you walking in the light of the gospel of the Son of God/ J. E. F. -• Office Items. No TRUMPET was printed last week Ann account of the Assembly. Seventy of the, Office and Home workers had special work during the meetings, car-ing for the people, cooking, etc., the work having been arranged in systematic order. Others of the Family were engaged in other lines of work in the meeting. Some provisions were sent and a number of cash donations were made, by those from a distance who could not be in attendance at the Assembly, and we pray God to bless and reward them far the same. Some meeting notices came too late for last issue, therefore we were unable to have the insertion made in time to advertise the same. A number of the Office workers leave for a time at the close of the Assembly, some to enter the gospel work in other places, others to visit their homes, from which they have been absent for many months. A few new workers remain to help in the work. 4- General Notes and News. The season for camp, grove, and taber-nacle meetings has well begun. Let us pray that God may make it the most fruitful sea-son of soul- saving, and marked spiritual power and progress that has been witnessed in this evening light. In considering the many open doors and needy fields, the force of laborers looks in-significant and insufficient. " Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laborers into his harvest." This week there are two camp- meetings in progress in the far West— the general meeting of the church in Oregon, at Port-land and a camp- meeting at Cedarville, Cal. Bros. J. T. Gibbins, J. D. Hatch, and Martin Wright were expecting to be at the Cedarville meeting. This place is in the remote northeast corner of California. On Sunday morning, June 4th, a tele-gram was received at the Moundsville as-sembly, requesting prayer for Sister Frankie Warner, who was suffering with blood poison. Sister Warner is spending the slimmer at Lodi, Cal., at the home of Bro. and Sister Byers, while they are in the East. She has recently become free from her perplexities that had troubled her for some time, and is again enjoying the grace of God. We are waiting to hear of her recovery from this affliction. The church of southern California has been presented with five acres of land near Norwalk, for a camp- ground. This will be a precious benefit. A camp- meeting will be held there about the beginning of Septem-ber. Norwalk is about fifteen miles from Los Angeles. It is encouraging to see this glorious truth spread over the earth. A few years The war between Russia and Japan will probably come to an end soon. Let us pray that the humiliation of Russia may result in an open door for the gospel, and that a host of faithful laborers may be ready to enter in and glean the precious son g that are there. Bro. and Sister Jarvis, of Lahore, N. In-dia, are in a favorable position to distribute literature in the English army and among other English- speaking people. They could use tons of literature, which should be sent them at once. All that is needed to accom-plish this important ministration of the gospel at that place, is the means. The free literature fund at the Trumpet Office has long ago been exhausted. The literature is ready to go, but can not go until means come to send it. Who will furnish the wings to send it flying on its mission to the ends of the earth? Bro. and Sister J. W. Byers expect to be at the Grand Junction, Mich., camp- meet-ing, June 16- 26. tet • &• 4 14.41i. 919.1 Questions Answered. Ques. 1. Please explain the meaning of the term " sanctify," as used in John 17 : 17, 19. 2. What is the difference in relation to God, between a backslider and a man who has never been saved? w. L. M. Ans. 1. The term " sanctify," like many other words, has more than one meaning. One meaning of the term is " to conse-crate," to devote or dedicate. When you " set apart," or dedicate, any particular thing for a particular use, you sanctify it. When you dedicate yourself to God, you sanctify yourself. Jesus sanctified him-self for our sake. He dedicated himself to death. He humbled himself and set himself apart to die for our sakes, that we might be sanctified. A second meaning of " sanctify" is to make pure or holy. When we, as children of God, dedicate ourselves wholly to God, he sanctifies us, thereby making us holy. This is accom-plished by cleansing our hearts from in-herited evil. Ans. 2. There is no difference in rela-tionship to God, between those two char-acters. Both are in sin, both are in a lost state, and both need to repent and get saved; and when they get saved the one gets just what the other gets viz , salva-tion from sin. ARTICLES. Whell you send an article to the Trumpet, ( hi you ever consider the responsibility that rests cal the publishers. Some censure the pith/ is/ tem when they write au article and it is not published. This, in a great meas-ure, is owing to your lack of knowledge con-rern ing the Office. It is true, many articles are not published that are sent here. I have been privileged to look over the manuscripts that are now on hand, and there are quite a number. The brethren will select from these what they think to be the best, as they need them. I am sure the brethren will do the right thing as far as they can discern the Lord's will. They need our prayers, and not our criticism. I have mentioned only a few things; but, , in conclusion, I will say, I find fault with the work here and recommend it to the church universal, and also to all the read-ers of the Trumpet. I am. encouraged to press the battle to the gate, and my heart is in the work of this reformation till death. May God stir our hearts to forward his cause with time and means. Let us endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit in the one body. J. D. Feral. It is with a desire to glorify the name of the Lord that we send forth greeting. 0 the church of God scattered abroad, givog a report of the work and power of God in the Assembly. Several weeks before this meeting, it Was announced that it would undoubtedly he the best one ever held at this place. Neither were we disappointed in our expeetatiODS• Long before the time arrived, people Wen to come in from every direction, a nd 641; tinned coming until there were hundreds ' 5' the saints of God gathered together, I, the Atlantic to the Pacific coast, and from the regions of the North to the confines ° THE MOUNDSVILLE ASSEMBLY. 4.4 4 4,4,4 ,4 - 4,4,4 4,4,4.4,4,4, 4 4,4 4 News from the Field. hue 8, 1905. THE GOSPEL TRUMPET the sprite v south. China and England were Spirit of God to go forth and help in More than one hundred even- rescuing precious souls. represen ted ' geliStS, and as many more other gospel Arrangements had been made before the workers were present. Many others came meeting to care for the people. Two large ittos bpeuarirt yt haen dW toor dr eocfe tihvee Lao brden perfeita cfrhoemd itnh es laeeupdiintog raiupmar, t msueffnictsie nint toon cea erne dfo or ff othuer hand of the Lord and to rejoice with his hundred people, the one below for women children. Others, who were bound by the and the one upstairs for men, also sixteen power of Satan, came for deliverance, and other rooms in the upper part of the ' wild-owe for the healing of their bodies. The ing, and one hundred and four rooms in prayers of the church scattered abroad had the Trumpet Home, enabled us to care for been ascending to the throne of grace for the people who came, aside from those who the success of this meeting, and God an- stopped at the homes of brethren who live slivered by sending down the Holy Spirit in. the city. The tables in the large din-upon the people as in olden. times. The ping- room in the Trumpet Home were meeting began and closed with wonderful spread, where all were made welcome, and victory. The work of the ministry was the expenses were met by free- will offer-very thorough in preaching the Word with ings. The provisions for board and other ex-demonstration of the Holy Spirit, and also penses connected with the meeting, amount-ie private work. God searched the hearts ing to over $ 900.00, were promptly met in of the hearers, and many came falling upon this way, also quite a sum to help pay the their knees, pleading for mercy and deliv- railroad fare of the ministers. erance, and received the help needed. The camp- ground and. auditorium had For a few years there had been an ha- some time ago been deeded by the publish-clination among some brethren to lower the ing company to the church of God in gen-standard of divine healing, and thus bring eral for camp- meeting purposes, and the in a compromise on that line and also on last note of $ 666.66 was paid a few weeks other lines, until a few, even in the minis- before the meeting, by the Gospel Trumpet try, had so compromised, insomuch that Company. One of the ministers, learning not only their own faith, but the faith of of this, and that by having this repaid to many others bad been shaken, and the the publishing company, together with some standard of the gospel truths had been subscriptions that had already been made greatly lowered, to the detriment of the toward the Office debt, would clear the cause of Christ. As the saints met together Office completely of all its indebtedness, in this assembly there was such a spirit of made a statement of the same to the audi-unity prevailing that those who had been ence