The Gospel Trumpet - 16:45

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 with a great sound of a Trumpet, and they- a i sa the four winds, from one end of heaven to the Mat. 24 31. and will deliver them out of all places where they dy and dark day. Eze. 34...

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Main Author: Warner, D. S.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Warner, D. S. 1896
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Summary:Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 with a great sound of a Trumpet, and they- a i sa the four winds, from one end of heaven to the Mat. 24 31. and will deliver them out of all places where they dy and dark day. Eze. 34; 12. . Ter. 32: 39. PHILL. 4: 8. onesty is that part of character manifestly displayed on the part of those who are possessed with in-tegrity of soul and a candid mind; insomuch that the foundation of every ambition is that principle that calls for a thorough investigation of every issue by which it is confronted. Honesty is never stubborn, yet it is never carried by the tide of worldly aggrandizement, nor moved by the power of any selfish motive. It is not founded upon principles dogmatical inform, but ever lifts its voice in tones clear and distinct, and calls for a confirmation of supposed facts. It accepts nothing merely traditional, even customs and rites of long observ-ance, unless the evidence produced has been weighed by a careful mind it the balance of truth. Honesty never wears another's costume, but only that garment that has been proved to fit every noble purpose. Honesty never decks her-self with the traditions of ancestral practice, but is adorned with the jew-els of solemn thought that are able to fathom the depths of any momen tons question, the which are only brightened by any laborious task. The many shafts of opposition hurl-ed at honesty's shield only cause it to shine the more under the efful-gent rays of moral glory. She is ap-prised of the fact that human exist-ence in the present state is charac terized by uncertainty and shortness of duration, that there is interposed between us and heaven or hell, noth-ing b t the pre, ious thread called life, which is severed by but one stroke of death's hand. She sees no cause for pride in being involved in the myst it. fogs of in penetrable darkness, and no consolation in the gloom of despair, and thoughts of an uncertain future. The first and principal concern. of a soul over which honesty sways a scepter, is to become wise in regard to those things which pertain to fts nature, its present duties and future - expectations. There has been for ages a storm of moral blackness, sweep. ing over the vision of humane-ty, causing. a great apostasy from the plane - ? of reasonabl, ness and the standard of onest search. In the religious realm sectish rites and tra-ditions have been followed instead of Bible truth. At times the moral sky was made to brighten sQm- ewliat bv:_ ironestyi: s, effort through some soul; but alas! in. close Continued on fourth p. age.) C- 0)- CHRIST IS ALL IN ALL. ' Tis so sweet to know that Jesus — Saves us fully and complete, And to know that he can keep us Living humbly at his feet. Chorus.— Christ is our Redeemer, He saves us from all sin; Christ is our Physician, He takes away our pain. He gives us joy for sorrow, And holiness for sin, We are a new creation, Our Savior reigns within. What a wonderful Redeemer! He can keep us free from sin, Free from guilt and condemnation, If we just abide in him. Then He's promised us so often, • If we just obey his word, We can ask for any favor, And we always shall be heard. If we ask in faith. believing, And according to his will, He is always just, and ready Every promise to fulfill. Maggie Woody. QUESTIONS and ANSWERS — 0N The SeCbloauth. Volume 16. Number 45• GOSP EL Blow ye the Trumpet in Zion, sound an alarm in my holy mountain. TAhlle y Le oirndh Gaboidt asnhtasl lo bf ltohwe twhoer Tldr, u amnpde td, w aenllde rgso o wni tthhe w ehairrtlhw, i nds. ZecJho. e l92: 1: 14. Meth up an ensign on the mountains; and when he bloweth a Trsueme pyeet,, whheaern y he. e 18a. 18: 3. And he shall send his angels gather together his elect from other. 80 will I Seek out my sheep, Have been scattered in the clou ( Continued from issue of Oct, . t.) Christ arose from the dead upon the sabbath day according to the Greek Testament. We will quote the texts in Greek which record the day of the resur-rection of the Savior. " Opse de sabbaton tei epiphoskousei eismian sabbaton."— Matt. 28: 1. " Kai lion prof tes miss sabbaton."— Mark 16 : 2. " Anastas de prof protei sabbatou."— Mark 16 : 9. " Tei de miai ton sabbaton."— Luke 21: 1. " Tei de miai ton sabbaton."-- Yno. 20: r. The reader will observe that the day on which Jesus rose from the dead is called in all these texts sabbaton, except in Mark 16: 9, where it is called sabbatou. But it is the same word; sabbatou is a singular, and sabbaton a plural form. The Greek word sabbaton has but one definition; that is, sabbath. It has been very improperly translated by the King James committee. The reader will observe that the same word is applied to the sev-enth day of the week in Matt. 28: 1. The seventh- day- keepers argue - that this word is correctly translated in the standard translations; and some of them have even affirmed that we repudiate all` the Greek scholars, when we say the word sabbaton, in the text under consideration, means sabbath. But they make a very great mistake when they say this. It is true that many scholars who have translated since the King James committee, have followed in their rut, and translated this word week; but- earlier translators render it sabbath. Martin Luther translated the Bible into the German language before the standard English version was made, and he ren-dered this word sabbath in every instance where the phrase " first day of the week" occurs in the New Testament. If we translate literally from Luther's German version, Matt. 28: 1 would read, " On the__ evening of the sabbath which dawned on the morning of the first holyday of the sabbaths, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulcher." See Luther's translation. Chrysostom, Jerome, Augustine, Col-umbia ( the learned Culdee), and Calvin, like Luther, translate sabbaton " sabbath" where it refers to the first day of the week. We stated above that many of the scholars who translated since the King James translators follow in their rut to translate sabbaton " week," where itis applied to the first day. They have done the same in many other passages, as some of them admit, to shift responsibilities off of themselves. But it must be remembered that not all modern scholars have done this. Dr. Young must surely be acknowl-edged a scholar, and he, like Luther, translates sabbaton, " sabbath" in every instance where it is applied to the day which followed the seventh- day sabbath. Dr. Schaff says, " Hebdomas is the Greek word for week, - but it is not found in the New Testament. The Greek word for week was • not stzbbaon*** It cannot be translated % deg without doing violence to the Greek text' Other scholars, many of them, agree with those we have mentioned, but for the sake of brevity we forbear to quote any more of them. The fact is, sabbaton means sabbath only. If the New Testament writers had wished to express a week, they would have used the regular Greek word for week, hebdo-mas, from hepta, seven. There is no implication of seven in sabbaton, hence to say it means a period of seven days, is no less ridiculous than to say the word man also means a nation; or soldier, an army. We will now translate literally the phrase which is rendered " first day of the week," in the standard translation, and show its true meaning. We will use as a basis Matt. 18: 1, mian sabbaton. Mian is the Greek word for one. It is not in the same gender as sabbaton, hence it must modify hemeran ( day) understood. So we should read this expression, mian hemeran sabbaton, which literally trans-lated is, one day of sabbaths. Mian in this text must have been used for prole, which means first; hence, we would translate this phrase, first day of the sabbaths. If sabbaton meant week, we should have to translate it weeks, because it is in the plural. Then we would read it, first day of the weeks. This would indeed be a senseless expression. At the time Matthew wrote his gospel, two sabbaths were being kept in each week. The Christians were keeping the first day, and the Jews who rejected the law of Christ, were - still keeping the seventh day. By first day of the sabbaths Matthew meant the first sabbath in the week, which was the Christian's first- day sabbath. The seventh day was the second day of the sabbaths. So this phrase is sensible enough when we understand it correctly. We will next show that the first day of the week was the regular weekly day of worship to the apostolic church. On the very day of Christ's resurrection the apostles met to worship God in the evening. Jno. 20: 19. An Advent with whom we discussed the sabbath in 1895, attempted to prove this meeting identical with that of Mark 16: 14, where Mark speaks of Christ appearing to his apostles as they sat at meat; trying thus to show that that meeting on the resurrection- day evening, was not a religious meeting. Such twisting we cannot recognize as anything less than the fruit of insincerity; for the Bible shows nothing more clearly than that these meetings were not identical. In the twenty- fourth chapter of Luke we read that two of Christ's apostles on the resurrection day walked from Jerusa-lem to Emmaus, a distance of threescore furlongs; that is, seven and one- half piles. Verse 13. On the way, Jesus appeared unto them and walked with them. It was toward evening, and the day was far spent when they arrived at Emmaus. Verse 29. They invited Jesus to tarry with them over the night, and as they were eating their supper, Jesus vanished out of their sight Verses 3o, 31. They then arose and walked all this distance ( 73 miles) over the hills to Jerusalem, and arrived there before the meeting closed. If the apostles were eating meat at. that time, they certainly had a late supper. Thomas was not present at the meeting on the evening of the day on which Christ arose ( Jno. 20: 24), but he was present when Jesus appeared unto his apostles as they sat at meat. Mark 16: 14. Mark's gospel alone shows that the time when Jesus appeared unto the eleven as they were eating, was subsequent to the meeting held on the day Jesus arose from the dead. He mentions- the testi-mony of two of the apostles unto whom Jesus had appeared, in Mark 16: 12, 13 ( This was the testimony of the two who had been to Emmaus, given in the meeting at Jerusalem on resurrection- day evening. See Luke 24: 35, 36.), and then proceeds, showing in verse 14 that= it was. after that when Jesus appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat. Another point worthy of our attention, is that there were others beside the apps= ties in that meeting on, the; dar Christ arose ( See Luke 24:. 33.), Witch is conclusive evidence that the apostles were not at home eating meat, but in the assembly of the little church at Jerusa-lem worshiping God. One week from the time they held their meeting on the ' day the Savior arose, we find the church at Jerusalem assembled again in their regular weekly- worship. " And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the door being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you."— Jno. 2o; 26, The words, " again his disciples were within," in this text prove that this meeting was similar to the first, which we have before proved to have been a general gathering of ' the church at Jerusalem. Adventists say this meeting was more than one week later than the first, because the text says it was atter eight days from the day Jesus arose. Men can certainly play very ignorant when they do not want to see. The expression " after eight- days" is translated from " meth hemeras okto, a Greek idiom which signifies one week. That this expression does signify one week is evident from a comparison of Luke 9: 28 with - Matt. 17: 1. " And it came to pass about an eight days after these sayings, he took Peter, and John, and James, and went pp into a mountain to pray." " And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into a high mountain apart." Here we have the expressions " eight days after" and " after six days" applied to the same period of time. Now if Adventists are going to cling with such tenacity to a literal translation of the Greek idioms, how would they harmonize this contradiction? The fact is, both these expressions are idioms which to the ancient Greeks signified one week. The expression " eight days after" was used to signify a week, because the num-ber of days in a week, counting the sabbath at both ends, like running the scale from do to do amounted to eight. The expression " after six days" was used to signify a week, because there were that many days in a week between the sabbaths. The German language contains this same expression. Ueber acht tage ( liter-ally after eight days) is used to signify after one week. When the German preacher makes an announcement for one week ahead, he says haute weber acht tage ( literally, to- day after eight days). He means,- One week from to- day. So the meeting of Jno. 20: 26 was on the first day of the week. The next Sunday meeting we come to in the reading of the New Testament, was that in which the Holy Spirit was so wonderfully poured out upon them on the day of Pentecost, recorded in the second chapter of Acts. Adventists sometimes say that the feast of Pentecost did not always come on the first day of the week; hence they argue that there is no proof that the wonderful outpouring of the Spirit occurred on- the first day of the week. But such vain talk exhibits a deal of either ignorance • or dishonesty, because language could not express any thought more clearly than the words of Moses show that the feast of Pentecost always came on the first day of the week. " Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye be come into the land which I give unto you, and shall reap the harvest thereof, then ye shall bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of your har-vest unto the priest: and he shall wave the sheaf before the Lord, to be accepted for you: on the morrow after the sabbath the priest shall wave it."— Lev. 23: 10,11. " And ye shall count unto you from the morrow', after the sabbath, from the day that ye brought the sheaf of the wave offering; seven sabbaths shall be com-plete even unto the morrow after the seventh sabbath shall be numbered fifty days; and ye shall offer a new meat offering unto the Lord."— Verses 15,16. In the above it is clearly stated that the wave offering was offered on the morrow after the sabbath, and,, te feast of Bente-cost came exactly sevleri weeks later, on the morrow after the seVenth sabbath. So if the- tea- it of PentatoR did' not. always th come on the first day of the week, the Jewish sabbath did not always come on the seventh day of the week. No honest Bible reader will say that that wonderful Christian meeting recorded in the second chapter of Acts was not upon the first day of the week. In the twentieth chapter of Acts is recorded another first- day Christian meeting. " And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight."— Verse 7. - Adventists, notwithstanding the clear testimony of the above scripture, say this meeting was not on the first day of the week. They say the day was counted according to the Mosaic calendar, from evening till evening, therefore, this meet-ing was held on what is now called Saturday evening. This I regard as- an exhibition of ignorance rather than argument. Suppose the day did com-mence in the evening, the first day would not mean tthhe seventh day, would it? But the day was not reckoned according to the Mosaic calendar, in the time of the apostles; but the Jewish nation having been under bondage to the Roman government from h. c. 45I, the day was counted according to the Roman calendar, from midnight to midnight. We can prove by the New Testament alone that the day did not end in the evening. In the twenty- fourth chapter of Luke we read that two of Christ's apostles went to Emmaus ( a distance of threescore furlongs from Jerusalem, that is seven and one- half miles) ont he day that Jesus rose from the dead. They arrived at Emmaus late in the evening. They ate their supper, after which they arose and walked back to Jerusalem, arriving there before that meeting held by the church at Jerusalem, had closed. And while they were relating- unto the brethren assembled, what had happened unto them on their way to Emmaus, Christ himself appeared in the meeting. It must have been as late as ten o'clock at night when th Jesus appeared unto them, yet he ap-peared on the first day of the week. ( Compare Luke 24: 36 and Jno. 20: 19.) So the day did not in the time of Christ, end in the evening; but was, as we have before stated, counted according to the Roman calendar from midnight to mid-night. We have now Motown several Christian meetings on the first day ' of the week; and will add that the New Testament gives no account of one exclusively Christian meeting, held on the seventh day. We read several places in the Acts, of the apostles going into the Jewish meetings on the seventh day, and preaching Christ tinto them, but there is no example of their announcing the weekly worship of the Christians upon that day. - Paul virtually commanded the Christians to assemble every first day of the week. " Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given order to the churches c- f Galatia, even so do ye. Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God ha prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come."— I Cor. 16: 1,2. We are here commanded to gather a collection every first day of the week, and how can we obey this injunction, except we assemble upon every first day of the week? T hteyxt is a clear proof that the first day of the week was the regular weekly day of worship unto the apostolic church. - We will now conclude our arguments with a proof of the institution of the first-day sabbath before the death of Christ. " And it came to pass on the second sabbath fat fter e first, that he went through the corn fields; and his disciples plucked the ears of corn, and did eat, rubbing them in their hands."— Luke 6: 1. Let us now see with what propriety we can interpret this text h3 accordance with the Advent delusion, that the seventh day is the sabbath, and has been from the creation. We are here told that Christ went through the corn', field " on the !, ecand sabbath after the— first." How` old was Adam at that time? He was created on the Sixth day of the - fist ' week. The U ■ 11 next day was the sabbath according to Adventism. The second sabbath came one week later, Adam was then eight days old. Sp it was when Adam was eight days old that Jesus and his apostles 3,000 years after his death walked through the corn fields. Adventism will not hold good here. This text is to be interpreted in the same manner as the expression, " first day of the sabbaths," which has previously been considered. The first- day sabbath had already been instituted, hence two were being kept., The first sabbath was the first in the week, Sunday the Christian sabbath;- and " the second sabbath after the first," was Saturday or the Jewish sabbath. Can any man substantiate any sensible interpretation of Luke 6: 1 without acknowledging the Christian sabbath in vogue during the incarnation of Christ? Now, friend " Tibri," we bid you farewell, hoping to hear from you again if you have any further questions to propound on this subject. Yours in defense of the " law of liberty," W. G. SCHELL. Be Honest. Grand Junction, Michigan, Thursday, Nov, r-, a 896. Sample Copies Frie, Illxrtered at the Poat Mize of Grand Jintetten, EMIL as sec-ond class matter. THURSDAY, NOV. 12, 1896. LE OF MONEY LEM Er MIRE RECEP112 Mrs. E.- R. Brayton, G. W. Gaertner, J. W. Byers, Eva A. ' Knight, Jacob C. Pease, Eliza Chezman. it. Hegel, E. A. Souls, Jas. H. Overstreet. Bro. J. P. Lemons of Kelat, Ky. writes that they desire to purchase a camp ground near that place for a general camp meeting in Kentucky, so as to have a permanent place for meetings. It is the place where Bro. Keeling and Sister Shoffner attended camp meeting last sum-mer. Brethren who are interested in this should write and make the necessary inquiries of Brother J. P. Lemons, or Brother Thomas Berry, Leaslick, Ky. i f Requests for Prayer, Pray November 15 that I may be healed of female trouble. Lizzie Tines. Please pray for the healing of my mother, Lucy Brock. Ada Brock, Joppa. Pray that God may heal my sister, Minnie Brown, who has chronic dyspep-sia and is losing her mind. G. P. Brown, Lottville. Pray for a brother in India, that he may be healed of apoplectic fits, from which he has been suffering for several months, and sends a request for prayer for his healing. erth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, tor the oil-rumor E, RADICAL, and ANTI. SEMARIAN, sent cation of full Salyatiom and Divine Healing of the the Un. i of all true Christians in- the taith ° nee delivered to the mints." sir Subecription, 11.00 a year in advance. Free to the Poor. Plr- Send money by Fast ° Moe Money Order, Express Or-der, Registered Letter or small amounts in stamps. or Subscribers WNW/ 1g their address changed, must be sure to give their former. as well as their new address. tarn you do not receive your paper when due, write us a card, and we will gladly mail you smother Dopy. Sir Should there be a mistake at any time, write us at once and - we will gladly rectify the same. ver- A. commission of Roper cent will be given on each new cash subaeriter, to all who will act as agent. EV- Parties desiring papers to canvas with, absuldustity us regularly of their address. FIrwhen you write, be sure to give your address: name, post- office, county, and state. M8Aeldl bus icnoemssmunications, moneys ke. mttat be ad-to GOSPEL Taumerwr. to insure credit: otherwise we will not be responsible. Emma, E. E. Brame. FUELIBMIRS, E. 14 Britux, and N. U. Byrum, Grand JuneriOn, Mich. t t f Ij w tb ta t b a ceive it; but believe ye do receive, and ye shall have it. Fifth. Ask, then exercise faith that very moment, 1 el eying that ye do receive that for which you ask. God only grants that for which you exercise faith. Sixth. Put your whole heart into the prayer, resist the devil, and hold on to God until you know the peti-tion i yours, and the work is done. Seventh. After you have exercised faith and received tie witness that the work is done or the petition granted, from that moment you should give praise and glory to God. Eighth. The prayer of faith can only contain as many petitions as you are able to exercise faith for. Other-wise it is not the prayer of faith. All who follow out these instruc-tions, count me agreed with you for all that is for your good and God's glory according to his word of eter-nal truth. Remember this also, if you regard iniquity in your heart o if sin lieth at the door, God is not under obligations to hear you, nor can you exercise faith until the cause is removed. Your brother in the faith, H. E. ROGERS. EAR is a passion, implanted nature, that causes flight from an approaching evil either real or imaginary. The fea of God is either filial or servile The filial fear of God is holy affec tion, or gracious habit wrought i the soul by God." Jer. 32: 4) " Cruden's Concordance." Beloved saints of God, for som time the subject has been o my mind about the real holy fea of God; and as my thoughts run o this line I am persuaded that thi heavenly gift of God is not impIante as deep as it should be, or at leas it is not developed in us as it should be. Before our conversion we ha some fear, but it was slavish, it was th fear of punishment: but as soon asth change took place in our hearts God planted his fear in us; as we read ii ler• 32: 40. " And I will make an everlasting covenant with them, thed I will not turn away from them, t do them good; but I will put my lea in their hearts, that they shall no depart from me." This holy fear will rest upon every child of God, and will, as other gifts of God, either increase or decrease. We all know well, after we accepted the blessed Lord what holy fear rested upon us, how carefully we Walked, and how sad we felt when we displeased him. And this holy fear was yet increased as we presented our bodies a living sacrifice, and God did send his sanctifying power in our souls. Oh how we felt we ought to walk before God in all manner of holy conversation! What an earnest-ness we had to please and to liv for him! Beloved, how is it to- day? Do you walk in Christ as you received him? Do you have as much of this holy fear in you now as then? Oh let us examine ourselves carefully, in the light of God's word, and let us not rest until we have at least as much as then. This holy fear will enable us to increase in all other fruits of the Spirit. It will make us to take heed to those things which we have heard, and we will feel a real holy awe before the Lord at all times. We will not have much trouble with our tongues, nor vain conversation. o a, r n e n r n d t d e e t r t It was some time ago I felt the need of more of this holy, childlike fear of God in my heart, and by clinging closer to Jesus, he has granted it to me, and oh what sweet-ness came with it in my unworthy soul! Oh praise God for ever and ever! And how much easier it is for' me now to obey the blessed Lord! It seems to me heaven has unfolded itself to me ' in an inexpressible! beauty. Aild my soul can now sing A WEEKLY HOLINESS JOURNAL. 4Calls for MeetingsK.- I wish that some minister of God could come here. B. P. Witt, Pecan Gap, Tex. A big field is open here for the Word. James Andrews, Clayton, Norton Co., Kan. A company of workers is wanted at S'x Lakes, Mich. to hold meetings. Address Julia Beers. Dear Brethren: We have made two calls through the TRUMPET for some of God's ministers to come and preach to us, but have not found any one who can come, so we make this call. If any one can come whom the Lord may send we want them to come if possible before cold weather. There are but a few of us out here and we are very poor, but are praying for the pure gospel; the people are anxious to know the truth. We have never heard any of the saints preach, but have read some of the literature. We want some one to come who is able to explain the doctrine of the church and who has the gift of healing. Address S. G. SUMMER, Holly Hill, Whitley Co., Ky. Meetifigs. GENERAL ASSEMBLY, LOUISVILLE, KY. A general assembly meeting of the church of God of Louisville, Ky. will be held at Fifth and Court St., beginning Nov. 17, to continue about a week, or as long as the Lord wills. Bros. E. E. i Byrum and. W. G. Schell are expected to; be present, and we trust that as many of the saints as possible from other parts will be in attendance. All lovers of the truth are invited. Address W. N. Meyers, 2322 West Jefferson St., Louisville, Ky. QUESTIONS ANSW- BRED. Can a person teach an error itznorantl and still be perfect in heart in the sight o God! It depends much upon what kin of an error he teaches, and if he ha ever had light upon the subject not. Every sin is an error, bu every error may not be a sin N one can be guilty of teaching an3 thing sinful and be perfect in hear The teaching of any error which, i accepted, would affect the expo rienc of justification, sanctification, or heal ing, in any one, or in any way mis lead in those experiences, would b of such a nature as to affect th teacher as well the hearer, an could not exist without the sadlos of the grace of God out of the hear in a very short time. It seems a impossibility for such an error t continue long where the Holy Spiri has his way. It is his office work t " lead into all truth," which will cer tainly lead out of all error. Perhap not all in one moment, yet his incom ing presence is instantaneous; but a he has full possession of the heart, an he being the Spirit of truth, wil soon bring into harmony all th understanding ( and banish all inis understanding) of the head, whic may previously have been tradition ized. No error can remain long unde such circumstances. We may be very ignorant of some truths, but that i not error, unless the ignorance i willful. The apostle says, " Hereby w know that we are of the truth."— i Jno 3: 19. He did not say that he kne• all of the truth, but knew he was o the truth. This is the condition o every one who has received th Holy Ghost ano. nting. No such person w, 11 presume to teach anything h does not know He will not claim to know every thing, and will bs frank to say he does not, when a- k, d abut som thing he has not r teveci any lign upon. What light he has received through the Word and Spirit is al that any of God's teachers o tght to undertake to teach. To teach some-thing simply because som one else does, is no justifiable reason. " The husbandman that laboreth must be first partaker of the fruity."- 2 Tim. 2: 6. If this blessed rule were fol-lowed there would be no serious errors taught, and if at times there may be some error iiijudgment, as was the case with P. ter ( Gal. 2: it) he trouble can be easily pointed out and made right. Every Holy Ghos t eacher is a teachable teacher, ready at all times to be corrected, if neces-ary, by the least of God's children; or love is the bond of perfectness. No great nor serious differences will ever remain between any of God's ministers, where each is sub-ect to the divinely authorized tandard— the Word and Spirit. verything but the mind of Christ ill vanish and melt away, and the ruth that makes us free. will alone e the glorious center of attraction. Brethren, the time is here for his unifying power to be realized mong us. Let us never presume o hold up anything to the world ut Christ, who is the way, the truth, nd the life. How to Pray the Prayer of Faith. as never before, " Ph the sweetness and completeness, Of perfected holiness'!" Truly, dear saints, it is worth having. And also, it is the true way . of advancement. It is so much easier to take God at his word, and to he used of him. and to keep humble. Yea, doubtless, it is the only key to keep us humble at Je sus' feet. This fear rested also on the apos-tles. We read in Acts 14, that Bar-nabas and P uI rent their clothes; and would not receive honor or wor-ship of men, but said to them, in verse 15, "' Why do ye these things? We are men of like passions with you," etc. The early churches possessed this fear. " Then had the churches rest throughout all Judea andGalilee, and Samaria, and were edified; and alking in the fear of the Lord, and n the comfort of the Holy Ghost, were multiplied."— Acts 9: 31. Truly, in like manner we must make advancement; as the early church feared the Lord, so must we. A Ititude of precious promises we find in the sacred word for them that fear the Lord. " The Lord taketh pleasure in them that fear him, in those that hope in his mercy."— Psa. 147: 1. " The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him: and he will shew them his covenant."— Psa. 25: 14. " And his mercy is on them tha fear him from generation to genera-tion."— Luke 1: 5o. " Fear God and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man."-- Eccl. I 2: 13. May the blessed Lord bless these lines to his glory and our benefit. Yours in the fear of God. WM. Elude ATLANTA, GA., Nov. 2. DEAR SAINTS OF Gun: We are glad to tell you that we are saved and kept by the mighty powt r God. We are glad to report vic-tory 0 the Lord's side, and that the work k moving on at this place. The Lord has brought out a few of his children out of sectarianism unto himself. Twen ty - one souls fo lo the dear Lord in baptism and about twenty- three partook of the ordi-nance of feet- washing. The ordi-nance meeting was a soul- refreshing time and one soul healed of the asthma. Truly God is on Zion's side, and the signs shall follow them that believe. Your humble brother in the one body, CHAS: OGLESBY. EASTON, Mo., Nov. 6. DEAR SAINTS: I am glad to report victory this morning. We are still in the work. From C. M. we went to Fillmore and preached a few nights, waiting for Bro. A. A. Kinzie and wife. From there we went to Men-don. Mo. to hold tent meetings. The Lord gave freedom in preach-ing his word. Some were convinced they were deceived. Pray the Lord to bless the Word that w• a spreached in that place. From there we came to this place. Bro. and Sister Kinzie went to their home. Meeting is going on here now. Oae dear soul has been made happy in the Savior's love. There is much interest in the meeting. We are looking for Bro. and • Sister Dansberger to help us. From here we will go to our old field of labor, where IV e lviii rejoice to meet the dear saints. We aim to spend part of the winter in Andrea' and Holt counties. W- Te can test: fy this morning that the Lord supplies our needs. My soul does magnify and praise God for this last refor-mation that is going forth through the land, that leaves nothing covered up.- Dear saints and 111; 111StarS, 1, c. have no time to waste, as dear souls are going to destruction. So 1. tt's: press the battle on. It is not - what we profess, but what we live and have, that is going to convince the; world of the wonderful love of Christ! to mankind. G' y God, my soul: dGoothd afobro usnadlv tahtiiso nm othrnaitn gp- u, tIs t ihuuissd! running for God. lours in defesen of the gospel, saved- and senciificd J. M. HARRINGTON AND WIFE 3c) 6 DEAR ORN ST., CHICAGO, DEAR SAINTS: It has been some time since we reported through the colu ns of the TRUMPET of the work of Lor i, but we can say this morning that God has been working mightily to the tearing down of sin and to the upbuilding his own der cause. Bro. W. A. Haynes and myself went from Fairfax, Mo. camp meeting to Chauncey, Ohio, where preparations had been made for a grove meeting, but it being so late in the season and the weather being rainy we transferred the meeting to the town hall and continued for two weeks. The Lord wonderfully pour-ing out his Spirit and sending forth his word unto victory. Several dear souls were saved and the church generally advanced. We went from there to Stroud's Run and continued over Sunday, after which Bro. Haynes returned to Missouri and I went to Hoopes Ridge, where God sent forth his word unto victory for two weeks. We then went to Chauncey and held over Sunday. On Saturday, however, we were calk(' upon to preach the funeral of the child ( Don Morris) whose mother's funeral we preached about one lI ago. On Saturday afternoon invited to talk at an infair nner of a friend of ours and of the truth, which we did, and God was glorified in sending forth his truth. Five dear souls followed the Lord in baptism Sunday, and about thirty partook of the ordinances of God's house. We are on our way to join Bro. Haynes in the work in Missouri. - ed here in this city Tuesday, ached the funeral of Sister Tes child in South Chicago. We ' et to remain here over Sunday, and then go on to Muscatine, Iowa, few days. would say where, pray earn here in Chicago. I a could he here a days and see the abominations and powers of hell 0 contend Nvith and see the thou- . ids of precious souls that are plunging into hell, and understand what privations and sacrifices the dear workers here have to go through with and make, it would stir you not only to pray but to take some- of the responsibility upon yourselves. Now dear ones, act as you pray, for Jesus' sake, Your brother in the one body, E. G. MASTERS. GOSPEL TRUMPET. Pray for the healing of my nephew, who has been sick and helpless for years, all crippled up with the rheumatism. Pray that he may be saved. L. Bergy, Berlin. Pray for my healing of stomach trou-ble and other bodily afflictions; and pray for the healing of my little granddaugh-ter; also pray that my husband and I may be wholly saved. We desire some of God's true ministers here to preach the Word. J. and M. Shepherd, Jasonville, Ind. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: Please pray for me that I may be healed of mysterious spells that I have been troubled with for twenty years. Doctors have failed to do me any good. I take them when I know nothing about it. I am now sixty- four years of age and do not think I can stand many more. so I resort to my Maker for help. Please pray on Nov. 22 at three o'clock. Yours in Christ, W. D. Powell, Brooksville, Ala. Fear God. J. W. BYERS. Third. Believe God's word. If you are in the least doubtful about his word being true, just that much you will be hindered from praying the prayer of faith. You can have all the Word promises you. Fourth. When you- ask anything of the Lord, - question nothing at all within• yourself witether youS- hall re-first. Avoid all introductions, AV vain repetitions, etc., and put in for just what you need. Second. See to it that your requests are in line with the will of God and whether it will be for your good and his glory to grant them. he saints every-for tnc4 work in sure if you NORMAL, ALA. DEAR ONES IN CHRIST: I feel led to ' rite my testimony for the first time. The Lord saves int just now. I was afflicted but the Lord wonderfully sealed me. Praise his name for ever! Dear ones, I ask you all to pray for me that I may keep humble at sus' feet. THASSIE PORTER. LINCOLN, TENN. DEAR SAINTS on Goo: I bless the Lord for salvation that keeps me saved from all sin, and for showing me the holy way, so that I can live I ke the Word teaches us. I am & termitic(' by the grace of God to go through on his word. If we do not live up to the word of God, we will be lost with all them that forget I God. Yours in Christ, DECIMA SEATON. ELM GROVE, Mo. DEAR ' TRUMPET LEADERS: I write my testimony for the first time, or the Glory of God. I do praise his dear name for salvation that saves me jus: now and gives me a perfect trust in the Lord and keeps me walkingin the straight path. I am praising God that I ever heard the truth and ac-ceptd it; and the truth has made me free; for, whom the Son makes free is free indeed. I do rejoice that my name is written in heaven. Your ste, e,-= brother. WILLIAM E. SPENCER. 70 LORDSHIP LANE, EAST DULWICH, ENG, DEAR SAINTS OF GOD AND TRUMPET READERS: I feel led of the Lord to write my testimony to the glory of God for the second time. Praise the Lord, I am sweetly saved in Jesus, sanctified wholly, and kept continually. I do feel like praising God more and more for this wonderful deliverance from all sin and sectism; it is a precious salvation. Praise the Lord! When his true ministers came amongst us show-ing the evil of sectism I came out, and I am now praising the dear Lord out of Zion, the church of the living God, of which Christ is the head. He is my physician and healer. At one time I was always going to doctors and taking medicine, but was no better, but rather grew worse, like the woman we read of in the Word.- But since I have learned to trust him with my body and obey him, he does the work. Some time back I was led to throw all my medicines away, also to take off a bandage that I wore for varicose Veins. Piaise the Lord for victory in my soul over all the powers of the enemy. Whom the Son has made free is free indeed. • The Lord is teaching me many precious lessons day by day, also sinking me down deeper in the humility of Christ. I desire the prayers of the saints that I may be kept low and humble at his feet; also for my husband and chil-dren that they might be saved with full salvation, and that the Lord will Use me to his honor and glory, We are praying the dear Lord to send forth laborers into his vineyard. Truly t the harvest is great but the laborers are few. Your sister in the one body, saved by the blood, E. M. KELSEY. t CLEARWATER, NEB. DEARLY BELOVED OF GOD: I can truly praise God for all his goodness and for a free salvation. I have many reasons to thank God for his great mercy and long suffering. He keeps me, both temporally and spirit-ually. He has been my keeper thus far. I was converted nearly forty years ago and struggled along in sectism until last fall, when I got hold of a GOSPEL TRUMPET. I had my eyes opened and saw where I was. I quit the sect and believe now in Christ's healing power; for I know I was healed of the grippe in a mo-ment of time. We would very much like to have one of God's ministers come and preach to us here in this dark place where the truth was never preached. Yours in Christ, C. ARBOGAST. LIMA, OKLA. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: I do praise the Lord for his salvation that keeps me free and pure from all sin in this wicked world. H ow glorious it is to be on the highway of holiness— to go on to perfection, or to be cleansed from all the works of Satan ! I followed the Lord in baptism when I was nineteen years old. Praise - the Lord! I am in no way tired of this life yet and by the help of God I expect to press the battle to the gate. Glory to God for sending his true messengers to us with everlasting truth; for I know to- night I have come to Mount Zion! I am determined to obey the Lord in all things. Your brother in Christ, R. W. WELLS. MILLVILLE, Mo. DEAR BROTHERS AND SISTERS I CHRIST: I believe God requires m to testi fy to his healing power. Th 15th of July I was taken with rheu matism, and about the i5th o September it came with doubi force. For eight days I ate nothing all the nourishment I took wa milk. I could use neither hand no foot, but through. all I was determined to trust the Lord though he slew me. But praise the Lord, he laid hi healing hand upon me and to- day I am able to help to do my work. Praise his holy name! Pray that the Lord may use me to his glory. Your sister in Christ, IDA KRETZER. WINDSOR, MO. DEAR SAINTS EVERYWHERE: I am still saved with an everlasting salva-tion in Jesus, and walking up to all the light I have, as well as I know how. Oh how I do enjoy this salvation that keeps us free from sin! I never. can praise the Lord enough for showing me that we can live in this present world without sin. I am so thankful hat the Lord has taken my feet out of the mire and clay and placed them on the solid rock Christ Jesus. I have no desire to go back into the ways of he world; " for the world passeth awaf FROM A CONVERTED HEATHEN. N CALCUTTA, INDIA, Sept. 15, 189 . eI MY DEAR BROTHER BYRUM: I am glad e to have an opportunity to testify to - f e ce et Lord gave me a hungering , after the bread of life, and being a S miserable heathen I wandered about r very restless, arid tried to besatisfied with things that were not bread; but far from being satisfied, my hunger s increased, and at last I lost my peace together. with the liking for the world. Oh, I am praising the merciful Lord! He did not like to see me in such a miserable state any longer. Wonderfully I was led by the divine hand to search the Won-derful Book, where I got the pearl of great price ( the blessed Savior)! Thank the Lord that he has enabled me to appreciate his love and the precious value of the blood of the dear Lamb of God, which enabled me to part with my dear parents and loving brothers and sisters. These five months I have been with him and can assure you that even my mo t her's arms were not so loving and sweet. Now, brother, he does not allow me to be contented with only what I have received. He has given me now a thirsting which is very pleasant; the more I drink, the more I like to have. Oh, how joyous it is! Now I would like to be entirely filled with his divine fullness. Will you pray for me? Yours fraternally in the Lord, PHOENIX, ARIZ. DEAR SAINTS OF THE LIVING GOD: It has been some time since I wrote my testimony„' and I feel God will be pleas-ed to have me tell of his goodness to me. I am so happy in Jesus' love, and I have victory in my soul. The dear Lord has been stirring my soul within me for the last few weeks, and he has me firmly settled in the truth, and I mean to go through on the Bible line. I have the promise that he is with me even until the end. Also he said, " The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous and his ears are open unto their cries." I mean to reach heaven at all costs. Truly, I have proved the Lord and know he is mighty to heal. I was sorely afflicted with female trouble, and can. not remember a time in ten years that I was free from pain. I spent hundreds of dollars for medicine, and rapidly grew worse until I thought there was no earthly hope for me. So one day I took it all to Jesus, and Jesus, bless-ed Jesus, met me there, and as I told him all about it, he blotted my sins all out and remembered them against . mmye cnaose m too hreim f oforerv tehre. hTehaleinng sI o tfo ionky body, and I can say with the psalmist David, " Oh Lord my God, I cried unto thee and thou hast healed me." When I got to the- place where I could trust God and threw away all my medicine and by faith stretched forth my hand and touched the hem of his garment, the answer . came, " Thy faith hath made thee whole." As temptations came thick and fast I thought I could not hold out; then I heard a voice say, " Cast thy cares upon the Lord, for he ca. reth for thee." Truly my cup of joy runneth over. Pray for me, and that God may speedily send some true minister here to preach the word. Yours in the faith, MRS. C. H. KNAPP. tLhoer wdo. nIdt ehrfausl sbaeveinng n peoawrleyr ao fy tehaer MONGRONTAN NAG. MAMMOTH SPRINGS, ARK. DEAR SAINTS: I have felt for some time that it would be to the glory i. rf God for me to tell you my experience. One ear ago last April, Jesus saved my soul and I, started out to do the whole will of God, and consecrated to walk in all the light that I received. Before I was saved I had the measles; and they left my eyes so weak I could not read at night, and but very little at a time in the day. I asked the Lord to heal thrm and expected tney would gradually get better, but to my surprise they were instantly healed so I read right along by lamplight whl out any trouble. I bad heard but very little preaChing on divine healing, and I did not say anything about my eyes being healed. At Clifton meeting one year ago last July ' I promised the Lord that I would takeito medicine, and not long after, my Only child, a little boy, was taken sick and had a high fever, and finally went into spasms. I kept pray-ing and holding on to God the best I could, but he kept getting worse. My husband heing unsaved went for the doctor, but the child did not look as though he could live much longer. I began to cry mightily to God to know what the matter was, and he showed me I did not have the child fully ! consecrated and when I got to the point where I could say, " Father; thy I will be done," a peace, settled over! mY soul: I Poured the medicine out; i and the lust thereof, bit he that doeth the will of God, abideth forever?' The Lord is so good to me. He daily loadeth me with benefits. I never can tell- of all the Lord's goodness to me; if I were to talk all my life, I would have to quit and say, " The half has never yet been told." It has been I fourteen months since I started in this highway of holiness; and I am not tired of serving the Lord yet, but the path grows brighter and br ighter day by day. When I first started to serve the Lord it was a long time before I could testify. I wanted to testify but it seemed as if I couldn't. Every time I went to meeting the Holy Spirit would come upon me and tell me that I ought to speak a word for Christ. But when the time came to give in testimonies, it seemed as if my tongue was tied, and I couldn't say a word. I would then resolve to testi f). at the next meeting. When the next meeting came around, it was the same thing over. After that I asked the Lord to take my voice and give me something to say and help me say it. So the next time I went to meet-ing, the Holy Spirit came over me again; and I knew that I couldn't testify in my own strength so I asked the Lord again to take my voice and start me to testifying. And when the time came for testimonies, I was talking before I knew it, and ever since that time I felt that I had won a great victory. And now it comes natural to speak for Christ. I write this thinking there may be other beginners who have that same man-fearing spirit. To all such I would say, Just let Christ take charge of your voice, and h e will take away all fear and help you to testify. I have other victories to win yet; one especially, which I think is greater than all the rest. I am one of the weakest of God's saints, but I want to become stronger every day. I know that the Lord manifests him, elf unto his saints as he does not to the world. I am both justified and sanctifie d; the Lord has forgiven all the sins that I ever committed, and my name is written in heaven. I am ready to meet the Lord at any time. I have many trials and temptations, but I can overcome them all through Christ who streng' hens me. I ask all the saints to remember me in your prayers that I may ever be found living such a life as is pleasing to our - heavenly Father. And I ask you to remember my folks in your prayers, as they are sectarians. Also pray for the saints at this place. God bless you all. Amen. Your sanctified sister in Christ, ALICE IMZ. God healed the child, and he got up boys, three girls, and a wife to mourn th and went to play. i lose, also - On e er and one sbrotihster. „ He In September I took the chills. I acagmo. e H oeu td iined t hine ethveen liinvgin lgig fhati tsho. m HeI Sy elaasrst had hands laid on for healing several , words were, " Praise the Lord r times, but for eight weeks I suffered l C. CHADDE with them until I got so weak I was almost confined to the bed. I could Do you have a not understand why I was not healed, I but I consecrated to the point where, ' like Job, I • could say, " Though he ar ime to slay me, yet will I trust in him." My I husband insisted that I should take ' medicine, and the neighbors, and Keep S some professed to be saints. Some alvation?- said when I got low enough so I thought I would surely cue, I would take medicine. But a few faithful ones and myself still kept holding on to God. We had no one to instruct us or teach us, only the word of God, and we were weak in faith. But we knew that God never failed to keep his word. Finally my husband said if I had another chill I would have to take med-icine. He went to his work and left me alone. I went to praying. I told the Lord I wanted him to either heal me or take me home. I fell asleep and dreamed that I had been sick a long time; that I had no home, and that I layin a valley, tall mountains c n every side, and people coming down the moun-tains bringing me medicine in every kind of. a. dish that could be men-tioned. I thought there wasint & eine all around me, and I was thirsty and could get no water, and I thcught I would take a little medicine to drink to quench my thirst. But I thought it lightened and a voi ce said, " Touch not the unclean thiig and I will heal you." I woke up and was thirsty, my husband had made some tea and set by my bed. I trite' to get up to get some water three times and could not, I thought I would take some tea. But I heard the same voice say " Touch not the unclean thing, I will heal you." I looktd up to God for AGENTS WANTED. strength and got up. When my husband came heme I had supper ready. Oh praise our Ge. d for his goodness to us! I believe the Lord let me get so low for two reasons; first, to show the people that I would be true; and second, to strengthen my faith. Since that time have been enabled to fully. trust God for my healing. Once this summer I scalded my arm with hot syrup, and it pained me severely for a few moments, but I took it right to Father and in five minutes there was no scar at all. Another time the Lord instantly healed me of chills, so I had no fever at all, and worked all day at the cotton mill. At the Clifton camp meeting this year I was healed of heart trouble, which had bothered me all my life. I do praise the Lord to- day for vic-tory over the devil, and for peace and joy in my soul. T want the prayers of TRACTS! TrRACTS! God's people, that my husband may be saved, and that I may be kept humble where God can use me to his own glory. I have no other desire but to do the whole of Gt. d. Your sister in the one body, F. ANNIE COMPTON. 0 See our Catalogue far description SARCIOX Mo KDIBEItLAIN.— Bro. W. H. Kimberiat departed this life Oct. 26. 1896 His age is not ex, ictly known but is supposed to be about fifty- two years. He lived an unsettled experience and tried to light the foe of tobac- Co. And daring his illness God made him an overcomer. He was sick about ono month and was very patient during all bis sickness. He said he was ready to go. His testimony was, about au hour b - fore his Lord while dying and told them not to worry about him. Funeral was preached from Heb, 9: 27 by the writer. He leaves awife and five children to mourn their lo, s Two are blessedly saved the rest are in sin. M , y God help them to prepare to meet him. Your brother under the blood, CRAB. 130 AV E RS 1 OHADDERDON.— Brother Crawford SPECIAL TERMS TO AGENTS. derdon. died at Harbor Springs. was born in Genesee Co., New York, A pr. 13; 1833; died Oct. 31; aged sixty- airee years six months and fifteen day.; He died D at- his daughter's, Mr' 4' A' Jaek'clu " I GOSPEL TRU- MPET UB CD liarber Springs. He Came here to spend the - - .1a . winter with his children. Ha leaves h. ve I Grand Junction Mich If so, you should READ The SECRET of SALVATION, How to Get It, and How to Keep It, which will tell you many things that will help you in your Christian life, and show you how to overcome difficulties and how to get rid of hindrances, and in fact it will tell you how you can live so you may " always triumph." It teaches how to apply the principles of Christianity to everyday life. Paper, 35 cts. Cloth, 75 ca. 5 cts per annum. - IRE SHINING LIGHT. It is pure and wholesome, free from objectionable features found in so many children's papers. A religious paper for children. Every parent should see that his children have a good religious paper to read. The Shining Light is a semi- monthly illustrated paper, teaching full salvation and divine healing. Special rates to Sunday- schools. 6 We publish about forty kinds of small . tracts in English, many of which we can also furnish in German, on many different sub-jects of present truth. ' A Obituary. 1* death, that Jesus saved him. He pr a ised the! and prices. Write for Special Prices in Quantities. BIBLICAL TRACE Adasit„,, OF THE CHURCH. Giving a historrof the Church from its-foundation to the end of time, by the' prophesies of the Bible. It shows that the Christian era is divided into four periods of time and that we are now in the last- period and near the second comit. g of ( hrist. Many interesting prophecies explained, Cloth, 75 cts, Paper, 35 cts. AGENTS WANTED. Mivine+ Fleahllg, 1./ vonfano.+ 1,01,,,,,* PIQUA, KY. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: I will give my testimony on divine heal-ing. • I was healed on the night of the 4th of October of epilepsy, heart trouble, and a dislocated shoulder. I was instantly healed. My shoulder had been dislocated several days and every spell I would have it would get out of place. I fell against the porch that night and knocked it out. Bat through prayer the Lord healed me. The work was done instantly. I had been diseased with epilepsy and heart trouble over six years; had doctored with seventeen doctors. Some of them said I was incurable, but bless the dear LIrd, he healed me instantly, and I went to plowing next morning. I was in the Meth-odist sect, but since I was healed I got the light on sect sin and came out. Pray for 111-?. Your brother in the one body, PERRY PREBBLE. BUSHONG, KAN. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: I feel led to write of God's healing power. It has been about three years since I have taken him for my all in all, and my healing has been instantaneous. So about a year ago while going from Washington to North Dakota, God permitted my faith to be tried by an affliction. We rebuked it in the name of Jesus. It left, but soon returned again. We kept rebuking it but could not get lasting deliverance. So I wrote to the Trumpet family and on the set time for prayer, oh, how the healing power went through my whole being! I was delivered for about three weeks, then it came back on me again. I would read Jas. 5: 7, 8, io, II, also the book of Job, then be ashamed of my-self; for I lacked patience. But how true it is, the trying of our faith worketh patience. Jas .2- 4. Now the devil and his afflictions are rebuked and I am completely delivered. Hal-leluiah to God and the Lamb forever and ever! The dear Lord gave me another pre-cious lesson of taking care of my body. While on the camp ground at Grand Junction it rained and got my bed wet. One of the brethren told me to dry it, but I did not take- heed, as I always was very healthy. But on the evening of June 18 I had a gathering in my head. God heard prayer and wonderfully healed me, but on the igth when we left South Haven for Chicago, I took the pneu-monia. Oh such pains went through me at every breath I drew! A number of God's ministers gathered around me and rebuked the devil and com-manded me in the name of Jesus to sleep. At once I fell asleep and knew nothing of myself until next morning at Chicago. Praise our God! But soon after I arose the pains came back, and dear Bro. Tufts sent me word to come to the home, where I was taken care of. May God bless and reward Bro. and Sister Tufts and all the dear ones who were so kind to me during my stay there. I heartily return my thanks. The dear Lord permitted me to be at death's door, and indeed I could say with Paul I was willing rather to be absent from the body and- be present with the Lord. Praise Jesus! Some thought my stay on earth was short but I knew God would raise me up. Bless his dear name! I came home on the igth of July, my parents rejoicing to find me a saved boy. Praise God for his saving and healing power! Pray that God will make me wise in winning souls to him. Yoursin the one body, J. C. PEThRMAN. _ LL BE HONEST. Con need from first page.) pursuit there have followed clouds of superstition that again obscured the sun of wisdom's day. Man is in greater ignorance relative to his own immortality and duty to God under the economy of grace, than in any other line of knowledge attainable. To acquire knowledge in reference to telegraphy and elec-tricity, one is not foolish enough to search the records of the seventeenth or the eighteenth century. You would look no farther back than the present day to find the greatest invention in mechanical art. This is proof that knowledge in these sciences has been on the increase. But the ministers of our day, who should be great lu-minan- es iin the religious world, and spiritual enough to convey to the many hungry souls, rich truths fresh and new from the store of Biblical knowledge, are so blinded by sectish theories that they are depend-ent upon dead issues and stale dog-mas, for their best presentation to the public mind. For instance, the Methodist preachers are required to study the sermons of Wesley, which proves that they cannot produce minds as talented or else they fall short of Wesley's standard of spirit-uality. The latter we believe is the correct solution of this problem. It is a fact that if it is known where a preacher is educated you may know before hearing him what he rill tell you when he ascends the pulpit. If every sectarian preacher would be honest enough to obtain Bible salva-tion, and receive an heavenly in-fluence that would enable them to ascertain Bible facts, and if atter an honest investigation they would teach the truth, disregarding sectih ceremonies, there coule but be a great advancement from the slum-bers of tradition, into the glorious realm of heavenly facts, where sect-ism would be utterly annihilated, and honest principles would predorn-inate. And the time has now come in this last and final conflict between Christ and the archfi nd, that hon- ! esty appears on the stage of action surrounded by the attributes of love, : and standsindependent of all : arguments, rites, and ceremonies, except those founded and maintained by her direct influence. As man is formed for thinking, his intellectual powers give loftines and grace to his character, and to be able to exercise the thinking faculties cor-rectly constitutes a pnme duty. This thinking mu- t be manifest in contemplating himself, from whence he is and whither he is going. Many are checked in their honest search, because elf the ridicule be-stowed upon them fur the scrupulous attention with which they investigate the evidences of Christianity. Those who scoff may think themselves possessed of master minds, while the truly wise ever search for know-ledge. So let the former enjoy the benefits derived from their supposed intellectual superiority while honesty pursues her inquiry, and she will in return enjoy the fruits of wisdom, while they gather the dreadful realities from a consciousness of being plunged into a labyrinth of woeful remorse. " Honesty is the best policy," so we will follow her into the depths of her mines of truth, and there unearth the lasting treas-ure that enriches, when judgment flames have consumed worldly wealth and wisdom. Be honest and God's presence will be joyful, other-wise his wrath abideth. W. A. HAYNES. Yoking With Unbelievers. OR. 6: 14. E often meet with people who contend that 2 Cor. 6: 14, ' Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers," refers only to the marriage state; that is, that a saint should not marry a sinner. While it is true that the Scriptures forbid such marriages ( 1 Cor. 7: 39), the text in question has no bearing what-ever on the marriage state, either before or after. The word " be" in-dicates a state of being; a state of affairs already existing. " Not" im-plies the negative or opposite state of existence. Did the apostle here refer to marriage, we could inter-pret the passage, " Be not married to an unbeliever." This would con-flict with t Cor. 7: 12,13 : which does not permit the Chtistian husband wife to separate from the unbeliev lag companis n. The marriage yoke is not an unequal yoke, from the simple fact that man and wife are made one flesh. " What God hath joined to-gether, let ho man put asunder." The married man and wife are commanded not to put each other away ( become unyoked), hence 2 Cor. 6: 14 does not apply to those already married. It does not apply to those contemplating marriage, because it refers to a present yoke and not one to be. This, however, does not give the saint and sinner permission to marry, because their marriage is forbidden elsewhere. Cor. 7: 39. Trusting that the read-er can see clearly what is not meant, we will now attempt to see what is meant. An unbeliever is a sinner, and in a true scriptural sense all sinners are unbelievers. I Jno. 5: 1- 5. Rom. to: 9- 17. Jno. 1: 12. 3: 16- 18, 36. 8: 24. Since the marriage relation is not meant we must look for other yok-ings. Being bound together with sinners, governed by the same laws and regulations, our names recorded on tit:: same record with them, sub-ject to their will should they be in the majority, does not refer to the country in which we live, its laws, statutes, etc., but to institu-tions where people are voluntary members. Hence we are forbidden to be a member of a body that contains sin-ners. This is scriptural. " Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly and not after the traditions which he re-ceived of 1.1s."- 2 Thesis 3: 6. This does not say put the disorderly, dis-obedient brother out; but it rather says, withdraw, get out yourselves. " And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him," etc.- 2 Thess. 3: 14. Those who teach another doctrine are accursed ( Gal. 8.9) are evil- doers ( 2 Jno. 9: 11) hence must be sinners, unbelievers, and we must not receive them into our house, neither bid them God-speed. We are to withdraw our-selves from those who teach other-wise. I Tim. 6: 3- 5. Avoid those who cause divisions ( uphold sects and build them up). Rom. 16: 17. Turn away from those who have a form of godliness, but deny the power there-of. 2 Tim. 3: 5. In short, then, if we are members of an institution that contains a single sinner that teaches contrary to the doctrine that is found, that denies the power of god-liness, that disobeys the Word, we are unequally yoked together with unbelievers and are commanded, Be not unequally yoked together with them. Paul gives five reasons in 2 Cor. 6: 14- 16 why we should not be unequally yoked. First. What fellowship hath right-eousness with unrighteousness? Answer, none. Eph. 5 : I I-" Have no fellowship with the unfruitful work's of darkness, but rather re-prove them, for it is a shame to speak of those things which are done of them in secret." If this does not have reference to the shameful con-niving, wire- pulling, salary- grabbing, etc., carried on in lodges, sects, etc., it would be diffi