The Gospel Trumpet - 15:51

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 a And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a Trumpet, and+ they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. Matt. 24: 31. So wi...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Byrum, E. E.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Byrum, E. E. and Michels, S. 1895
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Summary:Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 a And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a Trumpet, and+ they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. Matt. 24: 31. So will I seek out my sheep, and will deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day. Eze. 34: 12. . Ter. 32: 39. T- flhoew L yoer dth Ge Todru smhaplel tb hloi wZ itohne, Tsoruumndp eatn, aanladrm g oin w riatyh hwohlyi rmlwouinndtasi. n . Joel 2: 1. All ye inhabitants of the world, and dwellers on the earth, see yet, ewchh. e 9n: 1h4e. lifteth up an ensign on the mountains; and when he bloweth a Trumpet, hear ye. Isa. 18: 3. from the Greek we find the word HAIRESIN translated sect and heresy. So we can't help but see in this light that the great sin of heresy has been committed for ages. A taking from and an adding to. Of such it is written, God shall take away his part out of the book of life and out of the holy city, and from the things writ-ten in this book. Most all the sects teach that sprinkling is baptism, following the practice of the mother who changed the mode to suit herself, as they acknowledge. In the history of Ca-tholicism in Appelton's Cyclopedia given by one of themselves, they say, " The solemn mode of baptism was originally by immersion. In cases of necessity and danger less solemn modes were used, which, from be-coming frequent, at length after the lapse of ages became universal." Can anything be plainer than this, blind mother, blind children ? Teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. Mat. 15: 9. The word baptize is from a Greek word which always means to dip; it cannot possibly be made to mean sprinkle. Protestantism has never taught a whole salvation. So we see her going forth arrayed in her robes of light and darkness, holding up only a partial Savior. GOSPEL means good news, glad tid-ings. Suppose we were in bondage to some great power that was taking our lives, and a great king mould send us a message that we could be completely liberated; - and the mes-senger through ignorance or some other cause would only deliver a part of it, or in such a garbled way that we could only get hold of a partial freedom, which was worse almost than none. This is the way sect preachers are teaching to day, that the terrible bondage of sin can only be broken in a measure, that John did not tell the truth when he said, " Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world." That the angel of the Lord must have been mistaken when he said, " Call his name Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sins." Paul must have been mistaken too when he said our great high priest is able to save us to the UTTERMOST. They do not teach that the divine touch of God can save from all manner of diseases, when the Word distinctly affirms it in vari-ous places. No wonder men and women are confused and do not see which way to turn, especially the heathen. It is impossible for them to understand why if they are all Christians, why there is so much division and disagreement among them, or why there should be sects. I copy the following from an ad-dress of Richard R. Grandi, of Bom-bay, India, a heathen. He thinks he understands the sect notion a little better after coming to America. And alas how true it is! How it made my heart ache as I read it! He says, " I have learned, since here in this country, why it is in my country that different missionaries and Christian teachers antagonize one another. It is because these dis-ciples are no better than their mas-ters: because I find many Chistiani-ties and the multiplied disagreements amounting to mutual oppression and excommunication, teach me that either there are many Christs, or that one Christ is dismembered, torn and divided up among many factions who in quarreling over their several portions, accomplish nothing but des-truction of the real truth." FOURTH DAY, THE EVENING LIGHT. I have touched on a few points on the " dark and cloudy day." This utter confusion mingled with a little light, is all around about us. Those that are honest have only to open their eyes to see it for themselves, and in studying the Word will find it is a literal fulfillment of prophecy. And as we turn away from this sad picture of deception and death, we turn our faces to the fourth and last day, when God has said, " At evening time it shall be light." No shadows, no clouds. Oh how I praise the name of the great King that I live in this victorious evening time, when the light is as the morning, when " the sun shall never more go down, neith-er shall the moon withdraw herself; for the Lord shall be thine everlast-ing light and the days of thy mourn-ing shall be past." Isa. 60: 20. We have shown how God's people were scattered in the cloudy day or Protestantism. We find in the Word there came a time when they were to be gathered together again. God says as a shepherd seeketh out his flock in the day that he is among his sheep that are scattered; so will I seek out my sheep and will deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day. Ezek. 34: 12. Be-hold, I will send for many fishers, saith the Lord, and they shall fish them, and after will I send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them from every mountain and every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks— secret places. Jer. 16: 16. Mountains and hills mean big and little places of worship. See Cruden's Bible Con. This is the glad time when this shall come to piss in the last days that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountain and shall be exalted above the hills— places of worship founded by man,— and many people shall go and say, Come ye, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us his ways, and we will walk in his paths; for out of Zion shall go forth the law and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. Isa. 2: 2,3. They shall ask the way to Zion with their faces thitherward saying, Come and let US JOIN OURSELVES TO THE LORD in a perpetual covenant that shall not be forgotten. Jer. 50: 5. This is the time when the Lord's house is established and people are enquiring the way to it. He says, " I will give them one heart and one way." There are now in this day a people who have found the " old paths," who are contending for the faith once delivered to the saints. The dumb are being made to speak, the blind to see, the lame to walk, all manner of diseases are healed. The apostolic church is standing on her feet; the dry bones are clothed with flesh. The Lord Jehovah has breathed upon them the breath of life. Oh praise God for the wonderful deliverance! Safe, safe in that beautiful city whose maker and build-er is God, " whose walls are salvation, whose gates are praise," where Jesus wipes away all tears. The feet of God's holy ones are pressing the sea of'glass ( the Word made clear) mingled with fire ( the power of God) having the victory over the beast ( con-fusion and abominations of earth) having the harps of God ( praises to God). Rev. I5: 2. Praises be to our Lord, according to his word there is to be no more sun- setting, but it is to shine brighter and brighter to the perfect day, when Christ will des-cend with a shout to receive his own e apostasy or the dark ages; known in p rophecy as " a day of clouds and thick darkness." Oh what a terrible thing it is for a people to get their eyes off of the beautiful Lamb of God, the light of the world, the sun of righteousness! This was the time when the wom-an clothed with scarlet, " Babylon the great. the mother of harlots and abominations of earth," ruled the world, claiming to be the bride of Christ, and does to day. This wom-an has been given up by all that have given the matter any study, to be the Roman Catholic power. We see her hands red - with the blood of God's children. In chap. 17: 6 we read, " And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of lesus." We find in profane history that this was done in the name of Catholicism. PROTESTANTISM. So the poor old world swung on, freighted with her load of sin and misery, and the great darkness be-gan to pass away, and a tew honest ones began to seek the face of the Lord, and the day began to dawn, known in God's word as neither clear or dark, known in history as the re-formation or Protestantism. We see a Martin Luther, a Catholic priest, breaking away from the Mother church, declaring to the world that " the just shall live by faith,". as God had revealed it to him. A train of reformers followed him, living up to all the light they had. It was only a partial light, the light of justi fication. Each one building up a " church home." Each one teaching their version of the Word, yet each daughter in some way, bearing the likeness of the " old mother," all " add-ing- to or taking from." So against the most earnest teach-ing of the Word they divided and subdivided, till I suppose to day no one knows how many hundred sects there are. While we know God has some saints among them that deplore the state of affairs, not knowing what the matter is, yet we can not take any Christian congregation, so called, in the world and find a dozen among them that think alike, from the least to the greatest. Indeed we find worse confusion than was found at the tower of Babel. There is no sect on earth thatis teach-ing the whole word of Gode, While they teach some truths, they ignore others. No wonder it was prophe-sied that this day should be neither clear or dark. They acknowledge it themselves that all the doctrines are not taught among them. Tal-mage said in one of his sermons not long since, " I am glad we have so many denominations, for in . having them all we get all the doctrine." We can't see what benefit that is when we are not allowed to join all, and if we were, it is not God's way, for he says we should all speak the same thing. Paul says, Rom. 15: 6, " That ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God." The Holy Spirit does not teach hundreds of different ways. Christ built his church, organized it himselt, and anything differing in the least from the apostolic way laid down in the New Testament is a heresy. This comes to us very plain-ly when we look up the meaning of the Greek word HAIRESIN which th means, according to WEBSTER, " A taking for one's self; a choosing:, a choice a sect; a heresy; to take; to choose." In Cruden's Bible Concord-ance we have the same definition, " A sect; a choice." In Wilson's translation of the New Testament tory as th Grand Junction, Michigan, Thursday, Dec. 26, 1895. - -- Volume Is. Number 51. –=_ RESIGNED TO THE WILL OF GOD. I now am lost in Jesus' love, The love that won my heart; My treasure is lid up ilia - e, ForBini rm set apart. Tho' storms may como and trouble rise, - Temptations r."( SS me sore. These very thiims help me to prize The gift of God the more. His sliehtest wish I run to do. His Word I now obey; Bry body. soul_ rind spi rit too Are His, all His to- day. The secret of success is this: Do all the will of God: Obeflionce. not sacrifice. Brings peace, and not the rod. Chas. B. Morton. Four Days. HRIST prayed. " Holy Father tir keep through • thine own name those whom thou hast given me. that they may he one, as we are. That they, may all be one: as thou Father. art it me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us, even as we o re ant" " Sanctify them through thy truth; thy Word is truth." John 7. We see from this that Jesus was Praying for the enduement of power, the baptism of fire upon his followers, the church of then and all time to come. That prayer of our Savior was not an unanswered petition, for in a very short time. the Holy Spirit descended and found his home in the earthen temples prepared for him, and the believers' hearts were wholly sanctified, and the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and mind. So we see that sanctification or holiness is the bade-- e of oneness. It is just as mit- le- el for sancta ^ d souls to rush together, spiritually, as it is for drops of water to flow to-gether. So in iookin• 4- backward we see the little church going forward in . Jesus' name, just as the Hol y Spirit led them from place to place, clothed in their white robes of purity. A won-derful army dressed in uniform; and thousands were added to them, all with the one purpose that God alone might be glorified. We see how their holy touch heal-ed the sick, cast out devils, made the lame to walk, made the dumb to sing with joy, filled the believer's heart with- the Holy Spirit; how they had all things in common; how they Counted persecution, tribulation separation from - friends, hunger' nakedness, even ( leath, all joy for • Jesus' sake. We see as we examine the Word how faithfully they preach- - ed the whole of it to different churches that were established in different places; how they were ad-monished to be in perfect unity, speaking the same things, to mark those that caused division contrary to the doctrine taught them, and to withdraw themselves from them, etc. How beautiful, how perfect was this morning light that shone in and around this church of the living God! But alas, how short a time it lasted: ald ' as was prophesied, the sun went down at noon, because they lost the unity of the Spirit. St Paul told them he knew after he left them -•• grievous wolves would enter in among them, not sparing the flock, also of their own selves should men rise speaking perverse things. APOSTASY. CATI1OLICESM. Oh how they were entreated with fear to keep their minds on Christ, and not follow man and become „ 1. iivided through false teaching! But It Ca me. The blessed Hol y Spirit was grieved away and only found his filol11: e here and there in a few faith-d ta. souls• " T- he • sun indeed went 9 '" rl at noon." - And the consequence 1YaS that that dark day was tstoe. • eq: 1 1).,- kno7 wn in profane his- Sample Copies Free to the mansions of love, prepared for them that are overcomers. Amen. ELLA SAIN. TESTIMONY. ST. FRANCIS. KAN. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: I am prais-ing God for salvation. I know I am saved just now. Praise the Lord for his goodness to me! The week of prayer has been a feast to my soul. Praise the dear Lord! I feel that I am settled down deeper and deeper in the will of God. Oh what a good leader we have to lead us in that - good way! Your saved brother all on the altar, JOHN LIMING. NODAWAY, Mo. DEAR FRIENDS: I feel it my duty to send in our testimonies of what the Lord has done for us. About two months ago myself and husband were brought out of sectism and darkness into glorious light by the loving power of the dear Lord, and about two weeks later two sons and two daughters left sectism and worldli-ness to follow Jesus Christ. Praise his holy name forever and ever! Father, mother and four children all enjoying full and free salvation. We give God all the glory forever. Amen. Yours in Christ, ELISE DUDEK. ABLEMAN, WIS. DEAR SAINTS IN CtousT: I will now tell you what the Lord has done for me. It was- in the month of March this year, when I was converted to God and was baptized and joined the Baptist sect. Yet I was not fully satisfied; my soul was hungry and thirsty for holiness and righteous-ness. But there was no one here that would tell me how we could give ourselves fully unto God as a living sacrifice. I praise the Lord that it was his will to send true preachers into our vicinity, that did not preach only half of the gospel, like all the sect preachers. May God have mer-cy on their dear souls, that fight with all their might against holiness, and grant that the eyes of these sect preachers may be opened that they may see what Romans 12: 1,2 means. I can praise the Lord to day that my heart is filled with the love of God; yes, satisfied with Jesus, and that he leads me by his hand day by day and that he keeps me from all crooked ways. I do not know how to express my thanks to God, for what he has done for me in the last few weeks. We read in Rom. 8: 1 that " there is therefore now no condem-nation to them that are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit." We do not sin when we are in . Christ and Christ in us. If we did, then Christ would be a sin servant and not the Holy God. No, God does not want us to be only half Christians. Christ came into this world to save us from sin and make us pure and holy. Yes, pure even as he is pure. Not very long ago, when I got to doubting and did not fully obey him, I lost my salva-tion, but while true brethren were praying I humbled myself before God and called upon him with all my heart. He gave me full salva-tion and I am now rejoicing in the Lord ever more. Praise the. Lord, that now I belong to Jesus, and not to a sect. Hoping that these few lines of testimony may become a blessing to a good many of those who are still out • of Christ, I close Your sanctified brother in Christ, WILLIAM F. BLOCK. SW- Subscribers wishing their address changed, must be O'Subscription, 41.00 a year in advance. Free to the Poor. the Unity of all true Christians in s- the faithonce delivered to the saints." VirDEFINITE, RADICAL, and ANTI- SECTARIAN, sent fent, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, for the publi- I sure to give their former, as well as their new address. card, and we will gladly mail you another copy. cation of full Salvation, and Divine Healing of the Body, der. Registered Letter or small amounts in stamps._ reIf you do not receive your paper when due, write us a SAT- Should there be a mistake at any time, write us at Or Send money by Post Office Money Order, Express Or- GOSPEL A vvhEKLY HOLINESS JOURNAL. . through m out the. land, and it is en- • -‘ i saw a request in the Trumpet from som. in TRUMPET. d couraging to all to read the reports i from them inisters. : Pray for my little girl that her eyes may l.; e healea. E. A. FULTON. Prav • f: r William Beard, of Acona., Miss. Requests For Prayer. TEE GOS P E LTRUM P E T. God says, " Cleanse yourselves." one who desired prayer that the appetite of . . tobacco might be taken away. The word of : It is true thd7pTeEo. ple - who desireub to be delivered from the appetite of . tobacco - must - cleanse themselves as - - any in their mouth, or in their is if they are using tobacco and have says. far as in their power to do so; - that . mns. ms , L 0. i NI. sN ,, 7 ha rona Iplevoepwish to just as faithfully 1 messenger of God, does not meas-i not eat." labored with, and besides the points spoken of before, the word of God reeenhistbliofrebItioghtlhe aNd\ n'olordn. isialencd, slid against one ] no. Bennetts Bailey, 1 peop le against, as he is not a . --- ., ---.:.=,._____.!,. t. _ some time ago for •! i; t 25. co to apply on the indebtedness of the efround at Grand junctiono, ffNeirisc: itr nOontl )(:' a e. l- f: o lit ceived. Brother Warners n held for the stmt. I have just - cc - eti a leuer from the party The call through the Trul: fapn: TO Tveer` BRETHREN. sufticently $ 3o. co has been re. responded : fl ats us regularly of their address. post- oftee. cbunty. and state. once and we will gladly rectify the same. SW- A commission of 20 per r= mt will be given on each new COESIIMpti on. cash subscriber, to all who will act as agent. r- When you write, be sure to give your address: name. dresse, i to GOSPEL TRUMPET. to insure credit: otherwise Parties desiring papers to canvass with, should notify rffll business communications. moneys dtc. must be ad-we witl not be responsible. afflicted with neuralgia and pleurisy. upon that he may be saved and healed of Pray for my father, who is badly A. H. Ross. they must cleanse themselves from i Dimondale, Mich., who has for seine pocket, or about them in any wav, - I Another one D. H. Carlton from holding the note -' needs the it b y throwing it away, or destroying' months been in Oklahoma, and is it. Then call God for the under a false spirit of free- loveism. cleansing or the _ removal of the / We have faithfull y labored with this " He that will not work shall e money immediate, donate the interest and provided it can be pa : le letter is dated I ) ec. S, 1‘(),. and thately, EDITOR. E. E. Bynum. Pray that my eyes may be healed, also appetite. Many who have never man for the good of his soul. He s 13ro. Warner's death has caust, d PUBLISTIERS, E. E. BYRUM., and S. Micn- ms. catarrh and other afflictions. been addicted to the filthy habit, nor: left a very bad re cord behind him in some delay in the matter there is no Entered at a Post Office of Grand Junction, Mich. as sec- THURSDAY. DEC. 26 . 1895. Grand junction. Mich. end class matter. complicated diseases, and sanctified. Pray Jan. 5 that I may be healed of ELEANOR HETRICK. d bound by that and other evil habits do not realize that it - is often the spirit was discerned in some places. refl. 1 rx iim. t y,, 11 , Ile flan, labored with those whom Satan has this state, went out into the work cliestiiii:) tr it , it/ liti lt . i. cykt,. tt t. t . r Nwt;, 1,,!: . h0411,, I.; igror) tricftoh. r. under the very same spirit. His , , Mich. Ray, J. D. Tramel, L. C. Mast, Geo. Martin, 1trF. :. k. nnie Raker, R. L. Weaver. Mrs. M. P. months, says he knows God can heal him LET OF MORT LETURS Nff 011110181 MOE V. Crumhy, Wm. Anderson, Ida Barlow, he has had no use of Pray Ja ino., for Brother George Green; strength many MRS. LULA JARVIS. his limbs. for several ,.• and are unable by tried to preach holiness. Some 11040:' iler m on ., y ord themselves to even get hold of God places a number accepted the truth, ,, the person to quit in his own case that it is beyond the power of watched he lived a ver y pious life, and where he knew he was closely . ni nnoe liy tiraft. I !,. Jesus to re ,: pontl at o the ramp an. Li Mary L. Kaufman, C. F. Wright, Ainanda LIBBIE INMAN. for the cleansing. At such times it but devastation has followed his , : n rtaiirlinian, Grand Eteeter, Lucy Kirk. wilo 1: too treasurer twf rite Some have asked if we have a healed of kidney trouble, and other dis- Please pray earnestly that I mW ray be re is our privilege to have some one work as it always does such spirits. agree with us in prayer. Mat. 18: 19 The man when detected and labored 1 meeting. work. I will furth , i, eases and that I may keep victory over says: " Again I say unto you, that if with concerning his condit on denied t kin 1 h at as one of ti lt' theological school here. We ans- the devil. Pray Jan. 6. two of you shall agree on earth as facts until his past began to come to grounds the dizzy of wen No. Neither do we expect to MATTIE ARELL. touching anything that they shall light, and when there was no way to appeal rests upon me. .1. 11, have. We have Bible readings and ask, it shall be done for them of my get out of it confessed it little by special faith meetings almost every Sister Jane KeGnOnSeHdEyN iSsP aRfIfNliGcSte, dM IwSiSt. h a Father which is in heaven." Now it little, but never would make a clean evening which are wonderfully bless- cancer. She has tried the doctor's medi- says that if two " shall agree on sweep d. holiness is lifted up to the Bible vancement and real soul food, and that standard. ed of God by way of spiritual ad- sins and has had no relief. She wants all that have faith to pray she may be the healed. may be strengthened, and that he may be Pray for my aged father, that his mind - J. B. Minns. them to be together in order to be times want to get a thousand miles have in him, that if we ask anything or getting rid of such a spirit. but precious subject agreed. And in r Jno. 5: 14 we read, or more from home and then - start the Lord to prepare a calendar and " And this is the confidence that we in new without clearing up the past arrangescriptural texts upon earth." Then it is not necessary for right with God. Such men some-of the whole matter, and get DIVINE iillALING CALENDA r r SArvu, 4: I have been led of divin ding, \ V-Work on the new book " Salvation ', healed of his afflictions. Also pray for our late deceased brother a S. my little girl who has enlarged tonsils. by P. pray for my little son who has - MRS. A. T. HALL. according to his will he heareth us." the Word is true where it sa ys, " Be which I pray may or i to Surely it is hi will* for people to be sure your sin will find you out. - Now t housands of t 0,1' s , - - 1- and with all possible speed. It will con rid of this filthy habit and unnatural it is for the safety of precious souls also a no tan t o tlw s; tlr= itiattt std w appetite of the use of tobacco; there- that we make this public exposure. healing of many % yin) arc outside Varner, is being pushed forward i lease injured his finger, also that I may be heal- fore, we know that he heareth us. for there are doubtless some who the kingdom of g,• tain. in addition to his portrait, and ed of my afflictions. During the week of ra,. s; n, a sketch of his life, , some of his rich- prayer I was healed of a weakness. And the next verse says, " If we have great confidence in him who do liar will be published by Dec. - and est thoughts on . the deep things of MRS. D. H. RADL E. know that he hear us, whatsoever not fully discern his spirit. We warn all orders will be promptly 11 led. God and it cannot fail to benefit all we ask, we know that we have the such to take a stand against the Orders should ol . sent in at sand, who read it. It will be ready soon. / troubalme, scoartaelryrh a offfl itchtee hde awdi tahn dk iodthneery petitions that we desired of him. of spirit of that man until he repents i toat each person Price strong paper cover, 15 cts; afflictions, unable to work. Please pray If the children of God will search and gets an experience of salvation the full yvur. cloth 35 cts. for my healing. Your saved brother, into the deep things of his Word, and clears up his past. We have for The calendar conta t lire Ogega S. E. CORC r LIU'S. and live in close communion with several months faithfully labored one for each month. and prayer, Dec. 31. Let each one Do not forget the day of fasting Marengo, Ind. LA RUE, 0 between them , an him. there can be such an agreement with him, and been in places in i x15 ins ht s. Ea ■ - 11 d God and each the west as well as . elsewhere, and 1 ' headed ch nage Vt, 1 an appropriate ,4 divine that day make special personal Please pi av on Thursd.: ' lanteary 2. for the other, that • much help can be ren- seen the result of his works. May hulling motto. in lat:; t • t y pe which Wceaxonarm kb eioncfao tmthioeen Lb, o eartntded. r a sqneudea tlwhifahieted rt hefoienr r twehaeel yhfaeeraain'lsgi. n . ffgrr oaoiynf Dtah . pa Matr haaluey tlaiecny s. d t rfhoiekis e h fnaaesma brilelyye n tmh sraueyfe- ntieeerde, d t rtoia losn aen adn toetmhpetra itnio ntism. Te hoefr Ge owdhe. srpee hedei lwy ibllr hinagv he imfel ltoow respheinpt wanitche - Uanna brye rroeoamd . at ince across a apostolic standard • f truth may bie he led into the tru. e lIi. g Nh. t G. AVLLoAwNTs. in is more in this agreement than most God and his children. eparatt- space is the montl held up and sent forth during the uhrist, Bible readers have ever been en- Another man from Illinois or Iowa, II larw. l si.- ed type. l .' ach Illo h h coming- year, and the apostolic power abled to fathom or search out. But who also travelled by team throb It different motto. The da y s itf alt RED HAW, 0. with God be manifest among his Wi 1 God's people earnest few comparatively have. yet learned Ohio and Michigan, by the na pme lain til! airea in a pc ** call upon me o children. God for the healing of my dear mother to really enter the agreement, and Chester A. Beals, who go,.: s about Ins column on the left hand side fiasm Oai nltyi m, M aeon ndsed hta aaysp nbaiergeth nbt fy oo rtf h aee al oTcnhrgu wmtiempeeekt, yiMno euhd epircr aibnyre oa khnedan sb- denlaoiew vpneo wtnheearrtv woshuitesh mc hoaneyrd . ei tnWiotenirl? l ktheienpg as sctoannsdtainngt layg froere mtheen gtr lionr ya lol fc ttarryriynign igto a g feetlw a T prullamcep ettoes parneda ctrha lcints i, a a ge. ' lc'ho ltu'm , n ' \ 1V . t ( ' k ha. to pray for the needs of the publish- the new year a perfect and pure woman, God. • new places, has left a very disgusting each day of month and wet. l, cing ing work, as it has rapidly increased. spiritual lyid s tpdhysically healed? Your record behind him. and is tilled with- ruled in i is reSpeet I Ve .= pace. Two weeks ago at the appointed brothl. r in Christ, Jno. W. JAcons• A BLACK LIST. lust and free- love- spirits. May God ilt) riicintal line across the pal_ l is a meeting we a ked- the Lord to send s in thirteen more workers for the DEAR SAINTS: Please pray for my In the name of our Lord Jesus help his people to give no place scripture verse and reference , cOrre-various departments, and he is salvation. I am tired of the life I now Christ we lift our voice in defense ofssupcho mneni. lWiinth gsu cwh spiitrihts a elyiangch day of month. abundantly answering our prayers. live in sin, and I want to live a saved life. the pure- gospel, and for the • safety spirit always accompanies. [ he scriptur ree versos have been However, for a few weeks we could Pray that the appetite of tobacco may use another first- class carpenter to walifseo, wbheo tias kseicnk . a wayA; . a Hls. o W pErSaTyO Nf. o rm y coef ipvreedc. i oWuse swoiuslhs' wtoh og iavree ab efeinwg edren- MiTcwhoig mane nb fyr otmhe n neaarm Heess soefl , N nicohrtohl-, ctahree fusullby jseeclte cotfe dh. e a; 1li1n1g1,. . - ias ni, g tahida ti nis f ibneisinhgin agd tdheed l atorg teh beu oifldfiicneg. Emlenton, Pa. words of warning against certain and Joel Smith are going about sow- obedience. prayer. am faith, which We desire this week, if possible, to persons who are going about under ing seeds of discord and confusion principles are indispensible in obi move our press into the new press Pray that I may be . h does ' very e th R a discord; ran h aled of_ throat the garb of a preacher among the wherever they go among God's alining and r staining the blessing of trouble. also of double hernia. This have our paper folder to put in at I know God is able to heal me. My corn- of . d; some of them teaching rank fanaticism. They have been healing. Altogether there are room, and are praying the Lord to affliction was received during the war, but true children of God, sowing seeds children. These men are filled with 366 wthoer sda mthea ttim the, e a fso wldee hra hvea sre ceived pparanyioenrs w, baso thhe tailmede st winicset ainn talyn shweearl etdo. y, o Tuor faithfully dealt with also. We have verses beside the mottoes. Each heard nothing against the characters from been ea b verse in itself being a daily sseerrmon dear brethren who have sent Lord , the I ' oh' Sp the irit to fanaticism, and some of them through shipped. We desire also to thank their abominable actions and lustful ber of such persons, who are going fanatical spirits and teaching is dis- neatly fastened to: rether wi th each inmate God be all the praise. Your brother in nabl enough means to pay for the same. is concerned, but they are devoid of of the e d w in the d, JosEini CRIPE: spirit bring a reporf otheasec- twho muenp'aso fanr a st mhoreali ty home, or room where the cal- , cause of Christ. We . here give the endar hangs in plain sight. WFohra tth iiss rwecee giviveed oadb omvue cthh ep aramisoeu: n t I lost my health wSahxepno tveann y, eVaIrRs GofI NagIeA,. names of few, out of quite a num- the Spirit of Christ, and their rank The respective monthl y pages are. Hors answered through the Trumpet, Lord may restore my eyesight and heal needed will be used in getting a' and since that time I have been confined colored stereotype outfit and machinery. i to the house with much suffering, and for forth at present as messengers of gusting to the extreme and contrary corn,, and designed to hang upon the several my eyesight has failed so I Satan, but claiming to be sent of 1 years to the teachings of the word of God. We warn the children of God for the page can by turned back the God. Among this number is a man cannot see to read much. , I am now iv 111. As each month e x pires, question asked. We have to throw Many have - written desiring ques- sixty- four years of age. Pray that the from the who signs:. his name Elder J. P. good of your souls to beware of such top and the next it years with nervous prostration and much . light, but me• e• t ings, and partake not of thei,- family ari l each individual believere month will hang but failed to send their name. We' me. Also pray for my sister, who has Merrill, living near Robinson, Craw- men, give them no place in vo il a sight as the previous one did. Every do not often put more than thLe been confined to her bed for over twenty ford- Co., Ill. This man has not been initi. a l• s o the party in the Trumpet. out in the clear evening spirit or you are in danger of becom- should h av e this calendar. as it is rich necessary suffering. Do not forge t c, riC_ in but it is for persons asking tt to remember us t questions to sign their name o th, e at a throne of grace. I ouSUrSsA JNe Bs uIWs, O. ginoegs hfoimrths einlf naesw o pnlea coefs Greopdre'ss etnrut- e i nygo iun ijmusmt aesd biaatde lay croenndoituionnc, eu nsulecshs cwaiuthse t trhueth whieh, if believed will brethren writing articles condense We would again suggest that truth. Z. GORE , soon foun d to be a some of them will occasionall y Davis City, Iowa. fraud. His teaching and practices pear as humble and meek as it is h doctrine of Divine Healit rejoice and the ministers. At one such place where spiri ts, heart to aside many letters, articles, testimo- islpfl. tri_ etsn, caend get out from under such face to shine every da y in the year, Calls For Meeting: ey were wanting the true gospel signed. Articles appearing in the vies, etc., because there is no name Trumpet without names are sup- We would be glad if God would send apnreda cphaeyd o, fhf es ohmade otfh heims hseeanvdy fdoerb thsi, m ve Nryo wp iaolul sth aensed mreelnig aiot utism celso apku. t on a Ind! obedient soul in the long and establish more and more the appear : terest. Even then it should be di- ' diseased portions of the body. i y, and by - has not been able to publish ' no' thankful for the help of the brethren :. 1: we, denounce all such: ungodly teach ' helpof the Lord we shall be true to • crowded with work alreadNa I a'. : calendar owing to the fact of het b posed to be written by the editor. some holiness preacher ere to preach the I This:' 1 and they - fd him e w oay ap-are some of them too disgusting to possible for any one to be; y et at the will also be a valuable gift to presen t - article, aslonger ones are not apt to be itno come west into Nebraska . we would y y receive him, as we are in need of /' anointing the sick is - only such a; self- conceit. And now while which may be a means to their con-to some sick and suffering friend their writing so as to not exceed a column or a column and a half to an - If t ere is a minister who is led of God • would [ mention. - His teaching concerning, same time they are puffed up, full of . version and healing. cue T r u m p e t is limited_ we sometimes Katie . to condense news, etc., Or writeand . send in. As the space in .1896; and continuing as long as.- the Lo- rd, necessary to. ;: t WeSt ontere, - Pa. bêgiiiriing . jati: There will be a- ri assenthly meetnig held - : .• 4,.: There. . are • Otherthins that . are un-: - men , 6 -. 1 mention, but' 3, ve warn their souls. 11 lit li; e dare - nOt -, e _ en, ., at i possible Go d' mat; rcets, cutrtie: man " ' ,-- ese cao ec, comeme and - 1 TIll (-- r - " icHING - - - - ' ' - I ' sent . Y - ' nit trheaindg woift hve irnyt gerreeastt uimnpleosrsta int cise saonmd ein- ,- ia- - t rueminister of God. B F. GAY, i comes from a lustful spirit from the warn people against fanaticism that C'h • Pierce, Neb. - I pit. :. He jpsists upon anointing th we; does slotki in e apl luistsf rpouniii. t s. e t t i nio- b fort h1-;' i e we III% 3 OSPEL RUM I Li - - ort 1 a great work for his children ondition. ! • , • h this vided up into subjects. We are MEETINGS.- . consequent been . SAMUEL MARTZ. i Soine time ago we gave a warn- ea aredccc- hhec: p– ocsA: t' aide' Address, NN- Jt11:: 1'.: 1;: riBpd. lota- 40, C. P c;* -- - b n obliFed to have d. emit ) I ' and are always glad to receive any- .:. WEST. MONTER', EY, P, A. .':. • mg.– The- i. rS p: 0- i1• t : Grod . d ' lint souls and to. cause on - this • line, is printed on heavy ccrreenamtint papr . the work done here. - Fhe calendar, . thing which the Lord : moves you to I d to - anything. that is unseemly. : Dear brethren, let us - g r - f 72 I , 16th St., Oakl. a. r* i d: i: r• p, ,., • ntv-. Eveagel. ' - e the nu leave it out altogether. end is doing Rupeit are expected to be there. otherwise we . would be obliged to Gager. Sister Shaffner and. Bro. and Sister' tea. chings ' hildren of God in their present your order, . Price DeterMine at. onc send' lc Wills. - Bros . Kilpatrick,,, Ellison, Sche, l, laa lili agai• nst such , spirits . and false tenance them, nor receive them a's' . • . _. .•., • ._ TRACTS AND BOOKS. Life or Death. Where shall I Spend Eternity? Please Don't Swear. Ln your Soul Saved? book to Jesus. Save Faith in God. Parable of the Tobacco Seed. Friend to the Frienclless. Lost and Found. Why are you not a Christian? 50 Scriptural Objections to Sects. Poison. Tobacco as an Evil. sine Years an Invalid. MasonhaMysteries. A Charge to the Rich. ' To the Boys. Questions for Sunday Keepers. Hints on healing Word of God and Sealant. Considered. Social and Sexual Purity. The Evening Light. Babylon is Fallen. What Church should I Join? Sects. The Master's Call. A Wonderful Deliverance. Little Things, The Apostasy. Repent Ye and Believe the GospeL The Secret Vice. Startling news to Mothers. Sanctification. Spiritualism. The Great Tobacco Sin. Questions and Answers on the Church. 300 Scriptures on the Church. Christian Science. Visible Church Organization. Must We Sint ' No Sectism." Can We Fallt Babylon, and What it Includes. Marriage and Divorce. • 5 0311tS hued re I IS SS If SI 10 cents "=" 0 hundred. CI LA AC it 4t 15 cents hundred. St CS CI IS St 5 cents IS dozen. SI • 1 St St it It SC 10 ots. It 15 cts. it CC 20 ots. tl 5 cents. S. L. SPEC1X, Co., near Chesaning, where we we engaged in a fie weeks' meetin A goodly number acknowledged th truth, and we hope they will obey i At the McFall school house we foun Some of God's dear children wh were in the cages of sectism, b when they heard the voice of th true Shepherd through the pure go pel they obeyed and came out. One ! dear sister, sixty years old, who was I class leader in the M. E. sect heard I the voice. She said when God saved her soul she promised God she would walk in all the light he would let shine on her; and now she got light she never had before and said she must walk in it. This meeting closed with good success. Several precious souls who never had tasted of God's love came to the anxious seat and found peace with God. Also one dear soul who was in a backslidden state renewed her covenant with God, and many more were almost persuaded but would not yield, but acknowledged that this is the way. Our prayer is that they will not be contented until they will seek and find rest in Christ. Amen. We are at home at present. The saints here desire a meeting over the holidays. Pray for us. Yours in the one body, JOSHUA AP, . E? ELIZABETH WALTER. WiNsFoRD, ENGLAND. DEAR BRETHREN IN CHRIST: This leaves dear wife and I with complete victory in our souls. I wish to re-turn our most heartfelt thanks to our brethren and sisters in Christ for their many Godly acts of kindness while with them in our labor of love. Nor would we forget or underesti- • mate the acts of kindness shown us by many of the sinners whom we hold in best esteem, - and pray to our God to save them. God bless you all and may you not neglect to walk in the precepts of God, is our prayer And last but not least we Would no neglect to . mention those prOfessors and sect preachers who spoke evil against us and did all they could to hinder the blessed work of the Lord. Oh may God not lay this to your charge! Now dear brethren, we feel it our duty to warn you of certain men who claim to be the children of God and are secretly fighting the truth and speaking evil of God's children. They fight the second work of grace and thereby prove that they never had the first. We know and admit that there are children of God that have not enjoyed the second grace or sanctification. But one thing is sure, if they are walking in the light they will not fight the truth, and if they should they surely cannot claim to be still justified; for we only keep justified by walking in the truth. Now bretgren,. mark such. I need not personate any one; you all will know such by . their fruit. They pre-tend to our face to love us and be-hind our back they speak against us in every way. There is another class of those reprobates located in Liverpool which I feel it my duty to warn the saints of God against in England and elsewhere. The two ring lead-ers of this second class, are Charles Heselstrom and Harry Lee. Those men once had an experience in sal-vation but to day are far from God, and fighting the evening light, and prating against God's ministers. We have dealt according to God's word with these men, and now we leave them in the hands of God. Charles Heseltrom is a would- be preacher of the rankest sectarian type, and is now engaging himself1 and a few other backsliders in the malicious distribution of a paper called the " Evening Light Creed" in; which he most ignorantly basely tries to make appear that we teach a doctrine contrary to the word of God. I suppose after our departure' h devil will send his servants a- 1 ouncl to do his work. I understood • hey have been making inquiry al- 1- eady where they can find some- of , ou. So now I have described these volves; therefore do not fail to deal w ith them as God directs in his word. afterward healed my body of the rheumatism from which I had suffer- , ed since a child. That has been over I a year ago. The Lord is my all and I in all. I can say I know he is able to keep me soul and body. Praise his holiT name! I am your sister in the one church of Christ, LUCRETIA HOSKINS. ssi powers of hell. I was- saved a year I ago last October and oh how much happiness I can see in the year I have spent for the Lord! I have a mother, two brothers and sisters saved in the evening light. Truly the dear Lord has been very good to us. I feel the Lord has strengthen-ed me much in the week of prayer. The little church in this place had meeting on Thanksgiving. The Lord was with us in love and power. We all had a grand feast from Father's table. Also had ordinance meeting in the evening. The Lord gave us victory over all the powers of the devil; pray for the church at this place that we may get deeper in the will and love of God. Your brother saved in the one body, JAS. P. EDEN. ENID, OKLA. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: I am prais-ing the Lord for victory over all the BENTLEY.— Wife of J. J. Bentley, Visalia, Cal., died Nov. 28 at 1 P. M. aged sixty- five years, nine months and nineteen days. This brief note is to inform all the dear saints that Jesus has called away my dear companion. We lived happily together thirty- five years, and now I am left here to mourn the loss. But praise the Lord, she has only gone over the river of death to dwell with Jesus, and by the grace of God I will meet her over there. Your brother in Christ, JOHN J. BENTLEY. PROUTY.— Sister Rosa C. Prouty of Wells Co., Md. was born July 17, 1853 died Dec. 10, 1895. Age fourty- two years, four months, and twenty- three days. Leaves a husband and seven children to mourn their loss. She was the mother of eleven children; four of them preceded her to the better land. Sis-ter Prouty gave her heart to the Lord about ten years ago. About eight years ago she accepted the doctrine of holiness through the preaching of the gospel in the evening light. During this time she never gave up the hope of making heaven her home but through heavy trials and cares of this life she became weak in. faith and somewhat cold in the cause. But we are glad to say that during her last sickness she repented of this and renewed her covenant with the Lord, and left the evidence that she was saved. Funeral services by the writer. Text Matt. 16 : 21. H. C. WICKERS- HAM. CTJRTIS.— Sister Abbie Curtis was born in Hamilton, Mich. July 26, 1869; died Nov. 22, 1865. She was a member of the Winebenner-ian sect for three years. She was not satis-fied with her experience, still she kept putt-ing off the precious opportunities that God had given until the morning she died, when she felt the hand of the Lord upon her to consecrate herself to him. She testified she was accepted of God and had peace in her soul. The dear sister was afflicted about three years, but bore her afflictions with patience. She leaves a father, three sisters and many friends to mourn their loss. Funer-al services were held in the saints' meeting house in Hamilton, by , C. E. REEVES. CrRERNTOWN, BURNS.— Issac Burns was born June 11:„ 1822: departed this life Dec. 5,1895; aged. seven- B ty- three years, five months and twenty- one days. May the Lord bless the dear ones who D, morn their loss and seek comfort in Jesus h the blessed Savior of all who beieY0 in him. NEWS FROM THE FIELD NEW PITTSBURG, IND. DEAR SAINTs OE GOD: We are glad to report victory for the Lord at this place. The meetings are good, and the church is on the increase for God. The assembly meeting held in Oct. at this place was a grand success for the Lord. Bro's Speck, George Howard, and Morton were the Min-isters : in attendance. There was a number of brethren also present from different parts. It was a • searching- time for the saints here. Several renewed their consecration with God. The church is in a much more prosperous condition than it was before. I would just say to the saints in different Parts, that I now have my business so arranged that I can go out in the field of the Lord. Any one desirin g; me to come and labor with them in meetings, let me know by addressing me at New Pittsburg, Ind. Your brother saved in Jesus H. C. WICKERSHAM. SULPHUR SPRINGS, TEXAS, Dec. 14. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: I am prais-ing God for the victory which he gives me over the world, the flesh, and the devil. I came by team from Frisco, Ark. in company with Bro. M. A. Fly and wife to Biardstown, Texas. Held meetings nearly three Weeks in the school house, after which we went to a little town named Glory; held three services in the Baptist meeting house. - Some seem-ed to be friendly to the truth. After which Bro. and Sister Fly started back to Frisco. I began meeting Thursday night, at the Rockdale school house, four miles south- west of Sulphur Springs, Texas. So far the crowds are small, but interest and order good. There is much need of real gospel light in this part of Texas. The evening light has never been preached here. My ad-dress for some days will be Green-ville, Texas. Any one desiring my help in the gospel, address me at the above named place. Your brother in the one body, P. H. RICKMAN. --- ATHENS, 0: 110, DEC. IS. To ALL THE DEAR SAINTS: We closed meeting on Stroud's Run last night with victory on the lords side. This Was a four week's seige • in the midst of a sectarian element, Free Methodism predominating; and the Lord used us to thoroughly expose the old " mother and her harlot daughters" and to lift up Zion that all might behold her beauty, the re-sult of which was eight or ten souls made their escape and denounced the " beast power" and fled to Zion. On last Sunday we had a glorious feast in Zion One dear soul follow-ed the Lord in baptism and there are six or eight more to follow soon, having declared their intention so to do. We attended to the ordinance of " feet washing" and the " Lord's Supper" in the evening. About seventeen happy saints took part, while deep conviction rested upon the audience. We expect to begin meeting at Chauncey Saturday night and we are expecting a glorious time there. We have eight or ten Calls for meeting around here now and are unable to fill but few of them. The work is opening up gloriously in this part of Ohio, and We are still looking for the Lord to send us a co- worke •. Dear ones, Pray much for us and the work here. \ our brother saved and kept by Power - divine, E. G. MASTERS. ST. LOUIS, MICH., Dec. 12. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: God bless You and keep you all in his dear, name. Amen. We are glad to re-port victory over all sin through t Christ, the author and finisher of our aith and salvation. It has been s- me time since we last reported, nut rhave not been idle. Since our r camp meeting at this place we t ad the privilege of preaching the r gact s. tPhertl. and warning perishing souls - e grove meetings, and now A Ps. t.=. returned home from Saginaw A, TILE GOSPEL TRUMPET. re Paul says, Because of dogs. He has g. direct reference to men of a dogish e disposition. Phil. 3: 2,30. Your bro-t. ther and sister in Christ, j. H. AND H. A. RUPERT. ut TESMIONIES. s- " Thy Testimonies o. re Wooderful."- Fsa• 119: 129. RISING SU— N,- 0. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: My experi-ence is that I am fully sa . ed and sanc tified. Praise the Lord! The. Lord has done so much for me; he ha brought me out of sectism into thi glorious evening light, for which give him all the glory. The Lord is my physician, soul and body. He has healed me of catarrh in my head and many other ailments, for which I give him all the praise and glory. I ask an interestin your humble pray-ers. From your sister, MARGARET BoNAwITT. RIVER, IND. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: I wish to tes-tify to the love of God. I am saved and sanctified in God. Praise his name forever! It has been four months since I came but on the Lord's side. I am so glad that I ever met with the saints. Praise the good Lord! Glory to his name that he ever found me ancrset me free from the yoke of bondage that I was living under. I praise God that I am free. I have been healed by the power of the Lord. Glory to Jesus! I am rest-ing in the sweet arms of Jesus. Your humble sister saved, RACHEL COUCH. MARSHALL, OKLA. DEAR SAINTS: We feel led to test-ify this morning to the glory of God. We can report victory over all the powers of the enemy. Praise his name for ever! He has cleansed us from all sin and keep-; us saved all the time; heals all our sicknesses and supplies all our wants. We are so glad we heard the truth preached and obeyed it. The Lord is with the dear saints at this place in power and truth. The Lord wiling we expect to go to Cambridge, Kan. about Dec. 15, where we used to live, and hold a meeting in the name of Jesus. Bro. Post will go also. Your brother and sister saved and kept, M. H. AND R. T. WILLIA S. HARRIS, KAN. DEAR SAINT § OF GOD: I feel led to wcite my testimony this evening. I praise God for salvation. He sus-tains me wherever I go. It has been two years since I received the light. I am fifty- seven years old and the two years that I have lived to God are the happiest of my life. Praise his holy name forever! I am visiting at this place. There is none of God's little ones here; there are nothing but sects in this town. I have prayed for God to send some of his ministers here to preach the true Gospel to them. Pray for me. Your sister in Christ, MARY A. GOBLE. ADDVILLE, ALA. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: I believe it is for the glory of God for me to write my testimony. I do praise God for his saving power. He has saved me from all sin and healed me of the filthy tobacco habit, after be-ing a slave to it about thirty years. He has healed me of a pain about my heart, also a pain from the sting of a wasp. It has been nearly eigh-teen months since I first heard the gospel in all its purity. There are only a few names of us here that have come out of Babylon. Dear ones, pray for us that God's will be done with us in the name of Jesus, that he may send some one here to preach to us again or raise up some one in our midst. Pray for my un-saved family that they may turn to the Lord. Amen. Yours in him, SAMUEL HOLLAWAY. WeSt NEWAL, ILL. DEAR SAINTS: I can say I am saved, 1 and praising God for his saving and healing power. I can say to the glory of God he saved my soul, and A radical, anti- sectarian, German holiness, journal. pub-lisheu semf- roontnly at this office, where all business and au ! ascription communications Should be sent. Subscription 51.00 per aumun. Free to the poor. All matter for publi-cation or editorial Support should be sent direct to the editor: PR ED L. AEuf ni, 466, 16th St. Milwaukee, Wis. THE BRINING LIGHT. An illterba t14 paper for children. Illustrated. It should be it. to cry faitilly vnere there are children. 25 ots. a year. 10 or more copies to one address, 18 cts. a copy per year, or any part of a year at the same razes. Atli: L EV/ 3d, S Llear, Grand Junetion, Mich. Paper and Envelopes. Envekipes with mottoes and verses of scripture neatly ar ranged. 30 eta. per hund. Writing paper in tablets, containing one hundred sheets With various designs of scriptural headings. Se cis. Mottoes. Size 11 x 14 inches. Scriptural mottoes and verses, printed on colored paper, in large type, can be read at a distance of fifty to one hundred feet. Suitable for pbstmg in pub-lie places, oftices, homes, etc. By mail, 20 cts. per doz. E V . 13.1• 4 CrEL I TJAIS POSATINE. Children's songs. A small pamphlet containing five songs for children, with words and music. 10 Ms. a doz. The Church of God. By D. S. Warner. 32 pages. 5 cents. 40 cents per dozen. Proving what is the Church of God. and what is not. The Ordinances of the New Testament. Hy W. a. Schell. 5 eta. 45 eta. per doz. Sets forth the ordinances of the scripture in a clear light, showing which are abolished, and which are still in VOgna• What is the Soul? By D. S. Warner. 10 cents. 80 cts. per doz. 100 scriptures proving that man possesses a spiritual and immortal element, which goes to God at death of the body. Masonic Salvation. Ey Fred Ensted. Paper cover 15 ets. Cloth 35 ets. This little volume treats the subject of Free Masonry from a Bible standpoint. The writer had been a Master Mason Anthems From the Throne. 148 songs, 90 with music. Manilla 25 cents. Cloth 40 ots They hymn the precious present truth, and the gospel standard of salvation. Priests of Romanism; or, Substitution for Marriage, By G. a Collins. 15 cts. 51.44 per doz. Shows the evils of Priesteraft, also contains oaths taken b3 Cardinals, Bishops, priests, and Jesuits. Bible Readings. 158 pages. Cloth, 30ets. 83.00 per dozen. Conlains Scriptural references on about one hundred sub-jects, arranged by S. L. Speck, and A. J. Kilpatrick. Train Your Children for Heaven. By D. S. Warner. 10 cts. 11.00 dozen. A serious examination of the power and authority that God has placed in the hands of parents, and the solemn responsibility resulting therefrom. Holiness Bible Subjects. - By E. C. Wickersham, 400 pages. Cloth, 81.00. A very valuable book with arrangement of Scriptures on one hundred subjects, also contains over 50 pages of eon-cordance, tables, Bible helps, etc. The Boy's Companion. By E. E. Byrum. Paper cover 15 etaCloth 25 cts. This is a neat little volume with interesting chapters to boys, conserning the Secret Vice and other bad habits and their effects. Every boy needs advice and too often par-ents fail to give the needed advice until too late. Divine Healing of Soul and Body. By E. a Byrnnt. 248 pages. Cloth, 75 cts. Paper cover, 25 e. Part teaches the way of salvation, and how to get saved. Part if gives Bible teaching on the healing of the body. Part m consists of testimonies from those who have been healed in these last days. In Eaglialt and German. . Biblical Trace of the Church. By W. G. Schell. . Paper cover, 35 eta. Cloth, 75 cis. Tracing the church in prophecy from her birth to the end of time. It shows that the prophets have foretold the greatest Trials and Triumphs of the Church in the whole Christian Era, and describes the age in whichwe now live, Echoes From Glory. By B. Z. Warren and D. 5. Warner. Music, 40 ets. ,. 134.00 V doz. Words only, 10 eta. 51.00 doz. A song book containing 232 new, and beautiful songs, also instructions to beginners. A good book for Camp, and Re-vival meetings and Sunday Schools. The Sabbath; or, Which Day to Keep. By D. 5, Warner. 186 pages. 10 as. $ 1.00 doz. Cloth 30 c. A very thorough work. Proving by Scripture and history that Christ took away the old law and its Sabbath; and the first day is the Christian Sabbath, or " Lord's Day" of the New Testament. - CORNELL, NEB. DEAR SAINTS AND TRUMPET READ-erS: I feel like writing my testimony for the first time. I am rejoicing in my freedom in Christ. I feel like thanking him more and more for his wonderful plan of salvation, that has reached even me. When I see so many of the people going in sin and folly I can praise God for calling me in my youth and that I was willing to follow him. It seems strange that people will turn away from every-thing that is good and pure. But St. John 3: 19, 20. tells us the reason. There are a few of God's little ones out here, and if any of God's Minis-ters are passing this way we would be rejoiced to have them stop. Well, dear ones, I would like to have you all pray for me, and the children of God out here. Your sister, saved and sanctified, . ANGIE UNDERHILL. OBITUARIES. marria. ge and Divorce. BY D. S. WARNER. 32 pages. Size 4Y2.11634 in. 5 cents. 40 cts. / 2 doz. Revised and enlarged. t brings the positive word of God to bear on all points of awlul and unlawful marriages, and on. divorces. Where he Word does not give direct commands, it seeks to help ersons who arc indoubt and perplexity, to learn their uty, by Scriptural inferences. . • Age to C. o Hmeev imseuatk aMnidl leennian. irugend Dedeietitornin. e Refuted.' y D. s. Warner; Price. ets. 51.00 a doz., Giving poi-live proofs chat the' O're- sent is the last dispensation of-ime, and the only day of Salvation. That there will be no lennium reign on earth before Christ comes, nor after is second advent. It also explains the binding and loos-ng of Satan, and the one thousand years in Rev. 20, and 0 ther scriptures a „ eel by Millennial teachers; also the New Jerusalem, and new heavens andizew earth. THE GOSPEL TRUM PET. born into the family of God he would also, ever settles the question with Hal being the requisite m the spitatua , be in the visible, and when a man was one to " discern the body of Clf.: at the instant of conversion, become a souls. DIVINE HEALING. WE MUST PREACH DIVINE HEATING. IVE years ago we had the assur-ance ' from Gdd that he would use us in ministering the gospel of healing to the sick. Three years ago we received the commission of the gifts of healing, in which- capa-city we labored to a certain extent but not without a sense of timidity, fearing that we might after all carry this doctrine too far and possibly reproach the precious cause of Christ; consequently we were inclined to teach the doctrine of healing as something secondary and thought it should be kept in the back ground. In this condition God frequently re-proved US, and although he was enabled to heal the sick through our instrumentality in many cases, yet we could develop in this capacity but very slowly, in this condition. One year ago we reached the con-dition where we must either take the bold stand and fearlessly pro-claim to the world the gospel of healing, or else give up the ministry in which we • had been earnestly engaged for ten years. This became so plain to us that it soon grew into a very serious matter. There seemed no way of escape. We could not retreat; and after many tearful and sleepless nights and much crying unto God for the needed grace to go forward, we boldly stepped out on the gospel plane of full redemption from sin and disease, and proclaimed it as the equal rights of every child of God. with justifica-tion and sanctification. At once the approval of heaven rested upon the Word, and also increased upon our own hearts. The Lord began to confirm his Word - with signs follow-ing, more than ever before. The sick and suffering have been en-abled to reach out by faith and grasp the wonderful promises. and marvelous have been the results. Truly we are double assured that it is perfectly safe to boldly launch out upon the deep of God's boundless power. But the Word must be preached. As three hundred and fifty years ago God filled with boldness the earnest advocates of justification by faith, and they shunned not to de-clare it in the face of all the com-bined powers of darkness, the light began to penetrate the,, gloom. God confirmed his word by convicting the hearers of its truth, and many received the blessing of actual jus-tification. So also in the days when sanctification was brought out clear-ly before the world, the . hearers were convinced by the Holy Spirit, believed and received the glorious experience of heart purity. - Faith COM eth by , hearing, and hearing by the - word of God. Rom. 10: 17. To day the great need of the church is the power and accompany-ing manifestations of apostolic days. Satan has for years been aware of this, and has flooded the world with pretended power and manifestations, but in spite of all this God is moving on and on, and to keep apace with the progress of this last and final vic-tory, we must receive the endow-ment of holy boldness, and dare to declare the whole truth of the gos-pel. Brethren, we have been weak on this line. We must preach the gospel of healing with Holy Ghost authority. Unless the world hears it, it cannot be believed; unless it is believed, it cannot be received. All men have not faith, and never will have it, because all will not obey God; but many honest suffering ones Under the bondage of oppression are famishing to hear this glorious word of life: but " how can they hear with-out a preacher?" In order to preach healing we musthave more than a theoretical doctrine. We must be commissioned by heavenly authority. The flinch must be taken out, as it was in those gone before us in the progress of tnis gospel age. As it is in seeking and finding sal-vation, so it is in seeking and finding healing. Some find it alone • with God on their sick- beds of unsp. eak-able suffering. They have so utterly reached the end of all earthly hopes that in the depths of distress they reach the position where God can heal them, without the help of - the faith of others. But God has estab-lished certain provisions in the church for the benefit of his sick and suffering children. The gifts of healing. But in every case whether the seeker be able to comprehend the way of God's healing alone, or through the instrumentality of hu-man agency, there must be the con-fidence in the doctrine, and that it is for " whosoever will." The gifts of healing cannot be effectually exer-cised independent of the faith of the responsible seeker. Therefore the necessity of preaching healing can-not be too strongly emphasized. Faith must come by hearing. May the sound go throughout the earth in 1896. This is a prophetic year, and if it be not the coming of our blessed Lord, may it not be the year when the church shall have reached the summit of apostolic glory and power? Dearly beloved brethren. do we comprehend the- stupendous respon-sibility upon us in this critical mo-ment? Only the sound of the great trumpet, and mercy is past. The world reeking under the oppression of sin and diSease is crying for help; yet the church has not been able to bring the needed help for soul- and body. ' This shall be different, and if we to whom the doctrine of apos-tolic truth has been committed, will but take the prophet Daniel's remedy, Dan. 9 3, we shall in this very year, 1896, be able to _ gota forth, not in word only, but in the power and authority of the faith once de-- livered unto the saints. Your hum-ble brother and sister, set for the de-fense of the gospel. J. \ V. AND I. BYERS. Gospel Healing Home, Oakland. Cal. - Is there a Visible, and an Invisible Church? TT is taught by the mass of sectarian preachers, and so believed by sectar-ians in general, that Christ has two churches; one composed of all those who are born of God, both in heaven and on earth, of which Christ is head, and ac-knowledged to be essentially a unit as taught by the word of God. This they denominate " The Universal Invisible Church," or the " spiritual church," and claim that all who are saved are members of the same by virtue of spiritual birth. The other, called by them the " visible church," is, according to their teachings, composed of all the different sects in ex-istence, each sect being a " branch" of the same, and all who belong to a sect are members thereof by virtue of sect mem-bership. This is very generally taught, and where it is not specifically taught the impres