The Gospel Trumpet - 12:45

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 ' GOO EL As thy waves in ceaseless turmoil labor, And in fury beat the shore; As they writhe an moan and dash asunder, Rise and fall forever more: - So the blasting hopes, and gb...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Warner, D. S.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Byrum, E. E. 1892
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Summary:Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 ' GOO EL As thy waves in ceaseless turmoil labor, And in fury beat the shore; As they writhe an moan and dash asunder, Rise and fall forever more: - So the blasting hopes, and gbilty terrors Of the sitincr's wretched heart, Restless. fearful and despairing ever; Sin and misery never parr. Only one has stilled 1114 in the INisom Of the tent , est thtubled ho could hush the witaii; and calm the tillows,— He who spake to Gailltte, y he can broth the storms of passion, And rebuke the fears of hell Only he Van calm the struggling spirit, Speak the word, BE. Ha, of: : mu. 0 thou awful sea! I lore thy music, Never from thee wo111L1 I part. Tea I love thee, loving Him the . formed thee, He who strun g the and nt harp. ' n Father fixed thy bounds forever, Holds thee in nis loving hand, Spake thy dreadful ntonsters into being; And he formed the spacious land. Lo! thou hi- Ingest from thy sacred chambers Pearls, and shells of curious form, nted with the rainbow's varied beauty, And the gold of rosy morn. ' math thy billows lie yet greater treasons fhon art waiting to restore, le dead shall hear the final summons, And old time shad be no more. 01 hies thy kindness, friend Patine, For thy temporizing breath: For the climate wafted from thee, truly Is an enemy to death. Sweet, and soft and balmy are thy breathings, Keeping winter blasts away. And 1 thank thee Providence that bmugh nere to SRO Diego hay. with gratitude f feast on fruitage So deli ions and benign, That lA seem, no better and no sweeter Ever grew on Adam's vinv, While fair r'alett yet in lure was blooming And the peace of God WAY there. We. kind ocean, to thy magic credit This profusion rich and rare. The . Larft God ! ION. the 7 U. 417) !!" axif.' go with N hiriNinds • • fio ths; Ocean. ive your substance, or do you let the away empty? Do you deny you of some comforts that they may h some of the necessities? There withheld his blessings. Perhaps some Is tohmee p trheaatc hg ing othf ethire w ghooselel, ti to and me are not able to give one- tenth; yet not earn the things they can-p need. Do you not hinder the gospel by with-holding from them? Do not wait un-til you can give liberally, but give the widow's mite. Let us show our zeal for God's cause by what we do for it, if we want all the blessings of God to rest upon us. Yours in the love of Jesus, and all on the altar, ready to do whatsoever the Master has for me to do. Sherman L. Catlin, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. they can set aside a certain portion the cause of Jesus. The Jews were required to give one- tenth of all they received to God; and when they paid their tithes, God blessed them; and when they withheld them, God also Flee out of the tn eisr of Babylon and deliver every ' Man his soul: be not cut off in . her iniquit3-; for this is the time of the Lord's vengeance he will render unto her a recompense. And the land shall tremble and sor-row, for every purpose of the Lord shall he performed against Banylon. a make the land of Babylon a desola- tion desola-tionwithont an inhabitant.-- Jer : ii, iP. And he said un thout? o Amnea, Wahnast wseeer- s; ed, see a dying rol/ sisdeheva eaTltcr hbyceo enor dcnsuieant igdt h o thaeret t o tsu; tn nea tanotlhed witsbel sehvaelrty b oen ec tohfaft oswnearetb. side lteeorduint g to it hft', a wilt bring it forth, smit . t the Lord of hosts,' h. know that it is near. even at the found there! I know of many fami-m - olshall not live any longer therein. - the Gospel Trumpet, but who pay rself I " Likewise reckon ye also yourselves out money to support some political eve to be dead indeed unto sin, but paper' which th ethire eyy souls. read Twhielly make alive them are unto God through Jesus Christ our place them in the hands of their Lord." Christ's blood in our veins. rtoor."— Mark 13: 21- 38, lies that say they are not able to take un . aC` nMdhe hrmiisbs ebtro. Cs n nooefs : h1' i2Ys: be2 o7ad. r ye, tohfe hbios dflye sohf thhoe mpoei, sionns toefa dp aorft ythisem w tohredy orfe aGdo adt. That is his nature in us(, H is likeness). Their parents talk about political is-so that the sues before them, more than the body of sin might be destroyed, that word of God. We have two great henceforth " we should not serve sin; parties to day contending for the mas-mdwadelel itnforge ein him and he in us." " Being tery; each one is sending out foul slimy God, from ye shinave and your become vants fruit ser- sheets filled with lies and hypocrisy, - to holiness, and the end everlasting atnod deceive the minds of the people; life." Praise God! Yield yourselves of Gosdo amree tthakati npgrsoifdeesss wtoi tbhe tchheimld rbeyn unto God as those . that are alive froth oting, and supporting their ungodly the dead. " For sin shall not have do- literature. Brethren, the word says, minion over you Whop w " Come out from among them and bbe long ho is willing to lay down ye separate." No man of God can hhiiss life ( give up self), die out to consistently vote either of the lead-ong worshipped sect, and even ing tickets of today; namely, the Dem-your own blood relatives: father, ocratic or Republican; neither can a dmwoetlhl er, brethren, that Christ may man of God spend the Lord's money man in you come aunndto you me inand him. . not any " If to support one of his papers, and place it in the hands of their children his father and mother and wife and to poison their tender minds. childre my ren disciple."— brethren 14: andd sisters That , Again, I have visited families where b yea em , and his cwt life also, he cannot the parents would buy for their child- Luke is, ren e are to have no gods before him. to their pernicious children to books and giv i give instead th em Having everything on the altar, and the Bible, and then blame the chilodf the altar sanctifies the gift. And and perhaps punish him if he learns having faith, the evidence of things to lie. And how many families we not seen, we claim no self, but i- tat,= w thhaet, n we take a look into him we live, move and have our be- the library we find one Bible, then ing;" and like Enoch, we walk with we find the Wild God. " He was not, for God took him." Kit Carson, the- WWaelset, HBuunfftaelro, eBtcil. l,, But God leaves us in the world for then a lot of novels made up of detect-lights, for " witnesses," shining lights ive stories, murder stories, mad stories, in these latter days of evening light. and love stories and you allow your Now it is plain that no mode of children to read them and still you baptism but immersion will represent pray for God to save your children, this death, burial and resurrection, so and wonder why they do not want beautifullygiven to me in the vision, to go to meeting or Sunday school, laying down our life with Christ. Oh, and why they have not more love N how plain the word is when the Spir- for the word of God, when the blame it gives us light. We are delivered is all on you. You never teach them Jesus " from the body of this death through to read the word of God, but in their Christ our Lord." early youth many of you purchase putteth forth leaves. ye know that azines that are against or not in har-swuhmemn eyre i ss hniaglhl . s esce Faelli nth lieksee M theinnnge/ moray with the word of God, are when his branch is yet tender i great snund of a Trumpet. and they ble is studied, a. nd even when the word shall gather together His Om from the four u huts. from one end of hear- of God is found in a household, how en to the other. Now learn a parable of the fig tree; many books, papers, tracts. and mag-- Grand Junction, : via., Thursday, XOP. 0 1892, Volume f2. X0- 45 nq He shall sent! _ Hie angels with children and imbibe into the youth Where the ocean moan its solesun And the sun pours out its goid ° Iltit4 clouds % bleb hang, while twilight Huger:. O'er the sett waves rising ho. WAnBhdiild etah . heteh g ecl oovroiinlost uahsgis ek fitenorVgil eeorrfse idrl aebysr, t o. twit . sern t eb envge, ning pn the geiastt Pacific breast. is ( org r ace asp au a so ca ll AUL says; Covet earnestly the b ?, hest ggiiffttss,,--. 11 ( or. 12: 31. There ei sp which they receive, as Paul says in 2 Cor. 9: 7. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, - so let him give; not grudgingly, or of neces-sity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. And in the next verse we have the pi omise, And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work. - But he says in the 6th verse, " He which soweth sparingly shall also reap sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountiful-ly." For the administration of this service not only supplieth the want of the saints, but is abundant also by many thanksgivings unto God. While by the experiment of this ministration they glorify God for your professed subjection unto the gospel of Christ, and for your liberal disti ibution unto them, and unto all men; and by their prayer for you, which long after you for the exceeding grace of God in you. ' Thanks be to God for his un-speakable gift."— Verses 2— 5. Paul calls it an unspeakable gift. In chap. 8:- 7 he says, " Therefore as ye abound in everything, in faith and utterance, and knowledge, and in all diligence; and in your love to us, see that ye abound in this grace also." Oh, that all who profess to be the children of God, would get this grace in their hearts! You not only starve your own souls, but you rob God of that which is his due by not giving to his cause as you ought to do. - You may . say, I am not able, but Jesus said, " If any man will follow me let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me." He denied himself of everything; gave all of his life and died for you that you might have eternal life. Paul says in 2 Cole " For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, for your sakes he became poor; that ye through his poverty might be rich. And herein I give my advice: for this is expedient for you, who have begun before, not only to do, but also to be forward a year ago. Now therefore perform the doing of it; that as there was a. readiness to Will, so there may be a performanc out of that which ye have. For if there be first a willing mind, it is accepted according to that a man bath, and not according to - that he bath not. So it is the willing mind. that is accepted by God; and if there be a willing. mind, we will find a way give. . " There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that with-holdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty. The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that water-eth shall be watered also himself."— Prov. : 24, 25. " Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove e now herewith, saith the Lord of lsts, if I will not open you the win-ows of heaven and pour you out a essing that there shall not be room lough to receive it." Why not- step t on God's promises and receive Help we, 0 sweet voice of inspiration, Help me sing ttne gentle lay To the Ocean's wide and deep creation, Singing for us night mil day, And thou restless sea, with all thy wonders, Touch my harp with melody For no bard can sing thy awful numbers Uninspired indeed by thee. ' Twits a balmy evening in October, As our train sped on its time, - That we came in sight of God's great twean, To the old Pfeifle brine. Swiftly gliding down its orbit, - The great monarch of the li ht Dropped his 01 en smiles upon the water, E'er he bid us all good night. Now we ran along the sacred bound'ry, Where the voice of God had said, alt, ye Allows, rushing, foaming, ant.,.- ry, Hither he thy waters stayed," Anti that mandate of the hoary ages, Undecayed by lapse of time Still protect: the feet of gazing sages, From the breaker,' threatening brine, Hulk! / sea! Ts it thy hollow moaning That arrests my midnight dream Is there then no rest to thy wild foaming? Ah, how false thy tranquil name! True ' tis only through thy ruder sister That does business in the east, And plays up her higher wilder capers, Thou art called Pacific— rest. Thou a preacher art to all the ages, And thy audience all the world. Lo! we n ad thy sermon on the pages Of the hook that God unfurb. d. And to all who tread thy sand environs i hot dust thunde , yea, and show How the human heat t, in sin's dominion Never, NEVER peace can know. • • on this sea coast I wt odd fondly linger, o'eWr thheer vei ntheey azredpsh - yvrass ts, o aftnltyi lbermeaotnh eorcha : Ai the goldbenri gohrta npgoem, teiggr, a, nanatde sq uwaavvae•,,, bull. : WiAthp pdleel: i, c pioeaurss manadr ipnreusn eens da bpot uancdh e; s t 0 I the season round. VIE MisnakzaLE GIFT, ht. till 1') that every saint of God ought to Pit.)- 4e$ 4. It would not only be a bles- 1k1.1 1 to themselves, but it would also of building the kin- - 49,140f mean the giving of the advancement of A VISION, ON LITER A TURE, crept into our public schools, libraries, Sunday schools, and many of our ! NALLY, my brethren, whatso thi nagrse true, homes, until children at the age of ever - whatsoever ngs ten and twelve years are now habit-things are whatsoever pure, brethren! are things are honest, whatsoever things ual novel readers. Oh b j ust, ngs for the sake of Jesus, your own souls_ whatsoever things are lovely, what- and the souls of your children, shut there be any virtue, and if there be you love your children, take such aPnhyil . p4r: a ise, think on these things.— soul- cursing stuff out of their hands 8. What beautiful directions! as you would a serpent. Burn them, and what a grand, noble and elevat-ing guide, the above scripture is to destroy them, get them out of your houses, and in the future let nothing remain in your home: or in the hands of your children except that which fectly, how elevating, are all the de- will elevate them in their life and all those that desire to walk in all the paths of virtue, and right! how reasonable, and if followed out per- i nt21osd dt. e BaBtahup. r tiiezde dw iinthto h hiim• s dbeya tbha. p ti sm bkfoonroo tkwhse omafn amdn dore tahaleldoriswn tg th haaetsm pt hrtooe f reaesbasod t vsoeu b. c heI That like as Christ was raised up saints of God, and day after day al-from the dead, even so we also should low their children to go to the lib-walk in newness of life, planted to- rary and bring home, and read novel gether in the likeness of his death we after novel. Mothers, are you do-shall also be in the likeness of his ing your duty? Oh! it is appalling resurrection.— Rom. 6th chap. 3, 4,5 . how the rising generation have fallen Not that we are saved. by baptism, into this awful demoralizing, but through our Lord and Savior Je destroying habit. I know soul- - sus mothers Christ. And we are baptized in- that were great novel readers, and it to his death ( a figure), " planted in so affected their nerves that any un-the likeness of his death," " dead to expected noise would frighten them sin," so we wilt not " live any longer - almost into fits, and their offspring therein," that the body of sin might have inherited the same nervousness. be destroyed. -. It is one of the most cursed habits A ' B. Gildersleeve. that has ever darkened our land and PITTSBURG, PA. it is steadily increasing until it has soeVer things arte of goo; d report; if the door on all such literature. If the blessings that are for you? They, blood, ,,, that I might live a life unto Thamenaydn aderase so yaf lttsoho eb vepe ruerncyid oseuirmss twpolooedr ad, ns oodf t phGlaaoti dna! ttheranta wl illl itffeeeac ahn thde sma ltvhaet iwona. y T oefa ceh-doing all the good you might for the Now if we be dead with Christ we wayfaring man though a fool, need them the way they should go and cause of Christ? W hen one of God's i believe that we shall also live with not err therein. Yet how few peo_ tthheeyy will not departfrom it. ministers conies and ministers to your i him. Rom. 6 8- How blessed to be pie there are that are living up to all Yours in the one body of Christ only wait for you. Brethren, are you him in his own likeness. iritual welfare, do you give them of dead unto sin ( and self) so that we the word of God! how little the Bi- W. J. Henry. How are we to be " delivered from the body of this death" ( sin) ? Answer. " Through Jesus Christ our Lord." Rom. 7: 2. In the spring of 1886 I had a vis-ion which was published in the Trumpet, March i5 of that year. I feel it a duty to give it for publica-tion again as its import with corres-ponding scriptures should convince every reader of two things. First. Of the second work of grace, by which ( through consecra-tion and faith) we die unto the world which is not reconciled to the law of God, neither indeed can be. And are made alive unto God, through faith, being resurrected into his image." Second. That immersion is the only scripture baptism, as it is the only mode that will represent this death to self, burial with Christ, and resurrection to newness of life. Here is the vision: The Savior stood near me, a vein or artery had been opened, and stood open for all that would come unto him. I was to have a vein opened in my neck, which would cause my death by allowing all the natural blood to flow out of my body. And when I was dead I was to be raised to life by the Savior placing the opened vein of his body to the vein in my neck, and the blood from his body ( which could never be exhausted') was to pour into my body until I should be resurrected " into his image," with his blood and nature. I had faith to trust in Jesus for being thus brought: to life again, and con-sented to the death of my body in this way. The bed on which I was to lie was ready, and all , my friends tried in vain to dispersuade Me.- I was aware they would all Cali me crazy, and would all forsake me, and that the white pillows would all be pulled away from under my head when the blood began to Flow, and that I would be deserted by all in the dying struggles; but I said, " None of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself." And be-lieving that if I was " planted in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection." - And " he that findeth his life shall lose it, and he that loseth his life for my sake, the same shall find it." And I prepared to " present my body a ing sacrifice" on the altar Christ Je-sus, knowing- that he was able to keep that which I committed to him, and having faith he would bring my body to life again, renewing it by his own THE GOSPEL TRUMPET 17ZEILT SOLIIIZOS filYINE HEALING SOULA4— iofppODY, E. E. BYRUM. SD_ eCnEthS trfIiiooNsnrtT. It, h ThFLa enEotii ndr u," n• DtRththiAthieeytv oD e ifPon a • Iufein Ct t bhahhaAli eellon L eatsnla, r, ai euctniAnie egnNto sntdofe. T " efhtol Ihitrvf- heiS ea ferLEra , l TolCa( l1rn iTdo. Ss daA,, lyTvR. eaIa- AnsN. TOBLISITED AT GRAM) = MON, to have had no control. If your ideas continue to meet my deep approvalll, I venture the assertion that we sha ton Co., Iowa, writes, " I wish some become strong friends. This line of ttr imut he rdeel iegpi 103.7n c jounscte rs nti ist sm en; e ThI ea mo a man of God would Come and preach regular attendant at the holiness to the people. I have never meetings here. And this spoils my ltihfee: tjrue word of God preached in my taste for other less spiritual meetings. • I am a member of the M. E. church, NannieDowns, II 12 Vermont St., hope to bring about a greatly need Evansville, Ind., : writes that they change. I do not presume that ti gthreeraetlyandd preach the pure gospel. arguments so well, and fully by t esire some one to come is any new idea, as you support yo baptized. there those who desire to be scriptures. But it is - new- to me ti a s, enwoo , c t b nere are those that thinIn'a. s I do, sen dj.: s Fa. n • Cearruftest Grelquest for msoimhe. I have been forced to think throu holy min tios ctomeer taherne. d circumstances over which I seem preach the gospel, as there is a good opening for the truth. but I do not feel at home there or in any other church in this city. Yours in Christ, with the prayer - that God will abundantly bless you in your labors, • James D. Hall. Ma y God provide them with the same Once in, was a serious question t 1. ed because the seed of the neti, v_ allh` lco,, fdort'eaos-, s is Fenerally. rotten n'éneath tue. eloasofe . 1, e w gh cendency, refused to come to the e d croousssss ,, ehl ee ‘ r, lan tei otthe n e became opportunity coefeaasgi 01 on. aul esr iiiliti: absssrse . etis T soi ilflt lso leeleds. elnUcie tasl n'Ll- v'etr iTa4e: 7i1) 2: Y d ag'c' f k. attsinhlieiedwd‘ a. lei Ln sn. at in heart, therefore they rejected hut scooef enatnrel , a alb- iN‘ t'dl tfuf ` lo' r. f. Aeastl lo a. i d: easinti ridsu ewy teaitos intdfortodmini at. ih1f, 1 . e. 1 it came to them. Therefore, ors,, by deso their late re and rejection fallen of it, than left when tiles' 1 to the Canaan of perfect love. An- 1( 11 so the fire that was designed to pu n • tfeYgarialtdectlmim4a- stsheofcoCfniI'lrsiseta an prof: dd ee rviol eusrse, d saol tl itlhaet npplaaessnttures i d o min spiritual life short of going 0-.‘ Almighty shall it come ." T: fehe„ afisidrae another voice from heaven sayinz i- J" e Cwoimshe foouldt owf ahse ro, nmcye opewonpelde a." n d- e, a blessed of God, in fact, he was the - ! author of it for a temporary use. The e- i prote: stcanths. epcts weisre, Anoerl. drefroorbfidGsodaisi ! schisms, which is the same thing 0 sects. But because many of thesecnas - 1 d b efti Entered at the Post Office at Grand Junetion, Van Buren Co., Mich. as second class matter NOTICE. A 11 business communications, moneys, Svc. must be addressed to the Game TRUM- ? gr. to insure. credit otherwise we wi1 not be responsible. w en you have attained more knowl-together differently." And " when you get right yourself everybody else will appear all right," etc. 0 the strug-gles and conflicts I have had that came through my experience with professors of religion. If I had not had a loving Father to go to, I should have been greatly discouraged and given up long ago. But he has been my present help in every time of need. It is becoming very difficult to distinguish between the worldly church ( sect) members and the out-side sinners. Some of our largest and grandest church organizations pos-sess only a mere handful of spiritual people. Church members-- rather sect members— claim to be dead to sin, who are most wonderfully anima-ted corpses, who never think of Christ as a present Savior from sin. ( Yea, by their pursuit of worldly pleasures and objects, they show they are dead to righteousness and alive to sin.) would like to know more fof what Spirit of God?" et or i possibbllee glory. to cast all these away and flee out of the doomed nation. Likewise have many been looking head to a glorious revival in the a sibre occasion of her utter desolation. And soth e Lord called upon all hon- D. S. WARNER— Editor. E. E. BYRUM— Office Editor. E. E. BYRUM & MicHELs--- Publis TERMS, $ 1.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCR. FREE TO THE POOR. ! drat S ? A. conversation, gibing Bible proofs that we must live free from sin. 18 pages. Single eopy 2 cts, Per dozen, 20. cts. Per hundred, $ 1.50. . A tract on the True Church. 50 pages. 10 cts A. tract on the Sabbath, or Which Day to ICeep, 85 pages. . _ 10 cts. inarriage and Divorce, a tract of 32 pages, 5 _ cts The Age To Come, and Millennium Tradition Refuted by the inspired Word of God. 56 pages Single copy 10 cts. Questions and Answers on the Church. 32 pages 1 cent each. Per hundred $ 1.00. • , Why are yon not a Cluisfinn 50 kir / 0 cts. The Ordinances ei the REvir Testament. A. NEW TRACT, BY Wit. G. Scaknn Setting forth the ordinances of the scripture in t clear liehtshowing which are abolished, and provint that the three ordinances instituted by Cb eist are. ru of the Old Testament, but of the New, and are still ir Vogue. Single copy 5 eta Per dozen 45 eta THE SHINING LIGHT. Aninteresting paper for the chil-dren. Illustrated. It should be in every family where there are children Only 25 cents a year.---. Address-- THE SHINING LIGHT, . Grand Junction, Mich. Tke , areat Tobate• It containa 40 pae- es, with a neat cover. We- wilt send these tracts to any one sending us postage at the rate of , ■ ne cent for three tracts. We make m charge for eur work of making the tracts. Alway state just how many you wish sent. TIM EIBIA REA: Bible readings or references on about 100 subjects. P ice 75 cents each. 110LIN333 BIBLZ SuBacTra. By H. C. W. 100 subjects with scripture, a concordance and den nitions to subjects Setting forth the true ehurch, it-doctrine, its ordinances and its fruits The fall of Babylon and the coming in of the evening light. Il-lustrated. VW pages, neatly bound lit cloth. Single copy $ 1.00, Six or more 80 cents each. For this book Address H. C. Wiekersharn, New Pittsburg, Ind., or Gospel Trumpet, Grand Junction, Mich. MUMS FROM THII THRONZ, POURTH Emantoar. This book contains 148 songs. 90 with music. About all new. When sung In the Spirit of God these songs will be found glorious. They hymn the precious present truth, and the gospel standard of salvation. rend in your orders for ' Anthems from the Throne and start the songs of praise anew. Manilla . plum 1 Cloth. . . . 60 ?! 8" p. 00 * 1PM desa. 4.80 showing when, how, and under what cir-cumstances and conditions God heals the sick and afflicted at the present time. It gives a history and testimonies of healin,,-. r: from the time of Abraham, through the different ages, up to the present time. The third part of the book consists of the WITNESSES OF TO DAY. SoTnhs ewseh oa rhea wvoen bdeerefnu l hteesatliemdo nwieitsh ionf tpheer-last few years by divine power; such as being instantly restored to sight after hay-ing been blind for years; the lame throw away their crutches; broken bones are instantly healed; invalids who have suf-fered for years immediately arise and walk, Th after the prayer of faith is offered, etc. e author is personally acquainted with nearly all the parties who - Inn c herein given their testimonies, and gives their names and addresse3 in the book, so that persons doubting the trulifilmess of the same can write to the parties them-selves. It will be a precious volume to those who are afflicted in either soul or body. The chapters on faith, and also other subjects, will strengthen the faith of the reader, and aid in a closer walk with Him who is the " giver of eveF ygood and perfect gift." It contains 24i4 g- ood- sized pages: good p! ain print, on heavy paper. Ne. atly bound in cloth, $ .75. Library ( half morocco ), REQUESTS FOR PRAYER. EDITORIAL NOTES. marble edge, $ i IQ. S e nd two cent stamp " On returning home from Wichita, I found the GOSPEL TRUMPET here, and I am delighted in reading in It is my food for my soul. I find that my Father has plenty for me to do here in talking to poor lost sinners, and telling professors about perfec-tion in holiness, and admonish them to come out of Babylon. Praise God! There are already four of us here standing out clear from Babylon on the word of God. Praise God forev-er! Pray for us." Amen. God bless these dear ones in that city, and call many into, the fellowship of Christ and the whole truth. Doubtless, as a result of Bro. Hen-, ry and Co's visit to Washington' city, we have received the following letter from Bro. James D. Hall ci. f the he would conquer death, hell, andthe grave. Hence ttoe pphhr esceies t ing him rendered it impossible. t01. he fail, and the entire schOne- oir."_ demption hanging upon : b.' is"-: f. if.- 1 NOTICE A commission of 20 per cent will be given on mai new cash subscriber, to all who will labor for the Gomm TRUMPET. ' We make this offer so as to hel/ cthuela tbiorent horfe tnh eth paatp aerre in the field, as well as the cir-fig • Parties 0J- string papers to CanYaSS with, should notify us regularly o. their whereabouts. NOTICR HOW TO SEND MONEY.— Remit by Post- Office Money Order or Postal Note. Weere these Cannot be proeured, send by Express Order, Register-ed Letter, or small amounts in stamps. CHANGE OF ADDRESS. - Subscribers wish-ing their widrese uhanged, must be sure to give their former, as wad as their new address. MISSING PAPERS.— It occasionally happens that numbers of our papers sent to our subscribers are lost or stolen in the mails. In case you do not receive your paper when due, after waiting a suffic-lent length, of time, write us a card, and we will gladly send one in place of the missing number. When you write, be sure to give your Inn address, male, post- oft- lee, county and state Should there be a mistake at any time, write us at once, and we will gladly rectifs the 6titae. Address all letters to Gospel Trumpet, Grand Junction, Mich. The Ordinanee el Feet Washing. The excellent work on this subject, written by Brother Bradley, has beeu reduced in price to 20 cents. It is a review of a traet written against this ordinance. A. lively exposure of the false teaching of the Opposer, and a very thorough vindication of the sacred ordinance of Christ. It contains 84 large pages, and gi. yea much light. Price 20 eta. $ 1.90 a dozen. Order of the author, Bro. W. W. Bradley, Watkinsville, Miss or from ad< office. This consists of twenty- six chapteis on This book is just fresh from the anti"- or's pen, and a glance at the content:, is enough to convince any one of its int east tahnodro uvgahlu ken otwol etdhgoes oef stheee kDiivn= gn a B eminogre, and his dealings with peop: e at the pres-ent time, as well as in days past. The first part of the book very plainly marks out the way from sin unto full sal-vation, according to the teaching of the sacred Word. It presents the gospel truth in sucn a way as to throw a gleam of light into the_ pathway of the sinner, and enable him to see that there is hope beyond, through the mercies of a blessed Redeemer. The BELLEvEa is led to e. r. t the beauties of full salvation, and the joys in a life of Christian perfection. THE HEALING OFTHE BODY Constitutes the second part of. the book. Thcw. Kerr, T. Juskip. L. W. Isascoin, Elihu Piave. J. A. Welborn, L. Cohleetz. I request your prayers for my soul and body that I may be made whole, and I hope to hear from some of the brothers and sisters. Mrs. Isaac Billitigs. Eau Gallie, Florida. Rocavieen, Mo. DEAR SAINTS: I am praising God for what he has done for me, al-btthheeo s upagrnahcy tIief iaresmd ow nf hothotel lsy as. anicnttisfi ethda. tI Id emsiarey Youis in Christ, Jennie Maddax. B. G. Morse, Prohibition. Guernsey Co., 0., desires some one to come there and hold meeting. • H ESSE L, M ICH. You are all requested to pray for Brother Samuel Smith on Nov. 17, a one o'clock. He is afflicted with a sore leg. The doctors4a. ve him up last winter, and since that time he has given his heart to the Lord and is fully saved. CALLS FOR MEETING. J. S. Blackwell, Brighton, Washing- Bro. S. L. Speck begins meeting at Tampico, Ind. Nov. 12. doctrinal subjects; exposing and over-throwing false ideas and theories concern- f ing the healing power in these last days, tall GfoOr SspPeEcLiaTl RteUrMmPs Eto1 aPgUeBntLsI. S AHdIdNrGes Cs, O so- n ver GRAND joacrioni Minn. and Bro. H. F. Wendell writes from Kansas City, Mo: years ago. We, like everybody els - that gets his eyes open to the ' low worldly plane of his church sect) thought we must try to I reform her. Thus in the good intentions of his people, God " would have healed Babylon, but she is not healed.-- Jer. 57: 9. What now? " Forsake her, and let us go every one ' into his own country; for her judgment reach-eth unto- heaven."— Jer. 51: 9. " And God hath remembered her iniqui-ties," the Revelator adds to the above in Rev. 18: 4, 5. When Christ came, first to " his own," the jews, the great-est advantage that God had ever be-stowed upon that nation was then conferred. But, alas! by rejecting the same it became their greatest calamity, and brought down on them and their children a flood of destruc-tion. So when the light of holiness; came everywhere to the protestant I sects, their greatest blessing was ten- Le S. pension bureau, which we takeldered them; but rejecting it in the the liberty to bublish: ". DEAR BROTHER: main it became their consuming fire, Some of your and the curse hath devoured the tracts were placed in my hands by earth-, and- few men are left."— Isa. some stranger brethren at the holi-ness meeting here. Ever since I was converted, some sixteen or seventeen years ago, I have had a great deal to contend with men-y and spiritually, from within th- e-called Church of God. , I was con-ted outside any church,— sect— went into the so- called church news by private letter from 13ro. Wm. INT e praise God for the glorious The above sentiments are the exper J-. Henry that he and Co. found manyls' conscientious child of God in all sect hungry, of ' every really converted an in Washington city, and that they ex- " This is not your rest," is the voic ungry, willing and obedient sou ' ism' They'arenot at home there operrup the work of God in a tent. pect to return there in the spring and of God to them . or Christ's sake. Amen. ! bout the needed change. But the I US , what course to pursue to bring a problem has been solved over twelv 24. The Jews rejected the second person, and thereby filled their cup ofl iniquity, which was soon poured out j i upon them. The Gentile sects in re- 1 jecting the Sanctifienthe third person' of the holy trinity, have yet more Is deeply provoked the wrath of God, It and so he has gone out of her, and I t his people following him. gee Micah I edge you will look at these things al - me by their acq uaintance. I have she— Ba. bylon— confusion— has fallen ' th hh ave r t.-- Rev . positions in the church— so called— land hold Of every foul s i i met those too who, holding prominent land become the habitation of devils ' ing greatl ■ Ser ■ QUESTIONS. in me." His whole being eousness and tended to righteousa Furthermoreit ine aim, as he said, " The princt: 0 this world cornet and, hath nothhg and perhaps more than a hundred he" wouki right-years ago such prophetic visions havei ed." 1 ?. g. . if ra S also foreseell ., t er• " Is not the time coming for the I that That he wonld not be 011 sfpoiurnitdu ault ttehroaungchet . i n sacred song and come by the powers of hell, but i church to be gathered into the one you believe and feel, and how you I But, " alas for the day," saith GOd, d aspirations for their nation 1 Savior to sin and fan; Wbur. tj. fFr oi enin: an i regarded as an impossibi we ANS. In certain respects it maybe est Jews, however high their hopes for . lity ak First. It was in a sense, imno's fill their churches with powe r d ' . . i to _ for him to sin, from the fact that there last days, which they all hoped would I was utterly nothing n him p ner an t; so 1- 1F glory. Many have put such hopes c on record. The union of all the was churches was one feature of the an-ticipated reformation. Forty, ,.- fi fty. ' jell tormea y men who were e imasses knew no " better than to t e . ad. e more c orrupt sects, and because ' 11 ' I here in these unscriptural instit iii 9 Iii earth again, and flee out of their - iking craft. Thus it is that history peats itself. But we thank God at we understand his will concern-us, and that we stand in our lot 11, " 44.1 1s. 4 4t w,, z Ntt text 4( 1 h it I Illar6i " bk4, , or, 41,1. At 4i,, rt i ho n estly not fail, escapi nor ngbe out of dismul older tiand being educated to regard them aHsS, God's church, and because men in all sincerity labored for the salvation, of lost men from sin, : while yet adheting in them, God was willing to labor I with them, and did own and bless ! their labors. He blessed their ! I hen the light of holiness sp- Ii hors, not because in the sect, butin 1Is penited eoaf Vthoere scei ctto r aeblaidtieon i, nbe hcaimuse they lione w , -.} 1ut I em, and they have abandoned vit.- 1 I on them they refused to walk halt, tthheemre, fore darkness has come upon , i I I tue more and more, and have given themselves over to lust and sennial I festivities. So all the true people of God are called out. And insteaal of ian gunion of the sects, God is glean- , . out a remnant. to whom he gim one way and one heart." Jr) win* he produces a perfect unity. These constitute the bride, the Lamb's wife, and the rest are rejected as reprobat silve'r Wn ith all the fond ' InnuieSTiVe choeurisrh cehdu frochr ethse,' ? ' fwuetu wree prero- nsPoe' lreitsibsf tohuudn dv. oeircsetr ufrcokm. whehaevne. na ysea hyeinagrd, '' T'tohre-sake hen" " Flee out of the midst - Of Babylon and deliver _ every man his oul," than the old Jews were when hey were called upon to abandon heir hopes of being a great nation LIS OF PdONEY LETTERS inanny_ no sncox --- -- - _ afterward. I have met many good - I. AST ISSUE NOT OTII ER WI:= E RECEIPTED. 1 l e hl 2: h12, 13. And leaving her house un- isoini i brothers and sisters who have to er desolate, as_ h. e left the Jews, ire 1 e great y surprised me by their 1 18: 2. And God is now judging- th e1 Amen. aL the end of days, the end of time, once told that they are " all right, and lHe- cried with . a. loud voice as to, men it Jesus, in the methods, actions and conversation. 1 great whore. Now what did Christ' If a person questions these he is at I do in reference to falling Judaism? upon a sinking vessel, " Save your- 1 ' time of his temptation in the wilde Wa- s-, selves from this untoward genera-coming of th- e Messiah, as the time " Though she had looked for , - devil and commit sin, or at any time hre tion. - ness to yield to the temptation of t ward, down through the ages, to the tional honor. behold, it has proved I while here on earth was it possible of her promotion to the highest na-' 1 his position? for him to commit sjn and fall from lotti thee irnsi tpaonsds ipboi li int yt . i .°- t was not an ahs , i, 1 die • l'or- !. 1 of when 0: ! hen' ll[ story tkid In the of the ' time fi( 11 I less piiikteratined. fure '- iokt - . ina indeed omnipotent, and immu% tbi,. cessaril• laid the lohnit,, oriels to maintain the tligni t word- and the honor of his itohe spotlesb holim SN ,4 hi, so we may say. with the Aim: v. 11o: hand under his steps, wa, t: t and Times over impossible , r hi. Wha: of Gad to sin. mid yrit on • the othe h, t % quo Well as ho St ti well as the Son of th,. ings recorded of word it ler to hint oni% character; And as suele hi. the angels in heal, en MIA vi l , i; beyed the God ot. t he till, continual chaire and service necessarily mill to withhold it. i " Bless the Lora. ye he « - excel in strength that c. M1, mandments. hearkening tint. of his word; This certainly imphes that II eve ce in holiness xv. is n, of an arbitrary Almighty. from which ti to swerve, hut i. a continual hearkening to„ tionalsubjection the voice of Gcid. And likewise Son of God, " I do always those things that please Him," - john s: u lf ye keep my r timei shall abide in my 1ove en as I hhave kept my Father's toinaut1mtnts and abide in his love. Here we see that n the divine favor u tions of a voluntary subj to will, just the same as we retain his favor by keeping his comma m. linents. further notice. Pray for us and the The ability of Christ to will contrary , work there. to the Father's will is seen in the Yours in Christ, gwailrl d[ neont oafs Gmey tohwsne mcoamnefo: r" t Naont da sre I-! W. J. Henry & Co. lief from suffering would naturall Y! LAKE (- Try, .: 11ion. Nov. 2, 1895- lead me to will ' but as thou wilt." If To A1.1. THE SAINis: I am called to then Christ was capable of obeying preach the gospel, and I am mating tlit father, that obedience implies the ability to withhold obedience. In fact, obedience always implies the power of volition, the power of with holding obedience. And obedience absolutely compelled is not obedience, but the motion of a machine under the control of its operator. Now if any one can comprehend the myste-ry, how Christ was real God, and at the same, time an actual man, as the Scriptures clearly teach, you will have notrouble over our seeming contra-diction, that Christ in one sense could not sin, and looked at from another Standpoint he could have fallen. " Great is the mystery of godliness." The mystery of divinity and humani-ity combined in the one person of our Lord and Savior. - I tvould like to ask a fe questions to the glory of God: 1st. What does Paul mean in Cor. 7: 14? 2d. If a brother or sistershould fall from sanctification would it take one or two works to renew them, seeing that Adam's nature is gone, and it takes but One work to get rid of the devil's nature. Your brother, saved and sanctified, Cleve Donnell. Ai4s, TO FIRST, To save time and Space we will ask the reader to read the text in your B. 131 C. Th esancti- % et Nbe ict 1 froo .4054ble i. vt there there wishing our labors for souls will goes out in tender sympathy for our please write us at Eubanks Sta. till! Bro. and Sister Killian in their sad urther notice; and if any of God's i bereavement. God bless them. Fu-n er. true ministers feel led to join us in Ineral services by the great battle of the Lord, Write ' C. E. Rothermel. us, for there is a great field ready for harvest there. Oh come and help us I OLLIE, IA., OCT. 30, 1892. _ push the battle to the vervgates. We! DIED. September 15, 1892 Hattie are going in the power and might on Medora. Wicks, daughter of L. and fesus, with a consecration to the stake.; Caroline Wicks; aged 2 yrs., 4 mo. and aise God! Pray for us that God .4 days. God bless the parents and use us to his glory. and to the: save her papa from his sins. God escuing of many dear souls. : bless all that mourn her loss. Their Your brethren . Doe saved & in J. Jesus' blood, , loss is her eternal gain. R Funeral services by Brother Edy. CRDOCK, KAN., Noy. t, - • , and parents all we believe got the desires EAR SAINTS OF THE LIVING GOD:: ! DIED, near Java, Miss., Oct. 6,1892, . . lust z '' warts. On the 23cI three dea - closed meeting in Wichita last; 4 Ester May, daughter of Ruffle and and t nan, init , i . d tt , ti:.;. lsou were buried with Christ in bap n . evening, with grand victory; Lee Calvert: aged 8 mo. and 6 days. . , came it is not said t c,! tism. Also dear Bro. Z. R. Turner or the Lord. Eight more followed i'The Lord giveth and the Lord tak- Ilatear- Adam.- kit to was ordained as a minister of God bv the Lord in baptism, and others will eth :- away; blessed be the name of the v. orks . devil.- the laying on of hands. Mae the be ready in the near future. There! God bless the bereaved allwt • r. , t a,, facts - dear Lord help him to he faithful. ia: re about twenty- rive saints in 1. Vich- 1 or 1 al with salvation, and comfort who lo When I came away the meeting was and that are out in the evening light, aft, N‘ 1 1‘ ,4 sanc t ifi ed. a still going on, and may many souls 1 1 a number of others are convinced . - that p = their hearts. : . „. e still be saved to God. mi ssii dc-. inn vt of the trutha'but are not quite willing' i ' • - i From your saved brother in Christ. I i G to take the step out of Babylon. May: WEST LIBERTY, O. i : rocks wrought to regain the i - J. L. June. , . od bless the dear ones and keep; Sammy A. Mast, died Oct. 3o, rS92; ' iness. But having I ! them faithful. Yesterday we camel aged II yrs., 16 days. Little Sammy way, they C4H1 J ' wiedgc i . AND UNCTION M I') - Yt ionutto h Beuretl etwr Cenot. y, - tfwivoe mmiilleess fnroormth - Meuasrt- fw tahse aBlwibaleys h kisin sdt uanddy . o Gbeadviee nhti, sr nhaekainrtg d irom fa, it h to fa ith more rap- - I1 ! h mereee wt- inags oan v et, h rye pcr- ae amcl' ipou gsr oounne- d , o , nii eaacIr- dnoigckh, te txiop eocutrt odecaorm Bmroe. n cCehrmisete'st ihnogutsoe-. i tcoa mthp em Leeotrindg aatn dt hwea sW baepsttiz eLdib, esorotny We 1 in the Murdock school house, in i after which he took diphtheria and power of the Lord working which - set; us good results in the Lord. urs a nd Christ's, A. B. Stanberry & C. E. H ' TION. NI tcH., - Oel. 31. 1892. IF DEAR SAINTS. GREET-NG: ay grace and mercy be multi-plied unto each one of you. Amen. resul t. ! Our last report was from Custards. n, ture iF 1 Crawford Co., Pa. From there nature we went about twelve miles south-whi ch ! Iasi west and commenced a meeting in And if , the name of Jesus at the Baty school- - ail to the divine house. with good congregations and i t. ! not i,, n , good interest; and much good was s . o, 11, N- crea tion , done. Some consecrated for justift- / fl, Lture a, cation and some for sanctification; '•.': iNk"", If sanctin L- omm; the tt- At ques-as awful CALVERT, MISS. Lou Calvert. fied and holy husband and children in thi s . , , , ., . text is to be understoo d in a legal sense. The marriage is not to ? eignored because one of the couple ilas become saved and the other iE. 1,1q. Nor should their children be held as illegitimate, or as bastards. Blitbecause one of the parents has be- ST. JAMES, MO., OCT. 22, 1892. t° 111e h° 1Y, God accepts the offspring, DEAR SAINTS OF THE I'vlosT Huni alid holds the existing relation of the i GoD: May Father's tender love con-trets holy, and lawful One who is holy, as ifboth for the sake I tinue to keep you alway. Since our just w., . And in that sense camp meeting tour we have had one eresanctified it unbelieving husband is sanctified meeting near Reeds, Mo. in company ugh thebelieving wife, and their with Bra's Keeling, Sikes and Cox, atiklid. rea holy. It is wrong for a and Sisters Carmichael. Preached two C nstian to contract marriage with nights at Pioneer and to nights at Pierce City. Had a precious little .,: unbeliever. 2 Cor. 6: 14. 1 Cor. meeting last night with the saints at ifret And for this reason it might Merrimac Iron Works, and came to joinsersed that if two sinners be this place to day, where we find Si. s. the ' n matrimony, and one of ters Copeland and Myers and my s/ s- 111 alloup , . u agerwards be saved, that ter engaged in the battle. The weath- _ _ en- marriage, of er is rat er unfavorable u Any one on the line from Cincinnati u- liTYAlidate: th . ' b ' hb t we feel i Lord, and his power within and round about the camp. His search- 1 — — 1Whitfield in Wichita. Bro. Randolph I could die," and God relieved him l ama ii F RTV11.1. E, N. J., Nov. 7, / 892. ing Spirit did its office work in send- I went to Anthony, Kan. He expects i by granting his request. Thus he DEAR LIRE l'IIREN: The meeting clos- , l ing conviction and repentance to to go to Table Rock, Neb. soon and I I followed his mother, who died about 1' 5 : I °. ed here to night, and the Lord willing many sous, who yielded to his gen- th ! from there to Mich. May God bless, I five and a half months before. Fun- ' Ll ' we etlininence meeting at West Point, tie call. Devils were cast out of e dear brother and bless his labors! eral services by Bro. S. A. Yoder, at wherever he goes. A German broth- I Mount Tabor. Pray for your humble lily way southward. I expect to tray- have consecrated their- lives unto salvation will be sent out in the Ger , Stanton, him. - Grand Rapids, Plain well, Kalamazoo, Cold Water, Fort Wayne, and into Ohio, or any place where the Master leads. I am out in the field of labor, battling against wickedness in high places, and Jesus- is my Captain. Praise his name! Will be glad to meet any of God's little ones any where, and I ask the prayers of all the saints that the dear Lord will be with me in power. Your brother, all on — the altar for God, Oliver Dyer. OCT. 27, 1892. The Lord bless you all. Amen. I am on my way to the camp meeting in Miss. to begin Oct. 29, about to miles from Hattiesburg. Hope to be at Bluff Springs. We had a glorious meeting at Hartsells. Some to the altar at most every invitation, for pardona or purity-. The faith of the saints was - greatly increased. They need a. good place of worship and expect to build a meeting house. May the_ Jaord help each one to do his Part, and all move in harmony with God and each other, and to God be all the praise. Let all the saints continue to pray for the work in the South, and that God will qualify and use me to his glory in raising the New Testament standard to its full height of faith and glory. Amen. Your saved brother, ' . Nov. tall. Whoever the Lord some, and others were healed by the er that has pledged some money tits com to brother, bereft of dear ones. the Germarhpaper desires to have it I L. C. Mast. e to the meeting. Our ad- power of God by faith and prayer,. as will be West Point, Pa. until and the laying on of hands accord- _ ngtoJames 5: 14, lc. On the i last ' started by Jan. 1st, 1893, and says he! NEWS nom TEE MLD, J. Cole. i count of the rich blessings 1) f the •! the name of the Lord. We left B. ICJ His lasawords were, " 1 wiSh will do his part to have it started by I DIED, in Pierce City, Mo., Oct. 30, that time. We hope that all our 11892, Sister Alice Murry, aged 23 yrs., German brethren will take hold of18 mo. and fo days. Sister Murry this matter at once, so that we may' died of consumption. She lingered vice was held. The meeting was I be able to send the evening light to for a long time but bore up under her quite well attended considering the i our German brethren everywhere. affliction without murmuring. She was a kind wife and an obedient child; was loved by everybody that - new her. She made a profession of man language. Amen. We are still salvation while in her afflictions. She . leaves a husband, father and mother, and many relatives and friends to mourn their loss. The funeral was preached by the writer at the home, of the deceased on Oct. 31, 1892. F. E. P. Britton. el by team throught Marion - sabbath of the meeting eleven were buried by baptism in Lester Lake, and in the evening an ordinance ser- - a eat er. May God bless, strength- Ma y God bless the effort, and hasten en and keep all the dear ones who I the time when the ( food news of full E. E. Byrum. STENGER, PA., OCT. 31, 1892. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: Grace, mer-cy, peace, love and joy in the Holy Ghost be multiplied unto you all a-bundantly for Jesus' sake. Amen. The battle is being moved forward in king Jesus name, and strength since our last report. Three consecrations, also the the little ones are settling deeper in God; deep and pungent conviction resting on the people; good . congregations and good order. The dear people seem to be hungry for the pure gospel of God. Pray for us in this place, where there has been SO much daubing with untenapered. mortar. While Bro. Miller was de-claring the pure word in the name of esus last evening. it was backed up by the power and energy of the Holy Ghost, and accomplished that where _• nto God has sent, for his word will not return unto him void. Oh that it may be a savor of life unto life to the dear souls in this valley, and not of death unto death. Yours in the holy war, T. Rosenbery & CO. LOOGOOTEE, IND., OCT. 28, 1892. To ALL OF GOD'S SAVED ONES: May peace and joy in the Holy Ghost be yours forever. I am glad I can still testify to the saving grace of God to me. It seems that the Lord wanted me to go through a testing fire. It is wonderful to know just how the dear Lord causes every thing to work to-gether for my good, causing me to see my utter weakness, and leading me intet closer communion with my blessed Redeemer. Oh praise God for the sweet flow of God's love in my soul just now! The Lord has wonder-fully arranged my affairs so I think the most of my time now shall be spent earnestly laboring for souls. Being. urged by the Spirit of God and earnestly requested back„ to Ky., my-self and Bro. Cannon expect to start for Eubanks Sta., Ky., Lord willing, the 7th of Nov. We expect to labor most of the winter in those parts. sweetly saved in Jesus, and sanctified wholly with complete victory in our souls. Hallelujah! M. M. Stover & son. DEMOCRACY, OHIO. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: I am led of God to write my testimony. I have not been able to write for some time, but the Lord is my only staff. Oh how I wish to be with the true chil-dren of light! It has been one year since I heard the gospel preached. I trust the Lord will send- some one here in this place. I ask all to pray for me that I may gain better health. Pray for my unsaved parents also. Your sister, Hannah Myers. WATKINSVILLE, MISS. DEAR SAINTS, GREETING: I am hap-py to report victory in Jesus over the world, flesh and devil. I am reigning in life by one Christ Jesus, and am wholly consecrated to do God's will. Praise his holy name! I am so glad that I ever found the Bible way to heaven. Glory to God! Amen. I was saved Nov. 28, 189o, at Watkins-yule, Miss. in Bro. Warner's meeting. I lived for God awhile, but got cold, though I did not fall away. When Bro. J. Cole was here he talked with me, and I saw that I was wrong. I fully gave up to God, and now I know that I am saved to the uttermost. Heb. 7: 25. I am now standing in the evening light of the gospel, work-ing for the salvation of souls. Dear ones, pray for me that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mysteries of the gospel, that the tes-tament standard of salvation may be raised to its full height in Christ Je-sus. 0 praise the Lord for victory just now! Amen. Your brother, sanctified through the truth, ' W. O. Williams. COLUMBIA CITY, IND. lArillaim Clarence, son of Joseph and Sarah J. Killian, was born Dec. 14, 1890, died Oct. 25, 1892; aged one year, to months, II days. Our heart THY TESTIMONIE, WOlillE111 1) 7. PSA. 119: 129. , TE 8 TIN OMB, Sister Pamelia Roudebush died Oct. 5, 1892, at her home near Robin-son, Kan., aged 40 yrs., - 5 mo. and 3 da. She had suffered with lung trouble for over a year, and on Sept. 5, the saints were called for to talk and pray with her. They went and she experienced salvation in the evening lig- hathrew away all medical aid and took Christ as her all in all. The saints visited her quite frequent-ly during the last month of her sick-ness and the Lord gave her relief every time we went and prayed with her. She was conscious to the last and said she was dying happy in the Lord. She leaves a husband and five children to mourn their loss. Emma Dansberger. In Wichita, Kan., on Oct. 9, 1892, departed to be with Jesus, a little child of Bro. and Sister Brown; aged just ow year. Its name is lost by us, but the little sufferer will not soon be forgotten. We had the pleasure of preaching the funeral just before starting on to Cal. The Lord com-fort the parents. We trust the father has given his heart to the Lord as the good Spirit led him to promise. Two little hands are sweetly folded Upon a silent breast; The little heart within has ended Its throbs, and gone to rest. Two little eyes are closed forever To earth's unholy night; Two little cherub % lugs now hover In heaven's golden light. Two little feet have ceased to travel Upon the shores of time; A little gem, released from trouble, Has gone stteeee to shine. Come view tm(: e more the precious casket, Now told and silent clay, Where dwelt our darling infant' spirit The angels bore av‘ a), 0 God, we bless Thee for the comfort Thy grace and love hata givna, That when life's winter day inended, We'll meet our child in laeav'n. D. . W. far me. that .71/ itft. , ilt Edv. arti 1 1w$ 3 ■ T` wi flout t itml and withoin t * i rlcI, and when I AtTiV. iff hirtk rtitind, Mik roatl toerer, ru kit I became Alarm. s doing and began tin at once. Now if ltl f the Lord to coin " U wII find a h any hoiigh FUT poor in roil to r!, 1 o, t . will tt c 1 1: the best having any effect on the general health. Exercise, to be of marked benefit on the general system, must be so conducted, as to influence all the tis-sues of the body. The usual rules for exercising simply apply to muscu-lar exercise— constitutional effects are only secondary. I would reverse it, making exercise for its constitu-tional effect the first consideration, and the benefits to the muscular sys-tem secondary. The business man who, after a day of worry and mental • fatigue hears a laughable story told by a comrade and enjoys a hearty laugh, takes an exercise of far more value to him than any amount of muscular exercise in a gymnasium would be. • That * exercise Which de-velops. endurance is - of more value than mere feats of strength. The young man who can run two miles without being winded is better devel-oped to stand the wear and tear of life - than he who can lift an unusual weight or do some especially difficult feat on the bar or trapeze. Exercise . to be of benefit must amuse, or at least interest the person exereising. A walk taken in a mere routine man-ner will be of little benefit. Start out with the intention of walking- a mile every morning, and see what a task it becomes; but if you have a mile to walk to your work and no other way of travel, your mind will be on getting there, and the time will pass quickly, and you will recei vNee corresponding benefit. Business men require but little ex-ercise, as a rule; the walking they get in their business is sufficient; what they require is relaxation of mind. But besides increasing strength of muscle, what are the effects of exer-cise? The effects are mainly upon the circulation and the nervous system. The circulation is carried on, for the most part, by the heart: but the contraction and relaxation of mus-cles are great assistants in the process. The veins have valves; every time a tip- popular mind there is an atireiy erroneous impression as to wnat exercise is necessary for and conduce to health. This error is not alone confined to the popular mind. I am sorra to say. for members of my own profession are either si-lent or else give wrong instruction on this subject. I pointed out, nearly a dozen years ago, that exercise is either for ,,. ength ar yl agility or for its effects on health. Strength and agility of muscles are bvno means es-sential to health. The man who ex-ercises with dumb- bells and clubs and expects to find any material improve-ment in his health will quite probably be disappointed. It is not unusual to find men of strength with poor health. Athletes may be able to perform great muscu-lar feats and yet be wrecks in mind and body. Men may daily exercise in a gymnasium and steadily gain in muscular strength, and in ability to perform certain feats, and yet be chronic invalids. And yet exercise is proper and necessary to health. I write here more especially for the young and middle- aged man. The youth will. up to the age of physical maturity, secure sufficient health- giv-ing exercise in the sports of boyhood. He will undoubtedly do this unless restricted by his parents. A fondness for one game or a particular sport may make it necessary for him to take some exercise which will give him a more erect carriage or a better de-velopment of certain muscles, and as a " setting up" exercise there is pro-bably nothing superior to the Indian clubs, as they develop those muscles of the chest and shoulders which make men erect, and tend to give a proper carriage to the upper portion of the body. This, too, is beneficial to the business man of more mature years, but beneficial for the most part in giving an erect carriage to the body, and, only in a small degree in CALDWELL, KAN. To THE CHILDREN OF GOD: The Lord is the same yesterday, to day arid forever. I have found the same abiding comforter. He keeps me to the blacksmith's work, and he will be all the better equipped for a healthy progress through life if he will occupy his leisure moments in such mental exercise as will add to and properly develop his brain. Nerve— Dr. Wm. Braird. taken without great fatigue. The man who works all day long at hard manual labor will find healthy exer-cise in cultivating his brain, by read-ing thoughtful books during his hours of idleness. Horseback riding would be irksome to him, for his muscles are already tired, but your brain-worker will find the hoiseback ride exhilarating and refreshing, for in his case it is his brain that is tired and not his muscles. The aim should be to bring about a healthy equilibrium. The brain- worker does not need the muscles of the blacksmith, but he does need his powers of end urance, he needs his good heart and good diges-tion even more than the blacksmith. saved and sanctified to do the will of The hardened muscles are essential God in all things. I belonged to the to preserve his health,- should take daily exercise, but this should not be of a violent character, or he may easily strain or injure some delicate Organ. The = brain- worker should choose such exercise as gives relax-ation to the brain, and which can be scle contracts it squeezistheblood ut of the veins. and as they relax the ! understandii valves prevent its backward flow. In Oh. biess) this way even passive exercise. Lord because such exercise as does not employ th leatleth me, el:, active assistance of the brain and holy name for nervous system. is beneficial. for I do' truth! His word light to my path-not condemn such exercise wholly. way. Pray for me and the cause here. But there is one place and one or- that souls may he saved and his namt gan that exercise is essential in orderglorified. to have a proper performance of it From one functions; viz., the liver. f Christ, The force of the heart is sca c felt here at all, and nature has pro-vided that there shall be a powerft suction force applied from the ches which shall draw out the blood from the liver. and thus keep its function in a proper and healthy working or der. The man whose work is confin-ed to office and whqse exercise while at work is only passive, and which does not make him take full breaths. II soon find himself troubled. more or less. with a ' sluggish- acting liver. and its concomitant results— indiges-tion. constipation, etc. To such a man the throwing open of his window the first thing in the morning and taking of several deep inspirations and expirations is of more benefit to him than a few pas-sive exercises with dumb- bells. The reciting of a humorous story by a comrade which makes him laugh heartily, may not increase materially the size of his bicep muscles, but will start renewed circulation in that very important organ, the liver, and will do him material good. Then, too, one of the most mpor-tant functionspf the liver is to throw off or excrete the waste matter of the nervous system, and therefore it is essential to a clear : brain that we should have an unobstructed circula-tion in the liver. This is best brought about by standing erect, head and shoulders back, and taking several deep and full inspiration and expira-tions every day. This, I assure you, is more beneficial to your general health than a half hour in a stuffy gymnasium. The business and professional man, THY TESTIMON1E' ■ AR& WONDERIVL. PSA. 119: 129. las sanctified my soul and keeps me by his mighty power everyday. Glo-ry be to God! Oh it makes me rejoice to see the dear saints here living up to all the light they have and trying to get more all the time. Praise God 1- 1AYNIE, PA. efovreervy etrim! Oe ho fh nee iesd a. If rnieevnedr ihnadde esdu cihn DEAR SAINTS: I feel it would be to peace in my heart; it makes me feel the glory of God to write my testimo- innocent like I used to when I was a TflRy UtoM thPeE mT. a Tnyhriesa edveersn ionfg t hfein GdOs SmPEeL little child at home with my father l and mother. My heart is all on fire, glory to our Jesus for this wonderful salvation! What a Jesus we have to cling to and help us out of all our troubles. Oh I could weep for oth-ers who b,. re unsaved. Dear children of the living God, pray for my hus-band that he may yield himself to God; he is under strong convictions. Dear saints, let us be faithful and true to the end, always trusting our blessed Redeemer, and never go a-stray. Oh I am so glad in my heart that I can say I have a home in heav-en. We want some of God's fire-brands to come and hold a few meet-ings here soon. We are all hungry for more light. Pray for us out here that we ever keep safe in the arms of Jesus. I remain your sister, washed now, and keeps me every day by his mighty power free from sin. Oh, I do praise God for his keeping pow-er. He has cleansed me from tobac- i to the glory of God to write my testi-co, which I had used for twenty- eightlmony. I am praising the Lord for years, and tea and coffee also. I I his wonderful goodness to me. He praise God that salvation makes a clean sweep of all filthiness. I ask all of the dear saints to pray for me that I may do the whole will of God. Your brother in Christ, William Meckley. Hoffer. daughters may be sanctified. I praise God this day for a free and full sal- HAYNIE, PA. DEAR SAINTS: I feel led of the Lord , vation. Pray for me that I may ever to write my testimony to let you know what the good Lord has done for me. He saves and sanctifies me just desire the prayers of all God's dear Now I am able to do more work than ones. I am sorry to say that I have either of my girls. Praise the Lorl! lost that sweet peace of God from my l I did not stop at the soul. I always felt the Lord had ! to work to ge