The Gospel Trumpet - 22:33

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 or I— I \ O I I t, SANCTIFIGATI F_ NE. SS 1N CliRx517 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a Trumpet and they shall gather to-gether his elect from the four winds, from...

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Main Author: Byrum, E. E.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Gospel Trumpet Company 1902
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Summary:Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 or I— I \ O I I t, SANCTIFIGATI F_ NE. SS 1N CliRx517 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a Trumpet and they shall gather to-gether his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. Matt. 24: 31. firtiavoy.&./. 4* 4 Bo will I seek out my sheep, and will deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day. Ezek. 34: 12. Jer. 32: 89. VOLUME XXII. MOUNDSVILLE, WEST VIRGINIA, U. S. A., THURSDAY, AUGUST 1.4, 1902. NUMBER 33 FOUND One thing be our purpose, ambition, and aim, Not the favor of men, not earth ' s riches or fame; We may not he brilliant, successful, or great, But lowly, unknown, and of humble estate, Still this would we seek every moment to be— " Found faithful" in all things, dear Master, by thee. " Found faithful" as stewards entrusted by God With riches, time, talents, or truth from his Word: Oh! may we net wrap and hide them away, And keep them for fuel ' g, ainst the fires of that day, But use them all freely, as only for him Who has bought us with blood and redeemed us from sin. " Found faithful" in service in things men call small, The trifling duties or works which befall; Not seeking for great things but seeking to know The will of the Father, the way we should go; Obedient and willing, rejoicing and still, E'er proving God's perfect, acceptable will. w great thy re- The Value of Being Saved. give in exchange for his soul?"— Mat. bored hard to accumulate this wealth, an awful message was wafted on the shy " Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation." Lord, we are not aide, lint thine is the power; Live in us and through us thy life from this hour; May we he believing. that from us may tiow E'en rivers of blessings to many below; lint lunch fruit or little, still grant that we be " faithful" in all things, dear Savior, by Thee. " Forte l faithful length wlueu the Master shall o' 110 To make up his jewels and wel• ome us home: Ah! then ' twill he worto all earth's trials to hear, From the lips of our Savior, the words, sweet and clear " Well done, faithful servant, he ward, Come, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." Selected. of a ruined world. Drifting away from Jesus; drifting out into an eternal sea; rocking on the billows of dark despair 44F OR what is a man profited if he sinking away from home, heaven, and shall gain the whole world, and loved ones, down into depths of eternal lose his own soul? or what shall a man woe down into shades of eternity's night. Lost, forever lost! All because lti:'? li. of some trifle some little vanity in I am satisfied that many people do time's short day. not prize salvation high enough. If We read of one whose aspiration they placed the proper value on it that was to reach the goal of wealth. When they should, nothing would ever sepia- it was finally realized, and he had rate it from them. Backsliding would much goods laid up for years to come, he unknown. it is my object to im- God summoned him into eternity. No 1- ros .; upon your minds the real worth doubt that afternoon he said to his of being saved. Oh, that people would companion," Wite, we have toiled and la- C01111 ) rt' 4le1/ Ci. it ! Of course, there are many people with only a profession of and now finall y we realize what our religion, who can never prize the value hearts have craved. We will revel in of salvation. There are some who sins- earthly aggrandizement" To himself ply cling to their profession because he said :' " Soul take thine ease, thou they have professed so long in their bast much goods laid up for many community. If they were to move into vears.,, But as the evening shadows some distant coimuunity where they are began to gather, the scene suddenly unknown they would at once cease chan ged, a grim monster, entered his their professing. There are others palace and laid hold on his mortal who would sell out for a few dollars; frame. It was death. His mind was and they would make a good exchange, in a whirl. His riches could give for their profession is worth nothing him no pleasure; his many friends to them. But it is different with the could give him no relief. Though man or woman who possesses a real surrounded by luxury, in the sight of experience of salvation. If such prize Cod he was poor, wretched and naked. it as they ought to they would not ex- _‘ s the night winds moaned without, ehallge it for ten dols: ar , no, not for ten thousand; not for all the gold and sil- breezes to his poor heart from the et ver in the universe not for ten mill-ions of worlds like this. Its value, our finite minds can not now fully compre-hend. its riches are unsearchable." in the language of our text, Jesus endeavored to give us a faint idea of the immense value of salvation. The millionaire reckons his profits and is termed rich. But should it be possi-ble for one man to gain possession oithis whole world; own and control all its wealth; enjoy all its luxury revel in its pleasures; and yet lose his soul in the end, he is sadly the loser. In reck-oning profit. and loss, his is a sad and great loss. Reader, do you catch its depth of meaning? " What will a man give in exchange for his soul?" Oh, how many will sell their souls for a feather, a wreath of flowers, a few ruffles, a necktie, an hour's dance, a day at the fair, a farm a wife, a good name in the world, a little popularity. Yes, over a little family jar, a little perse-cution, a little jealousy, a trial, a temp-tation. Sell their priceless, eternity bound, never dying souls. Brother, Sister, your immortal soul— that which is destined to live after this earth has passed away, and is forgot-ten in the dim past. When the sun no longer shines, and the moon grows pale with age yes, when cycles of ages have rolled on, it is destined still to live. Soon the rattling of the commercial and political world around you, the whirl-wind speed of this fast age, the laugh of the light and gay hearted, all these transitory, fleeting scenes will be ex-changed for the valley of the shadow of death and the pealing thunders of eternal judgment. A lost soul. Lost, amid eternal scenes. Lost amid the crash of empires and the catastrophe nal world—" Thou fool, this night soul shall be required of thee." He looked all aghast at the sound of that voice, Then gazed on his rich earthly store; But it faded away, he had made a sad choice, He was poverty's slave evermore " Out, out from his mansion he wandered away, To the depths of eternity's night, To beg for relief, and to long for the day Which shall gladden, no never his sight." er- Salvation is of more value than ru-bies and diamonds, than silver and gold. It is of more value than the health of our body. Salvation, 0 thou priceless gem I Thou that satisfieth this soul of mine. For thee I have suf-fered the loss of all things. • They are but dung, compared to thy rich treas-ures. Brethren, I would not exchange this treasure in my soul for all earth's sparkling jewels. Glory to my God forever. Salvation, thou art mine for-ever. Earth's gold and silver lose their luster when I behold thy gold tried in the fire, when I see thy sparkling jew-els of truth set with the diamonds of thy rich grace, all earthly attractions fade away. Salvation, thou river of peace, thy sparkling waters flow through my soul, they come rippling down from the glory world. They pro-ceed from the throne of God. Salva-tion, thou endless well of joy bubbling up in my soul, springing up into ever-lasting life. Salvation, thou refreshing shower, which makes my heart like a watered garden. Thy dew- drops now I feel. Halleluiah to the name of Jesus ! Christ is mine; the Lily of the valley, the Rose of Sharon, the bright and morning Star. Oh dear ones, look at - the value of salvation, and it will forever cure you for this vain world. The price it cost should help - to determine its real value. " Ye are bought with a price." The Father gave his only begotten Son. It cost the precious blood of Jesus. This alone is sufficient to help us see that salvation is of great worth. Jesus a-gain teaches the worth of being saved in the following parable. " Again, thekingdom ofheaven unto a merchantman, seeking goodly pearls : who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it." Mat. 13: 45, 46. The present enjo.). ntents of salvation are of great value. It satisfieth the longing soul. Nothing in this world will satisfy. The sight of the eyes will not do it. Riches not do it. Pleas-ures utterly fail. But salvation fills every longing of the human soul. It satisfies every desire. It gives us " all things that pertain to life and godli-ness." Salvation gives us a good con-science which is " rather to be chosen than great riches." It gives us " the unsearchable riches of Christ:" which includes " the riches of his grace," " his riches in glory," yea, " who giv-eth us richly all things to enjoy." Would to God all• his saints would prize salvation as Paul did. See what he suffered rather than give it up. " Are they ministers of Christ? ( I speak as a fool,) I am more; in labours more abundant, in stripes above meas-ure, in prisons more frequent, in deaths oft. Of the Jews five times received I fort.); stripes save one. Thrice was I beaten with rods, once was I stoned, thrice I suffered shipwreck, a night and a day I have been in the deep; in jour-neyings often, in perils of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils by mine own countrymen, in perils by the heather, in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, perils in the sea, in perils a-mong false brethren; in weariness anal painfulness, in watchings often, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and nakedness. Beside those things that are without, that which cometh upon me daily, the care of ail the churches." 2 Cor. 11: 23- 28. I imagine as they laid the stripes up-on Paul's back, and demanded him to cease preaching Jesus, he said to them " I press forward." " Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or dis-tress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are counted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay in all these things we are more than conquer ors through him that loved us. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Rom. 8: 35- 39. Salvation is of great value when we consider the future. The worth of be-ing saved we will comprehend better than ever before when we reach the end of life's journey. When the sun is set-ting when the evening shadows gather when we enter the valley of the shadow of death, then the value of being saved will be realized. When life's labors all are ended, its battles all are fought, and we enter the chamber' of death, oh, what a comforting thought that we have lived a faithful Christian life. Then as we look out into a bright fu-ture " his rod and staff will comfort us." Again, we will comprehend more fully the value of being saved, when this world is wrapped in flames, the wicked around us cuing for rocks and mountains to hide them from the face of Him who will sit upon the throne of his glory. When we see the millions de,) art into everlasting fire, oh, how valuable will be the salvation of Christ amid the scenes of that great day. But last of all, when we have entered the e-ternal city of God, the Father's king-dom, and the pearly gates behind us forever close; whm we Are eternally safe to roam the elision fields of glory, and with the blood- washed millions of ages catch the blessed strain, and with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Paul, Peter, and all the blessed of God sing redemption's song until the courts of heaven ring 0 dear Brethren, then, - will we fully comprehend what it has been worth to us - to - be saved. Such is my hope. I have an experience of sal-vation that I can trust. I can throw my whole weight upon it and ride in-to eternity. To God be all praise and glory. Reader, is such your confidence? If a doubt lodges in your mind, don't rest until it is removed, and yon pos sass a lively hope. Amen. H. M. R. 2556 2 THE GOSPEL TRUMP ET. August 14, 1902. G. L. C. now upon us, and the dawning of eve a more severe test? Ah, it is fin Satan has long since captivated t poor deluded souls of Babylon, an has the entire machinery running at h command. Through her he purpos to people the lower regions of he But he has met with a mighty distur ing foe; it is the blood- washed arm of the great God of heaven, with Captain in the lead, who is King kings, and Lord of lords. Yea, the are waging relentless war against ti harlot which has corrupted the cart and her diabolical leader is being brut ed under the feet of this purified hos And, as this army of Jehovah sounc forth the everlasting battle- cry for pure church, and for the liberation God's scattered sheep which ha\ been carried by our enemies down int Babylon, the raging of Satan and h armies becomes most terrific. It this God- given battle- cry, and the fe vent zeal of God's host to conquer tin brings this great opposition which w are now withstanding and must wit) stand. Babylon preachers have Ion since ceased to preach against flt soul- destroying influence of sin. an are to- day found pleading for Hut which Jesus died to destroy. Hems the devil does not have to spend an tune looking after them they have thi testimonv, that they please him. So al the infernal artillery of Satan ' s host i brought to bear directly upon us, Th Ch? treh of God, in this last great re form. Well does Satan know fro q whence comes his opposition : well does he know where to direct his heaviest fire. Therefore, my beloved brethren. beware! beware! But we are glad to know that all this fury and raging Satan does not lead us into defeat hut as surely as God reigns. on his throne, this battle will end in perfect victory. and everlasting triumph. Oh. Halleln - 1 lah to God and the Lamb forevermore.! For God bath told us in his word. that we shall be more than conquerw. 1 through him that loved us. Persecu-tion may increase through Satan's' rage, until you and I, dear brother, may fall by the edge of the sword, as did our noble brethren in days of yore : but honored death of martyrdom oof Christ our king, will only admit us in-to his blessed presence forevermore. So, my brethren, let us take courage : 1 the battle is short, the victory sure. Hence, let us pray to God, as did the a- 1 postles of old: " And now, Lord, behold. their threatenings : and grant unto thy! servants, that with all boldness they may speak thy word, by stretching I t forth thine hand to heal and that I signs and wonders may be done by the It name of thy holy child Jesus.'' Acts 4 : 29,30. Thus, let us faithfully wort: unto the end when we, surrounded by I our enemies, who even seek our life's bl n I tire in them that AO IS_ V nf p nor 1ovitii to vet. s. call the ungodliness we have doni, he I past. For it is even a shame fa tlidilk ast' i olent p ath ee! an lye; e zt ing' ttgadui. iii-; 1 ‘ orferstt iiltt. hhstiinll, gs the grace of that Conversin tog: God 11. li imlLen, g ti teaching us that 1 b- ness and worldly lusts, we should y I soberly. righteously, BY ALVIN J. ELLISON. E are now battling in the very close of a mighty conflict which has been raging for many centuries. God and his army against Satan ( our common foe) and his armies. And, as in every great contlict, the nearer it draws to its close, the greater the zeal of the participants, and the more se-vere the battle. So, my brethren, if we but open our eyes to the maneuver-ing of the enemy of this, God's last and great reformation, it will be perceived that he is mustering all the host of hell against us. We as ministers, who stand on Zion's walls to sound aloud the alarm of danger, receive such at-tacks as we have never confronted be-fore while the church universal, is as-sailed upon every side. • But what meaneth all this which is Earthly things Estimated too High. " Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world." 1 Jolla 2 : 15, The unsaved cling to and love this old world and the things that are therein as if there were no future, " as if this world were the utmost span, the closing destiny of man." Future and eternal things are given no thought, therefore the love value that should be placed upon them are all lavished upon earthly things. If we were to live al-ways here in this world, and there were neither loss nor decay, we would be jus-tified in loving the things of this world; but they are all transient, and must pass away with the lusts thereof. " Set your affections on things above and not on things on the earth." " Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." A thing becomes - a treasure in proportion as value is placed upon it if no value is placed on a thing there is no treasure there. Our love will not concentrate upon a thing on which we place no value. You will never find your affection clinging to the autumn leaves that fall so profusely in the forests, the worthless stubble of the harvest fields, or the foul soot that gathers in your chimneys. No, it is the beautiful forest trees, the waving golden grain, the pleasant fruits, the flocks and the herds, and the rich mines. or. MONEY, the love of which is the root of all evil ;" or the flourishing business that brings in the bountiful returns of increasing wealth, which gains the love of the owner or the pursuer, because of the estimate placed thereon. Children are taught to love money • before they can talk or walk, and soon they learn to love that which can be sold and turn-ed into money, and long before they comprehend the right and wrong of these things they are completely sub merged beneath the power of the same The whole being is wrapped up in th overestimated, overvalued things o earth, until it is almost a miracle t sever the affections from all earth- fie and have them placed upon heavens things. God is very good to give us so many earthly things to use, but not to love To use them and to enjoy them with thanksgiving. to the Father who gave them for our comfort and his pleasure is good for man and acceptable to God Some have reached this point qnielset • and easier than I, for it was by years of discipline that I learned to take off all the- estimate which I had learned to place upon the things of earth. We g can best understand how much estimate we have really placed upon our possess-ions, when we see some one exactin from us and demanding of us more than we think is right or just in deal-ing fair. Others can best see the esti-mate we place upon our treasures of earth when there is some one in need and we could easily give $ 5.00; but satisfy our conscience by giving only 5 cents. In order to have clothes to wear and food to eat these necessary things are sufficient to remind us that we should not be slothful in business but be diligent lest we be a burden to others. God has wisely provided that we can use our possessions to give io the needy and to the cause of God in Supporting of the ministry, evangeliz-ing the world, erecting houses for the assembly of his people, etc. and he proposes thereby to give us treasure in heaven. Our love that has been so un-wisely placed upon earthly things can now he placed upon things above. The estimate we have had upon our possessions, which made them a treas-ure to us, diminishing our liberality, closing our eyes against the needs of the poor and oppressed, the widow, the fatherless and the afflicted, can now be DY GEO. D. OLDHAM. , i- THEN said Jesus unto his disciples, 1 If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me." Mat. 16 24. If we would please God we must deny ourselves, which truly means more than a great many suppose, especially those claiming to be followers of the Lord. It means death to self. When we are dead to self, we are dead to this world, its foolishness, insobriety, pride, dress, lust, and covetousness. And even more,. for we - will have no pleas- I t God's Army. f S transferred to eternal things, according to the commandment of our blessed Lord when he said: " It is more Messed to give than to receive." • " Sell that ye have, and give alms provide your-selves bags which wax not old, a treas-ure in the heavens that faileth not, where no thief approacheth, neither corrupteth." See Acts 20 : 35. Luke 12 : 33. I do not believe that Jesus was op-posed to men having homes or owning possessions upon earth, but when he found one that had great riches, whose. affections were upon his wealthhe said : " Go and sell all that thou hast, and distribute to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, fol-low me." The thing that Jesus wants is that we withdraw the estimate we have placed upon temporal and per-ishable things, so our affections can be placed upon the imperishable things. Mau can not love the things that are Jesus Christ's until he quits loving the things that he has been counting his MD_ The church in apostolic times reach-ed the true plane of consecration in this matter, " Neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his owu." Acts 4: 32. It has been settled with me for a long time that I will not accumulate earthly things as my own, of course things will naturally accumulate in a place like the " Faith Home" here in Chicago but I consider that it belongs to the church and not to me. If I step out at any time I take only clothes and trunk as I came, and if I die I leave them, too. I do not set this as a standard for other folks, but I regard it as the secret to my success in the work of the Lord in Chicago and the reason why God puts means in my hands, is, he knows that over and above what is needed for his work in this place will be pass-ed on to his work in other places, and will not be lavished upon self nor self - ish interests. There is a satisfaction which I now have in the use and dis-tribution of earthly things, which I did not have when I esteemed them too highly, and my opportunities have greatly increased. " Having nothing and yet possessing all things, being poor yet malting many rich" is the privilege of those who let go their grasp upon treasures of earth, and like Paul who said: " Those things that were gain tomeIcount loss for Christ." When you reach the simplicity of Christ, dollars will not make you rich nor famine make you poor. Increase will not add to your possessions, ROY loss diminish them. To give will be your inspiration to have, and to deny yourself for the good of others, will be an inward craving. " Love not the world, neither the things ' that are in the world." ood, shall be caught up to meet the Lord in the air, to forever remain in the place which he has gone to pre-pare for his holy bride, while they, our enemies, shall be consumed by the brightness of his corning. 2 Thes. 1 : 7- 9 Rev. 20: 7- 9.; 2 Thes. 2 : 8. " Denying Ungodliness." );:: iplr: isiettizti. kNt‘,- soril: 11.;: oThilt. : 12: ist i; uiseis. erti - work This de_ se l and is from all ungodliness and world. l e ! ly lusts. such as is mentioned in cial„ 11 ,1S : 19- 22 : " tillitery, fornication, aii_. 5- 1 eleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, t. 1 witchera ft. hatred. variance, mak, Is 1 tions. wrath. strife. seditions, heresies, al envyings. murders, drunkenness, rec.- ) t :! ellings, and such like." So it is not - e 1 these alone : but anything of like na- 0 ! lured. e. backbiting, whispering, balist is ! lug. inventing evil things, disobeying is po, renis, unmerciful, unthankful, etc r II- a ye you denied yourself or any or i t ! all of these things mentioned! If uut - e i the Lord commands you to repent and is : get right with God. If you turn away g : Iron: all but ono thing it will profit 0 you nothing. for the word of God do_ d mands you to forsake all. and the alms-t l Ile . 1 aides says: " Win Isoever shall keep the \ dodo law and yet ofrend in Y.-; env I 14' 0426 r1 11 w1 ' o hfees isso rg, niiitit!\ Yv 1) ti: ayiiiit. s' land he I lore God, are you guilty of breaking s ! ( 4 110 commandittent : do you know von ,, : Ire rorbo or do you guess so, think so, hope so . reckon so, or aro You willing to risk it : I , i ke a poor sold Ir._ Huirkeil ti) me recently: I aequainted hint With the fact ulna he, would risk it hut once. () IL how many shall there be-in that 1: Ist great day \ vho will say, " I oi- I, 1.0rd. ( Tell nnto its;'' hut Ile \ vill answer them saying: " Depart from me ye that work iniquity." Pear friend, you need not " risk it," for it is yours to know that you have passed from death unto life, for rarti says : " I know whom I have believed, an11 am persuaded that he is able ti' keep that which I have committed un-to him against that day." Ile did not say that he guessed, hoped. Or reekOned anything about it but emphatically de-clared that lie knew. ' The apostle Joint tells us how we nmy know. " And here-by we do know, that we know hint, if we keep his ( snow: Hahne- ins." I Jolm ' 2 : 3. ' Ilion let US deny ourselves of all ungodliness. lose our life for Christ's sake, then we shall find life e" ternal, and like Moses: '' Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the peo- - de of God, than to enjoy the pleasures' ) f sin for a season esteeming the re- ) roach of Christ greater riches than the reasures in Egypt : for he had respect unto the recompense of the reward. teli. 11: 25, 26. and godly in tits " Do No Evil." BY MARY II ELDENBRAND. OAT I pray God that ye do no evil, . for we can do nothing a-gainst the truth, but for the truth." 2 Cor. 13 : 7, 8. Moreover, brethren, declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye receiv-seod , y a, ned a rweh searveiend , y eif sytaen kde e bpy ! i nw mhiecmh oarly-what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain." 1 Cor. 15: 1,2. This gospel that the apostle preach-ed unto us, " is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth." It is a pure gospel, teaches a pure and holy life. Nothing that we can do will change the truth, God's word is forever settled in heaven. We are saved only by obeying the truth, and lost by dis-obeying it. We must come to the Lord, and not the Lord come to us. Many are vainly trusting the Lord to come to heir good intentions and reward them a • w ch is honest." " Fi-nally, brethren, farewell. Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you." Trust and Be not Afraid. should do th t hi 2557 Sunday- school Work. BY EDNA WELCH. BEHOLD, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid : for the Lord JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also is become my sal-vation. Isa. 12 : 2. Trust and fear do not go together. When we allow fear to come in, trust has gone out. Iv e can not believe and be afraid at the same time. Oh, may God help all of his dear saints to realize that fear is one of the greatest hindrances to real trust and faith that we have to contend with. In Mark 5 : 36, where Jesus said to the ruler of the sy. uogogue, " be not afraid only believe," he gave them to understand that they could not believe and at the same time be afraid. " There is no fear in love; but perfect love cast-eth out fear : because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love." 1 John 4 : 18. If we are afraid to trust God we are not perfect in love. When we are sick and use remedies or trust in a doctor, fear comes in and we lose faith ( when we have the light of the word). 0 saints of God, let us not do any thing that causes us to lose real faith in God, you can not afford to lose any faith. There are some that use reme-dies, and at the same time say: " It weakens our faith, it condemns us and we can not pray the prayer of faith." In order for us to have simple trust and faith, we must keep free from any con-demnation and fear. " Beloved, if our hearts condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God. And whatso-ever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in . his sight." 1 John 3 : 21,22. Any thing that causes us torment and makes us afraid to leave all in the hands of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, " who will do more for us than we can even ask or think," is of the devil. Let us trust him who will do so much for us. After we have heard the word on trust-ing and faith, and then allow the devil to keep us in fear and torment, we nev-er will advance in faith and confidence as we should. " Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom." Luke 12: 32. There is much in the word about fear, there is one kind of fear that we should have; that is fear to disobey God. " Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it." Heb. 4: 1. May God add his blessings on these few words; and may all- who read this take a firm stand against fear that causes us to doubt God's word. UNDAY is a day set apart by our 1-. 7 nation for religious worship, and - to this end all religious people avail them-selves of the opportunity, except those whose hearts are veiled by the law of Moses. It is a well known fact that youth is the time to sow the seed of gospel light, before sin and false teachings capture the heart, and all the moral faculties are benumbed by the deceptive powers of human tradition. The venders of false religion have carefully directed their forces to capture the young minds; and the powers of hell with ev-ery vile attraction that will please the flesh and drown souls in destruction August 14, 1902. according to their j udgment. May th Lord help every one to get rid of hi own thoughts, and get the mind o Christ. " And thou shalt swear, Th Lord liveth, in truth, in judgment, an in righteousness; and the nations sha-bless themselves in him, and in hin1 shall they glory." Oh, bless the Lord he does live in truth, judgment, an righteousness and we only are blesse in him by abiding in his word, and in him only will we glory. By being def finite and radical for the truth, we ar met with this argument, by those wh suppose they have more charity tha we for those who hold diverse belief on the plain Word " I believe then to be sincere in what they believe, an for them it is all right." But the Wor says charity `' thiuketh no evil," doe not justify evil, but rejoiceth in th truth. Amen. And in Him only will w glory, exalt the Lord and his word " 0 Jerusalem, wash thine heart fro wickedness, that thou mayest be saved How long shall thy vain thoughts lodge within thee." Jer. 4 : 14. From Genesis to Revelation we read the injunction : do no evil. First e cleansed, then kept pure. Do tha which is honest and right. It is th trick of the devil to get people to trans gress the law of righteousness and then deceive their own souls by thinking it was all right because they choose to take it so. " Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates ?" : Car. 13 : 5. If Christ dwells within, his life will be manifest through our mortal bodies. I once heard of a man who was short of Paeans, and he prayed God to give him ome money; shortly alter, he made a purchase and the party in making out the change made a mistake of a great difference in his favor, he put it into his pocket and went home claiming God had answered his prayer. I admit it may have happened to test his honesty, but nottoanswer his prayer. If the mis-take had happened against his favor, would he have kept as quiet? " There-fore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them : for this is the law and the prophets." Mat. 7: 12. It would be impossible for such a one to get clear in heaven's light till restitution is made. " For the time is come that judgment must begin at; the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God t And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and sin - aer appear." 1 Pet. 4: 17, is. The foundation of God standeth sure. and he has a seal upon every saved person on the earth; it is the seal of his saving grace. Therefore the apostle Paul writes concerning them that have erred in the truth, although they have erred, " Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity." 2 Tim. 2; 19. Sin is the transgression of the law, therefore we can not transgress the law of God, having the knowledge of the right, and be justified. The time is hastening, that the Lord will come and will not tarry. The perilous times are upon us, " for men shall be lovers of their own selves." This is fulfilled in our day, they are heaping to themselves teachers, having itching ears, and are turned from the truth. Let every hon-est soul make his clean escape and de-liver his soul from Babylon confusion. The glorious light of heaven's truth is flashing before us to light us on our way. Walk in the light while ye have the light. Do no evil," " but that ye and perdition, like so many marks ar set for young feet. And it behooves u as Christians to redouble our diligent to " witness to small and great," an teach the rising generation the pur gospel light which God is flashing upo the more spiritual whom he has calle out of Babylon to fill a place in hi body, which is the church. In ignoring the dead forms of col rupt teachings of apostate sectism, an for lack of knowledge how to exercis the God- given talents • and spiritu gifts, the people of God have tarried be heath their privileges of usefulnes In some cases they have let the cause a Christ suffer., wielding no influence an giving no instruction to the rising gen eration. In many instances where ther are a goodly number of saints in place, the children are neglected, ther being no Sunday- school nor children' meeting. As Paul said: " I speak thi to your shame," and, truly, it is shame. The ordinary preaching and teachin_ which enlighten older people, and fee( the matured minds, do not benefi the children. You are enjoying th strong food, and the dear children by your side are famishing for the same truths which must be presented in childlike, and simple form, by words illustrations, etc., which are easily corn prehended. I pray God to stir up the church every where and all that are, or may be, gifted in teaching the gospel to the young, even if there is no assem-bly of saints, gather up the children and get to work-- Sow the seedinaged hearts and tender youth." Sow the clean seed by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen. There are some glorious gatherings and effpctual Sunday- school work in some communities, where Spirit- filled teachers have set their hearts and hands to work in behalf of the young. Thou-sands of almost idle hands might be set to work in the Lord's vineyard in a short time, and tens of thousands of dear children all over the land could become intensely interested in learning gospel truth, who in turn will win ma-ny souls to Christ. Let the Church a-wake! It has occurred to my mind that if a report from every Sunday- schoo is successfully conducted, was sent in to the Trumpet for publication, giving the methods used and the real secret of success in every case, fully stated, it would bring about a forward move in this direction. Now to those call-ed and used of God in this direction, please send in your Sunday- school re-ports that all the churches may know how God is prospering your efforts. Paul and Barnabas were not backward in telling the churches in Judea,, Sama-ria, and especially at Jerusalem, how God had opened a door of faith to the Gentiles, and blessed their labor. And you remember how God blessed the saints in behalf of the prison work by the reports of those engaged in that ork during the past three years. I be-eve God wants to use your efforts and ctories to be an encouragement to oth-rs who need help on this line. Doubtless some who have been used ffectually in this work, may feel timid bout writing a report; but for the glory of God do what you can, and for ear some will not see the importance f reporting the Sunday- school work n the Trumpet, I would ask the evan-elists to write me concerning this work d. the workers on this line, who are uccessful, so I can write to them and et the information before the Church o encourage Sunday- school work. Yours in Christ, G. L. Cole, 7300 Stewart Ave., Chicago, Ills. ald " Sing unto the Lord; for he hath done ex eellent things: this is known in all the oath." Isa. 12 : 5. Speak the Truth. BY GEO. D. OLDHAM. HE Psalmist says, " Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in thy holy hill ? He that walk-eth uprightly, and worketh righteous-ness, and speaketh the truth in his heart." Lying is an evil that is- prac-ticed to- day to an unlimited extent. Almost anywhere you go you may hear some voice speaking that which is un-true, not only in the dark recesses of the city, not only among what is termed the " immoral class," but this spirit of lying is working in the highways, on the streets, in thousands of homes, on the witness stand, and last, but worst of all in the pulpits. Paul foretold us of this in 1 Tim. 4 : 1,2—" In the latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils speaking lies in hy-pocrisy." Lying is also prevalent a-mong professors of Christianity ingen-eral, and the deeds are often termed, " the little white lies." This is only an-other one of the abominable falsehoods, for there is no such thing as a " white lie," every one is black and proceeds from the bottomless pit. Dear friend, you may not think there is any harm in telling these little lies in Inn, or when you do not mean them; but a lie is a lie, and God forbids them. " For by thy words thou shalt be justified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned." Jesus also says : " Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye do. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh - of his own; for he is a liar, and the father of it." John 8: 21. This may seem like a hard saying, but never-theless it is what the Lord said about it, and he meant just what he said_ Solomon says : " A righteous man hat-eth lying." No danger of practicing it then if we are righteous. He further says : These six things cloth. the Lord hate : yea, seven are an abomination unto him : a proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, an heart that deviseth wicked imagina-tions, feet that are swift in running to mischief, a false witness that speak-eth lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. Prov. 6 : 16- 20. Yes, God hates a lying tongue whether it tells little lies or big ones, and he com-mands us to put it away from us. It seems that people are using more slang phrases, foolish words, and light talk than ever before. It is even cus- - tomary at the present time for one to say just the opposite of what they mean. The Word says, " Let your yea be yea and your nay, nay lest you fall into condemnation." Jas 5 : 12. But custom proves to be the opposite, yea for nay and nay for yea. God help us to " put away lying, and speak every man truth to his neighbor." The apostle John says, " no lie is of the truth" whether we tell them in fun or if we mean them, it is lying just the same and is wrong. Dear reader, if you have failed to speak the truth, may God help you to repent and turn to him ere his judg-ments are executed, for he says, " the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abom-inable, and murderers, and whoremong-ers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brim-stone." Rev. 21: 8. - And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptiz-ing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you al way, even - un-to the end of to world. Amen Mat. 28 : THE GOSPEL TRUMPET. e d dd e 0 n d d e t e nd S d S. I d a a 0' 1 t e w Ii vi e e a f 0 g an g ., Aug. 1. Ql. pan ■ Kilpatrick, 1 ‘ Iti meeting a and NN ' tied by Bro. 1. t Ilro. Kilpatrick went ‘ 1141 aid the meeting. 1The , oetuod its he iouch strength. Ong ', I. : Intl encouraged. : May the afar 1. ord hcip them to be diligent, and ketm in the love of God. 1 i'o. Cook and I held a meeting at Ileb vdsvilie, and WI' NVe'llt fUt int Chauncey, we found the people confused, zieeount teaching hy those of the one wt ■ I'k theory. Some were for, and s( aee against that theory. May the f art l ht t it itein to VOttle out clean for () Ile : llltieleallsu1g I cher train. ,' Ii that the Jewish t rnaele did not fy two works of grace; but that the tirst part of the tabernacle typified sa t i on tllitl the second l'art, heaven, and ill his argument put all cleansing in the' se• otel part of the tabernacle, thereby 1 1 111611g cleansing in heaven. Such the outcome of arguments that are con. d'art- to the Scriptures. From Chaun-cey. we came northwest to houistown, and held a meeting. ' I'he saints seemed to be much helped. Alay they be trot' 10 0d, that his blessings may rat upon thelli. hi some places we see 5011Ie ILIV conforming to the world to some extent in regard to their attire, also in conversation. If we want to have the blessings of the Lord upon USt we have to be cut loose completely from the world. Praise God! Breth-ren, if we want the glory of God in our souls, we must be true to him in all things. I ant pardoned of all sins, and sanctified, cleansed from inbred sin. Halleluiah ! Thos. E. Ellis. Federalsburg, Md., Aug. 1 Wife and I left home July 21 for this camp- meeting. We are here in the midst of it. There are fourteen tents and two tabernacles on the ground. Some of theseare largeboard tents. The attendance is large. Saints have wore in from various parts of the country,. and we are enjoying a real " feast °' tabernacles." The spirit of prayer Is upon his people, and many precious souls are being saved, sanctified, and healed. The meetings have been veg. spiritual in general. This meeting is affecting much good in this part of the country, although the Methodists have 2558 4 THE GOSPEL TRUMPET. tism never means sprinkling, but at- 1 ways immersion, or dipping, and it would save them from twisting the meaning of the types and shadows of the Old Testament to suit their false doctrine. The manner in which the Israelites passed the Red Sea, used as a type of baptism, plainly foreshadows immer-eion. Paul says they were baptized in the cloud and in the sea. Moses says the sea was walled up on both sides of them. See Ex. 14: 22. The cloud moved behind them so the Egyptians could not see them. See verses 19, 20. As they went down into the sea t cloud covered them. See Psa. 105: 39. From the time they went down into sea, they were hidden from view until they came out on the other side. ' chi?, is a beautiful ta pe of immersion. Moses went down into the sea first, and the people followed him and went down into the river Jordan, and his people follow him in baptism. We have not a particle of proof, or reason to believe that water was sprinkled nit them as they passed through the sea. They may have had, but it was not be. counted worthy to follow Jesiac:, his mule! Bro. A. B. Stan whom the Lord used in word. Bro. Charles Webber_ present at the beginningonofoth f e-da rn ed by the laying the ministry, according to May the dear Lord keep and bless his labor at all good. On Monday after o t f labor, witli astronger deeizio t0 than before. Some went ont and titlit'rs to their \ 11; emeesa. m bless tint' and all. anti keep mole illt' ' 1111,, we ail separate:, fireonugrajdgiif: iftt in a place aral are till unto tile earn prztycrs of t; eel's el/ 11( 172: Y_ sister. Eat() Colo., AFq 1, “ oti my eaViar vhc, - a y es r ' aujiti: nkile ' k' Vill$ IIIP from sin.' Truly, (.; 0d is i . reeions to my so dtt living i. Aftieurdbies- . 1 , urn :, ■ ' I tle11 t and tron e, a\\ ay from We it seams pre. Those that were saved had all fallen oions to be delivored from those THE USPEL TRUMPET. Moundsville, W. Va., Aug. 14, 1902. A WEEKLY HOLINESS JOURNAL. Ilistered a the Post- ellee at Moundsville, W. Ye_, as Second- class Matter. E E. BYRUM Editor. A_ L BYERS Office Editor. Contributing Editors: H. M. RIGGLE, CHAS. E. ORR, J. C. BLANEY, J. W. BYERS, GEO. L. COLE. Published by GOSPEL TRUMPET PUB. CO. DEFINITE, RADICAL, and ANTI- SEcTARTAN, sent forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, for the publication of full Salvation, Divine Healing of the body, and the Unity of all true Christians in " the faith once delivered to the saints." Subscription price, postage paid, United States, Canada, and Mexico, - - $ 1.00. England, - 6s. 2d. Germany, 6 marks 18 pt. 112— All Subscriptions mast be paid in Advance. In about two weeks after your subscription is re-ceived, receipt and credit of same will be shown by the address label attached to your paper or wrapper, pro-vided the subscrip, tion is for more than three months. Business Communications, moneys, etc. must be addressed to GOSPEL TRUMPET PUB. CO., AOUNDSVILIE, W. VA. to Usurer credit; otherwise we will not be responsible. Keep thyself pure. Discretion will preserve the pure in heart. Wisdom is a beautiful ornament, well designed to adorn all who possess it. " Wisdom is the principal thing: therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding." Prov. 4: 7. Young man, be wise; let wisdom and heavenly discretion govern you in the pathway of life. The merchandise of wisdom is better than fine gold. The question was once asked, " Who car. find a virtuous woman?" Her price is far above rubies. Nothing is more inconsistent, and out of place, than a woman who is indiscreet in her conduct. " As a jewel of gold in a swine's snout, so is a fair woman which is with out discretion." Prov. 11: 22. No person need lack any necessary wisdom. If any man lack wisdom let him ask of God, and he will gladly sup-ply all that is needed. Let him ask in faith, nothing doubting, and he will surely receive the desire of his heart. See Jas. 1: 5, 6. Let us be a people famed for true wisdom and discretion, that we may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in all things. We have frequently had urgent calls for some one to go to Alaska to preach the gospel. Now we have a letter before us asking us to pray that God will speedily send a true minister there to preach the gospel, as they are hungering for the truth. God has a few faithful ones there who will stand by his word. There should be some stirring arti-cles for the Trumpet on Sunday- school work, training young minds, etc., from those having this work on their hearts, and especially from those who are be-ing used by the Lord with good suc-cess. Also I desire to correspond with such for the object of promoting this line of work for the glory of God. I ask the cooperation of the associate editors as well. Geo. L. Cole, 7300 Stewart Ave., Chicago, Ill. A Better Experience. THERE are many people dissatisfied with their religious experience; hence, they say they " want a better ex-perience," are seeking it, praying forit, asking others to pray with them and for them, that they may attain to this better experience. Now, the fact is, they are not seeking a better experience at all; they are try-ing to get the old one fixed up, trying to patch up the one they are so dissat-isfied with, as if that would bring sat-isfaction. Never ! God is willing to exchange and give a new, bright, clear, heavenly experience, one that will sat-isfy. He " will give. beauty for ash-es, the oil of joy for mourning, the gar-ment of praise for the spirit of heavi-ness." You can not have this new ex-perience and keep the ald one, nor fix up the old one and make it new. First give up the old, empty shadow and dry, graceless profession. It should be no sacrifice to give up that which is in it-self a burden, a source of doubts, fears, failures, sorrows and discouragements. A thing so deceitful, presuming to be genuine but always at the time of test, when most needed it affords no assist-ance; in trouble no consolation, in weakness no strength, and for service no gifts of power. An experience that is not triumphant over the world, the flesh, arid the devil; is ever yielding to the weaknesses of one's nature, given to lightness, foolishness, pride, love of the world, lust of the eyes; could enjoy worldly amusements, or fleshly lusts, excesses; carried with the tide of fash-ion, and popular sentiment, etc. Such an experience should be disposed of with godly sorrow and genuine repent-ance, and a better one obtained through the blood of His cross. G. L. C. RAILROAD PERMITS. For instructions regarding railroad per-eits see Gospel Trumpet of July 3, 1902 A. B. Palmer. Questions Answered. Ques. Please explain Mal. 4: 5,6. W. F. H. " Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: and he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children. and the heart of the chil-dren to their fathers lest I come and smite the earth with a curse." The person referred to in this proph-ecy was John the Baptist. " But I say unto you, That Elias [ Elijah] is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they listed. . Then the disciples un-derstood that he spake unto them of John the Baptist." Matt. 17: 12, 13. It was prophesied by John the Baptist before he was born. " And he shall go before him [ the Lord] in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready - a people prepared for the Lord."— Luke 1: 16,17. John was the Elijah spoken of in this prophecy and none other was meant. J. C. B. Ques. The advocates of sprinkling for baptism, here, tell us that all the types and shadows of baptism were preformed by sprinkling, and that the children of Israel were baptised unto Moses, by the sprinkling of the cloud and mists of the sea upon them. 1 Cor. 10: 2. Would you inform the readers of the Trumpet if water baptism had any types and shadows? If so, what were they? and how performed? T. W. M. Ans. The only type of baptism we know of in the Old Testament is the passing of the children of Israel over the Red Sea. " Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorani, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea; and were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea." 1 Car. 10: 1, 2. The theologians of Babylon who clamor for the rite of sprinkling think that this text supports their doctrine; but in this they are mistaken. If they would honestly seek for light they could easily learn that the word bap- Ques. Is there any Scripture a uthor-ity for Sabbath- schools If so, how should they be conducted B. F. la Ans. There were many forms of worship in the legal dispensation. However, the legality and formalit:.- have passed away, and the " true Wor-shipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father seeketh such to worship hint." .• Not forsaking the assembling of yourselves together as the manner of seine is.' " Speak to the people all the words of this life." " Teach all nations. teach-ing them to observe all things whatso-ever I command you. ' ' " Ye shall be witnesses unto me." " The hour of prayer." " At the riverside where prayer was wont to be made." These scriptures deal with Christian worship on general principles, and by having salvation, the Holy Spirit and wisdom to guide and direct in the exercise of spiritual gifts, we have Scriptural authority for any kind of spiritual WOr ship for the edifying of the saved and the instruction of all that will receive it. The New Testament lays down no rules, except for those who speak in tongues and those who interpret, and concerning the prophets, as found in 1 Cor., 14th chapter. In training chil-dren, teaching the young, etc., avoid dead formality and corrupt Babylon comments. But with deep sp i r ituali t v and holy zeal much advancement in teaching the children and searching the Scriptures willincrease the gospel light and improve the gifts and graces of God's children whom he has called to work in his vineyard. G. L. C. News from the Field, South Haven, Kans. We are glad once more to report vic-tory in - Jesus' precious name. We can say he saves us to the uttermost, and keeps us sweet in our soul continually. Praise his name ! The meeting at Enid, Okla. closed with victory on the Lord's side souls were saved, believers sanctified, the sick healed, and the pres-ence of God was present to bless all that would accept and humble them-selves under his mighty hand. Nine souls followed the Lord in baptism, thirty- seven saints took part in washing one another's feet and partaking of the Lord's Supper, to which God witnessed by his Spirit in blessing our souls and causing us to rejoice that we were cause of that fact that Paul used it as a awe. t rot11 t oil: but they are noising type of baptism, but because they wore bao:;. ink , was saved last Sunday, an? * tqlit. ”. 1ay evening at tin buried or immersed in the cloud and in N"' the sea. OtherS are seeking tiod. Wo art' arriving meeting that' Punts a w in the one body, T. A. Phillips. August 14, 1902. THE GOSPEL TRUMPET. 5 a camp- meeting but a few miles away, their attendance is small; while the peo-ple in general both young and old are attending this meeting with deep in-terest. This is encouraging. Bros. Welkle and Blewett are here. Also the Lord sent sister Jane Williams from Augusta, Ga. whose exhortations are having a good effect in breaking up the awful prejudice against the colored race which has existed in this place. The outlook for the future work of the Lord in this field of laborisvery bright. Bro. Orr is faithfully laboring in car-ing for the work. Also God. is using Sister Walter Coleborn in the ministry of the word in this field. From here we go to Armbrust, Pa. ( known. as - Weav-ers old stand) for a ten- days meeting. I have received many calls in different parts of the county, which we will not be able to fill at present. Yours for souls. H. M. Riggle. Checotah, I. T. July 30. We are glad to report victory again over all of the enemy's forces. Since our last report through the Trumpet we have held two meetings, one at Sap-ulpa, I. T. and the other at Henrietta I. T. Both meetings were a success, although but few were saved. At Sap-ulpa sectism spread itself by doing what it could to hinder the meeting. Most anything was resorted to for the purpose of getting gain and keeping the people from hearing the truth. Among the revellings these so-called churches indulged in were, ice cream and box festivals, an old maids convention, and a moving picture show. The next to the last mentioned, is, un-doubtedly, one of the most ridiculous affairs that Satan has lately invented. This was advertised by three young ladies, peculiarly dressed, driving up and down the main part of the town, ringing cowbells. These are they that the apostle mentioned in • Tim. 3: 4,5: " Lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of Godliness but denying the power thereof : from such turn away.'' A few seemed to be willing to follow the Lord, until we had the ordinance meeting, when they turned back, not being willing to follow all the way. Many acknowledged feet- washing to be a lesson of humility but are unwilling to learn that lesson. In these meetings souls were saved, backsliders reclaim-ed, and the sick were healed. At Henrietta the Lord healed au eight-year- old girl that had fallen ten feet, from the limbs of a tree, the side of her head striking a large rock. Her jaw-bone was fractured and four teeth brok-en loose. Those standing near called for help and she was carried to the tent before she regained consciousness. Her face continued to swell until one of her eves was closed and the swollen parts became offensive, but God wond-erfully healed her. Praise his holy name ! Others were healed of chills and fever almost instantly, proving " Jesus Christ the same yesterday, to-day, and forever." We began meeting here the 2Sth. Interest and attendance are fairly good. We bad : the privilege of meeting at ' his place Bro. Shoot who will join us . the battle for the truth and the sal-vation of precious souls. C. H. Shipman. and Co. Eldorado, Kans. Aug. 5. We still have the victory and peace of God inour, souls and enjoy the bless-ings of the holy way. Bro. Bryant of Neosho Falls wrote that he expected to come to us, about thelah ( D. V.), and hold a weeks meeting: but he sent word again that his little girl had the fever and requested earnest prayer. He came the 14th and told how the Lord had healed the child in answer to prayer. We put up the tent and looked to God for vic-tory; he answered. by saving and deliv-ering precious lost souls from sin. The saints were greatly benefitted, and en-couraged to follow in the Master's steps. Bro. Bryant departed from us in the will of God. At our regular service the following Sunday, a sister was very sick, but the Lord made her sound and well. When she requested prayer the saints at once complied with one accord, and anointed her with oil in the name of the Lord, and she was healed. Brethren, it was a time of rejoicing. We expect to attend the general west, ern C. M. So far as we now understand the will of God and lmow our place in the body of Christ, he is moving our hearts to sow the good seed and plant the truth in new fields. This was made known to the saints at the Wichita as-sembly in April, and they heartily said, Amen. We shall begin tabernacle-meeting Aug. 21, seven miles north of Potwin, Kans. ( D. V.) thengo over into Marion Co. early in Sept., nearly eight miles S. W. from Florence, and about the same distance east from Peabody. May the Lord move on the hearts of his children to pray for us. This day we have lack of nothing, and God is multi-plying his grace and blessings toward us. Our home and permanent address is Eldorado. Your brother and sister in Christ. Stun. and Albertina McAlister. Merlin, Ore:, Aug. 1. Once more I desire to mention to the saints of God the precious privileges granted me this spring and summer. I left Los Angeles May 1 for the Lodi camp- meeting, where the largest as-sembly of saints ( of the house of God, the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth [ Tim. 3 : 15.] ) were assembled in camp- meeting I had ever seen on thePacific coast up to that time. Truly, the refreshing showers of God's grace were abundantly manifest-ed. Many souls sought and found the desire of their hearts in healing of their bodies, and deliverance from sin in the experience of justification and sancti-fication by faith. Light and truth were spread in that meeting to many who never before heard the pure gospel of the oneness of God's people in the one body, clear from all sectarian bands and vokes. The saints assembled donat ed and subscribed an amount sufficient to complete the purchase of the camp- • round for a general state camp- meet-ing place. From there in company with Bro. S. P. McCully, Sisters Shoff- - tier and Krieble we went and held a-meeting in San Francisco ( Assembly), in which a few souls were helped, and the church encouraged and strength-ened. By letter we learned - that sever-al were added to the church by virtue of salvation after the assembly closed. They moved into a better place to hold their meetings, where the church of God now assemble, 624 Merchant St. San Francisco. When through at San Francisco, with the same company I came to Merlin, Ore., where the saints of Southern Ore. had arranged for C. M. Though the numbers were small, God's approval rested on his word sent forth in the Spirit. The scripture," Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness; for they shall be filled," was truly verified. Sometimes people think they are hungry, but will not drink the bitter cup of repentance. A few days after C. M. closed - at Merlin, I had the privilege of attending the Ore. State camp- meeting, lasting ten days, at Woodburn, Ore. This meeting was truly a precious season, where scores were seeking the Lord daily many were delivered and much good was done in the name of the Lord: I had the privilege of meeting with the dear saints and Ministers of Ore., for the firsttime,- whosenamesIhad become familiar with. Praise God for the un-ity of God's people, verifying the pro-phecy in Isa. 52 : Thy watchmen shall lift up the voice; with the voice together shall they sing: for they shall see eye to eye, when the Lord shall bring again Zion." Praise God, we have come from the cold northern country of Babylon to the warm spirit-ual atmosphere of Zion, the church of the First- born. - Halleluiah! From Woodburn camp- meeting we went to Portland, Oregon, and enjoyed the hospitality of dear Bro. and Sister Bamford a few days, then went on to the Saints' Home camp- meeting, ten miles from Colfax, Washington, where the largest assembly of saints ever as-sembled on the Pacific coast were in meeting. Over sixty tents were count-ed at this camp, and about forty at Woodburn, Oregon. Here I was privi-leged to meet the saints of Washing-ton for the first time, and in meetings assembled, rejoiced together for the goodness of God. Many were justified, sanctified, and healed in these meet-ings. Returning from the camp- meet-ing to Portland, where a meeting was already started at Montavilla, we met again in meeting with some who were anxious for the salvation of souls. We had a few meetings, then came south to Salem, Ore., and met the saints in a Sunday meeting. Next night I came south to Canyonville, where a call for meeting had been made, and in com-pany with Bro. John Van Laanen and Bro. D. 0. Hayes held a tabernacle-meeting over two Sundays, every night. This, call was from Bro. and Sister Blystone, formerly of Pennsyl-vania. Tn the sectarian division of to- day the people are generally without the lmowledge of a present salvation. God had his word set forth at this place in the Spirit, and he says it shall accom-plish that which he pleases. It shall not return void. We trust the re-sults all in his hands. May the Lord reward Bro. and Sister Blystone and those who were hospitable to God's people. At present in company with Bro. Van Laanen and Hayes I am in Merlin, and am holding meeting in the saints' meeting- house at night, and in a grove in the afternoon. Pray that we be instrumental in the salvation of souls. Yours in the one body, J. D. Hatch. Ellisburg, Casey Co., Ky. I can truly say that I have the vic-tory over all the powers of the enemy through the precious name of Jesus. I have been busily engaged in the gos-pel field this summer. Since my last report I returned to Eubanks and bap-tized a number of believers that were saved in a former meeting held by the writer. Next I went to Edenton, Mad-ison Co., and held a ten- days meeting; we had large attendance and good at-tention. Many acknowledged the truth but would not surrender. The judg-ment only will reveal what God did at that place. I next had the privilege of being in a meeting with Bros. Sam-uel Ford and N. E. Setser at Shelby City. I then held a meeting at Ma.- es Valley, this meeting was a victory for the Lord; sectism is dead at that place. I then held meeting at Friend-ship. This meeting was held in a Bap-tist meeting- house, the truth prevailed there. I understand there are but four Baptists left. The next meeting was held at Nealies Gap, in a Methodist meeting- house. I saw the pastor of this sect in regard to getting the meet-ing- house, he wanted me to agree to have no altar service. He said he could not let me have it over three or four nights any way, that the conference limited him. He said he did not want me to preach anything - that would cause any controversy; I told him I did not want the house under those con-ditions, that conference did not limit me, and the word of God was not bound that I would preach the truth it mattered not about the controversy. The people in this neighborhood were anxious for the meeting. I returned to this place and told the people what the preacher said, and prayed God to open the house as the people were so anx-ious for the truth. Next morning an old gentleman came to me and said he would open the house, for me to set the night to begin meeting. I told him Friday night. I went. The house was open and a large crowd was present. We held a ten- days meeting, the truth went forth on all lines, sectism and hireling preachers were exposed by God's ete