The Gospel Trumpet - 07:16

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 Dees, and darkness for light. . The man thinks that holiness made them one, when it was of such a baby character as to leave its confessors dividechup within the several hunderd party...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Warner, D. S., Fisher, J. C.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Fisher, J. C. 1885
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Summary:Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 Dees, and darkness for light. . The man thinks that holiness made them one, when it was of such a baby character as to leave its confessors dividechup within the several hunderd party walls. And now since it has gathered strength enough to leap over the dividing fences, and blend - together in . the unity of the Spirit, and the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man," he thinks it is divided. Then it was " said stay in." Now the cry is, " come out from . among them." Now which is Bible. The Babylonian writer deplores the latter, but God. commands the latter. Now lie says there are two parties. So there should be two pat- ties, instead of 66 6. The - one party are sanctified and obey the voice of God, the other party are carnal, and sect-ish, and disobey- God, and clamor for their sect idol, God help every soul to flee out ' of the midst of babylon, and out of all slue into Christ, or the judgement fire will soon convince them that this Arid is in a very bad condition. Daniel. Will Bra. Mnason, who writes its the article " The Uarnal State of Mau," and desires a copy of TIUDIPET, please send us his full name and address. Oftitus. wris the d of God on the wall, ' tis the hand of God on the wall, Babylon the great is fallen, and we're fully saved in Jesus, While that hand is writing on tho wall. ‘ ceived and deceiving, see the city and her Lords, in their carnal : pleasures, heeding- not Jehovah's words: For He speaks, now revealing, mystic babel's utter fall, And the holy read the writing of their God upon the wall. How the nations are drunken, and are sporting in their shame; 4 I Even scoffing at our Savior, and profane his holy I name: Far more blind than Belshazzar, who - so trembled They still riot on to judgement with their doom with appal, upon the wall. tt the sin and eonfusion, 0 the vanity and pride 1 Of the multitude or Skdom, who in babylon abide: lint- all honor to Jesus! we have heard His angel's call, sod the SAITO destruction that is writtsn on 1 the wail. Ilear the loud ] vice frion heaven, " come sty ' uglil y" gather holm', No one has a right to publish this song, without Permission of the author. Isa. 29: 20, 21, and must not, be tolerated by us, no not Ibr a moment. By the grace of Gott we rebuked- the foul spirits sharp-ly in the name of Jesus, and described what grade of devils they Were and for-bid them to have any part in the meeting unless it be at the altar seeking mercy.] But theChurch being too lenient toward devils; permitted him to make a long un-godly picking, evil surmising harangue., This was contrary ! Im God's will: for God so alihurs babyien confusion that lie de- 1 ners. • spirits Imo expelled mad of the land at ° ee: by time awful beast lint instead of loo, k, . the devil." e" Wi ' hheo sthoaetv ceor mism biottrenth o sf iGn oisd O ifsI qsuoOunted, i nngc sofna uGltowdtiil't s 1l eh sooly e Im mon uan a1t armin . t htHiaett " ppeurts aowna." y Bfroumt. h; aims osnatga nyiocu s ptheaetc whi ewkaesd a outli khea mir, i baenadr , l othoek enda slitkye t hai nggr ewaat ss wwiitnne-: elotthh inn oht imCo - m mmidit hsein c, afonrn Hoits s sine, e bde rceamuasein h- Ie wl o. uld have us saya nothing aga. inst the de-rederiek, and Nannie aa. gar from lumine led that e had not missed the came at. us 6eVeral times, bzt trusting in is horn of Gild. In this the children of PEL, GET MEN SAVED." But does not the God are iint l ifest, and the children of the ! Goe el cut off all the works of the devil ? Payne. Ohio, and Sister Frank Miller from mark in mle- cribing• the devil that pos . the power of was each time re- John 3 : 8- 10. This is plain and does not salvation imply a deliverance Battle Creek, illicit. an or whom wel'e seised hint. After long tirade of obese pull d, and ! iiial iy retreated multi left us-dO not aims are born of God, hence are of accomoanied us to Beaver Dam. W laid blessed all our me I11', inspiring aniny shouts ilict in the place. rHe sayss, " when holinesst was fi •. God. The great bulk of the sect member- preached in Mo. it was said that sanctifi-cation made us one. The motto was, stay in your church, if in one, and preach holiness. But hew is it now? Come out For to you the suns an) giro), that- the Lord is near to ronw: ! just for a thing of naught," ', are cut off,"- Now' lie shakes every nation, heed the warning I groat and small, ? or he \ Nicked sru111 shall perish, Mays the halal upon the wall. See the saints ensue to Zion, awl' possess thAoly land: Hallelujah! iihimt the freedom, in the living Uod li We stand; Sin ce e SaVior, toVi, to serve Hint Lora the great King of Babel, in these latter days of time, t that's universal, all the nations drink her wine. ' they eat, drink. and reveLin her lofty steeple hall, pr '] haulsher desolation, by His hand upon the mall. mends that every such malicious prating arrived at the place we Were commuted d n attendance all the Williamston assembly, upon the s a ints, ill which God exceedingly This was an eexxactdescription of our con- ttilk. Ali that sin are of the devil, all that lfrotn all tile works of men and devils ? BF.' ER DAM , ASSEMBLY. Wm. Evans, Sisters Mary good thing to eenfirill : on e of the leas ii With naked skin. ' rite eavage: • 1- ring % I the Wail, of all, nv 1.4 says the hand upon the wall. - " WAltNEn. OD SHALL Gut of babylon, mind would by no means allow the devil to bring in Itis q ieilish grit-ting spirits of confusion. We showed that, upon the ( let eel lye principle of fel-lowship which blends with Clod's Spirit wherever met, and shrinks front all spirits of devils, " this honer have all His saints." Namely that of detecting and rebuking all evil spirits. We had testimony and songs of victory, those pernicious spirits looked as though the shouts and songs were a " noisome grievous sore" unto them. Filially Low arose mid began to croak, saying that charges had been preferred a-gainst him, and that he had come to de-fend himself. Every child of God could feel the terrible spirit-, After meeting the mighty power of the Spirit of God came more and more_ upon us. Tie led us to tell all there of the unclean spirits; that they were not of God, and deluded of sa-tan. Glory be to the Living God! He so baptized our soil on the way from meet-ing that the wagon could scarcely hold us. What wonderful power! we saw clearly our duty, and promised ( hod to take lite Sword and rush to the battle t he next morning.• As we were throe miles away, and some late in reaching the meeting house, the picking devil began to work in Low before we arrived. The Lent had shown us clearly that we mutt – give no place to the devil,– lo bring in baby Ion confusion and pernicionS jangling in His meetings—' That - all who watch for iniq-uit y ," `• I hat snake: a man ' in offender for a word, and lay a snare for him that re-proveth in the gate, and turn aside the OSP them not: Palen did I heat them small as tile dust belbre the wind: I did east them out a8 the dill in the otreot8"— PS. a. 15: 41, 42. Praise God the testimonao and songs, and shouts of praise, in tile mighty Spirit of the Living God, kept the btliasts chained, and the meeting was gterioul to the end. In the afternoon they departir• d old.: of the nbeleisgashinbgosr hfloowod. Praise God bum whom all keep those conditions a secret. He does Do you judge us too harsiOn using fuel nc't conceal the solemn line that forms the tGbheordao stuitng ttsoh d dHeeeissigc nBriitboteeos kss. uu cBchhu e tcvhg; a, 1r\ 4tveorssr: p ltbeeecrhistoralttdl, boundareyr‘ e - ibc• i: e-) twrWde oheninle e HHxihesi bdkioitnieogsnd noaomnt y kawenhedep r tHeh iaisnt I is thle this world, He does describe all His st night drew by such infallible marks of character as easy as it' he were a pair of pants stuff-ed with hay., Though he eiez( - hold of the ends of the seats no we patssed is along, included in H his fingers seemed to be as powerless as if mere flabby flesh. Ail ghorY to God, who is my strength, and inya fortress, my Rock and my, deliverer, Prdse God I. we were so blessed in the deed I hat. Ny e eraild scarcely sump when the man ' lied reached the gnmund without,- we W ■ iiketi back it flashed in our mind that nee reason God had thus ed this body; was because a few moments before the bbeeau- spirit: wee making souse ungodly speeches against the Work of healiies, throwing up the im-perfections of * our own & oily : as an argu-ment against it. ` 1' hue God' shinned his strength in cashing out, the false. prophet, by the very temple he hathjeat prated - a-gaitedt ( g lary be to the name Of - Jesus! •• The Lord is the elrength of- my life of whom shall 1 be. afraid I when the- wicked, mine enemies and my fmles, came upon me to eat up. lily flesh, they . tumbled and fell." - Ile ed livered me from my strong ordlye, r confused, worldly and sinfulfama enema-, and from them that hated me: ily. Therefore we must either question fur they ware t ,„, r( o. ineam . They the holiness, and good eharacter of God, cried, but there was none to aeve them or question the sects being „ use- acre," t. even unto the Lord, but 1- 1O nnily. What shallwe do? Shall we in-that they • may be known and read (- 4 all corrupt buffoonery, with the corrupt sects t place where there w as a bear. Inoue. it mint In lir, e to meet the animal, which was hi no: the - meeting, We appe:. ireti he going,: mem)." Measured by the Word of God in the lead. 0 my Lord ! who can help The who dare deny that the mass of the sects Ibut cry aloud and spare not, and lift up leads us to employ such lei vision the Lord gave us the fah infinite v short aliens, God's children. our - owe• sa Tar um pet, aaiidl wadi the pro- - . ) . s a rule they confess with their month, ii fessed peopleof God of their sin - and iniqui-means a pleasant anticipation. 1‘ we: - b their - a or e thatthey • ity et the blind guides irom whom we walk in lies; they str e ngthen also the hands - The world is indeed in a very bad cond .- And/ les: 141mi, . FIRST cr URE- 1' thout? o Arnneti, Wt Ahantssweeesrt.' XT for Vie eri; I see a Then. said he unto me, 1 shevsaiesfdtehre yvba ealeotcr, n y cbee oeao rt tndhv oieianaf tftg hoso twafncftr, e oitasth; ntreae ttttthilieitsb side according to it. I - Zetwhchei . lst ebrrain agr iimt ofsotreth, saitk Himself who He includes in His family, and who He excludes. He has unaltera-bly fixed the conditions of membership in His family, and moreover He does not TH4WORLD IN A BAD CONDITION. —; o:— Spiritually blind man writing in de-fence of sectism in the Good Way,- of Aug. 8, says, " It is claimed that the sects are of the devil, but I don't see it. If this is so the world is in a very bad condition." Toe writer seems to see tins fact, that the good cu had condition of this- world as it is to- day, depends upon whether the sects are of God, or of the devil. That is true. It' the sects were of God then this world wild of God, and in a happy condition, because the whole world ie very sectish. indeed a very wide door open to this world into heaven. Yea and the great mass of the world - are entering through that broad gate right into heaven. But while that were a very happy thing for this world if true, there is one thing in it that, reflects very much on tile character of God.- It represents Him as being the Father of a very proud, contentious, disintegrated, dis- If God owns the sects as H i s, then thereis elude the sects into God s family at the ex-pence of His good character, or shall we maintain God's holiness at the expense of the sinful sects.? One thing is certain, whichever way we may decide this matter, God holds the prerogative to say for lm Yilliamslon, November , 1885 . 7492Ume 7. Number 76. UMP ET. and wretched, and miserable, and blind, and naked, and know - it not." " I have seen also in the prophets of Jerusalem an horrible thing : they commit adultery and of evildoers, that none loth return from his wickedness : they are all of them unto me as Sodom, and the inhabitants thereof' as Gomorrab.-"-- Jer. 23: 14. In the lat-ter days ye shall consider it perfectly."— verse 20. So we see that the world is prc-phetically described to be in a Sodom con-dition- in the latter days. This is corrobor-ated by Christ, who says, that " as it was in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, so shallit be at the coming of the Son of man." Now this general blindness and death is atributed to the horrible things committed by the priests of captive sectish Jerusalem.- tion. And God says, " Their way shall be unto them as slippery ways in the darkness: they shall be driven on, and fall therein for I will bring evil upon them, even the year of their visitation."— Jer. 23: 12. The visitation here spoken of is that pro-nounced against babylou. Rev. 18: - 4. I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, come out of her my people, lest ye partake of her sins, and receive of- her plagues." " for she shall be utterly burned with fire." The world is truly in a very bad condi-tion and will never get out of it. For the harvest is just ripe for the sickle of God's wrath, for the wickedness thereof is great. • This wretched and naked condition of the world is charged upon section), as her fruits is a mountain of iniquity that she has " destroyed the whole world."— Jer. 51. Jesus prayed that all His disciples should be kept in oneness " that the world might believe."— John 17. But satan has en-snared the disciples of Christ in several hundred parties, and the world does not believe, and are rushing on to judgement, with carnal festivity, and all manner of sect5, G a glorious time serving the Lord by the of praise, glory to His name! we under- Sure enough we came to a plate . ship practice sumin2.,, therefore the bulk of way, ringing Ilia praise, on the Ii ari ilnss. took to go on with the prasi e and testimo- there was it bear. One B. F. Bear, an a- : ' . the sects are of the devil But - what of the and in the depots. At Yieksberg we hint ny meetin g,. But the Low beast was de- postate preacher, living a ie.‘, v miles from sect institution itself? Is it of God or ofthe. only sti ng, b11 1, read a eiutpler and knel l t ermined to dteep up a babel of confusion. Beaver Dma, was at the meeting. — e ' devil? Is the truth of God committed on a Clown in Morning worship, in the \ N- ailing After nearly- every testimony lie was on is given over toharttness of heart, and a this question ? from among them : the so called churches Certainly it is: Then we the peo ple present seemed to be awed by I bite someone. linally he appeared de- • expected 1.0 me e t, but lot a nionstrow themselves admit that " there is not one the Spirit- of God. They Were eager to Have its sing the song; of full salvation. Praise the Loot, no; soul I., and inekering eve r heard, from : any llitlllatt hi the shRpe of a Man. We saw clearly that, thud would be dishonored, and offended if we allowed euch ungodli-ness to continue. We stepped to • hint, and requested him in the name Of Jesus Christ to be still anal hit down, at: ti let flee worship of God go on. But the devil on-ly raged the more. The mighty power of God came on us, audio our own astonieh meld. we seized the man and started for the door, soon we both fell to time floor, but the Lord had me quickly on foot, and him sliding dowe the aisle toward the door, and there was no stop Until he was out Of the house, off of die board walk, full length on, the groped. This act was a surprise to- Many, and 1- 0 no one mote than ourself. The Almighty God just picked us out of our own previous notions, and by His own power, without the ap-parent exertion of so numb as a little - fin-ger on our part, He used this compara-tively small and frail body to cast out a m H room. Goa blessed our Souls. About all his- feet s napping snarling and trying to pernicious growlinsgp isrpit.' This heal we may appeal. to its decision. Sectarians teimined to keep right on with his tinged- swine; that is, Low : and. the beat, is Bear. word between the lids of the Bible favors- do this. There are two parties. Then Ai Ft Wayne. takno.: N rkiz• plate train, we lanai S'atur Jerry City U. tibutiol. Not lung aller o ( her brethren and a sister got aboard. We had never met them before, hut soon knew and hailed them by the Spirit. Reaching Bro. F. Krause we found Sis-ter K, quite sick: She had been sick fey some time. After the joyful'greetings and many snouts of praise to God., we knelt down and offered thanks to God for all Its manifold blessings. Pray er was also made for sister K. and the Lord instantly healed her, and she went to nieeting that night, and etich tone follow-lug. Praise the Lord! - We went to the meeting house, and the Lord gave us Psa. .149. Shortly after we began to talk, in Caine " three Mielea- n spirits like frogs, for they . re the spirits of devils.'' ` Their princee- T. H. Lowe and the others J. J. WOhager - and wife,' all from Lagrange - Co. Vie soon understood Naha/ the Lord had led us to read that ' Psalm. Ohow the mighty Spirit of the. LiYing God came on our seul. We began to talk of the ' two edged Sword, in our hand" verse 6. " To execute veil-senee, P eto bind their kings with chains, and their nobles- with letters of iron. TO execute upon them the judgr? inent; spi" ri: t- s. Pthraati: s teh eGyod w. e b wea grnreisdt , a oll uunt cfrleoamn among the saints of God. That we were of them do thiis, but the larger part of them ly bullet)_: voitdPseending to about the and these twri aa• e. one 60; tsi. ty spirit. ° bi t; tt) sects or denominations. What doesi sanctification don't make us one, or some. , leweat. filth- ea, and meanest fauitlieding . that the filth- lite in - Fey of Cod aY yet it , ti v wrain- i: then 1 9 " There shall be no lone is not sanctified." Shame en such a - a - blindness. What putting light for dark-large strong man. It was a wonderful ex-perience, the sweetness of heaven filled my Soul, and the great river of Divine peace flowed with majestic glory in - my heart. If ever Goa wrought - a Miracle hn these times this was one. Though he is a tall Muscular body, quick, nervous, disci-plined by labor oil a farm, and ' we . Weak and salt muscled, he was drawn out just . S- aVe I oese Cil; IVti souls tilt of he . • the 35 . ilni 5 ( sects) Body,. a, snare of eat an. " liceesiee" are classified among the works The meeting aunt ou with glorious pOW of - the nestle and the Apostle positively etirf. i cOanteio sno uthl ecto emiga- hlte. trazed for entiry sane- affirms that " they that do such things shall Saturda y eve, we were surprised by the not inherit the kingdom of God" Now coming , Bro, and sister Fisher. Tioit night Whea d a solemn and glorion, ordi-nance meeting. Sabbath the Lord blest the saint; much. Mondey night had i powerful mmeeeetitningg at giro Av. NV i-g . Bitilli er's, three miles west., in whose kind' f' amily God has provideda blessed home for our dear child Sidne y. de has been there since last June, l- ieveral consecra-ted. for full salvation in this meeting, and some received the glorious anointing. The meetings - are being continued. ' file Lord is at- work. Seals are coming God and the saints have been wonderfully ad-vaticed and established in the - § pir it o f God. God is foaming a little company for the- winters campaign. Some breth ren here, and dear saints Cram Oldo, zuni sister Frankie from Pattie Creek Mich., are mill equiped by the wiglity„ pow-er ready to rush to the battle, wherever the Lord leads. Ail honor to Jesus whose eyes are a dame, At the Beaver Dam meeting We were happy to greet, Bro. S. ]. nickels iron]. Mich. Dear Bro. E. B:- Bell who now lives near Warsaw Ind. Bro. isaac Key, from Ran- A ( 1‘) 11, and Bro. Bragg frtnii Grant Go., and other dear saints whose mimes are in ' the Book () fine. Praise the Lord ! Danial. W h o wond'rously helps us each battle to gain. or. , 19, we see divis-ions, and heresies used interchangably, as meaning the same thing, and in the mar-gin heresies is translated sects. In 2 Pet. 2: 1, heresies ( sects) are ascribed to false teachers, and are declared by the voice of inspiration, as " damnable." Therefore by the standard of God's truth we prove that sects, both as organized divisions,. and in the bulk of their membership are of the devil. They are clearly said to be of the flesh, mid the fletdi is the " works of the devil," hence they are also his works. But does the result follow that the above writer speaks of ? The sects being of the devil, does it follow that " the world is in a ' cry bad condition ?" Yes it is indeed true. " All nations are drunk upon the wine of the wrath of her fornication." The whole world . s blinded and deceived by the false hope which the flesh indnlging, sinnership religion of the great sectarian l apostasy. The whole mass are " deceiving and being deceived." God says " they sleep a perpetual sleep." They are " poor that the word heresy, means sect you see by consulting any ' reliable authority: Yea it is proved by the common version itself. III 1 C 11 . 18 19 am of the devil : This maybe so. Rot all PURE GOLD. —: o:— E ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is per-fect." Matt. 5: 48. FC A iltR, NEW TRACT4 TEE SABBATH, WHICH Caq TO EFIEP. . • , lahtass• g: 11 4 4 sr- Inssz: cup. 3Lr, ,1_. N. 1,-' eras1 icn_ - t‘ 1in", , 3A11N21T1, oLr- sEoIp. o. eA._ tT. hr-th.-• • tteits- : to, t 1: oitz- or 11., 1,, e, or ALA. 1: 11. I oath, th. ot Soot J IaI-ILV ER, C. Fr- mEr:, .1 C PfSfiElt P: 3.1.17s"- e r. TERMS, .00 P Y 1.1 IN ADV.: NI: 7N. All canntuunittions, moneys ete., m'Ist be addressed to the GospEr. Trant. p ET, in . order to in-sure credit; otherwise wa will not be responsible: _ Remittances for less than five dollars, should be sent in Postal Notes, above that amount in Post Of-lice Orders. Or Registered Letter. Small moats in two cent stamps._ NOTICE. A. Comm non of 20 percent will be given on each subseriber, to nil who will labor for the GOsPEL Tratner. We make tills offer so as to help the brethren that aro in the field, as well as the circula-tion of the p: Iper. nr Parties desiring papers to canvass with should notify us regularly of their whereabotits„ ca rirIS YOUR TIME OUI?_ S• 77tc crass 7narked with a pencil op-posite this iss= ue means that your paid subeription is out - lrhen thus marked please reneW at Once, or, V the Trumpet es hot desipati loan ye notify' us to stop it. Ile 112, U8t be notified by letter ( ind the aniOnnt due us as back pay must be sent to us when a subs, riber wishes their paper di8eontill7.16( 1. Any One who does nr, t receive their paper should, notify ifs at One& and it will receive prompt attention, ,. 51; 37,/ 17.; a772: 8t072. Entered at the Beit 011iee nt William: item Ugh: 1m Co. second class matter. TRE NEAT TRACT, , ( 111insT IS THE BODY- THE CHURCH.' A tract containing seripturalprools that Christ Himself is the Church, and flat Church is Christ. It is doing Ii glorious work. Many Write favorabl y of the light it is shedding. Or-ders are increasing: send on your orders. Price 10 cents. One dozen copies .$ 1. 00 Fifty copies .$ 3. 50 BIBLE Pronfs that the change from the seventh, to the first' day of the week, 2wias made by the Lord Himself. This tract contains 64 pages : tile price is 25 ets. God. has en a bbleledd his to Set forth the subject in the clear light of abundance of Script: lire. So every reader of l he TRUM-PET can glorify' God in sending your orders for this Tract. This will also lie a pod fi-nancial help to spread other nnute• for the Lord, - NOTICE. * We are now prepared to furnish au-tiful Script- alAl tract envelopes and cards 50 ets per hundred- for each, on receipt of orders. NOTICE. We would call your attention once more to the fact, that all business, and Commu-nications not private, should be addressed to GOSPEL TRUMPET, and not to D. S. Warner, or J. C. Fisher, as they are in the field most of the, time. KALAMAZOO, MICH, Dear Brearem:— Praise the blessed Lord for salvation. The precious blood of Jesus cleanses sue frein all sin thus even-ing. Glory I Ltallelnjah to the Lamb tor-ever and forever ! 0 how .1 do praise God for His saving mid keeping and healing power. 0 my soul says, Ernise God From your sister saved and washed in the precious blood of Jesus, • : Rachel Bell, its t3 n ew Hi! eriber. Kelps Tram the Field. VICHY. Sri- twos, Mo. DeconBrethren:— The work is moving here in different parts. The holy fire still keeps burning. Hallelujah! People are being converted, sanctified, healed, and the Lord is adding to the Church such as are beipg saved. Amen! Babylon fears ' er loss: I was expecting to leave the vi-trinity of Bro. Eikman's north ofSt James Honda, y, alter holding a protracted meet-ing, but before we got started a runner came fot its to go- to Bro. Browns and have Brayer. We fauna seekers tilde deeply engaged, and the Lord gave us a general revival service and hallelujah time. We were all too much- engaged to stop rot dinner, but put in a faithful day for God. Victory turned on the Lord's side, and shouts filled the house. We remained another week, with victory all the way through, and closed with a glorious bap-tizing and ordinance meeting Sunday, and Monday we started. for Vichy, , near two miles on the way I felt impressed to leave the main road and go to Brii. Martin Cope-land's. We stopped and asked the Lord about it and were confirmed in that con-viction. Bro. C. had a horse already saddled when we got to his house for his wife to meet us, and would have been disappoint-ed had we ' gone the main road. The Lord gave us a blessed little meeting. Bro. C. and wife both consecrated and decided to take the straight track for Jesus, and were both baptized with the others on the 20th of Sept., making 35 in all, that I have baptized to this date since my return to Mo. God has most wonderfully set His seal on burying in baptism, those who are dead indeed unto sin, by manifesting His power in the presence of many Witnesses. Quite a number were so filledowith the glory and power of God, that they were unable to help themselves out of the wa-ter but had to be carried and lay help-less on the shore for some time some told me that they never knew when or how they reached the shore, but came to, prais-ing God. Bystanders examined to see if they were really dead. One came to e-nough while they were feeling his pulse to tell them lie was all right and had the witness in his heart. Praise the Lord! Many shouted the praises of God. How different from the sect baptisms in this country, where sinners are baptized into the sect to save them, and receive no an-swer to a good conscience; for they have no good conscience, or sprinkled as a form of man's device. Hallelujah to God and the Lamb! that we can know when we are right, by the Spirit that guides in the way of all truth. J. Cole. PERMS VENANGO Co. PA. DEAR BRETHREN :— Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank my God making mention of thee always in my prayers. Praise God! this morning finds us saved and sanctified, and rejoicing in the Lord. 0 glory to God for what He has done for us, and the way He is using us to the de-struction of the works of the devil. The Spirit of glory and of God resteth upon us. We do not shun to declare all the counsel of God. This people have never had the true- light they seem eager to receive the truth. Sister Alicehgives them the straight Word of God, the Holy Ghost accompanying it to the hearts of the peo-ple. Nine have been converted; three others made. a start, but could not stand the flaming light and so drew back. The honest souls here in babylon are coming to the light. The babylonians do not clamor much, they are killed too dead to squirm. The Lord sent Bro. Clayton to help us one week : three were baptized on last Sabbath. I never saw a people so eager for the truth as these people are. We purpose going from here to Oil City, if the Lord wills but we will stay here until the Lord bids us go, and by His grace we will deal faithfully with all souls. This is a grand field of labor. It Bro. and Sister Fisher comes to Pa. this winter we want them to come ' to this place. do praise God for- a willing heart to do little chores for my Master, I feel so lit-tle and insiguificaut in His sight, and un-worthy of the least of His favors, and yet He bestows them on us so freely. 0 glo-ry to God forever and ever! I wish I could find words to express to you what the Lord has done for me. Praise the Lord all ye His people, let us exalt His name together. We send our love to all the dear saints. Pray for us that we may ever be true to God. May the Lord bless you and keep you all in the love of God, is the prayer of two of the redeemed of the Lord. T ' e Ponnt'L Aliee! Flavin, -. 4- BLASP- HptER. —: o: Bro. sent in a letter lie had received from a rank specimen of the devil's latter days deceiving, by - the name of J. McClelland of Franklin Pa. We: feel it our duty to expose all such Mockers at Christ and His Word. . This hydrophobia spirit begins his letter thuse " Mr. I am a Christ- rte, that is, a person who has fellowship_ alone • with: Christ." We will only give a few extracts from this disgusting antichrist. '' Your dipping in water is all nonsense, your partaking of bread and wine, and calling it the body and blood of Christ, is a lie. Even if you say it represents His body and blood, you lie When yea - say it. It don't do any such a thing. Alittle bit of bread represent-ing Christ's body, such balderdash.?' " Dip-ping persons in water and saying it is Christ's ordinance, you are all liars when you say- it." ecYou are such a set of fools." We have but to give such frothing rasp-ing spirits a chance to speak, and they " foam out their own shame," so that all who have any light at all in them can see that they are " spirits of ' devils." In his rage against the children of God who lots low the'footateps of Christ, he is too blind to see that he is prating against Christ Himself. If it be nonsense to be buried with Christ in baptism then Christ per-formed nonsense when He was baptized of John in Jordan. Then the New Testa-ment records that Christ, practiced non-sense when He " made and baptized more disciples than John," To say that the communion= read is the body of Christ, and the- wine His blood, or represent them, is simply to repeat the words of Christ, and to say that the statement is a lie, is blasphemously charging falsehood upon the Son of God, What shocking impiety. Now listen to this blind guide again. " If you follow this business, holding meeting & c, appeal to the people for support, take up collection, blit don't try to palm your-self off as sent of God, but tell them you are working_ for the salvation of souls and ask for support." So this blind soul who knows nothing of God himself advises that: men would succeed better by making their requests known to men, rather than obey Godaand " make your requests known un to God," who " supplies : all our needs through His= 4- 1- ches of. glory lay Christ Je-sus." He also denies the Divine call to the ministry. This is the naturar result of loosing salvation and all the light of God out of the soul. So this blind priest who is " Without. God, and having no hope in the world," says, " Don't, think that I am such afool as to say it was of God for me to write yoa, I wrote because I hap-pened to see your postal, and had plenty of time to write." Surely we should think any one a badly. deluded man, not to say a fool, who would write such'ungodly stuff as this letter contains, and then think it were of God. it would be well for -- this 3, McOlellandto adopt Martin Luther's proverb, e., " whatsoever is not of God, is of the devil." Since he says that his writing is not of God, it is Surely of the devil, as its character clearly indicates. But we understand very well that he meant by the above words to thrust at men who have the Holy Spirit of God and claim to be led thereby. But while we know he was. led Of the devil, we will not deny God, but do as we are taught of God. " In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will guide thy paths." : This poor cage of unclean quaker spirits of Satan, thinks ft is smart to deny that God calls and sends out His own preatthers, and leads all His people by His Spirit; yet has the imprudence to say, " I enjoy a close walk with Christ." this. were so, he would not think he were a fool to say, that what he did was of God. Walking with Christ and yet denying His leadings cannot go together. • If Mr. McClelland's writing etc., is not of God, as he says it is not, and as all men can : see it is not, then he ought: to know that ' he is walking with the- devil, and not with Christ at all. We feel it our duty to lay some _ of ' the horrid. antichrist sayings of this Man before- the saints that they may see what blasphemous spirits they possess, who oppose the ordinances of Christ. We know of no man that sets himself against the Son of God in these things, that is not deluded of the devil, and most are really possessed with devils. But notWithstanding their rage - against the truth, " the foundation of God stand-elh sure," and " the Word of the Lord as bidets forever." " Depart iromme ye evil doers for I will keep the commandments of my Cod." hsst ebuked the proud that sathasaass cursed, which : do err from thy command-ments." " Thou haet commanded us to keep Thy precepts diligently." " Teach me 0 Lord, the way of Thy stat-utes; and I shall keep it _ unto the end. Give me understanding, and I shall keep Thy law yea I shall observe it with my whole heart. Make me to go in the Path of Thy commandments for therein do I delight?' " Forever, 0 Lord, Thy Word is settled in heaven." And" I am a companion of all therh that fear thee, and ' of them that keep thy precepts." Anieml and Amen ! ! Daniel. Tile deciple is not above his Master, but every one that is- perfect shall be as his Master. Luke 6: 40. Go on unto perfection. Heb. 6: 1. He hath by one offering perfected for-ever them that are sanctified; whereof the Holy Ghost is also a witness to us. Heb. 10: 14, 15. This is the will of God, even your sanc-tification. That every one should know - how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honor. And the very God of peace sanctify you wilom, y and I pray God, your whole spirit, and soul, and body, be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faith, is he that calleth you, who also WILL no IT. 1 Thess, 4: 3, 4, and 5: 23,24. For both He that sauctifieth, and they who are sanctified, are all of one: for Which cause He is not - ashamed to call them breth-ren. Heb. 2: 11. Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned. 1 Tim. 1: 5. And every man that bath this hope in him, purifieth himself; - even as He is pure. 1 John 3: 3. Having therefore these promises dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourSelvA from all filthiness of the flesh and Spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of the Lord. 2 Cor. L How much more shall the blood of Christ who through the eternal Spirit, Offered Himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the Living God Ileb. 9: 11. Wherefore Jesus also, that we might sanctify the people with His own blood, suffered without the gate. Heb. 13: 12. Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptable things, as silver and geld, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a Lamb without blemish and without spot. 1 Pet. 1: i8, 19. The blood ofjesus Christ His Son cleans-eth us from all sin. 1 John 1: 7. Who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity and purify un-to Himself a pecalar people, zealous of good works. Titus 2: 14. I beseeeh you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that ye present your bodies a living sacrafice, holy acceptable unto God. Romans 12: 1. Now the God of peace that brought again from the dead that great Shepherd of the- sheep, through the blood of the everlasting Covenant, doM Haiks ew yiolul . p eHrofebc. t 1in3 : e 2v0e, r y2 1g. o od work to• UNREPROVABLE. . C LL the use of stimulants, as coffee, ' tea, tobacco, opium; intoxicating liq-uors, and carnal. amusements etc., are the result of the fall of man. They are all intoxicants. The pleasure imparted by them is on the principle of soothing and benumbing the moral and spiritual sensi-bilities, which are ina restless, irtdiscrib-able distress, as a result of the fall into sin, and the loss of God out of the soul; whose indwelling is the normal state of man. This inward craving is not under-stood by blinded man; and they think it our natural lot, therefore they think the stimulant a natural blessing. Whereas its demand is caused by a diseased state of the soul and . body, and AS effect, though soothing, is still more viciating, of soul and body. Of course some have acquired the abnormal appetite for tea and coffee before their souls were saved, and not having been properly enlightened, still use them : in which case the demand con-tinues only through the force of habit, and the perverted appetite. But as soon as the Spirit of Cod can raise the conscience of His children above the low and carnal standard of this, world's religion, con- vic-tion pronounces condemnation upon these bad habits. And as a positive proof that God looks upon the habitual use of these tea and coffee poisons, as sin and unright-eousness, He takes the appetite for them out of the flesh, just as he does the appe-tite for the curse of tobacco, opium and liquor. His promise is, that the " blood cleanseth us from all sin," and " all un-righteousness :" but the blood does cleanse away the appetite for tea and coffee, there-fore they are unrighteousness. In other words, the fact that God treats these hab-its and. appetites as He does sin, proves that He includes them in the catalogue of sins. They are all a violation of the Iaw of God, because detrimental to these bod-ies which are the holy temples of God. The universal law of stimulants is to un-dermine the physical constitution, and destroy the natural energy of the mind. Tobacco is both " filthiness of the flesh," and. a destructive poison. Liquor, opium, coffee and tea, are not so much a filthi-ness, but are all a sin against the body, the temple of God. A. man that uses to-bacco is not able to reprove a drunkard, without the rebuff, " you use tobacco, and that is just as bad as liquor and far more filthy." So the reproof that comes from the tobacco stained lips fall to the ground without any weight upon the conscience. So when a coffee and tea drinker would rebuke another for the nasty filthy use of . tobacco, the tobacco sot is quite sure to shield himself behind the reprovers hot poison cups. God's Word says, And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled in the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and ' an blamable and unreprovable in His sight. Col. 1 : 21, 22. . No person fulfills this Scripture that practices any of the above habits. Being exposed to • reproof; you are not able to reprove and rebuke others with all authority, as the Word directs. Cleanse yourselves from' all superfluities and habits. Daniel. X 40_ MARRIED. —: 0:— T the_ residence of the parents of the ' Bridegroom, in Williamston Mich. On Sunday Oct 11th 1885, Bro. Hiram Butters, and sister Alice Spade were united in holy matrimony. Bro. Hiram and sister Alice, are both members of the " Church of God. The Body of Christ," and enjoy the light of full sal. vation. May they continue in the path of the just which shineth more, and more, unto the perfect day." May they ever love each other, and be blessed with a happy and prosperous life. Joseph. ' Our broth I counsel the to buy of me gold tried in he fire, that thou mayest be rich, and white raiment that thou mayest be ' clothed. er washed in the blood! 1^ Rev, 8; 3ft ir0.9. eph, Cleo, W. Mono: UNION HOME, Deco', _ Brethren :— I am gloriously saved to- night. The dear Lord is in His temple, and is flooding it with His glory just now. He saves me and purifies this vessel, as the fire refines the. gold, and He will guard and keep me safely sheltered in His fold; for He says " He that putteth his trust in me shall not be put to shame." Hallelujah! 0 I rejoice greatly, because He has delivered me out of all sects and I Schisms. 0 glory to His name forever and ever ! H. R. Jeffrey. God's people are coming to Zion, God's people are gathering home; From every place they h; tve been scattered; With shoutings, with shootings , lien' come. Cho.- 0 Zion! Fair Zion! di Of Thee, a sweet anthem we raise, Thy walls are composed of salvation, Thy beautiful gates are of praise. God's people are coming to Zion, Old babylon no longer can hold: The people of God are escaping, Returning again to the fold. Gods people are coming to Zion, A host that is mighty and strong; With songs of salvation they're coming, They're rolling the chorus along. God's people are coming to Zion, All clothed in their garments of white; Salvation, salvation they're shouting! On to battle they march in their might. God's people are coming to Zion, And this is the song they do sing, Vietory! viefry in Jesus! For Tie is our leader and Ring. God's people are cooling to Zion, The theme is now filling my soul; Of Zion the beautiful Zion! An anthem of wonder cloth roll. NIGHT HAS COME TO THE PROPHETS. WILLI AMSTON5 I wish to say to the readers of the Gos- PEL TRUMPET, that the dear Lord is still my defence. Glory to His name ! I praise Him for the sweet melodies of praise that ring in my soul. Glory to ( led I I am so glad that I have a place in the Church of the Living God: yes the dear Lord that sets each- member ,, in the Body as it pleaseth Him, hall given me a place by the Holy Spirit. I am glad to testify that I have escaped out of babylon, and I have received an " inheritance a-mope. them that are sanctified." I am still at work - at Williamston, on the song book, which 1 hope will soon come to you, bri ght and new. The good Lord is won-derfully helping us in this work, giving Us songs and melodies more than we will be able to use also giving us great strength to endure the extra labor, that is necessa-ry in order to hasten the work. f want to say to the glory of God, that, although since I have been absent from home, three of my children have been sick, and need-ed my care; yet; the dear Lord has kept me almost free from anxiety. Glory to Jesus I I just committed them into - the hands of the Lord, who is restoring them to health. This affliction has been a sore trial to my companion but glory to God! she has stood the test, and fought her way through. all the discouragements, and temptations holding on to God as her physician. Glory to God I The salvation of God is a wonderful salvation 0 praise His name forever! It keeps us amidst die greatest trials of life giving us peace in our souls. My testimony is, I am saved, " and kept by the power of God," the same power that rescued me from the jaws of death and hell. Will the dear saints join with me in an anthem of praise, for all His mercies unto us? Yours in the love of Jesus. H. R. Jeffrey, mere than his house and all his other efs fects. The friend asked what that could be. " Sir," said he, " that was the work of a lifetime, namely a whole barrel of ser-mons." Of course the poor man, having lost his sermons, and. thinking himself most too old to write new ones,_ was com-pelled to stop preaphing, and at last acs count he was keeping the post office in that place. 0 what educated • fools the sect colleges are turning out in this world. " Thus saith the Lord concerning the prophets that make my people err, that bite with their teeth, and cry, Peace; and he that putteth not into their mouths, they even prepare war against him. There-forenight shall be unto you, that ye shall not have a vision; and it shall be dark unto you that ye shall not ' divine; and the sun shall' go down over the prophets, and the day shall be dark over them. Then shall the seers be ashamed, and the divi-ners confounded : yea, they shall all cover their for there is no answer- of God." — Mioah 3 : 5- 7. Is not this Scripture fulfilled to- day? Just think of a regular town stationed M. E. priest too deep s in the mid- night of Spiritual darkness ' and death, to open. his month because he had left his prepared essay at home. Surely the " Sun had gale' down over the prophet," and such " night" Was in his soul that he could not so much —: o:— as read aechapter of God's Word , and exs HE following, - which we received by hort, the people. How could he exhort • the mouth of two saints which were them to repent, when he had- not' repent-eye witnesses, shows the utter blindneSs ed himself ? How could. he exhort them and darkness of babylon and her priests. to be saved, when he knew no salvation ? About seven years ago a Methodist Neither could he tell his experience, for priest by the name of Baker, who was in he had none. And yet -- whole . crowds of charge of the M. E. sect at Lowell, Lake humbugged simpletons pay their money Co. Ind., was called to fill a presiding El- to pamper and feed such " dum greedy der's appointment in the town of _ Hebron dogs," simply because sent to them by the Porter Co. The D. D. Mr. Baker, was well king of their babylon. reported el there ns quite an eminent If any one doubts the present applica-preacher, hence a full house met to hear ton of the above Scripture, just read ver-t he eon non, the broadcloth gentle- ses 9- 1 • of the same chapter. Wien made his a ppearance at the appoint- " Hear this, I pray you, ye heads of the oil hour, ( 91ered 11n:* pulpit, hut to the honse of Jacob, and princes of the house great disappointment of all, he told the u1 Israel, that abhor judgement, and per-congregation that he hail unfortunately vest all equity. They build up Zion with forgotten his : sermon, and was therefore blood, and Jerusalem with iniquity. The unable to address them after expressinglheads thereof judge for reward, and the his deep regret for their disappointment, priests thereof teach for hire, and_ the 1.110 conereeution was dismissed. The pen- prophets thereof divine for money: yet pie went ziway mortified at their unreal- will they lean upon the Lord, and. say, wed eapeetations, but doubtless much bet- Is not the Lord among us? none evil can tor oir for tul!- having hoard the " dein mine upon us. Therefore shall Zion for dog'e" mess of doll. Is there any one so your sake be plowed as a field, and Jeru-st rapid and so blind; ass to suppose such Salem Shall become heaps, and the amount blind block- heads are ministers of Christ ? sin of the house as the high place of the .11ehold " 110 maketh His ministers aflame forest" Of lire." Ile so tills therm with the Word They build up Zion with blood, i, e, of God, that it burns like fire in their cast, that is they seek to gather into their hearts, yea es the prophet says, " in my sect the most honorable, wealthy, and in-bones:, shall be. in them a well of iluential. And do not all the priests of Water springing up into everlasting life." Catholic and Protestant babel, " teach- for Yea they need ,• ake no thought what hire." Therefore shall Jerusalem be they shall speak or what they shall say, plowed. Glory to God! He is plowing for it shall he given them in that hour." her up with the plowshare of His wrath Jesus Christ, the great preacher, Him- and Hie truth, and by His grace we will self lives right in all His preachers, and let it in to the beam. Amen! they " preach not themselves, but Christ. Jesus the Lord." " Ile is a very present help in the time of need." They having ARE YOU READY FOR HIS COMING? " sancti lied the Lord God in their hearts, are reedy always to give an answer— or preach a sermon— to every man that ask- OA them a reason of the hope that is is them, with meekness and fear." It Jesus Christ \ vas able any moment to preach to the- people, so His holy ministers are be-cause they have " this mind which - was al-so in Christ Jesus." Any person that knows anything about the Bible can DO more take these- babylon priests to be the ministers of Jesus Christ than a man with eyes could mistake a black stump for a blazing electric They look no more like God's preachers than an empty tar barrel with the head knocked out, looks like the blazing- head- light of an engine. This instance- is'a pure sample of the utter blindness of fallen babylon. A. few years ago we heard one of these dim dogs try to preach a funeral sermon in a school. house nearTayne Ohio. He began by saying that having only received the no-tice the previous afternoon, he had not time to - prepare a sermon for the occasion, but, sayshe, " I have brought alon g a eer-mon that I think suitable, which I will read. to you." The poor fellow then pro-ceeded to read a dead essay, Which we suppose he had iii the great emergency borrowed from some neighboring priest, who had been longer in the sermon busi-ness. A Baptist preacher at Carson City Mt. Calm Co. Mich., had the misfortune to have his . house and household effects all barn up. To a'friend who was coudollpg ills sad loses, be' I- emarked; ' that he 4lad lost Yowl MA 07.4 our' lliiii° in; the n" re that- he pr Ned "' OAST night a young brother who had consecrated, and believed for entire sanctification in the meeting that day, testified that lie was wholly sanctified, and that he could now say for the first time that he was ready for, and loved the appearing of the Lord. Truly, _ nothing bet entire purity can - prepare us to joy-fully meet the coming of Christ. " Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgement; bbecause as He is, so are we in this world."- 1 John 4: 17. Perfect love is absolutely necessary to stand in the day of judgement. Perfect love is perfect purity. 4cWherefore beloved, seeing. that ye look for such things, be dilligent that ye may be found of Him in peace., without spot, and blameless."- 2 Peter 3 : 14. This is a solemn admonition. God help all to believe it. No one will be found in peace at the coming of the Lord but such as are " without spot, and. blameless." That is sanctified wholly, • and preserved blameless before God. These two songs will appear in our new Book entitled, By J. C. Fisher, Williamston Mich., which will soon be ready for publication. LODI, 0. To the Saints and Readers of the GOSPEL TRUMPET greeting:-- Although you have not heard from me through the TRUMPET for sometime, praise the Lord I am still " kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ;" and what a glorious keep-ing it is. And " let them that suffer accord-ing. to the will of God, commit the keep-ing of their souls unto Him, as unto a faithful Creator." Paul confidently says, " For I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded ( by that faith) that • He is i able ( praise the Lord!) to keep that vAich litive ( longed unto Hinu Correspondence. 0- 0- 0 leiiM) VOi I. # on# o of ithvtØvg. Thanks be to God, Who giveth us the victory, through our Lord Jesus Chrlill."- 1 Cot MR: Words and Music. by H. It, Jgrpgaly. 1, c No, 16, i Thus He purifies this temple, As the fire refines the gold; And the presence of His angel Keeps me as in days of old. • Bpi ' ( Dedicated to Sister Josephine Webster.) " If the Son, therefore, make yen free, ye shall be free indeed."- John 8; 38. S. C. F. rk I J. C. FISHES. WhIesn h Geharridst oshna ell vb' e- r yre hveaanlde. d. ' Tis offered, un - to all. Through all E - ter - ni - ty. - 0- - 0- - 0- - 0- N. 6- 111- 1 I • • 111- 0 111) 4-- 1-- 4 1. Songs of vie - to - ry brineng Un - to the Lord most high, Vie- to - ry t g24._ SSSooonnngggsss ooofff vvviieaie- - t- o tto o- - r- y1r y7h lesevon ud- - neindr g- Si nhwgai, tl lhG b aoel lfo otuhrrteh h hteoea aratvl'lse tndhleey - wt hloigrrohldnt,; g F, S rAino gmc ho sofhr uasre t hdteoa- t — 0 0- 0 0 0 3 - 111- - 3— - I— T.: - 0- - 0- 0- 0 a— t I r-- --* I. I am e, the Lord hath saved me, 2. In His - y He redeemed me, 3. Oh, the . gush- ing springs of glo - ry, 4. Oh, the Icy, no tongue can tell. it, • I I I :- 6— v- 1 I I 3 4N with my sin; in my woe; all my heart, flow- ing streams., vic- to - ry feat no, shore re has no- . fa' d -• urAe Wah lil- e - Jdr1o- -— a s uas. l1aea ds the vIaann, A 1nd vic- to-- ry ••! v i1e - t, aoi - r• y-!! vie- to- ry!!! high - er, Up - on the bat - tl e - field; Our vie - to - ry draw- eth nigh- er, Say - lour, Send forth an earn - est call Oh, sin - ner, seek His fa - vor, e- or,- G4lavd songs ooff vlyie 1p- i_ We1' ,11 sing of C- harifs4it, - ou: r S, ay - fou: Fr. 1111". 4 1- 0- 0- 0 r 0 , CHORUS., Me, I'll take you whit - er than the chords in - gold. - en sun - light Woad that cleans- eth glo - 171 glo - 17 ! Let ns sound the — - 9- OM = 1.0, Ir - N1 • 0- 0- 0- ha je - sus is marching be- fore us, Leading ma arm- y a - long. sing - ing, Let all the saints draw nigh; senoneudvn d--- ilenorg! g, SW, i niItght vGiioesst ' r- y, pt ehwl eittrehu" ta- hl slt oourun'sr - m sfouignrlhgetd;,. liv1/ 1 1 6- 61- ar— gt if • IP- di er '— e tS; s 4a1--- j• i • • • 9^- 11 SI D. S.— I will tell the wondrous sto - Of the Fine, CHoRrst •• 11111• 1111: 111• 1= 1118111• 1111 Ant 111111 WI. MOMS 11 ■ I JIMIN01- 1= 111r-. 1011 g tm. - a- Then He whispered meek and low- ly: " Cometo Yes, He sane - ti- fled and cleansed me, And I'm And the mu - sic sweet and heav'nly, Wakes the Now I stand up - on the sum - mit, Where the - 0- - 9- Yict'ry shall be the cho- rus, ‘ 11i to-# 10- 0- 4- 0 I— I 1 t I I- I I I V - lll t snow. part. gleams. Ars me. 6 Upward as through trackless ether, To the realm, of glory bright; There I'll fly to dwell forever, Clad in robes of snowy white. • " So if now my soul doth boast, It is of the Holy Ghost, And my Jesus who so fully saveth m0." I am standing fast in the liberty where with Christ has made me free. " Whom the Son maketh free is free indeed." 0I praise the Lord that He hath given me an, understanding to know Him that is true : and I am in Him that is true, even in His Son Jesus Christ. I praise the Lord that He hath given me to see that I am not to trust in men or sects of men. But in the Lord Jesus :" built up into Him in all things which is the head, even Christ." My testimony is that Tam saved and sanctified by the blood of Christ as of a lamb without spot and blemish. Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless be-fore the presence of His glory with ex seeding joy. To the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majisty, dominion and power Nth pow and evermore, Aime4 N I was burdened When He saw me That are flood - ing ' Tis like man - y _ 1i - 0- aI 3 Hal - le - lu jalt! For there can be no We'll raise our vote - es Go, sing - ing of the We'll sing and shout for- OWN Viery our watchword [ and - AI- • 0- 11I 11111• 11•••••••••• ■ • ,- a— g—; 0- iiL. 1' 1, bi - lee; a— a- SOUTH HAVEN, MICH. Dear Brethren:- My testimony this morning is, I am saved through the pre-cious blood of Jesus, and sanctified. Oh praise the Lord for His Mercies! 0 that all His salvation might know! I intend to live for the Lord while life remains. U Lord, I will overcome by Thy almighty power the love Divine which made us Thine, can keep us forever. 0 saints of God, be faithful. Your sister. Mary Kemp. ALLEGHENY PA. DEAR BRETHREN:— Find enclosed $ 1.00 for the TRUMPET. I love the TRUMPET, for it is food for my soul. I praise God for a living experience, and for the blessed hope of glory, I have of the world to come, and the peace in this lite. I am a child of the King, praise his name forever ! Anen Your sister saved through the blood of the Lamb, and sanctified wholly. Maud Richey. LAFAYETTE, MICH. DEAR BRETHREN:— May the Lord bless you all. The Lord keeps us saved just now. We have the glory of the Lord in our soul. We met on Thursday night for prayer meeting, and had a- glorious time. There were 37 testimonies for the Lord. Yoor Bro_ and sister in Christ. Win. and Adelia Kennett. —: o:— MAYSVILLE, Mo. Dearly Beloved Brethren :— God bless you, one and all, with all spiritual bless ings in wisdom and understanding. Grace, mercy, and peace be multiplied. Meeting closed at, or near Ellington, Gentry Co. Mo. Many souls were won to the truth of the Gospel. Many who were the enemies of the truth were soon its warmest friends, ready to defend it. I came here, near Maysville Mo., Oct. 16. Commenced meeting in the name of the Lord Jesus. Good congregations ev-ery night, and deep conviction on the peo-, pie. Meeting continues, and the battle surges, and goes on in the name of Jesus, between light and darkness. Hallelujah! Bless God I am saved from all sin, sanc-tified wholly just now : out on the prom-ise and under the blood. Hallelujah ! Your Bro. washed in theh bnlopo. dH. aner. WALKER Mo. Dear Breihren:— God bless you and all the saints everywhere. I received your tract on the Church, and also the one on the Sabbath, which are worthy of perusal by every body. I am all for tied and His cause, sanctified wholly. Your brother ' 1) 1M Et W1180114 ONARGA, ILL. Beloved Saints of God:— May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen ! I praise God this beautiful day, for a full and complete salvation. Glory to God and the Lamb forever and ever!! 0 I do praise God that I am saved and sanctified wholly. Glory to God t. I am washed in the blood of the Lamb. Dan id .411• ■ ■ AN APPEAL. We, in the name of the Lord, make au appeal to all the dear saints of God every-where, that they neglect, not to write their testimonies, and send to the GOSPEL TRUM-PET for publication. Many plead their inability to write their . teetimony in a legible manlier, _ and so neglect their ditty in this matter. Now to all the saints . we would say, send on your testimony, trust in the Lord, it can be arranged before published. I would say there is no paper in the United States, that records so many firey testimonies. The testimonies are more highly appreciated than any other part of the paper. by its readers. This is the universal verdict of its readers. Let us keep it a sheet of flaming firey testi-mony. Never write us without_ adding your testimony. Who will be the first. Joseph. DUNKA- RD DARKNESS. ---; o:— - preacher of this dark sect, ]) y- the name of Bowman in Ind., who was in the habit of preaching against a sinlesg life, and contendi hg that, - all men had to live m the praetiee in this orld + Adieu, supposed to be upon hi: duath. bed, said to his son, " Zecharias. to tell the truth about it the future is all dark and we don't know a thing about- the futere." Well that is true of the death- of all sin-ners, except such as become awakened in the dyieg hoer, and see and confess that they are going right to hell. But wheth-er - awakened to eee their doom or not, their death is a leap in the dark: But. what a striking contrast we see be-tween Dunkardism and Gospel salvation. " For we know that, if our . earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, a house not made with - hands, eternal in the heavens. We are - confident, I say, and willing rather to he absent. from the body, and to be present with the Lord. Wherefore - we labor, that . whether present on . absent, we- may be . accepted cf Him."- 2 COr.' 5: 1, 8, 9. . . " For I am now ready to be offered, and the time oi my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight I have fiiiished - my course, I bane kept die faith. Henee" forth there iS laid up for me a crown 01. righ t eousuess, which the Lord, the right-eous judge, shall give me at that day -: and not to me only, but mite all them also that love His appearing."- 2 Tim. 4: 6e- 8, WHO ARE YOUR FOES? —: 0:— HINT( net that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not- to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance fvainst his father, and the daughter against her mother, and - the daughter- in- law against her mother- in- law. And a man's; foes shall be they of his own honse-holll. fie that loyeth father or mother more than me is - not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daught-er more than me is not worthy of me. And he that taketh not his crolEs, and followeth After me, is not worthy of - He that tndeth his life shall lose It; and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it. Matt. 10: 34- 39. It is well that all God's children be-come awake to this warning . Noni the Son of God. The salvation and religion of God is not such a tame thing that- it eau maintain friendship and companionship with Men said women who reject it, even though they be your nearest kinsfolks in the flesh. - Think not- that Christ has come to send peace on earth between saint and sinners. Nay! " but a sword" shall divide between you and all your unsaved rela, lioes. " For I am come to set a man at variance against his , father, daughter against mother, daughter- in- law against mother- in- law." Christ said, " He that. is not for me, is against me." So 3- our unsaved - friends are against Christ, and you being one with Christ, they must be against; you. Again we read, " The face of the Lord is against them that do evil, to cut . off the remembrance of them from the earth." Therefore if you have the mind of Christ, you Must be a-gainst them also. " Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus." or she that is not willing to be against all your unsaved relatives, and have them. a-gainst you, is not willing to be a disciple of Christ. Ile that lovetli father, mother, sister, brother, daughter or son more than Christ is not worthy of Him. Even it'll: be like taking your life to . part with those dear friends, you must abandon them all, or abandon Christ. " He that findeth his life shall loose it, and be that loseth his life for my sake shall find it." • 0 how slow God's children have been to receive and believe the words of Christ, that whom you call your friends, are your actual, and most dangerous " foes." Most dangerest to the life of your sent, because bound Lo yon by those natural ties, Which are used by the devil to drag your souls . to hell, unless they be cut asunder by the erace. of God. The Lord Jesus Christ clearly saw this peril of our souls, and sought to arouse our attention to the same by the most earnest expressions. If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and. his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. Luke 14: 26. Frew vehemently He warns us against being Overthrown by our unsaved kindred. As eve love our own souls for Christ's sake who has died to redeem them, we must hate every relationship that threatens to defeat the love and suffering of Christ, in destroying our sends. While we intensely hate, and cast from us as a deadly serpent those kindred ties that satan would make a snare to our souls, we nevertheless pray for, and affectionately wish their salva-tion. But let all saints everywhere remember that the way to seek the salvation of your friends, is net by compromising with them in the least. Not by meeting them half. V1'. Clown the pit; not by conforming to their ways; or trying to please them. If ' ever saved they must be saved of God and if you ever expect to be His instru-ment, it will be because Of your uncom-promising, straightforward devotion and loyalty to Him. The notion that you must somewhat smother the praises of God, and the radical Ieadings of the Holy Spir-it, in order to win some fastidious phari-see, or Christ hating non professing rela-tive, is a snare and delusion of - the devil. The trick of satan has been, that we must have influence With men, in order to win them, and that- we must associate with and please them in order to have ence The fact is, in the absence of the Holy - Spirit, the ministry of babylon have knOwn nothing else to give them success, but popularinfluence. Hence their course of steely training, has all been to make themselves_ popular, so as to " take well." They must be " tip to the lines," etc. And thfl. doctrine of devils- they have infused. into the minds of thepeople. But you find nothing of it in God's Word. Christ and the Apostles did not try to save men by avoiding their prejudices, but by assailing them with the Word of truth. They did. not indulge their idols in order to please and win them, but an-tagonized them- by fire and sword, and by the mighty power of God. 0 if you wonld: - a ve your friends, just walk with God, ev- - 11 if you must tred under foot : d1 their pleasant fancies, and utterly disregard all their friendship. One of satan's pit- falls is the popular tinnily and kindred Reunions and Birth- day Parties. Satan is ever on hand to say to the ly people, " You must show your love to your friends by going to their parti