The Gospel Trumpet - 12:43

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 Ian unction from on I I healing balm must the poor sufferers. trying to preach, high, And the be presented to There are many whom God has never sent, some of whom are good honest soul...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Warner, D. S.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Byrum, E. E. 1892
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Summary:Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 Ian unction from on I I healing balm must the poor sufferers. trying to preach, high, And the be presented to There are many whom God has never sent, some of whom are good honest souls, but do not discern their place in the body. There are others trying to play Jonah, and are having j ust about as good success as he had, A good thing to do is for a person to keep such close communion with the Lord, that they may learn of Him just what their calling is, and then move out in that direction as the Spirit of the Lord may lead. 7th. I know the church. should be on the apostolic plan but I have always been used to sectarian nile. How do you care for the people-? Do you send them preachers? Sure y they- must have " pas-tors" and " teachers," and not " neglect the assembling of themselves together." Ans. The best way to understand how God cares - for his people, is to make a thorough acquaintaince with Him, and get out of sectarianism, and instead of studying disciplines, and laws of creeds, take the Bible alone, and by the help of God you will soon be enabled to see the way marked clearly, and realize that the Lord still commissions and sends forth his minister's as he did during the time of th• apostles. The apostles organ-ized no sect after the death of our Lord in order that the gospel might be spread. They had no stationing committees to tell ministers just where they should go, and where not to go. Wherever there were a num-ber of persons saved in ascommunity, the Lord always raised up some one in their midst as an elder to instruct them in the Word. Then there were evangelists who traveled and visited the churches in the different com-munities to strengthen and encourage r Stb. i he sairOiu. thou? An , What & nest eveIlireyn ° s' aseeide ahlely ninagto- rat. iei ia cbceourtdthinogtf cte olst; n tea4ttttlh. etisb* every one that sweareth Mull be tut or to jt on that, Zethwchei. llL o° brrdin agt hite ifsotrst h, isaith.— k in the sighi: of God. d 6th. Are there not a great many who 3 call themselves " bat. ots. — an ci who condemn s ! with a high hand. the sects as the xvorl; of I 1 -'* 1 s the devil, and who are themselves not e e heard S Such. - They were sound in principles, but ur ) the awful severity. yea bitterness they _ used would not favorably impress anoyn. € 1 here are a good many doullt who arc willing to conic out, bui. anything like this is only confusion heaped upon con-fusion. Surely if anyone has the spirit of Christ, he will be humble and gentle even though dealing with the refractory devil-trained spirit of the world. Ans. To meet with persons who see the abominations of sectism and cry out against sueli, is no uncommon thing. Many such persons have nev-er tasted the joys of salvation, others have once perhaps known the way but have since become fallen repro-bates, and again there are others who have more zeal thanlenowledge, who go about continually using the poor Babylonians as a target against which to shoot, whether the Lord leads that way or not. To be sure such is not the way to win souls. The word says " Shoot at her and spare no arrows." But it can be sent forth with great effectual force and power by the Spirit of the Lord, with all love for souls, and yet in the strongest terms. Children of God should re-member, and continually bear in. mind that when they stand before an audience to deliver the solemn truths of the gospel, that souls are at stake, and perhaps the salvation of many depend upon the way the truth is presented. " He that- - winneth souls is wise." The Word is as a two-edged sword, and when sent forth by the Spirit of God will cut its way to the heart of the hearer, and often* in-flicts a deep wound, and stirs the enemy from his hiding place, but the true minister of God dare not with-hold the cutting words of God's truth when His Spirit sends it forth with ir •?. t. f2! BERN. KAN., OCT.— I892. E. E. BYRUN1, GRAND UNCTION, MICH. DEAR BROTHER: May the Lord bless you. I have become interested in the peo-ple who are anti- sectarian, and who be-lieve in apostolic simplicityinworship and government, and who believe in the di-vine healing of the body as well as of the soul. I do not believe but that every truly converted soul would be led to accept the entire Bible without any additions or sub-tractions, were it not for the " blind guides" and awful confusion that has been brought about by Satanic influence. Praise the name of our great God for the unadulter-ated Word mid his Holy Spirit! I have always been in the midst of Babylonish teaching and influence. If we poor ones do not see enough, and hear e-nough to confuse us completely then I am mistaken. The only way we keep alive is by taking the word of God and following it. Of course that is the way to do, but I mean instead of haying care and encourage-ment from our - overseers" we have " flow-ery sermons," or at least attempts at it; for some of these hirelings are really too indolent to be even well informed. The spiritual instruction which we so much need, we do not get. 0 if we could only hear a sermon full of the Holy Ghost and unction from above, how we would feast Our half starved souls upon it. Indeed," There is a famine in the land." A famine of bread; heavenly bread. I de-sire to ask you some questions for the benefit of myself and others who will lis-ten. 1st. Does the word " baptize," come from a Greek word meaning immerse? If it does then it MEANS • immerse and not " sprinkle" or - pour," or most anything else that " blind guides" influenced by Sa-tan, may be pleased to call it. Ans. The word " baptize" comes from the Greek word " BAP- mzo," which means in English " to dip, to immerse." But we do not even need to under-stand the Greek in order to get the proper understanding of the mode of baptism. The word of God explains itself. We find that the word of God represents baptism as a burial. Paul says, " Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: Rom. 6: 4. " Buried with him in bap-tism." Col. 2: 12 Many other script_ ures might be given, but these are e-nough to show the meaning of the term, and any person with a sound mind knows that to be buried is to be completely covered,— put under, out of sight— and not a little ground or something sprinkled or poured _ upon them. To be baptized according to the Bible, is to be completely buried in the water, showing forth a death unto the world, representing our burial with Christ, and to arise to walk in newness of life. Neither does it need three burials, as some would have it. Sprinkling and pouring do not represent a burial; hence they do not represent Bible baptism, and persons sprinkled and poured, have never received Bible baptism. 2d. Is feet washing an ordinance to be observed? If so, why not spoken of more in the epistles? Ans. It is. Jesus laid aside his garments, and took a towel, and girded himself. - After that he poureth water into a basin and began to - wash the disciples' feet, and to wipe them with the towel - wherewith he was girded. Then r • t! 8 _ 3: FIR Ft - i r. stto: ' ol. viiirio tn r ehveotrlrw y thitt, h , hct his fsEooarnh : Ov: i oinlhe, Ti,,' virtu: ttf the 1. oricK renineinee It' wii! r. ivic- riinto her : t re.% 0.-” petse, Ate! the land shaH tromhie i rhi sot'. . r. o. htat- il. htr inrv. rei, r) yr wpiuwr= po1 snee. a illfstrho Lord to inn ko tho htnii fBabylon a , te4,-, 10. - t5io1: nh •.!. without an th,/ l1hitlint.--. 1er cometh he to Simon Peter: and Peter saith unto him, Lord, dost thou wa. sh my feet? Jesus answered and said un-to him, What I do thou knowest not now: but thou shalt know hereafter. Peter saith unto him, Thou shalt nev-er wash my feet. Jesus answered him. If I wash thee not, thou I- last no part with me. Simon Peter saith unto him, Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and my head. So after he had washed their feet, and had taken his garments, and was set down again, he said unto them; Know ye what I have done to you? Ye call me Mas-ter and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am, If I then, your Lord and Mas-ter, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.— Jno. 13: 4- 9, 12- 15. Jesus here says, " Ye OUGHT to wash one another's feet." And he has given the example that ye SHOULD do it. This means that we are to practice what he has taught. And he further says," Ilappy are ye if ye do these things." How many times must the Lord speak be-fore his children must obey? The trouble is, people are not willing to be " as our Master," especially when it comes to the line of humility. The Lord meant just what he said, and means for those who take up their cross to folio- iv him to go and do like-wise. 3d. Our teachers tell us that hand-shaking takes the place of the holy kiss. How is it? Ans. We find no mention in the scripture of such a change being made, nor of the obligations of the following scriptures being repealed. " Salute one another with a holy kiss." Rom. 16: 16. Greet ye one another with a holy kiss. I COT'. 16: 20. Greet one another with a holy kiss. 2 Cor. 1$: 12. Greet all the brethren with a holy kiss. I Thess. 5: 26. Greet ye one another with a kiss of charity. I Pet. 5: 14. 4th. Do you think, according to the Bible, that a man could receive a real " baptism of fire," and yet go about his farm, or his office, store, shop, or whatever his vocation may be, and " lay up treasures on earth," leaving souls in darkness and sin, and retain the " fire" very long? Would not the Holy Spirit, if left to himself, in-terfere somewhat ° with that man's affairs? Babylon teachers say, " Lay all upon the altar and then use it as you please." Is not this an awfully confused point? Ans. This is something which very forcibly strikes a large majority of professing_ Christians. There are so many leanTolwarfed souls whose spirit-ual life seems to be ebbing away, and receding like the tides of the sea be-cause of their greed after the things of this world. My dear readers, I dare say that nine- tenths of you ought to do more for the salvation of souls than you have been doing. You may be in debt, and perhaps always will be unless you get to doing more for the salvation of perishing souls. There are but few fully saved persons Fho have not been delivered from the use of tobacco, whiskey, or world-ly conformity, etc., for which they used to spend quite an amount of money. Since you are saved from these things do you see to it that at least the same amount of money is spent for the servic'e. of the Lord, in spreading the gospel ? Poor washer- women often give more of their hard earned money for the spread of the gospel than many other persons do who make the same profession, and have broad acres of land and barns and cellars well filled, and a good bank stock besides. Too many consider themselves unable to I contribute of their means to the kvor of the Lord, and yetare well situate in life, What if the poor preache with a family to support. who ha had to sacrifice his home and all h had, for the sake of the gospel, wa to say he was too poor to preach Would you tell him to go forth an trust the Lord, and you then never lend a helping hand to provide for the necessaries of life? If the farmer whO works on his farm every day can scarcely keep his family,' what a-bout the family of the minister who must be away from home the greater part of the time? The wise man says that, " There is that witholding more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty," Prov. 23. Too often this is the case in both spiritual and temporal matters. He furthur says, " The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself." It is not just as WE please about these things unless our will is in line with the will of God. If people in making their wills would bequeath more of their property to be used in the spread of the gospel, many more souls would be saved, and the money put to bet-ter use than if left to be used by un-saved perscns, in the vanities of this w 5th. " Hirelings" tell us that the world is accepting Christ with amazing willing-ness. Is it not so that " wicked men wax worse and worse, deceiving and being de-ceived?" Is the " nqrrow way" made broad enough to admit men with their sins and wicked propensities? Does not the devil rage to day with lion- like roaring, when the real work of God is done? Ans. People are accepting, with amazing willingness, the popular religion of to day, such as is found in the so called churches, where all classes of sinners . are admitted, and received in full fellowship, such as saloon keepers, gamblers, secret soci-ety men, etc., just so they pay liber-ally to help keep the sect machinery going. But there are comparatively few who are willing to take the " nar-row way," and be complete in Christ. The word tells us that there will be a remnant saved,— only a small portion of the masses of people,— and fur-ther says that in that great and no-table day there will be but few who enter into the " strait gate," but many shall take the broad way to de-struction. This- popular religion is one of the avenues of the broad way. We are truly in the last days when the end of time is near at hand, when " wicked men shall wax worse and worse."- 2 Tim. 3: 13. The proph-esies are rapidly being fulfilled, and God is gathering together his chil-dren from whence they have been scattered upon the plains of Babylon This remnant consists of all his true children. In these last days, in the evening time of the Christian era the church is again clothed in its power, and shines forth in the beauty of ho-liness, clothed in the beautiful robes of righteousness. As the holy ministers of God go forth proclaiming the everlasting gos-pel, exposing sin on every hand, the devil becomes alarmed, knowing his time is short, and goes about as a " roaring lion seeking whom he may devour." Jesus Christ is the door of his church,/( Jno. io: 9) and the class book is kept in haven, ( Heb. J2: 23) consequently no sinners cln enter. And by getting salvation is the only way to get into this church; and to lose salvation is the only way to get out. That is all the joining there is to it. Sectism is a separate thing alto-gether,— a mere " superfluity," and we might add truthfully, an abomination nit " Sdal'. 91, R' 92 billine i 9 r0- them. And the Word teaches the children of God in these last days to do likewise, instead of grinding out preachers, converts, religion and all through a conglomerated routine of sect machinery. Some time ago a newspaper re-porter called on me and made a sim-ilar inquiry regarding the church. Said he, - Suppose now, that I were to go to Alaska, or some other place where this line- of truth has never been preached, and wanted to estab-lish a church there, what would I have to do hrst f" We told him the first thing to do would be to get salvation, It he did not already have it, then if God commissioned him to preach the gospel. then preach it in its purity, and - God would set the members in the body ( the church) as was pleasing unto Himself. - • " But," said he," would I not have to write up to headquarters to get orders-- of just how to proceed?" Oh yes, was the reply, you will have to get all orders from headquarters, but you must remember that in all the busi-ness of this church Jesus Christ is headquarters, and all messages must be sent to him and if his servants keep in close - communion with him they will have no trouble with the message department, for He will give the necessary information. " But how about the joining part of it?" We have nothing to do with that. When a person meets the conditions of the Word of God and accepts Christ as his Savior, that person is then a child of God, born into His-family—" added to the church," and made " complete in Him," so there is no need of joining anything else in order to be a true follower of Christ. Those who are saved love to meet to-gether often, having a psalm, an ex-hortation, etc. to the edification of all. And they enjoy the blessings and • oys of salvation, instead of having to ' endure religon." They need no reed laws to compel them to keep he family name, after having been orn into the family of God. 8th. Do you really believe the Bible caches that these are the " perilous times" hat are to come in the last days? Ans. Yes, these are truly the peri-ous times glooken of, for on every and the opinions of men, and the octrines of devils are taught to the eople, instead of the pure unadulter-ted word of God. The prophecy of hese things is now being fulfilled. gth. In a tract entitled " The Age to ome and Millennium Tradition Refuted," age 55 says: - Now, as in the day of lirist, personal devils are being cast out f men, which has not been witnessed for ver a thousand years." Can you in some ay give an account of it, and tell what it. cans? I have always thought that sure-the Lord is unchangeable. My unbe-eying father used to quote Mark 16: 17– 8 to me when I would try to persuade m to give his heart to Christ, but I had een taught to say " The age of miracles is ast," and he would also point to the dif-rent sects and the hireling preachers, and e confusion among them. As a last request, 1 - ask the saints to ray for me, and all others who are trying follow God with all our hearts. B. B. Shore. 3ns. " The day of miracles is past, is a very common expression among ungodly professors of religion, such as have " a form of godliness but deny the power thereof." And it is firmly believed by such as are ac-quainted with neither God nor their Bible. Let people read the word of God and get an experience of salva-tion that measures up to it and they will have no trouble in believing that God gives his true children the same power that he ever did, and he Him-self does not fail to fulfill every promise of His word. In the tract spoken of, no doubt the writer meant just what he said., There are just as bad cases of devil- possessed persons at the present time as there were in the days of the apostles. Ant' through prayer and faith the devils are cast out by the word, in the name of ' Je-sus. In the book entitled " Divine Healing of Soul and I3ody," is a chap-ter on the subject of casting out devils, also a testimony of one who having been possessed with devils, was delivered by having them cast out. Not only are devils cast out in these days, but the sick are healed, the eyes of the blind opened, etc. by the power of God. Let unbelievers say what they may, the word of God is true and God will verify his promises to his true - believing children. E. - E. Byrum. " Happy State. iu arts w. , bend ou knees . 111411t1-•- lolt 1: 11 tIod's The II, 1y 1T1. n dot!, ploas,, t lur litinury souls with . o • and / wave : mkt ri diteonsness._ W ith eharity for a!), The sweelvst love mat: ran restrial we iistt shunt tito joy we feel, w t. fce/ that God i, near: We know he did himself revolt! In love sublime and l'hi s world tit us tem, look.: so small. Ti!,, sky ,, b'er hind SI, Tito Lord of heaven is : ill in ik is our t, i1111$ 1 tiVlight We ttre shouting happy— going home, Our God has hid usyomet No attire in sin our feet shall roam, la / waxen is our home, We're ready to he offered up, And ready now to die; For this we know that when we go, • e'll reign with Chri4 on high. John F. Stareher. A LETTER OF INQUIRY. n : init they g , v41114.-, r t. ': ter ifl5s eleet froie tne fr. to 4 , neette. IleaV enN t, o, v tt hfoe uortiihe ri. torahle of the lig tree: when hiS i tra: wit tt: yin tender, aini youteth for. h leave,. ye know that summer is nigh. .•. 1ye in like mantle/ who, illes- e titIg ktiftw titAt it is near even at the , . eor."— Mark 13: 24- M 1 a ly li hi fe th to consecrations, and all SO- 111Ctl the desire of their hearts. Sevee, d were healed of various dise God was glorified thereby. C. hete number of others got light on various points. so they acknowledged to The saintsfrom other places w there over Lord's day. The me closed with a precious ordinance ruts ing, thirteen taking part. N. ours, saved in Christ, F. N. Jacobson & Co. met wit-foend th the name of jestla rtn i n long an. tile Loid. \ ily ng meong. 6. Wt w et the .411. ttflrflirnt thtru lie will little: lig line of Pennsylvania, Virginia until N 6ughter, rd souls. Hallelujah! \\ e moved from complete near Main St. to Oak and Wabash : spirits. Sts., fourteen blocks east and north. r The Lord is working, two at the idtar; t Tlahstendigehvtil, ahndtwo as so muchn ic h goiithngg )( tIlf. oi riot; r( s! ttilictrttr } 11,,, t the camp clanmepompany this city, that it is hard to get the ing, alter ng will please correspond with us.: ahout a week, at which time the pt. Bro's Randolph and Whitfield are darknessgave way andatew still with us. wert saved. and about all professing M. M. Stover & Sin . oived a special benefit. The Lard. irother and Sister Stnitli ik meeting. We a re SOfty some profctiSing did not receive- as ch frinn the hand of the Lo$: as * glit, had they been where have discerned the whole ti But all willing' ao40, bed feast to their souls: We are no v at Pittsburg, Kan. ' iii tOul-pally with 13r0. and Sister Will hold meeting in the tabernacle as long as the weather will peilnit, This is a new field. We would love to see all who can, attend this meet-ing. Come ill the name and power of king Jesus. All who want . our bath. Good was done at every meet-; service in ! n&'' ting can let us knowby ing. We hope to meet the church mail and wik. will till a11 calls thatcan there again this winter. We are now' be reached. God hting our helper. fixing our family for the cold winter, Pra y for your humble servant, kept and in a few weeks will be ready for by the power,. washed in the bloodof the battle wherever the Lord leads. Calvary's Lamb. Praise the Lord! We are now at home in Greshaind Address E. F. Houghton, Wes Neb. Will be here four weeks, the ' 4th St., Pittsburg, Kan. Lord willing. a Your brother, saved to the Oct. 20, 1891 ci most, r R BRE ritRFN: Bro's S, L. Speck, James Willis. A. Yoder, Sister Dena Warwick, wife and I came to this place Oct TURKEY CITY, PA., OCT. 20, 1892. We held meeting in LaRue aboutfive The meeting closed at Henderson • days. - No souls saved; but it Sept. 29, and we came to St. Peters-- the first time the pure truth of : God burgh, Pa. and stopped over Sunday, entered that place, we know much had two very precious meetings. Then good was done, and the people 01 went to Fern, Clarion Co., and was be without excuse at the judgment. with them in meeting one night; then We moved from there over to; fon went on to Fertigs, where the meet- in an M. E. house in the vicinit0 ing continued in a hall over two Sun- Scott Town. At this place we fekrd days with large congregations and Babylon religion a stench to the!. good interest, and general conviction munity. The meeting house abautde-on_ the people, though but six yield- serted by preacher and people, only when some of them wanted to save the devil in a frolie. God enabled us in the power of the Holy Spirit toset forth the pure word which served as a continuous whirlwind" that Sbock• ed the whole country and over- turn-ed the devil's work in general._ With but few exceptions the ornnIA10 received the word. Several mai: et° the altar, but did not seem- Ole! much of an experience on accettli so much spurious sect edue. ntlac had to be removed by . - t. he, , believe it is harder to ge old rut than it is to get int* fly subscribed for the T.' • 411 we hope through this: ini‘ eigs.; fs. ame will still hear the truth, ' 0 ' 01 M. E. preacher andt ot4.60 sect, and we trust our invincible for the truth: doors in adjoining neigh0' X now opened for the gosp4s';'. is surely paved for a & flak:: .1 to be effected in the futnie,. F4.9-. Speck went home froni th4,40. tnin. g also Broth S. wife . A . Yanodd: erZ; riren to tmieoldrrocwt: the Lord P i: eYpto. ur brother and si4tera' WICHITA, KAN. OCT. 22, DEAR SAINTS OF " 1- IIE LiviNo Grace and peace be unto vote are still here in the name of Jesus, with complete victory in 0 Pi r rs • S % IN s, All glory and praist our blessed Savior, who - my soul from all the powers of I ain still rejoicing Ina tory over the anti- Christ the Lord! Since I last been in the work of f the time, and was to meet so many of people interested in salvation. We wiitthh Bro. anti ith to Cedar. not troubled with rowdies, for there are so many places for them to go to gain 11i. t( tit)%.: o‘ rvl!. 1(;) rft. hv'eT1. eoGrdni. meAti cteicdi : they don't think of going to a go need the tried. tent, consequently we have good or- began his worktvilich der. Any of the saints wanting meet- .1, CO ' 1 t hr w rk of the Lontfir GRESHAM, NEB., Ocr. 15, I St. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: Mercy and peace be multiplied. We are praising God for his keeping posver, and are truly thankful to God for all his belle-s we received at his hand on our journey to the West, and for the ex-perience of this summer. I never suffered so much, and I see it has done me great good. If we suffer with him we shall also reign with him. ' We stopped with the church in Denver almost a week. We find the work of God is moving on there; we had a glorious feast all day on Sub- 111 di te hi th sa 11[ to STENGER, PA., OCT. 21, 1892. DEAR BRETHREN AND SISTERS AND THE GOSPEL TRUMPET FAMILY: God bless you all abundantly for Jesus' sake. Amen. Dear ones, we do praise God this morning that we are fully saved in Jesus, and that the long looked for time has come for us to get out into the field to labor for the salvation of Poor perishing souls. We left New Washington, 0. on the 19th inst., met with dear Brother Wm. H. Miller at Mansfield, who had been at Burbank. Held five meetings. Had three consecrations. All received the desire of their hearts, the real love of God in their souls. We left Mans-field, arrived here on yesterday even-ed. Many friends have been won to the truth, whom I hope will yield to the Lord soon. Meetings are to com-mence here to morrow evening. The Lord willing we expect to go to West Monterey and. Bruin next. The Lord is giving us beautiful weather and is filling our souls with the holy . fire and a burning zeal for precious souls, and his glory and such an humble de-pendence that sees Jesus only in all things. Your humble, trusting brother, G. T. Clayton. . lteeP Go S' 4 ch or to; sui D. S. WARNER— Editor. E. E. BYRUM— Office Editor. E. E. BYRUM & S. MICHELS— Pnblishers Entered at the Post Office at Grand Junction, yen Buren Co., Mich. as second class matter NOTICE. All business commnnications, moneys, tic. must be addressed to the GoaPn. TRUM-PET, to insure credit otherwise we - CA not be responsible. NOTICE. HOW TO SEND MONEY.— Remit by Poet Office Money Order or Postal Note. Where these cannot be procured, send by Express Order, Register. ed Letter, or small amounts in stamps. CHANGE OF ADDRESS. - - Subscribers wish-ing their addres changed, must be sure to give their former, as wed as their new address. MISSING PAPERS.— It occasionally happens that numbers of our papers sent to our subscribers are lost, or stolen in the mails. In case you do not receive your paper when due, after waiting a suffic-ient length of time, write us a card, and we will gladly send one in place of the missing number. When you write, be sure to give your full address, name, post- office, county and state Should there be a mistake at any time, write us at once, and we will gladly rectify the aatne. Address all letters to Gospel Trumpet, Grand junction, Mich. The excellent work on this subject, written by Brother Bradley, has been reduced in price to 20 centa. It is a review of a tract written against this ordinance. A lively exposure of the false teaching of the opposer, and a very thorough vindication of the sacred ordinance of Christ. It contains 84 large pages, and gives much light. Price 20 = a. $ 1.90 a dozen.- Order of the author, Bro. W. W. Bradley, Watkinsville, Miss • or from this office. NOTICE A. commission of 20 per cent will be given on eset new mall subscriber, to all who will labor for tht Gosi. P. I. TRAIN: FRT. We make this offer so as to hell the brethren that are in the field, aa well u the cir-culation of the paper Pr Parties desiring papers to canvass with, should notify US regularly o their whereabottta. A conversation, giving Bible proofs that we must live free from sin. 48 pages. Single copy 2 eta, Per dozen, 20 cts. Per hundred, $ 140. A. tract on the True Church. 5.9 pages. 10 eta A tract on the Sabbath, or Which Day to Keep. 65 pages. 10 eta. 35111W TRACT, BY W. K. G. SCHELL Setting forth the ordinances of the scripture in t clear light, showing which are abolished, and proving that the three mdinances instituted by Christ are no of the Old Testament, but of the New, and are still it vogue. Single copy 5 eta Per dozen 45 eta. DEFINI'TE, RADICAL, A. NTI- SECTAIll AN B_ eCnhtr ifsot. rFthor itnh et hPeu bnlaicmateio onf othf ef oLiol rSda lJveas- us • ionT, hane du nDitivyi noef ahlel atlriuneg Cofh trhiset iBanosdy. In “ thet ofa tithhe osuaienet sd." eliver d The Age To Come, and Millennium Tradition Refuted by the ' aspired Word of God. 56 pages Single copy 10 Ca. THE SHINING LIGHT. An interesting paper for the chil-dren. Illustrated. It should be in every family where there are children, Only 25 cents a year. Address— THE SHINING LIGHT, Grand Junction, Mich. The Great Twohatecto Sin. It contains 30 pages, with a neat cover. We wilt send these tracts to any one sending us postage at the rate of one cent for three tracts. We make no charge for our work of making the tracts. Alwap state just how many you wish sent. Questions and Answers on the Church. 32 pages 1 cent each. Per hundred $ 1.00. FOITRTH EDITION. This book contains 148 songs. 90 with music. About all new. When sung in the Spirit of God these songs will be found glorious. They hymn the precious present truth, end the gospel standard of salvation. iqtid in your orders for Anthems from the Throne and start the songs of praise anew. I Manilla . • . . 30 cta. PRICE Cloth— . . „,. „ „ Par duan.$ 11113 14110 TEE DILLERLINGL Bible readings or references on about 100 subjects. I" ice 75 cents each. 100 subjects with scripture,* concordance and defi talons to subjects. Setting forth the true church, it doctrine, its ordinances and its fruits. The fall of Babylon and the coming in of the evening light. 11- lustasted. 376 pages, neatly bound in cloth. Single copy sisto. Six or more 80 cents each. For this book Address H. C. Wickersham, New Pittsburg, Ind., or Gospel Trumpet, Grand Junction, Mich. The Ordinance et Feet Washing. 1.‘ arriage and Divorce, a tract of 32 pages. 5 eta. Why are you not a Christi= ? 50 for 10 eta. TERMS, $ 1.00 A YEAR U ADVANCit. ERRE TO THE POOL ANTHEMS FROM THZ THRONZ Tha Odtaames of to NsiTootament. PVELISEED AT Gun = MON, MICE, HOLINESS BIBLE SUBJECTS. BY H. C. W. Must We Sin? WATONG. OKLA. DEAR SAINTS: We have a child that ! has been sick about six weeks. We OF— . are relying on God to heal her. \\ e . Tan nn, x7 are tried very hard. Please take the 1 SOULRIIVDUD case to God that he may heal her. We NEW BOOK, are all given up to the Lord. Re- A member us also in your prayers. Your brother and sister in Christ, Stephen A. & Nannie Sharum. — BY-E. E. BYRUM. This book is just fresh from the auth-or's pen, and a glance at the contents is enough to convince any one of its interest and value to those seeking a more thorough knowledge of the Divine Being, and his dealings with people at the pres-ent time, as well as in days past. The first part of the book very plainly marks out the way from sin unto full sal-vation, according to the teaching of the sacred Word. It presents the gospel truth in SUCTI way as to throw a gltam of light into the pathway of the sinner, and enable him to see that there is` hope beyond, through the mercies of a blessed Redeemer. The BELIEVER is led to - efe- the beauties of full salvation, and the joys in a life of Christian perfection. THE HE. ALING OF THE BODY constitutes the second part of the, book, This consists of twenty- six chapters on doctrinal subjects, exposing and over-throwing false ideas and theories concern-ing the healing power in these last days, showing when, how, and under what cir-cumstances and conditions God heals the sick and afflicted at the present time. It gives a history and testimonies of healing from_ the time of Abraham, through the different ages, up to the present time. The third part of the book consists of the WITNESSES OF TO DAY. These are wonderful testimonies of per-sons who have been healed within the last few years by divine power; such as being instantly restored to sight after hav-ing been blind for years;- the lame throw away their crutches; broken bones are instantly healed; invalids who have suf-fered for years immediately arise and walk, * after the prayer of faith is offered, etc. The author is personally acquainted with nearly all the parties who hare herein given their testimonies, and gives their names and addresses in the • ou. so that persons doubting the tru hfu ness of the same can write to the parties them-selves. It will be a precirrus volume to those who are afflicted in either soul or body. The chapters on faith, and also other subjects, will strengthen the faith of the reader, and aid in a closer walk with Him who is the " giver of ever y good and perfect gift." It contains 24i* good- sized pages; good plain print, on heavy paper. Ncatiy bound in cloth, $ .75. Library ( half morocco), marble edge, Li to. Send two cent stamp' for special terms to agents. Address, GOSPELTRUMPE1 PUBLISHINGCO., GRAND JUNCTION MICH. MIS OF MONEY LETTERS RECEIVED SINCE LAST ISSUE NOT OTHERWISE RECEIPTED. J. F. Prouse, Emily Dunmire, J. A. Coleman, j. C. Forsyth, John Harn, l. R. Herald, P. T. Whitsell, Rebecca Dunmire, Wm. Snodgrass, Isaiah Pleasant Alice Dutton, Sarah J. Shellhammer, N. Stoner, Joseph DeBinder,- M. A. Fly, W. M. Wilson, Julia Fales, Eliza Chezum, A. L. W. Bowers, John Coop-er, Hugh ° andel, Emma Dansberger, G. T. Clayton. REQUESTS FOR PRAYER. GARRET, IND. Pray for my only son Johnnie Mosh-er that he may be saved and healed. He has typhoid fever and believes the Lord will heal him. - Jennie Mosher. - . Mrs. Anna R. Dennis, Comley, 0. writes: " We are somewhat- backslid-den but want to get back to God and walk in the light. Pray that the way may be opened in some way for us to meet with some of the saints. Also pray that I may be healed of bodily afflictions." AUBURN, IND. DEAR SAINTS: AS I have been won-derfully afflicted for many years I will now ask all the saints and Trumpet readers to pray for me that I might be healed of all bodily afflictions on the first day of November at 9 A. M. Your - sister in Christ, saved and sanctified, Sister Nancy King of Kennard, 0. is in great affliction. She has been bereft of a husband and only son who was shot by a hunter in the Alleghany mountains about three years ago. Her troubles have left her physically and mentally almost a wreck. She desires all the saints to unite with her in prayer for her complete restora-tion and the salvation of her soul Oct. 30, at 10: 30 A. M. NOM CALLS FOR MEETING. PORT ANGELES, WASH., OCT. 13, 1892. I feel led this morning by the Ho-ly Spirit to write and ask if some one of the dear brothers or sisters in Christ can come and have a meeting in the wicked little city of Port An-geles. From your brother in the faith of Christ; fully saved, sanctified, and all for Jesus, Samuel I. Maggart. I wish to state through the Trum-pet that if there are any saints or min-isters coming from. west to east, or east to west, you will ever be welcome to stop and see us and hold a few meetings3- and abide with us for a time. If you come on the cars, stop at Shippensburg, Cumberland Co., Pa., or at Chambersburg, Franklin Co., Pa. Address me at Stenger, Franklin Co., Pa. David C. Beltz. EDITORIAL NOTES. Bro. Warner is now at Los Angeles, California, and reports a glorious work being done for the Lord in that place. The assembly meeting at the rand Junction camp ground this week. Everybody invited. Pray that many souls may be saved. There will be an assembly one- half mile from the Beaver Dam camp ground, in he new meeting- house, be-ginning about- Dec. 1st. Further no-tice will be given in the future. There will be a meeting in the neigh-borhood of Bro. Jacob Roush, Rising Sun, Wood Co., 0., commencing Nov. 5, and continuing as long as the Lord wills. And any in that part of Ohio desiring meetings after this meeting closes, address me in good time. H. C. Wickersham. NEW PITTSBURG, IND. Do not forget that the time is near at hand for us to revise our subscrip-tion book, and we hope to hear from every subscriber before that time. We are glad to send the Trumpet free to the destitute poor, and those who have not the money just at pre-sent, can have the paper- continued just by letting us know. We shall be glad to hear from all at an early date. Bro. McDaniel writes: I have a large tabernacle about 40x6o in good condition. I should like to sell to some of the brethren who need one. I have offered the complete outfit for the sum of sixty dollars. For some of the workers in the South country this could be used nearly all winter. And with good care taken of it the tent will last three years yet. I will be glad to answer any questions concern-ing the matter. Write me at once. C. W. McDaniel. FOREST CITY, MO. ICEWS MOIL TEE FIELD, LEECHES, CORNERS, PA., OCT. 15,1892. DEAR AINTS, GREETING: The meet-ing commenced at Custards on Sept. 20, and closed Oct. 9, with victory on the Lord's side. There were eleven ay God bless all faithfuull. and ! The Lord willing, we expect to go doctor not taken any strong edi, keep each one of his messengers I hack there it the spring witha taber- ! tine for over twelve years. I have humble. nacle, as the way was somewhat ! trusted in the Lord at all times. I hearts giving the victory on every Your brother saved. sanetified, and hedged up account of gettingi feel that I am all the Lord's. soul and hand, and causing you to walk in kept by the power of our 1; 0d. Places- to hold meeting. NOwbrethren body. satisfied with the Lord. . Praise wisdom's paths and heavenly glory. a W. M. Wilson. we want you all - to pray to God tolthe Lord for his goodness to me! continual experience of your soul.' DEca- rtie Oct. 19, 1892. • open up the * ay and Provide us the; Pray for your sister. saved. sancti- Since coining home from the Beaverl DEARLY BELOVED SAINTS: We send means to get the tabernacle. While l fied and satisfied with Jesus. Dam camp meeting our Work in the greeting through the Trumpet to all ministry has been chiefly on Saturdaylof our brothers and sisters. May the evenings and Sundays. Aided by the Lord bless you all. Since the Bea-dear brethren we have carried the ! ver Dam camp meeting we have work to victory in Jesus' name. We helped in the Summitville, Ind., reach places fifteen and twenty miles grove meeting, the West Liberty, 0. distant from our home. Have been camp meeting, and New Hampshire, privileged to see the salvation of a Ohio grove meeting. We had the privilege of forming the acquaintance of many precious saints at these pla-ces. May the Lord bless them and keep them unto the end. We went home'lfrorn New Hampshire meeting to attend to some work. We met with the saints in Bro eCrall's neigh-borhood near Warsaw, Ind. - where we found quite a large congregation gathered to hear the Word of the Lord. Bro. David Leininger read the word of God with good effect. DEAI: ONEs ( 1: VHF INIMOM: NI: \- the Goa of glory dwell richly in your you pray understand that you are branches in the vine, and that Godi proposes to have you bear a little! TESTINONIES. fruit in the way of giving. We left I Washington on the i7th, for West Point, Pa. where we found dear . Bro. Kriebel walking in the tight. May God ever keep him saved. We stay-ed there two days and looked up a GARRET, IND. DEAR SAINTS: I feel it- my duty to write my testimony and let you an know that I am still st cr. g fast and place to hold meeting, and the Lord holding to the promises and the vic-put it in the heart of a friendly sinner tory of Christ, which has made me to let us have his hall next month for • free from the world and its pleasures. TRY TESTIMONIES ARE WONDERFUL. NA. 119: IN. Sarah N. Wells. I say of a truth that we have real victory In our souls over all the works of the flesh. Paul says if we live after the flesh we shall die. We are so glad for the real freedom we have in Christ. " for whom the Son rnaketh free is free indeed." So praise God ! for this blessed freedom - we have in and through our Lord and Savior _ le-i sus Christ. We are so very thankful ! that we have learned that Jesus came I to save us from sin, and not in sin. Let all who know the truth join with me in praising God for this wonder- ! fig salvation. We do feel the real ! burning love of God in our souls, for I which we give God all the glory. The Lord has quite a little church here and we are praying God to send some I one here to help drive this battle on, ! and to rescue perishing souls. But I we must say that they must be anoint- ' ed and sent of the Lord, for all hell is against the truth and none but real consecrated workers can be used to any advantage. We all desire if possible that Bro. George Cole and Co. can came over and help us. W. G. Sorrels. my soul with love and gratitude to him. Some twelve years ago the Lord wonderfully healed this body: I was afflicted for over three years under the doctors' care. Most of the time they did not seem to do me much good. I was saved at that time, but had not much teaching on healing; but was willing to listen to those who had been healed of the Lord, and read some pieces telling how the Lord had healed others, and I would woh-der why the Lord would not heal me. I felt like I was his child, and what he had done for others he would do for me, although I had never seen the power of God manifested in healing at that time like I do now. I did not know anything about having hands laid on me and being anointed. The Lord wonderfully appeared unto me in the night time while upon my bed, and said that if I would give up all to do his will, he would heal me. I then took him at his word and the work was done, praise the Lord, on the 25th of Sept. 1880. The Lord won-derfully healed me. I was well as I ever was for over eight years, then the Lord suffered the same affliction to come back upon me by overwork-ing. Of course, I Vas disobedient and did things that I ought not to have done; so the Lord had to show me that I had to trust in him. I feel that I have learned to trust in him more fully than I ever did before. My health is better this summer than it has been for four years. To God be all the glory. I have not had : any few souls, and of baptizing one aged brother. We have been persecuted. but not forsaken. been spoken rough-ly to while proclaiming the truth, been challenged to wrangle, contend and debate, and called ignorant be-cause the word and Spirit said, " Be still." Perplexed sometimes, but not in despair, always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Je-sus; but all work for us a far more eternal weight of glory. Praise the Lord! We were led On one cc-casion to go into the famished land of fallen Babylon, and see the captiv-ity of those who lead into captivity. Being a stranger in the place I was invited into the stand and then hand-ed the Bible and asked to preach. Our heart went to God in gratitude for the privilege. God blessed our soul and cleared our mind in speak-ing to that benighted people. Last Saturday evening and Sunday we held meeting near Freetown. One soul was saved. We return there the Lord willing, the 3d Saturday in Nov. to hold a week's meeting. Pray for us that utterance be given to boldly make known the mysteries of the gospel. And may grace be with you all tha- Clove ouri . Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Yours sweetly satisfied, and in the victory that Jesus gives, Chas. Orr. e were ii nvitedd to come to Warsaw to hold meeting :: this winter. I left home on Oct. 5th for Markleville Ind. Found Bro. Otto Bolds and Co. with tabernacle. We commenced meeting in the name of Jesus; the Lord blessed us in preaching - the word to the people. The congrega-tions was not large, but gave us very good attention. It was new doctrine to them; - strange doctrine no doubt. Thank God for one soul, who left the devil's ranks and was saved: The church was much encouraged, and many souls were \ von to the . truth. On Saturday Oct. 15, we met on the bank-' of Fall Creek, where three of the- saints followed Jesus- in baptism. Praise God! How sweet to folloW Je-sus wherever he leads! May the Lord bless and keep the saints at Markle- Ville. We closed meeting on Sunday night with good interest, and many invitations to come back again. A-mong the number were some ' friends whom we. were acquainted with twen-ty years ago. May God bless and save souls in the near future. We commence meeting here at this place in the old M. E. house. The saints have it rented for two weeks or lon-ger. We expect Sister Gast to join us in the work on 20th, also other saints are expected from a distance. We ask the prayers of all the saints in behalf of this meeting. From your saved brother and sis-ter in tire" Lord, R. N. Gast, Otto Bolds and Co. $ 5.00, a large house and will seat four or five hundred. The way not beino-open there to begin meeting at once, where we found Bro. and Sister Shickt also their daughter all saved and walking in all the light. The Lord opened up a place across the river from New Hope in Lambertsville, N. J., a city of about eight thousand. Held meeting Saturday night, Sund ay morning and evening. Six or eight hands up for prayer last evening and wonderful conviction on the people. Brethren pray that we may keep humble where God can use us. This leaves us all saved and well and en-couraged to fight on; for God is with us in mighty power. Amen. Our address is Lambertsville, N. J. Your saved, and sanctified brother, J. H. Rupert. OH, IT IS WONDERFUL! AKRON, IND. DEAR SAINTS: May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all- Amen. I am still happy to say that I am saved with an everlasting salva-tion, and have perfect victory in my soul over all sin, and over all the works of the devil. Praise the Lord! I feel to praise God for his wonder-ful works toward his believing chil-dren. Truly God has done wonder-ful things for me, both soul and body. Oh, it seems I cannot praise God e-nough for his wonderful work in me. Truly. it is better felt than told. The half has never yet been told. He is so precious to my soul. 0 praise the Lord! I feel it is a wonderful thing to be led and kept by the power of God, and to feel the real love of God in our souls at all times. Oh, to be nothing, nothing, only to lie at his feet. and to be ready and willing to do what he has for us to do. He fills Jennie Mosher. NICHOLS, IA. EDITORS GOSPEL TRUMPET: ' We were so well pleased with the tract you sent us entitled " Ouestions and Answers on the Church" that we want to send for some- more to distribute among our friends. We are hoping that some of God's holy ministers can co me here" soon to preach the pure gospel. We heard_ the evening lignt preached last summer by Brother Bolds, and: the Lord shows us that it is the right way. Trusting_ in Him to send some one soon. • I am your sister, saved by gi ace, H enrietta- Chapman. VICHY, MO. To ALL THE SAINTS, GREETING: We feel it our duty to write our testimo-ny to the Trumpet, as the Lord has been so good to us in saving us from all sin. I feel like praising him at all times for his great love, which he has bestowed upon us. We are still hav-ing prayer meeting at our house ev-ery Sunday, and children's meeting also, and the Lord has so wonderfully blessed our souls in this work. Oh how I do love to hear the dear little children pray and testify what the Lord has done for them! Pray that we keep very humble. Your brother and sister, saved and kept by the power of God, Sarah A. Thornton. BRACKEN, IND. DEAR TRUMPET READERS: I feel led of the Lord to report some of God's dealings with me. Oh, glory to God! he saves me with an everlasting sal-vation. Praise the' Lordl I am free to go wherever he leads or opens the way. I have been visting some of the dear saints, and we had a glorious meeting last Sunday, Oct. 16, at the ' home of dear sister Crites of Wells Co. God was there in saving and healing power. There was great re-joicing among God's children. Glo-ry to Jesus! For a few - days I had been suffering with a severe pain in the back of my head, neck and shoul-ders. Sonday morning I felt better, but during meeting the pains came again) I felt led to obey _ James 5: 14: 15. And glory to Jesus! he heal-ed and took all the pains away. To God be all the glory. I am at home at present. I- have severe trials, but know they all work out for my good and God's glory. God bless you all, dear saints, and keep you in him. Ae men. Your humble s ster, t Clara Beaver. GAYLORD, KAN. DEAR SAINTS OF GOD: I do praise the Lord this afternoon that I am able to write my testimony as the Lord leads me to do. It has been some time since I have written my testimony. I havn't been well, and am hardly able to sit up at the pres-ent time. Hope the dear saints will pray for me that I may be healed of my afflictions. Praise God, I still feel like _ going on in the straight and nar-row way. What are our light afflict-ions here! they will all be over soon. Then I will go home if faithful, a crown to wear; for there is a crown for me. I do praise God for all his goodness to me. Still I am not yet where - I would like to be, and have not the faith I want. Oh, pray that my faith may be increased. When I: read the bright testimonies of others that have been healed, I say to myself, Lord, why can't I exercise that faith that I may be healed? Oh, may God help me in all my weakness to become stronger. I like the Trumpet very much. May God help all to live nearer our blessed Master. My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness. I feel I have been redeemed, washed in the blood of the Lamb. Now I once more ask all Christians who read this to pray much that I may be healed. The ef-fectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. Your sister, saved through the blood of Jesus, R. McKinley. SPRINGFIELD, 0. DEAR SAINTS: To day I feel that the Lord wants me to write my testi-mony. I thank God that he saved me and keeps me each day, and I always feel so thankful when I have the privilege of testifying for him. Oh, I praise God for a full salvation, and I feel that God has a work for me to do. I have felt this calling for some time, but it seems the way is not open yet at home. As soon as the way is open for me to go I am ready to go and do whatever the Lord wants me to do. I felt sometimes it wasn't God calling, that he wouldn't call such a weak one as me; but this fall at our grove meeting we had a day of fasting and prayer, and while I was praying in a deep meditation of prayer, there was a light rose up before me and in that light, there was our blessed Savior sitting in his white robe of linen, and in words seemed to say, " I am the way," and it showed me right there that I was obeying man more than God. I prom-ised God right there whatever he had for me to do, I * mild do by his as-sisting grace. I know he doesn't want us to do more than we are able to do. " For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments, and his commandments are not grievous." Oh, children of God! if you are call-ed to work for the Lord, don't put it off if- you can go. Pray for my un-saved family that some of them may give their hearts to the Lord. I care not for the bluffs, or scoffs, or perse-cutions, but by the help of the Lord I will serve him. I ask an interest in all of your prayers. Your humble sister in the Lord, Sarah E. Roller. NORWOOD, Mo. DEAR SAINTS, GREETING: May God bless all his little ones everywhere for our dear Jesus' sake. Amen. Well, I am praising the good Lord for the privilege of being at home again with my family and finding them all well, and also for God's fatherly care over me while out work-ink for him. We went to Creech, Benton Co., ' Ark., and commenced meeting the 8th of this month and continued until the t8th. The Lord did bless us in giving his word. Af-ter we had by the help of God, laid his word to the line, several confess-ed they were not sanctified and some that claimed they had been sanctified, said they had let the enemy get the upper hand of them. Some got down to the altar and seemed to get all the sweetness they had once enjoyed. I am satisfied God has planted a church there to stay. About thirteen or fourteen took part in the ordinan-ces of feet washing and the Lord's supper. There were a few more that would have taken part, but could not on the account of sickness. May God bless them for their kindness and help they gave us while there. If any of God's ministers should pass down through that country, they ought to stop and give them a meet-ing. They have no one there yet to preach the word to them. I hope God will lead some one there to help them build up in his most holy faith. We were truly glad to meet the breth-ren from Frisco, Ark. They stayed about three days, and Bro. Lane gave us a good sermon while with us. All that would measure up to the stan-dard seemed to get free, but those who tried to go thfough on what they once had been, and would not look'at themselves as God saw them, we were sad to leave them groping in the dark, when they could have paid the price and been so free. Oh, it is grand to walk in the light as he is in the light. Then we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of his dear Son cleanses us from all sin. I am praising God for a clear stream of glory that runs through my soul. LAMBERTSVILLE, N. J. OCT., 17, 1892. DEAR BRETHREN OF THE HOUSE-HOLD OF GOD: I feel like testifying this beautiful morning and telling you how Wonderfully God is keeping me saved, and how he is using us here in the East to preach his word. Bless his holy name! Truly God can take a worm and thrash a mountain. Well, wife and I left Monterey, Pa. in company with Bro. W. J. Henry for Washington, D. C. The Lord brought us there safe and opened up the way for his word to be preached. We found the people starving for the truth. Oh that God would send out more holy men and women to preach his word! Oh brethren, it seems to me if some of you that are staying around home in the burnt over fields, if you knew how hungry and eager the poor people are to hear the truth you would have to ask God to forgive you for staying at home, when God has told you to go and preach his gospel, and you that have means, oh for Christ's sake and the sake of your souls, use your means for that which God intends you to use it. There is a rnighty work to be done in Washing-ton. Hundreds of souls will be saved in that city I truly believe. We were there two weeks and found many dear souls standing out for God in all the light they had, and when they heard the truth they praised God and walked in it. Oh how wonderful is the love of God! How it will make us see eye to eye! We preached on Pa. Ave. to hundreds of people and al-- most all grades, and from all nations • • Now, dear ones, pray that I may be found faithful in all things, obeying my blessed Master at all times, walk- 1 we took train for New Hope, Pa., 1. ingot this evening light, sanctified in Christ. From your saved sister under the blood, ANTHONY, KAII. DEAR SAINTS: We believe that it will be to the glory of God for us to testify through the Trumpet. We do know beyond all doubt that the blood of Jesus Christ does cleanse us from all sin just now. God says in his word that if we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellow-ship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ does cleanse us from all sin. We are so glad that we can ureC Iles not call for a breaking of and wife. Marriagge is an ordin. ance, . , the marriage vow between those who Thee rights of which are too sacred to are already married to an unbelieving be unj ustly tampered with as is too companion, but those who have never needed animal warmth, yet we often ' often the case. In such cases lust require to apply our minds while sit- takes the place of love, and soon the cider the matter, and make the ap di - ting, as in writing, reading, listening, real holy elements of matrimony placation to themselves before being and in sickness, exhaustion, infanc y, pass into obscurity. There are united to a sinner. A world of sor-etc., where there is too little action to thousands of homes throughout ourr row in many blighted homes could keep warm by breathing alone, when land where true love isa stranger. and have been avoided had the Lord fire becomes comfortable, and even where joy, peace and happiness been consulted about the matter, or indispensable. It is hardly less ben_ should reign supreme. to make a his word adhered to. If God shows eficial than water. If we do not keep pleasant home; instead of these it has, you that it is his will for you to mar-sufficiently warm by air, we must sup- become one of the most miserable ry and selects the companion, then ply the deficit by fire. Colds, those places on the face of the earth. How. go ahead. But too many go ahead great disease breeders, come from be- shall such a place be described) A first and ask God about it afterwards, ing too cold. Yet even in sickness, heart- broken wife and mother; a hus- or call upon him to help them out when the circulation is low, it is bet- band driven to despair; children of the difficulty which they have ter to provoke as much natural heat brought forth and reared strangers gotten into; or they hastily become by friction and clothing and rely as to love and the holy influences of a engaged, then ask the Lord if it is little on fire as possible. Invalids, of Christian home. God pity such Earn - his will for them to marry, when they all others, require oxygen, which ar- flies, they have learned to their sor- would not listen to Him if he were tificial heat always and necessarily re- row the effects of a hast y step in mar- to say no. And because he does not duces. Those who are obliged to re- riage. They have found that it is work some great miracle to show sort to fire for warmth are pitiable. easier to have the " knot tied" than to them that it is contrary to his will for They may live along from hand to have it untied; easier to be bound than them to be united, when a little exer-mouth as to health, yet can never to have the bands broken, and the else of common sense and reason know the real luxury of a comforta- chords severed. They learn that the re would show them, they close their ble temperature. Such should by all is a vast difference between lust and eyes to all else and mode out upon means practice directions for enhanc- love, between harmony and discord, their own responsibility, soon to reap ing circulation. - and that too often marriage only their reward with sorrow and tears. In Internal heat is immeasurably su- proves to be a pitfall of the enemy such cases a little waiting upon the perior to external. Men rely far too that he may reap a greater harvest Lord for advice and wisdom, and be-much on external, and too little on in- of souls doomed for the regions of ing subject to his will would bring a-ternal. Though we require fire, yet the lost. bout information on the subject, and this alone can never keep us suffi- • But what is to be done? 1 he often save a person from being united ciently warm. Fire is utterly power- course generally pursued in desperate to one with whom life would not be less to keep us duly warm. Most of cases is a separation; the children if as pleasant as it should; and may also our heat, indeed all of it, must be gen- there are any are cast out upon the result in the uniting to another one erated within us. The use of fire is cold world, only to follow in the ways twhi twh hom the Lord would be glorifi-to keep us warm by retarding the es- of vice. A divorce is called for and ed with the union. Dear ones, if God cape of internal heat, not to actually with a few dollars and a few words of indispensable in generating steam, smelting. etc., can also be made to regulate animal heat. Though vigorous exercise in perfect health would probably furnish all REGULATION OP AM- UAL HEAT BY FIRE. desires you to remain single, that you may be more free from the entangle- 1 ments of this world, that you may be better able to spread the truth of His gospel, then rest assured he will take care of you, and use you to his glory in the salvation of souls. Remember that the affections of men and women nnoott to be tampered with just for the purpose of finding out whether or other as long as the divorced com-not of 1 you can gain the affections some one and leave them to ponder panion liveth. , I over the matter while you secure ' Some time ago a man wrote that a other victims at your leisure in the number of years ago his wife left same way. Such work often proves him without a cause, and married an- a death blow to souls. other man, and now says he does not The great remedy for unhappy ore than a. ireastles. wish to sound a warn-children of God that re than most people realize ' they.-- " be not unequally yoked to-until after the step has been taken „ ether with unbelievers."- Thi legally-script-which legally- bind the two as man _ E marriage ceremony, involves UNHAPPY MMAARRRRIIAAGGEESS. taken the step would do well to con-something-pe ally w ing note to th DEAR AIN7 1' s:: . Ao lky testimony to day is that I am saved and sanctified. ant / Sion. kept by the power of God, ready to be revealed in the last time. Though I have many trials and temptations, y blessed Jesus is always near to deliver me. I know he will never forsake me when I put my trust him. When I think of so many peo-pie rushing clown to eternal destruc-tion, I feel like going and telling r them to come to Jews before too late. sure But they will call you crazy, etc. We are away out here in this Western , (, nil, n , aa nd not st country, where the pure gospel of asto Christ has not been preached. This. is a very wicked place. We would like to have some of God's true GRAND IuNctioN. DEAR SAINTS AND A1.1, THE TRUMPET READERS: In the name of Jesus : in} for his glory I write this testimony. once was lost, but I learned that sus Christ came to seek and savo that which was lost, anti I called up-on him to save me and he hear.' my cry and delivered me from all my fears. I was justified by faith in Christ and made alive to God, and then offered myself a living sacrifice to God, and he accepted me and cleans-ed me, and sanctified me wholly do his will; and now I enjoy a full and free salvation. Alfred Lockhart. RISING SUN, O. DEAR SAINTS: This morning led of God to write my testimon yto the Trumpet: I am saved and sanctifi-ed through the all- cleansing blood of Jesus, and walking in all the light he gives me. Four years ago I came out of. sectism and Babylon confusion. Praise the Lord! and ever since have discerned the Lord's body. it is so sweet to trust the Lord for all things! I ask you all to pray for my companion who is yet in Babylon. that he may see where he is and come out free for the Lord. I remain yours in the Lord, Marga rreett Bo nawitt. cy on me and brought MC we being fictive- red Drat of of our enemies. might serve out fear, in holiness ness all the days of our lives. Your brother under the Ho Oliver F.- . ALBANY. () REtaiN. 1 - 4 .0 thin hanc \ von- 3: a4 . A na -., z1: 1e1 hit yott may If “: 1 out,' elk ot 1: " y. d formality, yetand making f with the world ( which is a sure • are eemneimeise sof God that I eon not think foram°. meth ever uniting again witkthent Something over a year ago mato, '• rren a faithful * Wei who Trumpet to I co believe' ttat I believe ad they or oliness! n s fo ch as one-- ing N ert tsrment the devil. The brother kept giving me papers; hike them more ant but I = allay first like' < a te1m • e rt pthemleTtiepTti: tti: t: liern: ' REEK, MfeR, READERS: 161 t o f Babylon, hop, of God tkellyon t st rapt t( Daft 1111.) h set; emiesagonenoetoothoso: yeierset. tse that are 0131y4tifed 1 there is. nletgy, and yet t'n rs . s away from; me and to spare,' : Some business inKansas City, Mo, ti ght I would enjoy mystic otter if would identify myself witkiy E. sect at that city, so I sent kw my letter at Riwkford, Tht Atter came; but before I got my letter ins itl1plSSed tO go to a town some. sixt milt : s beyond. think the put that in my head. for I could not up business before coming returned home with my letter in My pocket. I began to think ti e f rud. (. 1idn • t want flat the abominable N ter st de the paper. I beg tnh taht el it: Iraa. c1. ehres an in lalleh jijoahhnl - 1 S thp yo y} Nit pont T 11) 0 to th