The Gospel Trumpet - 24:09

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 TION AND HE SHALL SEND HIS ANGELS WITH A GREAT SOUND OF A TRUMPET, AND THEY SHALL GATHER * DGETHER HIS ELECT FROM THE FOUR WINDS, FROM ONE END OF HEAVEN TO THE OTHER. MAT. 24: 31. C-...

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Main Author: Byrum, E. E.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Gospel Trumpet Company 1904
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Summary:Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 TION AND HE SHALL SEND HIS ANGELS WITH A GREAT SOUND OF A TRUMPET, AND THEY SHALL GATHER * DGETHER HIS ELECT FROM THE FOUR WINDS, FROM ONE END OF HEAVEN TO THE OTHER. MAT. 24: 31. C- VM17/ 1/ SO WILL I SEEK OUT MY SHEEP, AND WILL DELIVER THEM OUT OF ALL PLACES WHERE THEY HAVE BEEN SCATTERED IN THE CLOUDY RID DARK DAY. EzE,. 34: 12. JER. 32: 39. VOLUME XXIV. MOUNDSVILLE, WEST VIRGINIA, U. S. A., THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1904. NUMBER 9 SPRING. ANNA K. THOMAS. She comes, she comes! the gentle Spring! With all her princely train; Her magic wands choice blessings bring Back to our hearts again. She comes, she comes! the gentle Spring! Her swift approach we hear, And see her bright new life begin, Her graceful form appear. Her silv'ry voices, low and sweet, Enchant the heart and ear; In every nook her charms we meet, Her fragrant breath wafts near. We feel the touch of her kind hand, Her kisses pure and soft; She spreads her emerald robes o'er land, Her tresses bang aloft. Oh, welcome, welcome, lovely spring! Thy tender smile we greet; Ten thousand bounties here you bring, And lay them at our feet. On every living shrub and tree, Thou flingest verdure down; These fondly draped yield back to thee, Bequeathing thee a crown. Thou'rt lithe and beautiful and fair, The year's glad queen, and good, Bedecked with glories rich and rare, Thy blushing maidenhood. Thy Maker calls thee forth at will, Away from southern haunts, And bids thee his good pleasure fill; His laws on thee he plants. O Springtidel child of peace and love! From Father's bosom sent! We drink thy joys, drawn from above, And breathe thy life, thus lent. - - THE PROMISE OF THE HOLY GHOST. BY J. E. FORREST. THE Lord God at one time promised the Holy Ghost. We can look into his Word and learn all that is necessary to know con-cerning the same in every particular; to whom, and at what time he should be given and in what manner, and upon what con-ditions he ( the Holy Ghost) might be re-ceived. Some seem to be so blinded by darkness and superstition as to think that there is no such a thing as receiving the Holy Ghost at this day. " For," they say. " he was to be given to the apostles only, and tjlat time is past." But to whom was the premise made? Who was it that should receive his Spirit? To the house of Israel. " When I have brought them again from the people, and gathered them out of their enemies' lands, and am sancti-fied in them in the sight of many nations; Then shall they know that I am the Lord their God. . . . Neither will I hide my face any more from them: for I have poured out my spirit upon the house of Israel saith the Lord God." Ezek. 39 : 27- 29. The " house of Israel" mentioned in the above text applies to those who are " blessed with faithful Abraham," being heirs of the grace of life through faith in Christ who was " the coming one" at the time the promise was made. Paul says, " For he is not a Jew, [ Israelite] which is one outwardly; neither is that cirCUmci-sion, which is outward in the flesh: but he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and cir-cumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God." Rom. 2 28, 29. " Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, in Isaac shall thy seed be called. That is, They which are the children of, the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed." Rom. 9: 7, 8. " And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." Gal. 3 : 29. The promise of the Holy Ghost which is the true inheritance of the " Israel of God" is made to us to be received by faith. Hear the prophet Joel: " And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions : and also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit." Joel 2: 28, 29. Win you kindly notice, dear reader, that God promises to pour out his Spirit upon all flesh ? Even upon the servants and handmaids? Ah, can we withstand God and disannul his promise? God said it and it is certain. But when were " those days to come? " And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. . . . And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with' other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. . . Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, . . . And they were all amazed and marveled, . and were in doubt, saying one to another, What mean-eth this ? Others mocking said, These men are full of new wine. But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and said unto them, Ye men of althea, and all ye that dwell in Jerusalem, be this ! mown unto you, and hearken to my words: for thwe are not drunken, as ye suppose, see-ing it is but the third hour of the day. But this is that which was spoken of by the prophet Joel; And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall proph-esy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: and on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour'out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy." Acts 2: 1- 18. The apostle Peter continued his sermon on that memorable occasion until his words began to be believed, and when he had told them these things " they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do? Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call." Acts 2: 37- 39. You will see, that it did not read: " I will pour out my Spirit upon my twelve apostles, for the promise is made to them only, and not to their children and to those who are afar off," but; " I will poor out my Spirit upon di flesh. For the promise is to you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even to all that the Lard our God shall call." Glory to God ! Are you one of the called? Yes, you are one. He said, " Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Let me repeat it again with emphasis. You are one of the ones. " If any man thirst, let him come Inito me, and drink. He that believeth on me, , as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living, water. But this spoke he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified [ ascended]." John 7: 37- 39. Note, Jesus promised to send the Comforter, the Holy Ghost, upon his re-turn into heaven. See John 16: 7. Hear the prophet Isaiah upon this subject; " For I will pour water [ the Spirit] upon him that is thirsty [ needy], and floods upon the dry ground [ heart] : I will pour my spirit upon thy seed, and my blessing upon thine offspring." Isa. 44: 3. My beloved. reader, we are those " that are afar off," and among those to whom God has made the promise, and, glory to God, many, of us have already entered into the " inheri-tance" with the " saints in light." PERSEVERING AND PREVAILING BY PRAYER. BY JENNIE M. BYERS, WE see in all instances where greatness with , God, or perfect and complete vie-tories were gained, was by constant and prevailing prayer, prayer that went through to the throne. To ask once, or utter a prayer does not always say we have supplicated the throne, but to pray and not faint is the prayer that accom-plishes the desire of our hearts, and brings its desires, when the prayers are prompted by the Holy Spirit. When God has an object to accomplish, he puts the desire in our hearts for that object and we come to him in faith and prayer, and pour out our hearts before him and the same Holy Spirit that prompted the desire in our' hearts, assents in our hearts that thw prayer is answered. and we can rest in that assurance. No doubt, the Lord prompted Zacharias and Elizabeth to pray for a child, for " they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and or-dinances of the Lord blameless." The Lord knew that he had to have an Elias at the appointed time, and so he just pre-pared the instruments even way ahead of time, and put the desire in their hearts, and that very desire was to help accom-plish the will of God toward his great plan of redemption. But, oh, how long they had to wait, even until they bad al-, most, seemingly, forgotten their own peti-tion; for when the time came for the peti-tion to be granted, they almost doubted its fulfilment. But, all! the prayers had been preserved, and in his time were answered. No wonder the same writer says that " men ought always to pray and not faint" The prayers offered in real confi-dence will be answered even though we must pray day and night until the answer comes. . One may ask, How about our own in-dividual and personal needs, shall we pray through, or should the church pray us through? Ah, there is the question with many, and many in turn never get the answer to their prayers because they do not pray until they get the answer, or know the reason why. If we would have and keep perfect victory, we must pray through. The church can greatly aid us, but unless we get the perfect victory our-selves, the church can not get it for us. It seems we must all come to the place where we desire the object of our hearts more than anything else, then we can get the prayer through to God, and the answer will not be long in coming. Take, for in-stance, one who is consecrating for sancti-fication. The church has repeatedly prayed for him to come to the place of victory, but he does not seem . to get there, but lingers on the border. The church con-tinues to pray, and he still lingers, but finally he comes to the place of desperate anxiety for his inheritance, and he settles the question like Jacob of old, " I will not let thee go unless thou bless me." Does it take long for the answer to come? No, even then it is there, the victory is won, and the desire realized. By whose prayers? By the prayers of all, but the prayers of the church could not prevail until the in-dividual himself got to the place of per-sistent importunate prayer. Was it hard then for the church to help pray him through ? No, it prayed itself, so to speak. So, dear ones, it must be in every case of perfected victory. One will say, Why, I was prayed through. Possibly, you were, but what is now required of you? Wait until you need praying through again in some trouble or sickness or trial, see whose faith will be required. We must come sooner or later to the place where we must go through alone. Of course, we can not limit faith. God has many channels through which lie works, but he has his prescribed channels, and he expects us to work in the way he has dictated and pre-scribed. There is so much leaning to- day, on one another, and often the victory is not gained because God would teach us the lesson of relying on him entirely. We see instances in the Bible where individuals came for themselves and also where they came for others. We see victory in both instances, but we see, too, that where they were able to come for themselves they came, and got the victory. Where they could not come for themselves. was because they were not able, either physically or mentally. and in such instances the inter-cessor's faith brought the desired answer. What I would desire to show in this article, is, that these of us who are able should come in our own behalf. and pray arid believe until the victory comes. For this reason many of us suffer defeat, and after defeat great discouragement and huffetings of the enemy. In the instance of the widow coming to the unjust judge she came continually, and he avenged her be-cause she came so often and tired him. so that he avenged her to get rid of her. And what is the answer of God ? " And shall not God avenge his own elect which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them I tell you that he will avenge them speedily." Yes, let the supplications continue day and night with-out ceasing, and I assure you that they will come to the place of victory. When it comes to the place of victory, it matters not then, if we get the desire immediately or not, the promise of it will do until God sees fit to send the answer in full. " 0 the depths of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God ! how un-searchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out." When we have once persevered in prayer and reached to the resting place, who can describe the rest and peace of the soul Yes, we would again go through the travail of soul rather than lose the great blessing received in the agonizing stretch for God. Do we now wonder why God just keeps quiet, so to speak, for a time? Ah, he wants us to find him, as well as the rest to the soul. We never would have arrived to the depth of his love had he granted our request at once. He wants us to get into the nearness, and love relation with him, hence, he just withdraws for a season. How in all things he lets us into his workings and handiwork. March 3, 1904. THE GOSPEL TRUMPET Even in his very creation he gives us e part and a share. Why ? That. we may all the more fully- enter' into the fellowship and I love of . each other as well as himself. T am glad he makes us colaborers together with him. I am glad we can travail in soul to bring forth souls into his kingdom. I am glad, too, we can travail in body to bring forth his creation. How beautiful to be such co- partners with him in his handi-work. Instead then of rebelling, let us re-joice. Instead of censuring God for de-laying the answers to our petitions, let Its apply ourselves all the more to supplica-ting the throne until the blessing comes. Dear sick one, the promises are sure. God is faithful. Will you be faithful ? Will you come as did the Syrophenician woman, and give hint no rest until you get the desire of your heart? What though he should not answer at first ? ' Will you eon-tinue your supplication and worship until he does answer? Then should the answer come that the healing is only for the chil-dren, can you take your place es a child and say, Then - it is mine, for I am a child of God? If you can affirm this front - the heart and stand on it, I assure you the answer must come, or the reason why it does not come. Our children need not be begged to come to our table when the meal is ready, unless they are sick. Then some member of the family gladly helps them to the table, and to all the good things pro-vided on the table. A healthy, hungry child does not need more than one invitation at father's table to help himself, and he freely helps himself to all the good things pro7 vided. He eats, too, with a relish, and does not grumble or find fault with the good healthful and hearty food. He is hungry and eats heartily of all the good things provided by his father, then he in turn is able for good hearty service for his father, and he serves his father with glad-ness, willingness and with heart service. But the feeble and sickly ones do not enjoy the good relishable food, but want dainties and knickknacks, and mince a little here and there, and go away from father's well-provided table unsatisfied, and unable for the labor and toil that awaits all his chil- ' dren. Let us ask him for a good hearty ap-petite, and believe_ he gives it. Then par-take ' of his well- filled table, and I assure you we will be men and women for God. Let us get in a normal condition ourselves, where we can go to the table and eat for ourselves, and if we are not there, let us get there, for all things are ready, and they are ours, provided for us by our Father, who promises to provide all our needs ac-cording to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Then let us come boldly to a throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Do not let us say we can not pray the prayer of faith. " Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly for rain and it came. Look how he prayed. God told him there should be nonain only by his word. When Elijah prayed for rain, he went to mount Carmel and liegan to pray. He told his servant to go and look tweed the sea, and he came back and said. " There is nothing." Did Elijah stop praying or sending his servant? No, he said, '" Go seven times." And the seventh time he said. " There ariseth a little cloud out of the sea like a man's hand." Yes, soon the heavens burst forth with rain. The perfected victory had come. It did not come the first prayer offered, nor the second. But when Elijah prayed in his prayer ( as the margin has it), a little encouragement began, to come. Let us send the servant seven times if need be. Pray day and night, until the prayer goes through to the throne. When Daniel prayed for his people the answer was delayed twenty- one days. But he did not stop. He continued his supplications. The answer was in the heart. of God from the first day, but Satan hindered. Sick one, needy one, and all who have need, the answer is for you. Pray through and get it. Just count me in the agreement for your needs according to Mat. 18 : 19. " When a wicked man dieth, his expec-tation shall perish: and the hope of unjust men perisheth. The righteous is delivered out of trouble, and the wicked cometh in his stead." Prov. 11: 7, 8. ONENESS OF GOD'S PEOPLE. BY MYRTIE eeneween WHEN the unity or oneness of Clod's peo-ple is preached the devil gets stirred. The sectarians raise a cry that we can not see alike. But what does God's Word say on the subject? Did not Jesus pray for the oneness of his people? Let us turn to John 17: 11 and see. " And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou base given me, that they may he one, as we are." Jesus knew it was not impossible for his people to be one, as some teach, or he never would have prayed for them to be one as he and his Father are one. Ile prayed also that they might be sanctified that they might be one. Ver. 19. " Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word." Praise God! that just brings it down to the present time. Not only for the unity of the apostles did he pray, but that all of his followers should be one, even in these last days. He prayed for the unity of his people that the world might believe that the Father had sent him. Ver. 20, 21. In John 10 : 16 Jesus was speaking of his sheep and fold, that is, his children and church. " And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold [ the Gentiles' : them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold and one shepherd." SurelY, he was speaking of the church, and he is the Shepherd. Thank God, for one fold and one Shepherd. This fold is not divided up into six hundred and sixty- six divisions, containing both goats and sheep together. Goats t- tad wolves can not enter it because Jesus is the door and the way. He takes members into it ter a spiritual birth, and we are out when we commit sin. Paul declared that, " For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office : so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another." Rom. 12: 4, 5. He else makes a comparison of the. natural body and the body of Christ, the church. He exhorts us to be " of the same mind one to-ward another." Ver. 16. This does not mean just an outside affair, just agree to dis-agree, as the sectarians do in their union meetings, namely, to agree to say nothing of their differences in belief. But it means to throw aside all differences and come to-gether on the Word of God, for in the one body ' there is neither Jew nor Greek, bond nor free, male nor female, but ye are all one in Christ Jesus.' Gal. 3: 28. Praise Goc- 1 ! it is possible for us in those last days to be one, to fie of one mind and heart. Such holy- unity Was prophesied of in Ise. 52: 8. " Thy watchmen shall lift up the voice with the voice together shall they sing: for they shall see eye to eye, when the Lord shall bring again Zion." This was to come to pass when Zion, the church, was brought back to the apostolic faith and purity in the last days in the end of time. Then there would be apostolic unity like we read of on the day of Pentecost, when three thousand souls were converted. '‘ They con-tinued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship," Acts 2: 42. Oh, what a glorious meeting that was! no division, nothing but harmony, peace, and unity. If this would take place in these perilous times, and a revival be held by some big evangelist, with Reverend so and so at-tached to his name, he would say, Join what you please. Then the Methodists would take in a few, the Baptists, United Breth-ren, and Dunkards- all take in some. Thus, would there not be many folds, when God designed that there should be but one fold and one Shepherd? We will now turn to Eph. 4: 4, 5. " There is one body [ church], and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, and one baptism." Then where do all these different faiths come from? The Bible does not teach but one faith, therefore, we will conclude that they are outside of the Word of God; that it is not God's work but man's, but we should endeavor " to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." Eph. 4: 3. " Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity." Psa. 133 : 1. There is nothing more displeasing to God than division and discord among his peo-ple. But down in sectism they could not see eye to eye, because each denomination teaches different. They teach man's whim and notion, but, praise our God, in the body of Christ it is different, God's chil-dren are one, all teach the same thing. " I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment." 1 Cor. 1 : 10. Where does the Word of . God teach so much difference? We. can not find any place where it upholds it. Is Christ divi-ded? For every kingdom divided against itself can not stand. How can his kingdom stand if divided into factions? " Finally, brethren, farewell. Be perfect, he of good comfort, he of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you." 2 Con 13: 11. Paul exhorted God's people everywhere to be one, of one mind, and to speak the same things. He taught nothing but unity. God never in-tended for his people to - be divided, or he woulct never have condemned division in his precious Word. " That ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind, striving together for the faith of the gospel." Phil. 1 : 27. Praise - God ! we are to strive together for the. faith once delivered unto the saints, not for some man's whims and notions. God would have his people to live in holy accord, and in unity. He- is now gathering his people into one fold. He willed " that in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him." Eph. 1: 10. The time has come that his people are fast gathering into one body from all the places where they have been scattered in the dark and cloudy day of sectish con-fusion, He is now calling them out of all denominations into the church that Jesus built. ' For his sheep hear his voice, and a stranger they will not follow.' Those who heed not the voice of God are not his sheep, for Jesus said that his sheep hear his voice. The devil has tried to work division among - God's children but failed. He can not bring in discord as long as they stay all alive for God and his cause, and strive together for the faith of the gospel. Paul said that he had great conflict for the Colossian brethren, that they be com-forted being knit together in love. See Col. 2: 1. When the hearts of God's people are knit together in love there is such unity that even two or three will . arise to testify at the same time. They will all " be of one mind" and " spirit" and " speak the same thing" and " see eye to eye," for this glorious " evening light" has downed on ue in the end of time, and scattered all dark-ness and confusion before the Ight of the gospel. " For he that sanctitieth and they who are sanctified are all of ogre: fur which cause he is` not ashamed to call them breth-ren." Heb. 2: 11. FANATICISM. ARTICLE IL ERRORS EXPOSED. ERROR 1. Having all things common. Those holding error under this head be-lieve saints' property should he held in common by everybody that, we should per-mit our goods to be left in such a manner that anybody and everybody are to have the privilege of taking what they please, doing wit left what they please, and that, as often as they please. If a thief were to be found stealing they dare not ferbid him, or take legal proceedings to recover their stolen goods. They point us to the prac-tise of the primitive. church, and the teaching of Jesus, which is misrepresented and wrested to suit their ideas. Of course, the early church had all things common, but not in the sense above mentioned. " Neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common." Acts 4: 32. When they wished to let others have the benefit of their goods, they " sold them, and brought the prices of the things that were sold, and laid them down at the apostles' feet: and distribution was made unto every man according as he had need." They did not permit every one to help themselves to the money and goods, but gave it to the apostles who ordered the ptraotperer odnistsreibvuentiondeaas coenvserywemraen chhaodse. nneedto. oversee the proper distribution: to the needs of the poor. Acts 6 : 1- 6. It is not to be twmToerdreaer sltpeoifooticcl, and money loosely adetlyHthaareorrypruoupdertsyo, could take as much as they pleased. tooouur doors, tohr eStoa, m. ko goods dtsrheiainnskonowuabrelemp precautions olissstesnsoiotn rkom thieves; wthoo wmhiagtht uassek tuhse, N thing might be put, or whether the party t any erveegrar d a s an without give the every one needed such or not. I know of a certain one svho did not believe it was right to notify his neighbor when his cattle came his crops, or even drive them out, expect-over on hie property and were destroying ing the Lord would get them out some way. Such an idea was based upon a silly inter-pretation of the words of Jesus: " But I, say unto you, That ye resist not . evil." ( Mat. 5: 39) " Give to him that asketh of thee ;" " And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek, offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloak for-bid not to take thy coat also. Give to every one that asketh of thee; and of him that taketh away thy goods ask them not again." Luke 6: 29, 30. This has no reference to people stealing our goods, but if a man sue us at the law and take away our goods to not resist him. Mat. 5: 40: Paul understood what Jesus meant, for he said to give to him that was in need. Eph. 4: 28. If some lazy individual was imposing upon us, it is not taught that we are under obligation to give our goods for his support. Paul had the Holy Spirit when he worked on the righteous princi-ple, " that if any would not work, neither should he eat." 2 Thes. 3: 10. If a per-son were to smite us on one cheek we were not to , retaliate, but offer the other; but that does not go to say a person would not have a right to recover stolen property from a thief, or take proper precautions to protect the goods we possess from be-ing stolen, or destroyed. Error 2. We must not appeal to, or use civil law. The law of Christ forbids us to bring our brother before the civil courts to settle a difficulty, and the pure in heart have no disposition to do so. While this is so, it makes provision for. the saints to have a court, so to speak, among them-selves, and brethren to judge. 1 Cor. 6. Rather than have a brother brought before a civil court, they were to submit to the judgment of. those who were least esteemed in the church. It were better to suffer our-selves to be defrauded than to go to law with . a brother before unbelievers. If God permits saints to have other brethren act as judges in matters pertaining to this life, is it unreasonable to suppose he permits us to settle a difficulty with a man of the world before a civil court ? This is not taking revenge. We are not advocating the idea that saints are to make it a practise to go to law, but are showing that such a way to obtain, under certain circumstances, and which might demand such a course, our rights as law- abiding citizens, is not denied us in the law of Christ. This ap-plies to keeping order in our assemblies, or recovering stolen goods, or the settle-ment of the right and title of property, etc. . Error 3. We should ' not dive a promis-sory note, payable at a certain date in the future. It has been said that to give our note was conforming to the world, and that such a way of doing business could not be carried on to the glory of God. The Word says to be " not slothful in business," Rom. 12 : 11. " He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent maketh rich." Prov. 10: 4. " Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men." Prov. 22: 29. To be diligent in busi-ness we must of necessity practise honest business methods. In doing business on the credit system it is expected that we give and receive proper negotiable security. This can not be done without giving a promissory note, or mortgage, as the busi-ness demands. To hold a contrary peels tion regarding doing business on the credit system is not sound doctrine. Error 4. A sanctified person has no need for the married state., Paul wrote for March 3, 1904. THE GOSPEL TRUMPET the benefit of sanctified people in the fol- God will not burden others with responsi-lowing manner: " Let every man have his own wife, and every woman have her own husband." 1 Car. 7: 2. " But if they can not d'ontain [ have not the gift of conti-nence, which is given to those who decide not to marry for the kingdom of God's sake], let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn." Ver. 9. " Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed unde-filed." Heb. 13: 4. " I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully:" 1 Tim. 5: 14. Error 5. Sanctification destroys sexual desire, except when man and wife come to-gether for the express purpose of having children under the direction of the Holy Spirit. This doctrine is known as – Social Purity," and is purely of satanic origin, calculated to bring into disrepute the pure gospel of Christ. Man and wife come to-gether because they are male and female, and, in the sanctified state, are privileged to enjoy each other in a wise and temper-ate manner. Each is governed by the de-sire of the other, as it is written: , " The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the hus-band hath not power of his own body, but the wife." 1 Cor. 7: 4. We have now ex-posed by the Word and Spirit some of the errors of fanaticism, trusting some pre-cious souls may be benefited thereby. We warn all to beware of such spirits. Amen. J. C. B. " SHE HATH DONE WHAT SHE COULD." BY MARY COLE. " AND- Jesus said, Let her alone; why trouble ye her? she hath wrought a good work on me. She hath done what she could : she is come aforehand to anoint my body to the burying." Mark 14: 6, 8. These scriptures may be meaningless to some, but to me they mean much. When coming to God for. help in behalf of soul or body, to be successful in receiving the same, you should be certain that on your part you have done what you could before you expect kelp through others. I mean by this that you should do all that God requires of you first, then you may- with confidence solicit help from the sanctuary. The old sect idea is that people should have the preacher do all the praying, be-lieving, etc., and then pay him fur it, but this is not God's plan. Some dear souls, although they have been rescued from Babylon confusion, still have some of the effects remaining. For instance, I have known of some who wanted others to do all their fasting. A man once asked a minister to fast in his behalf, not expect-ing to unite in the same himself. The minister suspicioned that the man wanted him to do it all, so he told him to set a day and he would fast and pray with him just as long as lie was willing to fast. The man studied a little and then said, " Say we miss Sunday evening for supper." This serves as an example of how little real in-terest some people have in their own eases when brought to the test. Some time back a party made request twice, somewhat after the following manner: " We are in an awful condition. Fast for me and family until we get victory, and tell all the saints to fast too." I would not be at all sur-prised if this party himself did not fast once. I have no doubt but that the Trum-pet family receive many requests similar to this one. One person may request them to fast - one day, and perhaps another will ask them to fast the very next day, and so on until they would starve to death if they should always do just as others re, quest. And it is likely that many of the very same parties themselves would not fast at all. Now there is a better way than this. Let those calling for help, first do all the fasting and praying that God requires of them, so they ' may. know they have done what they could, and then, if ' God wants others to join them in a fast, it will be all in place. If you desire help to your body see to it first that you do your part as far as God makes yell responsible, then it will be proper to obey the Word in call-ing for the elders. If there are no elders in reach, then you can send for united - prayer or for an anointed handkerchief. bilities that belong to us. When you are severely tried and sorely chased by the enemy, what are you to do? Obey the Word. What is that? Is it to listen to the enemy, and let hiin pour - a flood of discouragement over you ? No, by no means. Resist him steadfastly in the faith, and then believe God makes him go, continuing the same until you know you have done what you could. When this is done, if you have- not already gained the victory, it is all proper to ask united prayer and co- operation of faith, and you may expect satisfactory results according tc God's will. If you should get victory for. soul or body entirely in answer to the prayers of others, not having fought the good fight of faith for - yourself, you will not- be so apt to have the strength to stand. The effort put forth on your own part in gaining the victory will help you also to keep it that is, if you are able to make any effort. If you . are not able, God will lay responsibilities on others un-til you become able, but then, if you fail to shoulder up responsibility when God ays it upon you, you will have to suffer on account of it, and others will not be to blame. I have seen those who thought others vere cruel simply because they would not shoulder up that part of responsibility that belonged to themselves alone. The dear Lord could not say of them, " They have done what they could." It matters not how sorely tried the children of God may be, they will not backslide if they do vhat they can, after which the Lord will do for them that which they can not do for themselves for he has promised, say-rig, " There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not: suffer you to be . empted above that ye are able; but will vith the temptation also make a way to seape, that ye may be able to bear it." I Air. 10: 13. You who are in trouble and ee 110 way out, ask yourselves the tpleS-ion, slave- I done Ivimat I could? If w, hen take consolation from the following . eripture : " - Who is among you that fear-th the Lord, that obeyeth the voice of his errant, that walketh iii darkness, and math no light? let him trust in the name of the Lord, and stay upon his God." Isa. 50: 10. Now you can do this, or the Lord you'd not so kindly say. " Let him do it." You niche the effort and see if the Lord mill not help. Remember that the Lord's blessing is not upon those who are trying n do what they can riot do, but upon hose who do what they can. Some dear souls have great aspirations. They want to do something Nvonderfui, something that will bring fame, sail over he ocean, be a missionary and get a big-lame; but when it conies to doinc' the little things, the little duties, killing the tittle foxes, speaking a kind word or breathing a humble prayer for some suf-fering one, this is too small a job for- them. On the one hand they are not willing to io what God would have them do, and on the other hand they have a big desire to lo the things that God is not leading them to do. Can it not be said of them that they are disobedient children? In this condition they often wonder why they do not feel more of God's presence and have more of his approval upon them. If they willingly will do what they can they will soon learn the secret of the whole matter. Hear what the Savior says: " And whoso-ever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward." Mat. 10: 42. So you see, a small deed done in God's order is not overlooked by him, but he fully appreciates and rewards it. Prove the Lord, count him faithful. Re-member also, that when you come to the Lord, you must believe that he is; and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him: How dare We distrust our God who can not lie? Before ever concluding that ' God does not want to help you, see that you have done all you could, and that you have ceased to believe the devil, and that you are believing God. You can do this. Will you do it? It is sweet for us to know that God knows we have done our part? all that he has required of us? Let us view . this subject from another standpoint. If we are victorious ourselves, are we doing all we can for others ? Are we making the effort we should to get others saved ? Is there not something we can do to help those who are in a tried condition, comforting them with the com-fort wherewith we ourselves have been comforted of God', If not able to approach them ourselves, can we not offer up an earnest prayer to God that he will by some means get to them the help they need The Word says that the effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous mans availeth much. You can be a coworker with Jesus, and in bringing forth much fruit so shall you be his diseiple. Do not say that you are so weak that you can do nothing, but come to the dear Lord and ask him, " What wilt thou have me do'?" If you are lit fur use he will find employment for you. We might here touch up another point. Ye who think you can do nothing finan-cially for the cause of God, and say you are not able to give hundreds, tens, nor even fives, may be then you can give a dollar, a dime, a nick- le, or even a penny. Any amount, if it be even as small as the widow's mite, if given sincerely and according to your ability, will be owned and blessed of God. Under the law of Moses those who were able brought val-uable sacrifices, but those who were poor its this world's goods brought less, but carried away just as ` richa blessing. you can not bring an ox, bring a pigeon. If you can do nothing more, you can pray that God will open the hearts and pocket-books of others. You do not know how much you may accomplish in this way. Remember that God's work, spiritually and financially, is all run by faith. A good supply of faith is always in demand. If each Trumpet reader will observe these timings and heed the advice, I am sure the Office debt could be all canceled by May 1st. Consider this prayerfully, and see if you are doing what you tan. If so, God's sweet approval will be upon you. TIM NEW COVENANT. BY J. E. FORREST. 11- 110 MADE IT, .: IND CONFIRMED IT; ALSO ITS PROVISIONS FOR THE: BENZ IT of MAN. WuneE the first covenant was yet force, God made a second, or new cove-nant, and this covenant he made with men. Now we will observe that God made tee covenant. if it had been feeble man wile made it, it would have been made null and void; but since God himself made it, it is reliable. This second covenant et: Alia: Doi better promises than the first. _ God had a chosen people under the - first one. lhey were his people by his choice of them. Lot because they chose him. ' He ahase them, made a covenant with them, gave them his Word, and by their abed: euee to him they were wade holy. a het holiness which they obtained was an out-ward or ceremonial holiness. Lied re-garded every one holy who kept all Me statutes and commandments, ordinances, etc., that were embraced in the first enve• nant. See Lev. 19: 1, 2; Num. 15 : Dent. 7: 6, 7, 11- 15. The holiness ountioed : miler the first covenant did " new creatures" of that nation, or, other words, they were not born agam. Hence, we see it was not effective in pro-ducing a life of righteousness with man both inward and outward as God desire] should exist, therefore, the first covenant waxed old, and God made a second. The new covenant was on this wise: – Behold the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Tsrael, and with the house of Judah: not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the Lord: but this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people. And they shall teach no more every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the Lord; for I will forgive their iniquity; and I will remember their sin no° more." Jer. 31; 31- 34. Dear reader, there is something in that covenant worthy of our careful considera-tion. God meant to do something for us when he purposed in his heart to bring that covenant into force. Man needed the law of his God in his heart. It was written on tables of stone, but that was not enough. God forgave them their sins, past, as they observed the law and ordinances of the old covenant, but that fallen nature in man, that sin was still a reality, a living princi-ple, an inward working force, and could not be forgotten. But ' God said, " Their sin will I remember no more." Praise his holy name ! " This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them; and their sins and iniquities will I remember no more." Heb. 10: 16, 17. After God had made the above covenant, he confirmed it by an oath. He ' did not want man to question the trueness Of his Word, therefore, he made the promises, and then sware by himself, because he could aware by no- greater. When man gives his testimony and then gives an oath to confirm it, this is to the courts an end of all strife ( questioning its trueness), so God confirmed what he promised by an oath in order that he might show us the im-mutability of his counsel. NATURE OF THS OATH. " The oath which he [ God] aware to our father Abraham, that he would grant unto us [ not Abraham or the literal seed of Abraham], that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear [ of our enemies], in holiness and righteousness before him, all the days of our life." Luke 1: 73- 75. It seems to me that it ought to be easy for man to be-lieve God on oath, but some do not believe that. we can be holy or live holy. God has e chosen people now-. Do you know who Iliev are? " According as he [ God] bath ± os-' n us in him [ Christ] before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, ac-cording to the good pleasure of his will.'' Eph. 1: 4. 5. God- bath chosen us to be holy, therefore, if we are not holy or do nut believe in it, we are not one of the eleet," or " predestinated few," no mat-ter how much we may contend for the doc-trine of foreordination and predestina-tion. I believe in the doctrine " election by grace" as tau ght in God's Book, but not sume teach it. There is such a thing as being ehosen of God, but it is in holi-neas. Eph. 1: 4. There is such things as bein g one of the " elect,'' but it is through anctification of the Spirit." I Pet. 1: 2. And such an election makes us obedient to God's Word in all that he has com-manded us in the new covenant. 1 Pet. 1 : 2: Acts 3: 19- 26; John 14: 21- 24; Mat. 7: 24- 97. God provided the blood of animals for the ceremonial cleansing in the first cove-nant, but he provided the blood of his Son for the cleansing in the new covenant. What a difference! Surely God meant it when he set about to redeem man. The law and its ordinances made nothing perfect, but the establishing of the second • cove-nant did. Heb. 10: 1; 9: 9; 7: 19. We could have had no good conscience under the first covenant ( Heb. 9: 9), but can have our conscience purged by the blood of Christ. Heb. 3: 14. The blood of Christ as provided under the new covenant purges the conscience from ." dead works" ( Heb. 9: 14) sprinkles the heart from an evil conscience ( Heb. 10: 22) cleanses us from all sin ( 1 John 1: 7) washes us from our sins ( Rev. 1: 5) justified us freely ( Rom. 5; 9; 3: 25) brings us nigh to God ( Eph. 2: 13) aand sanctifies us. Heb. 13: 12. These benefits we receive now under the new covenant. Beloved reader,. God makes- an end of sins at the time we meet the conditions of his Word, in our case, and we have " no wore conscience of sins." We do not " commit sin" when we are born of God. 1 John 3: 9. Jesus came to save his peo-ple " from their sins." Mat. 1 : 21. Glory to God in the highest! " Evil shall slay the wicked: and they. that hate righteousness shall be desolate." Psa. 34: 21. Moundsville, W. Va., March 3, 1904- A WEEKLY HOLINESS JOURNAL. Entered at the Post- office et Muundsville, W. Ira., as Second- Mass Matter. E. E. BYRUM. Editor. A. L. BMA Office Editor. Contributing Editors: H. M. RISIGLE Cambridge Springs, Pa. CHAS. E. ORR Federalsburg, Md. J. C. BLANEY Lemieux, Ont. J. W. BYERS Lodi, Cal. GEO. L. COLE 7300 Stewart Ave., Chicago. Published by GOSPEL TRUMPET CO. Dsrzurs, RADICAL, and ANTI- SECTARIAN, sent forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, for the publication of full Salvation, Divine Healing of the body, and the Unity of all true Christians in " the faith once delivered to the saints." Subscription price, postage paid, United States, Canada, and Mexico, $ L00 Foreign Countries, $ 1.50 Expressed in English Currency, 6s. Ed -" German Curency, . timark 18pf. nr- All subscriptions must be paid in advance. In about two weeks after your subscription is re-ceived, receipt and credit of same will be shown by the address label attached to your paper or wrapper. The date on the label is your best receipt, and should be watched. In case we fail to extend the date prop-erly, notify us at once. 1 Jan. 5 means that your subscription is paid to Jan. 1, 1905; 23 Dec. 4 means Dec. 23, 1904, etc. Papers without date are free. Business Communications, moneys, etc., must be addressed 0 to GOSPEL TRUMPET COMPANY, Moundsville, W. Va., KM insure credit; otherwise we will not be responsible. Many are, called but few are chosen. Are you among the few? It is a glorious thing to be a son of God. Many wise men and prophets de-sired to see and understand the things re-vealed to the Christians, but were not privileged to do so. There are few who appreciate the privileges given in these last days. Faith-ful followers of our blessed Master are very few in comparison to the multitudes who have a name to live, and are dead. Let us be found always among the few. • The Lord can use many more laborers who are of the right sort. Many run who. were never sent; and because such have to be dealt with, and set aside, others whom God might use are timid, and afraid to move out for fear they too will be rejected. Such should not be thus intimidated, but move out boldly for God. It is good for us to have the fear of God upon us all the day long, but we must not allow an unreasonable fear to possess us, and hinder us in doing our duty. It is Satan's plan to inspire false prophets with zeal, and a baldness which is very deceptive, and at the same time intimidate and hinder those who are will-ing to humbly serve God. God can use humble men and women who are willing to endure hardness and stiffer for the gospel. Many prefer to take their ease, and act as spectators, while the faithful few who are laboring for souls have to endure hardness and suf-fering poverty and reproach, • and be counted as the offseouring of all things. Dearly beloved, these things should not be thus. Our God is a great king, and will not accept the person of any mdn. He requires the same self- denial and sac-rifice from all his servants. It is written, " Woe unto them that are at ease in Zion." We are instructed by our . Lord to pray that more laborers be sent into the har-vest. Brethren, are we obeying this com-mand? Some, perhaps, who are praying are not willing to be the one whom God would send; such need a deeper consecra-tion, and are not dead yet. " Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power." Psa. 110: 3. Let each child of God make this a special matter of prayer: that the Lord of the harvest will lay his hand upon more laborers for the work of saving souls, and shepherding the flocks. Those who are not humble need not run, for they will be rejected. Amen. During the week ending Feb. 25 the following amounts, shown by states, have been received for the relief of the debt. Alabama $ 8.00 Canada 19.25 California a 25.00 Colorado 5,00 Delaware 1.00 Florida 3.00 Georgia 5.00 Iowa 9.00 Idaho 5.00 Indiana 55.50 Illinois 16.00 Kansas 63.50 Kentucky 12.00 Michigan 33.96 Mississippi 4.50. Missouri 15.25 Minnesota 2.50 Nebraska 29.50 North Dakota 4.00 North Carolina 10.00 Oklahoma 6.50 Ohio 14.00 Oregon 17.50 Pennsylvania 61.50 South Dakota 15.00 South Carolina 5.50 Texas 6.00 West Virginia 101.06 Wisconsin 4.00 Washington 124.85 Total $ 682.87 The amount yet unpaid is $ 22,387.71. OFFICE ITEMS. We have received a box of prunes from California, donated to the use of the Trum-pet Family. This week we have an interesting report from Bro. Khan, written from Gibraltar. Letters from the brethren who have gone across the water will be specially inter-esting during their travels in foreign lands. Sister Bailey wrote to the sisters of the Family here and told of the voyage and of the customs of the English people, in many respects so different from those of the American people. The work at the Office is progressing nicely in Bro. Byrum's absence, under the good hand of God. The magnitude of the work, as has been suggested to the readers by the amount of mail received, noted from time to time in these columns, is in-creasing to such an extent as to soon de-mand the, formation of new and distinct departments, and the enlargement of those already formed. The amount of mail tJ be opened, read, and referred to the various departments; the vast number of articles, testimonies, etc., for publication; the in-creasing number of tract and book manu-scripts to consider; the thousands of orders to till- the work connected with all these is getting to be more than some of us can physically stand without an enlargement of the force in some way. This might be said of all the other departments: there is scarcely one but what is taxed to the full-est extent. Workers leaving are Robert Rothman, Jacob Hans, Roy Kilmer, and Emaline thinking. Some of these, , if not all, will return. We are expecting Bro. G. P. Tasker to soon return from Canada. Bro. W. H. Rogers from near Springfield, 0. recently came as a new worker. Bro. C. 0. Dodge and family have moved out of the Home into a new residence which they have built during the winter. Sister D. 0. Teasley has been very weak, physically, on account of excessive field work in which she was engaged prior to coming into the Home a few weeks ago. However, she is regaining strength, for which we are grateful to God. The Sunday- school in the Home has been increasing in interest. Quite a number of children from families and neighbors out-side are in attendance. There are seven classes in all. " H Hee . that walketli with wise men sshhaall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed." Prov. 13: 20. TRUMPET QUESTIONS ANSWERED. Ques. How are we to understand King David's experience in Psa. 23: 3, " He re-storeth my soul"? also Psa. 17: 15, " I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness"? A. W. II. Ans. David, no doubt, had in mind his past sin, and how good the Lord was to him in again restoring him to his favor. " He restoreth my soul," implies that he was once away from the favor of God, but now ( Psa. 23: 3) is happy in knowing that God restores him to his former state. The words, " I shall be satisfied, when I awalce, with thy likeness," point us to the final resurrection of the body, at Jesus' com-ing. John said, " Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it cloth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is." 1 John 3: 2. He says in the next verse, " And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure." David had the hope of awaking at the final resurrec-tion in his likeness. He says in Psa. 17: 15, first clause: " As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness," something that he expected to do at some future time, yea, even, when he awakes in his likeness. Amen. , T. E. F. • March 3, 1904. Amen. In the morning light of Christian-ity these two witnesses governed the church of God triumphantly. During the Catho-lic age in melancholy, spiritual depression clehath. During the Protestant age they were entirely substituted by the hu-man laws, creeds, governments, authority, etc., and all God's people accepted these. But in this evening time these two wit-nesses again are governing the church as in days of yore. Ques. What about riding on trains or street- cars on Sunday ? S. C. Ans. When this is necessary and can not be avoided there is no wrong. The Lord's day of the gospel, unlike the strin-gent Sabbath of the law, is not simply a day of rest and abstinence from manual labor, but a day of convocation and spir-itual devotion and work. The Sabbath of the gospel is a rest of our soul, a spiritual rest. H. M. R. VOID OF THE GRACE OF GOD. To the Saints and. Faithful Brethren in Christ': It becomes our duty to warn you against a man by the name of John Rolf, who has been going around through southern Illinois trying to preach, creating division, and does not rule well his own house. He is under a puffed up spirit, and is void of the grace of God. Further-more he does not discern the body of Christ, the church. Have no fellowship with him lest you get under his spirit and lose your soul. Please read 2 John 10, 11. Your colaborers ' in the gospel of Christ, W. H. and Anna Cheatham. Kittie Helmantoler. Orin Needham. ARE YOU OF THE FAITH? THE GOSPEL THE GOSPEL TRUMPET. WEEKLY REPORT OF FINANCE. Ques. Who are the two witnesses of Rev. 11 ? Have they fulfilled their work ? A. B. Ans. They are the " two olive trees." Ver. 4. In Zech. 4: 1- 6, 11- 14, we have these two olive trees on the right and left side of a candlestick. These empty their oil into the lamp, viz., feed it, which keeps its light burning. The candlestick repre-sents the church of God. The olive trees are the Word and Spirit of God. Ver. 6. These are the keys to the kingdom of heaven which both lock and unlock its rich treasures to mankind. Rev. 11: 6. They are both in Scripture represented as a fire which devours their enemies. Ver. 5. They slay all who fight against them. The Word is the sword of the Spirit. Now we will consider firs prophecy. In the days of primitive Christianity the Word and Spirit of God. were recognized by all as the vicars of Christ upon earth. For over two hundred years they wit-nessed triumphantly. But when the pa-pacy arose, a human vicar was set up-the pope. He claimed to be the vicar of Christ on earth. But during the entire reign of the papacy God's people never accepted a human vicar. They clung to the Word and Spirit. The result was, they were put to death by the millions, all who would not acknowledge the supremacy of the pope. Thus, during the Catholic age, the two witnesses prophesied in sack-cloth, or melancholy. The 1,260 days, or years, cover the reign of popery. After this the beast made war against them, and they were put to death. Ver. 7, 8. When God's people went into Prot-estant sectism, they all accepted a human vicar. This was something they had never done in the Catholic age. But now they all ignored the Word and Spirit, and accepted the authority and rule of man. The Word and Spirit as the vicars of Christ on earth have been dead during the reign of sectism, that is, were rejected, and human rule and authority substituted. Yet they would not entirely put away the Word, or, as expressed in symbol, would " not suffer their dead bodies to be put in the graves." In Protestantism they acknowledge the Word and Spirit as the only true ruling authority, yet set them aside, and substi-tute man rule, authority and power, and make laws, governments, creeds, disci-plines, etc. Hold conferences, synods, and presbyteries, and legislate for themselves. In this they ignore the Word and Spirit, not being willing to be governed by these alone. They make void the commandments of God by their traditions. The time of re-joicing referred to in verse 10, is fulfilled in the shameful sect sprees, festivals, so-cials, etc. But, thank God, we have reached the time when the people of God are throwing off all human invented yokes, and again are being governed by the Word and Spirit alone. These two witnesses are again upon their feet. Ver. 11, 12. They have taken their true place on heaven's plane as the only vicars of Christ on earth. BY W. M. WOLCOTT. " AND this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world." 1 John 4: 3. Here the apostle foretells us that there would come a spirit of anti-christ, and that it had made its appearance at that time. He also tells us in the first verse of the above chapter, not to believe every spirit but to try them whether they are of God. Now, dear friends, the ques-tion arises how are we to try the spirits! Well, he tells us in the third verse that every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus is come in the flesh is not of God. The sectarian people tell us that all the differ-ent denominations do that. But do they ? John tells us in his gospel 1: 1, that in the beginning was the Word and that the Word was with God and was God; and in the 14th verse he tells us that the Word ( or God) was made flesh and dwelt among men. Dear friends, do we believe that? Al-most all will answer yes,- but do we? Let us see. In the first place people act ac-cording to their beliefs. For instance, if a friend would tell me that if I would hold out my hand he would give me ten dollars ( and I believed him), I would cer-tainly hold out the hand. Now when we say that we believe that the Word is Christ and that Christ is God, dear reader, are you acting upon that belief ? or, in other words, are you doing all the things com-manded in the Word? Jesus tells us in Mark 16: 17, that " these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." Pro-fessors, are these signs fallowing you? James tells us, that if there are any sick among you to call for the elders of the church, have them anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. Do you do this? Paul tells us in 2 Cor. 6: 14- 18 to be not unequally yoked up with unbelievers. Are you? John tells us that he that com-mitteth sin of the devil. 1 John 3: 8. Are you committing sin? These play seem like very pointed questions, but God requires us in these last days to draw the line very close, and with much boldness, as the Word tells us that we are living in peril-ous times. If we believe that Jesus is the Word, and that the Word is his Word, then we March 3, 1904. ' ME GOSPEL TRUMPET will be ready and willing to do what the Word commands us to do. As John tells us that he that saith I know him and keepeth not his commandments is a liar and the truth ( God's . Word) is not in him. 1 John 2: 4. Dear friend, if we know not Christ, we many be sure that we do not believe him, and if we do not believe him ( the Word), my text tells us, we are antichrist. It is sad to see the people flocking to the antichrist institutions of to-day, the so- called churches, yoking them-selves up with all classes of people, or, as the revelator says, every unclean and hate-ful bird, and listening to the " sin you can and sin you must" doctrine of a hire-ling ministry. God help us as his children to hold up the standard of his Word, and to be sure we are of the faith. NEWS FROM THE FIELD. Reedville, Va., Feb. 12. We came to this part just before Christ-mas, and have • been holding meetings since that time at the following places: Burgess' Store, Reedville, Miskimon, and at Bro. J. B. Pittman's, near Mile. The dear Lord has been with us in power. We have enjoyed some very precious seasons from his glorious presence. Praise his name forever I A number of smile have been saved, some sanctified, and some healed by the power of God, for which we give him all the glory and praise. We have certainly enjoyed our visit with the dear saints here, who have so kindly eared for us since we came. May the dear Lord' abundantly bless and. reward them for the same. We will remain here a few days longer, then cross the bay into Maryland, near Federalsburg, which will be our ad-dress until further notice. Thos. and Lillawah Carter. Oklahoma City, Okla., Feb. 16. 624 Robinson St. Dear Trumpet Readers and Saints of God, Greeting: May the abounding grace of God fill each and every breast. Amen. We were at Ripley, Okla. for about two weeks. This was indeed a hard battle be-cause the people had heard the truth and were not willing to measure up. They would come and hear, then reject. May the dear Lord help them. Large crowds came out, a goodly amber were won to the truth. The Baptist minister attended the meeting. He did not openly or in any way resist the truth, and seemed honest. He did not discern the body. Let all pray for him, that God may lead him out. One dear sister heard the call and escaped Babylon and was sanctified. Bro. Earnest Carey was ordained to the ministry. Work-ers and ministers present were Grant Teeter, J. W. Loder. Bros. T. E. Ellis and A. B. Stanberry were present in the first of the meeting At this writing we are in a very precious meeting here, which opened the twelfth. The Lord is gathering out dear souls and establishing the church. The Lord has sent Bro. W. H. Oldham and wife, also Bros. Elmore and Fields to assist us. Sister Ash-enfelter was on the sick list, but the Lord has healed her, so she has joined us in the battle again. Let all the saints remember the workers and the work here in prayer. We are trusting God to reach many honest souls in this city of about 3,000 people. There are now some whom God will use if they get established and have proper shep-herding. Your sister all on the altar, Lena L. Shoffner. Cambridge Springs, Pa., Feb. 20. Dear Saints Scattered Abroad: I again report through the Lord's paper. Bro. McCoy and I held a very fruitful meet-ing at Vintondale, Pa., which continued over four Sundays. We believe a thor-ough work was done. From there we went to Martinsburg, Pa. At this place I opened the work about seven years ago. At that time I held meetings seven weeks in a sect house, and left less than six members in the sect when the revival clo