The Gospel Trumpet - 16:23

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a Trumpet, and they Olean gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. Mat 24 al So will I se...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Warner, D. S.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Warner, D. S. 1896
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Summary:Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a Trumpet, and they Olean gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. Mat 24 al So will I seek out my sheep, and will deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day. Eze. 34: 12. Jer. 32: 39. / MTABelhllote hwy L e uya piern d aht hnGae bof ildTtsa risn,, uthtim ls a top: n: f e, b tTl oiinwto Z twhioeol lr. Tl dsro. u aumnndpd ecatln. v eaaonlaldlrem rgso ion wn m itthyh e hw eohalyrit rmhlw, osiunened. ts ay. i enZ. e wcJhho. ee 91n: 2 1h: 14e. the mountains: and when he bloviteth a Trumpet, hear ye. Isa. 18: 3. - -- Volume I Number 23. PEL Grand Junction. Michizan, to love God! Surely they will receive a greater damnation. A FEW WORDS TO THE SAINTS. Dear ones, I am now going to have a little talk with you. What are you doing for the poor and needy? Are you doing all you can with means and prayer, to see that the poor have the gospel preached to them, and that the widows and fatherless have food and raiment? If not let us awake to our duty at once. It is not enough for us to take the word of God and prove that the sects are wrong; but we Must apply it to ourselves, and see that we measui e up to the standard, and that is just what God wants us to do before we condemn others. Read Mat. 7: 1- 5. Rom 2: 1- 3. Now let us see what the Bible says in regard to our duty to the poor. " Is not this the fast that I have chosen? To loose the bands of wick-edness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke? Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? When thou seest the naked, that thou cover him?"- Isa. 58: 6,7. " Let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth." Jno. 3: 18 Beloved, if we do our duty in that line, we will not lose our reward. Read Psa. 41: I- 3. Pf0V. 19: 17. Heb. 6: 10. Mat. 25: 31- 40. But if we do not do our duty ( when we know it, James 4: 17.) we will lose our souls. God is a Father to the fatherless, and the church should and must be a mother to them, Then let u work while it is yet day, for the night cometh when no man can work John 9: 4. We all have something to do for God, and let us not try to . ex-cuse ourselves by listening tO the devil, who tells us that we cannot do much, but let us remember the widow's mite ( Luke 2 I : I- 4) , and the servant that had two talents which received the same reward as the one that had five. Mat. 25: 20- 23. And if we have nothinc, to give at all, we can tell them of the love of Jesus. and point them to the Lamb that caketh away the sin of the world Surely God has something for each one of us to do. Let us be sure we do not bury . our talent. Mat. 25: 18, 24- 28. Now God does not want all to sell their possessions, and give it to the poor without paying attention to whom we are giving it. But he wants us to have it all- on the altar ready to give whenever the Spirit leads. Tor as many as are led by by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God."- Rom. 8: 14. But we must be sure that we are in a con-dition where God's Spirit can have free access to our hearts; for he can-not lead us if we are not willing to be led. I believe the reason why some are not led to do very much for God and the poor, is because they are not consecrated to do_ it, and God's Spirit knows it is noise to speak to them. Your brother;- in defence of the pure gospel, - THOMAS NELSON. A Few Words to the Professor. : rRE religion and undefiled C before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world."- Jas. : 27. By'applying the above passage of scripture to the great masses of peo-ple who claim to be religious, we see that there are but few that are possessors of pure and undefiled re-ligion. As we pass through the large cities of to- day, and see the many so- called church steeples point-ing toward the sky, we might get the idea that the people of to- day are very religious. But as we pass on through the streets of modern Sodom, and see the fatherless and the widows on the streets, uncared for, suffering, and dying both physi-cally and spirinally, while the church members ( so- called) are hav-ing their sociables and festivals, and in fact, going right along with the world; are we not then compelled to say, according to our text, that their religion is not pure nor undefiled in the eyes of God? Surely Babylon ( sectism) is fallen, and has become a habitation of devils; and God is calling his people out of her, that they be not partakers of her sins, and that they receive not of her plagues: for her sins have reached unto heaven and God hath remembered her iniquities. Rev. 18: 2- 5. The reader can rest assured, that I am writing from personal ex-perience. I have seen widows ( or women whose husbands, through the influence of liquor or sickness, were a burden to them instead of a help), clad in rags, with a half naked child in their arms, out on the streets on a cold and rainy day begging bread. Such people knew little or nothing about God, and have no place at all in the proud and worldly so- call-ed churches. Again I have seen children, when they were no more than four years of age whose par-ents had died, and thus they were left alone without - any one to care for them, and were compelled to go out on the streets trying in whatever way they could to get a little to keep them from starving.-- Some of them not even having a place to sleep, and without sufficient clothes to keep them from freezing. Such little children - do not know much about wickedness when they begin their lives on the streets; but are Soon led astray by older boys, be-cause they are not cared for and have no one to tell them of the love of Jesus, so that in a few years they are found doing all kinds of sins and abominations; such as stealing, drinking, secret vice, the use of to-bacco, etc. While, if they had been cared for in time, many of- them would doubtless have become useful men and women. Oh, how disgusting it is to see people who have the means shut up their bowels against those who need help ( 1 jno. 3: 17.) and then profess CONSECRATION. - Consecration is a secret of salva-tion, and God wants us to consecrate all our possessions along with our OWII self. Luke 14: 23. ROM. 12: 1. And if we are not willing to do this we do not belong to him. I believe that ofutimes people come to the altar for sanctification, and fail to get an experia nce because they do not put all on the altar. They are asked if they are willing to do so and so, and they will answer yes, just because they think that God will not require it of them. While if they were put to a test, they. ( like the young man spoken of in Mat. to: 16- 22) would go away sorrowful. Such people can never have a living faith in God. For God wll only give it to those who are in line with his word. They may try fo make themselves believe that they are saved, but still their hearts are filled with doubts. And the fact is that they are not saved at all. Oh may God help his workers to do thorough altar work! Let us / remember we are standing between the living and the d- ad. Let us be sure that the seekers have put all ( n the altar before we tell them to ex- 1 ercise faith. Errors of Dunkardism. CHAPTER III. THE INSTITUTION OF THE LORD'S SUPPER, OR COMMUNION, AND WHAT IT IMPLIES. " And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body. " And he took the cup, and gave thank., and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it; " For this is my blood of the new testa-ment, which is shed for many for the remisson of sins. " But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom. " And when they had sung a hymn, they went out into the mount of Olives." - Mat. 26: 26- 30. In the above scripture it appears to some that while Jesus was yet eating the pa. ssover, he instituted the ordinance of the bread and wine; but that would con-flict with John, who says, " Supper being ended," and Mark says, " As they did eat." Here a seeming confliction arises in the mind of some, which is caused by that little word " as," meaning " In like manner to; or while." While-" time, space of time; during the time that; in which ease." Hence, it is evident that while, or during the time allotted for the eating of the passover, which lasted from the evening of the fourteenth, until the morning of the fifteenth, Jesus took, blessed, and brake the bread, and likewise the wine, and gave to the twelve. We will now examine Inc,. IS: 2. " And supper being ended [ brought to an end; terminated; finished; or cjosed]." Here it is argued, that supper being ended, means, the passover was then prepared. But I have clearly proved in the previous chapter that they hal already prepared the passover, before Jesus came to the place where they ate it. And when Jesus came they sat down and ate the passover; and Luke in relating the same adds, " And he took bread and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me. LIKEWISE ALSO THE CUP AFTER UPPER [ PASSOVER]. " Saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for y. m," - Luke 22: 19,20. Thus we are compelled to see, that " Supper being ended," simply means that they had finished eating the paschal lamb. And at the same place, after sup-per, Luke says, Jesus instituted the bread and wine, or the Lord's supper, which will be more clearly shown as we look farther into John thirteen, where it is said: " And supper being ended [ passover eaten], the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray him; Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands-, arid that he was come from God, and went to God; HE R1SETH FROM SLIPPER [ passover], and laid aside his garments; _ and took a towel; and- girded himself. After that he our-eth water into a basin, and began to wash the disciples' feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded."- Jno. 13: 2- 5. Here John relates the institution of the ordinance of feet- washing, which Matthew, Mark, and Luke say nothing about_ And John only speaks of the bread and wine as follows: " So after he had washed their feet, and taken his garments, AND WAS SET DOWN AGAIN, he said unto them, Know ye what . J have done to you?"- Ver. 12. It is evident that the passover being ended, ( finished or eaten), Jesus then arose from supper ( passover ), ankinsti tatted the ordinance of feet- washing, by washing the disciples' feet, and command-ing them to wash one another's feet, and again resumed his seat at the table. And according to Mat. 26: 26- 30, Mark 14: 22- 2, and Luke 22: 19, 20, he then and there instituted the ordinance of the Lord's supper or communion, which is the bread and vine. Hence the whole word of God leaves the Dnnkard soup supper standing out in the cold and sinful world of false theories, blind superstitions, and sectarian false-hoods, without one syllable of God's word to sustain their false claim, the soup supper. Yet, still hoping to find a support for their idolized soup religion, they claim a passover supper consisting of soup, etc., In remembrance of our passing from the law into the gospel dispensation. It is true, we have that which is termed the Christians' passover, in the gospel; and Paul. in relating the same, says, " Purge out therefore, the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleav-ened; for even CHRIST OUR PASSOVER is sacrificed, for us."- Cor. ;: 7. Here we find that Christ is the Christian's passover; yea, he is the gospel lamb. See i Pet. : 19.---" But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a Iamb without blemish and without spot." And again, " For Christ is the end of the law foe righteousness to every one that believeth,"- Rom. Ica: 4. It is evident that the lamb slain by the Jews, was typical of Christ, the lamb of God, the Christians passover, which was now sacrificed once for all. See Heb. 9: 25, 26.-" Nor yet that he should offer himself often, as the high - priest entereth into the holy place every year with blood of others; for then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world: but now once in the end of the world hath he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself." And again, " By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. And : every priest standeth daily ministering aqii- offering oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins: but this man , after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the right hand of God."- Heb. JO: 10- 12. Christ being the antitype, the law with its types and shadows was at an end. And we now have the better things that God had reserved for us. See Heb it: 4o It is evident that Christ, our passover, was now sacrificed. He being the end of the law, now set in a new dispensation. Hence, the law with all its rites, ceremo-nies, sacrifices, feasts, and ordinances, was now at an end, and should proceed no fuither. The lamb was no more to be slain and eaten, But now, just as the Jews ate the lamb, in remembrance of their exit from Egypt, we are to cat that which belongs to this new di - pensation, in remembrance of our deliverance out of the law dispensation and from the bondage of sin. Paul says, " For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, That the Lord. Jesus, the same night in which he was betrayed, took bread: and when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me. After the, same ' manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, this cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me."- 1 2i i3- 25. Thus it is evident, that the bread and I wine, which Jesus gave to the twelve, the same night of his betrayal, is that which the New Testament Christians are to eat and drink in remembrance of Christ their passover. And these alone constitute their passover supper ( if it is proper to call it such), communion, or the Lord's Supper. Paul further expresses it as follows: " Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace."- Eph. 2: 15, Christ thereby repealed and made void . the law dispensation, but in particular its law of commandments contained in ordi-nances, thereby bringing in a new dispensation, new law, a new church, and new ordinances; yea, a new creation. Eph. 2: to. And again he says, " For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup [ wine], ye do show the Lord's death till he come."- i Cor. it : 26. Only by eating this bread, and drinking this cup [ wine], can we show forth the Lord's death, and do in remembrance of him. Hence we have no need of the Dunkard invention, the soup supper. Thus, one by one the vsrord of God knocks the props from under this false theory, and completely obliterates it. And right here is brought to pass the saying of the prophet, " For the bed is shorter than that a man can stretch himself on it: and the covering narrower than that he can wrap himself in it."- Isa, 28: 20. Oh how true! God's word does not reach far enough to satisfy the soup appetite, hence they have added their own notions, and others, their disciplines. See Rev. 22: 18, 419. Yet they all try to justify their proceedings by the Bible; but the cover being too narrow the shame of their nakedness doth appear. See Rev. 3: 18. Oh for your poor soul's sake, heed the counsel of heaven, and get the raiment that will clothe you, which " is the righteousness of the saints. See Rev. 19: 8. Yea, repent, and get sal-vation, which will place you in the path of righteousness, and obedience to all the word of God. Then what you teach, will be the gospel of the kingdom, or church of God, and no man can find Bible to refute your doctrine. But when you preach your own notions, and the theories of your sect, then when the word of God is preached with the Holy Spirit as in days of yore, it will knock down your false theories, and expose you as having taught a false doctrine. Though you may claim it to be Bible, yet you cannot wrap your false theories up, but that the word of God will reveal and expose them. In the next chapter I will notice the claim of this sect, to be the church of God, and shall prove it to be a daughter of the old mother of harlots, which has filled the world with the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and with whom the kings ( Babylon traffickers) of the earth have committed fornication, until the world has been filled with her harlot daughters. G. W. HOWARD. TESTIMONY. GRAND .1 UNCTION, Micll. DEAR BRETII REN AND SlsTERS: We are glad that we can tell you Once more of the goodness of God to us. We are saved to- day with an ever-lasting salvation, and know while we stand upon Ged's word our souls are secure from al' the darts of the devil. Praise God! We are learning more of God and his will concerning us. Though we have not reached • the hights, breadths, and depths of the love and power of God, we are ad-vancii g and getting more and more, according to the power that worketh in us. We have been h- re at the Frumpet Office • the past few weeks, and expect to remain here until after camp meeting; then wc expect to go to Missouri, and will likely go to Tennessee in the near future. Pray for us, dear saints, for we feel our need as never before. Any one de-siring to write us, address us here. Rt./ 13.:. RT AND jU1.1A EARQUAR. 1511' CHOICE. A lifo and folly Is n ” t the for ow no. choose I ho rather A Christ '!; itt true to ht,. Thinti • 11 S: 1Ia I) pictures beaut ies this 41Ark, dread way. t Mr Savior has rich treasuritsD For all Who him ° hey. Ho tells us of one, Mary. Who ehosit the better part. Who choso I he tike esus, And have him cleanse her liParl, tv. i 1i.` 11. I will. likeMary, Ancdo mi tiem hlo Iw k anto Jwe. s uhes'' llf egeivt. e me A life ths pure and sweet. --- Isabel C. Byrum. Hateesnoao, N. C , DEAR SAINTS OF Goo: Since our last report from Stokes B dge, we continued a few weeks there in the gospel work with Bro. a! id Sister Lundy, whom I left one week ago in Darlington, S. C., tO COIllt! to this place. The work is ripening up here against considerable o l position the truth. While we are holding up God's way to the people!. honest souls are investigating and se in that wa y. This is a new ti we ask your prayers for t misled people of this countr I cannot be with von meeting, I send desiring your prayers vancement on any line that t,. od choose for me. Wt! are I3ro. Lundy and wife to soon, if the Lord N% altar for service or sacrc God pleases. Yours on the move, F. I. NYNES, MARSHAI. 1., DEARLY BEnovEn SAm i's: rejoicing in victory thro Lord Jesus Christ. and we are making advaneeme 11 at THE GOSP TRUM eligh of th se plain commands we am so glad I am free. Brother Wixom and family and myself and family went out twelve miles to Bro-ther Sharum and Brother Louck's place. We four families are all that we know of in this country that are in the evening light. We had a grand time with the Lord out there. Bro. Sharum was gloriously healed. We think it was bright's ' disease of the kidneys; we obeyed Jas. 5: 14 and the Lord healed him. Praise God, wife was also healed of sick head-ache. We are asking Father send more of the saints here or raise them up in our midst. J. W. PINE, GOSPEL TRUMPET A WEEKLY HOLINESS JOURNAL. OrDEEINITE, RADICAL, and ANTI- SECTARIAN, sent forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, for the publi-cation of full Salvation, and Divine Heeling cd the Body. the Unity of all true Christians in" the faithonce delivered to the saints." Subscr1ptWu, b1.00 a year in advance. Free to the Poor. Or Send money by Post Once Money Order, Express Or-der. Registered Letter or small amounts in stamps. OF- Subscribers wishing their address changed, must be sure to give their former. as well as their new address. Oiraf you do not receive your paper when due, write us a card, and we will gladly mail you another copy. Or- Should there be a mistake at any time, write us at once and we will gladly rectify the same. Fff— A commission of 20 per cent will be given On each new cash subscriber, to all who will act as agent. IOW— Parties desiring papers to canvass with, should notify us regularly of their address. OrWhen you write. be sure to give your address: name, post- office, county, and state. Or- All business communications, moneys ete. must be ad-dressed w GOSPEL TRUMPET, to insure credit; otherwise we will not be responsible. Enrron, E. E. BYRUM. PITBLISIIEfts, E. E. BYRUM. and N. H. Byrum, Grand Junction, Mich. Entered s. t the Post Office of Grand Junction, Mich as sec-ond class matter. THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1896. LIST OF . MONEY LETTERS NOT OTHERWISE HOMED 0. W. Fringe, Ella Wesel. G. F. Hesselton. J. B. Mills, Geo. Filhour, Jessie ' Hand, J. E. Wallace. A New Book.-- Just Out. By E. E. Byrum. Over 400 pages— I 09- ehapters.-- 11Iustrated. It not only instructs the sinner how to get saved; the believer how to become established: and the sick how to get healed, but has some precious chapters on the subject of healing, salvation, faith, trust, trials, temptations and how to overcome them, etc. Also chapters on " How to make the Lord hear," and " How to make the Lord answer." Any one can get a benefit through read-ing it. The cloth books are beauti-ful, well bound, good plain print Those desiring to work for the Lord and help souls. will preach man) lasting sermons wherever one of these books is placed in a family. Agents find ready sale for them Send for special terms. Price, paper cover, 35 cts., cloth, 75 cts., morocco. $ 1. o. Requests For Prayer. S. E. Crocerins.— Healing, chronic dis-ease. J. A. Chandler.— Healing, catarrh. Mrs. John S. Tracy.— Healing of eyes. John Harmon.— Pray for soul and body. G. A. Freese, Jemison.— Chronic con-stipation. Boby Howard, Forney, Tex.— Salvation and healing. Laura Goff.— Healing of body. G. B. Thomas.— Pray June that my wife may be heated of fits. Pray for a lady at Butler, Pa.— An in-valid for six years. I ask all the sisters in Christ to pray for my healing June IS. Alice Imes, Windsor. Pray for Mrs. Bartley, near Odon, who is a cripple, and has not been able to walk for several years. Kezie Harmon. I have been going on crutches for three years. Am suffering trfuch from rheuma-tism. Pray for my healing. S M. Clark, Iola. Pray for myself an I family. My hus-band has lung disease, also my little girl is greatly afflicted. We desire some minister to c me here and hold meeting. Nancy Standefer, Maggard, Letcher Co., Ky. Pray for the healing of three children by the name of Underwood, aged six, ten, and thirteen years, who have the u-, e of their hands, but cannot walk. Play the second Sunday in June. W. D. Sumner. Mrs. • Mattie Culins, Tompkinsville.— Female trouble. Sarah DeLashinit, Bethany, Moultrie Co., 111.-- Pray for my unsaved husband, who is sick. We also want some true minister here who will preach divine healing. Galls For Meeting. Geo. W. Shepherd, Nehawka, Neb. C. H. Wilson, La Rue, Ark. R. H Priest, Big Prairie, Newaygo Co., Mich. We want some one sent of God to co and hold a meeting here. Victor D. Zerdzwick, Colorado, Mitchell Co., Texas. Dear Saints: Pray much that- the dear Lord will send some of the saints here to hold a meeting. Make this a special sub-ject during camp meeting, Your brother, saved, and healed. Praise God! J. W. Pine, Ft. Worth, Tex. Some one chosen of God is wanted to hold a meeting here. We have a good house ready. Address S. H. Edwards, 1 Mount View, Howell Co., Mo. 1 Cannot some one with the gift of heal-ing come here from the Grand Junction; C. M. and stay and preach for us and hold! a grove meeting? J. W. Wilson, Black-; ford, Webster Co., Ky. COUNCIL GROVE, KAN. Cannot a company of workers come here this summer and hold a tabernacle meeting and work for souls? Daniel Fike. MARQUAND, Mo. We would be pleased to have a camp meeting at Concord about five miles from this place, and would love to have a corn-pany of workers to come and help us. Also desire a tabernacle, as we would like a short meeting at this place just be-fore or after the camp meeting at Mar-quand. We would like to have the meet-ing the last of August or the first of September. May the Lord send whom he will. For further information address G. W. Stover, C. Simmons, or Thomas Gibbs. MEETING- S Grand Junction camp meeting, June 10- 19. The coming camp meeting near Elber-on, Wash. June 12 till July 5, F. N. Jacobson, Colfax, Wash. The McLaIlen Corners, Erie Co., Pa. camp meeting will be held June 19- 3o. Camp meeting in Canada near Fenwick, Aug. 13- 23. Address John E. Smith. Fenwick, Ont. Camp meeting at Stanley, W. is be Aug. 14- 25. G. T. Clayton. Camp meeting near Vichy, Mo. is . to b- held on James Thornton's place ten miles north- east of Rolla, and ten miles from St. James. No definite time has vet been riven for this meeting. . Addrt. ss James Thornton, Vich y, Mo. Camp meeting is wanted about the of October at Phillipsburg, Kan. S. Handy. A camp meeting is wanted at Bliss, Emmett Co., Mich , about July 15. Ad-dress J. E. Keiser. The Clifton camp meeting will be held on the camp ground about two miles north- east of Thayer, Mo., the Lord will-ing, from July 17- 26, or as long as the Lord wills. B. F. Chase, Thayer, Mo. There will be a camp meeting, the Lord willing. at New Zion post- office, Leake Co., Miss., from July 24 to Aug. 2. R. H. Owens. The camp meeting in Alabama will be-gin Aug. 6, to be held five miles east of Hartsells, Morgan Co. Noah Duncan, Huntsville, Ala. Camp meeting at Moundsville, W. Va., July 31 to Aug. 9. Address Bro. Alfred Tomles on, Moundsville, W. Va. The general camp meeting will be held uric 10- 19 at Grand Junction, Van Buren Co., Mich. People are already coming from a distance, and many are writing us from all directions expecting to attend the meeting. A general invitation is given to every lover of the truth. Let all who can, bring tents. There will be provision made to care for the people as much as possible, but at a large camp meeting it is well for those that can pos-sibly do so to rent or buy a tent and bring it along. Also, if some of the brethren have a tabernacle to bring along, it can be used to the glory of God. Many who are sick and afflicted write that they are coming expecting to be healed. Others are coming for the purpose of getting saved, many for spiritnal advance-ment and a better qualification for the work of the Lord. Rates have been granted over most roads in Michigan, Indiania, Ohio. and Illinois. Those corn-ing expecting spiritual help or the heal-ing of their bodies should come in faith, doubting nothing. Coming just merely to try the Lord, will not amount to much, and the work is not likely to be done; but those who come with a determination to have the work done will find that it will be according to their faith. Those who cannot come can help the work along by their earnest prayers. We are ex-pecting a glorious time in the name Of the Lord. The sick who cannot come, will be remembered at their homes, by those who are at the meeting. There will be a grove meeting com-mencing the 19th of June, and lasting over Sunday, nine miles east of St. Louis, Mich., on the banks of Pine river, Mid-land Co., Jasper township. We will have a large tent, and all who can, come and bring small tents. We expect a large gathering toaether, and would like Bro's Grover, Palmer . or William Warren, or The Lord willing, we will hold the fol-lowing tabernacle meetings: Marion, Ind. June 24 to July 12. Brock, Ohio. _ July 29 to Aug 9. Gaston, Ind, Aug. IQ to 31. Reddick, III. Sept. 9 and as the Lord wills. Let all who have called for the above meetings be prepared when the time comes for a real pr ofitable time and also to see the salvation of souls. Also let all who feel led of God to attend the above meetings come prepared to take care of yourself if possible and also help to bear the burdens of the meetings with your means, especially in Marion. S. L. Speck and Co. There will be a tabernacle meeting in Bro. J. Breese's grove four miles west and one mile north of North Enid, Okla. the Lord willing. To commence June 6 conducted by Chants Bright and Co This meeting will not interfere with the October meeting. All are invited, espe-cially they that labor in the Word, Yours ' n the one body, W. G. Rippey. The south- west Missouri C. M. will be held at Granby; commencing July 16, continuing as the Lord may di ect. - Gran-b t. is situated on the St. Louis and San-ansisco R. R. The camp ground is in the south- west part of town. We urge all the saints every where, who psstbly can, to attend this meeting. Let all who can do so bring bedding: those who are unable thus to do, let it not hinder your coming, ou will be cared for. Preachers and workers who teach the gospel in all its fullness are cordially invited to assist in this battle. Come to the rescue of perish-ng souls, for the advancement of the children of God, and to the help of the sick and afflicted. Suffering ones come in faith committing your case entirely in-to the hands of the Lord Jesus. For any information concerning the meeting ad-dress S. S. and C. H. Sunderland ot uel Peters, Granby, Mo. QUESTIONS ANSWDRED. Ash Grove, Mo. camp meeting will be! held four miles south- west of Ash Grove, • I . • • Green Co Mo., Aug. to Sept 7 Brows W. G. Schell and Geo. E. Bolds are ex- 1 pected to attend this meeting, and all i whom the Lord may , send. Those corn- I ing from the East by R. R. write R. H. ' Marton, Ash Grove. Mo., Box 87. Those [ coming from the West write Bro. Geo. A, I i Compton, Emmett, Dade Co., Mo. Pas-ture for all teams furnished. We are praying the Lord to send many of his : saints to this meeting, and may the real searching power and presence of our- God come with them. A. T. Martin. OO iLni courtc whoever the Lord may send. We wantl - The coniirind in the above text is f-all the ministerial brethren from Gratiot Co., to come and help. David Mitchell ) ' Swear t." In Mat. 5: 34 Jesus St. Louis, Mich. says ear not at all." In the Please explain the scripture, " Let the dead bury their dead." In some instances the word " dead" • used in scripture meaning those dead in sin— the spiritual dead, as in John 5: 25. Eph. 2: I; and 5: 14. This doubtless is the meaning of sus in the use of the word in this case. The literal dead could not bury the literal dead, but the spirit-ual dead, they of the world, could attend to the work of burial, and the one whom Jesus called to go and preach the gospel, was to go at it at once, leaving every other work, to follow him. Luke 9: 59, 6o. Explain Pea. 7: 11. How is God angry with the wicked every day? In Mark 3: 5 we read that Jesus looked upon the unbelieving people " with anger, being grieved for the hardness of their hearts." It is here explained. It was not a rage, nor furious passion in him, but he was grieved. He was made sad to an extent which could be seen in his countenance. So God is continually grieved and provoked with the wicked. - Do y ou think Judas the traitor was saved when he died? No. If he could have been for-given for betraying Jesus, he might have been, but his last act of self-murder evidently gave him no chance to repent. He W2S saved when Jesus sent him forth to preach, but we read that by transgression he fell. Please explain John 10: 9. " Go in and out and find pasture." This expression doubtless has re-ference to the freedom and privileges received in Christ. Free access to all the benefits of grace. " In and out," perfect liberty and abundance of pasture. All this is found in him. He is the door, and through him we have all things, pertaining to life and godliness. It does not mean to be in Christ and out again by back-sliding, but in the depths of his love and moving out upon his promises. Does James 5: 12 have reference to taking are forbidden to take oath under any circumstances. Neither is it necessary in any United States court. The term " Solemnly affirm" is ac-cepted anywhere, and should always be used where oath is demanded. It may seem somewhat of a cross to some to stand up in court and say we are conscientiously opposed to taking oath, but let us let our light shinei n thhii s as in all other corn-mands of Jesus What is meant by Isa. 11: 6- 9? Has that time ever been or is it still in the future? This prophecy expresses the indi-vidual condition of the hearts of God's sanctified people. All carnal dispositions represented by the differ-ent ferocious animals, are taken away and in all God's holy mountain ( Mt. Zion, the church) there is no one that will hurt nor destroy. This is certainly a ' present truth to the sanctified ones. Whoz: oever sinneth hath not seen Inn either known him ( 1 John 3: 6 How about he backslider that has been sanctified? Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not. In Christ there is no sin. Out of him there is nothing but sin. He cannot be in sin. Sin cannot be in him. No one can have the knowl-edge of being in him and commit sin at the same time. Whosoever sinneth hath not seen him ( in the act ot sinning) neither known him ( in the act of sinning) because Christ and & in are exact opposites. Please explain John 20: 23. By preaching the word of God in the power of the Holy Spirit every responsible sinner who hears will either accept or reject the counsel of God. In 2 Cor. 2: 15, 16, the apostle speaks of his ministry as a savour of life and death. Of life in them that are saved, of death in them that perish. This is equally true in the work of every true minis-ter of the gospel. By it men's sins are remitted or retained as they e ther rece ve - or reject the Word of holy name! Since wt' laA rep life. we visited the church zit . t ta. It is destructive to both soul and body. How many when afflicted have been induced to use morphine, thinking it would relieve pain. But instead it is only increased because of the poison ( morphine) taken into the system, causing it a double work; namely, to throw off the disease fastened on the body and to throw off the poison. A constant use of morphine alone would soon destroy life. Can anyone then use it to the glory of God? We read in i Cor. 6: 19 that the body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. Also i Cor. 3 . 16, 17– Know ye not that ye are the tem-ple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy." Therefore we plain-ly see it cannot be used to his glory. Neither can opium, whiskey, tobacco, or any other narcotic, because they defile the temple. So in Jesus' name, we lift a warning voice against these things. If you are afflicted come to Jesus, he will heal you. If bound by any of these habits come to him, he will set you free. Praise him for-- ever! From your sister saved and sanctified, EMMA 0. DANSBERGER. deeper things of God. heti: . his GRANIIV, MO., M AV 26. DEAR SAINTS: We have return( ( 1 from the jcplin Mission. The Lord blessed the work there, although not as much was acct mplished as we would liked to have seen, yet a few were saved and many acl. nowledged the truth was preached. Conviction rested upon many, some of whom, no doubt, will yet be saved. Many homes were visited, and with but few ex-ceptions all were willing for us to sing and pray with them. Tracts were distributed and thus seed was sown, which will be watched over by the kind Father and will germinate and bring forth fruit. Special services were held for the children, which will not soon be forgotten by them. The Lord wonderfully ' cared for us during our stay. But please do not under-stand us to say we were not tested. Many times we could see no way through, but never were we forsaken. In some unexpected way the Lord would provide. The last month of our stay, a building for holding serv7 ices was given free of rent, with the:-_. privilege of occupying it the same if we return, which we may do the camp meeting season is That wicked place has many_ „- that are perishing for the . breaiL- 4 and the Lord blei-; seti us ingi them many precious ro il which they seemed to rejoice take fresh courage. We wet' Western Park for a short From there we returned to Eldora( and six followed the Lord in bap-tism. Also stopped with the saints at Arkansas City for a while, and had the pleasure of being with liro, N ew-kirk- and Co., in a meeting in that city, where the Lord blessed his word to the hearts of many. We are now here in the name of Jesus. The Lord is showing his power in healing the sick and saving the soul. Praise his holy name! We ask all of the dear saints, to stilt remember us in your prayers. We would like very much to meet with the dear ones at Grand Junction C. M. but are not able to do so. Yours in Jesus, Wm_ N. AND S. . SM 1TH. PAYNE, OHIO, May 26. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: God bless you all is our prayer. We are saved and have the victory in our soul. Praise the Lord! We are hold-ing a tabernacle meeting at Briceton, Ohio. Good interest is being shown. We have the Springfield tabernacle for a short time. We have taken it to the Lord and feel he would have us purchase a tabernacle. Any one feeling like helping us in doing the same will address, J. N. WORDEN, Box 74, Payne, Ohio. FT. WORTH, TEX., May 18. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: Praise God for full and free salva ion in and through the Lord Jesus Christ. A WARNING AGAINST MORPHINE. NEWS FROM THE FIELD. 10 cents V hundred it it it It it 15 cents V hundred 5 cents ta dozen 66 ti it it ti THE GOSPEL TRUMPE testify to the the healing of my body also, for which I is mriogrhet . t rtuiren ea. n Adn tdr uIs ktyn otwh atnha at nhye ignivteer Gesotd i na lyl othuer pprraavisre. I desire an I earthly nurse. If Jesus can pardon life. Some while others w w ill ill re accept j ect and the go truth down, into the great whirlpool of destruc-tion. Dear saints, may we all have the burden of souls upon us that God requires, Pray for us. S. S. AND C. A. SUNDERLAND AND CO. YANKTON, ORE., May 21. DEAR SAINTS: May God's richest blessings rest upon you all is our prayer. God is with us and is bless-ing our labors and by much prayer and faith we have the victory over all the powers of hell and darkness. Praise the Lord! We have been very. busily engaged in the work for God all winter and spring, and we know by experience " faith in con-flict waxes stronger." While my uncle was in California I was stay-lug with an uncle and aunt who are residing in Portland, Ore., and I spent most of my time canvassing fOr the book on Divine Healing and scattering tracts and Trumpets and talking to poor lost souls, who are groping along in darkness and sin. Many thanks to the brethren at the Trumpet Office for the Trumpets they sent to me. At present we are holding forth the blessed Word at Yankton, Ore. We believe God has a work to be done at this place and some are willing to measure up to the standard. May God ever have his way with us in all things. Your sister all for Jesus, saved, sanctified, and kept, N ORA A. ARMSTRONG, J. L. AND LYDIA GREEN. GRAND JUNCTION, MICH. DEAR READERS OF THE GOSPEL TRUMPET, EVERYWHERE: I can report just now perfect victory in my soul over all the powers of sin, through the blood of Jesus Christ our Lord. Hallelujah! For some months back I felt the hand of God upon me to be more fully engaged in the service of the Master. So we went to God in earnest prayer about the matter, and felt that it was his that we should sell our little place in Indiana and that I should give my time wholly to the Lord. We have tested God in various ways on the movements which we have been making, and do sincerely believe that it is the hand of God that has led us so far. When we came to Grand Junction we knew not what the Lord was going to do with us here; but the way was opened for me to work in the school until the Lord sends some one else which perhaps - will be in the near future. If any one is led by the spirit of God to this responsible place, I pray they will be obedient and move out in the faith of God. In my judgment the school is pro-gressing, though not so fast as it might, should some of the hinder-ances be removed. One of the hin-derances is a lack of text- books. We would have enough books if they were not of so many different series. Now the books that we principally use are; Harper's Readers, Harper's Geographies, Ray's Arithmetic, Barnes's History, Kellogg's first book in Physiology, also Steele's Physi-ology. The books which we need most are Readers, Geographies, Arithmetics, and first book in Physi-ology. We could _ use other books than those mentioned, if enough of one series were sent to form classes. Also pencils, slates, and tablets are needed. Now if any feel to help on this line they will glorify God by so doing. Brethren, let us be interested in the education of the children. Your brother in Christ, JNO. H. MERICA. TESTIMOiES MCCARTYVILLE, O. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: I feel it would be to the glory of God to write a few lines to the TRUMPET. I can Say I am saved and trusting in God, and doing his will as far as I have understanding. I know the Lord forgives my sins and sanctifies my nature, and my whole desire is to be wise in understanding thaet wI mill aoyf God concerning me. Your sister, kept by the power of God, MRS. DELLA BAKER. EDMORE, MICH. DEAR. BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN CHRIST: I can say that I am saved and sanctified and kept by the power of God, and I do praise him this morning for what he has done for me. He has been feeding my soul with the bread of life and with spirit-ual food. Praise his holy name for leading me out of sectism and into the blessed evening light! Myself and companion stand upon the walls of Zion, willing to follow where the Lord leads. Pray for us that we may ever be kept humble. JULIA CROSS. EDGE WOOD, MICH. DEAR SAINTS: I feel led to write my testimony. I do praise God that he did call after me and I did yield and come to him. Praise God for this wonderful salvation! I am sev-enteen years old; am young but I pray God to keep me low down at the feet of Jesus at all times. Pray for me that I may be uSeful in the hands of the Lord. I had a sore throat a while ago and the Lord healed me. Praise the Lord for his keeping power! Your brother in Christ, MERTON A. MJORE. EAST LIVERPOOL, 0. DEAR BRETHREN: I feel it to the glory of God for me to write my tes-timony to the TRUMPET for the bene-fit of those who may read it. When I was saved, not knowing the truth of God's word, I joined the Free Methodists and thought I was all right, but I promised God to walk in all the light that his Word gave me. I heard of the saints and the Bethel and went to hear them preach. At first I did not hke it, because they spoke about that sect to which I was joined. But I thought of what I had promised God. Then I asked him on my knees to show me his way and he did. Then I could not stay away; I went a time or two and told them I was no more a Free Methodist, but a free man in Christ Jesus. You cannot join God's church; you have to be born into it. John 3: 3- 7. / praise the Lord for a full and free salvation in Jesus. Your brother in the church of God, I. S. BAILEY. Our Sins why can he not heal our sickness? Read Mark 2 : 9. My pray-er is that many more will take Jesus as their physician. Pray for me that Imuary ever be working for my Master. Ysistoer in Churist, r JEANNETTIE BRUNNER. CARAGHAR, OHIO. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: Praise the Lord for salvation! I was born in East Prussia, Germany, and lived there until I was eleven years of age; then my parents came to America and settled in Buffalo, N. Y., where they are at present. My father was a very hard drinker and would fight and quarrel in his family. We always belonged to the Lutheran sect, in which I was educated in German. My father got to drinking harder when he came to this country, and the devil reigned and ruled in our house so much that he drove me out and away from home. Oh, God only knows the misery I was in, and my poor mother, how much she suffered for me on account. of the devil! I left home three times, always think-ing that things would be better when I got back, but I always found it the same and worse. After I left the third time I shi pped as deckhand on the steamer A. G. Lind zy of Dellrat, and went on the Great Lakes, where the devil dragged me down deep in-to sin, and kept me as one of his worst slaves for five years. But, praise the Lord, I am free now in Christ Jesus. His blood has made me free. Oh glory to God for salva-tion and for breaking all the bands of hell from me and setting me free for ever and ever! Oh I can praise God now for salvation and for taking me out of all sect confusion. Dear saints, I feel that the Lord wants me to preach the pure Gospel, and I am trusting him to open the way and supply me in everything. I am trusting in God to lead my father from drink. I want all of God's chil-dren to pray earnestly that God may deliver him. From your brother, saved and sanctified, OTTO A. ROSE. T. 5: 14, 15, and he said medicine was not known so well in those days and the principle remedies in use to day were not discovered then. I told him that God says his word is forever set-tled in heaven and he is the same to-day as then. But it was no use to talk to him. I then related my own experience, as I do to you. I had an awful cold about four weeks ago, which at laL, t settled into a very troublesome cough. I kept thinking it would get better presently, and I would not need to ask God cure it. Bat it kept getting worse until one night I lay awake until midnight, coughing so hard I could not sleep. So I just said it was not God's will that I had to endure it any longer and if I would ask him he would re-move it. I knelt down and prayed earnestly for some time. Then I knew that I had done what was re-quired of me; so I claimed the prom-ise and said to myself that I would not cough any n-. ore, for God had cured me. I lay down again and went to sleep and coughed no more that night. Both cold and cough left me and I did not take any nit dicine either. I can only give God the glory. Another time, a week or two a-go, when I was cleaning house my left shoulder began to pain so I had to stop working. I thought it was rheumatism. 1: t kept getting worse and at bed- time I could not raise my arm without severe pain. I prayed but it did not stop. This showed me that there was something wrong with my faith. I got up in the night and prayed, but all to no avail. I got up in the morning and prayed again and claimed the promise, and said the devil was trying to make me doubt. I resumed my work, walking Out ( as we often have to do) on faith, and the pain left my arm and has not been back since. Glory be to Je-sus! I told several of my healing, and they acted as if they doubted it, but I don't, and I shall always take God for my physician. Praise his dear name! I have consecrated my life, both soul and body, to do his will forever. I believe the Lord is leading me to preach the gospt I. I am eery day learning more and more of his He . sed word. I expect to go to the Grand Junction C. M. and I believe with all my heart that the Lord will have a place prepared for me in his service. I have been praying earnestly ever since I receiv-ed the gift of salvation for God to use me in his own way. Where he leads I will follow in all the paths of duty. Dear brothers and sisters, pray earnestly for me. Your sister, all on the altar, MAGGIE WOODY. OBITUARIE S. WERNER.— Bro. Emil Werner, of Vernon Cal., died at 2 A. au. April 14, 1896, aged thirty- nine years. This brother was a great sufferer from a cancer. Almost a year before he died, he gave his heart to God and knew his power to save from sin. But through the cunningness of Satan he was persuaded to use morphine, promising relief, but instead it brought leanness to his soul. When the Lord showed him it was a sin to use it, he gave it up, asked God to forgive him, and cleanse it out of hig system, which he did, giving him sweet peace to his soul and rest to his body. in the evening he said he would not live until morning. Said he knew his soul was clear and he was ready to go. A few minutes before he died the brethren were singing. He also joined in with them, 0() wion- glory to God, then he fell asleep and passed away without one struggle, and we could realize the fulfillment of these words " Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord." — Rev. 1413. He leaves a wife and six chil-dren, but they do not mourn as those who have no hope. Funeral preached by Sister Mary Cole. Subject, " Is not this a brand plucked out of the flre?"— Zech. 3: 2. EMMA 0. DANSBERG ER. ADAMS.— Wilbert Edward Adams, infant son of Chas. and Sister Adams of Breedsvi_ lie, Mich., was horn Jan. 19, 1896, and died May S. Age, three months and nineteen days. The funeral was preached to quite a large congregation of very attentive listeners. May God bless the bereaved ones and fit them to meet their lovely child in heaven. STIIILTZ, MIGIL STANLEY.— Stephen Stanley was boin the state of Ohio, in the year ISIS, departed this life May 10. 1896. Some time f• th be accepted full salvation. Just befin. e he de-parted he said he was ready to go nod be With Jesus. Services by W. H. MERRITT. EVANGELIUMS POSAUNE. lisAhe rda dsieemali,- amnotin- Stheleyt aartl atnh, i sG aefrfimcea, n w hhoelrine easlel bjouuerinnaels, s p aunbd-aubseription communications should be sent. Suhemption al e0 per aton •. Free to the poor. All matter for pu B-retton or editorial eeipport should be sent direct to tee editor: FRED L. HAULM, 16th St., Milwaukee, WiS. THE SHINING LIGHT. An interesting paper for children. Illustrated. nxbould be in every family where there are ehildren. 25 cts a year. 10 or more copies to one achlress, I R Ms. a copy per y earen any part of a year at the same rates. Address, THE sumac LIGHT, terand Junction, Mich. THE TIDINGS OF HEALING. A twelve page monthly paper devoted to the subject of divine healing, giving instructive articles and testimonies 0 thosAed wdhreos sh, aJv. eW b. BenY EheRaSle. d7.2 51,9 1 L6athe . Sat . y, eOara. kland, Cal. Paper and Envelopes. Envelopes with mottoes and verses of scripture neatly aW: rraintignegd P. a3p0e cr tisn. pTearb lbeetsn, d c. ontaining one hundred sheets with vari. us designs of scriptural headings. 30 eta. Mottoes. Size 11 x 14 inches. Scriptural mottoes and verses, printed on colored paper. in la , ge tepe, can be read at a distance of fifty te, one hundred feet. Suitable for posting in pub-lic places, oMces, homes, etc. By mail 20 cts. per doz. TRACTS AND BOOKS. Have Faith in God. Parable of the Tobacco Seed. A Message from God unto Thee. A Friend ' o the Friendless. Lost and Found. Why are You not a Chris Ian? 59 Scriptural () ejections to Sects. Poison. Tobacco as an Evil. Nine Years an Java Id. Masonic ysteries. A Charge to the Rich. To the Boys Questions for Sunday Keepers. Gospel Giving. flints on Healing. Novel Reading. Word of God wed Sectism Considered, Social and Sexual Purity. The Evenlog Babylon is Fallen. What Church Should I join? Sects. The Master's Call. A Wonderful Deliverance. Little Things. The Apostasy. Repent Ye and Believe the Gospel. The Se: ret Vice. Startling News to Mothers. Is there a Visible and an Invisible Church? Sanctification. 10 cents Spiritualism. e The Great Tobacco Sin. Questiens and Answers on the Cturch. 350 Scriptures on the Church. 0 Christian Science. Must We Sin? 15 cents ' No Sectism " Can We Fall? Babylon, and What it Ineludes. 16 Marriage and Divorce. sa pages. 5 cents. 40 cts. V dozen. Train Your Children for Heaven. 10 cts. 61.00 per dozen. Bible Headings. its pages. Cloth 30 eta. MOO per doz. Priests of Romanism. n cts. $ 1.44 per doz. Masonic Salvation. Paper cover 15 cts. Cloth 35 ow. Anthems from the Throne. ' 148 songs, 95 with music. Manilla 25 as. Cloth 40 cts. The Church of God. th8e 2C phuagrcehs . o 5f Gceondt sa. n 4d0 w ehtea. e llse enro d. ozen. Proving what is The Ordinances of the New Testament. Sc5r icpttsu. r4e0s icnts a. pcleera dr olizg. h St, e stsh ofowritnhg t wheh iocrhd ianraen acbeosl iosfh ethde, and which are still in vogue. What is the Soul? po1s0s ecstse. e 8s 0a estps. i rpiteura dl oanz. d 1 i0m0 mscorriptatul reelesm preonvt, i nwgh tihcaht - gmoaens to God at death of the hody. Holiness Bible Subjects. ahvnuaBc nteydd, r Eetea d LbC slo. ee osWin, k eBi cweikbtiselt, erh ash hlaseaorlmrp caso. n, n4egt0teac0mi. n pse anogvte eosr. f 5C S0l coprtaihpg etesu1 ro. 0ef0s c . oo Annc vooerndrye- The Boy's Companion. By E. E. Byrum. Paper = vex 16 cts. Cloth 25 cis. This is a neat little volume with interesting chapters to tbphoayeresir, n ctesof nffaecicel rttnso. i ngEgiv vteeh rtehy Se Be ncoereyetd nVeediec aedd sav niacdde vo uticnhetei rla tbnoadod tlhaoatoeb. itosf atennd Divine Healing of Soul and Body. By E. E. Byrum. N8 pages. Cloth, 75 as. Paper cover, 2r„ e5aeretnItIstgtehsel3titfeeleaareca? finsgaloyna ttrenheanafi. nhgowof ThgeeLsg. yved. Part III consists of testimonies from those who have been healed in these last days. In English and German. Biblical- Trace of the Church. goTrfrBe ataycitmi enWsget . tT h. Irte i a Ssc/ hchshou aewrncllsdh. PtTihnar apiputer mtroh pcpehoh epvsc eroyor f f3 prt5hoh meeet n Csh. hheCrua lvrboaeitr h itfnh o7 rtt5hoe t eetot hwaled. h etonhldee Christian Era, and describes the age in which we now live. Echoes from Glory. Music, 40 ets. 64.00 per doz. Words only, 10 cts. 81.00 per dozen. A song book containing 232 new, and beautiful songs, malseoet iinngsstr auntdti oSnuan dloay bSecehiononles. rs. A good book for camp The Sabbath; or, Which Day to Keep. 186 pages. 10 eta. $ Loa per doz. Cloth 30 cts. tAh avte rCyh trhisotr orouoghk wawoarky. tPhreo ovilndg l abwy Sancrdip ittus rSea abnbda thhis: taonrdy tee first day is the Christian Sabbath, Or " Lord's Day" of the New nestament. Salvation: Present, Perfect, Now or Never. By D. S. Warner. This book contains 118 pages, neatly boItu cnondt. a iPnsa mpeurc hc foovoed rf o1r5 th aet seo. u Cl. lTohteh m 3a5nu esctcri. p t for this book was finished a few days before the death of the author. Age to Come andlffillennium Lloptrine Refused. thPe rpicree, s e1n0t eitsa t. h5e1 . l0as0t ad idsopze. n Gsaitvioinng o pfo tsimitiev, e a pnrdo tohfes othnalyt clay of Salvation. There will ' be no Millennium reign on eoaalnsreot h teh bxoepuflsoaarinned sC ythheraeir ssbt iicnno dRmineevgs. , an2no0d. r aloftoesr inhigs osef cSoantdan a, d avnedn tt. h Iet The secret of Salvation: How to Ga 4 and How to Keep aCtthenhBredsr y si t swihEctioke. a s lnEace n h. t wotB iwh ykaorifelu flealm irpicne. t sselOaetdrv v ouebeacdordt4, w 0aoa 0n rtso dppi n oagengesnestej esorh. s — eyshea otdlIhewl ldeou fbeta ottnlreh dasgets e eeidntdne g- jsvo1sai 0ylvo 9 tehfo dceG hHa; loattahpdhde-; deliverance. Paper cover 35 ets., Cloth 75 cis. 23 WEST GOODALE ST., COI UmBUS, 0. DEAR SAINTS ( JF GOD: I have never sent my tesiimony to the TRumPLcr and I have felt for some time that I should do so. After a hard fight wit;- pride, formality, and what my friends might say about me, I succeeded at last, by the grace of God, in getting my head disentangled from the yoke LYNCH, NEB. of Seaism; for which I never can DEAR TRUMPET READERS: I wish thank our Savior enough. It has been to once more send in my testimony nearly four months since Jesus spoke on , the Lord's side. I am fully trust- peace to my soul and permitted me ing him for all things. Praise his to hear the pure ' and unadulterated holy name! I have much to praise gospel preached in the little town of him for. Last fall I began to have Chauncey, Ohio. by Bro. Masters. I nausea of the stomach. At first I have been living for God ever since did not think much about it but it and expect to live for him always. I grew worse and worse until I could shall never forget the miserable days not keep any food on my stom, ch. and nights i spent while under con- My weight was 1671bs. I failed rap- viction. The worst thing for me to idly and got so weak that I had to give up was pride, but I got victory lie down and rest every little while. at last by the grace of God, and have In a month I lost twenty- five pounds. kept it ever since. Praise his dear I had been reading on divine healing name! His grace is sufficient for a great deal. Husband wanted to every day and trial. I have no rela-get me some medicine. I told him tives who have accepted the truth, that I did not know what would be and for this cause I receive abundant good for me. At last I made up my persecutions. Some people said I mind that it I could have faith enough was going to lose my mind. I told in Jesus, he would heal me. One them I had lost my mind, and given Friday night I was very sick; I began myself to the Lord to be his now and to think that my time had come to forever, and moreover to be ruled by depart this life; but I prayed to the him. Savior to help me and to give me There is no real church of God in the witness that I was healed. The this place, and I cannot get any next morning I received the witness, good or comfort from those cold, for-and such a shouting time as I had all mal sects, I have tried to reason by myself! I can't tell just how I with a great many, but they seem so did feel, but you can imagine how blinded that they cannot see as we you would feel if you had not eaten do, especially on the line of holiness a goocrmeal for nearly two months, and divine healing. I was talking to and then should get up feeling well a certain Baptist, and he said, " If a and strong, and get your breakfast person cannot get cured by medicine, ready and eat a good hearty meal and has done all in his power, then, without it hurting you in the least if he ask and believe, God will heal Jesus is my physicia. n, druggist and him; but we must do all in our nurse, for I know that he will pre- power first, for faith without:- works scribe the right kind of medicine in is. dead." I then referred hinito Jas. G. R. AenoR. ADVANCEMENT. DIVINE HEALING. Healed of Typhoid Fever and Other Ailments. CAMERON, KAN. DEAR SAINTS: On the 22d of last N: ovember I was taken very low with typhoid fever and was unconscious most of the time for four weeks, Al-most every one that saw me thought I was going to die. At one time my tongue was so paralized that I could not talk,, only make a kind of mut-tering noise, and once I sank away so they thought I was gone. During this time I thought that I went to the doctor and that he examined me, stating that it would be a struggle be-tween life and death with me. So I began to talk to the Lord about my case and he said he would be merci-ful to me. It just seemed that I was talking face to face with God. When I became conscious, I told the saints that were present what the Lord had showed me, though it just seem-ed to me that I could not exercise faith to be healed. Still my case was in the hands of God. Yet the devil tempted me some to want a doctor because I could not have faith, it seemed, to be healed. But by the help of God and the earnest prayers of his faithful children I was enabled to trust the Lord through it all; and on the night of Dec. 18, 18g6, the dear Lord did, in answer to the prayer of faith, instantly heal me of all fever and pain. I can truthfully say that from that very moment I never suffered any from typhoid fe-ver, although I was very weak, but was gaining strength fast and had a real good appetite and could sit up in a chair for an hour at a time. But other afflictions came on me. Suffice it to say that for about two weeks it was a real battle with the devil; for as soon as he was routed in one form he would come in anoth-er. So at last we just decided that the whole thing vas of the devil and rebuked him in the name of Jesus that he should not return again and the Lord did answer our prayers. To him be all the glory. We had also sent a telegram to the Trumpet Office to Bro. Byrum, to which we received answer that they were wonderfully blessed in prayer and hoped to hear good news. I am now strong so that I can do any kind of hard work in the house and out, and truly I do praise God for his goodness to me. I am trust-ing in God and can say that I am saved and sanctified by two works of grace. Your sister in Jesus, N. M. SORRELS. Testimony of Healing. SPOKANE, WASH. DEARLY BELOVED IN THE LORD: I want to testify to the glory of God for his goodness to me: I have been quite feeble; am sixty- seven years of age; but since I have learned to trust the Lord he has done wonder-ful things for me. Last July I heard the pure gospel in the evening light and, as well as I could understand it, I took Jesus for my all in all. When I heard the gospel on divine heal-ing I saw it was my privilege to en-joy that precious blessing of divine grace. I consecrated my all to God and applied for the healing of my afflictions which preyed on my en-tire system, caused largtly by ery-sipelas going through the blood, afflicting my stomach and heart, al-so have been afflicted with a sore on my ankle joint. The Lord has healed me of all my afflictions and the sore is going away all the time. To God be all the glory. It is my desire to live true to God the rest of my days, whether few or many. I feel I am ready for the place that he has pre-pared for me; and when the Chief Shepherd appears, I hope to appear with him in glory. Your brother in the one body, G. G. THOMPSON. Healed of Catarrh. About one year ago the Lord won-derfully healed me of catarrh of the head, that had troubled me nearly all my life. I had taken it when I was but three years old; and was healed at thirty- three, Praise the dear Lord forever! Thirty years had I suffered with it; was almost deaf at times. It would take much space to tell how I have suffered with my head, not knowing all that time that God would heal any one, as the devil would always say that the day of miracles was past and God would not do anything for us but forgive our sins. But, praise the Lord, I have found a Savior who healed me sound and well; and I do hope this will be a help to some that are in need of faith. I give God all the glory; and I feel it my duty to tell the: people how merciful the Lord is. Oh, praise God! Pray that I may keep'where he can use me to his glory. Your brother, IRA Russ. Healed of Weak Eyes and Heart Trouble. OAKVILLE, NORTH DAKOTA. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: I feel led to write my testimony for the first time. I am saved and sanctified and kept by the power of God. 0 praise the Lord for healing power! Ever since I was a child I have been troubled with weak eyes; and could not study when at school; and for some time I could not read by lamp- light with-out having a pain in my head. I al-so had heart trouble. But, praise the name of Jesus, when I was saved the Lord instantly healed [ me. I have not worn glasses or taken a drop of medicine since, for which I give God everlasting praise. Your saved sister, NELLIE HAVERLAND. Tobacco a Poison. A chapter from the forthcoming book on - Tobacco." occasionally reviving and then dying away again, until finally animation was restored; though for years after-ward the child was subject to alarm-ing nervous symptoms, and is even now puny and feeble. The con-stitution of- the child previous t the experiment was good; but the shock upon the nervous system was so severe that it never wholly re-covered, and probably never will." Dr. Murray relates the history of three children who were seized with vomiting, vertigo, and profuse ppeer-spiration, and died in twenty- four hours with tremors and convulsions, after having the head rubbed with a liniment made from tobacco, in hope of freeing them from scurf." " The tea of twenty or thirty grains of tobacco," says Dr. Mussey, " introduced into the human body for the purpose of relieving spasms, has been known repeatedly to destroy life." " The french poet Santa Santeuil was poisoned by a thoughtless person emptying the contents of a snuff- box into his wine. As soon as he had swallowed the draught, he was at-tacked with excessive pains, violent vomitings and faintings, of which he died in fourteen hours." " A youth of fourteen, after smok-ing for toothache," says Dr. Drahen, " fell down suddenly and died the same day." Dr. M. Lauden of France says, " It is the appalling testimony of a college of physicians, that twenty thousands persons in our land die annually from tobacco poison." A member of one of the largest to-bacco firms in St. Louis said recent-ly that tobacco kills more men than alcohol. When manufacturers them-selves say this, is it not time for Christian men to sound the alarm? Agriculturists say that it soon poi-so