The Gospel Trumpet - 14:41

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 ty TherLordOod shall BLOW the ATP PLT and go with . Consider in what tender ways ails love bath led us all our days. Rath he not all our sorrows shared, table for all our wants prepar...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Warner, D. S.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Byrum, E. E. 1894
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Summary:Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 ty TherLordOod shall BLOW the ATP PLT and go with . Consider in what tender ways ails love bath led us all our days. Rath he not all our sorrows shared, table for all our wants prepared? - The centuries have not veiled his face, ' norapassionate and full of grace; 1: - We catch to day his whispers sweet, , - 13tbove the tumult of the street. life a burden hard to bear? Christ felt the weight of human care; n poverty he broke his bread, He had not where to lay his head; Lay we have patience in our lot !. or his dear sake who murmured not, ` . By foes assailed, by friends denied, . Betrayed, deserted, crucified. _ i, fico, for the world's deep need is told The simple parable of old; Ile leads his flock who fears no ill, While in the shelter of his arms, ::: Safe from all danger and alarms, ' his joy the lambs to keep,— % est the good Shepherd of the sheep. T13,11.1iireling or the stranger sees The wolf and strai- ghtway flees; 114 Re our everlasting friend, ill love and guard us to the end. The Lord is ever near to save e sheep, for whom his life he gave; What evil may his? grace withstand, or pluck us from his mighty hand? trove the city strife and roar, Its toiling crowds for ever more. His gentle accents softly steal, _ Hismercy makes its fond appeal; As sheep without a shepherd they Who walk in darkness day by day, Look upward weary of the night, - To Christ who is the light of light. The vision of the Savior stands ' With pleading lips and outstretched hands, While passing years as shadows flee And hasten to eternity; His loving eyes with tears are dim, Beseeching all to come to him, Till in the dust the burden rolls, And they hind rest unto their souls. One fold, one Shepherd, in his word, We read the promise of the Lord; Be ours the task as in his sight, To sow tho seed, to spread the light: To aid by helpful blessed deeds, To minister to each 6ther, s needs, TUgive ourselves up sacrifieed„ And thus fulfill the love of Christ. ticketed by Lena L. ShOff 11C7'. The Good Shepherd. FOLLOW JESUS. winds. Zeck. o u AILYS 1111kin. TAMS THEWO Ale) ESWELLERti CAM% KE ZARIII, SEENV. k. VSMECI 4v- vv.- riturtAn rat- SW% CM TIE Wcon Y-TA MS; MID Wiet4 smowyret A- TRUMPET, Grand. Junction, Michigan, Thursday, Oct. 25, 1894. Volume 14. No. 41 ESUS saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me." in 21: 22. The language of Jesus here is very forcibly brought forth and should be very carefully consid-ered by every child of God. Peter here as elsewhere in his life and ex-perience was - very meddlesome; he saw John following ( he who had Wined on Jesus' bosom), and as he him coining he wondered within imself, Well, now what will the Lord ive him to do? for he afterwards asked the question and Jesus saith, , ' that is that to thee? follow thou me. Now, dear saints of God, as you look around you and see a brother or sister whom God has blessed with a Netter gift of speech for prayer, testi- Inony, preaching, singing- or whatev-ev else it may be, or if you see one with their head upon Jesus' breast, or in other words living probably a lit-tle closer to God than you, do not feel jealous over it and ' Wonder what the' Lord will have them do; but hear the words of Jesus, What is that to thee? follow thou me. Now some one may say here that - lie was speaking personally to Peter, and as he is not here in person, this Ic sot for us. Well praise God, we have his foot prints to guide us and he : y411 not send us forth but that h9wiltaccompany us. Now while ve him for our guide in all we can see his path all along in life, and follow it. For ever continue to hear that ice saying, This is the way, n it;" or," Follow me." Now, Os, I warn you to keep your esus, and keep walking on, worry as to what God has . one else to do. Let each iir duty and God will sure-. , others their work, and the_ Flee oat of the midst of Babylon, and deliv-er every man his soul: be not out off In her iniquity; for this is tho time of the Lord's yes-gence; he will render unto her a resompenoo. Aan the land shall tremble and lerrow: for e7ory purpose of the Lord thall be performed against B3bylon, to make the land of Babylon e desolation without an Inhabitant. ter. 51: 6. 20. cause will move on more rapid. Now the question arises, how shall we fol-low him? Walk as he walked. I Jno. 2: 6. For even here unto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps. I Pet. 2: 21. In our daily walks and talks in life we have him for our example, and praise God it is so easy to follow him, for " his yoke is easy and his burden is light." Now a few words to God's watch-men. When Jesus sent you forth and gave you your commission, was it like this?—" Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe all things whatsoev-er I have commanded you, and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen." He Lys teaching them to observe all things, and in • doing this only we have the promise of his being with us to the end of the world. Now in order to have this promise we must teach men - to observe all things which pertain to life and godliness, and in any thing else we have not the promise. Dear brethren, many souls have entered eternity never to return, and many more are on the very brink of an eter-nal hell. How are your affections set, you whom God has sent forth with this commission? Are you living for God ? are you working for God and souls? are you teaching all things that Christ has told you, or are you lifting up self, theology, science or some other work which is not in your commission? Again, in traveling from place to place, do not let the devil get your affections on anything but Christ, and watch and pray lest ye enter into temptation. We will be tempted, but enter not into it: there-fore guard against lust in any way; for we find that when lust hath con-ceived, it bringeth forth sin, and sin when it is finished, bringeth forth death. Jas. 1: 15. If one goes forth to preach and says the dear Lord has sent him, and is not dead to the lust of the flesh, surely he is mistaken as to where he got his commission. In the name of Jesus, I say to such with a heart full of love, Die to lust. Oh, dear ones, it means much to be dead to all but Christ. If you find in this that you are not dead, start now and have the nails driven that you may be crucified. The nails will hurt, but oh what a glorious experi-ence afterward. This I say then, Walk in the Spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. Gal. 5: 16. But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her al-ready in his heart. Matt. 5: 28. Do not go forth building air- castles; but preach Christ to this sin- benighted world, for there are millions of souls on the precipice of hell. It therefore behooves us to be honest before God and man, for there is nothing con-cealed but shall be revealed, and nothing hid which shall not be made manifest in that great and final day; and not only then, but is also re-vealed and made manifest in this present time. For where the gift of discernment is backed by the Holy. Ghost, anything not of God cannot be kept concealed. Let us therefore be honest to eternity- bound souls, and have our affections centered on God and the work of saving the lost. Follow Jesus, that we may be fishers of men. Amen. Yours in him, B. F. WEIKEL. MORMONISM. Mormonism Rejects the* ' New Testament, or New a Covenant. HIS subject was treated on by Brother Grover in a few articles published in the GOSPEL TRUMPET last spring, which showed something of the nature and origin of their sect. But we wish to make a further in-vestig- ation of their doctrine, and prove by their own standard work that they actually reject the New Testament as a fulfilled and abolished code, and in its stead they introduce another covenant as a source of salvation, which, at first thought, may appear as a light matter to the thoughtless masses. But reflect a moment! The New Testament is the words of Jesus Christ, which if rejected, Christ him-self is rejected; for he says, He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him; the words that I have spoken, shall judge him in the last day. Jno. 12 : 48. Heaven and earth shall pass away but my words ( the new covenant) shall not pass away. Matt. 34: 35. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end come. Matt. 24: 14. Here it is declared that this gospel is to be preached until the end come. So there is no time nor possible chance to work in any other covenant. Observe closely the statements found in the text just mentioned, in speak-ing of Christ's word or covenant, it " shall never pass away," it " shall be preached in all the * arid for a witness unto all nations; then shall the end come." And " the same shall judge him in the last day." The prophet Isaiah forseeing that this covenant should never pass away he says " As for me, this is my cove-nant with them saith the Lord, my spirit that is upon thee and my words which I have put in thy ( Christ's) mouth shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out of the mouth of thy seed's seed, saith the Lord, from henceforth and forever. Again this covenant is called the " everlasting covenant." Now the God of peace that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shep-herd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you perfect in every good work to do his will ( covenant), working in that which is wellpleasing in his sight through Jesus Christ, to whom be glo-ry forever and ever. Amen. Heb. 13: 20,21. This everlasting covenant con-tains the entire ministration of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. But now hath he obtained a more excellent ministry, by how much also he is the mediator of a better covenant which was established upon better promises. Heb. 8: 6. In speaking of the ministration of the Spirit in this covenant in contra-distinction to the Siniatic covenant and its ministration, the apostle says: " For if that which is done away was glorious, much more that which remaineth is glorious. 2 Cor. 3: 11. Remaineth, does not mean that it was only something transcient, like the former covenant, given to serve a certain purpose and then pass away and give place for a " better covenant," but thank God, it remaineth, and the operations of the Spirit is an unques-tionable testimony to the same. Let us notice the nature of this new covenant: like all other cove-nants, it is formed by party of the first part and accepted or agreed to And he Ikon sand his angels with a great nand of a trampetrand they shall gather to-gether his elect from the four - winds, from one and of heaven to the other. Now learn a parable of the Ag tree; When ids branch is yet tender, sad patteth forth leave:, ye know that summer in nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all those things, knew that It is near, oven at the doors, Matt. 24: 31- 53.- by party of the second part. Jesus Christ is the party of the first part or author of this covenant. And the man that accepts or rejects this cove-nant becomes party of the second part. This is clearly set forth by the promises on Christ's part, and the requirements on man's part. And on God's part he makes plain , what he will do for man if man will only meet his requirements; he also makes plain the consequences that shall befall man if he fails to fill his part. Now in Isa. 24: 5, it says, " They have broken the everlasting cove-nant." We ask what part of this covenant could the people break? Certainly they could not break nor affect God's part, hence it could only be man's part that man failed to keep, hence broke. But will that destroy this covenant and excuse man from its obligations and relieve the Lord / from the execution of his part: and thereby call for another covenant? Not in the least. The covenant stands firm, and God according to his promise in the covenant must. punish the man who breaks his part of the covenant, as it is written, For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no mope sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries, He that despised Moses' law, died without mercy under two or three witnesses; of how much sorer punish-ment shall he be thought worthy who hath trodden under foot the Son of God and counted the blood of the covenant wherewith he was sanctified an unholy thing and - hath done de-spite unto the spirit of grace? For we know him, that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompence, saith the Lord. And again the Lord shall judge his people.— Heb. 10: 26- 30. Dear sinner or backslider, do not think for a moment: that your break-ing the everlasting covenant will nullify the same, and thus call for a new one, for your sins only place you under the vengeance and judgments of this covenant. And, oh ye Mor-mons, ye Latter- day Saints, can you think for a moment that the apostasy has broken this covenant so that the righteous judgments of God through this covenant will not fall upon you? Like your mother ( the apostasy) you changed the ordinances, broke the everlasting covenant and made one of your own, alike placing yourselves under the vengeance and judgments of God's covenant. But lest these Latter- day ites deny the charge, we now quote from one of their standard works. " A VOICE OF WARNING," or an introduction to the faith and doctrine of the- church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints, published at Lamoni, Ia. Page 37. " That there was a covenant made between God and his people in the days of Christ and his apostles, we will not deny." Page 37 and 38 say, " Now I would ask the whole of Chris-tendom or any of its sects or parties, if they have apostles, prophets, evan-gelists, pastors and teachers, inspired from on high, together with the gifts and blessings of the Holy Spirit'which pertain to the gospel covenant?" This is so plain there can be no misunderstanding as to what cove-nant is meant. As it is here described as the gospel covenant made between God and his people in the days of Christ and his apostles, which con-tained the offices of apostles, proph-ets, evangelists, pastors and teach-ers with the gifts and blessings of the Holy Spirit. Page 37 says, " It therefore remains for us to prove that the covenant ( new covenant) has been broken., completely broken, so that it is not in force either among Jews or Gentiles, having lost its offices authorities, powers, and blessings, insomuch that they are nowhere to be found among men." Now we ask what are the offices of this covenant. We begin at the head of the list and find that Christ is head, Eph. 1: 20- 23, Col. 1: 18; and mediator, Heb. 9: 15, I Tim. 2 : 5; and high priest, Heb. 9: i1, I0: 21, Heb. 7: 21- 27; and advocate, 1 Ince 2: 1, Heb. 7: 25; also the office of the Holy Spirit. 1st. To convict sinners. Jno. 16: 2d. To justify believers, 1 Cor. 6: ii, and bears witness to the same. Rom. 8: 16. 3d. Sanctifies the heir ( believer or new born soul). Acts 19: 2; Rom. 15: 16, and witnesseth to the same. Heb. 1o: 14,15. 4th. Imparts the gifts. 1 Cor. 12: and Eph. 4: 8- 12. That consti-tutes certain offices, as apostles, proph-ets, evangelists, pastors and teach-ers, etc. Now if the Mormon position be correct, that " this covenant is no longer in force among Jews or Gen-tiles, having lost its offices, author-ities, powers, and blessings," Christ is no longer, head and governor, media-tor, high priest, and advocate, and the authority, power and gifts, and blessing of Christ and the Holy Spirit are lost to the human family so that that they " are nowhere to be found among men." The gospel having ceased, redemption plan de-stroyed, salvation pastthe resurrection and general judgment never to come; the gates of hell having prevailed against the church, overthrowing Christ's word, in Matt. 16: 18, with all the rest of the New Testament. This is an unavoidable conclusion of the Mormon position to which they are necessarily driven to, in order to bring in their covenant which they call " gospel" on page i. Having disposed of the new covenant we, read on page 39: " Now having settled this question I trust the reader will see the need of a new ( another) covenant in order to save the few that are not to be burned." Here is a salvation held out to the world through another covenant ( and not through the new covenant of which Jesus Christ is mediator), the Mormon covenant as revealed by Joseph Smith the dead head and pro-phet of his sect claims to save. But to the best of my knowledge all that have tried this Mormon covenant have found it unable to save men from their sins; in fact, its advocates plead for sin and fight holiness, heart purity, etc. One of the great mys-teries of this Mormon faith is this, after rejecting the new covenant with all its offices, authorities, powers and blessings, try to profess the whole of them in connection with their Mor-mon covenant, except freedom from committing sin, and blasphemously attach Christ's name to the creed name of their Sect which they confess themselves that Smith founded. On page 129, in May 1829 he ( Joseph Smith) perdicted that the church he was about to found and organize would become a great and marvelous work among the children of men. You can see the difference between the Mormon covenant and the new covenant. In the latter Jesus builds the church. Mat. 16: 18. But in the former Joseph Smith founds and or-ganizes the church. Full well he re-jected Christ's covenant in order to become head of a sect. We now quote Heb. 9: 16,17 from the Emphatic Diaglott ( Greek) . " For ( Continued on fourth page.) NOTICE. Ho* to gend litone7.- Remit by Post Office Money Order. Where this cannot be - procured, send by Repress Order, Registered Letter or small amounts in stamps. . n cCehwahn aagdneddgr, eem sous. fs tA bde O Sreusrse. — to. Sg - uiv lee: tch reibire ptse rwmisehr, i nags twheelilr aasd dthreesis r IKissing Pepers. Itnerasionnllyhappens that papers sent ytoo uo duor nsoutb rescceriivbee yrosu rasr ew hoer ne. l edi uene, i: nK Giemr wmaaitiilns. g I an s- ueaffsi- e sceienndt olnene ginth p olafc tei mofe t, e w- truiitess uinsg an ucamrbde. ra. nd we will gladly anSdh owuel dw itlhl egrlea dbley are mctiifsyt ath• ee ts aamnye. time, write us at once A commission of 20 per cent will be given on each new cash subscriber. to- all who will labor for the GOSPEL TthRaUt aMreP iEnT t. h eW fele mida. iktse \ thveisil o'affse trh seo c airsc utola htieolnp othf et hber eptahpreern. ter- Parties desiring papers to canvass with, should notify us regularly of address. BilerWhen you write, be sure to give your address: name, post- office, county, and state. dgwgreier s- wAsielldll nbtoou tsG binoees srpesE scrpo. omTnRmsUuibMnliPec. Ea . tTi, o ntos . i nmsounreey sc r& ecd. imt; uostth beerw aids- e Address us at Grand Junction. Mich. The Shining Light. An interesting paper for children. Il-lustrated. It should be in every family where there are children. Only twenty-five cents a year. Address. THE SHINING LIGHT, Grand Junction, Mich. TRACTS. SeBcatsb. y Tlohne Misa Fsatelrle'sn e. aWrl. h Aat WCohnudrcehrf ushl oDuelldiv e/ r Jaonicne?. PSrpicier i1t0u caelnistsm pe, ro dro z- Benib. le Salvation vs Spiritualism. Small tracts of various kinds for free distribution, at 10 cents per hundred, wcoMep yum s2ut e sWtta l. e ivP Seei rnf rd ePoe z Afe rnco, om 2n0v s eiarnss,. a ctPiooennr t, h aguiinnviidnnrgge. dB4, i 8b3 l1pe. a 5pg0re. oso. fSs inthgalet lPargTi chweeh, saCitn higsu lterh cceho C pohyf. n5Gr ccoehdn a. t nsA. d P wterhra acdtto iczso ennnot at4 i0tnh icnee gCn 3ths2u. rpcahg eosf, Gproodw. Questions and Answers on the Church. A tract con-_ stcaehicnutiirnscmgh , f. oa Punrdri clteeht, et e 1dr0si cf fewenritetsnh pc meer a bdneoytzw eqneue. ens ttihoen st rcuoen ccherunricnhg athnde The Great ' Tobacco Sin. it contains 30 pages, with a innega tu cso pvoers. t aWgee awti ltlh see nradt et hoef soen ter acecntst tfoo ar nthy roene et rsaecntsd.- Always state just how many you wish sent. - What is the Soul? By D. S. Warner. Or 100 scriptures gpmoreoenvs ittn ocga Gltlheoaddt t amhte at hnSeo p udoles, astthehse s oSefps t ihari ets , pb aiorrdiitdyu . t ahTle ha eInn dsna eimmr eMm 5ao1nr8, t0 aw pl hreoilcevh-- Peder b dyo tzheen e5a0r clye nCths. urch History. Price single copy 10 cents No- Seetlsm." A tract hearing the above title, written by A. Sims, has been reviewed list D. S. Warner, showing the difference between see; iem and the Church of the Liv-ing God. It exposes the false theories set forth by Shag.- ' p- eTrh idso tzreanc; t& cIWonOt apienrs h 5u: n: d; wreede. For free distribution, 16 cts. NEWS FROM THE FIELD. CLINTON,_ IND., Oct. 22, 1894, DEAR SAINTS: This evening finds me yet in this wicked city, but expect to leave here in a few days to begin meeting in Bro. Hopkins' neighbor-hood, five miles north of Danville, Ill. Pray the Lord to keep me in the Pray that I may be healed of kidney trouble, and also that my cyes may be healed. J. A. EVANS. - YANKTON, ORE. DEAR_ SAINTS: Please pray Nov. 20 that I - may be healed of a cancer which has troubled me for some time, and is very painful. , MRS. P. B. RIDLEY_ There is a woman here in South Chicago tying with consumption. Her request is for" God's people to pray for her healing. She says she is all given unto the Lord's will. Pray that she may be restored, soul and body. Pray Oct. 28. . PELLSTON, MICH. DEAR SAINTS: My father has been to the asylum four different times and has never been entirely healed. He suffers very much with rheumatism and neuralgia. Pray for the saving of his- soul and the healing- of his body. Your sister in Christ, MRS: MATTIE CRAWFORD. OXFORD, N. Y. DEAR SAINTS: I have been afflicted with fits all [ try days, from a child. Through God's mercy he healed me, until I broke his holy commands. Now I have conse-crated myself anew to the Lord, deter-mined never to forsake his command-ments again. I write this that it may be a warning to all. desire your prayers. Your brother in the one body, JAMES R. CADY. 0 • • • THORNTON, TEX. DEAR SAINTS: Pray for me that I may be restored to justification, also for the dealing of my body which is beyond the reach of human aid. Surely my sin has . otind me out; and I am ashamed, as a thief when he is caught. Pray Oct. - 29. A, 11 saints will please remember this re-quest. ROBERT E. EVERS. . Olga& _ MICHELS . forth - In the Lord , d. keN; : T-. • hi- rSiEsteC TfoAr RthIAe Npu, sbelni- t ttchoae tti ohue osfa;_ al e foetsfll . e": leletl- rsuaet iCre',. st. cmisetiii tDiriivs iiens- t ihfien tieatlloip: o; nocf et hdee l: iBveordeyd, SttbSOr. trii; o* A a Tcar 5n advance. 2i; TQ THE - 1P1717. • A WE7:::. 7,, Y I= 0 LI T's. TI'l33. JOURNAL. ANNOUNCEMENT. WE wish to announce that on the 2d and 3d days of Nov., the Lord E. E. BM,' fig— RrsiNri SUN, WOOD Co., 0. willing, we will meet on the St. Louis, I would like to hive someone or co - n- Mich. camp ground for the purpOse pony come to Rising sun and hold a series of meetings this fall. I will furnish a good . of planting shade trees and doing large hall and board free of charge; and also there is a inceting wanted in Mill Grove four miles froin here. I also have a good horse and buggy to carry any one that conies to other points in this vicinity. I think the Lord says now is the time as the way seems to be open here now for the full gospel. Your friend and brother, SYLVESTER PHILLIPS. REQUESTS FOR PRAYER. Pray that I may be healed of heart trouble. • FANNIE L. HOSIER. Pray that I may he saved. THOS. BATCHELOR. Pray for the complete healing of Sarah A. Curtis. " • _ Pray Sunday Oct. 28. at 3 P. m. tor the healing of my bodily a- fflictions. SAMANTHE SCHMIDT. other work that is necessary. E. M. WAGN R. Address F. N. Jacobson, Pu at any time. - man, Wash. fountain. My address for the nia. x. three or four weeks will be 6or Har- _ mon Ave., Danville, ' NZoura Him, \ V: DAvisON. meet n - a --- - ■ L, 57 --. (--. 1 . Jte word. A glory present in th , e combina- __ ,,, t,:, _ , ,) it- i"•- Iv- - I c f . ie men ts present, but the pew_ Cs t t„: e Hteoelieyy,. es, _ L , as paramount raisc the standard of holiness up t il e New Testament plane, which in gDtEhAa fRull t S: iks of INTrr SIl, OrcF ove NG 7, and lli de ity. lin o voti. ion A.- fli. tce , t :. il I-, r. lo 0: 11: lit 1:::: e r in: ' Lel li_ I e_ 7, t soxai , - r_ or„ ttr.: ke , Tc: ih it heart o, God e ao- a ie. ths countre by teach' Cut an camp meeting was blessed of ganst - the raping driving spirit Of be multiplied unto you. The . J ' a :- and coinmunicy ratcter tcstificd o the Lord, and resulted in the con- various elements of professing holi. firmation of some of the brethren in ness well known in this p , widdress yu, prav- ' ew t h,,,• 1 1-• ,-• n,. A i i sr nh ane. the faith once delivered to the saints. people supposing we were the a There were ninety- one consecrations did not care to investigate, but the E MOM g thhit t Otazi. P. zotl: n, Van Buren Oc., Michigan AS Sanaa flan matter. CALLS FOR MEETING. LIST OF MONEY LETTERS NOT OTHERWISE RECEIPTED i:; oo. E. Bolds, 70. P. Rimma• J. 1, i. Amos RoiTif, N. Lovelady, Mary 1i.: f, izr1- ozeinhse. •, D Mana t- tMheuwrp Kheyr, r , E Gliuays EW. aFolloint, g W) J. nA. o. alvison, Bettie Waddell, Mrs. C. A. Good- " flIE TRUMPET was not issued last book, and will send notice to those reedy entered. in arrears so ail nal es can be cor- NNe will come unto you as soon as possi-a . tending the assemblY meeting. fer the names of the subscribers of Lilt:: ' TRUMPET to a new subscription week, as most of the workers were IN a few weeks we intend to trans-post office in full and plainly written, stating on or near what R. R. you live. ing us to come unto you, in middle, south-ern, western and north- western Wash., please let us hear from you at your earli-est convenience. Give your name and ble with the help of God. Amen. Yours in him and in love for precious souls. and seekers after light and truth, and wish- To all readers of the GOSPEL TRUMPET BIBLICAL TRACE OF TIIE arm eV- e. aillSrscItexillinTrp ar oe eey from her birth to the end of time. Containing a brief history of more than Protestant denominations. The author aims to show the difference between the true PAchnauplore. cr hO c haoinvode, ros, r e3 ct5thi sicsmt so. fg fCiicvleion. tgh , t i7ls5tn ertiaca. lA adnddr esscsr ipthtue rAalu tphrooro fast, ECHOES FROM WRY B. M. Miner, and D. S. Warn:. A • second nnd thorough corrected teaitinitionng o2f3 t2h bise anuetwifu slo snegir i1t, t0i0e1l, 1s nhnasw . jsu, sotf bwehenic his sthuee dl. a rCgoens- t portion are now stal rnnn heaven, both words and music. Many beautiful and touching invita-tion and exhertattop hymns for revival meetings. It sings nearly ail the doctrine of the Bible; especially the glorious themes of preseut truth. With primary in-struction in music. Simple and concise— A practical self-instructor for beginners in vocal music. Neatly bound in ppraesptaeibdo - ard, price reduced to 40 eta. Per dozen t. 00. all THE BorS COMPANION. whchaadarp nhtianerbgsi titsno a ttnihmde e tb. haeen. yidrs , etcofofone oceftetsre. n nEi npvgae. trrheyne b tSso eyfac nirlew etteo iVtd ghisicv eaIe nd ativhfneiedcr aeone tesahiegnedidlr- t ed ad vice until too late. The hook is illustrated with suit- rauobpaloedn p ttiohc etau yrpoeuusn rwegh mliicfiehn. d aIsr tea naaldism otu ecrdontn otth aleeinmasv eftr eaos mtviim vtihoden iidmeosp warnneswds aieorxdn-periences from those who are inmates of the states prison. Boys of every age should have one of these books to read. Price, paper cover 25 cis. Cloth binding 40 ct. s. Anthems From the Throne. This book con-tains 148 songs. 90 with music. About all new. When sung in the spirit of : God these songs will be found glorious. Manilla cover 26 cts. Cloth 40 cts. Per dozen $ 2.40 & $ 3.60. The Secret Tice. A small illustrated tract of le pages with neat rover. It tl'i` CE3 a tbnely warning to the boys against the evils of Self ' J- a habit which 19 prevalent atahgnredo unpgeoheidonu ttsto to hhueat vlcaeen rwdt. aa iTrnnil lie- nv9gi l tsirn aa ctt7itm asil eiaS. tiPt wrreihc. teiac, hivd ebo, zo i. y n1st0 eo rcfet sse. tvinergy, 40 cis. Me, * 3.00. BOOKS. BLBLE nacos. oBnio. le crifigs or references on about d : subjects. Price 30 eta. MASONIC SALVATION. .17. uttel. This little volume r „. ts toe subject of Free Mason-ry from a Bible stands: rent The writer having been a Master Mason, boldly Thies the hidden and mysterious tChoinvegrs .1b5e cfotsr. e C tlhoeth n 3u5 bcitbs;. in a clear light. Price, paper DIVINE HEALING OF SOUL ED BODY. f7,11,13, T2- 6 of salvation, and how to eet saved. Pate K gives Bible teaching on the healine Cif tile tasty. Part Kt consists of testimonies from those wim ' neve been healed in these 2la4s8t p dagaeyss. . P aTpheirs c hovoeork, 2 e5a cuts. abo be had in German. HOLINESS BIBLE SMUTS: Fir- Z.„?.;. 7PlifiTibsat'vEreycV. liable book of 400 pa ges iind arrangement of Scriptures on one hundred subjects. giving a number of Bible quotations on each subject, mithlng it very convenient for the Bible Student. It also etaltaiuS over 50 pastes of concordance, tables, Bible hel ps, etc. Cloth. marbled edges, 51.00. There is an earnest call for some of God's ministers to preach the gospel at White Cloud, Mich. It is an Adventist community, and souls are eagerly desir-ing to know the true way. May God stir some one for this place. Address Mrs. Edwin Stockwell. F. W. Scott, Bennet, Lancaster Co. Neb. desires a true holiness preacher who is a real firebrand for God to come there and hold a meeting. the Lord! I am luLty trusting in him. Oh entreat the Lord in behalf of my two children. They are unsaved, but are be-ginning to understand " The wages of sin is death," and want to be freed from the devil's galling yoke. My husband-has recently been reclaimed. Praise the Lord! and all that is within me, bless his holy name. We would like to have meet-ings in this place as soon as the way opens up, and the Lord directs. Your unworthy sister, MRS. W. H. WILDER. DAN- VILLE, ILL. I believe that it would be for the glory of God for me to make a request for all : he church of God to pray for me. I need more- discetnment of spirits, also that God may sink me down more into his holy will. Unless God gives me more of IL burden for the lost women it will be in vain to labor for them. Pray that the burden be increased. Your humble sister under the blood, MARY ELIZABETH METTER. CHATTAROY. WASH. DEAR SAINTS: As soon as this reaches you will you please pray for us as a family. Is losing his mind. We visited him and I don't believe that he can exercise the faith to be healed. I ask all of God's children that have faith to call mightily on God that day in behalf of that poor soul. He wants to get saved. Your sis-ter, ELLEN BOONE. ASSEMBLY MEETINGS. with us was Sister Addie SmitheSister t - reGd, Eo. L. AND j. COLE AND Co. One I loward, and Sister May Dunl- ar. tAutr tnheed c tloos teh eoifr thhoism m eeting t: hey re- _ LJ ANet), 0. Oct. 12, kcto4. es. and we came ,-, home and remained a few days; after w e E' pA,. R:„ e RleEA cDeE-„ RdS w 0h1e," I' l bI aRl lT; RkUeM. oItT Tus: ft l itily'ship and fruits of the general . w" H. Vihii, iic lweh htheer, eL owrde- bba- rr rooeu. u hgohl- dteu, i ns— g t o m- Be- re o. tv i, n, 1gL: o• pW r- redes' seh raviv. eved- o 1 bi rciek t- ) e-. i nna ialbil• l lois - u. s t, 71m e1n1m3o1t) m lt- o, t, nt, a . i, 1, nAn sI• d ln ' ih'iai att. w7, e-, e-. Ile w Adv ent meeti m y Il ea oe ascemmy of tii, z., aints rd ihc Nio, t . i. ' le people are an XIOUs tor dr tru.! : . • 11ce c. in, nd itinc ., h_ m c M. held H A il ie thiF p'ace. There was a much \ A e believe that T tnere wi ii oe mue meetin._, e a, tetk ete:: A tabernacle larger attendaoce thtin we had ex_ good done in tne name of jes,; , rneetili 4 at. NV; WInt Grove. Logt, n, pi cted. Ohi, o Ind. and Ill. were rep- rhis is a new neid - and t ileA. c " r ' ' fTh., Ohio; a erove. mectin, Y at l O a x_ er, htot a cam, meett_ tig. at We. it lioertv, Ohio; a camp meeting at resentde , arid quite a large gathering from many places in this state. All Glorious, beautiful, and very pre-cious in the sight of the Lord was the nbLlaoyrr tdaicn uwdli altlrhisno, gsa. ed AwdlrileA csloisn mBg iranon. g y At . oi n Btf. ho rPeme ataestrsimoenma no. , r- acgraatiinosnt . si tw. . h. ii. l eh tehreer we. ereI nto cuorm EoCaiisnc\ f -, - t- . ho. ar n- n„ rshal. - YOU I'S, Ldvancin- g Pullman, or Bro. B. B. Naff, Almota, Wash. Let all the saints pray for a glorious suc-cess. F. N. JACOBSON. There will be an assembly meeting of the saints of God from Dec. 20 to fan. or 3, at the Moys School house, thirteen n miles west of Pullman and two and one-half miles from Ai : iota, Wash. Pullman is on the N. P. & U. P. R. R. In the name of Jesus we earnestly exhort all the saints and friends seeking after light, truth and a deeper experience, or for the healing of the body to attend this feast of the Lord. Let all the saints of Idaho, Wash. and Ore. make every possible arrang- ement, ef-fort or sacrifice to be at this meeting. After that meeting we start for western and north- western Wash. directly - to the Pacific coast and Puget Sound, and Alaska, There will be a general assembly o- , ment .- ing four miles west of Springfield, Ohio In the saints' new meeting house ( Holiness and twenty- three baptized. Seven- fev‘ evr t. thhaitn cgasnol ed different. rre,, I sl tu. Chapel), commencing Nov. 16- 95, and ty took part in - the ordinance inet- i- r1.1) tr esteltilreton, f5tnhde e longer tend. if tile W e Lord wi ipllate s. a All glorious invite time d ing' - truth v i l l xvin if p l entx. o e. to a f I, - 1 . • - l ' c, au( in the Lord. Bro. A. j., Kilpatrick and ' e, r' Wilson, Barker and others were heaveni:,: r 5- A n - its o:- m accompan; es the Bro's Bolds, Collins, Pike, 1 lun-at - . i others are expected. All who come to tnere. ,- , a- a ,- -. , anit . i e eam. p grim is yen; this meeting via. the Erie Lines stop at c a utiful and the we: tiller rtmari Springfield Station; all that come via. the We closed meeting here to Gal:. —,. • ,. a- Bier Four R. R. stop at Sorinfield ( city. ) a glorious week in the Lord. - 1- hilly- ,, D, iv T,- ine for the ;- i ason T- 11.1 I : . „ five took - ' --- d. ' - --,- meet - : . . ( rct, CI Write Bro. A. J. Byers, Box' 37, Spring- . d \ e part in toe et, iiai, C. ii - . , , ,., ,,, t r, . ._ , 1 f t i, id \ he LOrd - in and what time, and he will Convey you to are now on our wy to south- west • tng and twenty were baptize, . _ \ ninf- ly S: i. ins v.- cro. 1. qt- siint, S_ Lturdav field, Ohio, at which station you will be, . mar v respects in til ls camp. About the place of meeting. B. E. S W. LA. R SRPEENC, K. t'Ve at the ordinence service, which Mo. Yours in. the Lord, A. B. STANBERRY 8,-. C 0 . NE7 il ., t_ , i , ravp i ir,,, - 71; 71: ki, :., I ha:, ,1,,,, , t , 1 itlielae- k• L: lIltyci BROWN HILL, PA., Oct., iS ,. \\ I-, 8e9- la-. 1t, n b. pim. Spirittial adva c., DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: Was the objee: neil theme of the i - . -, sn happy to report victory in our S0111 , tii: rcl ft, irliot.,:. ui . c.) iil a: n. 11; 11( 1, ‘, s,: arti, troglizt.,,,, i. list out lit-camp meeting, husband and I went, t,-. this morning in the nameanca) f hj, e, si,: i.---:: the m e, l. j,‘ g. Praise God! After the Pennsylvania Hill City-, Venango, Cci. services were 1,- e` i attended through H Is wou l. d hest cf: c ct the same. _ Altar Meetine closed Sun-athmrneuedtaeh rt itihtnsa sgsoe bifen emt ethnhee epd prn eteahamocaphete l meo. df aw tJnheeyersr euoe s fsb. e teTiafnohl- reued pca& aloteryaut, cr p n._ . imgflhOietce. ke tN lianaVslci. tt., iiol. t i mSun. tt iieai irnw ebids, ltal: v- r. bnd iE} ec T% i g1oHhuitt r ba net etnhxeert THE ASSEMBLY. some here that are wining to walk the Light of the gospel. We exi- e to remain here as long as the Inyni twheil lcsh. u Frcrho mat Bhleyrset ownee, xPna. e, c atn tdo f vrkii aNte Ww eCsatrvliilsllee,. Ohio; a garonvde a m gereotivneg there we inte• nd, the Lord meetin- at Lawrenceville, Wit). iknd guso atnod C thoer iwnothrk, . O - hio. Pray mucn for these r): 1- ts e have hauled Our tab-E. I. AND W. G. RD LIG. weren caoctl, ek ! i nto ! hhee lbd arn, mvearnyy s morereyt itnhgast ' • - as the talt . rnac'e setison IS endtd m ' Lizei. l. After this meeting -.,.- e I, e id,' 11.'_. 17 tin. f'tz_ i:'':.:',„ illCijnitGntl meeting at the Rice school hou 5,-:.'. IT.,,' s' ' 17,3,:, 1,,: ril 1 ,:' 1 Fhis meetiog went on three x: tr;_ e_ k 3, 7: i wt: ii--. I }.: I ' 1:,::: Liith;: r. vi , en- Only one saved, but a good work V. T. l-done. It was whitre A. Aire,: od had held meeting, and th 7 ris were 1,1 a bad condition. But thank God 13' o. dAe. lu A,, iiorng a- onod dm raedne oau pnucbelidc cthonait, -, L- w-, fsu. l ton, a,. id the devil gOt uo-, ndr: r[ tdiv iEpilI_ e , irrr, : rchenidcrne. I. bTeie; l iiteshv rceei ? h,: i. eu ptg : roiste laif irct: j1e) 7L ,: rtt re: i xiv. - GRDAENADR BVRAELLTEHYR., EPAN. , I NO cCt. H 1R5, I S18T9: 4V. Ve with false teachers of t he .„, .,_ v0 ,) ,„ z-: c7It'h'' s. ed ° ur 111(''. e - 11: and ungod! yr dincrines hay, bp ,. 1 1-- , b111- Aling t, the people the whole Tionesta, the - We had a giriou time there aught tle- ough he re. 1-.),. d. „ fc. r iii. gnspel. During this meeting about s. ind the work here. y(, d11.,, in . i_ in,' t. tIL, eein consecrations were made, the EDWARD AND 1 . E. Ee. m' ist '' f wh7c11 were f° r ju'' ilicatic'n; WINFIELD, KAN. , 717, InAvever, were sanctified at 1- t- 1- 1is _ meeting. Also five were b'Ip- 1 0 ALL THE SAINTS OF GOD: Love ■ 1 - tized. God bl ess the brethren and and peace bemuitiptied. Amen. can report victory in our si-) uls and a Lwe held w_ ii frop:_ e_ lvtio cared for us. We mine glorious feast. to the entire cam:. I i (° ril 1 ionesta. to Tidioute, Pa., where meeting two nights,. and bap- 1 tized six in the Alleghany river. LAGRANGE, iND., Oct. I 5, I SCLI. DEAR SAINTS: In our last re. u- rt it! et btti'' il''', 2ii',-.; Iiifirsii. f.: rie. have f\ 1iiiete'lldldv there is a mistake that I wish to cor- . In stead. of there being tvo- nry- rect Carl iS 7 e C, M. is thoutt- ht l‘ te scon. e. to one consecrations t. wo weeks. befere- thioa: vi eo fb ' 6ire. - eui .' ! s'' e mc'st P'Ir* vcrfntil via- . I meant the meeting went on t=. vo power ever .,,,.- 1,. nessed weeks before any were sa,,,,,,, and upt, n those ground- 4. A ( treat many before the close of the third week seu''. w, e' re- s '''. 1,. e, ( I' Abo b u t fifteen were twenty- one had c? me forward. . 1. i; i,. .24- 1z. i;,: i;(. 1::-,, i r 1 7! g th e 111( 7etrilg- at , \.,. meeting in _ Bro. :._-,- reenawalt s etiing :-.' it- Westville was the was a victory for the Lord, higstri'' n-'":-,". 4 fFi: resdte ecv:. eurr hcehl dm inir otbhe;: rti.„ vicinity. A legs. Ord: over three Sabbaths. There Wi. 1-(' , , 7 , about . t., e! more than twenty came forwaro, and b „ d o ;,,,_.,. 1 - , - .; s_ Liist" ci tip at i_ na pice, IN J.) , r(. God blessed those that met the cf, n- - ditions of his word. There ‘, ere . vt'rv suiritunl prayer meet-. m iles and held another grove meet.- thirteen ba w : zed. After the mt. ei _ v ices were Irl'ca- Iir:;: 1-.' j'ti• llacel ( 12) 1C- 11 sPfY: 3mf anleasrel; ing there Vi 7 ' ift came about fourteen arnilt_: silLmmeee. , ,-. 1urpr":,; hr ' 1-_, 1' .1.' ett: li= tainhlszro en aee a, S7r1a - Sebnidbs mtneeirte s( t„ i. nx T- a4hr, i enarnierde wsl. a esTrthee ida-, b ow, v atei: sr sao, rhi: foSI P., an I c1 h( f. 3" Iii., rf! t- Iirr:).: ‘ a\ t. Taril:( a 111; 17, ten consecr- tions. Five were bap- New Catlisie camp meetnitt. In near-nu ae and lit%:. Speck ia the as were lic , ired in this state. The auito. : is rS) preach his word neA" T every night d-. rieg the summer, tiiith see wear u Don our pliy: ical body. Ft GOti b2 all the glory both nt- tw arid forever. tAtmen. V hr sancti-fied brother, Wm. G: SCHELL. ' 1111( 1that is here in jail. He has fi: s and vancement all the perfection of holines.-;, and in all the graces and gifts thereof, the clearing up of al; who were in any wise under bond. tge CT any deception of the devil, the searching out and elimination of every thing that hindered the work of Ged and the perfect fellowship - of the Spirit. The Lord wtmderfully helped his watchmen to sound the gospel notes warning atzdirist all the traps of Sat_ ILL Indttment went forth to vict. • ry." A great many souls conse-crated to God, and received the de-sire- of their hearts. Sinners and backslider,: were converted, justified men and women were sanctified, men and women wasessed with dev-us were delivered by the mighty pow- stAa, k ee na; r efo dre tshtietu Ltoe, r da fGflioctde dis, bouutr nroetf ufogre- . er df There wa. s truly ° Te a l and his love and light fills my soul. Praise 3° Y he aven and on earth ove; Cot-gracious work of salvation wrought by the power of God. All the dear" saints' confessed they had I, a- rned very precious and profitable lessons and were all better equipped ayains; the adversary, and more fully quali-fied to work for the Master. Three times the holy ordinance of baptism was administered in the lake near by The number immersed we did learn. The holy ordinances of wash-ing the saints' feet, and the Lord's supper were observed with great blessings from heaven upon otir One forenoon was devoted to a meet-ing for each sex by themselves, whie: was blessed with very profitable and needed instructions. This meeting will never be f: Irgot-ten. God bless all the dear saints in attendance. Amen. CONROE, TEX. seemed to have one mind, and that Please pray Oct. 28 for a poor afflicted was salvation to the utterm, n4, ad- Beo. Pike all left for Vichy, e. i. ving us to hold the fort. But e nlr God, he gave us a wonderful ictory. From there we started for arquotIct. There ' we found several crooked ones. Thirty- ti. vo consecra-tion.; at this place. Praisethe Lord! From there to Lawndes, Mo., where in company with Brother Haynes and wife we arrived on the morning of Sept. 13. Much seed sown; Iet us pray Father that the harvest may be bountiful. While at Marquand I received a letter from one of God's little Ones stating that God had - Showed them that we were the ones to take charge of a tabernacle in the towns and cities through the South and elsewhere as God might direct, and that they had some means for the same, would I come to NV? st Plains, Mo. and see theM. Feeling this to be in answer to prayer we came on here. While enroute for this place, on arriving at Spning we found that we could get no train for here until the next morning. Enquiring of the Lord if there was anything for me to do there, it was shown to me to preach on the street; which e we did that evening to a large concourse of peo-ple, among whom was several priests of Baal. We found the town' in an uproar next morning, While we were sweet in our souls. Arrived here on Friday Sept. 21, found that Bro's Farouar and Moore had commenced a meeting in the Congregational Methodist sect house at Homeland, six miles south of this city. Began preaching there On Saturday evening. God raised up a church there. On Sunday, Sept. 30, seven followed the Master in baptism. At night there were fourteen participants in the ordinance meeting. We held the ordinance service in the sect house where wei had preached. The next Sunday they locked the brethren out of the heuse. Brother Hesselton adjourned the meeting to his house a- here the Lord wonderfully witness-ed to their consecration by an out- TI. tiring of the Holy Spirit upon them. Praise the Lord! On Monday, Oct. the Lord open-ed the way for us to get to Kansas Cite By going in debt some we secured a grand bargain in the y of a tabernacle; we had it ship- ' here and God is blessing our tibors here with it in spite of a coun-feit holiness in the shape of anti-n- ditianceism, teaching a kind of redemption as a third work of grace.] We know we have the victory. Hal- 1 elvjahl Pray for the success of our! neeting here, as there are many pre-cious souls; dear honest souls : that ire hungering and thirsting for the reth, our canvass being filled every night, - find sometimes to overflowing. We are here alone. No one to sing, - et God is blessing our labors. Who yin Colne ? dear brother and life. all given up to God th a t can ing; er some dear brother that the Lord has blesred with the singing al ent. Come sing the gospel. Who yin answer this call to go with us to he'towns and cities, where the gos-al is se much needed? Pray for us. Dii r permanent address is Grand unetion, Aiich. G. B. ConLiNs. had. arrived, Had a glo-meeting. - before the Lord in that ghty- nine consecrations. Bn- i's Hunter, Geo. Bolds and CO., WELLAN D, ONT., OCT. 17, 1894. DEA 131: 7, LOVED FAMILY OF THE LIVINGG OD: We can report to you hat the wotk of the Lord is on a for-yard move for God in Canada. Af-i- r :_ he harvest of souls at the Canada meeting. we took a few days t then opened up the battle in Dr. 3irdsoll's hall in Feni. vick, which .: studone week, and the power of iod came down in great shw oers, reachhig dear souls on their beds. cr rneetil:< they sent for the saints Ged to come and pray with them. - Vier 1,, rayer they gave their'hearts e: God tind found rest in the arms of he grea Redeemer; Others also! Nrei e ddeci to the Lord. The last I - dght Of meeting the hall Was packed o the uttermost, some on the stairs n- d has broken up the sect at that place and saved eh:- da is! k- ader and all the members- ., f, 1 the unity of Christ's " ON body.- Praise God for the g- ood work Lord sent a load of brethren fissa Erie Co. to the Tidioute about forty miles dist„,, ncc, Red at Grand Vaik and ',-. 00k Bra. VanMarter over, and Geal , him gloriously from all sin di U. B. ism. And he sent for us to come here and hold a few days' meeting. We Care, and truly found a people who loge the truth and abhor the evils of sectism, and who see the body, of Christ, with but few exceptions. Sa 1,41p held here from Wednesday to bbath evening, in which about ten ar- tWeive in this and surrounding vicinity left the U. B. and Advemiat sects. :-. Aboutsix or seven Advent and U. B. Oreachcrs attended the meet-ing4nd accepted the truth generally. but On the " unity,' and - ONE body"- of alit; tht- y flinched, and think it right for saints and sinners to bp " un-equally yoked together" in these sect churches. May God help them to NEVER go back on the Bible truth they heard in this Meeting. The whole country is disgusted with the schisms of men, and love the untar-niShed truth of God, which alone propagates unity, and goe against all divisions of men. Many subscrib ed for. the TRUN1PET, and bought books treating on the present truth. Some are called to publish His truth also. We anticipate retermng to this place in the future. Let the hren in the field remember Grand Valley, Pa., and let all remember us in prayer. WARREN AND SPECK. WEST PLAINS, MO , Oct. 15, 1894. DEAR SAINTS OF Goo: Some timi having elapsed since I last gave an account of our leading and the worl: in hand, God has seen fit to teach us some grand lessens of patience, hu-mility and meekness, since we- came to this state. After leaving Danville, Ill. for Norwood, Mo. we - arriv ed ( Bro. Pike and myFelf) on Aug. 8 God wonderfully blessed in that meeting. - ents coneerationFl. Before the- meeting dived , however the Lord laid Hitt to go to place about eighteen or twenty mile!? south of Norwood, in what is known as the Allsup settlement. What for,, I did not know, but had a wont l t rfu: 1 blessing in consent mg to go, and al the way there. Notice having het n given that - we would preach in a cer-school house, when ye arrived there on Sunday morning to fill th e t appointment, we found about or t sixty souls there; a motley 1, soking • crowd, all kinds of spirits, ineludino! a faith healer, who charged for I his services, We NN ere alone here Brother Pike remaining at Norwond. 1 We gave them the word on repent- I t : ante and obedience to God's coin--; t mands and appointed meeting Col five o'clock that afternoon. Ther. had been a place prepared about I3. three miles east of where we Wert1 for us to begin meeting on Mond. morning, and that near that place is there was a debate going on between a Camphellite priest and one of the it Baptist denomination, over the eines- 11 Lion of which is the church. the t Campbellite or Baptist sect? encl . 11 ( m e taking the stand that the otn-er was not the church. We knew ! J that they were both rioht. not-began to dawn upon us what Father! wanted with us in that pk: ce. The 1 debase ended on Tuesday afternoon! amid a storm of confusion, both side . I claiming the victory. shouting- and h urrahing. On Wednesday inorniil God laid it on us to preach on till ( Church. ' What it is, and what it - r not : The disputants were there'{ 1 hear it.: They undertook to anawi 7 1 Eli t- GO4 SO utterly con fou nded t that they could not say anyth ' c- AIh- aat all. Prraisee the Lotrd! 0 Thursde. Bret; and c one tiO'xitt from Nhn- wooil. The Lord through with me, I starte for 1). 040an a o ista nct " One ' 1i! i0 and th; rty n: iles. Ar-rived. ay night, f3und Bro. Geo. II Bro's Pike Stanberry t way and otheir. on the street. re next went to Fonthill, and preached two discourses with good effect. Hands went up for prayers. The last night of said meeting, between ten and eleven o'clock P. M. with Bro. Moyer and Brother and Sister Church, we took wagon, traveled all night until well up in the morning, crossed the Jordan ( in Ont.), came to the home of Brother and Sister Church, our bodies mach fatigued. We fell on our khees and sent up a petition to Father, and retired for a few hours. Awoke much refreshed and ready for service. Held two meetings in Jordan, then took train for Berlin. Found a few of God's happy saints all on the altar, but others who came out last Ma. 37, and gave- their hearts to God, went back into sectism. Babylon, was arrayed against us so that we could not get an opening. The Plymouth Brethren sect refused their hall because we preached holiness, and said they did not believe in it and could not have it preached in their synagogue. Dear ones, is this world not in a depldrable condition ? When professors claiming to be followers of tfie holy Christ for-bid his holy word to'be preached in their synagogue? We bad to resort to the home of Bro. S. S Moyer, and theimarket square in the main part of the town. But the air was keen for our weak lungs, and could not hold out many nights on the square. But the seed was planted, and we be-lie- ve fell in some good ground. On the last night we. commemorated the death of our Redeemer by washing the saints' feet, and partaking of the Lord's supper. ' This meeting we be-lieve opened up the eyes of some to the truth. Dear Bro. D. H. Moyer, made sale of some of his household goods and arranged matters to be in the harvest field of the Lord continu-ally, and is - ready to preach to the Germans in their language. His ad-dress will be Jordan, Ont. Our next move was to the assembly meeting held at the home of Bro. F. Kennedys, which was another ast to our souls by seeing dear l : ones brought home to God. INhile in prayer before our Father, we seni_ up a petition for a tabernncle for Canada, as the work of the Lord is on the advance. In a short time $ 94 was collected, and more can be got ' if needed. The last night of this ! meeting we also washed the saints' 1 feet and took of the supper. About fif Ity of the little ones were present. God bless all the dear ones for their kind-ness in providing for our needs. The Lord willing, we will open up the battite the evening of the 2o'`,. h, at Mc- Lalien's Corners, Erie Co., Pa., will hold over two Lord's days. The Lord willing, we expect to be at West Monterey, Pa. about Nov. 1st., from there to Reimer, Pa. Any desiring to write us, address West Monterey. Pa. Yours in much holy love, J. A. AND A. j. DILLON & CO. TESTIMONIDS WONDERFUL. Paz. 116: 129. NORTH POINT, PA. am glad I am able to report per-fect victory in my soul over all sin. The Lord justifies me freely and sanctifies . me wholly, and is anointing me to breach his word, and- gives me grace to - earnestly contend for the_ faith WiliCh was once delivered unto the saints." I rt alize more and more the need of God's ministers being endued __ with power from on high. Truly Satan has " great wrath" and would deceive the " very elect" if it were possible. I have witnessed the salvation of many precious souls this summer. I feel that God wants me to spend my Nvhole life in rescueing the fallen and lost. Your saved brother, B. F. ROE. BLADEN, NEB. DEAR SAINTS; God bless you all. I can say to the glory of God, I am sweetly saved tO- the uttermost and all upon the solid rock Christ Jesus. Praise our God forever! Jesus has me in his strong arms, and all the powers of hell cannot take me out of 1 7 CARMI, Ill. To THE SAINTS OF GOD: I feel it to be in the order of God for me to write from Southern Illinois again. I am glad to say, as I have been preaching all summer in S. III., that my labors have not been in vain, for many dear souls have been saved, some sanctified, and some have seen the evils of sectism and have come out of Babylon. To God be all the glory. 0 glory he to Jesus I how I do feel the blessed Lord with me in the work. Glory to God for the light he has given me in these last days! And yet I know I have not yet received the light that others have received .; but, dear brethren, some way I have never been permitted to meet with any of the dear saints of God, only three or four of them; and I have not been blessed with the op-portunity of being at any of the camp-meetings. I prayed to be able to be at the assembly meeting at Grand Junction, but could not go; it seemed the Lord willed it otherwise. So, breth-ren and sisters, I want you to pray for me, that God may let more light on me, and pray also for the dear Lord to send workers to S. DI. I would like to work with a company of experienced workers awhile if the Lord so wills. Amen. J. D. BAUGH. I ! his - arms. Praise God! He is my physician, my Master, my King, my all and in all. I ask all the dear brethren to pray for me, and for my wife and children, that they may be plucked from the burning. This place is getting ripe for harvesting of souls for Jesus. I ask the brothers to unite with me in sending up a strong peti-tion to the Lord of the harvest, that he will send laborers here to ' gather the wheat in Father's barn. Your brother standing firm by the power of God, D. P. KIMMEL. PENDELL— Died in Emerson, Mich., Bro. Moses L. Pendell. Was born Jan. 23, 1834; died June 20, 1894; aged sixty years, four months and twenty- eight days. The dear broth-er was a great sufferer, but bore it with patience. Early last spring he wanted the saints to have a prayer meeting with him once a week, and as we would come together to sing the praises of God and read the pre-cious Word, the glory of God would fill the room, The dear brother was faithful till the last. He leaves a companion and five children, May God save the children and ever keep the dear sister faithful until death. Funeral service by C. E. REEVES. MAGooN.— Died, in Hamilton, Mich., Sister Margaret Magoon, wife of A. D. Magoon, and daughter of A. J. and B. A. Martin. She was born Feb. 17, 1865; died Sept. 22, 1894; aged twenty- nine years, seven months and five days. When upon her bed of affliction she gave her heart to God, she felt reconciled to die, and as she talked and admonished her friends to get saved and meet her in heaven, may they take heed and give their hearts to God while he is call-ing for them. She leaves a husband and two littIe boys. May God bless the- dear bereaved ones. Funeral bY C. E. REEVES. BEAvER.— Orin Orville Beaver, son of Isaac and Sarah Beaver, was born June 7, 1875, died Oct. 8, 1894; aged nineteen years, three months and twenty- one days. He leaves a father, mother and four siSters to mourn their loss, while his is eternal gain. Bro. Orin was converted to God a-bout three weeks before his death. Sunday evening he called the family around the bed and told them he was going home to heaven, and asked them all to meet him there. Funeral services by M. E. GARDNER. A- rwooD.— Annie Amelia Atwood was born April 22, 1893; departed this life August 14, 1894; aged fif-teen months and twenty- two days. Annie was a patient little sufferer for about two months, but she is Dow at rest. She was of a very loving and affectionate disposition. She leaves a father, mother and two brothers to mourn her loss. She was the daugh-ter of John H. and Laura B. Atwood, formerly of Ashland, Ohio. MRS. MARY LOCKHART. LAUDERDALE STA., MISS. CHARLToN.— Died near Lauderdale Station,. Miss., Paul and Apolios Charlton. Paul and Apollos were bbrn March 31, 1893. Little Patil left his brother and passed over the river Aug. In 1893; aged four months and eleven days. Apollos followed him Sept. 27, 1894; aged seventeen months and twenty- seven days. Pray for the bereaved parents and brother and sisters. ROBT. A. CHARLTON. ' by the mighty power of God every moment, with only one determina-tion, that is to do the whole will of God at any cost; for I do know that the promise is only to those that over-come, and I am determined to be an overcomer continually by the assist-ing grace of God. The Lord led me to stay here and : help with the work, and I ex pect the Lord willing to help Bro. Warner on his house as soon as the wall is fin-ished so that the carpenters can com-mence work. Pray for me. Your saved brother in Christ, J. E. THOMPSON. Los ANGELES, CAL. HAMBACHER.— BrO. Edward Ham-bacher departed this life Oct. 16, r8- 94; aged nineteen years and eleven months. He lived a devoted Christ-ain. May the dear Lord bless the father and mother, that his example may lead his father to Christ. His sister has accepted Christ. May God bless the sister and mother who are following the Lord. Funeral servi-ces - Were held by the saints. S. A. GRISSO. OBIT UARIES. GRAND JUNCTION, MICH., Oct. 22, 1894. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: I am prais-ing the Lord for his goodness to me. I believe it will be to the glory of God for me to give a report of his dealings with me. The Lord saved my soul four years ago last Septem-ber, and sanctified me when I placed all on the altar, and he has kept me saved by me keeping my covenant, and trusting him to do his part. 0 praise the Lord! he is faithful to keep that which I have committed unto him. I find joy, peace, and hap-piness in the service of my Savior. While here at camp meeting last June, the Lord opened the way for me to go in company with Bro. Dil-lon into the work. The Lord blessed my soul in working for him, and in ceeinfz souls saved from their sins in the meetings. From Deerfield I came to Beaver Dam camp meeting. where the Lord gave us a very prec-ious meeting. From their I went west of Rochester to the tabernacle meeting. After the meeting closed I stayed there and labored with my hands until Oct. 2d, when I came to Lapaz, Ind. There I heard of Henry Sharpnack being among the saints. I wish to warn all the saints against receiving him as a minister of God. He consecrated at the camp meeting last June a year ago, and did not professs to be saved after he left the meeting, but has been indulging in his old habit of drinking. He sold a mortgaged horse, and left this state and went to Indiana, and-- there he borrowed money ifrom the saints, telling them that he wanted to move his family down there. His wife has refused to follow him any farther, because of his ill treatment of her. He preached two funeral sermons at LaPaz, Ind., before I got there. I write this so that he may not deceive others that are not acquainted with him. He left LaPaz Oct. 3, or there about. and has not been heard of since as far as I can learn. I am truly thankful for the privilege of at-tending the assembly meeting here, and for the precious lessons received, and feel better prepared to work for the Lord than ever before. I praise the Lord for the victory I have in my sodl over all the works of the devil. I realize I am saved just now, and kept ( Continzted from first page.) where a covenant exists, the death of that which has ratified it is necessary to be produced; because a covenant is firm over dead victims since it is never valid when that which ratifies it is alive." Here it is declared- that death alone can ratify or make a covenant of force. and thus Christ ratified his covenant, but as he that is raised from the dead dieth no more, death bath no more dominion over him. See Rom. 6: 9. It is impossible for . Christ to ever ratify another cov-enant since his resurrection. There-fore all covenants invented since that time, Smith's included, stands unrati-fied and of no force at all respecting salvation; and Mormons themselves will wake up at the judgment day to find that the covenant they have been living by is a dead letter of man's invention, and all men since Christ will be be judged by Jesus Christ ac-cording to the new covenant. See Rom. 2: 1 6. 2 Tim. 4: 1, 2. Acts 17: 31. Jno. 12: 48. Oh ye sons of anti- christ, how long will ye pervert the right ways of the Lord, and reject Christ in his everlasting covenant, with its offices, powers, and blessings, and teach men so to do, in order that you may lift up a covenant of your own that will only delude souls and make them " vessels of wrath fitted for de-struction." All those who willfully and maliciously slander the cause of holiness by calling the holy people Mormons, will according to the new covenant, have their part with all liars, in that lake which burneth with fire and brimstone; which is the second death. See Rev. 21: 8. Oh flee from your anti- christ covenant of deception and accept Christ's covenant, and be saved from sin. Amen. GEO. L. COLE. DECEPTIONS IN SECTISM, M HEN the high priest rose up and a' all they that were with him, which is the sect of the sadducees, and were filled with indignation and laid their hands on the apostles, and put them in the common prison. Acts 5: 17, 18. The above scriptures are a fair example of the sect priests and, their followers of the present time, who are being deceived by Satan and are lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God; who are given over to pride, fashion, and the vani-ties of the world, and have turned a deaf ear to the truth, and are seek-ing for worldly honor, and praise of men. If the laws of our land did not protect them, the children of God would be imprisoned for advocating the truth. Oh the spiritual darkness that is abroad in the land to day! It is aw-ful to see the great mass of people, turning away from the truth, and seeking for fables. Men who know they are fast passing from time to eternity, and who know they must soon appear before the judge of the quick and dead; to see them running after fashionable preachers, despis-ing the doctrine of holiness and heart purity, but seeking a doctrine that is very liberal in its views, and that will justify him in many of his carnal pleasures, and lusts of the flesh, one that teaches an easy way to heaven and saves him in his sins! Oh it is awful to see men who seem to be intelligent, choose the counter-feit, and reject the genuine, rather than give up their carnal pleasures that are leading them to destruction. How well this scripture suits their case! That men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. A man says to me, I have as good a right to my belief, as you have to yours. I say, Friend, that depends altogether upon circumstances. If you lay aside all prejudice, malice, ill will, and get down humble before God, as a little child, earnestly plead-ing with God to give you the true light on his word, and be as willing to learn as a little child, then if God reveals any thing to you, you not on-ly have a right to believe it, but you must believe it in order to remain a faithful child of God. Otherwise, if prejudice exists, or if there be malice envy, jealousy or any thing of that kind it will make a great difference in what a man claims to believe. Many will not receive the truth be-cause it does not agree with their peculiar notions, or _ because it would condemn them in their evil habits, and conflict with many of their world-ly pleasures; also because it would destroy carnality, and stand between them- and some pet idols which they are loath to give up. Perhaps it is - he sect or tobacco, festivals, box suppers, play parties, fine clothes, riches, foolish talking, card playing, pride, self esteem, or some of the multitude of