The Gospel Trumpet - 15:26

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 TBhloew L Yoe rtdh eG Tordu mshpaeltl bhlao Zwi othne, sToruunmd paent , a laanrmd gino mwiyt hh owlyh imrlowuinndtas. i nZ. eJcohe. l 2: 1. All ye inhabitants of the world, and dwell...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Warner, D. S.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Byrum, E. E. 1895
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Summary:Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 TBhloew L Yoe rtdh eG Tordu mshpaeltl bhlao Zwi othne, sToruunmd paent , a laanrmd gino mwiyt hh owlyh imrlowuinndtas. i nZ. eJcohe. l 2: 1. All ye inhabitants of the world, and dwellers on the earth, see ye, when9 : 1h4e. lifted' lie an ensign on the mountains; and when he bloweth a Trumpet, hear ye. Isa. 18: 3. Volume 15. Number 26. Grand Junction, Michiga. n. Thursday, July 4, 1895. n EARLY e While on the ILI camp ground at Grand Junction was moved to ascertain about how many of the saints of the living God had belonged to some organization of man. There were many that made no report, as we know there were perhaps over boo saints on the grounds during the meetings and a few over one hundred reported; and among these were represented twen-ty- eight different organizations. In this glorious gathering which was in all harmony and " the unity of the Spirit" no one could perceive one particle of division or sectish spirit; for the power of God through the Holy Ghost had completely destroyed all sectism, and knit us together in the fellowship and the bond of peace of our God. Hallelujah forever and ever! Truly, truly this must be the fulfilling of prophecy. For God de-clared in his word: Jer. 23: 1,-- Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! saith the Lord." Also Eze. " son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel; prophes y and say unto them, Woe be to the shep-herds of Israel that do feed them-selvesi should not the shepherds feed the flocks?" Every candid and honest thinking Person must acknowledge that this prophecy is now fulfilled in the way the people are divided up into di-visions, fixed and ruled by man. The c,° 111' 11011 ecclesiastics have robbed u'Dcl of the honor and glory due him and made and imposed upon the present Israel, great chains of bond-age; barrenness and darkness, which has destroyed all the liberty, ffree-doms peace and unity of the gospel our Savior. Now if this prophecy ere the end of prophecy, trul y the present Israel would be in a most dbepGlo lrae condition; but thanks be eedead that he has given us a proph-same for our escape, even in the 9apter and by the same proph-et, Jer. 34: 16- 15, vdiere God promises to gather together again in their fold which signifies but one fold and one shepherd. Jno. Io: I6.—" And other sheep have I which are not of this fold: them also must I bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall one fold and one shepherd." Amen. We realize deep down in our souls that God is now gathering his people again into the one fold. And truly this last camp meeting has been more convincing to doubting minds than all others. Yours in the one body, H. W. HECHLER, WHERE THE EAGLES ARE GATHERED TO-GETHER. " There shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before. \ Vheretore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert, go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chamber; believe it not. For as the lightning cometh out of the East, and shineth even unto the West, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For wheresoever the carcass is, there will the eagles be gathered together." Maat . c4: 24- 28. The Emphatic Diaglott renders the twenty- eighth verse, wherever the DEAD CARCASS may be, there the EAGLES will be collected. The above has reference to the condition of men at the coming of the Lord, also to the people of to- day. " Eagles" here, refer to workers of destruction, the subjects for the eagles' prey are transgressors. In Prov. 30: 17, we read, " The eye that mocketh at his father and refuseth to obey his moth-er, the ravens of the valley shall pick it out and the young eagles shall eat it." Again in Job 3o: 27- 30, " Doth the eagle mount up at thy command and make her nest on high? She dwelleth and abideth on the rocks, upon the crag of rock and the strong place; from thence she seeketh her prey and her eyes behold afar off. Her young ones suck up blood, and where the slain are there is she." What clearer sign are eagles than foul devouring, delusive spirits; and dead carcasses and slain, than those who have not spiritual life, or are dead in trespasses and sins? It is true that those who oppose and fight God's truth are often given over to a strong delu-sion that they may believe a lie, even a spirit of slumber, eyes that see not and ears that hear not. Babylon has become a hold for these foul spirits, the cage of every unclean and hate-ful bird, which are manifesting them-selves through the various false teach-ers of to- day. Now read Rev. 19: 17.-- 21, regarding the fowls and supper of the great God. The captains, mighty men, etc., are false spiritual leaders; the remnant slain by him that sat on the horse, are those whom the word ( sword) of God cuts off and condemns, the sword proceedeth out of his mouth see also verse 15. Isa. 66: 16 reads, " By fire and by his sword will the Lord plead with all flesh, and the slain of the Lord shall be many." How true it is in this day that souls who reject the truth of God and turn it aside are slain and become spirit-ual carcasses for the foul spirits of deception to prey upon. What a solemn awful thing it is to hear the word of God; how much more awful it is to reject it. Fellow eternity- bound travellers, are you squaring your lives by God's word? Thank God, all the blood-washed ones who take the whole truth and nothing but the truth need never fear that they be a carcass for the eagles to prey upon. Your bro-ther, walking in the truth, CLARENCE DEWEY. INSTANTLY HEALED BY WIT POWER OF GOD. DECATUR, MICH., June 20, 1895. DEAR BRETHREN IN CHRIST: For the glory of God, and to encourage others to trust the Lord I desire to give my testimony. A few years ago I became a Spiritualist in belief, and did not believe the Bible. Had a very ill temper, and a quarrelsome disposition, and drank much in-toxicating liquor. For five years I scarcely looked in the Bible, and at one time, while in a drunken carousal, I declared to others that I did not believe the Bible, and at that time I became possessed with evil spirits. My life was a very wretched one from that time forth. I finally gave up my Spiritualism, and afterward attend-ed a meeting, where I heard the word of God preached in its purity. For one week I could scarcely eat or sleep while the dear ones were pray-ing for me. I had become very much afflicted, insomuch that I lost my eyesight, . and was entirely blind for a week, but after the dear ones had spent some time in fasting and praying for me the devils were cast out, and then I gave myself to God, and he saved my soul, and healed one eye instantly, and the other one the next day. Sometime after this I was kicked by a horse, and my breast bone broken. A message was sent to the Trumpet office for pray-ers in my behalf, and an hour set for prayer, at which time one of the brethren here anointed me, and I was healed, insomuch that I was able to work the next day. But in failing to do my duty in testifying and tell-ing of God's wonderful blessings to me and obeying him as I should, I lost the grace of God out of my soul. For some months I went on in this condition, and came to the Grand Junction camp meeting a few days ago with the intention of giving my heart to the Lord again; but after being here a short time I was very much tempted not to do so. So on Saturday evening, June 15, I was kicked in the stomach by a horse and knocked senseless to the ground, causing my shoulder to be dislocated, and also other serious injuries. While lying there in a dying condi-tion, I was carried into a tent, and no one seemed to know me at the time. The brethren gathered around my cot, and asked God to restore me to consciousness that I might be able to tell my name. The prayer was answered, and after telling my name and that my mother was on the grounds, she was summoned to my bedside. I passed into an uncon-scious state again, and remained so much of the time until the next morning. My mother being a saved woman, and knowing that I as well as herself believed in God's healing power, trusted my case entirely into the hands of the Lord, while some brethren set the bone of my dislocat-ed shoulder. In the mean time some stranger and opposer of divine heal-ing sent for a doctor without the consent of my friends. He came and examined me, and said that my shoulder had been dislocated, and tied my arm up. While my sufferings were intense yet we would not have any medicine left for me; although the doctor gave orders to leave the arm tied up so as not to allow it to get1 out of place again, shortly after he left the bands were taken off. and the case trusted in the hands of the Lord. The suffering that night and the next day was intense. My should-er, stomach and body became much swollen, and in the afternoon large crowds of people gathered around to see me die. The brethren gathered around me in prayer, and the Lord saved my soul; but it seemed that I had been so untrue to God that I feared that he would not trust me again with the healing of my body. But some of the dear ones felt that it was the will of God that I should be healed there for his glory. So I felt impressed to send for Bro. Warner and Bro. Byrum to come and lay hands on me and pray for my heal-ing. People were already making threats that if I died the saints would have to pay for it, but the dear ones knelt in earnest prayer before God, and anointed me with oil ac-cording to James 5: 14, and prayed the prayer of faith, and in a few min-utes I felt the witness in my soul that God would raise me up, and also felt his healing power throughout my body. While the people on the out-side were standing looking in God enabled me to raise my hands heav-enward, and within five minutes was enabled to arise from my bed with-out help from anyone, and walked about the room praising God, then stepped out upon the porch and testi-fied to my healing to a large crowd of people, who had only a few min-utes before been watching for me to die. The Lord had taken all the soreness and the pain away from me, and the swelling rapidly departed. I was made well and enabled to go about with the peace of God in my soul. To him be all the praise and the glory. I had free use of my arms from that time forth. This wonderful work which the Lord wrought through me was the means of saving a number of souls. One sinner who thought there was plenty of time yet to get saved immediately after I was hurt saw the uncertainty of life, rushed to the altar and gave himself to God. My healing con-vinced infidels and hard- hearted sin-ners of the power of God both to save and heal. May I have your prayers, that from this time forth my life may be for God, and that never again may his name be re-proached through my life. Your brother in Christ, OLIVER AYERS. TESTIMONIES. " Thy Testimonies are Wonderful.-- Psa• 119: 129. CHATSWORTH, CAL. DEAR SAINTS: I feel led to write my first testimony to the Trumpet. I can truly say that I thank God for this blessed light that I am in. How he has opened my eyes in the last foui- months! When I look around me and see so many precious souls running into destruction it makes my heart sink within me. 0 that God would open the eyes of his dear people! We cannot pray too much. I ask all of God's people to pray for me, that I may ever be found - worthy of the Lord. Pray that my husband will see the right way and accept it. Your sister in Christ, MRS. W. H. MARTIN. CRUTCHES THROWN AWAY. MY DEAR BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN CHRIST: I want to tell you what the Lord has done for me. I have been a long sufferer with seven dif-ferent diseases, from which I have been most wonderfully delivered. I have been a cripple for almost four years, walking on two crutches. I heard of Bro. Byers' faith meet-ing and I thought I would try to go, although I had not been able to go to church for almost two years. So in my suffering condition by the as-sistance of two sisters in Christ and the grace of God I had in my soul, I went on my two crutches and was wonderfully blessed. And so the next afternoon I went praying to God for faith, and bless his holy name, he never denies his children. Whatsoever ye ask in my name ye shall receive. Bless and magnify his holy name, he gave it to me, and in his name I walk. I left my crutches and have not touched them since, and by the help of God I never in-tend to touch them. May God help all suffering humanity to reach out with that faith that will touch the hem of his garment, and be made every whit whole, is my earnest pray-er to God. Your sister in Christ, JOSIE DUDLEY. AURORA, Mo. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: I will by the blessings of God write my tes-timony. Wife and I are still holding on to the promises of our blessed Lord and trusting him for all things. We are still saved from all sin, and praising him for his healing power. He healed our little boy of fever last week, for which we give him all the glory. He was taken with fever on Saturday night, which lasted till Monday. On Sunday wife and I pray-ed to our Father in heaven and He heard and answered our prayers. Bless his holy name! I promised the Lord that if he would heal our dear little boy we would publish it, and thank the Lord, he is well now and we are praising the Lord the best we know how. Please pray for me and mine that we may keep very humble and in the order of the Lord. We do not get to go to meeting any as there are none but sects here. But we are praying for a way to open up that we can get among the saints where we can have soul food. Pray for my dear little children that they may be healed of a humor in the blood. From your brother and sister in the one body, S. M. AND M. A. BLACK. LA FAYETTE, IND. To THE SAINTS OF THE LIVING GOD, GREETING: I feel it would be to the glory of God for me to write my tes-timony. I am saved and enjoying that sweet peace the world cannot receive because it knoweth not our Savior. I can testify to the healing power of God in answer to prayer a number of times, according to his promises. The first healing I asked of the Lord after the pardon of my sins was to remove the appetite for tobacco, which he did so effectually that I never had any taste for it af-terward. I had been afflicted with piles for a number of years, and had tried about all the remedies I knew of or could hear of, and could only get temporary relief. I left off the use of medicine and took the case to the divine physician and he healed me entirely. I had also been subject to attacks of the pleurisy, which the Lord also healed. In January last I slipped and fell on an icy pavement, spraining an ankle so badly I could not move my foot. I called on the Lord to heal it and he removed the pain instantly, and it gave me no further trouble. I have called on the Lord in a number of other cases and always found him ready, willing and able to fulfill his promises. Praise his name forever! Pray for me, that I may ever be found low at the feet of Jesus. Your brother in the one body, D. E. WEIDNER. AFTER THE BATTLE. Lol they are gone. That armored host. Whose feet. have daily pressed These grounds, have tied their several way. And all is hushed to rest. But hark! the leaves upon the trees In echoes lisp their song. And on the wings of every breeze, Salvation floats along. 0 sacred ground! 0 honored site! Behold! Jehovah's feet. Have stoodam ng us here, and light Eternal, pure o and sweet Has glittered from his Sword of Truth: And from his awful eyes Two fiery streams have issued forth, ' Revealing sill's disguise. : No battle- field, where armies stood, In rank, with musketry, And garments dyed in human blood, Achieved such victory: Or turned a scale of destiny Of such momentous weight.: Or ever reared a monument - Of liberty so great. Not with the cannon's chains of death, Nor din of battle wild: But by the burning full of tire, Salvation won the field. ' Twas not a crown of earthly state, Nor freedom's empty boast: But souls upon an awful brink, Called forth this mighty host. The thrones of earth must crumble down. All nations fade away. Dominions of antiquity Cannot abide for aye. But spirits captured here front sin, And martialed with the free, Shall live, and reign. and sing. anti shine, Through all eternity. But they are gene. Th. , se heralds strong, Who stand wit hin the sun: And all that army dressed in white, To ether tiolds ha ve run. And from this lusty battle Now naves of roll: Mid these, in turn. will “ t hvrs wake, ' l' spread ( rein pelt , to pole. Amen: amen'. let heaven shone And earth hed: Forth in son g - A thousand rant' ton thous: Hui * rove:. In every city Alone the rivers. e'er the ID: hells' mighty name. The present truth that sets es free, To al) aloud proclaim. D. S. \ V. THE UNITY OF THE SPIRIT. TRUMP T. And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a Trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. Matt. 24: 31. So will I seek out my sheep, and will deliver them out of all plates where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day. Eze. 34: 12. Jer, 32: 39. Sample Copies Free. GOSPEL TRITIO. PE1.7: --- long as the Lord wills. May the Lord send whomsoever he will. All those de-siring to come notify rue or Bro. A. Crandall, Bedford, Calhoun Co, Mich. D. SWANSON. tnhi tg G od bajewsas: lo ng as the L o rd wills. w, p, roarvkienras bsc1l° ocNlt:' clizlil'te; iug's' 1' 11;: t1IIISIN: t et-; 1 111g of any kind on or near the ings on the community, and that lila" rounds. Meala will be furnished to ). ube- ar: a's. eittiLnerIsf: are Ye: mule Sic all tvlio are able to pay avtt, 14( clilionlgds and Co. Iiro's would do well to bring yo and coliiC o'; I: isni will be taken care of. These who can, Bro. G. B. Collins and lo. G. E, ats in and t+ t Your bed_ poor free. If you are poor, THE GOSPEL TRUMPET, LE OF MONEY LEWES NOT MIME BERM ! as possible; and those who have a place to hold meeting without the tabernacle, _ A wt.: El: MY HOLINESS JOURNAL. Emma Trow, J. A. Molts, Samuel Ford, please make a statement to that effect. Martha Trusty. Either address me at flayesville, or Bro. H. W. Hechler, Hedrick, Iowa. Your brother separated unto the gospel of D. S. WARNER- Editor, E. E. BYRUM- peace.' W. A. HAYNES. Office Editor. E. E. BYRUM & S. MICHELS - Publishers. CHESHIRE, Mich. Grove meeting, illy 18 to last over Sabbath. To be held in Bro. Charley Shermerhorn's grrove three' fourths of a mile east of Lindley school house. Bro. Palmer is expected and who-ever the Lord leads. Bequests For Prayer. PRAY for J. W. Myers, Winterset, Ia., that he may be healed. MEETINGS, Subscription $ 1.00 al year in advance. FREE TO THE POOR. PRAY that I may be healed of catarrh. NELLIE GRAHAM. BERLIN, ONT., Tab. meeting July 10- 21. DEFINITE, RADICAL, and ANTI- SECTARIAN, sent fcoartitohn i no ft hfeu lnl aSmalve aotifo tnh, e a Lnod rDd iJveisnues HCeharliisnt, g Mofr tthhee Bpuobdlyi.- the 17nity of all true Christians in" the faithonce delivered So the saints." ERIE CO, PA., camp meeting. Aug. 6- 25. CANADA C. M., Aug. 28 to Sept. 9. JORDAN, ONT., Grove meeting. Sept. 12- 22, Samuel Overholt's woods. ST. THOMAS, ONT., Tab. meeting. Sept. 26. J. A. DILLON , BIXLER AND Co. THERE will be a meeting six miles north- west of Kosciusko, Miss., beg inning uly All who can, conic in the name CAMP meeting Aug. 16- 26, at Vowell. Windstone Co., Miss. MEETING near Wamba, Miss., Aug. 27. MEETING at Renfroe, Miss. Aug. 30. We are in need of gospel workers who are out for the whole truth. R. H. OWENS. Freeny, Miss. PRAY that j may be healed of fits, enabled to do the will of God. JOHN H. ELLIS, Carmi, I HAVE chronic rheumatism. If there is help for me, please ask the Lord to heal me. J. A. HENDERSHALT, Gray Ridge, Mo. berry of Arkansas, Bro. HoSelton, of Homeland, Sister Johnson of West Plains and others are expected. B. P. CHASE; Thayer, Mo, terett at us Pelt Ofilse at Grand Juno: its, Vas Buret CO., se second. class matter. NOTICE. now to Send Money.- Remit by Post Office Money Order. RWehgeisrtee rtehdis Lceatntenro ot rb sem parlol caumreodu, n stesn idn bstya mExpps. ress Order, Mange of Address.- Subscribers wishing their address • hanged, must be sure to give their former, as well as their new address. Missing Papers. Itoccasionally happens that papers sent to our subscribers are lost or stolen in the mails. In ease ycoieun td ole nngotth r eocfe itvime yeo, uwrrsi twe huesn a d cuaer, d a, fatenrd w waeit iwngil la g sluafdfliy-send one in place of the missing number. Should there be a mistake at any time, write us at once and we will gladly rectify the same. commission of 20 per cent will be given on each new sash subscriber, to all who will labor for the GOSPEL Ttheattt raarieP ainr. tWhee f mieladk, aes t hwiesl lo afsfe trh seo c airsc utola htieolnp othf et hber eptahpreern. gffg- Parties desiring papers to canvass with, should notify us regularly of address. effirWhen you write, be sure to give your address: name, post- office, county, and state. WAIL business communications, moneys & c. must be ad-dwree swseildl ntoo tG bOe SrPesEpLo TnRsiUbMleP. ET, to insure credit; otherwise Address us at Grand Junction, Mich. RENvoeos, Neb. Camp meeting a. il1 held on Sister Lernin: iisn.' s fRaerlynn, ofi( tilusr R. R. R and Revild over the e. I. those coming ,0 „ , Neb., and niqify j i) sepit On that Hue Can notify sister J. 11, Ltiu. stiole thile. a& st P. R., R. from the East can stop at Thump-will be tak man. Those coming From the West stop at Mahaska, Kan, trains. For further in-amni, Thump. son, Neb. and notify Levi Lakey. en to and from formation write t PleasQ sonic 0 loseph I I um: send date of this meeting. T/ ONESTA, PA., Tab. meeting July 13- 21. EAST HICKORY, PA., Tab. meeting. July 24- 31- TIDIOUTE, PA., Tab. meeting. Aug. 2- II. GRAND VALLEY, PA., Tab. meeting. Aug. 13 - 22. A. J. KILPATRICK AND Co. EMLENTON, PA., Camp meeting. Aug_ 22 to Sept. I I. A. J. K. AND CO, H. M. RIGGLE AND CO., FINK AND FRY. Mv left shoulder has been stiff for three months, and is very painful. Pray that it may be healed. Your sister in Christ, M. CRANE. THERE will be a tabernacle meeting at Brushy Prairie, La Grange Co. hid., front Aug. 2- 12. Bro. A. B. Palmer is expected and others are invited whom the Lord may lead. Yours saved, EDWARD ELLIS. BEAVER DAM, hid. C. M. Beginning Aug. 14. Dilichels, Palmer and others. I AM afflicted, soul and body, and feel like I am bound by the fetters of Satan, and desire to be loosed. Pray for me. RHODA HOWARD, Ada, I. T. THE Lord has raised me up out of bed, but I am still weak in body. Pray that I may receive strength, and also know and do the will of God. Pray for my aunt, who is very sick and has lost her reason. MENNIE WADE. HOPKINS, Mich. Grove meeting. July 5- 12. HOWARD City, Mich. Grove or hall meeting. July 20- 24. BRO. AND SISTER BAUGH, ALLIE R FISHER AND Co. PITTSBURG, PA., Tab. meeting. July 16- 30. NEW BETHLEHEM, PA., Tab. meeting, Aug. 1- 21. SMITHFIELD, 0., Tab. meeting. Sept. 5- 29. H. M. RIGGLE, W. H. CHEATHAM AND CO. WE are now pre! Testaments hound backs, fair Sinn • Se, gregations, cents each, pOStO furnish cloth, ▪ ols and con- P5. tluz., or tell THE SHINING LIGHT. I desire the earnest prayers of all the saints, that I may receive an entire heal-ing of body. Also pray for my dear hus-band, that he may be saved. S. A. COMPTON. An interesting paper for children. Il-lustrated. It should be in every family where there are children. Only twenty-five cents a year. Address THE SHINING LIGHT, Grand Junction, Mich. ia. A p SONGS. \ VE can now furnish the following named sons for 5 ets per doz., or 35 cts. per liundrt d. - The Ve. ry Same Icstis, - " lie pardoned a Ri'bel like ". All Taken Away,“ " Satisfied with Testis. - - No Rtispecter of Per-sons, - ' 1),. feat the, Devil," " Our Needs Supplied," - Come, Sinner, Come,- " The Skeptic's Daughter,", DWIGHT, Mich., C. M. July 27 10 Aug. 4. Bniss, Mich., C. M. Aug. S. D. S. AND FRANKIE WARNER. ALLIE R. FISHER AND Co. DEAR SAINTS: I want all of God's holy ones to pray for my little girl, that she may be healed. She has weak eyes. We have had her doctored, but it seemed to do her no good. But I know God can heal her. Your sister in Christ, JOSLE YORK, Templeton, Cal. ASSEMBLY meeting at Danisville, Miss., July 7 to Aug. 4. MRS. G: A. THOMAS, Welch, Miss. TRACTS. All the following tracts except the tract- What is the Soul?" can be had in German. XustWe Sin? A conversation, giving Bible proofs that we most live free from sin. 48 pages. Per dozen, 15 ots. ST. Louis, Mich., Aug. 15- 24. If the Lord wills we can attend-. The Lord send others. D. S. " W. GRAND Rapids, Mich., beginning Aug. 20, and continuing as long as the Lord will. ACHOR, \ VARNER, Bro. AND SISTER Bauon. A TENT meeting, near Sears, in Osceola Co., South Orient Township, July 22d to continue as long as the Lord wills. Ad-dress Bro. J. Sturges. W. B. GROVER. WE are in trouble about our little boy who has the enlargement of the tonsils. I ask all the saints to pray in his behalf. If there is a minister that can come who is an instrument in God's hands, may God send him. We live six miles north of Mt. View. The people here are in dark-ness, and hungering for the gospel. I also ask an interest in your prayers in my behalf. I am very weakly with liver and kidney trouble. Your sister in Christ, E. G. EDWARDS, Mount View, Mo. CAMP meeting, Thayer, Oregon Co., The Church of God. A tract containing 32 pages, prov- Mo., July 24- Aug. 4. B. F. CHASE. FROM THU M. E. ClATEMISX ing what is the Church and what is not the Church of God. Pelee S cents. 1 I hi W Et- hope Chill- eh t? r. t.: 1. T12.1,:; t " 4 WEST Liberty, Ohio., Aug. 2o- 40. WICKERSH. AM AND CLAYTON. Questions and Answers on the Church. A tract con-echaunrcgh, afnodu srh loetwteinrgs twhiet hd imffearneyn cqeu beesttwioenesn cthoen ctreuren cinhgu rt hoeh id sectism. Price, 10 cents per dozen. AUBURN, NEB. camp meeting, Aug. I- I2. M. H. LONG. As a separate den organized in 1784. Xr of In our Chu ocritSM, - MiThe / In the discipline, which contains the " Twen ty- tiv :, trticIes of religion," - the general rub etc. Yes, it wero all in vain to look into the Bible for its origin, history, doe' trines or rules. (; ml and the Bible make no recognition of any such a society. That which is of God will be found in God's hook, and that which is of men, in men's book. - That which is of God shall endure forever, but that which is of men and devils will come to nought. nation it was HOPE Center, Barry Co., Mich. Grove meeting. Beginning _ July 16. Cloverdale station, C. K. & S. R. R., and Richland station on the C. J. & M. R. R. TEKONSHA, Mich., grove meeting. Aug. 7- 14. On M. C. R. R. Address John Blodget. On M. C. main line, conic to Marshall. Address Frank Heath, Tc, kon-sha. Could not Bro. Sheldon be at these meetings? The Great Tobacco Sin. This is a very thorough tract on the subject, by D. S. Warner treating it from a Bible standpoint. 112 pages. Price lo cts. per dozen. What the Soul ? By D. S. Warner. Or 100 scriptures proving that man possesses a spiritual and immortal ele-ment called the Soul, the Spirit, and the Inner Man, which goes to Gail at the death of the body. The same also prov-ed by the early Church History. Price single copy 10 cents. A GENERAL Western camp meeting at Woodburn, Marion Co., Ore., Aug. 8- 23. J. L. GREEN. CAMP meeting at St. Louis, Gratiot Co., Mich., to begin Aug. 15, and last ten days. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: My wife has been afflicted for seven years. The last two years and seven and one- half months of that time she has been confined to her bed, and not able to turn herself in bed, stand or walk, and is now given up by the doctors to die. And as I feel that man's extremity is God's opportunity, we write to you our willingness to let God have his way. And we set the 14th day of July, from 9 to io o'clock as the hour of prayer for her healing, if consistent with God's will. Let the healing be for soul and body. The trouble is an ovarian tumor in the left side. Swollen very large, and she at times smothers very badly. Now I ask the saints of God to Join with me in prayer at the appointed time, for the re-covery of my sick wife, and may God bless you all. Amen. JAMES L. CLARK, Logan, Ohio. ' nes •••••••• W* Me. W. Mea 4' 4 kNe- Seet- isnx." A tract beating the above title,* written by A. Sims, has been reviewed by D. S. Warner, showing IitnhSge p dGaigfoefsed. r. e 1In5tc eMex bsp. e optwseeres e dtnoh zseee fcnatilssme tahnedo rtihees Csehtu frochrt ho fb tyh eS iLmivs- trTathede, Staekcerne. tf rVoimc e". T Tulhei sB ios ya ssi xCtOeeMnP pAaNgIOe Ntr, a" catn- dIl cluosn-- tains some plain talk to boys, giving them a timely warn-ing against the evils of self abuse. 5 cts. per doz. CAMP meeting at Zion, Anderson. Co., S. C., Aug. 1- 15. GROVE or camp meeting, Aug. 11- 20, in Bliss Township, Emmet Co., Mich. ALLIE R. FISHER. RIDGE't ILLE, Ind. Tab. meeting, Aug. I- I 2. WICKERSHAM AND PHILIPS. Visible Church Organization, Is it Right ? This is Mettle of a tract reviewed by Thos. Carter, giving some points of sectarian discipline. compared by the word of tGruaed , c halusorc shh. o4w8 ipnagg tehse. 1d5if fcetrse. npceer bdeotzw. een a sect and the OTWELL, Pike Co., Ind. Grove meet-ing. Aug. 1. WINSLOW, Ind. CAMP meeting, Frisco, Ark., beginning Sept. 12. Grove meeting. Aug. 15. G. P. KEELING. Babylon, and What it includes. • By W. A. Haynes. 79 pages. 20cts. per doz. This tract very clearly sets forth the true meaning of Babylon, both literal and spiritual. Showing by the Word. of Gov . just. what classes of people iptr ionpchluecdye. s, throwing light on many important points of THE Norwood, Mo., camp meeting is desired to begin about Aug. I. W. M. WILSON. PORTLAND, Ind. Grove meeting, hilv hTohSliaisnn eccsotsin faitcnaadint iaso cnml. o uBsceyhr I ci. on Wmfo. mr Bmeyhaeitoriosn. n w4 f0iot hpr aGtghoeosds. e 1I s0t e gcei. kv peinse grG adofodtez'sr. 9- 14. Sister Clayton and others. part, and man's part concerning consecration, and how to get sanctified,- how we may lenow that we are sanctified,- bow to keep sanctified.-- and many objections answered. THERE Will be a camp meeting near Standard, Okla. ( Logan Co.), located ten miles west of Mulhall on the R. I. R. R., S. F. R. R., eighteen miles east of Hen-nessey. Expecting Bro. G. L. Cole and Co. in charge, the Lord willing, and all other workers desired that the Lord may lead. Everybody invited to attend. Leave the time for the workers to determine. Yours in the one body, S. POST, Standard, Okla. ANYONE desiring meetings between Springfield and Cairo, Ill. will please ad-dress J. L. Pike or W. A. Davison, Grand Junction, Mich. THAT V: e may mo fey spread the ile_ WS Of the Oregon caw') meet-ing we wish to state, that if any of the Trumpet readers have relatives or friends in Oregon or southern Washington to send us their address, and we will send them some bills of the camp meeting. J. L. GRGEItEENi. N AND CP. BOOKS. Calls For Meeting. MONTAGUE, Mich. July 4 to continue as long as the Lord wills. Bro. Wooden and Bro. and Sister Michels are expected. All the saints near are invited. G. R. ACHOR. Wier. some of God's ministers come here and hold a meeting? This is a new field and I know that much good can be done. J. A. EVANS, Milburn, Tex. A meeting is desired here at Maynard, Randolph Co., Ark. beginning about Aug. 7, to last about three weeks. A large house can be had. Cannot Bro. Collins, Farquar, and Stanberry come? if so let me know. EDWARD E. MITCHENER. rKyA SfrOoNmIO a S BAiLbVleA TstIaOnNd. pItolein! ft:. aTtYhien weliariiteTecritl ihgtaivAtintegee bIfieleeunor nna! Master Mason, boldly brings the hidden and mysterious tchoivnegr s1 b5 eeftoa. r eC ltohteh p3u5b eltiac. in a clear light. Price, paper SICKELS, MICH. There will be a grove meetingethe Lord willing, one- half mile east and one- half mile south of Breckenridge, on Mr. John Sabin's farm, July 13 to continue as long as the Lord wills. All wishing to do good and to get good are invited to at-tend. Come prepared to stay on the grounds over Lord's day. Wm. E. WARREN. EINE HALING OF SOUL AR BODY. 137tEe aEc h3es t Part toefa cshalivnagt ioonn , t haen dh ehaoliwng t oof g tehte s baovdedy. PPaarrtt nEuC gciovnessi sBtsi bolfe tlaesstti mdaoynsie. sT fhroism b tohooske cwahno a hlsaov eb bee ehna hde ainle dG ienr mthaesne. 2148 pages. Paper cover, 25 eta. THERE will be a tabernacle meeting at Buffalo, Muscatine Co., Ia., directly after the Iowa camp meeting. S. L. SPECK, B. E. WARREN AND CO. FRISCO CHILDREN' S HOME, ARK. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: We greet yoe with rejoicing, and are glad to tell of Continued victory in the vineyard of the Lord. Bro. M. A. Fly visited us on Saturday last and brought with him three children to leave with the home and school. Meetings were held each night of his stay and the - Lord was graciously and powerfullY pfarsetsienngLand" ITneicflelillepsradZ'er9 A cl'h. ii ldafrteelPr of God met at the meetirg house to begin the school work And to thank God for the completion of the rock wonderful provision the Home, and the isioneoxifx: ruitelinccieen. ber to the build general it. Precious anoint wasingThe school begins with thirty pupils. 1711. e Lord has gi ven us two cows, set of harness and a wagon for the Plome,, farm of too acres, and we are asking for hors-. s, furniture, books, material ofofrc?::: nalii ltdont} teusfull salva‘ tio0 Bro L'ock and family of Rice. Lake, Wis., arrIv-ed. this weck to buy a farm and locate - near the school, and Bro. Rickul0 and family of Pineville, followed the Spirit, and is - e'" crea MUSTS OF 11.01ÁNI SM; S. s1.: r 13Tly rr Y. OCBol lMinsA. R15- eta. SIA4 per doz. A Compilation showing the evils of Priestcraft as it has come clown to us from Pagan Rome, RBcooisnmhtoaainpn siCn, gaatn htdho elp icfrui ecllsa tntseo: x ntth so. e f _ atwhefu ol aothatsh t aokfe tnh eb yJ eCsuaritdsi naanlds, 14) THERE will be a tabernacle meeting near Wilton Junction, Cedar Co, Ia., at the close of the Buffalo, Iowa, tabernacle meet-ing. S. L. SPECK, B. E. WARREN AND CO. WE would like to have some of God's flying messengers to come here and teach, as the few that are here are too poor to go off to camp meeting. If any feel led to come I think we can get a tabernacle. If not, we will make some arrangements. Address me at Indian Springs, Mo. HUGH CAUDLE. IF possible, will some true minister of God come and hold meeting here soon. I have a grove, a meeting house, and an empty private house can be had. I live three miles [ south of Geneva station. Address THOMAS P. ABBOTT, Geneva, Crawford Co., Pa. 10LINESS BIBLE SUBJECTS. ! ydiT0',. wsank'Pll,,,,: vgreye° 12. sootuatannubbe dlel eeheas nucb, hntoB. do isIbrkute l boeda jlf hess 4ouce0tb l, pc0 joem spc, n aatetsglta, iec iignsn. igCasv n ilionodt vg tvah eaerr, r r namy5nu 0cagm orepbbmnalevegerdeen ons te fioode Bfnfg iSetcb siofcl, eo sn5 rrqci1 puot. ht0orue0dtra . eaBtsnivoicbonelnse, THE Lord willing there will be a C. M. On Sarcoxie prairie, Newton Co., Mo. be-ginning Aug. 15, continuing as long as the Lord may direct. Said place is locat-ed nine miles south- west of Sarcoxie, eight mires south- east of Granby. All gospel workers who may be led this way are cordially invited, and will be cared tor. For any further information inquire of Joseph Davidson, Sarcoxie, Mo. or S. S. and C. A. Sunderland, Granby, Mo. THE Vichy, Mo., camp meeting will be Aug. 15- 25, JAMES THORNTON. Vichy, Mo. A GROVE meeting is to be held in No-ble's grove, about 3% miles north of Te-koa, Whitman Co., Wash., July - 12- 22. Tekoa is on the 0. R. & N. R. R. For further particulars address Bro. ' Wm. Franklin, Box 93, Tekoa, Wash. IIBLICAL TRACE OF THE NBC& U'eaggViinTRgiplf-ecy from her birth to the end of time. Containing a brief ' Pachhuaisuptthreocorrh yrc aooanvifmd em rss, eo 3tcro5tei sctsmhthsa, o. ngCw i4vl o0itnht0hg eP , hd7rio5siftt ofeeestrairtcae. annAlt ca ddende drbne seosctsmrw itpihenteeau ntrAia otlun hptsher. o otTorrh ufaseet, Anlo, Ohio, or this office. THE SABBATIE; hearlyggPaDgAeYs. Ti?' aRpeigrEcPo'vBeYr T. O° c'ts77.10.1. Ord TSpoeefh vret eh dnfeoitr hzws. t- h dCdoaalyloye tS phsaur, b ob3bv0jaee tccdhtt . sbiot. ysfI topt hbirsoej e aplc ahtvw eeacr, n yyad. n t sthdehr raoimtdusoi gnowhub ssli, in aghvtai etstishtooteinrg cysar , t aoitnoshsdne. the New Testament to be the Lord's Day and Sabbath of the Christian Dispensation. GRAMPION, Clearfield Co., Pa., grove meeting, July 4- 1 4. G. T. CLAYTON. ROAR K, M O. THERE will be a grove meeting at this place, beginning Thursday, Aug. 15, and it is desired that the brethren that go to Frisco, Ark. meeting, come beforehand and stop off for this meeting. This is a new place, and much opposition. There are but few saints here, and poor in this world's goods, but we will do what we can to bear the expences Of the workers. We earnestly request some of you as led of the Lord, to come and help us in this meeting. Those coming will get off at Butterfield, Mo., on the Frisco line. Write to me at Roark, Mo. JAMES A. MONTGOMERY. TEE Thayer, Mo. camp meeting will be held on Bro. B. F. Chase's farm, two miles north- east - of Thayer, at . Clifton, begin- CALLS FOR MEETINGS, WORKERS, ETC. DEAR SAINTS: The Lord willing I will soon go through southern Indiana, and over in Kentucky. Anyone desiring meetings address me at Portland, Ind. From your saved brother, B. N. LONGERHONE. I feel led of the Lord to labor in Mis-souri. Desire some more experienced worker with whom to work, as I am young. R. L. FARoDAR, Grand Junction, Mich. HAY ESV I LLE, IA. To all those who desire meetings near here, be sure and write me as soon as con-venient, so as many meetings may be held WAKELEE, Cass Co., Mich. grove meet-' wcbThaaIdarEpn htiBnearbgos i rittnsso a ttinCmh eOce ib. NatonhDydesi O. rtc oeoNofnf . oceecftrtesn. ni nE pgva terEhreyevn . tbSoseo2 fcmyar ienla ttet oVew digictsieev ia enad nitstvhedire. ca eoens tneahLeneadgrd- t ing. Beginning Aug. 9. S. MICHELS. raupeobdpeal oreadin dep vtntiohiccc teeeau syrup oenfusurt rniowle gm th lomiic ofthi ehnl a. adot resIse t. ea Taa nwilhdmsoe hte uobdcr oo eaton ortkthe al eeiiinsman vsim elftl rueaaoss tmvtteirims vat ihtoodeenf d i mdit ewhospw eirat ennhsswtdssau iatoeriextnd- s-tp• r riseoadn. PBroicyes, opfa epveerr yc oavgee rs h1o5u cldt sh. a vCel ootnhe boifn tdhiensge 2b5o oetkas. RedOitEioSn FoRf OthMis OneLwO RsoY• n gsEe byc ooBon. kdE ., h aWansa djru etssht owbrie oDeun. gB ihs. s Wcuoeardrrn. e eCcr. to- e eAd taming 232 beautiful spiritual songs. of which the largest portion are new and fresh inspirations from heaven, both Words and music. Many beautiful and touching invita-tion and exhortation hymns for revival meetings. It sings nearly all the doctrine of the Bible; especially the glorious themes of present truth. With primary in- ip• pntrarsesottprcauabtcliootdoaa rFr cifnlo, mrp rbuiecsgeici nr. enSdeiumrscp eindle tvaoon c0da l c imollsnu. cs Piiscee. r- NA d eepazrtealycu tb iKcoauOln sd. e alifnl- l THERE will be a grove meeting north-east of St. Louis, Mich., on the bank of Pine river, near Goodyear school house, along the river road about six miles, com-mencing _ June 22, and lasting over Lord's day. Come prepared for all day Sunday. All who can, come and help in this place. Your brother saved and in the one body, DAVID MITCHELL, St. Louis, Mich. WE desire a grove meeting here com-mencing Thursday, Aug I, and lasting as THE GOSPEL TRUMPET. on the carpenter work of the home. The mountain workers take charge of seven appointments each month, going off in two bands to places from five to ten miles distant, sowing seed and reaping grain for God. Many from far and near have promised to attend thSeep tember camp meeting, and we look in faith to God for an apostolic and pentecostal gathering starting a wave of deep interest in Bible holiness all through these south-western states. Brethren, pray for us, and if the Lord leads, come or send over to Macedonia. Yours in meekness and the Spirit's might, GEO. W. RICHMOND. NEWS FROM THE FIELD EWING, PA., June 25, 1895, DEAR SAINTS: The meeting at Daw-son, Pa., was a glorious victory for the truth. Six consecrations and two conversions and a little boy heal-ed instantl y of a broken bone. May God ever keep the little church at Dawson in the unity of Spirit. Our next meeting was held at a place called Bagdad. We are now at Bock-etvllle and some are receiving the truth. C. W. KOONCE. DENMARK, EUROPE, June 6, 1895. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD, GREETING: I am still sanctified and kept, though the powers of hell are turned loose against me. I have victory in my soul, through faith in Christ Jesus. Praise his name! He is all and in all to me. He has taught me many pre-cious lessons since 1 came over here to Denmark. I have never seen such darkness in any of the sects in Ame-rica as there is here in Denmark. There are a few that take the truth but they are afraid to move out on the promises of God and get salva-tion. I have not held any meetings yet, as I- can get no meeting house, but praise God I have not been out of work. I have been writing ever since I came to Denmark, and God has showed me the deep things in his word. I have translated a nd composed eighty songs. The people are talking about having me arrested. it will be very likely for them to do it, when I get my tracts in circulation, for the, devil always gets mad when he gets exposed. Praise the Lord, Jesus died for me and I am willing to die for him. I would be glad to have some of the saints write to me especially those that I am acquainted with. It would comfort me much in the work of the Lord. I ask all who know God to Pray for me and the work here in Denmark. Your brother in the one body, THOMAS NELSON, Seierslev, Nykjobing Mors, Den. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. June 1 7, 1895. DEAR SAINTS OF THE MOST HIGH: This evening finds me saved and sanc-tified by power divine. Hallelujah! For the last few weeks I have been Preaching the blessed word and the people seem to sit listening to the word with the same eagerness as a starving man would watch a loaf of bread which was being broken in or-der to be distributed to the hungry ones. Oh! how fully I realize the fulfillment of the prophecy, " Behold the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the word of the Lord. And it comes to me, what is Your calling? what is your work? And the spirit of God brings back and back again to me the answer " Preach tile Word." How my heart yearns for the sinners and especially for those who are deceiving and being de-o ceived, being deluded by the devil. ci is opening the way more and , , re for me to give ail my time to ms holy work. Pray with me dear saints that the Lord might raise up s‘' tcIlrei lse ionngein ign atnhdis inci ttyh et om aesestiinstg sm gee nin- , etr, ailY. Also pray " that my b el oved aItre may be converted to God. And may be beloved, pray for me that I th be comforted and upheld in all ings to the honor and glory of Him "' b ur and finisher of our ' he Lord may in his own good way supply means for the renting of a hail for every night meet-ings and thus open up a way of larger usefulness. Your brother in Christ, LUDOLF SHROEDER, 299 Hyde St. CLAY CITY, Ky., June 26, 1895, DEARLY BELOVED SAINTS: Since we last wrote we have held a few meet-ings in Tennessee, with very good success. The Lord was with us in much power. We had a very prec-ious ordinance meeting, during which the saints were , made very happy in obeying the precious commands of Jesus. Praise his holy name! A few were baptized. We came to Kentucky about one month ago, and have held meetings in three different places. First, at Locklane's school house, near Winchester, with very good interest. From there we went to the Spruce school house, where we stayed about ten days. A few souls were saved. Praise the Lord! Three were baptized. We had an ordinance meeting, in which about fifty happy saints took part. We then went to the Salem meeting house; held meet-ing ten days with very good interest, and large congregations. One man professed sanctification. We pray and believe that others will get saved. Dear Bro. E. R. Baber was with me in the meetings above mentioned, whom the Lord used in preaching the Word. I came to this place one week ago. Am holding meetings in Watersville school house, with large congregations. House will not hold them. Interest is good; a few are being saved. To God be all the glory! Will continue here as long as the Lord wills, then go to other places near here. There are several calls for meeting in this part, and as wife expects to teach the school in the neighborhood of the saints at Spruce, I will likely be in Kentucky for the next five or six months. Our address will be Grooms, Montgomery Co., My. Please remember us in ' our prayers. Yours in Jesus, con-tending for the faith, THOS. CARTER AND CO, GENEVA, KAN. We desire to glorify the name of our dear Savior by reporting the work in this part. God is working gloriously in our souls and to him be all the praise. Amen! We began tent meeting in Chanute, Kan., May 17, continued one month. A few honest souls in the city were willing to walk in the truth, and others were favorably impressed. God owned and blest his work by sending hungry souls in from a distance who received the word gladly and found the Lord very precious. Nine in all were bap-tized in the Neosho river with the approval of God on their obedience. Some of the workers were specially led of God to visit and pray and dis-tribute tracts from house to house, and much good was accomplished in that way. The dear saints came in on Sundays from Galesburg, Thay-er, Earleton, Humboldt, and enjoyed the feast with us. Also the healing power was manifested to several who had need of healing. Had a very profitable ordinance meeting at Sis-ter Heller's house, Wednesday even-ing June IS. We came on to Geneva, put up the tent and began services 22d. Conviction is still on some hon-est souls here from the labors of Bro. Bryant and Co., last April. Farmers are quite busy at present, and those who come mostly come quite late, but God is working. Bro's Hunter and Krutz are assisting in the meet-ing. Pray for us and the work of God. Yours under the blood, GEO. L. AND MARY COLE AND CO. ARKANSAS CITY, KAN., June 26, 1895. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: My soul doth magnify the name of the Lord, who has redeemed me from all sin. I took my children to the Children's Home at Frisco, Arkansas. I got there the Sth. of June, held meetings dear Lord did faith in God. Dear Bro. Richmond who has consecrated his all to God, is there teaching the school. May God bless him and all the dear saints at that place. I came to Butterfield, Mo. the evening of the i2th. Preach-ed at the school house that night. The people are anxious to have some one come there and hold meetings. The way is open in a number of places in that part of the country. Any one passing through that part will find a welcome home at D. H. Lam-berson's or John Howard's, Rocky Comfort, Mo. Then I came to Car-thage the 15th, stayed with the saints over Sunday. The Lord gave us a real feast. Three at the altar on Sunday. So I got back to this place where we have been holding meet-ings for some time. I was glad to meet the saints here, Bro. and Sis-ter Newkirk are in company with me. Meeting is still going on here with good interest. Nine followed the dear Lord in baptism last Sunday. In the evening we assembled togeth-er and observed the ordinances, and twenty- three took part. One saved last night. Truly it is precious to know that Jesus never leaves nor forsakes his little ones, but is with us always, even unto the end. Hallelu-jah! Your brother in the one body, M. A. FLY AND Co. MOLE HILL, W. VA., June 27, 1895. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: We are praising God to- day for victory in our souls. We came to the Floating Beth-el at Wellsville, 0., on April 27, and after staving there about a week, we began meeting at Fairveiw, about seven miles from the boat. We found much opposition to the truth at that place but a few were willing to accept it, having never before heard the saints preach. We had the use of a large hall which would seat about moo people and it will likely be open for meeting at any time. May the Lord bless those who so kindly cared for us while there. We then return-ed to the Bethel and found Bro. and Sister Tubbs, Bro. Kaufman and Sis-ter Vanhorn in charge. After labor-ing on the boat, which was at Moscow for a few meetings, we left the breth-ren in charge, and took a steamer for Matamoras, 0., and thence by land to Mole Hill, about twenty miles out. We found the people there very much in darkness on account of the false teaching of one Lindsey, who was there some time ago; but a few were standing out straight for the Lord. After a two weeks meeting we went to Stanley, about four miles distant, and began meeting in a school house in the name of the Lord, When we began to lay down the Word the disciple preachers rose up as one man and tried to refute it, but they, being exposed by the Word, shut us out of the house; but we moved to Bro. Garner's, near by and finished the meeting, which was glori-ous, three souls being saved and sev-eral cases of healing. Bro. Ruffner expects soon to begin meetings at Bairsville about eight miles distant. I expect to labor in these parts a while and then go south to take charge of the saints school at Ander-son, S. C. Baptism services were held to- day. Calls for meeting are coming in from all sides and we ex-pect a grand work to be done here. Pray for us and the work at this place. Yours saved to the uttermost, ALEX. T. ROWE, AND S. J. RUFFNER AND CO. BIRKENHEAD, ENG., June 18, 1895. DEAR BRETHREN: NO doubt many of you have wondered where we are and what we are doing, as it has been quite a while since we have reported our whereabouts. So I feel it would be to the glory of God to tell you how the dear Lord is blessing our labor over here in old England. Truly our God is with us in mighty power in giving us grace to do his holy will. You will remember of me stating through the GOSPEL TRUMPET how the dear Lord had been talking to me in regard to building a Gospel Van on wheels, that could be moved from town to town and thereby reach the multitudes of people who will not go to meeting elsewhere. We prayed much over the matter, so after finding out the will of the Lord we went forth in the name of Jesus. And then we asked God to prove our impres-sions by sending means to go on with the same. At about this time a young sister who works very hard for her money came and gave my wife ten shillings ( or $ aari) and said it was for to help build the Gospel Van. On this amount we at once proceeded to make arrangements to let the con-tract, which was let on the first day of May; and I am thankful to Jesus to tell you dear brethren, that the Van is completed. War has been declared and begun, and the Van has the ap-proval of God. We have meetings every night with good success. Hun-dreds of people come to the meetings. Many are accepting the truth; others are fighting it and doing all they can to hinder the work. I am sorry to say some of those are such as once enjoyed the love of God, but when they were requ ested to live up to the whole truth their hearts rebelled and again dragged them into the gutter of profession and lust. Now I wish to thank the dear saints of England for their kind and liberal offerings in behalf of the Gospel Van. Some have reported here that we have been supplied with the means from America. I would just say here that I did not receive one penny from America to build the Van; and I say to the saints of England as Paul said to the Corinthian Brethren, " For I know the forwardness of your mind, for which I boast of you to them of Macedonia ( America) and your zeal hath provoked very many. 2 Cor. 9: 2. Now we are in need of many tracts which we pray God to supply, as we have a good opportunity to give out, as hundreds of people come to our meetings and are so eager for tracts. So here is a chance for some one to do some preaching with their money. We are all very well and much, en-couraged to continue the battle. Praise our God forever! We do feel the prayers of the saints of God in our behalf and ask you still to pray' for us over here that we may keep humble and little before our God and do his holy will in all things, and that we may have many souls for our hire. Our address will still be No. 2 Jolliffe St , or No. 38 Northbrook St., Liverpool, Eng. Yours in the faith, I. H. RUPERT. TESTIMONIES. " Thy Testinionies are Wonderful." Psa. 119: 129 WATERLOO, ORE. TO THE DEAR CHILDREN OF GOD, GREETING: I think it to the glory of God for me to write my testimony. I once belonged to the Campbellite sect and being discouraged there I join-ed the Dunkards, and finding nothing better, went back to the Campbell-ites and tried to serve the Lord; sin-ning each day, having been taught that we could not live without sin. Oh what gross darkness such a life as I lived for nearly eighteen years! I became so tired of this life, I began to cry to God to send me help. I looked for another church to join, be-ing awful blind concerning God's word. In August 1894, God sent Bro. J. L. Green to our place. He preach-ed the true word of God to us. It was so different to what the sects preached. Then God showed me that I must come out of sectism and be born of the Spirit, and God placed me in the body as it pleased him. Praise the Lord! Then, for the first time in my life, I was so happy; my neighbors called me crazy. The Lord Jesus has become my physician in all things. He healed my little baby three times of fever, then of the croup; then came harder trials than ever; a cutaneous disease appear-ed in the neighborhood, and when we got it I said the Lord was able to heal it, if we would trust it to him. But my husband insisted on trying medicine. The medicine only made us worse, and it seemed like God had turned from me. I could no more read the Trumpet, its pages on-ly cried shame, shame on me. Then the blessed Lord showed me if I would throw out the medicine and trust him again he would heal us. So he healed us, and we gave him all the glory, and thank God, he taught me a lesson that I never will forget. Oh my soul says, Praise his holy name forevermore! We are alone here with God, but glory to God, he is with us all the time. We are holding prayer meetings here, and God leads the meetings for us and gives us strength, and we have such good meetings. I ask the prayers of the saints that we may always be kept by his power. And pray for my unsaved children, that they may be saved and kept by his power. Your saved and sanctified sister in Christ, EVANGELINE KING. ABRONIA, MICH. DEAR SAINTS OF THE LIVING GOD: I am praising God for a Bible salva-tion that keeps us from sin in this present world. 0 how precious the Savior is to me! And as long as I do his will, he will keep me from all the snares of the devil. I love to read God's holy word and to meet with his dear children whenever I can, and to read their testimonies in the Trumpet which is a feast to my soul. It seems to me that we do not appre-ciate the blessings we enjoy that live where we can meet with the dear saints and join in prayer and praise to the giver of every blessing, while so many dear hungry souls are starv-ing for the bread of life, and would be willing to pick up the crumbs from the Master's table. Oh dear ones, you that are saved, let your light shine by setting a godly example to the world. The Lord wants valiant soldiers that will stand up for the cause of Christ wherever you are. But be ye doers of the Word and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. Jas. 1 : 2 2. If any man among you seem to be religious and bridleth not his tongue but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain. Verse 26. I find it pays to bridle the tongue, and if we do not watch and pray much we shall fall into temptation. God's grace is sufficient if our trust is in him. Pray for me. Your saved brother under the blood, WILLIAM STOWELL. OBITUARIES. RAFFERTY.— Little Katie, daughter of Maggie and Michael Rafferty, was born May 19, 1893; died June 5, 1895. Aged two years and eighteen days. Funeral services by R. A. PEARSON. RICHARD.— Bro. Daniel Richard departed this life May 20, 1895. Aged seventy- four years and four days. He gave his heart to God six weeks, ago, and continued in the Savior's love till the end. He leaves a wife, one son, two daughters, two sons- in- law and ten grand- children to mourn their loss. Fun-eral services by M. . C. GrARDNER AND J. J. PREEHAFER. HILL.— Olive Opal Hill, only daughter of Mattie E. and E. L. Hill, died at her home, near Mole Hill, W. Va., June 5, 1895. Aged one year, six months and eight days. The child had been sick almost ten weeks when death came to her relief. Funeral services by the writer. Text, Mat. 24: 44. A. T. ROWE AND S. J. RUFFNER. i till the 12th. wonderfully manifest himself the morning that the school opened. The brethren and sisters realized the great responsibility of moving out by HINSON.— Venie Elmer Hinson was born May 11,1891; died June 14, 1895. Aged one year, one month and three days. This prec-ious little oue was loved by all. May the Lord bless the parents. She was the daugh-ter of Bro. J. R. and Sister Callie Hinson. Funeral services by the writer. Text, 2 Sam. 12: 23. R. L. BERRY. THORNBURGH.— Departed this life May 27, 1895, dear little Claude Arios Thornburgh. He was playing with his little sister and other little children in front of the house, and had gone from them only a few minutes. He had gone to a small stream a few yards below the house, and went too near the edge and fell into the water and was drowned. He was the second son of Warren and Sue Thornburgh was born at Piedmont, Mo., Feb. 22, 1894. He is much missed, but our loss is his gain. May the Lord bless the be-reaved. LULU THORNBURGR• ORMVILLE, 0. LYTLE.— Bro. D. . T. Lytle departed this life June 1. 1895. Was born April 4, 1850; aged forty- five years, one month and twenty-eight days. Leaves a wife, six children, a mother and many friends to mourn their loss, which is his gain. Bro. Lytle was converted in early life, and some time after embraced holiness as a second work of grace, which fully set him free. Also accepted the evening light when first presented to him in its pur-ity, and walked in the light as the Lord gave it to him. He also was called into the min-istry and labored quite successfully, God blessing his labors everywhere. His disease was softening of the brain and partial paral-ysis, which disabled him to preach or hold conversation. May God bless the friends of the deceased, and those who are not saved be speedily brought to Christ. Services were held in the Dunkards' house of wor-ship. A large congregation of people were in attendance. Whi. N. SnuTEE. TESTIMONIES FORT MCPHERSON, DEAR SAINTS: It is with much joy and praises to God that I can testify to the salvation of my soul.- Jens gives me ex: i, e.' rience by which I know without a doubt that I am a child of God. Praise his dear name! The Lord has been proving me - in various ways. I have made a deeper covenant with God than ever before. How the devil did try to overtake met but j ,-. sus said his grace was sufficient to withstand ail the fiery darts Of the wicked one. When I rebuked the devil on one point he would try some other. and at last I said, Lord, I am going to trust you, live or die; and right there I learned that the trying. of tnhi Io 7 fLaoitrl ( 11. was precious in the sight I can truly say that all things have worked for my good, and I feel that it is forever settled between me and blti:: iGnoyde; nadridcoImte! xsiaetcht otgh to I trust expect unthtiel is needful for our faith to grOW in the trying will and must go right on as it grace of our Lon! and Savior Jesus Christ. 13 7ay for me that I maykn0W and do the whole will of God, walk-mg every dayin the light of Jesus' sister in the one faith, ALEXA ELIZA ND pure heart and undefiled lips. \() Ir' power, using- his holy name wit arld '-' 1.0" cj. ng in Nvisdorn and grheat' TR1J MPET. THE LOVE OF GOD TO MAN. Jno. 3: 16— For God so loved the world, that he gave 13. 7s only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 15: 13— Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life, for his friends. Rom. 5: 8— But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Eph. 2: 4- 6— But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, even when we were, dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, - ( by grace ye are saved;) and hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Jno. 3: 1— Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, be-cause it knew him not. Heb. 12: 6— For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. THE GREAT COMMANDMENT. Deut. 6: 5— And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. 1oa2— And now, Israel, what doth the Lord thy God require of thee, but to fear - the Lord thy God, to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and to serve the Lord thy God with all thy heart and all thy soul. Micah 6: 8— He hath shewed thee, 0 man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? Mat. 22: 37- 39— Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great com-mandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. THE NEW COMMANDMENT. Jno. 13: 34— A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one an-other. 15: 12- 17— This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you. Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not - what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; tor all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you. Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should- remain; that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it to you. These things I command you, that ye love one another. Jno. 3: 11— For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one another. 2 Jno. 5— And now I beseech thee, lady, not as though I wrote a new command-ment unto thee, but that which we had from the beginning, that we love one an-other. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LOVE UNDER THE LAW AND UNDER GRACE. Mat. 5: 43- 46— Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbor, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; that ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? BLESSINGS UPON THOSE WHO LOVE GOD. Deut. 7: 9— Know therefore that the Lord thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his com-mandments to a thousand generations. 11: 13- 21— And it shall come to pass, if ye shall hearken diligently unto my com-mandments which I command you this day, to love the Lord your God, and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul, that I will give you the rain of your land in his due season, the first rain and the latter rain, that thou mayest gath-er in thy corn, and thy wine, and thine oil. And I will send grass in thy fields for thy s cattle; that thou mayest eat and be full. Take heed to yourselves, that your heart be not deceived, and ye turn aside, and serve other gods, and worship them; and then the Lord's wrath be kindled against .1) eth another _ _ edified the law. For t this, Thou shalt riot commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other corn- - mandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. Love worketh no ill to his neighbor: therefore love is the ful-filling of the law. Luke io: 25- 37-- And, behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and te