The Gospel Trumpet - 08:13

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 too., i ' ■ .7;! 1,1, iiterai Ilia!? -:- pet, and I urn-f lam toe puer: e haityloN. Pm! i; to- foetty it'd by art the ,,. ors who how the nations: the seinsitnes. , and rott...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Warner, D. S., Fisher, J. C.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Fisher, J. C. 1886
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Summary:Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 too., i ' ■ .7;! 1,1, iiterai Ilia!? -:- pet, and I urn-f lam toe puer: e haityloN. Pm! i; to- foetty it'd by art the ,,. ors who how the nations: the seinsitnes. , and rottenness of inumin- ' and turn die nations to hate bentiage in which they served the' ate', selfish ends of soot religion, and And upon her forehead lea: a Milne Wri! MYSTERY, BABY-LON THE t; REIT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF! THE EARTH. And the woman which thou sawest is _ that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth."—! Rev. 17: 1, 3, 5, 18. attempt the Ili, ly Spirit sent tl Is Wit i ll bbly wo • ) tout ropliets, a! ll gees. nod Is t r. , tit a It carved t lo- eae not Ike on." by • Ileaven er and authority t3tls; 4 us in ti p ! present day a ri able hireling Priests etism, for the friendship and applause of Men, 3114.1 for their salary's sake, compromise with the tiosli, the world ,4- 11d' the devil ? And do they not keep back the hammer of God's truth, Iron ',' 41- hIg the heads ot the wicked ? Thus licensing their sin, and selling their souls to 14 devil r tl 11 1: nsee of their li To flat question. By the light, ol: the Spirit of God, wo see very dearly that ucfl'oftiivse I WO chapters apply to the meat day apt: slate religion. which clainis by their lies, and by their lightness." Is j other must also. not this all true ? eAtamo of Christ. We cannot take the Speaking of babylon in Jer. 50: 32, God Mace to go through those chap says, " I will kindle a fire in his cities, and toil point out all their application to it shall devour all round about him." itresent exist it , facts in the proud. and j Literal babylon was only one city, but sects el theapostasy. . . (.) ae • needs here is zi plurality of cities in spiritual obs, er y e what Is ( ratI91r1i1 4 In mit ! babylon. This lire is everywhere spoken ol have the anointing of the Spirit. or as tile plagues God is now sendinc, 1 i t7.• on t . / 110 oonueetiou het we- ela ' rqd. - i sootism, and which is consuming the false se facts. . Many things in these: apostate church. i Thess. 2: S. Rev. 18: e reference to the literal city, I 4, s. T1h isi consuming of the false religion utly1 aitts hull, a literal anti ' Ph% i is cutlet: the . ounsumption decree," " de- 1l lulu still other P ails, i ' ermined in the midst of the lands." Isa. spiritualbabylelo ,) Ce i 10; 16_ 1S, 0 '), 23. In ' the consumption a ft'"" P" ilus. i deeree, righteousness shall overflow, and . woes tit tho \\ lode earth , 1.' Snnant. be raised up for God, that is broken : how is baby i lon I, purr. r . v Ner Lseoss` es' 20, 21, 22. This is now be-at desolation ''„ Intill':„: Ow 11: kt. ittlIS! • u 44, 1 CuItilied, and we enjoy the . blessino. . 50: 2: 1, i ascribed to this remnant. In Jer. 51: ' 14- elearly what this means in Jet. 27. Babylon is called a " destro ying mount- .--- la not my Wor d In"' a'' t lirv: line'' which has " destroyed the whole • anti iihe : 1 iwillmi' r 1113t earth." This { Va.:: not true of the literal , in cos : elute ` cite, but is true of sect babylon; because stone most precious, even like a jasper , - ill; prop!:[[_;,'''' she is indeed spread over the earth, a soul i ! stone, clear as crystal."— Rev. 21: 9- 11. - word s every lin °: deceiving, and sonl destroying bane. l " And there came one of the seven an- I : elio 10 1 ‘ I '.'"" : q:;: 11/ 1". 1 T .1110' :: liall unit [ alit' of thee a slime ii • i, gels which had the seven vials, and talked , I. I : i t WI' i n il'Ir a (. Hiner, not : t stone till' : I. found: 11101h With me, siiying unto me, Come hither; - 144 "-' 61.• I ""' Alco Is, the remnant that eseape out of II will _ hew unto thee the judgment of the 1• 41-' ull''' l babylon shall not build upon a single sect' Great whore that sitteth upon many wa- I 0: ins•° pritcipk. " Blow the trumpet among the ten; So lie carried me away in the spir- 4 by zlicir na i a t ns• o aro the nations against her." !' it into the - hvilderness: and I saw a W: ornani ier c : o • ry of God; and her light , was like unto . yhtjord God shall ,071/ the TRUMPET and go n'ilb. whirhpind-' qtfEsTtolis ANT , atigel collo. down from Ilea yea „ , t thing I s; ttv • htV!! ig gregt snd tire earth Ile etoe, 1 reightly lvith : Amoy voice. I was tghtotto. i o 111 glory. ISO ving, 1: abylen the great i iniler, is Warne ' you please fortlVt. a1. r1; cntt ia hceaTe ■ emb oaldt eTdh ee hvaebritya ttioown sogi; v aen Bd i5b1les tr Ceahsaopntse rws hoyf Jyeoru. appthlye! out ateful bird Antivr1 of her, other voice from bird. an nisseot time? cieve not of her ag; es.— Revt 1: e- Partakers'olgZesalns lie that ye be not ' and th ! I. Cat, you give proof that the babylon . of these chapters, and Revelations refers to iaodern Roman and Protestant sects, roil not simply to the. ancient literal city of that eaole? a Should the saints separate them-osIves from these sects, and not even: wor-ship with them, nor , give tlem ar. as sup-poO: in any TRay 4rippose we: refusea to work wi th the seatO; and their Sabbath schools, etc., are 0 not working division between us and sore good Christians that belong to the 0, are we not then also a separate band, ors sect? These questions I write for in-foriaation. I have been persecuted by the sods because I left them. They told me it was the work of the devil, and that I would lose my soul. But glory to God! ' have got a better experience than I ever had before. I have victory in my soul, hallelujah ! I am fully consecrated to God nd saved through His precious blood, and dead to the world. The Lord has loathed both my soul and body. I have been afflicted for a number of years. Part of thetime scarcely able to work. But trusting the Lord, I am growing much bet-er Praise the Lord for His goodness oward your brother in Christ. E. K. Menges. 8.) s t'r OT 1 0( lt y ANSWER. many ut hoe verses have equally as clear; , lu sion to present faela, but we must not extend this (?' lint fu rther. Att , wer to second question. The points - lens./ ineila ab no- v'• have nuttle, : Ind the :-.- k! riplures; drtady i the false church. Both cities are declar-whole tar it i i- !. oiled, prove dint lodiyion, which occupies ;: ed to be symbolic women, Jerusalem, the ' such t prt- nlinent. position in prophesy, Bride of Christ: Babylon the great whore, " mystery ' oabylon." What mystery ? Turn to 2 Thess. 2: 3- 7. The Apostle writing in the 54th year of the Christian of the Church between his day and the second corning of Christ, and that. aposta-sy was to result in the development of an antichrist institution, called " the man of sin,' " Sell 3f perdition," and " the mys-tery of iniquity." Here is an inspired comment on the wo-man that bears the name of "- mystery bab-ylon." The two mysteries are one, and the same thing, and- is clearly seen to be ‘ the false and fallen church. And that this babylon mystery of iniquity includes both Raman- ism and Protestant- ism, . is evident from the fact that the system. is ' f- all of • tat t I and e. ilied f lit.' tire in Se; . lialt• + 4 the. ! t h ese two symbolic cities * resent the t •;. tit 41! 11 . a spiritual interpret,- : ait upon acarlet colored beast, full oft roi; tl rsi_ 01 was sent titronglt the na- tutmes of blasphemy, having seven heads; ' 1- Z s - 1 tims alludes to the a Kai itel non enurchism. A great 1 proof: . III be F rosemed, oil - will give a few. I Open y our Bible at: the fourth chapter; of Micah, and read it through. The first i two verses dearly describe the Church and kingdom of Christ , established at jern-aalein. V erees 3- s record the primitive' glory anti prosperity of the Church. Vr's.' ti. in foretell her apostasy, and distress, and close with a gracious intimation, that Zion— the Church— should be redeemed and gathered back to her primitiase glory. Now what takes place in the apostasy of the Church ? " For now shalt thou go forth out of the city, and thou shalt dwell its the field, and thou shalt go even to bah. which 1 era, says, there was to be a " falling away" ' prophets God disowns, He says, " I sent thing, and since that ID Mica has its . ful, go out of ? Answer: Jerusalem which- is above, which is free, which is the mother of us 4: 26. " Britye are come unto Mount Zion, and unto the City of the Living God, the Heavenly Jerusalem, the Church of the First- born, which are Written in Heaven."- E-- leb. 12: 22, 23. Where did they go when they departed from the Jerusalem which 1a written in try, without faith, endurance, and holy ' Heaven, or the real Churcli4 of the first power." born ? Ans. They went into Babylon. The whole ministry of sectism through- This proves positively that Rahylon, which out all its branches, is on the hireling means confusion, is a state intowhichthe principle, and sure enough, they are but people went, during the prefient dispensa-truckling time- servers, who, to avoid the Lion. after - it- 4e Churchawas established at offence at the cross, dare not preach the Jerusalem. Now read thesevere thresh-truth. Therefore the hammer of the whole ing that God resorts to irObringing earth is broken, in the desolate, " fashion- people back from babylon confusions able churches," which is the " great whore " Arise and thresh, 0 daughter of Zion: that sitteth upon many waters, and " upon for I will make thy both iron, and will her forehead she lath a name written; make thy hoofs brass: and theu shalt beat Mystery, Babylon, the mother of harlots, in pieces many people: andli - consea and abominations of the whole earth." crate their gain unto theLor d: O. nd their sub- Turning back to Jer. 23: 29- 32, we see stance unto the Lord of the * hole earth." it charged upon the prophets, that they — Micah 4: 13. Then comp*: Jer. 51: 33. steal the Word, each from his neighbor, " For thus saith the Lord* hosts, the that is, instead of being filled with the God of Israel; The daughteOf habylou is Holy Spirit, who guiaes us into all truth, like a threshing- floor, it is '. time to thresh they read sermons, and steal their matter her: yet a little while and time of her from each- other. This is just what is done harvest shall come."— Jer. 51: 33. to [ lay all over the land. These ' false These texts clearly refer4o the,• same them not," " they cause my people to err fillment the Gospel dispensation, the applause, and their money. This is a shocking truth, horrible thing." As Bishop Foster says, " Our great dan-gers are assimilations to the world, substi-tuting of the form for the fact of godliness, abandonment of discipline, a hireling min-istry, an impure Gospel, which summed up, is a fashionable church." Again, he says, ." A hireling ministry will be a feeble, a timid, a truckling, a time- serving minis- Here are two cities, E apse asrusr ein a tsh eJ eforurmsa olef ma Lamb's wife, Babylon true and the false church, td 6y- are both set forth in the feminine gender; because the Church is always set forth in the fem-inine. ". And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I willshew thee the Bride, the Lamb's wife. And he carried me away in the spirit, to a great and high mountain, and sheaved'me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God. Having the glo- The fourth ofM Miicmcaah, h, re s a deparrt-ure " out of the. city"-- Jernsalern— into babylon—" City of Confusion.?? The heav-enly. Jerusalem is God's pure:- Ohnich, the Bride of Christ. Babylon ia , the corrupt. apostate and counterfeit chuoh, the dev-il's wife. To show clearly tetall men that ylonT— Vr. 10. Now what city did they and each one ap-woman. And just is the Bride, the is the great whore, CHRISTIAN PERFECTION. —: o:— T HE following article was suggested to the writer on hearing the two secta-rian preachers mentioned, discoursing against christian perfection. The writer was not at the time saved, yet, he believed the Word of God, and had light enough to see christian perfection. This is an ex-ceptional case, giving place to an article written by an unsaved man. but we feel at liberty to do so because the writer has since given his heart to God, and experi-• enced salvation. The writer called the skeptic preachers brothers. We do not brother such men. For a heretic— sectarian " is subverted and Sinneth, being condemned of himself." And " he that sinneth is of the devil." But as the writer claimed to be nothing but a sinner when lie wrote the article, and there is nothing improper in him calling those preachers brothers, being brother sinners. DANIEL. Orand Seplember •), tv. Y , wr S. Wu Inbc177,. " Anti He shall 411,111% 6 ao, i'ir IV! a great putat of e Hwy nlmil gating. tog rt . ith ■ tAnot ti, ! four winds. It it, oho veil ni hear, an to the other. Now learn n 11 rt I nr flu, value; when his branch i• yet 1, ttl i dsr, awl putteth forth leave. vo k rhow that Rummer Is nigh. so I I he mfge re, when ye shall Sett all ' fume things, know that Ws near. even , it the doors."— Matt. 21: 31- 32. -, ■ •••• ■ • ■ names Of blasphemy."— Rev. 17: 3, which includes all the names of sect confusion. To the third question, we simply, and positively answer, yes. " Come out from among them and be ye separate." Answer to fourth question. Do we be-come another sect by separating- from all sects ? We answer no, and have clearly proved it in the past, lott cannot enlarge upon the matter here. We simply abide in Christ and have fel-lowship with all saved men and women, and worship with them, wherever we find them met in the name of Christ, as the Scriptures command us to meet in that name only, To worship with an organized division or sect, is to endorse the sect, but God's Word says that " there shall be no schisms— sects— in the body." " The voice of the Bride— the true Church — and of the Bridegroom— Christ— shall be heard no more at all in thee."— Rev. 18:. 23. So if you are married to Christ, you have no business to go to babylon, Your voice should never be ' heard there, unless sent there to reprove them. No living man can truthfully , accuse us with being a sect while we stand only on the foundation which includes all saints. Sects are the result of party creed, party spirit, and party name. Christ is all and in all to the saints. We join nothing but Him, and are complete in } dim. All sects - are fragmentary, leaving many true believers outside of their pale. put the Body of Christ is the whole, no sect. We discard all the sects, but adhere only in Christ. Hence, are free from the sin of sectisrn. Daniel. A reply to Brothers Jacob and Weimer on Christian Perfection. —: o:— ISO. Weimer says " prove all things and hold fast that - which is good." Now for the proof. Be ye therefore perfect even as your Father in Heaven is perfect.— Matt. 5: 48. For I am the Lord your God, ye shall therefore sanctify yourselves and ye shall be holy.— Lev. 11: 44. The disciple is not above his Master, but every one that is perfect shall BE AS his Master.— Luke 6: 40. Herein is our love made perfect that we may have boldness in the day of judg-ment: because as He is so are we in this world.- 1 John 4: 17. We have given four witneses to prove this important proposition: and there are many more, but we think this is enough if their veracity is not called in question. So Brother Weimer will please hold fast to this doctrine of christian perfection, for it is good. The little word ass, which in two of our proof texts means, like, sim-ilar to, we have emphasized, in this con-nection because of its importance. ' In the first text does not the word even, show that their perfection should equal that of God's in a moral Bence ? If so, why quibble about it, why not endorse it? Now in alffriendship, brother Weimer, please do not call the holiness people liars, k until they teach what is not in tile Ward, Air The writer thinks he simply does the ' hall- n floss people justice, when he says, they ja, laive the whole tVord, ti) 1( 1 los ol l meat to believe and practice it. Bro. Jacobs labored very hard to pros ‘ 6- that man never got periect this that he would » qt. need th Nal ell and I"' instanced Adana, Lot, Noses and Da. Yid, Now the Bible teaches men to a etch and pray lest they enter into temptation, The holy people know this and therefore teach it; and do not enter temptation nor commit sin. Bo this labored effort was lost, except what prejudice it instilled into the minds of his hearers against the Bible doctrine or holiness to the Lord. It would have been more honest for thosepreachers to have ascertained what the holiness people really teach, before making so man-y rash and harsh expressions against them. Jacobs tried to belittle the idea that men might he healed of bodily infirmities by prayer and faith in the Lord Jesus, when lei k new that the Bible teaches such a doctrine. We would ask him to re- read the following texts. And these signs shall follow them that believe— they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.— Mark 16: 17, 18. Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do 14: 12. Is any sick among you ?- let him call for the Elders of the Church and let them. pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; and the prayer of faith shall . save the sick and the Lord shall raise him up.— James 5: 14, 15. Now brother, you will certainly pardon the holiness people for believing these Scriptures until you or. some one - else exL plain them so that they do not mean what they say. You may say we do not see any of these things done now. This does not lessen the force of these Scrip-tures. for they are not applicable to any except those that believe. Now this till-belief of the promises of God,. was the cause that certain of the children of Israel were not permitted to enter the holy land. And as Peter says, " exceeding great and precious promises; that by these ye ( speak-ing to all believers) might . be partakers of the Divine nature." 2 Pet. 1:. 4. in proportion to this Divine nature we re-ceive by believing these precious promises, do we lose our old and sinful natures, and become . heirs of God, and joint- heirs with Christ ? for you know nature abhors a vacuum. The * Titer thinks when we become filled with this Divine nature, it will not be necessary to have many such long ser-mons on christian perfection but it will be deemed indispencable, in a christian life, to have this perfection. Brother J. says, " When you see persons come around claiming to be perfect as angels, or Christ, you may just mark it down they are frauds." This we look upon as a cunning device of the devil to deceive the people. It . is making Christian perfection mean what the Bible and holy men do riot teach, in-order to overthrow christian perfection as aught by the. Bible and holy men. No holy man claims to be as perfect as Christ or holy angels in every respect for that would imply infallibility or perfection in knowledge. But the Bible does teach and require that we should be " pure even as He is pure."- 1 Jno. 3: 3. And the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin, and all unrighteousness.- 1 John 1: 7, 9. The Book also commands us to be like Christ in perfect love.- 1 John 4: 11. So then Christ commands, Be ye therefore perfect even as your Father in Heaven is perfect.— Matt. 5: 48. The Word explains, that we are to be perfect as He is in purity, holiness, and love.- 1 John 3: 3; 4: 17. 2 Cor. 7: 1. To deny that we can attain this state, is very strange conduct for one who had been preaching holiness for thirty or forty years, as we understood Jacobs to say once before. Now brethren in conclusion, we would just say to brothers Jacobs and Weimer, please loosen your sectarian jackets a lit-tle and let your souls expand to some extent, then you may be able to love the Lord with all your hearts, and all of God's people everywhere. Then you ' will desire the company of this band of trash as you called the people that claimed to enjoy Bible holiness. Then you will come. nto the unity of the Spirit, and become mate-ial for the building of the holy temple exead of in the Word, then shall you b4 ": 11131ete aim.'" John Key. WALKERTON IND. Dear Brethren:— My testimony is that I am saved and sanctified, and walking in the light as God gives it to me. I praise His holy ' name for His saving and healing power. 0 1 do praise God for sending Bro. - Warner, and the band of saints to Walkerton. 1 had been under the doc-tor's care almost a year with dropsy, and got Worse all the tithe. Bro. Warner told me the Lord would heal the if I would believe, and praise the Lord I did believe. The saints came and anointed me and laid Oil hands, and hallelujah to the Lamb ! He heard their prayers and I was healed. The fever left, me. praise God ! I can work some, and am trusting the Lord to carry mehlirough and I believe He will. I ask all the saints to pray for me. 1 give God all the glory lOr what, He hasdone for me. Praise His name ! Ile save and sanctifies me just DOW. Belle Morehead. MENLO IA. Dear Brethren:— I feel led of the Lord this beautiful mornina. to add my testinio-ny. in behalf of the efficasy of the blood of Christ, and can truly say that the blood is just as efficacious in pardoning my sins and sauctifying my soul as it was when first spilt. " Dear dying Lamb Thy pre-cious blood shall never lose. ' its power, Till all the ransomed Church of God are saved to sin no more." Glory to God in the highest on earth, peace good will to men. Thave been saved about seven years; meet with great opposition, but still I realize that I am kept by the power of God unto salvation. While I realize sin on every hand, I fully realize that I am cleansed from sin, Praise God! Bro. Haner came through here net long since, and stirred up the holy fire in our hearts, and the devil has been trying to put it out ever since; but the more he whips it the more it spreads. There are in this neighborhood three or four Souls blessedly saved and sanctified, and , more believe that this is the true way. May God Mesa all of the holy brethren in Christ is my prayer. Amen ! Youj Bro. saved and sanctified. • W. J. Lewis. I ( 6' j5SIIS CHRIST THE CHURCH. By 3. r. HANER. —: ce--- OTIENG is more true than the above. Christ is the Church. This ean be by a multitude of Scriptures. We provCo grea- t deal said about churches, 1 gJ3ing sects. liost of them know not iat the Church is. A lot of sinners and 11qoa- rites, and formal professors and ksliders and once in a while a real w ' man ot God among them, organized to-gel ther they blasphemously call a Church. WP eaa s_ truthfully call this the Church ? gv dear reader will you answer by- the word of God ? The question is not un-jeasenable, therefore we ask you where is our Scripture to call this the Church ? lireanswer,- you have none. And anyone ho calls such an organization the Church aspbemes the name of Christ. Lord to be careful what we say for esos' Sake. You see you cannot call this e Church, for in many instances there - 1 snot a Christian in the whole orgauiza-aa ( I speak of the most ungodly sects) vetthey. are called Churches : But this oes not make them the Church. The Roman Catholic priest calls the or infallible yet this does not make infallible. Neither does it make the Arent sects Churches to call them such. The Church is the Body of Christ, and telBody of Christ is composed. of mon nil women who are born of the Spirit of he Living God. Only such are members. You may pick out ally sect you think () gains the most good people, and it can-o; be called the Church of God for there so human organization but what con-ns sinners of some kind and even if ere were but one sinner in. it, and it were ganited together with all the human ill- that is possible, you cannot truthful-can that. organization God's Church. hough there would be members of God's lush in that sect, the sect would not the Church because the sect contains e sinner, one who is not a nian of God, d t e Church of God contains only real * Idren of God. So you may see how I' a man may blaspheme the name of To blaspheme is simply to speak serently of God; to attribute some-ag to Him which is unholy, calling sh unholy organization the Church. or such those sects are; for they contain, . nd retain sinners in their fold, when ey- know them to be such. They take eta into their fold when they know them be such, they die in that cendition, and lawn who is called the pastor of this ek of sinners, preach this man's funeral, ° Ss he knows to have been a sinner all slife, and leaves the impression on minds of the people that this sinner gone to _ Heaven. 0 my God, Thou lowest this is a fact. The preacher ° ashes them to Heaven, but their sins e them to hell. This is the work of etipi, and who can deny it ? ' Theft they retain backsliders when they ow: them to be such. I was talking with a young man not y days since, who had been a back-let for oven two years, and he knew of any more in his condition in the same ol the M. E. sect. This is a fair sam-le et Methodism. This man was in good bnding in the sect, and called a Christ- 51, beeause he belonged to the sect, and f Iie should call for a letter reconi-endation he would receive it stating hat Bro. B.— is a regular member of the dare!' in good standing, and we eesiarnend him to all Christians. This is le work of sectism. Then ' we may draw another picture. ulinoSe this man dies in this condition, Med front a flying train and killed in-tantlY, without a ' moments warning. He Pastes into eternity unprepared, and into ell Now what does his pastor do? Can epreach the truth about this man at his fIlliaMl? No, he dare not do it. Just be- 400 he is a member of his sect in good 8taallilig, and has paid much money to the ect, and. has done much to support the Esa eausts, Then he knows that if he - alve'e to preach the truth about this man ' ing inhell the people would think it aW/ 111 strange. This man has gone to hell, faorl el, dthey never knew he was a sinner be- They always treated Mr.— as a istian while he was living And Ming- Went through the outward forms of re-lion, he is a nice moral young man, ev-ei r b"- Y speaks well of him, he is liked y Now they say this is awful, now lot this man to preach him as gone to hell ahr. ter all this. You see this would make lose Ids popularity, and Manr. who lTpport him- would - cease to do so. TIseli no longer support thIAe C hheunr tchhe, Sanadv itohre t oClhdu Pracuhl w thaas tH Hime swelafs, bim. Many more reasons why he dare Paul never forgot to teach it the same not preach the. truth might be shown way in all of his but this is sufficient , writiogs: to show the rotten- May God bless His Clinich everywhere. ness of these so- called churches. New to I belong to the Uhurch of the Firsisherh, call such a man as this a man, or minister my name is written in HeaVen.-- lleh. 12: of God would be blasphemy. He makes . e. I ray for me. Your free Bro washed : . day. No tobacco, whiskey or swearing. • Out c that h this whi virtuall sinner has gone to heaven, in the blood of the Lamb, sanctified ust now. Hallelujah! . Wholy J J. . Haney. gives all other sinners a the young man's mother is riele aaapays baa lcakrgsleid seurm; a ntod tihfe t hpirse amcahner p, raenadc shhees ihse nr Son into hell she heaven, I of people I can also praise the Lord for His heal-ing power. That same day while at Di-mondale, the Lord wonderfully healed me of sick headache by the laying on of the Elders' hands, which I had suffered with from a child. Glory be to Jesus! 1 have never had it since. To God be the glory now and forever more. How my heart thrills with joy and giadness, when I think that the Lord thought me worthy to be-stow such kindness on. On the 20th day of Dec. last, after we had been away to meeting in the evening I slipped, and fell down stairs, and was picked up apparently dead. My sonde-law laid hands on me, and the Lord brought me to; but it was a king time before I re-alized any thing. My head was very bad-ly bruised, and my neck was almost bro-ken, so that I could not move my head at all. I did not expect to live through the night: bus I was sweetly resting in the arms of Jesus, and perfectly happy, will-ing that the Lord should have - 1-- Iis own way with me. Praise God! According to His comthand, they sent 8_ miles Ihr the Elders, Bro's D. H. Carlion and Gu y Foote; and the Lord healed me. They commen-ced to sing and praise the Lord, I raised from thy bed and sang and rejoieed with We have over 60 members in our Reg't them. Glory be to Jesus ! I keep heeled that belongs to our association, who . take part in trying to live for Jesus, and . their, influence tells in our Regt Almost ev-ery prayer meeting adds to our number. Our prayer meetings are held on Thursday and Sunday evenings, and on the Sabbath. Our chaplain preaches. The house is too small to accommodate all. But when we commenced here in Yorktown, there were not over sixteen to attend regularly, help-ing to keep up the meetings. Glory to God for His kindness in. bestowing His Holy Spirit into the hearts of men. May He have their hearts here on earth, and their souls to praise Hhrt in that bright realm above, in His own glory." After readin g this letter, sent by the Lord through a sister, it was, not more than ten minutes until the Lord brought me out of the . thistles and thorns. He gently pushed them aside, and. took me on His shoulder, back where He bad left the ninety and nine sheep. 0 glory to His name! Then within 38 houss jle John Hanover. ANSWER. To the brother's question; we give the plain New Testament example, and au-thority, to answer yes. Gal never waves any established, and essential condition of salvation. But we see that water bap-tism is not an absolute prerequisite to the reception of the Holy Spirit i ' as we see at the house of Cornelius. " While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost tell on all them . iwhich heard the Word. Can any man forbid water, that these ahould not be baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we ? And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. Then prayed they him to tarry certain days."- Acts 10: 44, 4' T, 48. - This settles the question. • Baptism is Scripturally in order as soon as a person is born of God but if there is a willing and obedient heart, that fulfills the law of God, until a practical oportuaity presents itself. For God looketh into• the heart, to see whether Méh are ' obedient 7 ' And un-til a suitable oportunity arrives, the will-lug soul is not debarred from any promise, for soul or body, in the Word. DANIEL. DUPONT, 0. Dear Brethren:— Please Answer through the TRUMPET this questioneCan a man re-ceive the Holy Spirit before he is immers-ed ? Also pray for me, that I: may obtain the Holy Spirit, and that I ' may be made every whit whole, both soul and body., have been seeking entire sandification for several months. I cannot now say that I am justified but 1 want to be a holy Christian. Correspondence. Body of Christ, but Jesus,: says; they are myself, whew thou Fersecutest: and work right along. Glory be to the Great. Physician ! The first day of last March I fell back-wards on the hard floor, and hurt my back and head, and broke my lett elbow. They picked me up and laid me „ on the bed. I was in terrible distress. One of • the boys ran for Bro. Guy Foote who was at the next house, he came and laid hands on me in the name of the Lord, and I was healed instantly, and got up and got breakfast. Glory be to God I work right along, and my broken elbow did not effect me any. When I went to meeting I let them feel of my elbow, and they could hear' the bones grate one against an-other, but that elbow is as sound as the other now. Praise the Lord ! I have all faith in God. I I praise God for salvation that saves, and sanctities, and satisfies me. This is a wonderful salvation, and I en-joy it, praise God! Your sister under the blood. Margaret Cogswell. " All my life long I have panted, For a draught from some cold spring, That I hoped would quenclathe burning Of the thirst I felt within. " Halleluiah I have found it, * hat my soul so long ' has craved, - Jesus satisfies my longing, Through His blood I now am saved." —: 0:— POTTERVILLE MICH. Dear Brethren:— I feel led of the Lord to testify that He has saved me, and brought me out of babylon. Glory be to Jesus ! I belonged to the sect about forty years, and to the best of my understand-ing was living up to all the light I had. Bill the best I could do I was not satisfied. I was starving; longing for that I had not until a year ago last winter the Lord sent Bro. Shelly in our neighborhood to preach the word of life. I heard him I wo or three sermons and the Lord showed me this was the right way, and I walked the light. Praise the Lord In April I went to the ordinance meeting at Dinuna dale. The Lord sent Bro. Wainer to talk with me, and there I consecrated my all to the Lord; there I gave up old babylon and got fully saved and ins; soul was sat-isfied. Glory be to Jesus! No Sabbath breaking, no tea and coffee; nothing but the Living Vine, bearing the fruits of holiness, unto the Lamb ' that saves to the uttermost. Then I have a hope beyond the grave, and having that hope, " I purity myself even as He is pure." If the Lord will, I expect to see some of you brethren and sisters this fall. I ex-pect to go to Michigan this fall, the Lord willing. I see the TRUMPET is in need, and if GM will answer my prayer and give me the means, I will send it to you, it belongs to the Lord, and He will see to it in due time. I have got through giving those hirelings money. The Lord keep you all in perfect harmony with Himself is my prayer. Your Bro.: saved and sanctified. Josiah Reed. baptized me with the Holy Ghost. Glory be to God, through our Lord Jesus Christ. I had known what the baptism was be-fore; and always believed i the Gaza route, to get out of . Egypt. That is the way. no doubt that Joseph ancl his breth-ren went, and the traders by the bend of t he ' south- east Of the Mediterranian sea. Glory to God! I am all the Lord's to- —: 0:— DEAR BRETHREN :— I am praising God to- night for full salvation. 1 am walking in the light, praise God I and the blood Cleanses me from all sin just now. Glory to GM forever I Your saved brother: T. J. Cox. Josephine Courtney. MAPLE RAPIDS MICH. Dear Brethren:-- The Lord leads-, me to tell of . His goodness to me. He keeps me each day from sinning against Him. He fills me with joy all the time. How Sweet it is to know that all is well with our soul. 0 glory to GM! , how sweetly He keeps us saved. Praise His name for-ever I Your sister saved and sanctified. Viola Cox. BAY VIEW MICH. Dear Brethren :— The precious mes-sage of salvation, the GOSPEL TRUMPET, came last evening, and as usual I limited to read, and refresh my soul from its pages. Praise God that He has made it mine to hear and love the pure Gospel. This leaves me well and saved and abounding' In all things needed from the bountiful hand of God for soul and body.' I feel more and more like improving every mo-ment as in the visible presence of God, serving Him with renewed zeal, and with all dilligence from day to day. I expect to attend the assembly of the saints at Geneva Center. Your sister saved. DEAR BRETHREN:— May the dear Lord bless you with all spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus, and keep your heart and mind stayed on Him. I am rejoicing in the glorious salvation He gives me day by day. And while the devil with all his combined forces, is trying to crush me down, I praise God He keeps me saved constantly. Glory to His name ! 0 how I long to see you and talk with you face to face. Well the truth will triumph, and God will make His own manifest. Glory to Jesus ! A few are tile to God to the very heart. May the Lord bless you and all the dear saints, and keep you true to God in these perilous times. Your Bro. in Christ. C. Z. Lindl . HARTFORD, MINN. DEA. R BRErunEan— The war is still rag-ing, and satan is at work with all His pow-ers, we are sarrounded by his forces, but in the name of Jesus we expect victory. Glory to God ! 0 how I do praise the Lord for what He hfts. done for me and my family. Glory to Jesus ! the Spirit is burns ing in my heart as I write. We are' still saved and meet for the Master's use. Pray for us as we are alone so far as free saints are concerned. Enos & Mary Key. —: o:- 0 AYLAND MILLS IA. POTTER, N. Y. Dear Brethren:— I send thee igreeting in the Lord. I thank God for victory over self, and over the beast, through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to whom be all the glory both in this world, and in Heaven forever and ever. I reckon my-self dead indeed unto sin, hut alive- unto God. He is all and in all to me. Where would I now be if it had not been for His great love. A stray sheep from His fold, I was in the wilderness among the thistles and thorns, my clothes all defiled and torn, my hands scarred and unclean, by handling such things as whiskey and to-bacco and cards, Sabbath breaking, and oaths on my tongue. He found me in all these when He sent that message from Nothiag is plainer than this one thine, , that dear & tint, my brother's : wife. ( you that no sect, nor the whole fami lv of 666 will remember that old letter dated a t, sects, are the Church of God. , Neither is Yorktown, Va. March 31st 1884.) Thank the Church of God a sect. There a te God I have that old letter before me now, members of the Church in these sects; nu t the one I have spoken of HI - rough the God it. calling His people out of her, arid l'EumPET• It came to me about three praise God! they obey His voice years ago. I will give a little extrtict from The Body of Christ is the Charch con- it- - sequently there can no sinners belong to the Church. They belong to the sects by the hundreds and as it is a fact that Christians may be drawn into an institu-tion of, satan, but sinners cannot enter God's Church, therefore , the sects ate all of the devil. The children- of God are manifest and the children of the devil, one commits sin and the other does not. Hal-lelujah! by this shall all men know that Te are my disciples if ye have love one for another, not by binding yourselves togeth-er by some articles of faith os . discipline. If ye love one another as Christ commands, then we will be well known as all belong-ing to Christ. Now take Christ's own language in Acts 26.: 16. This proves beyond a doubt that Jesus Christ IS the Church. Listen what He says. " I am Jesus whom thou perse-cutest." Did you ever think of that, my friend, that when you persecute the Church, you persechte ' Jesus ? May God help us to look at this a moment. Paul was pensecutihg then and -\,'., 79111PP of the de ceptive hope of heaven. The - fruit cf Such is, it makes the Bible a he, and en-courages all sinners to continue in sin. I know of a Baptist preacher who was an adulterer, and who took carbolic acid and killed himself Five preachers preached his funeral, and they every one preached him through to heaven, calling a murder-er brother. 0 my friends, this is sectism. Will not every intelligent man say, if he has not gone. to hell it is because there is none? and if he has gone to would like to know what kind go to hell ? • No wonder Peter calls sects " damnable heresies." They deceive and cause to be damned those in their own pales, and many who are outside stumble over these hypocrites into hell. This is awful ! Reader are you one of either class? then " awake to righteousness and sin not." If in a sect get out of the Way of sinners, either- get saved, or throw off the false cloak. If you are of the class who are stumbling over hypocrites, stop my friend, turn to Christ. Get off the broad road, where all hypocrites walk, then you will not stumble over them. Then as long as you tread on the highway, you will find no hypocrites in the way. May God help you just noW to turn your face Zionward, and " follow peace with all men, and holi-ness without which no man shall see God." The head of this article says Christ is the Church. For proof or this declaration we will take Ephesians 1: 22, 26. " And hath put all things under His feet and gave Hint to be the Head oVer all things to the Ohara, Which is His body, the fulness of Him ( Christ) that filleth all in all." You see very- plainly that the body of Christ is the Church. And as my body is myself, so is Christ's body, the Church identical . with Himself: As therefore Christ is pure, His Church is a •" glorious Church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that it should be holy, and without spot or blemish. This is the Church of God, and every man who has saving faith in Christ, is a member of the Church of God. Faith brings us into Christ, the living Head. This is the way to become a member of Christ, the Head of the Church. See Col. 1: 18, 2- 1. " And He ( Christ) is the Head of the Body, the Church, who is the beginning; the First-born from the dead, that in all things He might have the preeminence. Hallelujah! The Etendis the seat of power. What-ever the head decides shall be done, must be done. This is Jesus Christ, every mem-ber is subject to the Head, Christ. When He commands, we must obey, that in all things Christ might have the preeminence. Yes in ALL THINGS. Hallelujah ! this is the plain teaching of the Bible the Word of God is very plain, none need to err therein. fl UTRRATy . ITER VISI T TO R EAVEN. • - • THE STORY OF. AN. ALARimA GIRL, m the intoaisat. is not s name God in vai e. n He saves d H firo me fro m taking ing cup, and glory to God forever! Re saves me from the use of tobacco, a hay I obtained. while I was very young, inti it to such an extent that ` it injured God did take the appetite from me. age health, so I was hardly able to but through the mercies of God go I aboin; enjoy perfect health. Glory to His name, D. S. WARNER, and J. C. ELSHER,-- Editors. C. F. ISHER,-- Pablisher. NOTICE. • A commission of 20 percent will be given on each new, cash subscriber, to all who will labor for the GosrEn TRODPET. We make this oiler so as to help the brethren that are in the field, as well as the cir-culation of the paper. W- Parties desiring papers to canvass with should notify us regularly of their whereabouts. zt WIS YOUR TIME OUT? ja no cross marked • with a pencil op posite this item means that your paid subcription is out. When thus marked please renew at once, or, if the Irumpe is not desired longer, notify us to stop it. We must be notified by letter and the amount due us as back pay must be sent to U81 when a 8' Ubscriber wishes their paper discontinued. Any, one who does not receive their paper, should notify us at once, and i will receive prompt attention. ilddress, G7^ a72. d ILL720t7072. Entered at the Post Mee at t- irand Junction, Van BurenCo. Mich., as second class matter. ' CHRIST IS THE BODY THE CHURCH. A tract containing scriptural proofs tha Christ Eim, self is the Church, and the Church is Christ. It is doing a glorious work. Many write favorably of the light it is shedding. Or ders are increasing; send on your orders Price .5 cents. One dozen copies .$ 0.50. Fifty copies $ 1.75. THE S 1; AMU Tn6v- 1).-• • r . L., ftt THE SABBATH, —: OR:— 71rIfICH D. 71 Y TO KEEP. BIBLEProes that the change from the seventh, to the first day of the week, was made by the Lord Himself. This tract contains 64 pages : the price reduced to only 10 cts. Per dozen $ 1.00. t. 4( 4 has enabled us to set forth the subject in the clear light of abundance of Scripture. So every reader of the TRUMP-ET can glorify God in sending your orders for this Tract. This will also be a good fi-nancial help to spread other matter for the Lord. LOANED BOOKS. We have loaned out quite a number of books ' to accommodate brethren and friends; but in so doing we have lost trace of some. Hence we make this call to any one that has of our books to let us know. Among the lost are, aMadamGuyon," two - volumes, Upham's " Life of Faith," and " Interior Life." " Randall's Travels in E-gypt, Sinai, and the Holy Land, or the Hand writin a of God." SONGS OF VICTORY. SECOND EDITION NOW READY. Songs of Victory is specially adapted, for Revival, Camp, Grove, and all other meetings, also for the Sabbath school. All orders accompanied by cash, will be filled, from single copy upward. Price, Single copy, Manilla cover, 25 as. Cloth limp cover, 40 cts. Per dozen Ma-nilla cover, $ 2.25. Cloth, $ 4.00. Parties may order half or quarter doz-en at same rates as per dozen. Address all orders to the GOSPEL TRUMPET OFFICE) Grand Junction Mich. FARM FOR SALE. A Brother offers for sate a farm of 80 acres of land, unimproved, situated in South-eastern Missouri, in Bollinger Co., on the R. R. from St Louis to Cairo Ill. Only one mile from the village,- in a healthy lo-cality, well watered, unincumbered, ab-stract of title furniahed, warranty deed giv-en to purchaser. Lowest cash price $ 400. Any one desiring to purchase the above mentioned land, can do so by writing to the GOSPELTRUMPETOFFICE, Grand Junction Michigan, or A. C. Bigler, Alpena Dakota. The Bro. who desires to help the cause of the Lord, offers this land at cost price, and will give one half for the publication of the GOSPEL TRUMPET and tracts, for dis-tribution to the glory of God. Any one desiring to get a home in a mild, healthy climate, short winters, will do well to make this purchase. Joseph. () TICE. As yet this place has not • procured the privilege of a money order office. Please remit money by registered letter, or by express draft, through the American ex-press Co. Or small quantities in stamps. Address all business letters to the GOSPEL TRUMPET. Our Camp and Grove Meeting List. an AOSLI", went to Heaven, andreturned to the world tO pro- . claim God's Word to _ His People. Miss.,. July 30.— The lit-tie town of Vernon, 28 miles from here in Lamar county, Ala., is the scene of an. excitement unparalleled in the his-tory of the nineteenth century, occasioned by little Mollie Pennington, daughter of George Pennington, a farmer. Early in the spring of the present year she was taken violently Drs. Burns, Morton and Brown were called in to see her and they pronounced her sickness' resembling that of . hydrophobia,. she attempting to bite those around her and even herself. For several days she lay in an unchanged condition. On the morning of the 24th ult. she declared she would die for an hour, and during the time asked her friends to chafe her hands and feet, and that she would return to life. She swooned away and the physician states that it was im-possible for him to detect any respiratory movements; that by using the stethescope the heart could not be heard, and that she was cold. and pulseless. Exactly at the expiration of the 60 minutes she amazed. all by opening her eyes and jumping nimbly from bed, and. thereat the crowd of neighbors who had assembled began exhorting, declaring she had been to Heav-en, had been cured by God, and that He had sent her back into the world to pro-claim His Word to His people. Her won-derful sayings created consternation and her name was reverberated over the old clay hills of Alabama until the entire coun-try was in a flame of excitement. Ever since then crowds from all over the north-ern portion of the state have been pouring in to see her. She says she was sent to Heaven that she might see the beautiful City of Angels and tell her people of it. She describes her transition from earth to Heaveli. in language that is beautiful, and her de-scriptiOn of Heaven is as Revelation's last chapter declares it. She says she recog-nized her friends and relatives there, who had gone before. When asked there gen-eral appearance, she said they were of the size of a 2- year- old child; that they were not winged, but moved around, each one crowned and singing praises to God. She said they were not flesh, but spirit, and described God as being the size of an or-dinary man. When asked if heaven contained rivers and trees, she seemed surprised at such an interrogation, and interpreted that part of Revelations wherein it describes Heav-en as containing rivers and trees, and said the trees were God's throne and the rivers His love. - She has been attending religious meet-ings in her neighborhood gotten up espec-ially for her, and has been the means of converting aeveral., • She has now gone to her home, she says from a command of God, and refuses to talk in public, yet quite willing to answer any questions pro-pounded to her by individuals. She says God will soon commaod her to preach to the world. She claims to be a prophet and, a healer of the sick. Two sick babies who had baffled the skill of physicians, were catried to her, ancl by simply moving her hands over their bodies their cries were hushed and they were turned over to their mothers well. She declares the world will soon be finished, and it is sur-prising to hear her tell of the sins corn-dience, and she solicits questions from any cue. Several passages from the Bible were quoted by a correspondent for her to explain, and without hesitation she gave answers not unintelligibly, but in words that would sound wonderful for even one elderly and an educated person. Rev. Thos. Springfield, postmaster at Vernon and pastor of the Baptist church, declares the girl to be inspired, and other intelli-gent and strong minds say she is what she claims to be, while others claim she is an imposter and. laugh at her claims of being supernatural. Meantime there is an a-bundance of enthusiasm and excitement over her, and the crowds that visit her are increasing daily. Toledo Blade. ETERNAL DELIVERANCE. Eternal deliverance from sorrow and sin, The Lord has provided the children of men; And I have accepted and now I do know The blood of my Savior makes whiter than snow. Yes whiter than snow; Hallelujah to God! I'm free from all sin and I'm washed in the blood, Washed whiter than snow, yes whiter than snow, Oh glory to God I'm - whiter than snow! Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for He hath visited and redeemed His people. And hath raised up an horn of salvation for us in the house of His servent David. As He spoke by the mouth of His holy Prophets, which have been since the world began, that we should be saved from our enemies and from the hand of all that hate us. To perform the mercy promised to our Fathers, and to remember His holy covenant. The oath which He sware to our Father Abraham, that He would grant unto us; that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies, might serve Him with-out fear, in holiness and righteousness before Him all the days of our life. Praise the Living God. for deliverance I Jesus says, Verily, verily I say unto you, he that hear-eth my words, and believeth on Him that sent me, bath everlasting life, and shall not come into condenmation, but is passed from death unto life. There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit. I praise God that I am filled with the Spirit of the Living God. I do not long for days gone by, saying I enjoyed so much at such a time and so on, no, I can say to- day I am saved to the uttermost, and filled with all the fulness of Goct— perfect and entire wanting noth-ing, complete in all the will of God. It will be five years the twenty- nineth of this month since I presented my body a living sacrifice to God. There I received the Holy Ghost, the sanctifier, which will abide with me forever. Praise the Living God forever and ever I The enemy of all righteousness has striven hard in all man-ner of ways to overthrow me, but he might as well try do upset the Rocky Mountains. For Jesus says there is nothing able to pluck us out of His Father's hands. Jno. says, " Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world." Paul says also," who shall separate us from the love of Christ; shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution or famine, or nakedness, or peril or sword? I am nersuaded that neither death nor angels, nor principalities, nor - powers, nor things present, nor taiings to come, nor height, nor depth nor any other creature,. shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Your sister dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God. Emma A. Lyon. WONDERFUL SALVATION. Though my sins were once like crimson red, To the healing stream my feet were led, In the precious blood my Savior shed, He washed me white as snow. Oh my joyful song henceforth shall be, ' Tis the blood of Jesus cieanseth me. Cleanseth, cleanseth, 0 yes it cleanseth me. I do praise God for the light Ha ha8 given me on His Word. He lifts e fat above the trifling things of this world, aid. makes me to sit in heavenly places. ry to His name I feel that God is jet. ting me down deeper and deeper into In truth, and I am learning more of Ills ail every day. I am free in Christ Jesus; a straps and bands are cut loose from and I am sailing upon the ocean sa God, love. I am determined to live for Etim and to do His will as Hia Spirit leads. I ask the prayers of all God's pap! that we remain faithful and ready as vants of God. I know that I am all the altar for time and eternity, and a saved up to date and sanctified whollyi Oliver hues, ■ 1111.4.0. HEALED BY THE MERCY OF GOD. —: o:— EAR Beloved saints, I wish to tell the glory of God, what wondeau things the Lord has done for me. In Hi mercy He delivered me from that avd disease, the epileptic fits, which file my soul with terror. I resorted to help of man, which failed me. I beam more and more alarmed, and in ma di tress I cried mightily to God for hel Not being properly instructed in the Ne Testament faith, I did not ask God direct ly to heal me, but asked Him to lead to some means He could use to heals of that terrible disease. According to th faith of companion and 1, the Lord don for us. Our faith had not taken - holds the Almighty arm to heal directly wit out means, so He helped us to effectua means. Gee day as I was sitting in meditatio e) a small piece of paper was carried by a wind to my feet. I picked it up, a found it an advertizenient of a doctor N. Y. who claimed to be able tohealfi I felt that it came in answer to praye ion and sent for the medicine at once. It ha Ii the desired effect. 0 praise God! I en I delivered from that awful scourge. Three years passed without a return o the dreadful foe. During this time ti Lord led me into the glorious light of en tire sanctification, wherein I now stand taking Christ for all and in all. He heat eth all of my diseases. Praise His am forever and ever! Well He wants a tried people, and last spring a year ago, th Lord suffered the awful fits to come ban on me, that He might get to Himself grea er glory. The fits kept increasing allsn mer, and as the assembly drew on itath fall, the voice of God's Spirit said, " go to .1a( Williamsion and have hands laid oars) and 1 will heal you forever." 0 glorate His great name ! for His wonderful wor to the children of men. Praise Gocll• I obeyed, and went, and the Lord filled feast with joy, and with the most holy hands were laid last, on Bnriog. htri osfhtebi: faeaitSiit.' and the Lord came in mighty healingrar" er, and thrilled me through and through. The brother said, " It is doneayeia:* never have any more fits," and my seel esaviedr, lAnAileinnolsP ih. ehaLsorpdasfsoerde, 7arnand t di am still healed, and " kept by the pow of God unto salvation,- ready to be- reVe ed in the last time." , Your brother, saved , and. sanctifiect Geo. W. Morse. THE VISIT', TRUMPET, A SZYI- SIONTELT FICLIMESSIOVENAL DEFINITE, Raa. Ds. ci- Asaa saasara- sEcTaaaa- Aaa. Sent Forth in. the mime of the Lord Jesus Christ For the Purity and Unity of His Church, the De-fence of A. LL I- Iia Truth, Ana. the Destruction of Sect nal,- ylon. IML/$ 1123) AT GBA inttiCTIOX, 100/ 1. TERMS, $ 1.00 PER YEAR Ix ADVANCE . All business communications, moneys etc., must be addressed to the GOSPEL TRUMPET, in order to in-sure credit; otherwise - we win not be responsible. Remittances should be sent by Registered Letter, or Express Order, through the Americn Express Co. Small amounts may be sent in Two Cent Stamps. E have completed the Second Edi-tion of Songs of Victory, to which we have added five new pages, , three pa-ges with notes, and two offamiliar hymns. The book now contains 94 pages with notes, and 14 pages of familiar hymns, making in all 112 pages. We have ether-wise improved and corrected it, also put double impression on the covers, and the cloth covers are so bound that there will be no more raw edge, and the lettering gypeotod yfeqf Ft4 THE MICHIGAN ANNUAL. ASSEMBLY. The sixth annual Michigan assembly will take place, the Lord willing, at Geneva Center in the new house of worship, com-mencing September 16, to continue until the 20th, or as much longer as the Lord wills. It is expected as usual that this will be a glorious Pentecostal meeting. The new house, which is nearly finished, ' will be. dedicated by the outpouring of the Ho-ly Spirit: so that not only the house may be filled with the power and glory of God; but every heart may be filled also, and burst out with new wine ' into streams of living joy and glory. . Let there be a gen-eral rally, and come to Zion o'with songs of everlasting joy upon their heads." CAMP MEETING IN KANSAS. Bro. Hauer writes us of the projected Camp Meeting, near Chanute, Neosho Co. Kansas, to begin Sept. 25th 1886. A tab-ernacle is already purchased for the meet-ing, and other service in the holy cam-paign. There is a call for us to come to that meeting. If the Lord will, He will bring it to pass. . Any other parties wishing meetings, should communicate with us at once. Joseph. GROVE MEETING, RISING SUN, 0. there will be a grove meeting about one mile east of Rising Sun, Wood Co. Ohio, beginning Sep. 15. If the weather will not admit of outdoor The Lord Willing, BE RICH IN GOOD WORKS. Bro. S. M. Smith of Silver Lake Ind., sends $ 4.00 to pay on Bro. Wm. N. Smith's horse. He suggests that . thirteen such offerings to the Lord would pay for the horse. The Bro. got- a noble animal for $ 75.00 and paid $ 25.00, and gave his note for six months for the balance, which time will soon be Now please help the Bro. out of this debt. Send your $ 4.00, less or more. If you do not know where to address the brother, as they are con-stantly in the field, you can send it to the TRUMPET OnsioE, by registered letter, or express orderl 9r small . tinonat: in WI, Ca' @ tamp, love and seek God. Daniel. , matted in tthhiiss fast age of ours. meetings, a building will be occupied. Our' She claims to be a mind- reader, and that helpers will be with us. Come all who she can tell immediately on sight whether a person is a christian or not. She denounced sin in all its forms, and vows that God will not let the world live much longer. . The girl is about 13 years of age, au-burn- hatred, with bright features, about three feet eight inches tall, and weighs about forty- eight pounds. She has never been to school hut two days in her life, and does not know her alphabet. She never heard but to sermons and she heard those when she) was too young to know what they meant. Her parents are the poorest of people, and live in a small hut among the pine's. Neither of them can read or write. T' hey live in a neighbor-hood secluded from religious worship, and the child has neither been taug lit or has ev er heard a prayer. or Bibla teaching, yet the most inextricable parts of the Bible are lanted bYitF Mtt § f4qtgilltc bCr doing. I was a sinner until I was twenty- I feel led to write my experience, and trust that I am honoring God by so six years of age, always trying to argue Universalism. But I became so convicted that I could not do that, any more. And I had been trying to drown my convic-tion in the intoxicating cup : but that only had a tendency to make me more misera-ble and wretched, and to see my awful doom if I did not yield to God. I felt that I would never have another opportunity of seeking God, so on the 19th day of July 1885 I was struck down like Saul. All f could see was the bottomless pit. I prom-ised God that I Would never go back into this wicked world for any kind of pleas-ures. Glory to God ! I was made to re-joice, but was only converted. I felt my need of something more in about three Weeks. I went to the altar and there re-ceived the fullness of God. Glory, glory to His name ! I know that God does w 01.4111Y Mirl:".; MA? 491P PYglr tiling that bia! he ittl o)) ft AI a ii time or EILMTV. go. Lor d h DEAR BRETEEREN:— May the A sail antly bless you all. We want to Kt' the glory of God that we are still serving the Lord in Spirit and in truth, a nd- sre trusting Him to keep us from all the pow" ers of darkness and sin. We are Washe d in the all- cleansing blood of the Lob, waiting for the Lord, seeking to do will in all things. Yours in the bonds of love. Chgs, 0, 4 4. 14 0 01W, GRUMBLER AN S W E RED . 11, M6e., IND. ROTEIER Wkiruta; I rend • n1tr arti-cle ID the last lanuAlPia. on of Baptises, with much illiC. rest. StlitS ny faith very well, f4 I was missed up to believe in immersion. But I thought of something else, Some one else has as gond a. right to their faith as I have to mine. Considering this Bible truth to be true, that " he that doeth the will of God, shall know of the doctrine, etc. Let me ask, how will he know of the doctrine`? Will it be by the Word, . or by the Comforter, or by the PREICHER? Surely the common people will never learn it from the Word, when the Word is translated wrong. By the Holy Spirit then, you say. Well, his-tory shows as well as the Bible, that holy men of old, lived, and labored, and died in holy triumph without being difinite on the mode of baptism. Last of all; the " common. people" must learn the definite mode, at the mouth of the preacher. Well that leaves the masses wholly: at . sea as to the will of God in many things, and at the mercy of the favored few Greek and He-brew scholars. Hence, you build again the very Catholic wall that you know has wrecked the religious world. Viz., that the " common people" are not capable of understanding the Scriptures, except at the hands of the priest ( preacher). Please answer this in the TRUMPET. I am yours, for the truth. J. D. Coverston. ANSWER. tine is not translated lap English, butt croaking, grumbling, time- serving scent- m telly adopted, saying that if that were so, on the oukitle. Then answer we unto Mr. Coverston-e t he God of Heaven He will prosper us therefore we flis servants will arise and build but ye have no portion, nor right, nor memorial in Jerusalem,"-- Nehemiah 2; H. Amen ! don, and was received into the heart of carne to the Lord, and were joyfully saved —: o:— ed, and during the meeting, several little boys, and some bright little girls too, of the Lord. 0 praise. God for a Savior that takes little children in His loving arms, and saves them. On Tuesday, Aug. 24, we went to the Maumee river, and had the hallowed priv-ilege of immersing 21 dear saved saints. I think, without a single exception, every one, including little Freddie and other children, began to shout and leap for joy with the blessing of the Holy Spirit sent anew into their hearts, as soon as coming up out of the water. It was a holy and heavenly sight. 0 praise the name of Jesus, for the " Spirit of gloryand of God" which rests upon us, and for the wonder-ful refreshings from the presence of the Lord, upon His people. Every meeting is getting richer and more wonderful. 0 my Lord, whereunto will this great King-dom yet grow? Truly the saints of the Most High have taken the Kingdom, and the dominion, and the greatness of the Kingdom under the whole B eavens. Hal-lelujah! No record was kept, as to how many souls were saved. Dear Bro's. Kilpatrick, Howard and Moore, and others, labored faithfully with us in the great work. Our little company are becoming more and more mighty through God, in pulling souls out of the fire. They never tire in the great work. 0 praise God for such bless-ed fellow- helpers in the. Lord. From this meeting, Sister Smith, whose name is in the book of life, and who is greatly beloved as a holy mother by our company, and by the saints every where, went to her home, at Jerry City 0., after an absence of about eleven months of al-most constant work for Jesus. Praise God! she is well, and filled with power. She expects to go forth again after the Jerry City meeting. Jesus. Other boys, all some I follow-wept i. O 3. in• s M. il& tu, 1: ed I Llo rd lor par- Correa 100nde On Thursday, Aug. 23, we - were brought Your sister saved and sanctified. back to Payne, and began service in a I Annie school house, about two miles west. I te common people could not understand he meaning of the word. This is not ! rue. We showed plainly, that though I he war& is not, translated in the commoi v, ersion, the circumsta