The Gospel Trumpet - 13:09

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 _ The Lord God shall OW the' 1 RUZPET tr.: T; d go ll.,: th Whirlwinds. A PI: ture wa Humzr. LVz. thou?. AAn. inletastlthYeltlriisssyde: e341. Grand Junction, Michigan, Thursday,...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Warner, D. S.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Byrum, E. E. 1893
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Summary:Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 _ The Lord God shall OW the' 1 RUZPET tr.: T; d go ll.,: th Whirlwinds. A PI: ture wa Humzr. LVz. thou?. AAn. inletastlthYeltlriisssyde: e341. Grand Junction, Michigan, Thursday, March 2, 1893. Volume 18. No. 9. Them , flateiir7b: nceakihoaf: oseneaetaisth , s. htasiriaerec ytrtioareitgr ' s: weliteaunid Wailild ber isntge eito rfodrutohg, s1e1t. tt. t To- day viewod wet. Ph t hang on memory's wal/. A s, idness steals v. ithin my lo. art, 1 thetie kie,. nes recall, thr = tint 2f San. , and : r eorry ta. r. bin : all: be tot cut c. 1. in her tbio I: t'ze of the Lord's vas I: t: zder nzto her a : coolnyttce. for land fazil treiable azd sorrow: for ,": re of the Lord thall be Reef reed sezitot Szbylon. to = oho th land cf ' Babylon izoolotion withont inhabitst Tait. 51; S. 29. And he shall send his angels r, ith a great sound of a ti: unpet, andthey ohall gather togett-erhis electisoethelcur winds,[ fro= one end of heaven to the other. NOW learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and,* putteth forth leaves, ye know that suborner is nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see these things, ktow that it is near, even az the doors. Matt. 24: 81- 39. before the slumber and spiritual death of these last days was broken by the general holiness reformation of the last forty years. " This is the first resurrection," 20: 5, refers to both the spiritual resur-rected in the primitive fruitfulness of the church, and" the rest of the dead," who are now being spiritually resur-rected in the last days. Instead of the first being the righteous literally resurrected, and the" rest of the dead," the wicked, in chapter 6: it the se-cond class are seen to be the " breth-ren and fellow servants" of the forth-er. ( To be continued.) Ii ilitttn tilt' morn , ' here joy itnd gladness reign, lanthlike hearts have never felt The load of grief anal pain. ed to a single mention in the Bible. that far surpassed the bloody deeds And so it occurs that we have an- of Pagan Rome. Satan now reaches other mention of those souls that the climax of cruel tortureand/ whole-. the " sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; and the stars of heaven fell unto the earth." Here is another darkening of the sun and moon, the utter going out of the light of- God in Babylon. Another falling of the stars, the many holiness evangelists and editors that dropped from their plane of holiness when they rejected the evening light in the last twelve years. It cannot be denied that God's an-cient illuininated ministry fell from their bright orbits in the apostasy of the third century, and we have seen them fall again " unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs when she is shaken of a mighty wind." Only men reflecting the glory of holi-ness . can properly be denominated f stars. That the primitive ministry did,- and also great numbers who compromised with Babylon in the last twelve years, since the voice from heaven has cried, " Come out of her my people:" This latter falling of the stars is pictured in Isa. 13. It be-gins with " the burden of Babylon." When God determined to judge her. " I— saith the Lord— have command-ed my sanctified. ones, I have also called my mighty ones for my anger.", Ver. 3. " They come from a far coun-try, from the end of heaven, even the Lord, and the weapons of his indig-nation." " As a destruction shall it come from the Almighty." " Behold the day of the Lord cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the . sinners thereof out of it." This is the " great" and " perpetual whirlwind," which has cast down the stars like untimely figs from a tree that is shaken by a great wind. It is the present fire, and uncompromising storm of holiness which destroys the sinners out of the land of professional The flowers of hopo on ,‘ very side Are blooming at heir t,, t. The songs a j, ■ 2., it, ear, Aed fancy Nvhispers reigned with Christ a thousand years. sale slaughter wreaked upon the saint Yes we find in Rev. 6 the time indi- of God in the use of a God- forsake sated when they were seen. Let us hell- inspired apostasy that still pro analyze the chapter and endeavor to fessed the heaven- born religion of th point out the application of itsscenes. lovely Son of God. " And I looked And I saw when the Lamb opened and behold a pale horse; and hi one of the seals, and I heard, as it ' name that sat on him was Death, and were the noise of thunder, one of the Hell— iiADEs, the receptacle of all de four beasts saying, ' Come and see. parted spirits— followed with him: And I saw, and behold a white horse:- Heaven _ could not more strikingly and he that sat on him had a bow; paint that murderous policy of the and a crown was given unto him: and papal beast which shed the - blood of he went forth conquering, and to con- many millions of God's holy saints._ quer.— Rev. 6: I, 2. " And power was given unto them, Here is the same Christ' on his over- the fourth part of the earth; to white horse of holiness that we see kill with sword, and with hunger, and in Rev. 19. " And— here in the be- with death, and with the beasts of the ginning of the gospel— he went forth earth." Such is the bloody record o conquering and to conquer." This the wicked Roman hierarchy. has reference to the triumphant and And when- le had opened the fifth rapid spread of the gospel in the seal, I saw under the altar the souls white horse purity of the primitive a- of them that were slain for the word postolic church, or in the morning of God, and for the testimony - which light. As there was a pure church at they held: and they cried with a loud the beginning, and - shall be at the voice, saying, How long, 0 Lord, holy end of this dispensation, we see and trues- dost thou not judge and a- Christ on a white horse at the open- venge our blood on them that dwell ing of the first seal, and behold him on the earth? And white robes were again on his white horse followed by given unto every one of them; and it the white robed bride all on white was said unto them, that they should horses in the last great conflict just rest yet for a little season, until their before the end of time. fellow servants also and their breth- And when he had opened the se- ren, that should be killed as they cond seal, I heard a second beast say, were, should be fulfilled.— Verses I. Come and see. And there went out Now comes a long period of stag-another horse that was red: and pow- nation, and of formality. Persecu-er was given to him that sat thereon tion has ceased, and the souls of the to take peace from the earth, and ancient martyrs are waiting under that they should kill one another .: the altar the final day of judgement, and there was given unto him a great to see their wicked persecutors pun-sword.— Rev. 6: 3, 4. ished, and to obtain their crowns Here is the red horse power of Pa- which the " Righteous Judge will give ban Rome, made red by the slaught- them in that day." These were the ering of the saints of God. same souls spoken of as reigning with And when he had opened the third Christ a thousand years, in Rev. 2o. seal, I heard the third beast say, Come The identity is very clearly establish-and see. And I beheld, and lo, a black ed in the follo- wingWords: " The souls horse; and he that sat on him had a of them that were beheaded for the pair ofsbalarces in his hand. And I witness of Jesus, and for the word of heard a voice in the midst of the four God." Rev. 20: 4. The souls of beasts say, A measure of wheat for a them that were slain for the word of penny, and three measures of barleyGod, and for the testimony which for a penny; and see thou hurt not they held.— Rev. 6: 9. Surely the the oil and the wine.— Verses 5 and 6. two passages refer to the same class. This black horse denotes the rise Both were put to death for their de-- of the apostasy. A long and bloody votion to the word of God a and - for persecution ceased in 26o, from which their testimony. Having already time the church went into corruption informed us that they were seen at and apostasy with istonishingf strides. the opening of the fifth seal, and the And so were fulfilled the prophetic place 1vhere they rested was under words of Jesus: Immediately after the altanin the second instance noth_ the tribulation of those days shall the ing is said as to where or when they sun be darkened, and the moon shall were seen. What is meant by under not give her light, and the stars shall the altar? " The golden altar which fall from heaven.— Matt. 24: As was before the throne?' Rev. 8; 3, soon as the long persecution of fifty This shows the place- of disembodied years subsided, Christ and his word spirits near the presence of Christ. were obscured by the ambition and Before the throne of his reign. This corruption that prevailed. Therefore corresponds with the inspired apostle the moon, God's church, ceased to who informs- us that, " to be absent give her light, and the stars, the from the body is to be present with ministers of the gospel, fell from the the Lord." The place this scene oc-plane of heaven's purity. All this oupies in the drama ofprophetic truth corruption and vide apostasy is de- that passed before the eyes of John noted by the " black horse." . on the isle of Patmos was in the open And when ' he had opened the ing of the fifth seal, which was after fourth seal, I heard the voice of the the fires of Papal persecution had be-fourth beast say, Come and see. And come smouldered into a peace policy I looked, and behold a pale horse: of Satan, under which souls have been and his name that sat on him was more endangered and deceived than Death, and Hell followed- with him. under the reign of martyrdom. To And power was given unto them over understand the time covered by the the fourth part of the earth, to - kill opening of the fifth seal, take your with sword , and with hunger, and. Testament and read the opening of w with death, and with the beasts of the sixth- seal. " And I beheld, when earth .— Verses and 8. he had opened the sixth seal, andalo, he In the wake of this worldly ambi- there was a great earthquake." Here ion, lordly bishops, and- complication we reach the present great earthi hh uman machi nery, which hhaad sup quake or upheaval by the fire of holi, f - ! anted the pure and simple order of ness which destroys sects, and burns God's church, follows a persecution up the old dark age creeds. _ And But et iter pit A few yearsf tmini' , of:: The path that Imre 11: h smooth : tili1 brig Ila• steep and /. 14: g,,, t g. rown. The hearts that once Wert' free and Are Iturtkiwa now with care, And as they stop to pluck a tlow'r, They Mai Out thorns art , there. light 1116 • COVETING BABYLON. Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heani, lest at anytime we should let them Bhp - - Flab. 2; 1. We have recently through a num-ber of letters been asked the question whether it is right to attend sect meetings or not. We will notice what object you have in going. Suppose you go there to worship: i Cor. 6: 15 — Know ye not that your bodies - are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ and make them the members of an har-lot? God forbid. What! know ye not he which is joined to an harlot is one body; for two, saith he, shall be one flesh. How dare you join old mother Rome, or the various sects which are the daughters? Well you say: Oh we could not join her. Well do not court her then. You cannot keep justified and give your money to help her. God would not justify you in building up sectism. Paul said, Gal. 2: i8, " If I build again_ the things which I destroyed I make my-self a transgressor." And when you renounce Babylon and come out, if you go back, that is about the same with you; and as for food, you will not find any. Those who come out of sectism generally have to conse-crate for pardon. The people who are yet in there are very much to be pitied. You who have heard the evening light will have to live up to it or lose your souls. It certainly is dangerous to visit Babylon, and es-pecially those who are babes and not established are more apt to compro-mise with her than to let your light shine. The way to let your light shine is to testify against her. Read Rev. 18: 1- 4, there you will find a description of things in sectism. Lena L. Shoffner. joy in fri lids they Which e erS then: ay by day. With courage in their hearts afresh. They journey on their way. But oh where tan we find a joy That with us long will stay? FOr pleasures like tile transient tie V All. N• anisli soon away. Some The Have And fr.( rhaps the most they loved. sir heart. the' nay alas too rough,. n thei side depart. The gral- e . losed above ' noir hoarts art' tilled with w- But they eannta stolia into h IS ' That they should. on- 0, anl Tht‘ they Sind is intermixed ARubins and whit shade. Sometimes the load 4.1.1p: li ,411t1' 1' : 40 Sonwtitncs ' t is Ilea% y la id. But odder pictures still I : am-, My heart with m ( older They'd jottrue, ■ , CUI 1 .0 until they reached The summit. of t he hill. I gazed with 40.1t* Upon ht. Can those NN hat I , a11'. In other yca r•-• ■ I4 free and light. Now bent n ith toil and care : o low? They pass And with s Time w nu st oft jot th ilnife, but tw. A. few more days of grief and toil, A more days tit' gloom. 11 them lay their ittli'tirlis down. And sink into the tomb. away wit s: olth• o Ah vuiu and foolish man! The lesson I shall no'cr forget. That life is but a span• within my heart To live in Snell away, That 1 may leave Shining mark When I have passed away. Lucy M. Lewis. holiness, and separates the precious from the vile. And just as we read under the opening of the sixth seal, Rev. 6: 13— And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. So we read in Isa. 13: io— For the stars of heav-en and the constellations thereof shall not give their light: the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine. Other verses of parallel truth in those lessons might be cited. But let the reader- trace the events covered by the sixth seal, and he will find himself reading the present holiness reformation, and the judgement of the great whore,-- Babylon— and the stormy day of God's wrath upon all the corrupt works of this latter day sect confusion, become more and more terrible until it reaches " the great day of his wrath," the final judgement; so we see that the time represented in Revelation in which the souls were seen under the altar was just before the going forth of the hail and fire mingled with, blood, of the present and last reformation. And it was said unto them, that they should rest ye4for a little season, until their fellow- servants also, and their brethren, that should be killed as they were should be fulfilled.- 6: Here we see that from the time they thus cried out under the fifth seal, till the day of judgement would be only a little season. But there will be a short time, at least, of terrible persecution and martyrdom before the end comes. So remember when John said in Rev. 20: 4, " I saw the souls of them that were beheaded," etc., it was just DUSHVILLE, MICH. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: God bless you all. Amen. I feel led to write and give in my testimony on the Lord's side. I do praise the Lord for salvation. I am saved and sanctified and kept by the power of God. Praise the Lord forever and ever! I enjoy the blessed peace of God in my soul. This is the first time I ever wrote my testimony. I am a little girl nine years old. Pray for me. Edna Pierce. PELLSTON, MICH. DEAR SAINTS: I feel it the will of God to write a little of my experience. I joined the Disciple sect when I was twenty- one years old; lived with them ten ' years. I thought I was a Chris-tian but when I look back and think of the past I know I had not been converted. Praise the Lord, I know I have salvation now. I cannot praise- God enough for his goodness unto me. I am deaf; have not heard a preacher for twenty- five years. But I believe the Lord will let me hear yet. 1 have been tested many times. I was quite sick this winter, but I prayed God to heal me and he did. Pray for me that the Lord may open my deaf ears and let me hear the prayers of the dear saints once more, Also pray for my unsaved husband that he may be saved. Your sister in Christ, Lavina Hawkins. ._." 0.1. --- THE ONE THOUSAND YEARS REIGN. Binding and laming of Satan. ( Co Aist issue.) 1 11\ 1 our fateful - article we have seen that t le loosing of Satan is fol-lowed by the war of Gi4g and Magog.- See Rev. 20: 7- . - 9. That during that war the birds and beasts, evil spirits, are summoned to feast on the slain of the Gogites. Era:. 39: I - 3.17 --- . 2o. And we have seen that this great battle is fought by Christ and his bride going forth to smite the nations with the sword of his mouth, hence it is not a literal, or national conflict, but a great battle between truth and error. And this battle, and the sacritice, or supper to the birds and beasts that attend it, Comes immediately after Christ calls his bride out of Babylon, arrays her in white, and places her on white horses. Rev. 19: 8- 18. But as God is now calling his elect out of her. and the final battle of God Almighty a-gainst all Gog and Magog creeds and forces has begun, and this conflict is ' to transpire when Satan is loosed, therefore the thousand years of his binding is a thing of the past. Again We called attention to the fact that n9 other scripture corroborated the idea of a thousand years reign on earth, : And now* We ask this question: If 1 t those souls who reigned with Christ were really disembodied souls, would It they not likely be spoken of elsewherell0 in the Bible as such? For our part P we have found no Bible truth •: • THE OSPEL TRUMPET Published at Gitt. rD ruNCTION, MICE, A WEEKLY HOLINESS JOURNAL. DEFINITE, RADICAL, ANTI- SECTARIAN. Sznt forth in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. For the Publication of full Salvation, and Divine Healing of the Body. The ITninit y" tohfe a flal ittrhu eo nCcher idseti- ans livered to the saints." 2Za_ e, f_ arvals latamt. An interesting paper for children. Il lustrated. It should be in every family are children. Only 25 cent Address, THE SHINING LIGHT, Grand junction, Mich where there a year. • LIST OF MONEY LETTERS NOT OTIIERWISE RECEIPTED. TUB B3LIOAT., TRACE 01' TEE CHURCH, Kimber, S. C. Blickholder, Luey A new book by Bro. Wm. G. Schell, man, 3. W. Cale, W. D. Reefer, J. R. Walter, 1 Mary Car veth, B. W. Swinburn Samuel Ka inb, 01 Anlo, O. will soon be ready for the P JonesM, ary B. 3lo roe, press, and the Lord willing, will be Geo. Rickert, W. . Belle Steller, Jennie Dunlap. ready to send out in May. This will ' doubtless be as valuable a work as has nequeztz for Prayer. Iever been written on the subject, and VISALIA, CAL,. Feb. I8, 1893. at such reasonable rates that almost I wish to ask all of the ' dear Pe°- , any one can afford to have one, and pie of God who read this, to pray i aid in the spread of the truth by sell-for me, that I may be healed; as I ling to others. Price, cloth 75 cts; am afflicted with heart trouble and paper 30 cts. One book will be sent not able to work for the support of free with every order with cash * n my family. I have been a member , full for three books. Orders can be of a sect for nineteen years and am i sent to Bro. Schell at Anlo, 0., or to sure they are not teaching and walk- ,, this office. an Unto us. We meet with the saints side of thirty days\ Y. I ou can send it Covix O N Feb, 15, 893, to Bro. James Caldwell, Arkansas in the worship of the Lord as he DEAR SAINTS AM) TRUMPET READ-place last evening. The pure gospel has never been preached here. Pray for us, dear brethren and sisters, that we may not shun to declare the whole counsel of God. We do not know how long we shall Stay here, but just as long as the Lord wills. Your saved brother t. nd sister, A. L. & F. M. Sheldon. ROSE, KAN., FEB., 23, 1893. DEARLY BELOVED SAINTS: Since our last report we held a few meetings at Chanute in Sister Helkr's house, - also held a week's meeting north of Chanute. The weather being bad part of the time, the attendance was poor, yet much good was done in spreading the gospel truth. After the close of the country meeting we returned to Sister Heller's for an or-dinance meeting. Had a very pre-cious time. There were four conse-crations, and the Lord was with. us in power. The saints were much strengthened and a good work acl complished. From there we came to Otter Springs and held about two weeks meeting in the name of Jesus, and there were several consecrations. Our address is Grand function, Mich. Yours in Jesus, Wm: N. &. S. J. Smith, & E. F. Houghton. ST Louis, Micn. To ALL THE SAINTS, GREETING: May God's rich blessings ever rest upon all the family of God. It has been some time since I wrote to you. We are all well and saved in Jesus. He keeps us from all sin; - walking in the blessed evening light; doing his will in all things as - he makes it known Kan. Feb. 2 1, and-- w ill conti4n*- ai long as the Lord lea. ds, believing- that much good will be done. Wedesire all to pray for the work at this place where the evening light has not been taught to the people. I was rejoiced to. meet Bro. James Edy and his father at this place, whom I had not hea. rd_ from or seen forSeveral months, Was greatly comforted in my spirit to meet them here filled with the holy fire. Hallelujah to Jesus! Your saved brother, NV. A. Haynes. APPLE GROVE, ALA., Feb. 28, 1893, DEAR SAINTS: God bless you all for Jesus' sake, and keep you free. I am praising God for perfect victory in my soul this morning: The dear Lord is keeping me both soul sad body for which I give him all the glory. I keep free by perfect obedi-ence to him alone. I have been la-boring in North Ala. since the 22d of luly. Bro. Achor and I came here to-gether. Alter one meeting near Hart-sells he returned north and 1 eon-tinued the work alone until October, when Bro. Carter joined me and has been here every since, but expects to go to Tullahoma, " Fenn. the t rth of March, from there to his home in St, Louis, Mo. I expect to continue the work in Ala. until the Lord releases me. Many precious souls have been saved, who are now rejoicing in the - Lord. Pray for me and those who are saved in this land. My address will be Somerville, Ala. until further notice. Yours in j DANVILLE, ILL., Feb. 25, 1893. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: Can re-port victory on the Lord's side. Meet-ing still going on. Large crowds at-tend the meeting s , sometimes as many as two hundred and fifty are out. Two weeks from date will go six miles north of Danville and three miles west of West Newel where a large meettng house is also open for the word. Have just returned from a News from the Field. ded in the field ' glory in teaching his - word. ANTHONY, RAN., FEB. 24,1893. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: We ar well and blessedly saved. God's cause is prospering: the work is moving On grandly in these parts. A number have been saved and sanctified. Seven at the altar last night, five for pardon and two for sanctification. All seemed to get what they came for. Some of them came out very bright. To God be all the glory. Some of them had been saved before, but some had never been clear. One of the number was an old lady over sixty years old. Praise our . God! We close to- night and go about fourteen miles south and commence meeting. Pray much for us and God's work trusted in our care. Different ones coming to the altar are bound down by Sa-tan, some in one way and some in an-other, some by the tobacco devil; but God is able and does deliver them from it all. We are saved, sanctified and kept. A. J. Shelly & Mary Cole &. Co. F. Husted. SLATE, KAN., Feb. 22, 1893. I am rejoiced to report that I am saved by the blood of I esus, filled with joy inexpressible, and satisfied with the ever abiding presence of the Holy Comforter that leads us in this land flowing with tmilk and honey. I help meeting near Stockton for about two weeks, and as the- country was thinly settled the congregations were small, and prejudice kept some from coming,- to hear the truth at first but the melting love of God broke down the great wall , of prejudice and stubborn-ness. As the word was preached by the power of God, people saw the way of holiness, truth and light. We know not the fruit that the seed will bring forth, but God kn. oweth. Some were sanctified, others being justified we pray may go on to perfection. Some who had not gone to meeting for twelve or fifteen years attended regu-lar, praise the Lord! I came to Slate, ing in many things as the Lord would i withdraw, and by the grace 0 f God, ARKANSAS CITY, FEB. 7, 1893. have them. I feel it my duty to I eLOOSE Lab BAOTHEE FOR OTTRTsTS SAXE, more fully consecrate myself to the t To THE DEAR BRETHREN AND READ-i work of the Lord, following more ERs OF THE TRUMPET: Praise the perfectly his Liessed word and the Lord! It has been pressed upon me leadings of his Holy Spirit. for some time to write to the saints Yours in Christ, of God everywhere through the Henry Jeans. Trumpet. and inform them that there _. - is a brother at this place that we be-lieve is a true child of God, and an gomery Co., Ind. writes a very earn- able minister of the gospel, who est appeal for some elder of t, h ' e could be very useful in the vineyard church to come at once to visit her w ho is ssuuffffering very much ffrom , of the Lord; he has already been - the son ' means of bringing many souls to a severe affliction. She also writes Christ. He has a large family to that they are in need of spiritual help go? i at that place. Who can support, s not aabwlee to do much man- _. - ual labor, and he is in debt over a Samuel Dershem of Warren, Ill. hundred dollars. He has promised asks the saints to pray the prayer of both God and man that if he could faith in behalf of his soul and body, get out of debt he would spend the March 4, at o, rie o'clock. rest of his life in the ministry. Now OO ra M Knight, Larwell, Id. de-lwe ask all the dear brethren in the McKnight, name of Christ to help us in getting sires the saints to pray on Mar. 12, at 4 P. M. for the healing of her husbanda. ldl eGaivr eB rjou. s tC aalsd wyoeull ofeuet lo af bdleeb, tf. r oLmet Also for her unsaved mother who is fiftys' cents up. Let this be done in On March 5th pray for Tillie Book- City; Kan. By the help of the Lord leads us from place to place, and our _. er, De Soto, Mo. ethat s_ he may he I \ yin give $ 10 to start it with. - I be- souls are wonderfully refreshed, and healed of a severe affliction of the lieve the Lord will bless all that will the church strengthened in the faith eyes. brother in _- - C. 4h. rist writes -- that his give: once delivered to the saints, and these A I will have other brethren sign this signs shall follow them that be-the unsave ks, d and wife eshas ires been your sickk for three that appeal w4 me-n wee lieve: they shall lay hands o s he may be saved, and if the will of Your saved brother, sick and they shall be healed. Praise e Lord, that she may also be healed. W. Gates, A. Markwell, Wm. Cook. I God forever! He is a present help the Will say to the Trumpet readers i in time of need. Pray for me and that the above statement of the bro- ! my family that the Lord may con- ! Call for Meeting+ ther is true, and that he is much tinue to lead us and use us to his of his anointed ministers here to teach James Willis. the people. Anyone led of the Lord B Beloved we would also add a word Graham, Pittsburg Kan. W e G e met both th to come, address Geo. S. or F. J. two rtihteer aobf othvee . above article, and our , dear Bro. Caldwell at the. Wichita, We are asking God to send some nee ' an. camp meeting last summer, and EDITORIAL NOTES kbelieve them true, humble brethren, Bro. J. S. Smurr reports having and we do earnestly hope God will spent some weeks visiting from house incline your he arts to respond at to house in Portland, Mich., and held once. Better lay down the paper some meetings with the church at and send your offering unto the Lord Eagle. He reports some souls saved before you go farther, and see if you and others people. healed and the. Lord is do e w not get blessed in the deed. W believe the brother worthy. Amen. FROM GLORY-, " which they desire to g ing. two days trip to Veedersburg, Ind. Found the saints praising the Lord for salvation. Will remain in a ra-dius of ten or twelve miles for a month or more, Lord willing. Can some brother come and help us in the grand field opened here for the work of God? Your saved brother, FAIR GROVE, MICH., Feb. 23, 1893. This morning our hearts are re-joicing in God the rock of our salva-tion. Feb. 4 we left Norwood in company with Sister Fisher and went to Bro. Kauffman's place. Held meeting from the 4th to the 12th. A few came to listen to Gcfd's word, and - we hope that it may be as seed sown upon good ground, and that it may bring forth fruit meet for repentance. Sister Fisher returned to East Jor-prised when we learned the fact, and said, dan Monday. We left Bro. Kauff-amen, to the New York director's prayer. man's Feb. 21 and arrived at this D. S. WARNER— Editor. E. E. BYRUM— Office Editor. E. E. ) 3YRUM & S. MICHELS — Publishers. TERMS, $ 1.00 a year in aavanee, Free to the poor. Entered at the Post Office at Grand Junction Van Buren Co., Mich. as second class matter NOTICE. All business communication. s, moneys, & a must be addressed to GOSPEL TRUMPET, to insure credit otherwise we will not be re sponsible. NOTICE. A commission of 20 per cent will be given on each new cash subscriber1 to all who will labor for the GOSPEL TRUMPET. We make this offer so as to help the brethren that are in the field, as well as the circulation of the paper. ger Parties desiring papers to canvass with should notify us regularly of their address NOTICE. . How to Send Money. Remit by Pos Office Order or Postal Note. Where thes cannot be procured, send by Express Order Registered Letter or small amounts in stamps Change of Address.— Subscribers wish jug their address changed, must be sure to give their former, as well as their new address Missing Papers.— It occasionally happen that numbers of our papers sent to our sub scribers are lost or stolen in the mails. In cas you do not receive yours when dtie, after wait ing a sufficient length of time, write us a card and we will gladly- send one in place of th miWsshinegn nyuomub werr. ite, be sure to give your full address name, post- office, county and state. Should there be a mistake at any time, writ us at once, and we will gladly rectify the same Address all letters to GOSPEL TRUMPET Grand Junction, Mich. BOOKS and TRACTS. TOBACCO AS AN EVIL. Per hundred, 10 cts — Why are you not a CHRISTIAN? Per hund. 10 C. MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE. 32 pages, 5 eta. A TRACT ON THE TRUE CI: LURCH. It Con-talus 50 pages. Price 10 eta. Per dozen, SO ets. A TRACT ON THE SABBATH, OR WHICH DAY TO KEEP. Contains 65 pages, 10 eta. each. The Age to Come, and Millennium Tradition Refut ed by the Inspired Word of Grod 56 pages, 10 cts. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ON THE CHURCH A. tract containing 32 , pages, I cent each. The Great Yobs= Sin. It contains 30 pages, with a, neat cover. We will sen these tracts to any one sending us postage at the rate o one cent for three tracts. Always state just how man you wish sent. Must We Zin? A conversation, giving Bible proofs that we must live free from sin, containing 48 pages. Single copy 2 cts. Pe dozen, 20 ets. Per hundred. $ 1.50. The Ordinances of the New Testament A NEW TRAM BY WM. G. SCHEEL. Setting forth the ordinances of the scriptures in clear light, showing which are abolished, and proving that the three ordinances instituted by Christ are not of the Old Testament, but of the New, and are Still in vogue. Single copy 5 eta. Per dozen 45 cts. The Ordinance of Feet Washing. The excellent worijon this subjea, written by Brother Bradley, has been reduced in price to 20 cents. It is a re-view of a tract written against this ordinance. A lively exposure of the false teaching of the opposer, and a very thorough vindication of the sacred ordinance of Christ. It contains 84 large pages, and gives much light. Price 20 cts. $ 1.90 a dozen. Order of the author, Bro. W. W. Bradley, WatkinsVille, MiSS. or from this office. The Bible Readings. Bible readings or references on about 100 subjects. Price 75 cts. each. Holiness Bible Subjects. By H. C. wicF. ansnAiu. A book containing 100 subjects with scriptures, concord-ance, definitions to subjects. Setting forth the true church, its doctrine, its ordinances and its fruits. ' The fall of Babylon and the coming of the evening light. Illustrated, 376 pages, neatly bound in cloth. Single copy $ 1.00. Six Or more 80 cents each. For this book, Address, H. C. Wickeisham, New Pittsburg, Ind., Gospel Trumpet, Gorarnd Junction, Mich. Anthems from the Throne. This book contains 148 songs. 90 with music. About all new. When sung in the spirit of God these songs will be found glorious. They hymn the precious present truth, and the gospel standard of salvation. Send in your orders for Anthems from the Throne and start the songs of 83.00 & 84.80 DIVINE HEALING of SOUL and BOill By E. E. l3YRUilil. NEW BOOK JUST 0J. T., It, very plainly marks out the way of Salvation, and also tells how God heals tiae sick, and the conditions upon which they are restored, giving wonderful testimonies of his miraculous power in these last days. It consists of 218 pages, neatly bound. Cloth, 75 cents. Paper cover, 25 cents. GOSPEL TRUMPET PUB. Co., Grand Junction, Mich. Forty acres of excellent rich land lying on the line of Putnam and Phul-ding Co., Ohio, is offered very cheap. The brother wishes to help build the children's home. Any one wishing to purchase address here. lor's missionaries. We welt greatly sur d - Bro. Warner has gone to Spring-field, 0.,'- where he expects to remain for some time to aid Bro. B. E. War-ren in preparing the songs and music for the new song book, " ECHOES have ready for the June camp meet- The rebuke we gave some time ago to the Taylor and other missions in heathen lands for selling tobacco was sent by a lady to Zion's Watch-man, with an inquiry if it were true, and she received the following an-swer. We are thankful to learn that the abominable practice has been discontinued. Question.— Bishop Taylor is charged with selling tobacv to the heathen as a source of revenue to the missionary cause. Is the charge true? MRS. C. S. WILBER. Answer.— Bishop Taylor's missionaries did, for a short time, use tobacco as change— a practice followed by traders_ in that country. But one of the directors of the Bishop's fund in New York was so opposed to it, that when a cargo left New York for this purpose, ( to use in making change,) he prayed the vessel , might go to the bottom of the ocean. The Lord an-swered his prayer, and since then no to-bacco has been handled by Bishop Tay- $ 0.30 0.50 blind that she may be saved 55 CHATHAM Feb. to. 1803. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: May great grace be multiplied unto you. As I know many of you are anxiouslY waiting to hear from us I drop you a few lines of good news from over the sea. Praise God for victory in our Souls and in the work of God. We have had to exercise much patience and faith'in opening the work in this new strange field. We found manY who claimed to be out of sectism, hut when far ffrom came rom the to give the . truth theY wereWe have A gone to about every open upore could find, only with a , hope to be blasted in seemingly a failure, but we were not to be defeated, for we knew God sent us here and the work must go on. At one mission place we worked a while and were rejected, but tghleeareneadnda few, four or five, dear ones accep soos up o of ft mbyorge thfeewpr ted the truth there and got out for hq utvse so we held meeting at a private 4- praise anew. - M1 anilla PRICE Cloth Per dozen. Sarah Wainscott of Wingate, Mont- . led. J. F. Lundy, Eas: The Lord bless you all. It has been some tulle since I wrote to the Trumpet. We are in the midst of a glorious revival in this part of the field. There are several churchei built up in the last year in the new south country in Miss. We have just CIOSt.' d a real revival meeting near Abita Springs in this state. Several saved zind quite a number kit conse-crating and aveking the Lord. Last night there was at the evening ser-live or thirty prayer. Bro. Smith are ilk over a ss La. over , but en this There II over the zi Cole and liro 1. me. We lc month ago for a trip into Fla., aml along - LI we have, only are fiew calls coming fro Miss., calling us hack there and some new calls in this state, hut I am very anxious to get over into Fla, My health is very poor indeed most of the time. Last year there was a part of the time that I was able to do but little. Please keep praying for me. Oh how we do need more help in Miss., Ala, and La. Oh Lord, send us seine consecrated help! Oh who will come? Come over and help us. Anyone desiring to write to me will please direct to Ellisvilles Miss [ nail sent to me there will be for-warded to Your brother in Christ, W. W. Bradley. E140., a few nights until God Opened an-other mission hall. The man claims to be out of sects sixteen years, and declared that they were free from sect Babylon and its ungodly carous-als forever. 0 mal God lead those be Father's will that we are to be left alone again, at least for a while as Bro. and Sister Kriebel are called co weather, o God has given us almost perfeet d h ministeri _ and notwnitg to our tempioralnd neetdsi, ul i nMg coenot ndauny night; I rides and whastlakns dingd the long rough received a notice not to announce the Lord used much to his glory. his word that I have a perfect salVa-tion, a salvation that enables me to be dead indeed unto sin and alive un-to God. Put above all I praise him for the grace that he gives me to keep it. " Mv grace is sufficient." What a comfort is that scripture in the presence of Sister Kriebel whom jesus Christ. I can say by faith in said they had been praying God t send some one to work there, and thl us we could have his hall as Ion as we wanted it without cost, an had bills printed and circulated ad vertizing the meeting. The first nigh they got repentance, it was stron meat! The second night they got al exposition of sin and the characte af a Christian, and to- night on graft log in the vine. One man got up an said he was cut off and wanted to b saved. His wife the saTme. We had altar service and three were at the altar and all came out victorious and joyful. Let all the saints praise God for the great work he is doing in the world. Yours saved and separated to the will of God, G. R. Achor. ATTICA, KAN., FEB. 23, 1893. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: I believe it would be to the glory of God to tell what he is doing for his cause. On Feb. 7 Bro. Jas. Willis and I left Bro. F. M. Gates near Arkansas City. Kah-intending to go home, but stopped with Bro. Alerich, near Akron, Kan Immediately they sent out for the saints: Some s. inners also came to the meeting at Bro. . Alerich's house and three were converted, and con-viction rested on others. Bro. Willis staid until the loth and then went _ on home and left me to go on with the meeting. The Lord sent some of the saints from Atlanta, and God * as with us in mighty power in the ministering of his word. To him be all the glory. Some four were clear-ly sanctified. Others consecrated for sancCifying power, and conviction rested on sinners, and the church is more settled and established. Pray God that they may continue stead-fast in the faith, and rooted, ground-ed in the truth, and be one in Christ Jesus our- Lord, that the world may know of a truth that God has a pure people and that he is in the Midst of them, his church. We closed the meeting Sabbath. Wife and I came on to this place some three and a half miles out in the country, where Bro. R. M. Haynes and wife and Bro. Swinburn have been holding a meet-ing. God is doing a wonderful work here; quite a number have already been saved and last night the mighty power of God rested on the little church he has planted, and on us in delivering his word to the people. Bro. Frank and Sister Lue Daugher-ty have been laboring, talking and praying among their neighbors and telling them about the blessed even-ing light. They wrote to us to come and hold a meeting, but the Lord sent the above named brethren first, and our God- abundantly reward them for their labor of love for his cause: And we pray that the young converts may be kept by the power of God through faith in Christ Jesus. Amen. Yours saved in Jesus, A. & L. Markwell. a re NV bl in Pr - t 1 - d ea tl. Praise the dear Lord! Dear-ly beleved, you that are at home, pray much for those in the field of labor, and all of you, - s. vho feel God has call-ecleyou to his vineyard, go in Jesus' name, for truly the harvest is great and oh, how few the laborers! We have had perhaps a score of earnest calls in the last few weeks, that for the want . of time, are unable to re-spond. Sin and sectism is fast dark-ening- the world. Who will say, Here aria. I, send me, send me, that those who are yet willing to hear and ac-cept the truth of God's word, may have it preached to them? We are with our parents at this place now for a short time. Pray for us and- the work. Yours, with love to all the saints everywhere. May the grace of God abide with you all. Mattie & Rissa Bolds. meeting - any further. The meeting was then moved to a large college building, where it continued until Wednesday night. This house is very large and can be had any time free of charge. Several of the people ex-pressed a desire for another meeting in the near future. I would be glad to return there with a company of workers. I believe God has a peo-ple there, who will accept the whole the whole truth. One sister told me they had been praying for God to send them some light and now as the light has come I pray that they will receive and walk in it. On Mon-day night, 6th, one sister, while at home was gloriously sanctified and set free from all sect bands and straps. May God keep her a shining light to the world, that she may influence others to come to Christ. Feeling that the Lord was done with me at Marengo I started on Friday towards Pilot Knobs, about seven miles south. Stopped at a school house on the way and held one meeting. Ther were mostly young men at this meet ing, and they are in much darkness Some, however, were glad to hea the truth. On Saturday I arrived a my Uncle's and began meeting tha night in a school house. The Lord blessed wonderfully in giving the. truth to the people. On Sunday morn ing I was greatly rejoiced by the corn ing of dear Bro. D. B. Moore who the Lord used in delivering hi § mes-sage to the people; and also my dear sister, Mrs. W. N. Myers, of Jefferson-ville, Ind. The people here seemed deeply interested and conviction rest-ing upon several, but only one yield-ed to the call. The meeting at this place continued until Tuesday night. We felt it prudent to close as the weather turned bad so the people could not get out. On Wednesday, Sis-ter and I returned home and brought one of our cousins with us who has since been converted._ This sister has been afflicted with epileptic fits for eighteen years. She wants all the saints to pray for her healing: And I ask all the saints to pray for me that I may be kept humble at Jesus' feet. Your brother all on the gospel altar, W. B. Schreiber. a SAN MIGNEL, CAL. DEAR SAINTS: I feel that the Lord would be pleased to have me write my testimony. I give him all the glory. Praise his holy name for saving and keeping me! I realize the blood of Jesus flowing over my soul, washing me whiter than snow. By he help of God I will serve him the est of my life. Pray for me, that I may know how to do his will in all hings, and pray for my little daugh-er that she may give herself to God n her youth. I feel the presence of God with us in our lonely home, as my little daughter and myself are 11 alone out in the country. I do o- ev to read the Trumpet and my lessed Bible. Your humble sister in Christ, WILCOX, NEB. DEAR BRETHREN IN THE LORD: A friend handed me a copy of the Gos- PEL TRUMPET a few days ago, and I am delighted with ' the plain truths set forth, and especially with the tes timonies of the wonderful works of God to fallen men. Oh how I praise his blessed holy Son Christ Jesus, for giving me free and full salvation! I do so much rejoice to read the testi-monies of his dear children, who have been fully sanctified. I was convert-ed four years ago this month, sancti-fled two years ago last Dec. and now rejoicing with joy unspeakable and full of glory. I feel sure I will meet you in the paradise of God. Jesus sweetly abides within. Praise his holy name! Your brother for a home in glory, A. J. Sisson. een some time since I have written the dear Trumpet, I want to tell ou that I still have the testimony of Lucy S. Daniels. DETROIT, MICH. DEAR ONES IN CHRIST: I am prais-ing God for sweeping victory just now over all sin. Dear Father has delivered file from the power of dark-ness and has translated me into the kingdom of his dear Son. And while my mind is stayed on the Lord, I am kept in perfect peace. 0 praise God for the peace that passeth knowlege, and truly fills the saectified soul! I am so glad and thankful to God that he helped me to surrender all and pay the price, and now I have that sweet salvation that keeps me happy all the time. Others, too, could have a like expetience, if they would but pay the price. Yours and Christ's, Carrie Hitchcock. DALEVILLF., MISS. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: AS it has jOHNSTOWN, MICH. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: My tes-timony is that I am saved and sancti-fled and kept by the power of God, walking in the light and liberty of the gospel as it is in Christ Jesus, being able by his grace to go through affliction and trials, and to rejoice that he is my everlasting portion. Your sister under the precious blood of Jesus, We continued the meeting until the eve of the 20th. Other places are open for meeting. We came to this place yesterday. I do pray the dear Lord to impress some of the dear ones to come to this western field and help to spread the gospel to a fam- every trial and temptation! It covers ishing people. We are not - permit- all. There is no trial so great nor ted to meet with many of the saints temptation so strong, but what his as we are most of the time in new fields where the word_ of God is a stranger to the people, but , we know our labors are not in vain and that the seed sown will bring forth fruit unto God. Any of the brethren wishing to come to this western coun-try, will please address us at Atwood, Kan. We remain your brother and sister, saved by a second work of grace. TESTIMONIES It 1/ VOISIDIRFUL. Psa. 119: 129, J. L. & L. Green. Jane Bennis. b WEST POINT, PA. DEAR READERS: May the God of ove bless and abide with you always. Amen. I feel led of God to testify hat I am still saved and wholly sane-ified and following the voice of my blessed Master in all things. I am walking on the highway of holiness and by the help and grace of God, I hall never depart from it. Praise us holy name! Oh what a precious hought, when I reflect back and think vhat my blessed Savior has gone hrough for you and me— I cannot ut say, How easy it is to do his will! Oh dear ones, if we only give our-elves completely over to God, and et him make out ' of us whatever he ees fit, how happy we are in him! - low happy am when I hear the oice of my Savior speaking to me nd am ready at all times to say, Thy ill, 0 Lord, be done! I rejoice to ay that I have wonderfully grown in his grace, for which I give God all the raise. I intend by the help of- God o press on in this good fight, regard-ss of what men may say or do. je-lls says in Matt. to: 28, And fear not hem which kill the body, but are not ble to kill the soul; but rather fear im which is able to destroy both oul and body in hell. Pray for the ttle church at this place, that we may e kept together by the almighty ower of God. Also pray for my corn-anion and children, and myself, that e may all keep our trust fully in the ord. Your- saved and wholly sanctified brother in Christ, B F Weikel. ARKANSAS CITY, RAN. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: May the dear Lord bless and keep you saved. I feel led of the Lord to write my testimony. He has healed my body and my sin- sick soul, forgiven all my sins and saved and sanctified me wholly. My ' eyes were very weak, so I got very uneasy about them and went to see the doctor. He told me that they were in a dangerous condi-tion. He said that I would have to quit reading for about a year, and said that I would go blind and my eyes could never be healed. But the dear Lord has healed them. Glory to God! My father was saved, and we heard there would be a camp meeting at Wichita, so Father want-ed me to go with him up to meeting. I wanted to go to Wichita to see my friend, but did not want to go to meet-ing. But when I got up there I staid the first night with my friend and Father went on to the camp ground; next morning he wanted me to go to meeting. Praise the Lord, I went with hi, and when I got there it was harder to get me away than it was to get me there. After I was there a a few days I thought I could just live the rest of my life in s uch a place as that. It was because I had received full and free salvation. Glory to his name! I can not praise God enough. Tongue can not express my love for my dear Savior. 0 it is sweet to trust in Jesus! I am still saved and trusting in his holy name. Your sister, grace will enable us to bear it, if we simply trust him. What a blessed privilege to serve God in the beauty of holiness. When we serve him thus we know that all his precious promises are for us. We know that these promises are sure, because he says that heaven and earth shall pass away but his word shall not pass away. I am in the midst of pride and sectarian confusion; but I have a sweet river of peace constantly flowing in my soul. Dear saints, pray for me, that I may have more zeal and courage for the Lord. Your sister, saved now, Tina Wright. Flora Gates. ATWOOD, KAN. , FEB. 22, 1893. DEAR SAINTS OF THE LIVING GOD AND READERS OF THE TRUMPET: We are glad to report victory in Jesus' name this morning. Since our last report we have been in active service God and the enjoyment and experi- here in this sin- benighted country, of full salvation. Two poor penitents for the salvation of , souls. We have knelt at the altar for pardon and one had the blessed privilege of laboring did receive a knowledge of salvation in company with dear Bro. and Sister by the remission of sins. The last night Kriebel, for the last four months, of the meeting a score or more of by whose teachings we have been honest hearts with_ the uplifted hands much strengthened, but it seems to BURKET, IND., Feb. 21, 1893. DEARLY BELOVED BRETHREN, GREET-ING: May grace and peace to all be multiplied, with everlasting consola-tion and victory through Christ. Amen. I am indeed thankful to the dear Lord for another opportunity of reporting to you the work of the Lord. Jan. 28 in company with Bro. Geo. Howard and , his wife we began and held over Lord's day a meeting at Willow Chapel, about three miles west of Portland, Ind., and Monday the 30th moved the meeting to Port-land, where we continued ministering the gospel of God according to the ability that he gave us for two weeks in a house which the brethren had rented of - the Congregationalists. The greater part of the first week the con-gregations were small on account Of much rain and sleet, but much - more on account of frozen up hearts, chill-ed by prejudice. But praise the Lord, the truth is mighty, and tides prevail, and it seemed that mountains of pre-judice were moved from the hearts of the people, and the interest and con-gregations increased, although for the first few nights we had to go six and a half miles in the country through rain and sleet. As hearts began to open to the truth, doors and homes began to open to us, and . we were given a kind reception, a hearty welcome by many to their comfort-able homes. May God bless the many dear friends in Portland for their kindness to us, and may many of them be speedily led into the kingdom of hands for prayer, and deep cOnvic-tion rested upon the people. One dear brother that was enjoying a real ex- FLO VD ' S KNOBS, IND. perience of salvation, although in the DEAR BRETHREN: May love, joy, Free Methodist net, declared his peace and everlasting consolation a- freedom in the Lord. I do pray God bide with you forever. I am glad to to help him to understand what it report victory in Jesus' name, with means where it says to not take a the peace of God in my soul. I left stone from Babylon for a foundation home Feb. 4, for Marengo, Ind. Be- or corner.— jer. 51: 2. Also in Mark gan meeting that night in a U. B. 11: 16, we find that Christ would not meeting house. The attendance and let any of the old vessels through the b attention was good; most all seemed temple, as he cleansed the temple. to to be favorably impressed. The meet- On the / 6th we were made glad by y ear ones on into the land of Canaan home for a time. We took train for 3perfect holiness. Monday, Febn- 3, Bartley. Neb., begun meeting about returned home to my family, and four miles south of- there, in the ro. Geo. and wife remained to hold name of Jesus; the very atmosphere few days meeting at Willow Chapel, seemed filled with sin in that locality. hich is greatly needed. If ' we had They have been cursed with false een able to continue the meeting in teactiers, and many follow their per-ortland there would no doubt have nicious ways by reason of whom the een much more good done, but- the - way of truth is evil spoken of. The rethren did not feel able to pay the seventh day lawists of Battle Creek nt any longer, and we could not, so have their heresies afloat in that e had to close. Pray for your hum- place, and many have denied the e and free brothel. I came here Lord that bought them, and turned fellow Lake Bethel) Saturday, t8th. again to the law, but praise the Lord, ro. Schell had preceeded me one for he helped us to deliver his word, eek. One soul was made to rejoice which had its desired effect, and the pardoning mercies of God many precious souls were won to the aturday night, five more last night. truth, although there were none ay for the work here. saved. Six or seven raised their Your brother, saved in Him, J. N. Howard. WE13B CITY, MO., DEAR BtIZETHREN AND SISTERS: May God bless you and keep you from evil and make you very useful for him. We have not reported any of Our work for God through the Trum-pet, for some time, but are happy to report victory on the Lord's side. We have been in the work all winter, in Texas Co., Mo., where we found a new field for labor and many anxious Willing souls. We held meetings at five different points in that country and have never found , a more willing - People than we found there. Quite a t imber of dear souls Were saved in Jesus' name. We do not know how many. We learn since leaving there that the dear ones are going on with their meetings and that almost all of the dear ones, who have been recent- 1Y saved, are working for God in the prayer meetings. We did not . feel, by any means, glad to leave there, but it seems necessary for us to be here for a while, but as soon as the I Lord wills we will see them again. le field is very large in that coun-a. lso they were very kind in ad- Feb. 24, 1893. Died. at Chestnut Ridge, Clarion Co., Pa., infant child of S. B. and A-manda Heeter. Was born first day TofheFLebo. r. d IS93 hd endd Fe L,(-) 3; d t8a9k3: eth away; blessed be the Lord. Ser-vices by, p. KiNeTSI, EN Mien. rs. Ma I. Sheldotewife of Geo. W. Shelden of this place• departed this life at the age of 32 years and 16 days. Sis-ter Sheldon greet sufferer the last few days of her life. but through it all she had a hope that reached be-yond this vale of teas . rShe was a faith-ful foilow. er of the Lord fesus. Saw the evils of sectarianisn and out fully on the Lord's ( io71 bless tiro. Sheldon, him grace to bear this : Ally eral was well attended. was given by the writer. 1. J. Nichols. Jan. S 3, at the rest-ams. in Columbia, Mich., of old age, May give The • deuce of A. Willi Van Buren Co., HEALTH DEPARTMENT whit his not corruptible, even the on- - A COLUMBIA CITY, IND. e t of a meek and quiet spirit, DER ONES IN THE LORD: I feel led Ivhich is in the sight of God of great price, for after this manner the holy women of old, xNeho trusted in God, a-dorned themselves. I Pet. 3: 3,4, Peter forbids the dress-ing for a show with the outward to appear so nice, but inwardly corrup-tion. To disobey this word does not glorify God. We are commanded to to testify that we are saved and sane-tifiedand kept by the power of God, with perfect victory in Our souls. Te sus is our physician; he heals us soul and body. Glory to God! The dear Lord healed my wife this winter and now she is well, and has victory in her soul. Dear ones, pray for us. From your humble brother and sis-ter in the one body, J. & E. A. Pence. CROWLAND, ONT. DEAR SAINTS: We feel led of the Lord to write our testimony and tell what God has done for us. It is some time since we wrote, but God has bless-ed us. We take him for all, both soul VISALIA, CAL. DEAR SAINTS: TO night I feel call-ed by the Lord Jesus Christ to write a brief testimony in which I wish to state that I have tasted of the good word of God and of the bliss of re-deeming grace, and this tabernacle of clay is full of the love of God. I was once a poor forsaken infidel, con-tending against the word of God, and consequently was drifting my soul to hell, and preparing myself to spend eternity in the dark regions of the damned. But. praise God,. he sent into our midst Brother J. M. Hud-son who was filled with the love and of God, and he through the plain teaching of the word of God brought me to a saving acquaintance with the Lord Jesus Christ. Oh, what a great source of peace and satisfac-tion it is to know that we are born of God! Amen. Your brother sweetly saved in Jes-us, TEMPERANCE, CHAPTER IX. CLOTHING. HIS may seem very strange to some that we include clothing under the subject of temperance, yet it is properly so included according to the definition of the word temper - thalie an eye single to the glory of wGod; noot with- an eyre to grati fy self ance, and when we consider it in the , and to attract someone else to admire light of the gospel of Jesus Christ, us. May God impress those things handed to us by the inspired apostles, with unbearable weight on many we are compelled to acknowledge it hearts and show the house of Israel to be rightly and appropriately class - t their sins and the house of Judah ed under this caption. Consequent heir transgression, for this world is ly we will so consider it. And as it is one of the great evils of the world to-day as in almost all ages that history gives us light on, we need to deal forth the gospel of salvation on this very important subject. Paul says, Be riot conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your minds, that ye may prove what is that good, acceptable and per-fect will of God. Rom. 12: 2. What is it to be conformed to the world? Conform; to comply with or yield to; to live or act according to. How many dear ones, who are professing to be followers of the meek and lowly Son of God, are going directly contrary to the instructions of the Lord and his apostles, in conforming to the world in dress and other things. Here is the woman professing to be a child of God, that • gets sixteen yards to make a dress, just to have so many puffs, ruffles, flounces on the skirt, on the waist, and the high puffs on the sleeves, when they are no pos-sible benefit whatever, but simply to be like her neighbor, when eight or ten yards at the most, would make a more convenient and commodious gar-ment. Also, they have a nice hat that looks very neat and convenient decorated with plumes, flowers and ribbons at an extravagant cost only to look fine before the world. Temperance is the moderate use of the necessaries and the abstinence of the things that are injurious. Those extra yards of dress goods cost that much extra money, which might be used for some useful purpose, or given to help to feed the poor, etc., around us, who are actually suffering for the necessaries of life." Be not conformed to the world," is a positive command. Are you obeying God's holy word that will judge you in the last great day? Some think: why I have no flow-ers or feathers on my hat, but here you have the worth of several times the feathers and flowers in unnec-essary ribbon stuck upon it that does no particle of good whatever, only just to make a show, some to look as well as their next neighbor , who is rich, lest you should be looked down upon and some to attract the oppo-site sex, whom you wish to admire you more than someone else. Also, some have much cash invested in gold rings on the fingers, or in the ears, or gold breast pin, or gold collar and cuff buttons and all such things for a show, when the word of God positively for-bids all such, except the necessaries. In like manner also, that women a-dorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with braided, hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array. ' Tim. 2: 9. Modest: not excessive or extreme, not extravagant. Webster explains it. Costly array does not necessari-ly mean goods that cost a high price, provided it is modest, not extrava-gant, nor excessive, for sometimes the high priced goods are the cheapest, because they will wear much longer for the same amount of money; but to purchase superfluous amount, such as is unnecessary. Here Paul posi-tively forbids the wearing of gold, etc. A ribbon on the hat, sufficient to re-tain the proper shape, etc., is all that is necessary and more than that is iminoderate,' immodest and intem-perate according to the deffinition of temperance. Whose adorning, let it not be the outward adorning of plait-ing the hair and wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel: but let it be - 7- groaning under the curse of pride and extravagance. Another thing we see often in worldly conformity, some will say we are plain, we do not put on those unnecessaries, but they have a certain form, and everyone will follow that certain form in dress like the Quakers used to do and as the Salvation Army and some mis-sion workers in European countries do, have a veil fixed in a certain way, with a certain kind of bow in front. It is conforming to a certain style, just as the world does. Also wear-ing badges as the Army and mission workers. That is conforming to styles as the world does. We are command-ed to abstain front all appearance of evil. I Thess. 5: 22. A _ LETTER FROM KBNiuGICY, G. R. A, and body, and we are determined to give him all the glory. He is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. We are saved and sanctified by a second work of grace and kept by the power of God; and he is our physi-cian. Your brother and sister kept by the power of God, Daniel & Mary Buchner. FORT ESCUE, M o. DEAR SAINTS: I can say from the depths of my soul, that the precious blood of Jesus does cleanse me from all sin. Bless his dear name forever! I have been saved about three- years, and Oh, what joy and sweet peace it has been to my soul, after being bound down in sectism for sixteen years! 0 how I do praise God for the freedom that I do now: enjoy. I praise God for sending his holy ministers into this community to ' preach his word in its purity, which showed me right where I was standing, and show-ed me the sins of sect confusion. Your saved and. sanctified brother, H. A. Stroud. --- ELDORADO, RAN. DEAR SAINTS: Jesus saves me and keeps me each moment in his love. Praise his holy name! I am walking in this blessed evening light, all on the altar and kept by the power of God, having gained the victory over the beast and his image. We over-came him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. Wife and I are praising God for his good-ness and love to us. Praise his holy name for the wonderful words of life and truth, that bring such sweet and consoling peace and joy to our souls! God bless all the saints. From- your saved_ brother and sis-ter in the Lord, Wm. and E. Fox. love and serve him to the end. W1 e are wonderfully saved from all world- RATHBONE, Micii. ly pleasures. Pray earnestly that we DEAR TRUMPET READERS: GOd bless may be kept by his strong and migh-y Ph one and all and help each one ty power. There is still a remnant to endure faithful until the end. My left at this place, praise God! testimony is that the Lord saves me Your sisters, saved and sanctified, and keeps me through every trial Effie & Carrie I) aubens