The Gospel Trumpet - 13:08

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 ( JSP1- 4Th GOD CARES FOR ME. As Mountains. about Jerusalem, So is the Lord about the free; AlMiglity is his wondrous name; lie cares for them, He cares for me. Forsaker. by each eart...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Warner, D. S.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Byrum, E. E. 1893
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Summary:Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 ( JSP1- 4Th GOD CARES FOR ME. As Mountains. about Jerusalem, So is the Lord about the free; AlMiglity is his wondrous name; lie cares for them, He cares for me. Forsaker. by each earthly friend, And though a tramp iny lot may be, By prayer and faith I would depend Jilin, yes Him that cares for- me. God's wondrous power to me made kn own , The blood of Christ my only plea Though truth in tears on earth is sown, ' Tis not in vain, He cares for me. The rocks of persecution rise - A. bove life's raging, tossing sea, - 3.1y wings of faith then mount- the skies; With joyful shouts, God cares for me. Oh, what rich pearls from heaven's vault When tested faith has grasped the key! Which- in the promise finds no fault, I know they're true, He cares for- me. If I were sick and lame and old, And even had no eyes to see, I'd firmer to the promise hold: Jehovah- jir eh cares for me. ( 4. T. Clayton. THE ONE THOUSAND YEARS REIGN. Binding of Satan, etc.— Rev. 20. 1: 13ITME. P: 44T. Grand Junction, Michigan, Thursday, Feb. 2 8, 7898, Voluma 18. No-. 8 The Lord God shall BLOW the TRUMPET and go with Whirlwinds. Zech. 9: I4. And lie said utt. to me, WI/ ascot thou? And I answer-ed; I see a dying roll. Theia said he unto nie sisdheeasv lisedRlhe ree4yvb 1t eaaao1cr n ycrb0d eoeo0 rin tndhc eoigutn iott tg h tsero aiwtltto r iest thia tlAeriraeaVttliheuliltlhs ° will. bring it fortti. 2 the La/ 4QC hone. V --- E have been requested by two or three parties to write an article on the above subject. l'y the help of the Lord we will now attempt to do so. We acknowledge that it is difficult to make this understood by some people, especially such as have been in the habit of viewing the scriptures from the standpoint of the Millennium doctrine. But we pro-ceed with this- consciousness, that we have no will, doctrine, or creed of Our own tO bias our mind. We only seek to glorify God by bringing forth that interpretation of the scriptures where-by the entire boTok of God is seen to harmonize, and thereby to edify the children of God. In the second Century Papias, bishop of the church at Hierapolis, seems to have first conceived and taught the idea of a millennium reign of Christ on earth. It was strongly opposed by Origen and others in the third cen-tury, and renounced in a • general counsel, after which the doctrine of Papas had but few advocates for some centuries. In Eusebitis' Ancient - Church History on page 115, Bohns' edition, we have this' passage. - Speak-ing of Papias the writer says: " The - same historian also gives other accotints, which he says he adds as received by him from unwritten tradition, likewise certain strange parables of our Lord, and of his doc-trine, and some other matters rather ton fabulous. In these he says there would be a Certain millennium after the resurrection, and that there would be a corporeal reign of Christ nn this very earth; which things he appears to have imagined, as if they ) iTere authorized by the apostolic nar-rations, not understanding correctly those matters which they propounded mystically in their representations. For he was very limited in his corn-prehension, as is evident from his dis-courses." . Eusebius was born about A. D. 270, and wrote early in the next Century. It is very evident from the above extract that the church, at that time, looked upon Papias' millennial reign as a fabulous thing, the product of; his imaginations. And, in- fact, this ancient historian represents Pa Pius as only claiming " unwritten tn.- chtion," as the ground of his theory. In the- last century or two there has been considerable belief in a coming millennium, but, until the rise of the Miller excitemeot in 1843 and 4; abOut all Who held the belief of a literal ' reign of Christ, gave it a more sP- irit7. nal character, and looked for its ap-pearance before the second advent of Christ. Since that time the signs of Christ's near coming have been so Manifestly nnfolding, that the idea of .4 Pre- Millennium had to be given ' IP. For it was readily seen that if th -. Savior was - soon to return-, - no great voice of much people in heaver, saying, Alleluia! Salvation, and glory, and honor, and power, unto the Lord our God: for true and righteous are his judgements; for he hath judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath avenged the blood of his ser-vants at her hand.--- Rev. 19: I, 2. Thus we see after God has called his people out of her, and they have exposed her by the arrows of divine truth etc., then it is announce d , that God has judged her, then follow the shouts of triumph and praise to God from the remnant that have come out of her. 19: 5, 6. And in verses 7, 8 the remnant is announced as the wife of the Lamb, " arrayed in fine linen clean and white, which is the right-eousness of the saints." But now comes the great and final battle. The white arrayed bride is placed on white horses and goes forth following the " Word of God," their captain; who also is mounted on a white horse; and " out of his mouth g- oeth a? sharp S-- Word, that with it he should smite the nations." Read 19: i t- 15. White is the emblem of purity. A horse de notes strength and speed. Holiness is purity, strength and speed. So the the white horse of both Christ and his army is holiness. Now read i 9 : 17,18 as follows: And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, say-ing to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather. yourselves together unto the supper of the great God; that ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great. Is there a spiritual man on earth that does not see this connected chain of events? Has not sectisrn become fallen and exceedingly corrupt? - Has not God been calling his people out of her for the last twelve years? Is it not so that they come out through the fire and power of holiness, and do we not know that holiness is the - white raiment of the saints? And is it not also true that Christ is Martialing his holy ones in a vigorous campaign a-gainst all the corrupt isms of night? And now behold Christ is cutting off by the sword of his mouth all who willfully refuse to put on he white raiment of Bible holiness, and obey all the truth as it is in him.- And these all become a sacrifice to the birds and the beasts, which represent evil de-lusive spirits of devils. Is it not a fact that a thousand delusions are in-troduced by innumerable spirits of devils in these last days, and that all who do not receive and love the truth of God that shines by the fire of holi-ness become victims to the evil spirits? As men slain on the field of battle draw to, them the birds and beasts of prey, so hell scents all who are cut off by the sword of the Spirit, and her unclean birds ( spirits) come to devour. " All the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven— wicked spirits in the air'— come and gather your-selves together unto the supper of the great God." Now let us turn to Ezekiel 39: VT- 20 and you read the very same great sacrifice made for " every feathered fowl, and for every beast of the field." Here we read, " Ye shall eat the flesh of the mighty and drink the blood of the princes," of " horses, chariots, rnighty men," etc. In Rev. 19: 1 8,—" Ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them." No one can fail to see the identity of these two scenes. But now read the connection in the prophet Ezekiel. Read chap-ters 38 and 39 and yon will find that it is to the great slaughter of the army of Gog and Magog that these birds and beasts are invited to come and eat. Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, etc. 38: 2. " Therefore, thou son of man, pro-phesy against Gog and say, Thus saith the Lord God: Behold I am a- And he shall send his angels with Cgreat sound of a trumpot, and they shall gather togeth-er his elect from the four winds, grom one end. of heaven to the other. now learn a, parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and ` putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: So Melvin ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Matt. 24: 31- 33. gainst thee, 0 Gog," etc. And I will smite thy bow out of thy left hand, and will cause thine arrows to fall out of thy right hand. Thou shall fall upon the moun*. ains of Israel, thou, and all- thy bands, and the people that is with thee: I will give thee unto the ravenous birds of every sort, and to the beasts of the field, to be devour-ed.— Ezek. 39 : I, 3, 4. This is so plain that there can be no mistake. It is in the great battle of Gog and Ma-gog on the one side, and God Al-mighty on the other, that Gog and Magog's army are given to the birds and beasts. We have seen in Rev my that this great sacrifice and supper is made to the birds and beasts during the vigorous campaign that follows after Christ calls his bride out of Babylon, which he is now doing, and all that know the present truth clear-ly see and understand. Now in Eze. 38: 8 it is to come" in the latter years," and in verse 16, " It shall be in th, e latter days." Having identified the " sacrifice". to the birds and beasts in Eze., with the great " supper" tol the birds and beasts of Rev. 19: 17, 18, and proved that it is to take place during the great battle of Gog and Magog, we now call your attention to Rev. 25: 7- 9. And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison. And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them. Mere is recorded the same great war of Gogand Magog, and behold it is after the thousand years ' have ex-pired and during the small time that Satan is loosed out of his prison. Consider it my dear brethren who think that Satan's binding is yet in the future. Ezekiel positiyely lo-cates the feast to the birds in the great Gog and Magog conflict. And Rev. 19 locates it in the great battle that follows the calling of God's peo-ple out of Babylon, when the sancti-fied remnant follow Christ upon while horses, and Rev. 20 locates the same after Satan is loosed. And does not every illuminated child of God know that God is calling his People out of Babylon, and that " many are being purified, made white and tried?" These are they who have on the white raiment which is the righteousness of the saints. Daniel, speaking of these " purified" ones says, " The people that do know their God shall be strong and shall do exploits." That is just what you see in Rey. After they are sanctified and made white, they follow him that sits upon the white horse at the head of the grand white cavalcade and from his mouth goeth forth a sharp sword with which he smites the nations. In the name of Jesus we say there is no evasion of the conclusion that the binding of Satan is a thing of the past. The caTling of God's people out of Baby-lon is now in progress, and the sanc-tified host is . already mounting their white steeds, and rushing to the battle wherever he leacts. And wherever the evening light has come, they who have resisted the present truth have been cut off by the sharp sword, and have become a prey to devils. Many of them filled with every conceivable doctrine of devils, and a cage of every unclean hateful, picling-- bird— spirit. But read again Rev. 2o: 4- 6. Who is it that reign a thousand years? Ans. " I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God," " And they lived and reigned with Christ a thous-and years." So then, this only men-tion of a thousand years reign is as-cribed to disembodied souls. " The souls of them that had been behead-ed." It is true we read in verse five, " This is the first resurrection," and from these words men may have, in all sincerity, concluded that the reign-ing ones had been literally resurrect-ed. But, as we shall see hereafter, this language, when properly under-stood, will harmonize all right with the other declaration that the reign-ing ones were disembodied souls. Again, we ask in all love and reason, if the above lesson were to be under-stood as denoting saints reigning a thounand years on earth, would there not be some plain New Testament scriptures corroborating the same? Would not other scriptares teach the same thing, besides this one passage in the deep symbolic and prophetic book of Revelations? Do not the gospels and epistles plainly teach all the doc-trinal facts respecting the coming of Christ, the resurrection and final judgment? Would the alwise God give us such plain and thorough lessons on the events to transpire on that great day as found, in Cor. 15, and many other places and yet never mention a thousand years reign of universal righteousness between the literal resurrection of the righteous and the wicked, except in the mystic scenes of the Apocalypse? In vain do we look for one plain New Testa-ment statement of such a limited reign. Or one plain text placing a thousand years between the literal resurrection of the two classes of the human family. One text in all the Old or New Testament that asserts that this earth shall ever be inhabit-ed by only righteous men and women. Again we know of no text that as-serts that Christ will ever set up on earth any other kingdom than that which he has set up. Of course we admit that a higher plane of glory will be revealed in his subjects in the future state of reward. But that will be the same everlastimg kingdom turned over to. the Father after all enemies shall have been put down. " The last enemy that shall be de-stroyed is death," and he is destroy-ed in the general resurrection." Then cometh the end," the end of time. See i Cor. 15: 23- 26. Let us look at some of the Old Tes-tament scriptures that men imagine teach a universal reign of righteous-ness- on earth. Isa. 65: 20- 25 is so used. We have heard men teach that all the righteous dead shall be raised and the living changed, and they shall reign immortal a thousand years on earth, and quote the above to prove it. But that is far from prov-ing any such thing, for after all the child shall die, and sinners also make a part of the scene. Many literalize the bear, lion, wolf, lamb and bullock, and suppose that the wild beasts will all be harmless and tame in the mil-lennial earth. But why the animals all converted, when sinners yet re-main unconverted ? But this docil-ity of the animals is riot descriptive of this world, but" They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain." The same is sometimes rendered" the mountain. of his holiness." It means that men, who have ever, under the reign of sin, devoured each other through the base animal and selfish passions, become harmless, peaceful and loving when raised by the grace of God, up to the plane of divine ho-liness. Speaking of Herod, Christ said, " Go tell that fox, " and often in Continued on fourtn page. Flee out of the midst of BabylOn, and deliv-er every man his soul: be tot cut off in her iniquity; for this is the time of the Lord's ven-geance; he will render unto her a recompence. And the land shall tremble and sorrow: for every purpose of the Lorcl Vasil be performed against Babylon, to make the land of Babylon a desolition without an inhabitant. er. 51: G. 28. thousand,. years remained for a pre- 1 millennium. So that reign became more generally looked for ' after the Savior's advent. The 20th chapter of Revelations has been chiefly relied upon as the foundation of this- peculiar belief. It - is admitted, and of course must be admitted, that no where else in the Bible is there any mention made of a reign with Christ that is limited to a thousand years. The word millen-nium does not occur in the Bible, nor yet is it found in the Greek New Testament, but it is derived from the Latin, MILLEN', a thousand. Now let us with an impartial mind and single eye examine into this mat-ter. Revelations, the mysterious and highly symbolic book of New Testa-ment prophecy, passed before the eyes of John the beloved apostle like a solemn panararna. By casting our eye back along the scene, it will help us to arrive at an understanding of Rev. 20. In 16: 19, " Great Babylon came into remembrance before Gad, to give- unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath." Name-ly, the time came when God deter-mined to judge her. In 17: i," There came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I Will show unto thee the judgement of the great whore, that sitteth upon many waters." Then follows a de-scription of the corrupt woman," deck-ed with gold and precious stones and pearls, and sitting upon a scarlet col-ored beast." " And upon her forehead was a name - written, - MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS- AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH." And the woman which thou sawest is that great - city - which reigneth over the kings of the earth." Ver. 18. Here is the whole mystery , of iniquity. The mother and daugh-ters, Rome and her protestant off-shoots. In 18: 2 she_ is declared " fallen, fall-en." Sectism never was of God, but now She has become doubly fallen, and a real habitation of devils. Her fall into utter corruption takes place when she is burned over with holiness fire. See Rev. 8: 8, and compare Jer. 24- 26. The great mountain which des-troyeth the whole earth is Babylon and when on fire she is cast down. So it has come to pass as the real fire of holiness sweeps over the earth, the sincere and honest escape out, and Satan takes full possession of her. In Rev. 18: 4 God calls his own_ out of her. His sheep hear his voice and obey. Accordingly in Ver. 23 it is declared that the light of a candle ( a justified soul) shall shine - no more at all in thee, and the voice of thebride-groom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all' in thee. Christ nor his church shall nolpe heard there. Her desolation is corner and God's ministers are commanded to shoot at her round about, " rejoice over her," etc. .,. A. nd after these things I heard a s OSPEL TRUMPET WEEKLY HOLINESS JOURNAL. DEFINITE, RADICAL, ANTI- SECTARIAN. SenFt foorr tthh ei hPi uthbeli cnaatmioen ooff tfhuel lL soarlvda Jteiosuns, aCnhdrist. Divine Healing- of the Body. The Unity of ail true Christians in " tEhev ef areitdh t oo ns chee de-nt nts." 7M2 ZIOMV4 An interesting paper for children. Ti-lustrated. It should be in every family where there are children. Only cent: a year. Address, THE SHINING LIGHT, Grand junction, Mich. BOOKS and TRACTS. TOBACCO As AN EVIL. Per hundred, 10 cts. Why are you not a CHRISTIAN? Per hund. 10 e. MARRIAGE AND DI VORCE. 32 pages, 5 cts. A TRACT ON THE TRUE CHURCH. It con-tains 50 pages. Price 10 ets. Per dozen, 80 eta A TRACT ON THE SABBATH, OR WHICH DAY TO KEEP. Contains 65 pages, 10 eta. each. Tedh eb yA tghee tIon sCpoirmede , W anodr Mof ilGleondn i5u6m p Tagreasd, it1i0o nc tRs. efut- QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ON THE CHURCH. A tract containing 32 pages, 1 cent each. The Great Yobacco Sin. It contains 30 pages, with a neat cover. We will send these tracts to any one sending us postage at the rate of one cent for three tracts. Always state just how many you wish sent. a Muzt we Sin? A conversation, giving Bible proofs that we must live free from sin, containing 48 paget. Single copy 2 cts. Per dozen, 20 ets. Per hundred. 51.50. The Orciinancez of the New Teztament. A NEW TVACT. SY \ TM. G. SMELLL. forth the ordinances of the scriptures in clear light, showing which are abolished. and proving that the three ordinances instituted by Christ are not of the Old Testantent, but of the New, and are still in vogue. Single copy 5 eta. Per dozen 45 cts. The Ordinance of Feet Washing. The excellent work on this subject, written by Brother Bradley, has been reduced price to 20 Cents. It is a re-view of a tract - written against this ordinance. A lively exposure of the false teachif the opposer, and. a very thorough vindication of tne sacred ordinance of Christ. It contains 8.1 large pages, and gives much light. Price 20 eta. $ 1.90a dozen. Order of the author, Bro. W. W. Bradley, Wathinsville, Miss. or from this ° ince. The Bible Readinp. Bible readings Or references on about 100 subjects. Price 75 etS. eaCh. r Holinezz Bible Subjects. BY H. a wIca± MSA. 5.31. A book containing 100 subjects with scriptures, concord-ants, definitions to subjects. Setting forth the true church. its doctrine., its ordinances and its fruits. The fall of Babylon and the coming of the evening light. Illustrated, 376 pages, neatly bound in cloth. Single copy 51.00. Six Or more SO cents each. For this book, Address, HG. o Csp. eWl Ticrkuemrspheatm, G, oNrraenwd JPuinttcstbiounrg, , M Inicdh., Anthem from the Throne. This book contains 148 songs. 90 with music. About all new. When sung in the spirit of God these songs will be found glorious. They hymn the precious present truth, and the gospel standard of salvation. Send in your orders for Anthems from the Throne and start the songs Cli praise anew. iManilla. 10.30 PRICE riots 0.50 Per dozen. 23.00 It $ 4.80 – DIVINE HEALING of SOUL and BODI. By E. E. BYRUM. A NW BOOK JUST OUT. It very plainly marks out the way of salvation, and also tells how God heals the sick, and the conditions upon which they are restored, giving. wonderful testimonies of his miraculous power in these last days. - It consists of 248 pages. neatly bound. Cloth, 75 cents. Paper cover, 25 cents. GOSEL TRUMPET PUB. Co., Grand Junction, Mich. D. S. WARNER— Editor. E. E. BYRUM– Office Editor. E. E. BYRUM & S. MICHELS – Publishers Pray for the healing of Ella Booh-er, Coleman, Mich. Bro. R. M. Gear, Augusta, Ga. who has lost the grace of entire sanctifica-tion desires the saints to pray that he may again receive the Sanctifier. Samuel Dersharn, Warren, Ill., asks the prayers of the saints of God, Mar. 4, at I o'clock, that he may be sancti-must be addressed to GOSPEL TRUMPET, to Ail business communications, moneys, & c. fled and healed of a very painful bod-insure credit; otherwise we will not be re- ily affliction. sponsible. Granby, Mo. who desires to be healed A commission of 20 per cent will be given on , each new cash subscriber, to all who will of catarrh. labor for the GOSPEL TRUMPET. We make this offer so as to help the brethren that are in the field, as well as the circulation of the paper. Parties desiring papers to canvass with, should notify us regularly Of their address. NOTICE. Entered at the Post Office at Grand Junction. Van Buren Co., Mich. as second class matter. How to Send Money. Remit by Post Office Order or Postal Note. Where these cannot be procured, send by Expres& Order. Registered Letter or small amounts in stamps. met Lo., Mich., writes that they de-fug their address chan ged, must be sure to Change of Address. Subscribers wish- sire some of the true servants of God give their former. as well as their new address. to come and preach the gospel. Missing Paper. it occaSionally happens dl• – scribers are lost or stolen in the mails. In case that numbers of our pancrs sent to our sub- A meeting is greatly desired at you do not receive yours when due, after wait-lag a sufficient length of time, write us a card. and we will gladly send one in place of the missing number. - • When you write, be sure to give your full address, name, post- office. county and state. Should there be a mistake at any time, write us at once, and we will gladly rectify the same. Address all letters to GOSPEL TRUMPET. Grand Junction, Mich. Published at. GUM JUNCTION XXII, TERMS, $ 1.00 a year in advance, Free to the poor. Pray for Bro. Samuel Peters, of NOTICE. NOTICE. UST OF MONEY ', urns NOT OTIEWISYREC John C. Senile, Mattie Bolds, J. J. Clark, Geo. M. Jordan. Clara Fairchild, C. Burns, M. Welch, R. F. Rapp, W. A. Haynes, S. L. Catlin, Aaron Sarns, T J Cox, J. A. ! hinter, F. [- lusted, Mrs. M. P. Ray. only God can safely lead you. One brother writes, asking us if we thought it advisable for him to quit the gos-pel field and labor this summer with his hands in order to get out of debt, I'llqueztz for Prayer. or keep on working for the Master, - • and pay interest until an opportup- Ruth E. Payne and husband, Ava, ity presents itself to sell certain Ill., desires the prayer of the saints. property. • Now for our life we could give the brother no answer without we were to go to God for counsel, and we are sure he can better direct every child of God- in matters that pertain to them than he can any, one else. He only who has called the brother to work for him can inform him whether it be his will for him to stop off traveling for a season and labor with his hands. He is a won-derful counsellor, and can tell you what to do as easy as he told Philip to join himself to the man in the chartot. Another brother was trapped in a financial affair, which he was not a-ble to carry out and evidently it was Callz for Meeting+ a hasty step not ordered of the Lord and now is being threatened with pros- 3eoution for non- performance of the contract, and asks us whether he had better employ an attorney and maize a defence. We say it is im-possible for us to give counsel. Ask of God what ye shall do, As your affairs all belong to him, it is his place to direct his steward. This North Bethel near Batavia, about however the word teaches, " Agree seven miles from Coldwater, Mich. with thine adversary quickly while Any one feeling led of the Lord to thou art in the way with him," etc. come and hold the meeting is desir- Settle if possible, even if it cost as ed to come as soon as possible. - much again as you think the law Address lrena Olmstead, Cold- will take. To all God's saints we water, Mich. give this advice: get your orders from heaven; counsel with breth-ren when practical, but get your or-ders from God. Amen. Bro. J. A. Steel, Buchanan, Mich. de-sires some minister of God to preach the true gospel to the people there. PEONE, WASH. The work is great and large, and we are separated upon the wall one far from another. In what place therefore ye hear the sound of the Trumpet resort ye thither unto us. Our God shall fight for us. Nell. 4: 19, 20. We feel the need of some real spiritual brother or sister in this vicinity'. Now dear brethren in the ministry, if you are _ called of the Lord to come to the extreme North-west, don't go to loppa" or arrange your course of travel so as to be at some particular camp meeting. But leave" the burnt over district," pull out where you will have to trust the Lord for everything you need. The Lord may want - you to work along the line in Montana or Idaho. If so, amen. This eastern country has a hard name, so if you feel too Weak to start, " tarry in Jerusalem until you are ended with power from on high." Yours in love, Through the great goodness and kindness of our dear heavenly Father we arrived safely at home, Feb. 16. Never in all my past journeyings did my soul seem so thankful and joyful before God for the privilege of greet-ing all the dearly beloved ones at home once more. 0 bless the Lord, bless the name of the Lord! I knew not how to thank God enough, nor scarcely how to act for the great joy of our heart. 0 let all the dear saints help us bless the name of the Lord for his wonderful care over us during the travel of over ten thousand miles since our departure last July. Thanks be to his holy name, our flying abroad has not been in vain. All along the line ot our tour God has been with us and saved souls at every stopping place, with, perhaps, two exceptions. Thank heaven also for the blessing of good health. And how wonder- MEETINGS WANTED. fully he strengthened us to preach Address, James H. Hunter, Twelve his everlasting gospel. Often twice Mile, Cass Co., Ind. Martin Stew- a day, and sometimes on Sabbath art, Dubois, Clearfield Co., Pa. J. three times, putting in as much as F-.--- Pence, Columbia City, Ind. eight hours swift talk in one day, add-ed to which was the earnest altar service, and the care for immortal souls. An intense line of work that mere formal preachers know nothing about, and yet in performing their cold 3o minute preaching farce, twice in a week, they become worn out and have to take an annual vacation and rest. We feel especially thankful to God for the grace of our Lord and Savior, that we find resting upon all the beloved family; especially to find our own dear boy happy in the Lord. 0 what a blessed and glorious house-hold of faith and good works! Five years ago four persons did the work in the kitchen and office, now the working force is twenty- three, besides the two little boys who help the work on between school hours. The en- Dearly beloved saints, God bless tire family enrolls twenty- seven you. Thus saith the word of the names, Lord, " If any man lack wisdom let There has been great advancement him ask of me, who giveth liberally in both the skill and facility in the and upbraideth ' not." Again' , his glorious work. Great advantages name shall be called, " Wonderful, have been gained over the past meth- Counsellor," etc. " In him are hid all ods in the prosecution of the book the treasures of wisdom and kn. owl- and tract work. So that one person edge." " In every thing, by prayer can turn off more work than two or and thanksgiving let your requests three in the shine time formerly. Some be made known to God." Lean not on very excellent additions have been your own understanding, nor yet made to the book- printing furniture. upon your brother's, aor seek counsel So that we are now able to do first from any human, on things which class work. And what do you think, Bro. Jacobson writes that they eX-pect to begin meeting it Dason, Fayette Co., Pa., about Feb. 28, and will be glad to have anyone attend who may feel led to come. Orders are now being received for Bro. Schell's new book " THE BIBLI-CAL TRACE OF THE CHURCH." The price of this book will be, cloth 75cts, paper cover 30cts. We expect to be-gin the publication of this work in d: few weeks. - We are at present pub-lishing eleven thousand more books on Divine Healing. GO TO FOUNTAIN HEAD. May Radle, Harbor Springs, Em- EDITORIAL NOTES. C. W. Forker. all this forc accomplishing with i and lendeth; hp will- it/ 44 with discretion rebrit---' paper cutter, and the latest improve- , be moved forever: our steam bout Nov. 7,1ast fall, until Jan. 15 the ' He shall not be afraid of evil tidings:: ments in the printing art? Since a- , shall be in everlasting rea le/ ata- n; . : press was kept running almost daily, his heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord. except the Lord's day, and it will soon His heart , is established, he shall not be started on book work again and be afraia, until he see his desire u be kep meeting. ept in motion u n1t itlhe next June his enemies. He bath dispersed, -° e11 an average of For some months hath given to the poor; his righteo past us_ ctoramcpt binder and wi Su . r. 116t. over sent tradts have been daily, 1 h ' ness endureth forever;, his horn shall sand be exalted with honor." Psa. 1 1 2: 5_ apere isseasc, Instead of finding two large build. rs an , by besid far es tmhaeny e most thousand fgwseresfernete out, . 9in. the office and house, occupied nses mailing Praise God for this g eex- r li with the Lord's workmen, as month. n ppe every reach month. as Thhigeh , m as , li., 0 s wide ' we left home, we found three large wing 4) 11. life, ' buildings alive with the praises o a f sowin I? I! God on our return. 0 home, sweet thank tile L see on d l s , the re of eternna, is go-ing on. Thousands of , sou f I reached by the pure light 0 leaven, ' itation of the righteous." Amen, and much thanksgiving is everywhere ‘ ascending to the God of truth am, I soulspar; being I home! Surely " He blesseth the hab. m TcH., Feb. 21,1893 saving, full salvation. 0 how our souls. are he1 w e spent about two weeks with repaid the inflow of letters, that confess . i . „,. ' d for all the sacrificing toils by t , i LiRAND JuNcrioN, fruits of the gospel light, whic i the church of the Firstborn near shines forth from this office. Just Nislinabotna, and in Milton, Mo. At think of one thousand sermons, big the former place the saints have a and little, evrev* day, going forth to ig- ood comfortable house of worship. help the souls of men to rise above , i Dear Bro. A. A. Kinzie has madelii3 the powers of sin and Satan. The ! home among them and has been d it as the best book in the world I book on I blessed DIVINE of God EALING on its is mission being greatly large. y blessed of God as the instru ‘ f mercy. Many have told us they . ment in the buildi regarrd ng of both thetrue re ,1 sanctuary which the Lord pitched,"-- so far as God uses instrumentalities besides the Bible. Six thousand havef' . in its erection-- and also of the earthly already been published, the most o w hich have gon e forth o n thei r mis- . , house. ' . He, with the saints, had been hold. sion. And eleven thousand more will 3 ing meetings some time before our soon be printed. We were very thank- . arrival, and souls had been set free ful to God in meeting our dear Bro. in Christ. Much good was also ac. DeDerer here, whom God has surely complished by the Lord during our raised up and brought here for the , visit. Mztny Of the dear ones got a clearer experience. Some entered gospel of Christ to the German peo-purpose of sending forth the pure . the grace of cntire sanctification, and pie He has already translated the b ook on DiVINE HEALING a nd a bout a few were born of God. At one ser- vice tteell dear cchildren of God were afollr eth oeu trr aacrrtisv. aAl lcsaom ae foeuwr ddeaayrs Bbreo-. , healt d by the power of God, through faith, prayer, and the laying on of Wm. Ebel, whom we had the happy , hands. - They all seemed to receive privilege of baptizing a few months ago on the Pacific coast. He, too, is a glorious witness by the power of the a German broth er, a noi nted of th e , Saploiruitd, a. n Ad mwoenrge, enabled to praise him Holy Spirit and chosen of God to , the number was one set the German type. After s pend- dear old sister that had, during the ing four days setting English type e, hned --, meeting, renounced the anti- ordin-begins to day at the German case,: i ance heresy, and consecrated all to and in a few da. ys, if God will, German i Gbloeds. s eSdh eo fw Gaso wd. o n, derfully filled and tracts will begin to go forth in the; snore wcre healte A. t t. a0n. othertime four . name of Jesus, the Savior of the world, I t the Lord. We ' spent teaching tile e way of full salvation.' a few days in the village of Let all who wish to help your Ger- , f Milton. preaching in the M. E. house. man friends and neighbors into the . i A few consecrations, Good was being way of life, send in your orders. Ten a! ccomplished at every meeting at cents per hundred will be sutfi cient 1i Nislinabotna, and the dear ones de- to pay mailing expenses, bbut ggiive as. I sired us to tarry longer, but the good the Lord may stir your hearts. Thus! I Spirit of our God moved us on home. far, only Part 12 and t we tract are outfit still h praying as been p ear-- I - c of the time it was de ! grecs below zero while we were there, nestly to God to move consecrated, i and such severe weather set hard on hearts to help us get the newspaper , our body, softly tempered by the outfit, and no 3 mildness of the coast climate. in its season. Amen! doubt he will hasten it 1 Bro. J. . W. Neff was ordained by We are glad dear Bro. Schell's •! tile laying on of hands as an elder In . work will also soon be ready for the , i the church of God. In the absence = press. Let the dear saints of God Bro. Kinzie, who will not be apt to not neglect to send in their subscrip- I remain a - home guard" much in the tion for the same, that he may be fur- 1 future, Bro Neff will have the over-nished the necessary means to begin shi- gt of both the flock of God at Nish-publication. 0 how much precious , nabotna and Milton. The Lord has many starving souls are praying for I truth there is yet to send forth! how ,: called mhi t. o tileh good work, and let some messenger of mercy to show all pray God to endue him with mach wisdom and grace. maze of dead religion and sect con- them the way that leads out of the It wa. s our happy privilege on' the fusiono the true . Zion of God - Sth of I- ebruary to solemnize the mar-ion ridge of our much beloved Bro. Amos Thank God the light of heaven shining and rapidly spreading. who will help to carry forth the glor-ious truth, that all the world needs ? 0 my dear beloved, should not every child of God be ready to make some sacrifice for the salvation of the lost? But I greatly fear there may be some, who read these lines, that do not even that which they could do without any sacrifice of life's neces-saries or comforts. If so. beloved, we admit that it is a matter alone be-tween you and your God. But you know what he says, " He that soweth sparingly shall also reap sparingly,' " Give and it shall be given," anti the inference naturally follows, withhold' and it shall be withheld from you souls, Therefore let Bible faith, holy wis-dom, and heavenly economy, lead you to give to the Cause of perishing ' 1' 0 v In the lo robe•• t hal no tallier hath / tut the blood of' aalnul You stathi at the altar niOat And together year fortunes While Ji. t. Utt is present. tusd truly I/ ot It replenish the wedding wit axt. gue* tts that Olude Our poor vitid0a, i t11.1iii. 7t . tga ' atitnrZtlraamn, 4elsP" aTrtha4ttin: witahge Of t flowers hiEden that Woo= I I mat' their sweet preaoncee'enhtlAa : 13.1.11". tviitat: rh4tel'nPtiti4rithfr7net7Pthubellirtrewdii% atcyto:° f: o71Y ‘ aetiltl: h ArAIi nwfe;: h you Lwr h: eorel 1* 41Y1Id° YbO'vlrOaetverderlle° 1IE" SL. 13: 1% N181111rtttl'h71: g'shu: ltusYda'rIgtlihiue edilvietr" dwratgbige" ogedis'eldbA0tni: ir: Then many bright stars of your tolling A good man showetli favor Aniosis wholly devoted to Go4seP aratetl and ordained unto h° Sister Kinzie, as well as dear ‘ nr°' Shall embellials besimay calling of publishing thp the A. Kinzie and Sister Janet 1‹, Sillers, home of the bride's mother. News from the Field, TO Bro. AMOS A. CF. Utt StitOr J30.1E0e tiod nloss You, ROMP, LAIN% • deeming love, and they are ready-, t go forth whithersoever the Maste leads. They are now laboring a Auburn, Neb. After through ther they expect to go to Kingston, Mo and we trust we shall see their face at the June camp- meetiing, here. Pra God that they may be mightily use of him. - Our last meeting at Nishnabotn was a very sacred and heavenly corn mullion service. Between forty and fifty saints were present to participate and truly the glory of the Lord was in the midst. 0 what an overwhel-ming consciousness of the divine pre-sence and glory filled the house, and thrilled our soul! 0 blessed be the King Eternal that - feasts his obedient children! Amen! Reaching home we found Sisters Shoffner and Fink and many dear saints assembling every night in a building on the camp ground, and the mighty God was at work, and souls were being saved. Several have yield-ed their hearts to God since our re-turn, and still the glorious Work goes on. Much snow has covered this coun-try all the winter, the weather is yet severe and the snow plenty. And there is great joy in all our hearts for the blood that makes whiter than snow. Amen. a prec o I wholly by a second work of grace. It r was wonderful to hear the shouts of Ct tphrea irseed feemed ascending to God in SOMERVILLE, ALA., FEB. 8, 1893. DEAR SAINTS: May love and peace ving the ordinances of God's house Some of the saints from Thompson were present to enjoy the feast. Bro and Sister Hewitt weres with us in the meeting. Bro. T. A. Philips was with us the most of the time. Praise God for the little church he has establish-ed in that place. From there I came in company with Bro. and Sister Hewitt and Bro. T. A. Philips to this place. Your brother saved, Wm. A. Randolph. pqrfect freedom. On Sat-urday, Feb. II. ten dear brethren and Sisters was buried with Christ by bap-tism and rose to walk in newness of life. In the evening we all met at Bro. Moorehead's and had a e ious waiting on the Lord, in oh Wm. H. Miller. Z. R. Turner. dear name forevermore! We haven't the and gave himself for us. Praise his unto the gospel, fect victory over all the works of the sician we have in Jesusl enemy, through him who loved us Your brother and sister separate looked back over my past life for a few d minutes and seeing the mercies of God towards me in sparing my life, when many times I was brought down to deaths door and he raised me up again,' then yielded and said, Thy will be done. I was getting sober so I could see what God had in store for me. Two days after that the Lord spoke peace to my soul pardoning me of all my sin; I died out to every thing that was dear to me, the idols I was wor-shiping, and he accepted me and made me his child. Praise the dear Lord! Then after reading Rom. 12: 1,2 I presented my body again for a pure heart and got rid of the carnal nature. And praise God, he accepted the sacrifice and oh the peace and joy in my soul, no tongue can express. The dear ones told me that God could heal my body, but not knowing much about the word of God, never having read it very much , could not believe it was his will to do it. Within a year from that time the Lord showing me what he wanted me to do; I felt ' the time had come he would heal me. And glory to his name, he instantly healed me and made me whole again both soul and body, for which I give him all the glory. Oh that men and women knew the power of God and what he would ' do " for them if they only would get saved and in a state of grace where they could claim his promises. I am asking God to give me language to tell to the lost human race how wonderfully he does save and redeem his children, and give them light to understand his word: Also help me live a life before my friends that they may be brought out of all the darkness of sectism, and deceitfulness of pride and pleasures of the world. Matt. 6: 24. No man can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will hold to one and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. I do know I am dead to the pleasures of the world and alive in Christ Jesus, doing his will in all things as far as he gives me light. We left home last August for this eastern town and truly God has been with us, kept us in good health, also provided us with all things both spiritual and temporal. Find the grace of God suf-ficient in times of all trials and tempt-ation. We traveled hundreds of miles through the eastern states and are now at Cape Cod, Mass., safe and with victory in our souls. Was kept in perfect health so that I have not missed one meeting since I left home. Praise God for his goodness to his children! When we are truly conse-crated to God the promises are for US. The word says he will never leave nor forsake if we abide in him. And it says in Matt. 19: 29. And every one that forsaken houses, or brethren- or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands for my name's sake shall recive a hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life. When I left all for Christ I found many mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters where ever I go, with persecution for which I praise the Lord; for the word says, Praise him for all things, and I do thank God that I am where I can praise him for all things, through evil report as well as good. Oh! I never think of going back into the world when I see so many people starving for the true gospel preached in its purity, and have the pleasure of seeing souls saved and brought into the fold; but every day trying to do more and more to get souls out of darkness and deception into this blessed evening light before the Lord comes to call them into judgement. Oh that more men and women were willing to sacri-fice the comforts of this life and their own lives for the salvation of souls! For truly the harvest on this coast is ripe and laborers are few. I have esolved to wear out my life, regard-ess of pleasures or comforts, for lost umanity. Truly the hand of God as in our coming toIhis place. The ord was so much needed. God does onderfully fill our souls while send-ing- forth the truth to the dear ones. I thank 6od I am not living on an old dead profession, or when I was first converted, but am saved and all tinder the blood, sanctified wholly, victory over all the power of the enemy. Praise the Lord! And I give him all the glory. Pray for me and the work on this coast. Your sister saved and in the gospel work, GARRET, IND., Feb. IO, 1893. DEAR SAINTS AND TRUMPET READ-ERS: We- do ask the richest of heav-en's blessings on your souls. We are rejoicing to- day for the fullness we find in Christ: Oh hallelujah! We are in the field all the time; a few souls are being saved. We got home about New Years; had a meeting at Six Points a few days. One brother consecrated his all to go and work in the field, then we came to Ashley, Ind., met with a band of workers that was holding meeting. Not much done; So much prejudice and crookedness. From there we went to Angola, had a few meetings; weathe& so bad the people would not come to meeting. We went to Auburn to Bro. Wm. Lahnum's. There we met Bro. John Daugherty. From there we in corn-pany went to Cedar Creek; had four meetings. Two consecrated and got the desire of their hearts. Much-sickness in the neighborhood. We moved over to Bro. Friedt's and corn-menced meeting in a Union meeting house on last Wednesday night. We are having good meetings. Thelord is helping us to preach his word. The people receive the word and say it is the truth. Dear ones, pray for us that we may have much wisdom and be kept low down at Jesus' feet. You all he our prayers. We expect to go east when we get through here. From one that is all on the gospel altar, JANUARY 6, 1893. DEAR BRETHREN AND SISTERS IN CHRIST: I can say after a long sum-mer of scourging from the Lord on ' 1 the account of not going out to I work for the Lord as I ought to have Idone, but instead of doing so I rented la farm and had to stay and wo- rk it, — I can say that I have learned a lesson which I think I will never for-get. I Can say to all those whom God has called to go and work in the vine-lyard, Walk in the calling wherewith he has called you, and be not entan-gledwith the affairs of life, but obey God in all things.- As I expect that the most of my time from this on will be spent for the salvation of the lost, I ask you all to pray for me that God may use me to his glory. Amen. I have been away holding a meeting in Forest - Co , Pa., about five miles from Tionesta, in a new place where the whole word had not been preached. The meeting lasted three weeks. with good results. We had good order and the people paid good attention to the word. The congregation was not very large for _ the people are not very plenty in that place. We can say that opposition against the right way. was not strong for the people seemed to be hungry for the - truth and re-ceived it. We leave a little church there of twelve in number and _ some who say they are going to walk in the light, for which we give God all the glory. Amen. From your brother in Christ; saved and sanctified, and kept by power divine, ALICIA, ARK., Feb. 13,1893. - DEAR SAINTS: I do, feel it would be to the glory of God to write n hat the Lord has done here in this place. Brother John Obry and myself began meeting here Jan. I, 1893. The Lord did. bless our- labor and many gave voice and hands for prayer. Two sanctified and two received pardon. 0 praise the Lord for sending Bro. Ohry here! He will return_ home to Findlay, Ohio in a short time. I think that if some ' of God's ministers could come here and water, God would give a wonderful increase. There are many sinners that believe this the only way and some few of the members in the sect believe that we must and can live without sin in this life. 0 praise the Lord for such a wonderful salvation that saves us from all sin! If the Lord wills I will stay here this sum-met, and if any of God's ministers are led to come here they will find a home here among the saints as far as they are able. Any one led to Come, address John Jones. ALICIA, ARK. WASHINGTON, RAN. DEAR CHILDREN OF GOD: I greet You again in the name of Jesus through the Gospel Trumpet. I am happy to report victory over all the Powers of darkness and Babylon- con-fusion. Praise God! His word says, Ye are complete in him. Col. 2: 10. The meeting near Gaskill, Ran. was a success. There were seventeen con-secrations in all, and nine went on unto perfection, and were sanctified a ly 523 SAN PEDRO ST., LOS ANGELES CAL., Feb. 15, 1893. To THE SAINTS OF THE MOST HIGH GOD: May you all prosper and re joice always in this boundless glory of free salvation. Again - we take pleasure in reporting that we are victorious in this battle. Thank God, there can be no failure when Jesus leads the van. The work moves on. It is beginning to spread imore thoroughly over the city. The saints are very zealous for the cause and we are glad and thankful that the zeal is according to knowledge gen-erally. ' The Lord is raising up a number who are preparing for the tent work the coming Sli111111er. Pray that none may go who are not sent, and yet that all may go who are act-ually commissioned by the Holy Spir-it. There will doubtless be two or three tents started out as soon as the rainy season is over. The work is not completed yet here, as there are many localities in this city yet that have not had this evening light. The saints are taking lessons in vo-cal music and are doing well. ' The meetings in the hall are prospering. Souls being saved and believers es-tablished. The church is becoming established more and more in the present truth. God's people still con tinue to obey the voice from heaven, " Come out of her." A few have re-cently taken this heavenly way. Praise the Lord! This causes Babylon to rage, but ferusalem reioices and . shakes herself from the dust Cif hu-man tradition. 0 glory to God! This glorious freedom becomes more and more precious to our souls as we see the awful bondage in the land. • Yet our hearts mourn for - those who will not obey God and become delivered. Dear saints, pray for us. We feel our insufficiency as never before. I ye had an attack of sorethroat and er, but through the prayer of faith ye been raised up apd Made every it whole. Oh what a glorious phy- J. W. J. Byers. LITTLE YORK, IND. To THE SAINTS OF GOD: I feel led by a divine power, to write this letter to the Trumpet readers. I attended a meeting a short time ago, at Mt. Eden near where I am teaching, conducted by Bro's Speck, Orr, and Fleenors, and since hearing- the. word of God preach-ed entirely different from what I had ever heard before, I immediately made up my mind that there is a reality in what they preached and professed. I have read the Gospel Trumpet, and can say, I like to read the testimonies of the children of God, and do sincerely request the prayers of those that are consecrated to the Lord. I do pray the Lord will send some good minister to preach his word again in this neighborhood in the near future, as there are many souls that might be saved. I beg the prayers of all the Trumpet readers. Yours in search, G. M. Scifres, fr. REDDICK, ILL. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: I praise the Lord this evening for salvation in my soul. I know that I am his redeemed child, walking on this " nar-row way" and " highway of hOliness." I love the way. Hallelujah! Christ says," I am the way," and he has gone before, and a true follower of Christ can walk in his footsteps, and this evening I am fully determined and willing to " do this one thing, forget-ing those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before," and press toward the mark as Paul did. I have no desire to win or gain any thing of this world but my desire is to do my blessed Master's will, and honor my Lord, in doing all I can to save pre-cious souls, by getting means to send forth the glorious gospel of Christ. He has headed me several times and I know he is my dearest and best friend. Pray for me. Your unworthy brother saved and sanctified, POTTERVILLE, MICH., Feb. 14, 1893. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: May God bless you all for Jesus' sake. We came to Holt, Mich., Jan. 20th where Bro. and Sister Walters had already started meeting in the Evangelical house. We were there until Feb. S. Had a glorious meeting. This even-ing light had never been preached at that place before. About fourteen declared their freedom from Babylon. Some of them consecrated and got a, good experience. Many others ac-knowledged the truth but were too much under the influence of Babylon to get clear yet. But we look for - more fruits in the future: May God keep the little church free, and may every one go on to perfection is our prayer. Holt is about 7 or S miles south of Lansing, on the Michigan Central R. R. - Any of the true min-isters of the gospel passing that way will find a welcome. Let none ex-cept those sent of God presume to go there, for they will be detected. We go to Olivet. Bro. and Sister Walter go ' home and then then north, perhaps to Dush- ville, Isabella Co. We remain yours in Jesus, T. J. Cox. reported through the columns of Trumpet for some time. But h been in active labor day and ni preaching the gospel, pointing d precious souls to the Lamb of G - which taketh away the sins of . world. Souls are being saved h-all sin and . delivered out of sectari . bondage. To God be all glory a praise. We have been to seve places since last we wrote, but nearly a month have been in • te neighborhood called Six Mile, preac ing a part of the time for the color people and Some for the white peop Among the colored ones were abo twelve converted, most all membe of the Baptist sect. Nearly the e tire company were willing to give the whole business and Come out Babylon ( sectism) not taking a sto for a corner, nor a stone for a foun ation. Eight were buried with Chr in baptism. Others desired to be b could not be ready. May the Lo bless and keep them faithful to t end. Of the white people there ha been between fifteen and twent Some were only converted, but a fe were also sanctified• Praise the Lor Ten were baptized and others desi o be soon. The sect ( Babylon rea. chers are very restless, doing a hey can, fightingagainst the trut without Success. Some of them as ng when the saints will leave th art of the country, but sad indee o learn that the number is increa ng daily. But they very seldo ome to see what is being done. W ill close meeting at this place to ight and return again to the colore eople to morrow for only a fe ays. Some are anxious to be save ince we left them. After that tim e go a few miles east into the mount ins the Lord willing. Will be i his state till March, then we go t ullahoma, Tenn. Our address wil e Somerville, Ala. while in this state ray for us and he work here. Yours and Christ's sanctified whol and kept, Thos. Carter &-. J. F. Lundy. up of ne d-ist ut rd he ye 3'. d! re 11 k-is s-m - d 1 • ha fey abound to all through Christ Jesus. ha Amen. - We are happy to report per- wh ave ght ear od the 01T1 an nd ral for his h-ed le. ut rs BLANCO, PA. TO ALL THE DEAR SAINTS: This even-ing finds me sweetly saved in Jesus. He is very precious to my soul. I mean by the grace of God to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus and my affections centered on things above; that 1 may follow in the footsteps of our dear Savior and learn of him who is meek and lowly in heart. Dear children of the living God, we are as a city set upon a hill which cannot be hid, and let us therefore walk worthy of the vocation wherewith we are called; that all we act or speak or think may result in the glory of God. From your sister saved and sanctified, Emily A. Dunmire. Edwin S. Kriebel. EAST DENNIS, MASS. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: I feel led of God this morning to write my testimony. Just four years ago the Lord found me a sinner, living on a dead profession, and drunk on the wine of old mother Rome without a ray of spirituality in my soul. Was very much afflicted in body for twelve years with an abscess, and finally with Rheumatism. I was at times unable to ! walk across the house. I was greatly discouraged with my life; many times : was in such agony and distress both ' soul and body that it seemed to me death would be relief. Oh dear read- r ers, for three years of my life after , 11h hearing holiness preached it seemed lw as thoughl was on the verge of hell, lw knowing what I would have to give 7 up and sacrifice to get Bible salvation. just where hundreds of souls to- day are standing, not realizing ' their con-dition. But I can praise God from my heart that he ever sent Bro. Kilpat-rick and - Co. to our neighborhood. The brother came to our house to talk with me about my soul, when God showed me I must decide at once; he would not strive with me any longer. I then Hattie Rupert. Testimonies. Thy Testimonies are Wonderful. Pa. 119; 129. HEALTH DEPARTMENT. words there wanteth not sih: but the end come."— he that refraine r his lips is wise. Matt. 24: 14. The from the north even to the ea. st and till I went into the M. E. sect. I was TMERANCE. Prov. to: 19. There . i no doubtwhen time was when only theJew ish na- ran to and fro to seek the word of the in l there three years, and all this Lion knew of the tru J e God, • b ut now Lord and found it not," until one eve- time I was not satisfied-, I knew there CHAPTER VIII. one is letting their tongue run so con- all nations of the earth are rapidly Wing, Lord led her to ` the saints' was something- more for me to learn. stantly they will commit sin, as the being informed of the Almighty Cre- meeting, " where she found, at last, But a year ago Brother Dillon and TALKING. kin wise man saith, In the mouth of the ator and Redeemer. But this does that sweet fellowshi p , which alone is Co. came here. They preached the '< foolish is a rod of pride, but the lips not bring a universal reign of right- found among the children of God. truth. An d Mess od for sending Talking Is - an indulgence practiced of the wise shall preservethem. Prov. eousness. Were this a spiritual and To- day she is praising God because them here, and pra G ise Him for show so immoderately that it is a great 14: 3 . The tongue of the wise useth experimental knowledge of God, V./ 1 her prayers were answered. Her his- ing me the way and leading me out curse in the world. Even so the knowledge aright; but the mouth of confess such would be the case, but band . is saved, and they are walking into this blessed evening light. 0 tongue is a little member and boast-praise his holy I am saved by . eth Beh fools poureth forth foolishness. Prov. the same lesson still shows thathand in hand along the narrow way. great things. Behold, how great 15: 2. A wholesometong ue is, atree nets inhabit the cart h co incident Amen. the power of the blood divine. Pray a matter a little fire hdleth! And of life, but perverseness therein is a with this knowledge of the Lord. for me that I may ever be faithful in the tongue is a fire, a world of iniqui- breach of the Spirit. Wholesome, is See especially the 4th verse," He shall Jno. E. Roberts. Louisa S Kenyon. ty: so is the tongue among o- ur mbeomdy- to tend to good health and morals: smite the earth with the . rod of his _____—.,.--- CONSECRATION, doing his holy haenrds , s tehtatet tiht doenf iflierteh tthhee cwohuorslee of na,- so a wholesome tongne is one that mouth and with the breath of his lips, The fore part of the fifth _ cha. pter tends to conduce good health and he shall slay the wicked." " The rod of of Acts is presented to our mind for Your sister saved, SouTti BEND, IND, tore; and it_ is set on fire of hell. I a.' s - t hoadt morals; but perverseness is a breach his mouth" a. nd " breath of his , lips," explanation. " A certain man named 3: 5,6• must be saying something or they It see- m s many people think they of the Spirit. Breach, is the act of refer to the two- edg ed sword of his Ananias with Sapphi p ra his wife, sold breaking. Consequently a tongue Word. This smiting the hearts and a possession. and ket back part of that perverts is a breaking of the conscience of the wicked is going on, the price. His wife also being privy this morning " for saves me and keeps me from all sin. DEAR SAINTS: I am salvation G n bl Shai ml'- I can trust my Savior in all things, ohlai ry et trust in ian are not sociable. They will . run on Spirit. Hence like the wise man said, while at the same time thy do not to it an dbrought a certain part and vulgarity, at the same time profess to eth not sin." The lips of the wise thin," that is, among the sanctified. There are, many to , day who are 0 0hr, it is igf lo, or iuotpi. su ttoy with any amount of foolishness and- " In a multitude of words there want- hurt nor cdestroy in all my h e olyrnoun- laid it at the apostle's feet" be children of God, when Paul says, disperse knowledge, but the heart of We have a similar, but yet strong- trying the same kind of selling out; he will keep you out of Babylon. I ex-- But fornication, and all _ uncleanness, the foolish doeth not so., 7. The er passage in flab. 2: I4. " For the they go through a form of a conse- pect to keep sanctified the rest o filly or covetousness, let it not be once heart of the wise teacheth ( margin, earth shall be filled " : 1,,-- ith the know- cration and make believe that they dIa pyrsa yo nfo era arltlh t hweh siacihn tas raen ndo ats mk tahneym. named among you , as becometh saints; maketh wise ) his mouth and addeth. ledge of the glory of the Lord, as the have Sold out, but we do not see them all to pray for me that I may hold neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, learning to his lips. Prov. 16: 2 3 . Even waters cover the sea." Here is an with the glory. The fact is, they faithful to the solid rock Christ Jesus. our ssiister uunndder t nor jesting, which are not convenient: a fool when he . holdeth his peace is ascent from the knowledge of the have kept back a part of - the priex ce. but rather giving of thahks. Eph. 5: counted wise; and he that shutteth Lord," to the " knowledge of the glory These things are written for our - Y Julia iabli% ord, y sthe . 3 : 4- - his lips is esteemed a man of under- of the Lord." The first- Telates to the ample. Beware how you lie to the SARCOXIE, Mo. Paul says, let foolish talking and standing. Prov. 17: 28. If any man general spread of the gospel of God; Holy Ghost. And remember that jesting not be once named among offend not in - word the same is a per- the latter to the spread of the light God is restoring his judges as at the DEAR SAINTS AND TRI7MPET READ-you as beconieth saints. He prohibits fect man and is able to also bridle of the holiness of God, over all the first and thy counsellors as at the be- ERs: Our teStinlOtly is we are saved joking and jesting. the whole body, jas. 3: 2- earth, and both are predicted just be- ginning.-- Isa. 1: 26. Through the and sanctified wholly. Praise the Lord Peter says, Seeing then that all Spiritual conditions are inseparably fore the second coming of Christ. dark ages of sectism the princes lov- who gives us victory over all pow-these things shall be dissolved, what with our physical life. The flow of The latter is the " consumption - de- ed gifts and followed after rewards ers of darkness! Although the trials manner of persons ought ye to be in divine life currents may be interrupt- creed in the midst of all the land." ( Isa. I : 23), they hired out for salary. of the righteous are man y, the Lord all holy conversation and - godliness. ed by a very little clot of blood; the Holiness is the " everlasting gospel," " They teacirfor reward, they divine delivers us out of them all. Can not 2 Pet. 3: - It. • Christ says, But I say vi t al current may leak out through a heralded by the flying angels, " the for money."— Read the third chap- some of God's tire- brands come here untoyou, that every idle word that very trifling wound. If you want to great sound of a trumpet," by which ter of Micah. Consequently they into this wicked city and preach the men shall speak, they shall give ac- keep t he. health of Christ, keep from they gather together God's elect from work to please the people and have everlasting gospel. I would just say, count thereof in the day of judgment. all spiritual sores, from all wounds one end under heaven to another. displeased God. But glory to God, that unless some one enines that 11:. u7 Matt. 12: 36. How careful then ought and irritation. One hour of fretting Hence holiness m