The Gospel Trumpet - 14:32

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 • Through the darkness of Romish night and sectarian gloom, because of the awful sins and iniquities that fill. those human orders, the holiness and purity of God's word has been...

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Main Author: Warner, D. S.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Byrum, E. E. 1894
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Summary:Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 • Through the darkness of Romish night and sectarian gloom, because of the awful sins and iniquities that fill. those human orders, the holiness and purity of God's word has been laid aside, and misquoted scripture, sayings and opinions of man, and dark creeds have taken the place thereof. The beautiful expressions found in the Bible of God's purity and the holiness of his people, of a Christ without sin living in the pure heart of man, enabling him to walk upright before God without blame in love, is scarcely mentioned, much less exper-ienced amid the deep scarlet stains of sectism to day, and such God given terms as " sanctified ones," " holy ones" or " saints" are held in diversion and serve only as an epithet of reproach amid their honorary ` Locals," " Pas-torates," " Presidents," " Secretaries," " Rev.," D. D. and I,. L. D's ascribed t9 and conferred by man. A brief def-inition of the term " Saints" given by all lexicographers is " an holy one" of which no true child of God blushes liar is ashamed to confess. We with all God's true children well : know that there is only the " household of God" and the " hosts oftan" as inhabiters of this earth. Tho _ word of God plainly declares that 41- 1e that committeth sin is of the devil," I Jno. 3: 8. And " whosoever is bar4 a God doth not commit sin." Jno. 3: 9. So we see the terms " saints" itd'sinners" embrace the whole hu man family, the saint belonging to God mid his family, the sinner has the devil for a father Jno. 8: 44 therefore in the devil's family. Men in their remarks often betray their ignOrance of God's word, its holiness, and the works of the Lord to day. A man in southern Indiana who signs himself as Rev. W. B. Grimes, Editor and Pub. of " The Crothersville Methodist," has recently learned that there were still saints upon the earth. To kn ) w more about saints— dought-lessknoa ing nothing- by experience, he writes for imformation to a fellow c raftman, A. J. ' Wheeler of Bang- or, Mich. near which place, lie says, the saints originated. Had Mr. Grimes been acquainted with his Bible he ' would have had all the imforma-tion he desired concerning the saints, and would have learned the origin of some of them. True, some saints have had their Origin or ' beginning as saints near Bangor, Mich. AS well as in all qu tem ( ifs the globe. I had my origin as a saint : or holy one of God within the ' kaki of , M r.- Grimes' rires, mt circuit. Hallelujahs It was there, God forgave Sins, I left the family of Saaftt; a: 6 Oifitaers, and- by the Spirit The cloudy clay has now gone by, rill popery's in the past; The saints of God do shout aloud, -- the evening's come at last. With Jesus Christ our living head, Our high priest and our king., p shout the victory o'er the beast, And, hallelujahs sing. Zion of God is all complete, . e4with watchman on the wall; t ft all do their duty well There need no one to fall. Cog and Magog gather ' round, And Satan leads the van; " With God omnipotent throned within, s: The saints of God can stand. - Yet peradventure some should slip, And by disobedience fall; • trAlqte watchmen all " see eye to eye," -.! bey will soon for mercy call. A* 1 when they come with contrite heart, : ' Confessions bright and clear, Thogreat I AM says, " Peace; be still,"— Xksin his voice they hear. The devil knows his time is short; He's a wily foe we see; , But she God who hid the prophet of old, hide both you and me. • J. W. DAUGHERTY. The lord Cad shall BLOW the TRUMPET and go with Whirlwinds. Zech. 9: 141. The Triumphant Church. • • 4 SAINTS. join them must abandon all fellow-ship with all other Christians." Here again is exhibited gross blindness or family of God. All people may gain much infor-mation concerning the saints by studying the Bible, and to this might be added much more learning by getting ' saved and into the family. I never knew much about the family of God until I became one of its members. - We can learn by the Bible, howev-er, that the saints are an excellent people in whom God delights. Psa. 16: 3. The Lord forsaketh not his saints. Psa. 37: 28. He will keep the feet of his saints. I Sam. 2: 9• The Lord preserveth the souls of his saints. Psa. 97: lis. As to their origin we learn - that Aaron was a saint of the Lord, Psa. 106: 16, and in the days of Paul there were saints at Corinth. I Cor. 1: 9. 2 Cor. 1: I. At Ephesus. Eph. 1: I. At Collosse. COI. 1: 2, 4, 12, 26. By consulting an interlinear Greek- Eng-lish New Testament which we have, we learn that the word " saint" is from the Greek word " Arno's" mean-ing " holy one." In Eph. I: 4, we read that God has chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love. Here the word holy is translated from the same Greek word " AGIOIS" and would properly read that God " hath chosen us in him, before the foundation of the world, that we should be " saints" or " holy ones" without blame before him in love. People should have a care to minister to the saints, for it is said that God will not forget their labor of love. Heb. 6: to. The saints shall judge the world. I Cor. 6: 2. The saints shall take the kingdom. Dan. 7: IS. There are none else but saints in glory. These and many more beautiful things are said of the saints in God's pure word. How can one priest of Baal expect to gain true information of the children of God from another priest of the same order? What would you think of one Romish card-inal writing for information to an as-sociate cardinal concerning the re-formers? Mr. Wheeler ' in his reply says, " The difficulty lies in the organization of the saints itself. This betrayed his ignorance or his_ untruthfulness. We believe that he knows that the saints take this name only as a Bible term applied to all Christians, and not as a sect or party name, and also that they have no organization, but Christ is all and in ali. The Lord has a divinely organized church, and the saints rec-ognize no other. But God sets all the members in the body as pleaseth him; he makes all the appointments and all works in sweet harmony. Again he says. " It is the moist bi-goted of all religious sects." It is true after the way which the world of formal professors called heresy or sect, so worship they the God of their fathers. Again he says, " They mix in no young people's society, social services etc." The Bible says the " saints" or " holy ones" walk blameless in love before God, and of course they mix in no formal Christless societies, sect carousals, festivals, fairs, shows, nor enter any singing contest for prize money, so they are spared the sad re- PIN out of the midst of Babylon, and deliv-er every man his soulOe not cut off in her iniquity; for We is the time of the Lord's ven-geance; he will render unto her a raeompenoe. And the land shall tremble awl sorrow: for ercry pnrpoes a the Lord thall be performed against Babylon, to make the land of Babylon a desolation without an inhabitant. • Jer. 61: 6. 20. A. UNC 11411AISI• " TAITICS cirtice. viceu Alva tiV47.1.11ABCAMIE rAverkk, szzVE., Vilktta KE Ltri'vnttlyuku SIM% ow ' rim teoutt- TAMS; At. mVoist4 VIE — 12.} 1i. t0 1A41MRTYHE ', Tm 1u5Am. my, ---.-.-- nothing to join, but they dolave fel-lowship with all who have " joined themselves to the Lord." All " Christians" or " saints" have fellow-ship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth them from all sin, but it is true, Christians do not have fellowship with the many un-godly professors that fill up sectism to day. They are pulling down re-ligious- bodies, inasmuch as they are contrary to God's word and filled with cold Christless. licentious profes-sors. The pride and fashion, the worldliness that fills the sect pulpit and pew to day is an abomination in the sight of God and his saints. Carousals, confusion, self, " strivings for the uppermost seats," licentious-ness, hypocrisy, whited sepulchers with here and there honest ones try-ing to be Christians, make up sectism to day. " Flee - out of Babylon and deliver every man his soul." As they were in the days of Noah, so they will be in the days of the coming of the Son of man. Soon the- Lord is coining to be glorified in his saints. 2 Thess. 1: 10. Even so come, Lord Jesus. Your brother made holy, CHAS. E. ORR. A PERFECT WALK WITH GOD. - tnok„ and ye shall find rest unto your souls. The yoke of Jesus puts a person un-der control of a standard: he set up, which is the New Testament. Then we see that as long as we obediently wear the yoke of Jesus- we will walk perfectly before God, but when we lay off a part of the yoke, then our walk is not perfect, neither does it please God, but wonderfully grieves him. Then again in John 13: 15 Jesus says, he has given us an example that we should do as he has done unto us. He washed the disciples' feet and says we should do likewise. This is a part of their perfect walk. Oh brethren, a perfect walk takes in a great deal more than many people practice. I Pet. 2: 21 says, For even hereunto were ye called, because Christ suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps. Now the above still leads to a perfect walk with God, because Jesus says we should follow his steps. And his steps were perfect because he did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth. Col. 2: 6— As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him. Also Paul says in Phil. 2: 5, Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus. I John 4: 17— Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judg-ment, because as he is, so are we in this world. Atli he shall seal his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather to-gether hie elect from the fear with, from one end paeans to the other. Now learn a parable of the fig tree: When hie branch is yet tender, and pntteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: SO Melville ye, when re shall SOB all these thiags, knew that it is tiesz, even at the deem Matt. 24: 31- 33. Grand JJuunnccttiioonn,, Michigan, Thursday, Aug. 16, 1894. Volume 14. No. 32. SEEK LORD NOW. He that is for us is more than he that is against us. It does not make any difference what the world says; let us go onward and upward, and stand firm on the sea of glass. Let trials and persecutions come; God's word says, No weapon that is formed against thee [ God's saints] shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord. Isa. 17. Praise the Lord for hisblessed prom-ises! Let those that are so free to speak evil of God's saints, beware. The time is soon coming when judg-ment must begin at the house of God; and if the righteous scarcely be saved where will the ungodly and sinner appear? Oh, dear sinner friends, repent and believe the gospel. The dear Savior is not willing that any should be lost, but that all should come to the knowl-edge of the truth and be saved. The Lord is gathering his elect from the four corners of the earth. Won't you come and join the sanctified throng? Hark! hear himcall: Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters; and he that hath no money, come ye, buy and eat, yea come buy wine and milk without money and without price. Isa. 55: I. Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he s near. Cleanse your hands ye sin-ners, and purify your hearts ye double minded. Soon the Lord will come, and I don't think you want to hear him say, Depart from me, I never knew you, 3ee workers of iniquity. Then why not seek him now? Now s the accepted time; now is the day f salvation. Humble yourselves and ome to the Lord, for he that hum-leth himself shall be exalted. Then why not seek him now? Forsake your ways, lay up treasures in heaven for hat last great day. Live for Jesus nd him alone, so that you might ear him say, Well done, thou good nd faithful servant; thou hast been aithful in a few things, I will make ou ruler over many. Enter thou nto the joy of the Lord. LOTTIE BORDEN. For some time God has stirred my soul on this subject. Oh how neces-sary it is that our walk should be perfect and without fault! We look around us, and here and there we find so many professors very careless and seemingly unconcerned as to their daily walk' and conversation. Oh how inconsistent it is to use God so! And worst of all they are deceiv-ing themselves, and in the day of judgment will be set off on the left hand. Well, but says- one, I can't possibly walk here in thissinful world perfectly free from sin. Well now, dear ones, let God's word be true and every man a liar. He says, He that saith he abideth - in him, ought himself also to walk, even as he walk-ed. I John 2: 6. Now dear ones, when the apostle John speaks to us it is just the same as God himself, because all scripture was given by inspiration, and while the apostle was inspired by the H ' ly Ghost w9 are required to ohs y his teaching. Oh how often we see people through the week going along with a walk you cannot tell from the world, and on Sunday we meet them in church in quite a different mood! Dear ones, God is here during the whole seven days of every week, and sees every thing we do and hears every thing we say. Now in John 15: 5 he commands us to abide in him. Why? because we cannot bear fruit if we do not abide in him. Listen! He says, As a branch cannot bear fruit of itself except it abide in the vine, no more can ye, except ye abide in me. He says, He is the vine, ye are the branches: he that abideth in me and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit, for without me ye can do nothing. Now from the above scripture we see that the branches must be fruit bearing and must bring forth good fruit. Man in his natural state brings forth very poor fruit, but when grafted into Jesus Christ the root suit of becoming carnal and refusing gotten from the Father, we have a second money if they did not win the tree bearing good fruit. Oh praise first. our God for a fruit bearing tree. Again Mr. Wheeler says, " All who Now our walk shows whit'kind of fruit we bear. In Matt. ' I: 29, Jesus says, Take my yoke upon you and learn l'of me, ord was adopted into the bare untruthfulness-. They have for I am meek and lowly in heart; 0 b t haf y ED GAR, NEB. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: Last Nov-ember, three years ago I heard the gospel preached., I saw that I was a sinner. I came to Christ and told him all. If we just confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse from all un righteousness. I know now that my sins were forgiven, for I had peace with God. " Therefore being justifi-ed by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Then I heard what one must do to receive sanctification, that we had to offer every thing that we have in this world and every thing we ever ex-pect to have, and use it to the glory of God. I made the sacrifice, offered all on the altar, and all glory to God, the very God of ' peace sanc-tified me wholly. Dear ones, let us see that God gets glory out of all that we have. Now comes the point on which I feel of the Lord to speak. I notice some of the children of God are keeping on hands tea and coffee for their worldly visitors. Now it is God's money that you bought it with. Now if God gets glory out of it I can say amen to it, but I fear not. Would it not be better if - we would take the money that we spend for tea and coffee and use it to buy tracts and the GOSPEL TRUMPET and send them to dear souls that are perishing? Oh God help us all to be wise, for I do realize that the time is near at ever is more than till iss cometh of evil. / hand when we shall have to give an From your saved brother, under the ! account how we use God's money. blood, walking in thelight and sgric- g bFrroothme ry, oaull ro ns athvee da latanr, d sanctified tified, GEO. BORDEN. i J. E. SMITH. So we see by all the texts, we must walk perfectly before God, just as Jesus walked perfect. Brethren, let us all make a perfect walk before God and then we have a promise of eternal life. Your brother in Christ, M. H. BASORE. ON LITTLE THINGS. I feel led of God to say a few words against small talk or by- words. Dear brethren, we ghould not indulge in any thing that will not be to the glory of God. So I admonish all that are in the habit of using such language to refrain from it, for it de-stroys our influence for doing good. Let all be done to the glory of God, and the word says, Fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness, let it not once be named among you as becometh saints; neither filthiness nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient, but rather giving of thanks. Eph. 5: 3, 4. We find that sinners and worldly professors indulge in jesting and foolish talk, but we should not try to imitate them. Be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and per-fect will of God. Paul says, Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them, for it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. Eph. 11- 12. Dear brethren, be not deceived, God is not mocked; - what a man sows that shall he also reap. If we sow to the flesh we shall of the flesh reap cor-ruption, but if we sow to the Spirit we shall of the Spirit reap life ever-lasting. Remember it is the little foxes that spoil the vines. We must shun every appearance of evil. So brethren let our conversation be yea, yea, and' nay, nay, for whatso- My sister desires prayer for the healing of her body, that she be raised up and healed of her afflictions so as to be able to raise her little children. W. N. COOK. Pray that I ma. y be sanctified wholly, ' and healed of a serious disease; also that my baby who has been afflicted for three months may be healed. TE. RRESSA TURNIDGE. CLEO SPRINGS, OKLA. It is the reqnest of a sick lady that I should write and ask the saints to pray for her healing. She has heart trouble and dropsy, and is very low. Her name is Mrs. Emma Bennett. She believes that through the prayers of the saints she will be healed. Your sister in Christ, A. M. WEBB. w • Los ANGELES, CAL., Aug. 6, 1894. DEAR SAINTS: I write to request the prayers of all the saints for the healing of Bro. J. B. Walling. The chief physician of Los Angeles county hospital pronounces his disease incurable. We have him in camp with us. He has been much helped since leaving the hospital, medicine, etc. The doctor calls the disease locomotor taxia. Please make special prayer for him Aug. 23, and we will unite with you that day. J. D. HATCH. CALLS FOR MEETING. A true holiness minister is desired to go at once to Buck Creek, Tippecanoe Co, Ind. and hold a meeting. Address J. W. Edmonds. One of God's true ministers is very much desired to come and hold a meeting soon at Grant's Pass, Ore. ELIZEBETH MATCH ETT. The Pennsylvania C. M. will be held at the White Hall school about two miles east of Emlenton in the Hunter grove, to commence Aug. 30 and last as long as the Lord wills. The time to fix up the ground will be t7th and t8th, let all come and help that can. We expect a number of- minis-ters to be present at the meeting. Bro's Henry and Riggle and others. Let all the saints come that can and tent on the ground. Any one wanting to know in re-gard to the meeting can write Bro's Martz, Pittsville, Pa., S. P. Gilger, Marias-ville, Pa. GROVE MEETINGS Strasburg, Pa., beginning Aug. - Dodge, Ky. Sept. 5- 11. Sweetser, Grant Co., Ind., Au g. 28, Sept.', John Elenbury, Zilpha Waterbury, W. W. Crist, Marilda A. Smith, J. F. Prouse, H. E. Warren, Mary Smith. J. A. Hardacre, Julia A. • Cheeseman, Joseph Kohler, Eliza J. Tracy, Otto Brantigan, S. H. Bozeman, Carrie Hitch-cock, M. E. Hurd. REQUESTS FOR PRAYER. EDITORIAL. • in Him, MICHAEL STOVER. Jr. ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS. Pray for Sister Bertha McGregor, who has consumption and is near unto death. Also pray, for the healing of my afflicted body. MINNIE HILL. Tionesta, Pa. I ask your prayers that myselfehusband and his mother may be sanctified, and our three children, that they may be converted. _ MARY A. NUNNERY. 4.444.4111, We are very desirous to have atabernacle meeting held at Pawnee City Neb. as soon as possible after the Auburn camp meet-ing. Yours in the love of Jesus, W. H. CARMICHAEL. RICHARDSON, TEX. DEAR SAINTS: We aim, the Lord willing, to go from this place to mid-die Tenn., and anyone clesirinz meet-ing - between Marshall, Tex. and Vicksburgh, Miss., let us know about it. Address' us at Marshall, Tex. - Your brethren in the Lord, L. C. SLATE, R. L. BERRY AND J. D. TRAMEL. - BRO. WARNER writes that he will not probably be permitted to attend the meei i , g- s in Southern Ind. and Ky. Bro. and Sister Orr, Keeling, Merritt, Sisters Fink and Fry will probably be at the Floyds Knobs meeting. Cannot some one chosen of God, go with Bro. Carter to Dodge, Ky? THE Sabbath tract which is now be-ing published, will probably not be ready until some time in September. When it was commenced, we thought it would be about twice as large as th first one, but there will be about 1200 pages. As Bro. Warner was rushed whh other work we were in-able to get the manuscript to publish as soon as expected, and we trust those who have sent in their orders, will bear with us a short time yet. IF any of the brethren desire a good Teacher's Bible, they can get i them from me, for I have the agency for the Intern ation al Teacher's Bibles, ! the smallest large- type Bibles pub- . lished. They are genuine, imported I Teacher's Bibles, ranging in price, 11- 0111 .30 $ 15 oo. I receive one-the glory of God, and for the spread- , ing of the gospel. Also we can fur- ' nish Young's and Cruden's Concord- , ances• For further information di- Lrect to me at Pawnee City, Neb. I will be at the Auburn C. M. Yours third commission, which' is spent to 1ST: When was the church built? ANS. According to the meaning of the word ExKLEKA— church organi-zation is not essential to its existence; for it means the called out. So as soon as Christ had chosen disciples JERRY CITY, WOOD CO., 0. Camp meeting Aug. 23, 1894. Those coming from the west, north or south come to Trombley on theToledo, Columbus and Cincinnati R. R. notify Bro. W. Canis, Jerry City, O. Those coming from the east come to Prairie Depot on the Ohio Central R. R. notify Bro. W. G. Cupp, Six Points, 0. Everybody invited to come. Bring bedding, and all that can help them-selves, and those that are not able will be cared for. We expect great things. Can-not A. J. Kilpatrick come and as many as the Lord may send. Wm. H. MILLER. Foraker, PlardinCo., Ohio Aug: 22. CHARLES FORD. Grove meeting Continental, O., begining Aug. 25. Meeting will be near depot, Nickel Plate and Clover Leaf Rv's. There will be a grove meeting near Hen-derson, Mercer Co., Pa. The time will be published as soon as we hear from Bro's Speck and Henry, as they: are requested to be here. This is a place that there is need of able ministers to preach the word full of faith and the Holy Ghost. Will the brethren above mentioned please write and let me know when they- could come, as we desire to have it as soon as conven-ient either just before the Venango meet-ing or just after, or use that time if the brethren are satisfied in Venango Co. Will Bro. Martz write us in regard to this meeting? Yours in the love of Jesus, J. S. PERRINE. Henderson, Mercer Co., Pa. There will be a grove meeting three and one- half miles northeast of Elsie, com-mencing Aug. 17, to continue to the 26th. All that can attend this meeting are in-vited to come, the people are hungering for the pure Word in these parts, and we are looking for a great harvest of souls during this meeting. We ask the prayers of God's people that the truth may win many hearts to him. Wm. E. Warren and Bixler are expected to hold this meeting, also the brethren in the ministry from Gratiot Co., and whom the Lord shall send, S. COOK. Elsie, Mich. come. D. S. WARNER— Editor. E. E. BYRUM-Office Editor. E. E. BYRUM & S. MICHELS -- Publishers. Subscription $ 1.00 a year in advance. FREE TO THE POOR. DEFINITE, RADICAL, and ANTI- SECTARIAN, sent forth in the name a the Lord Jesus Christ, for the publi-cation of full Salvation, and Divine Healing of the Body, the Unity of all true Christians in" the faithonce delivered Lo the saints." Saterot at the net Oce at area : unction, Van Ewen 0o., Michigan ae eecond class matter. NOTICE. How to Send Money.- Remit by Post Office Money Order. Where this cannot be procured, send by Express Order, Registered Letter or small amounts in stamps. Change of Address.- Subscribers wishing their address changed, must be sure to give their former, as well as their new address. Missing Fapers. Itoccasionally. happens that papers sent to our subscribers are lost or stolen in the Mails. In case you do not receive yours when due, after waiting a suffi-cient length of time, write us a card. and we will gladly send one in place of the missing num ber. Should there be a mistake at any time, write us at once and we will gladly rectify the same. A commission of 20 per cent will be given on each new cash subscriber, to all who will labor for the GOSPEL, TRUMPET. We make this offer so as to help the brethren that are in the lield, as well as the circulation of the paper. 107- Parties desiring papers to canvass with, should notify us regularly of address. 11a- When you write, be sure to give your addreSS: name, post- office, county, and state. 10- All business communications, moneys Ssc. must be ad-dressed to GOSPEL TRUMPET, to insure credit; otherwise we will not be responsible. 4 Address us at Grand Junction. Mich._ The Shining Light. An interesting paper for children. Il-lustrated. It should be in every family where there are children. Only twenty-five cents a year. Address. THE SHINING LIGHT, Grand Junction, Mich. TRACTS. Babylon is Fallen. What Church should I Join? Sects. The Master's Call. A Wonderful Deliverance. Spiritualism, or Bible Salvation vs Spiritualism. Price 10 cents per dozen. Small tracts of various kinds for free distribution, at 10 cents per hundred. Must We Sin ? A conversation, giving Bible proofs that we must live free from sin, containing 48 pages. Single copy 2 cis. Per dozen, 20 cts. Per hundred, $ 1.50. The Church of God. A tract containing 32 pages, prov-ing what is the Church and what is not the Church of God. Price, single copy 5 cents. Per dozen 40 cents. Questions and Answers on the Church. A tract con-taining four letters with many questions concerning the church, and the difference between the true church and sectism. Price, 10 cents per dozen. The Great Tobacco Sin. It contains 30 pageS, with a neat cover. We will send these tracts to any one send-ing us postage at the rate of one cent for three tracts. Always state just how many you wish sent. What is the Sold? By D. S. Warner. Or 100 scriptures proving that man possesses a spiritual and immortal ele-ment called the Soul, the Spirit, and the Inner Man, which goes to God at the death of the body. The same also prov-ed by the early Church History. Price single copy 10 cents Per dozen 80 cents. " No- Sectism." A tract bearing the above title, written by A. Sims, has been reviewed by D. S. Warner, showing the difference between sectism and the Church of the Liv-ing God. It exposes the false theories set forth by Sins. This tract contains 52 pages. For free distribution, 15 cts. per dozen; $ 1.00 per hundred. The Secret Vice. A small illustrated tract of 16 pages vdthneat cover. It gives a timely warning to the boys against the evils of Self Abuse, a habit which is prevalent throughout the land. The tract is attractive, interesting, and points out certain evils against which boys of every age need to have warning in time. Price, doz. 10 cis. 100, 40 cts. 1000, $ 3.00. BOOKS. BIIILE READINGS Bible readings or references on about • one hundred subjects. Price 30 eta. MASONIC SALVATION Ey Fred Rusted. This little volume • treats the subject of Free Mason-ry from a Bible standpoint. The writer having been a Master Mason, boldly brings the hidden and mysterious things before the public in a clear light. Price, paper cover 15 cts. Cloth 35 cts. DME HEM OF'SOUL AND BODY By E. E. Byrum. Part • I teaches the way of salvation, and how to get saved. Part it gives Bible teaching on the healing of the body. Part - nT consists of testimonies from those who have been healed in these last days. This book can also be had in German. 248 pages. Paper cover, 25 as. HOLINESS BIRLE SUBJECTS By .8. C. Wickersham. Second • edition. This is a very val-uable book of 400 pages and arrangement of Scriptures on one hundred subjects, giving a number of Bible quotations on each subject, making it very convenient for the Bible student. It also contains over 50 pages of concordance, tables, Bible helps, etc. Cloth, marbled edges, $ 1.00. BIBLICAL TRACE OF THE CHURCH By W. Schell. Tracing the church in proph-ecy from her birth to the end of time. Containing a brief history of more than 400 Protestant denominations. The author aims to show the difference between the true church and sectism, giving historical and scriptural proofs, Paper cover, 35 cts. Cloth, 75 cis. Address the Author at Anlo, Ohio, or this office. ECHOES FROM GLORY By B. E. Warren and D. S. Warner. A • second and thorough corrected editon of. this new song book has just been issued. Con-taming 232 beautiful spiritual songs, of which the largest portion are new and fresh inspirations from heaven, both words and music. Many beautiful and touching invita-tion and exhortation hymns for revival meetings. It sings nearly all the doctrine of the Bible; especially the glorious themes of present truth. With primary in-struction in music. Simple and concise- A practical self-instructor for beginners in vocal music. Neatly bound in pasteboard, price reduced to 40 cts. Per dozen $ 4.00. all prepaid THE BOY'' SS COMPANION. 115, A ':; 21Yrut. Zalsinit3ee neat chapters to the boys, concerning the Secret Vice and other bad habits and their effects. Every boy needs advice and warning in time, a. nd too often parents fail to give the need-ed advice until too late. The book is illustrated with suit-able pictures which are aimed to leave a vivid impression upon the young minds and turn them from the downward road to a pure life. It also contains testimonies and ex-periences from those who are inmates of the states prison. Boys of every age should have one of these books to read. Price, paper cover 25 cts. Cloth binding 40 as. Anthems from the Throne. This book con-tains 148 songs. 90 with music. About all n. ew. When sunk in the spirit of God these songs will be found glorious. Manilla cover 25 cts. Cloth 40 cts. Per dozen $ 2.10 & $ 3.60. LIST OF DRY LETTERS NOT OTHERWISE RECEIPTED ticularly to the work of the Holy Spirit, the sanctifier, in distributing the gifts, setting in order, furnishing, and fully compacting, and thus per-fecting the church in its organic state. 2ND: Explain Luke 23: 31 .—" FOr if if they have done these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry?" ANS. Compared with Christ, even his disciples are dry trees. And if they have persecuted Christ, with all his heavenly love and excellency, they will persecute the Christians also. MEETINGS. A general assembly meeting, Floyds Knobs, hid. Aug. 24 to Sept. 2. Marshall, Oki., Oct. 18- 29. Jeffersonville, Indiana, Sept. 15 to Oct. 1. Leighton, Mich., Aug. 22- 28. There will be a meeting beginning here August 25, at Damascus school- house near Millville, Miss., and last as long as the Lord leads. ELNORA DENNIS. Millville, Miss. Brethren coming to the Floyd Knobs, hid. assembly meeting from the west by way of Air Line stop at Edwardsville; from other directions come to New Albany. Everybody invited. Anyone wishing to tent on the ground can do so. As many as can conveniently are requested to bring quilts, etc. for bedding. Address' Joe Schreiber and S. R. Moore. CAMP M E ET 1 N GS. Bushong, Kan. Aug. 22 to Sept. 3. Winfield, Kan., Oct. 4- 15. - Venango Co., Pa. Aug. 30 to. Sept. 9. The amp meeting in Canada is ex-pected to begin Aug. 23. Camp Meeting at Renfroe Leake Co., Miss. begins Aug. 24. Vichey, Mo. Aug. 30, 1894. Marquand, Mo. Sept 1894. Lowndes, Mo., Sept. 13, 1894. Neosho Falls, Kan., Sept 6- 17, New Carlisle camp meeting will be on the old camp ground in Mr. H. Trumbo's Woods, Aug. 22 to Sept. 2. Ten miles south of Doniphan, Ripley Co., Ma. and near Poynor, Aug. 25 to Sept. 3. All lovers of truth invited. Those coming by rail, come to Doniphan. JERRY CITY, WOOD CO., 0. The time set for the Jerry City camp meeting is Aug. 23, and continue as long as the Lord wills. We want some holy man of God to come. Particulars will be given hereafter. Wm. H. MILLER. There will be a camp meeting at Lana-gon, McDonald Co., Mo., beginning, the Lord willing, Aug. 22, continuing as long as the Spirit may direct. Camp meeting at Kensington, Smith Co., Kan. to commence Sept. 20 and last over Sunday Sept. 30, the Lord willing. Kensington is onthe Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific R. R. Address Bro. J. C. Thayer at this place. GEO. VIELGUTH. MOLE HILL, W. VA., Aug. 8, 1894. The church of the living God of W. Va. will hold their camp meeting at Mole Hill on the ground occupied last year, about seven miles northeast of Pennsboro, com-mencing Sept. 15. The brethren coming to this meeting will be met at Sistersville. J. K. P. WH1TECOTTON. Canada C. M. begins Aug. 23, and con-tinues until Sept. 3, the Lord willing. Will be held in Bro. M. Swa. yze's bush, three miles west of Fenwick. Ali coming via. G. T. or C. S. R. R's. must stop at Welland Station. Conveyances will be at the station to meet all who notify either Bro. J. Smith or Dr. Birdsall, Fenwick, Ont. Bro. Dillon and company and others expected. Your brother in Christ, J. E. BIRDSALL. The New Carlisle, Clark Co., 0. camp meeting will begin Aug. 22, 1894. to con-tinue until Sept. 2. All wishing to come to New Carlisle please notify J. A. Hard-acre, Anlo, 0. All coming to Springfield notify Mrs. Sarah E Roller. All that can come prepared to take care of themselves, do so: all that cannot will be cared for. J. A. HARDACRE. VICHY, MO. CAMP MEETING. To commence Sept. 10 and continue as long as the Lord wills. The camp ground is on Bro. James A. Thornton's farm, two and one- half miles southeast of Vichy, ten miles north of Rolla, twelve miles northeast of St. James. Those coming' from the west get off at. Rolla, and those from the east stop of St. James. Rolla and St. James are both on the Frisco R. R. Bro. R. M. Haynes is desired as Bro's Collins and Pike will be engaged in other 1 0h it sqemed as though she could not live kfrnoemw that htohuerLtiollrdthheadn ext. her in his hands. We called the children together and asked them if they were willing to trust the Lord, or did the y want a doctor? And they both said- that they were willing to trust the Lord; if the Lord could not raise her, no doctor could. On Sat-urday morning the friends were call-ed in. All that saw her did not think she could live very long. Then we felt that we could not give her up yet, so we sent a telegram to Bro. J. W. Byers in Cal. for him to pray for her. He called some of the saints together and had special prayer for her. They sa i d tthhaatt Gs hoed gwaovuel dthehtne praise to the dear sweet healed; d she witness and beagllan to amend, and on Sunday morning she was' better. We have been called fanatical as to giving medicine. Some of the friends wanted us to use some poultices; they thought it would help her so much. We did not want to be stubborn nor do any thing that was not right, but, we did not believe in any such doctrine, for we could not find it in the word where Christ u § ed any teas or poultices or medicines, and we knew that he has the same power to day that he did then. So we yielded to them and put some flax seed poultices on her on Sunday morning; and before night she be-gan to get worse and we felt in our souls that we had put our hands on the Lord's work, and testified to the same, and laid off the poultices, and said, Lord this is your case; Oh What a wonderful lesson we learned in this act! And what a lesson of patience we learned in this c. ise. The little one did not walk or talk for three or four weeks. She had not the least use of her hands. Many would come in and say, " Aren't you afraid she will never walk nor talk ?" But we would have to say, " We have not a doubt nor a fear, but what she will walk and talk both, for the Lord never does his work by halves, and we knew he would do a complete work. " Some would say, " If she lives, I will believe there is something in it.„ But our persteu-tions were not a few; and the worst was by those that claim to be out in the clear light, but have a form of godliness and deny the power thereof. The word says, from such turn'away. Oh we do praise the Lord for his goodness and kind mercy to us, for He healed her sound and well, and she can talk and , walk. • The Lord be praised for it. This is not the first time the Lord has healed us, but he has brought us through some wonderful cases of sickness. And the Lord is our great physician all the time. This trial of sickness has been one of faith and patience. The promise is only to those that run the race with patience; and the, prize is at the end. ai may the Lord ever help us and all of his children to be steadfast and unmova-able, grounded and settled in love, atcl - never compromise with any other doctrine, but do just what Fath-er has told us too, fol' his word is plain. Pray for us,- for we need the prayers of the righteous. We know sthweerperda. yerysooutrsthine Hrigimh, teous are an- J. W. and I. ABRAms. NEWS FROM THE FIELD. WICHITA, KAN. - DEAR TRUMPET READERS: I ain glad to report victory in the name of the Lord. I have been fully conse-crated to the work of the ministry for two years yet God never led me out of Wichita to work until I receiv ed word to come to Anthony, Kan, I went in the name of our God and I can praise God for the sweeping vic. tory He gave in delivering the truth. We had meeting in the colored Bap-tist church, as it was their request that I should come, as I was Col° red too. But God has no respect of per' Sons, and neither did the congrega' tion, for sometime's it was about e: qually divided; it was a time of seed GOD'S POWER TO REAL THE GOSPEL TRUMPET. A WEEKLY HUME JOURNAL. Prayer is requested for the healing of Ernest Kain, of swelling of the face. Pray at once. Pray that I may be sanctified, and for the healing of my wife who is sick. We also desire some of God's ministers to come here and preach the gospel in its pill ity. D. MARTIN. Williamsburg, Miss. out of the world, to follow him, the ministers the Lord may send will be thank- anointed she seemed to get better,. church existed . i and its members were tents. Let all who can come prepared to fully received. Let as many as can bring 1 ands ags ki veednforo s ohme re. t h isnhge t oa teeata, jiulys taifniedd f oanldd oinf tChhe rcihstu, r tchhe a csa tlhlee df aomu- t tparkaey cfoarr eth oef othuetpmosuerlivnegs . o Lf etht ea lHl tohlye Sspaiirnitts. 1I T- hat was on Thur sd a y, and onINl ' ihIt' t i' rlc eih-. assembly. The word build, relates more par- and Jno. P. Bailey. I got so bad that she lost her speech. - Amen. eAddress Bro's James A. Thornton day she began to get worst, and she rom Go dt. hat she would be healed. We r, ceived a card from the office stating they believed that God had meetings at the time of ours. Any other heard their prayer. After she was FREMONT, IOWA. DEAR READERS OF THE GOSPEL TRUMPET: 1\ tay the Lord of our sal-vation ever keep those that are sav-ed, free in their souls and obedient to the Lord in all things, and save the unsaved for Jesus' sake, is our prayer. It has been nearly six years since we have written to the Trum-pet of the wonderful ways that God has kept us. We are still saved and have the sweet peace in our souls, for which we gratefully thank and praise the Lord. Oh it is so sweet to trust the Lord in all things and to obey God and his word! We put all our trust in him, and he keeps us every day from the • many snares that have been laid for us. Oh glory to our God! We feel that the Lord wants us to tell to the world of his wonderful power of healing in these last days. A few months ago our little girl of two years took very sick. The first of her sickness was the German meas-les; they did not seem to hurt her very much, but in a week or ten days she took a high fever and began to get very - sick. We went earnestly to the Lord - and required of him if it was his will to heal her. She grew worse and worse all the time. We sent word to the Trumpet family and to the saints here, and called for Bro. Hechler and wife. They a-nointed her and received a witness sowing, and I think some fell in good grolnd. May God bless the dear ones there— I remain your sister, saved. • hrough and through by the blood of Jesus. CORNELIA BATEMAN. - - AUBURN, NEB., Aug. 8, 1894. GoSPEL TRUMPET: God bless you all. Amen. We closed meeting at Aller-ton, Iowa, Monday last. A few were saved. Corn crops almost a failure here and in Iowa, and worse farther west: A fair prospect in northwest , We came by St. Joseph, Mo. yesterday; in lowlands; corn is good. In View of the failure in crops, etc. it will be wisdom to economize as much aswe can to the glory of God. How-everthe gleaning ought to go on rap-idly,_ and God will bless this scourge to the benefit of many an honest soul. Yours in Jesus, J. COLE. CHICAGO, ILL., Aug. 13, 1894. DEAR SAINTS: God bless you all. We are saved and kept by divine power. The Rochester meeting in Cedar Co., Iowa, closed Sunday, Aug 5. The tabernacle failing to ar- ' arive, those who' had promised to as-sist in financial matters became dis-couraged and failed utterly when called upon to find stopping places for the company, or to assist in other ways. However God raised up friendsand gave us a school- house for which we give Him all the praise. Brois, Hechler and Worley of Keo-kuk Co. with Sister Hechler were present and used of the Lord. Meet-ing at Ayersville in charge of Bro. Carlton, in a prosperous condition. Spent a day or so in Muscatine where one dear soul got back to the Lord. Expect to work in Indiana for sever-al months. Yours saved, F. HUSTED Co. • ARAPAHOE, OK., AUG 6, 1894. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: We are hap-py to report victory this morning on the Lord's side. Praise the Lord for vitcory over the works of the devil. We held meetng at Arapahoe and a few sou's were saved. To God be the glory. We left there and came twenty- three miles northwest of Arapahoe, There are twelve bless-edly saved. But some are only in a justified state yet. We had an ordi-nance meeting last night a week ago, which fourteen took part. The Lord sent a rain and shut us in. We had Meeting till two o'clock in the morn-ing', • A number of souls were saved ' r4 people are very interested and a trood harvest of souls is looked for the future. From here we go entail . of Arapahoe about six miles. Five or six calls ahead. Pray much f k here. Your brother un-blood, CHAS. BOWERS. OTAY, CAL., July 3 1 ) 1894. '' ISAR SAINTS OF Goo: The work tit ihe gospel is still progressing. IiitVe been here for about two weeks. Tbin place is on the southern border The doctrine of full salva- . s new. The. peo-e much interested, there being nOeSiiiaall stir about this way. Many are ifraid of us, but their confidence is being gained. A few have found tbf toTd for pardon and cleansing. i* mber of honest souls are inquir-ingIhe way. This week we hold spine meetings in the Tia Juana val-ley, the Lord willing. Are all well and: ! happy. Our souls are full of zeal for the Lord God of Hosts, and by his grace are making the best pos-siblense of this precious time. Are Means discouraged, but are a-ble- through faith to put to flight the art* ies of the aliens, and shout the eternal .- - victory. Hallelujah! Pray for -: usg: All correspondence should beieiSed 1021, 15th St., San Die- . :- Your brother and sister, unto the gospel, J. W. AND J. BYERS. were with us part of the time. The Lord has been adding to His church. Several have been baptized, and reg-ular meetings are being held in In-dustry. The interest was good up to the last. Three saved on the last night of the meeting, and the peo-ple came the next night after the meeting closed' and one soul was saved. But we were compelled to leave, to help in some of the camp meetings. The people are waiting for some workers to come and carry on the work on the boat, as I may not get back for two months. Can Brother and Sister Fry or some other workers come? The Bethel is on dock and will not need any care. We are nowt at Smithport camp meeting, and the work of salvation has begun with a well- filled altar this afternoon. My address is Shipping-port. Your humble saved brother, G. T. CLAYTON. ROANE, TEX., July 31, 1894. DEAR. SAINTS: God bless abundant-ly every one of you. Since we last re-ported the Lard has been wonderful-ly blessing our souls and also our labor for Him. Praise the Lord! The meeting at Conroe was blessed of the Lord by the saving and sanc-tifying of souls. One sister was wonderfully healed. To God be all the glory. We came back to this place and held three meetings on Sunday, and at night two were at the altar. One of them paid the price and received . the blessing, but the other did not. We felt led of the Lord to hold an ordinance meet-ing. Quite a number of the saints were present to partake of the ordi-nances and it was a happy time, be-cause the most of th, em had been in Babylon, and were now realizing their freedom. Bless God! The next day Bro. Lon Slate and wife, and Bro. Tramel started for Dallas Co., leaving Bro. J. H. Norman in Navarro Co. ' We still desire your prayers in our behalf, that God may lead us definetly by his Spirit all the time, and also for the work in Texas. We are your brethren, preserved in Jes-us Christ and called. R. L. BERRY AND J. H. NORMAN. HILLIARDS, MICH., Aug. 9, 1894. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: We are praising God for victory. The Chesh-ire, grove meeting began in the name of the Lord at the appointed time, July 27, and closed Aug. 2. Quite a number of dear saints were present many of them have a good exper-ience, and are full of fire, and the Lord is using them in saving souls. If they had been out free from sects all these years, how the Lord would ! I have swept this coast; but they soon organized an ass oocciiaattiioonn;, and the church in each locality became mem-bers finally, and adopted the little creed put forth by the association, and step by step they are buckling the straps of sectarianism on, uncon-sciously, but surely taking to their bosom the viper that has poisoned every religious organization, from old Rome, the mother of harlots, to to the smallest of her daughters. Well praise God, he honors his name as well as his word, and the truth will stand when all else fails. There is quite a good company of saints here in Los Angeles, that love the Lord out of a pure' heart, and are standing in his name. Have one reg-ular meeting place in the city. All saints coming this way can find this meeting at 313 N. Broadway St. Sister Royer and family reside there. - Another company is out far-ther from the city with the other tent, now at Redondo Beach; Sister Zum-walt and daughter, and Bro. and Sis-ter Shoquist, regular workers at pres-ent. Each company are trusting God for the of cessaries of life, and I can truly say for this company, so far we have not lacked. Bless the Lord! And we are still trusting him; he knoweth all* things. Surely he can feed his children. If they are obed-ient they need not fear. When the Lord said " Go ye," he also said " I will be with you always." Hallelujah! There is great need of watching and praying, lest division come in. And some here have allowed a point of doctrine to separate them from the main body, that is, they claim we are not born again till sanctified; and truly we desire all the saints to pray for them, that they be perfectly joined together, in the same mind and in the same judgment. i Cor. T: I0 How soon divisions take place when selfish motives arise. Acts 20: 29. These motives may be unconsciously selfish, but the result is the same, and divisions arise. Pray for us at this to stand in His name alone. And also for us that are in the work, that we may be true, and wise as serpents and harmless as doves. We feel our weakness and our unworthiness, and need the prayers of all saints to sus-tain us amidst all the confusion there J. D. HATCH & Co. OAKSDALE, WASH., July 23, 1894. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: The first camp meeting of the saints of the host High God in Washington has come and gone, but the good done will only be fully known when all shall stand before the judge of all the earth. Truly the God of our sal-vation has wrought wonders in these parts. Last August when we landed in Spokane there were only two saints besides ourselves in the state that we knew of, and not enough to fill one seat in a grove meeting held at Pe-one. At the C. M. the saints filled a number of large seats. The meeting began at the appointed time and the redeemed soon began to flock in and the tents to be set up, and the fire of holiness began to burn and spread in power and glory until the very atmos-phere was charged with the presence of His glary. It was a time of pow-er; hence the spirit of willingness vas upon the people, and especially oper-ated in the hearts of the saints. There were 16 or 17 tents, 2 cook wagons, one covered wagon and a tabernacle 40 feet in diameter, and a beautiful seated grove. There were from one to six at the altar at almost every in-vitation, after the work had generally begun to move out. Souls were also saved between services in the tents. In all, there were fully fifty consecra-tions to the Lord. Hungry, souls came over a hundred miles, were saved and healed, and returned home rejoicing in. God. Twenty- eight hap-py saints were immersed; fully forty would have been baptized, could they have been ready, There were also a large number of cases of divine healing. Some of these were indeed miraculous and wonderful healings by His power. Blind and cataract eyes were healed and their sight is rapidly- returning. My left limb was accidentally, very badly hurt, either one of the bones broken, or else bad-ly wrenched, but the Lord truly healed it and other of my afflictions. Among those saved were a promi-nent lawyer and his wife of Oaksdale. May the Lord enable this dear broth-er to obtain the real experience of entire holiness, and become fully es-tablished in all the present truth. Pe doubt not but that he will be-come a useful instrument in the hands of God. Others of strong will were gloriously saved, who were al-most beyond the reach of saving grace. But hallelujah! the Spirit of God captured them through the earnest faith and prayers of the. saints. There was a glorious ad-vance and forward move with, and in the hearts of all the saints and workers in the present truth and perfect holiness and its graces. - Many were convicted for, sought and obtained the various gifts of the Spirit. Thus all were greatly bene-fited and in every way better quali-fied to more fully live and work for God, in the future. Father Patter-son, ( the father- in- law of dear Broth-er Bailey,) was saved and sanctified wholly. He was cleansed from the filthy king ( tobacco) of which he had been a slate for over sixty years. Praise God for this wonderful deliv-erance! Dear Brother Davis and family form Almira, Lincoln Co. came. They were gloriously redeem-ed and healed. They will take the fire back with them and we doubt not but the Lord will use them to His glory, if they will only keep humble and prove true to Jesus. A number of persons from Palouse City, who were won to the truth in a meet-ing held there last spring, by Brother Bailey, came to the meeting and were gloriously saved. Thus the Lord raised up a precious church there also. The Lord has a glorious company of consecrated and well saved young people in these parts and still more to follow. Some of them are called in-to the work of the gospel. The saints in Spokane Co. also in Idaho and Oregon, were detained from this feast of the Lord. The Lord has all their names on high, enrolled in the book of life. Some of the saints felt the need of and were convicted to es-tablish a saints' school for the child-ren and the young people. Such an institution is needful. Seventy- one holy ones took part in the ordinances of Christ, which was a glorious Pen-tecost to all. Bro. G. W. Bailey was ordained to the sacred calling of the ministry, by the laying on of hands. Bro. E. C. Moys, was ordained elder in the church near Almota, and Bro. T. Adams was ordained deacon in the church at the Hickman school louse. Thus closed the first camp meeting of the saints in Washington. Bro's Bamford, Baily and Co. go to hold some grove meetings in Spokane Co. and in Idaho. Myself and com-pany are now holding a tabernacle meeting in this city. God is working gloriously already. Several hands have been raised for our prayers. One saved to day. Sister Colvin of Colfax, who had been much afflicted for three years but especially in the last several months, had been treated by eight or nine doctors, in that city, but they could not cure her. The Lord gave her sufficent help and strength, and she came here last week, was sanctified and wonderfully healed, and returned home fully sav-ed and well. Halleluj ill I have been convicted and called to take a missionary tour through Alaska, Lord willing. We hope to do so next spring and summer. I am impressed that it will take about $ 300. I have been much impressed that the work should be speedily opened up in Al-aska and the Sandwich Islands, and especially in Honolulu. From here we go and hold a tabernacle meeting in Palouse City. Thence Lord will-ing to Oregon and especially to lab-or in and about Pendleton. Please pray on for us. We are expecting and by faith claiming multitudes of souls to be brought to God in this country. i F. N. jABOBSON, C. TIJBES AND Co. ,. BETHEL, SHIPP1NGPORT, 1894- ANTS: I am rejoicing in the ( imp/ et e Savior. In the p1,06: of God we came to this e month ago, and the bless tared off well from the be o` s. Henry and Riggle Myers and Co. The Lord, in answer to prayer, sent Bro. Warner just when he was most needed, on Sab-bath. The powers of darkness were great at first, but we remembered our God is mighty, and able to fight our battles for us. As judgement went - Others coming as the young man of - old, and asking what they must do to enter into eternal life; and when they Los ANGELES, CAL. To THE SAINTS OF GOD, GREETING: I am this morning saved and under the blood; and the peace of God to assist in the meeting, among them , which passeth all understanding, Bro. and Sister Lammers, and Sister I keeps my heart and mind through Christ Jesus. Bless his name! There is a little company of us here at this point, going from house to house, as the Lord directs, distributing tracts, and talking salvation and the evening light truth, in the day time, and at night we have meeting in a taberna-forth, many were made to see their I cle 30x40 feet. Meetings are quite condition, and were willing to hum- I well attended, and the Lord is bless-ble themselves under the mighty mg the work. While Bro. Byers was here, we purchased three tabernacles the size of this one. A good brother advancing the money for the same, until it could be gotten together by freewill offering. Bro. Byers took one to San Diego and vicinity, and left two here for this part of the field. He soon sent the cash from San Die-go to pay for that one. But it seems the saints here are having all they can do to get along, and while the brother is not hurrying us for the money. we do feel that he ought not to bear the burden all alone. Any saints on this coast, who feel led of the Lord to give toward these two tents, please ' send it to J. " AT. Byers, 1021, 15th St., San Diego, or to J. D. Hatch, 1st St., between Saratoga and hand of God, and measure up to the word. There were several consecra-tions, and others under deep convic-tion when the meeting closed. Our prayer is that they may yet yield to God. May the Lord keep those who are saved, true to him, There seem-ed to be no chance for meeting in Allegan, and the people were anx-ious for meeting at the Clifford school house, so there were three meetings held, with good interest and large at-tendance. The Hopkins meeting be-gan the 7th. - The devil is trying hard to hinder the work, but we are hold-ing on to God for the victory in Jesus' name, and we have the victory in our souls. Praise the Lord! Pray for us, dear ones. A number of saints are present _ already, and more are Savannah Sts., Los Angeles, Cal. expected. Yours, saved by the blood, The work here in this part of the ALLIE R. FISHER. S. T. CO. vineyard is peculiar. Holiness has - been preached here for thirteen or HAMBURG, GERMANY, July 28, 1894: fourteen years, and there are a great DEAR BRETHREN: We feel happy many professing sanctification, and to report victory for God, and that the work in Germany is on the for-ward move, souls getting saved and rejoicing in their freedom from sin. are told, they go away sorrowful. Others come and with joy receive it, yet bath not root, but endureth for a while; bur when tribulations and per-secution arisethibecause of the word, by and by they become_ offended: We have never seen the word fulfill-ed on every side as in this country. Truly Jesus of Nazareth is passing by, and the mighty judgment of God is falling upon the nations. And oh how few are able to comprehend the signs of the times! and how few hear the vice of Jesus to the resurrection of their souls from the sleep of death! Surely our hearts are sad this beauti-ful morning, on account of the un faithfulness of man to Jesus, who did so much for us. Bless His holy and lovely name! ' For sometime- we have been impres-sed to go home on business matters, which demanded our attention. Yet every time we thought of going it was accompanied with a sadness, so we prayed much to the Lord to over-rule the matter, if it was not his will for us to leave Germany at present. And I wish to say he has done so, and we are assured now that it is his will for us to stay in this country for a few months longer, until the work is farther advanced, and some one comes Or the Lord raises up some one to take our place, after which we feel that the Lord will have us go to England or Scotland to preach the gospel of the kingdom in our mother tongue. Truly we feel the prayers of our brethren and sisters in our behalf in this dark land. And dear ones, what God shows his people to do must be done quickly, for the time is very short, according to the signs of the fig tree. Now may the richest of God's blessings rest upon all of us and keep us faithful unto the end, and that we can come with joy, bringing in the sheaves, although perhaps we sowed in sorrow. Praise God! The crown and joy and appro-bation of God drives all else into ob- point, that those nearest the truth livion and only- makes us reach out j may see their error and be persuaded with faith to do more. Praise our God forever! We could use many tracts if we had them. Your broth-er and sister- in the conflict of faith and hope, saved and sanctified, J. H. AND H. A. RUPERT Gruenderdeich 25, Part L. I is here in these perilous times. Yours in Christ, . to TESTIMONIES WONDERFUL. 110: 129. OXFORD, N. Y. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: I feel led of the Spirit to write my testimony. am saved from all sin and sects. My desire is to do the whole will of God I desire an interest in your prayers that ' I may prove faithful. MRS. MARY CADY. MOLE HILL, W VA. PEAR SAINTS OA GOD: My testi-mony is that Jesus sweetly saves me from all sin, for which I bless his name. I do bless God that I ever saw the true light. I was a member of the U. B sect for thirty- three years. • D. R. MCCULLLOUGH. ALMENA, KAN. DEAR SAINTS: I feel led to write testimony. I still praise God from whom all blessings flow. He keeps me by daY, and watches over me at night. I am all on the altar. Bless his holy name! He died that we might live. He is able to heal both soul and body. I beg you all to pray for me. SUSANNA STRAND. A LMENA, KAN. DEAR SAINT- Fs: I feel led by the Spir-it of the Lord to write my testimony for the first time. I have belonged to a sect for over twenty years. But I praise God for free salvation. I have had more victory in my soul for the last seven weeks than I had in twenty years, and I give God all the glory. I want you to pray for me and my children. Yours in Christ, S. WAI TERS. G- CDST: MLI they want; but let one go beyond that, then he realizes that he is bound and not at liberty to walk in all the light he has. Another point is, that sectarians say the saints of God are a sect, just like all other sects, and one of the worst kind. This they say because of their ignorance, or willfully say as Tertullus did of Paul:— " For we have found this man a pestilent fellow, and a mover of sedition among all the Jews throughout the world, and a ring leader of the sect of the Nazarenes; who also hath gone about to profane the tem-ple: whom we took, and would have judged according to our law. But the chief captain Lysias came upon us, and with great violence took him away out of our hands, commanding his accusers to come unto thee; by examining of whom thyself mayest take knowledge of all these things, whereof we accuse him." And the Jews also assented, saying that these things were so.— Acts 94: 5- 9. " And when he was come, the Jews which came down from Jerusalem stood round about, and laid many grievous complaints against Paul, which they could not prove."- 25: 7. " A sect is a portion cut off, or separat-ed from a body of which it forms a part. A sect of Christians is a part of the entire Christian body, separated from the rest by some peculiar doctrine or tenets which they hold exclusively, or to which they give especial prominence." This is the definition given by B. T. Roberts, the founder of the Free Methodist sect. , Therefore every creed, society or or-ganization, professing the Christian re-ligion, which constitutes a party distinct from the body entire of Christians which is the body - of Christ, and which does not include all Christians, is a sect or a cut-off portion. The church of God includes all saints, and the boundary line is betwea the saved and the unsaved. We do not join this church; we are born into it by the Spirit of God, and by a life of perfect obedience to his commandments we re-main in it. Our only discipline is the Bi-ble. Christ himself is the door; he opens and no man shuts. We have nothing to do with the taking in of members, nor with putting them out. God does all that himself. He also keeps the church book, the Lamb's- book of life. Sects name themselves, open their own door, take their members in and put them out, and keep their own church book. The church of God is no cut- off faction or part of any religious body, but the church entire; and we avoid making a sect by abiding in this body of Christ, which is the whole, and joining nothing else. In conclusion, the Lord only calls his own (" my people ") to come out. Those who are not right with God and not will-ing to go through the fire, and be refined as silver is refined, and tried as gold is tried, would better stay in their sect, and not let the devil use them as counterfeits to hinder this movement. S. S. MOYER. MELROSE, 0. DEARLY BELOVED; My testimony to-day is that I am fully saved in Jesus just now, and trusting Him for all things, satisfied with_ the goodness of God to my soul, sanctified by a Sub-sequent, hence, a second work of grace, and realize that I am kept by the power of God through faith unto I Also I Cor. Ii: 18, 19—" For first of all, when ye come together in the church, I hear that there be divisions among you; and I partly believe it. For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made ma. ni-fest among you." Here Paul calls divisions heresies, or sects, as the margin has it. Through false teachers, and the children of God departing from the faith which was once delivered unto the saints, they got farther and farther away from God until about the year A. D. 270, when the apostasy properly began, and the prophecy of A-mos 8: 9 went into fulfillment,—" And it. shall come to pass in that day, saith the Lord God, that I will cause the sun to go down at noon, and I will darken the earth - in the clear day.". In this dark age the beast described in Rev. 13th chapter, which rose up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, had full power, as we read in the seventh verse: " And it was given unto him to make war with- the saints, and to over-come them: and po