The Gospel Trumpet - 06:14

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 PAM' IRST g."' Z; _.___ _ 7_,, ,__ 7__, 7. i _____ ___ • — , A. o- d no ,_,.___-___:_.:_ ,1. . s ■ Y.:,. 7 to nie, IVIintseest• thou? And X answer- ., .,-.-.-- p—.,-- ....

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Warner, D. S., Fisher, J. C.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Horton, Thomas 1884
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Summary:Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 PAM' IRST g."' Z; _.___ _ 7_,, ,__ 7__, 7. i _____ ___ • — , A. o- d no ,_,.___-___:_.:_ ,1. . s ■ Y.:,. 7 to nie, IVIintseest• thou? And X answer- ., .,-.-.-- p—.,-- .-.,.:' ed,' IseeTilygirnoi/—. . 1.-- Them said he unto met shevalel. r yb eo ncueb t hoaftf. sotnet ttlheitsh side according to it; any( shearieLrytatnItht) ritz a: D. 7.114; th weillld bor iAngc ciot rfdoirntgh , t. o : iIlti. a I f- tef-___ zethceii . Lvo. rxi of hosts. --- 1- RUM PET. eTBa LORD GOD Mau BLOW vaiiitimaris Asa MALL G0 WITH WHIRLWINDS." ea NtilZianzsZon, Mich., & Amber 5 1 884. Yo2unze 6. . Nunzber. 1 4. ■ • ■ •• ■ ••. 5 s ti. Ile has no faith. he is, he is deceived. What h faith is only presumption. When one who claims to be a minister of the Lord Jesus devotes himself to the seeking a high Jalacie, and busies. Idauseil in scheming fee Ike largest - salaries, and is constantly studying and struggling . to worm himself intos- polmla_ .„ bye ecsa toefr ihnigs sins,: he is canno worldly tastes aria Church, and winking • miserably deceived hi ing others as well. His pre save the souls of his hearers, soul is unsaved Whatever may be fession or his tries ., If any one -- 1410,10tends to be a preach er of the. .4ei* ein:::. Lord Jesus Chris; t, and skands ' S- S- teanitT; ilf the people knowing th0GotUOA-. 0440fiall to bed" ly now. and yet T: A-- 64* elf to ly, and instructs eifhtillev , that ly when they aye net holy, o Of 11 all in they need not er 4a ¢ e ' litda e Wor d the present life, hags of God, and isoin t4e, evile havineg no d too power . , b* The time is soon conafpg ets foretold, — When Zion jeep behold.; When. Jes the._- aseses - Deno : selfishness will vanish sessesse.-: - , Avi2f theriIe discoverd who for Seats will be, : And who are in babylon the saints then will see; The time of division will then fully be known Between the pure kingdom and defiled babylon. Led on by the comforter what sweets will be found, What peace and what harmony in love will abound; Losing all things, for Jesus will be counted all joy, And helping each other a delightful employ. What beauty will the Church. then put on in his sight, Being governed by Jesus who- always does right: No spots on their countenence in that glorious day, Unnecessary ceremonies all vanished away. The watchman. rill then lift up their Voices as nnig East west nor*. air ' 4011th two and fro they will In the Spirits pattn, testimony preach upl the crow,- = The mysteries of 7 babylon will suffer the loss. But 0 what a . storm of persecution, will rage, For the cause old ' babetkm . sekae542-- eseses- a --- .-- - For beholding theirlosses, and begin-ning to sink, hope to obstructthe shining t But truth catsite laity, and lore melt all- foes; The pure word of God will conquer all. rho oppose: ' Tl'hhee Church then i and in love, sight of her Onem : ho would wi um begin, Come out tad bi se and sin; - As soon the Church is redeemed from all sin, / The day of will surely begin. Belsetekt- it 06, L. wnstonn. It's a Question. A man who is endeavering to maintain holiness. unto God, and at the same time be subject to a corporation of carnal preachers and people, remarked to us that, for some time it had been a question in his mind as to whether he should cut loose or not. Why this lingering, per-plexing question ? If a man is in line with God, will he not know it? Even in the dark dingy ages of the past, before the revelation of Christ, and the dispen-sation of the Holy Spirit, " Enoch had the witness that he pleased God," and is it not a reflection upon Christ, " the light of the world," and the " Holy Revealer," to convey the idea that we now have to live in uncertainty, with regard to any part of God's will in us ? God's 101 says plainly, " be not unequally yoked togeth-er with unbelievers," " Come 0116 of her my people." " Now if, any man will do His will, he shall know of the doctrine." What a beautiful picture of the holy lifejn the Spirit, we have in Exod. 23: 20- 25. An angel is promised, which to us means the Comforter, " to keep thee in the way," (- beware of Him, and obey His voice, and provoke Him not." And walk-ing with this Angel, it is said that all the ites must be cut off. Now if we are walk-ing with this angel, will we live in un-certainty ? Oar understanding of the way of holiness is, that we cannot keep on in a doubtful course and be wholly sanctified. On this high way we cannot carry along any unsettled questions. Ev- I ery issue must be met squarely on the spot' and settled by the Word and the Spirit of God. " If any man lack wisdom Objections to Sectisin. M X § EIAN. Sectism is that prin4le which invents human creeds and polity for the Church of God, other- than : those: expressly written in the Scriptures. sene: A necessary result offSectism, therefore is the sect. From the sword hairesis are derived thee words heady, sect, party: The enemies of Jesus applied these terms to Ells followers, but it- e4s1 not be justly done. Paul said, " I ' Oo*, t7s. i unto thee that after the way which, thlit- call heresy, so worship I the God ofaiiY- Fathers." Acts 24: .14. They call hares : he repudiates the title and repels the attack; but at the same time grasps the God given and estab-ishe d views and politysof God's Church. By the word ofGod alone is everything to be tested. Paul was no sectarian, he be-longed to no sect. H&. . pas a devotee of the only real God orgaatked Church. So the " Church of Gard's filo sect and no sect is the " Church of GOd." Now, here is one of the most serious ob-jections to sectism: kis contrary to the express declarations. of the Scriptures. A sect is a party, its - formation creates a schism, a division. " Mark them which ' Cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned and avoid then"— Rolm 16: 17 " Now I beseech yon, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you but that ye be perfectly joined togetlier in the same mind and the same judgment,”-- 1 Cor. 1: sectism and all seats. If the spirit cit. these words had been kept inviolate, there would have existed to day no rival sects as the Catholics EEppiissccoeppaalliiaans, Lutherians, Methodiste, Peesbyterianseand the rest of the brood; but they would have been the Church of God, one body, forminga most beautiful and blessed unit. By these texts sectism is in opposition to the very spirit of Chrstianity. That young convert to God, warm in his first love, naturally loves all of God's children without partiality. But as soon _ as some sect- builder gets at him, how changed _ his sentiments I He now joins " our _ church," Putting himself under the tutorage of cer-tain: principles, thus fencing him off from the rest of the lambs by a human creed and polity. This is an open door to the: backslidings of thusands. At first _ there is an unaccountable and indefinable grief, then a coldness, then selfishness, then a bigot and consumate sectarian and spir-teal wreck. Sectism fosters and builds up autocracy and aristocracy. That is the trend of the sect, be it small or large, young or old. This spirit takes its birth - in the organiz-ation of every sect, end autocrats and aristocrats flourish here and grow up like calves of the stall._ In the young seething this foul spirit may nestle away for a time and not appear, but all the time it is there and gaining strength for the by and by, when it will come forth to do its work of desolation. There is first the mild Di-otrephes who loveth to have the preemi-thence, then the superintendent, then the - ern biehop. Then there are hosts of Underling aristocrats, who, for personal elide, pamper the pride of these Diotre-s superintendents and bishops. As hu-erge nizat ion advances, purporting to Church. this venomous spirit, like eadly s. erpent, creeps forth from its den. Bet seetisen hinder.; the real work of 41, nf V 0110 anti perfect in onc• at for ? Some sect devoteee declare nominati . VICO' sary in ortler to e conveeion of the world. The special tage is declared to be found in the this multiform denomination-calm he suited in a church is said zo be both an adven-i ucr . This would be the aggressive power _ of the truth is neglected." How much better to be un-hindered by some denominational insti-tution. Then one can employ every means and opportunity, against the enemy of souls, with . a deadly precision and pur-sue the battle to the gates and beyond. But to- have to proceed. as if one was afraid of having to jam down the rotten corners of some decaying sect, is an absolute break upon the wheels of salvation. Enough power, time and means have been wasted by holines journals and evan-gelists under the bands of sectism to have shaken America to the Core and flooded it with an ocean wave of God's blessed, eternal glory. Every genuine revival of salvation has broken out and pushed forward in disre-gard. to sect hamperings, and in spite of them. Has not the present holiness move-ment been caricatured as disintegration, simply because it did not and could not work in the grooves of denomination-alism? Where is there a single genuine evangelist in good repute with the sects S Where ? But what does this import Volumes, yet unwritten, but this one thing in particular; that sectism and sects are essentially and. forever in opposition to any genuine and thorough revival. For the present it remains to be said, that the views expressed in these papers have not been hastily formed, but are the results of much prayerful and patient study continued through several years. I may be written down as a mad male a fanatic, but be it so. I am content le stand here till convinced that I am la error. Good Way. ••••• GospelliMecting in Pittsburg. and 011eghany. After closing the meeting in Medin a Co. 0. we came on to Pittsburg Pa. The trip was very pleasing to the eye, and in-spiring to the soul. The lofty hills and awe and reverence toward God. As we followed some distance up the Ohio _ River our minds were deeply impressed with the infinite wisdom and goodness of God, ia providing every thing necessary for nes caries and needs of mankind. Every few minutes we passed holes in the where His busy little human ants hed searched out, and found His deposits, material for glass, dish ware, fire brill•. and all manner of iron and steel tvor! oe tllid there were the extensive manufacte ing establishments all along the way clee, to the supplies. " 0 that men would pia, o the Lord for His goodness, and - for Ills wonderful works to the children of ' nee."' We were happy to meet our dear bro. i ;- G. T. Clayton and family. who have een labor. ing,- on the lin. e of holfue.--. with considerable success,. in Pittsbie peace above. o see milaat: sinners When a professing Christian thinks lull faith, and is yet disobedient to any ki u n effinmond of ( Intl. he is mistaken. He is in the lusion the devil, pie is f he thinks uks to be God would use us to save precious souls? ob j edcuta nla sn ptp t he Holy S pir it Daniel. Ivastyant Omo, S. 6the' 84. Dear- Bietr*: 7!- 71 1m still trusting in my blessed JeSnii: .:. I. pan say the Tau- 1cm is food to my soul , TdOve to read the let-ters in it so well. We have glorious meet-ings here now. I bless God for His kind-let him ask of God who giveth liberally." 10. These tests are the tenor of the Scrip- This cuts off all unsolved points of duty. f tures on this subject. Nothing is plainer. " He that doubteth is damned." And if" They were to mark and avoid those who this be true in as small a matter its the! were actuated by the ae#, spirit, the doe-partaking of the bread, and the cup of trine which they had leaf ed being tb., the . ctutuntinfon. ' now me ,- se, 1.13 th reference to the line of work in which name of Christ, " Of Wboui the in heaven and earth is named We know some thing about the brother's there be allowed no divisions anon vexed " question," we have come along! them. The. reasons for this are clear that path. 0 the haunting distraction of 1 upo6n. In the first place, such divisions i an unsettled qquestion, as_ to the direetion destroy the unity of the family, making of true loyalty to Gods--' And though we more than one. I to learn it au f- rnn God, Himself, we In the next place, the.). vuld divde he ould 110t eulain on God's altar and have ! the headship among () dist sect-. luau a as weslev en uwettled question in our heart, as tolcalled the father of ' at God's will was concerning us. Ev- 1 Noowbe, yife tdh, ethseer ed iwmoeuld ha visions, consequently ut they were disobey overrun and cursed the e h y man that is moving forward on e of God's present truth, has a clea sky to work in, and does not fight as uncer- . iuly in the mists. Hence it I yfzollows that every man that lingers on i Carrying farwa& estionable grounds is straggling behind I Word of God pues the etr e present place of God's ' glorious line i emphasis upwelthuepoan: nt. Holy Spirit. There are no more distress- 1 ( 1d s ple, and h of battle. Glory to the Father, Son, andl G ng questions in our heart as to whether i engin 0 are complete in Christ," and as tolang whether God is ab'e to " work all thine in all,-' without a babylon yoke on our neck. Neither are we troubled by airs, are all of the devil, and that all add " 4. '" e" as we t i l l ship, and and corunnfe breyn tchee corporations, created all j lislajloirneadreuonitloe tbh° ed bod o n, a4n .- 2dor we being many are o iolende is to Jesus " we know that we are at God, hodyee " Have been a and the whole world Beth in Ne; kedtle'Qs." into one Spirit." " Now sLoweth God members, yet but One " W e are of Clod, he that e that' wei one member suffer all t le nes one fold nd at" they may t toy: may all be ngeri doubts that sect oreanizationt) - 9 be one in i'ha ingest admire ( ale de - drink ere are many Whet her tubers suffer1 t tonored, it.- have been stria 110 di- - a families: I d seetis: a has idea, ti 1 - . • ficient: BO how do these harmonize , with the ory of " lo here" a " In there"— , sectism which; - has rendered the world hideous: ter: hundreds of yea. rs? rra zerzi vas the Church 01' God, insured salva-tion bu t since this falls to be correct, the whole. angement falls to the ground. Jesus hid emit her opinion the matter. act lit ill ant a{ itInf „ ( a l Ire ( MC, j. lthat fliOU had the door way le a r ands personal saiva! ien god of Christ. , po" sed to the denomi- - Ile prayed that they might ? Id bitty 46- here — Ill's believing knowledge , d,„ I - We don't know wiett beNeve : tor what ete s-, een: y dared by these .1 is are berated and beaten IT if they should chance to fn;_ hat often it : e nd • he= eest nem: tiered souls, in- • souls heareth us," " Hereby kr e ' w dwell in Him, and He: ns: because Ile with it." " Or one mend Fent," " And hereby e members rejoice we know that we of the truth, espoused you to one bush uth, and eFaa ye : imate fruit. shall assure our , arts before Him." are all one in Christ des Who bath I ask in all candor our seetly holiness Oh for the A of all questions, and a made both one, and - hat nen dawn people to stop a moment and think. in God'' that need not the middle wall." " Fella . citizens with I What however on earth has stood more mtt inisitsrtyr= seer' Willy," neither preach as the saints, and the hour old of God." in the way of holiness work than has the h un as srees. but as one having author- " There is one body and case Spirit, even f irm' hoof of ecciesiasticisms. Who has been ilathe- revelation and power of the- as ye are called in fine he f your eau_ at the front in locking doors and hedg- OhOt. Amen ! ing," " That ye stand fastail one Spirit ing up the way by every means in reach ? with oneanind, striving t * ether for the Has it not been " the beloved Zions" of creed and then they are all and n ail without regard to personal faith in Christ. or consciousness of salvation. All his is verified thousands of times over. But is said this is not the use, but the a-buse of the sect. Not so. It is the legit- ton_ of the Wass, and mercy. God is all love to us. 0 esi himself, bless His holy name! I went to Custer, to" visit my Bro and two sisters, and had a glorious Trey are gloriously saved, AU the beetliten pray for us. these are,, set, , vorld . withent end, e tioae " is directed towards keeping the old Cora/ ma; - _ ago4no all divisiouain the'- body--- against house in repair) and When this as the ease) faith of lilie: Gbipel." " L the peace oflineil God inle ' irtiybar hearts, to the which ye! Then the testimony and work of many are also called in one body?? " They who are honest souls are brought to a sudden halt saetified are all of one." Many other passages o4othe same Im-port could be. produced, but these are suf-at some • doctrine or point of ecclesiastical polity which hinders: them from going farther lest they should be confronted With the- charge of disla: yalty. Then add., ed this stopping short of genuine obe-dience, which means spiritual death, is the fact that most . of the strength and M If this be true then sectism is the doorway and Allegheny. Like ourself, the broth. sh ep_ Ito infidelity, doubt and death. Oh! how ise naturally too pliant, elleminate, ee.; sympathetic. for God's present use, ten - haviug his horns tipped with iron, a his hoofs shod with brass. " For thus see the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel; Ti daughter of Babylon is like a threshine -- floor, it is time to thresh her: vet a hike tied the time of her harvest shall EL-. Jer. 51: 33. God is now looking out fait:. fu/ men who will go through the city and " 4inite." The white robed holiness „ nice - sengers have gone through babylon at• i put the seal of God upon the foreheads of - all that " sigh and that cry for all the - bominations that be done in the midst thereof." And now His orders are to al that know the secret of the Lord, " Go ye after him, through the city and smite : let not your eye spare, neither have ye pity: Slay utterly old and young."— Eze. 9. Meetings were held in open air, and in halls in A/ kg /- lfaly- 4nd Pittsburg. Broth er and Sister Fisher laboring in one place, and. we in another, part of the time. A. few souls were fully saved; and there was quite an awakening among the people. The last night brother and sister F. held meeting in Alleghany, there were three sanctifi ed and one cenverted. Brother and sister Clayton, and five other broth-ers and sisters from Pittsburg and Alle-gheny. accompanied. us to theeSandy Lake Camp meeting.- taree and at • J e there " Wllea8Ocernviil. let him take the water of Life freely "- Rev, 22 : 174 DEETNI'DR, RA_ D1C. A. L, § ent Forth_ in. the nanae of the Lora : 4- esus Christ M'or the Pit ona ty en inn Church, the De-fenacsees oe ft hAe. MDaers Itrllusc tTiorne. e., of Sect 73ab-y1on. 33,. a• TFABN_ ER, and J. C. FISHER, --- Editors. \ THOMAS HO. RTON, Pablisher. with J. C. Fisher finaneial assistant. • _ se deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fFGo6rl, tthheatwhiesdnoimay bete twhiisse. woalaiInefoolishnees with God, for it's written, Re taketh the viiesseama awn craftiness. And again, the Inird knoWebenalia thoughts or the wise. that they are vain. Therefore let no man glory in men, for all things are yours. I Cor 3.18. " Let them wlone they are blind leaders of the blind. * nd if the blind lead the For ye see yo4i calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble etre called. But God hath ' chosen the foolish th, Mgs of the world to confound the wise, and God hath chosen the weak thingeof the world to confound the things which are mighty. - And base things of the world and things which are despised, hath God chosen. and things which are not, to bring to naught things that are. That no flesh should glory in His presence- 1 COT 1.2b, TERMS, $ 1.00. Per Year. In advance. All matter Tor publication must be sent to D. S. Warner. All business communications, moneys etc, must be ad-kessed to the GOSPEL TEDIEPET. jqdcirss, illirso Entered at the Post alike at Williamston. Ingham Co. Mich., as second class matter. A tract containing scriptural proofs that Christ Himself is the Church, and the Church, is Christ. this little work has been much needed. Nothing is more clearly taught in the Word a God than the identity of Christ- His body and the Church, and yet no truth is more generally overlooked. Through the current sectarian teaching, nearly all think the Church is a human or-ganism. Thns through the tradition of dark age creeds, Christ is supplanted by the work of men's hands. Therefore this humble presentation of truth, cuts offeall party rallying grounds, and draws all di-rectly to Christ. For " unto Him shall the gathering of the people be." Let every body that loves the truth, and the souls that peed it, send in their orders for the little book. And all that God has, blessed with the means, will glorify Him by or-dering a dozen or more to feed poor hun-gry souls with pure, strong, Gospel food. You."` will also assist the finances of the office by helping to scatter this little work. Order freely, we have printed three thous-and of them. Price . • . .10 cents. One dozen copies. $ 1.00 Fiftycopies . . . . 3. 50 Orders may be sent in postal note, ' or small amounts in two cent postage stamps. Please observe the above directions Business letters that also contain matter suited for publication will be used Remittances for less than five dollars, should be sent in postal notes, over that amount in post office orders. Where these cannot be obtained, send by registered letter, or small amounts in two cent tamps The Anita' Assembly of the Churcb of the Living God an Michigan will take place the Lord - willing, ai Williamston Ingham Co. Mich. commencing Sebt. 25th to continue as the Lord wills. This is ex-pected by far to be the largest gathering of the saints, and the most powerful meet-ing of the kind ever yet held in Michigan. Many Brethren from abroad are expected to be present. Reduced rates over the Detroit, Lansing and Northern R. R. has been secured, those wishing to avail them-selves of the reduced rates, should ask for tickets to the Assembly of the Church of God at Williamston. Come all ye saints of the most high, and all who desire to see and obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus, with eternal glory. We have a spacious hall 28 by 85 feet, room enough to accomodate all who come. Let all come prepared to enjoy a glorious time, and season of refreshing from the presence of the Lord. We have just pnblished a tract of six-teen good size pages, neatly bound in ex-tra paper. Written by brother J. 0. Fisher, the contents of which is pretty well expressed in the title page as follows cOHRIST IS THE BODY THE CHURCH.' The eillliehig- an dssembly. A Snii- MONTELY EOLUTBSS JOUNITAL rgilW'WP Joseph. '; iteaWagtneg$. BY L. J. JAMES. " Be ye steadfast, unmovable," is the language of Inspiration. This truth comes to us to day as strong and with as much force, as it did to those to whom it was written by the great Apostle to the Gen-tiles. But what is " Steadfastness?" In a Bible sense, it is to be. fast anchored to the throne of God by a living faith, which like a great cable, holds the soul from moving from its moorings; although the winds of adversity may howl, and the wrathful billows of persecution, and temp-tation beat against it. Such " Steadfast-ness" has every true child of God. But there is another kind of " Steadfast-ness," a kind of " frozefastness," like the great Icebergs in the regions of eternal frost, they are steadfast; being beyond the reach of the warming influence of the sun, its rays never reach them with sufficient heat to melt, and move them out from the icy embrace of coldness, and death. They are " immovable" it is true, they stand in all their glittering cold grandeur. No living thing receives life or warmth from them, but sure death to all life prin-ciple that is doomed to remain within their influence. The steadfastness of the Ice-berg, is the same in kind, as the " Froze-fastness" of some Professors, they are al-ways there steadfast, unmovable; steadfast-ly worshiping their sect idol, steadfastly ignoring the voice which continually rings in their ears the warning " Come out of her my people." Steadfast in covering up the sins, and smoothing down the wrongs committed by the members of their idol-ized sect, especially if those doing wrong, can spread a plaster of money ( no matter how dishonestly obtained) on the hand of the " minister" or help the " members" to their various places of amusement and pfapitinx. 00 , e 6 „ iti ' oe aiStninister, nand a wit ess both of these them - - Off*:., 101.0 tt hings which thou host sew), and of those they thee. S- j ' kn ew Yoll-.'•',.-, es- ss: ataee Cse, i _ i_ f, things in the which I will app 26 15 16 y - Him - "" LLa drd k eita" -- w e', .' g o I Aets : , . fastde andprayed Many do won gu dtasful works;". Yet -. the reply ear unto prophesied in Thy maw- tail- 044y name . . ._ . ._ haveoast out devils anainliw: hame done will be the sAme. " Depait:. froin me ye that wOrkiniquity.".- driy.- 00a . help Thy people to laWonte acquainted with Thee, before thaty when they - stand before Thee in judment: ' keriaTan- VIA. _ . Ana th had and laid their hands on them they sent theitn Aw ay . Acts 13: 3. It is true the Bible teaches ordination by tlAaying on of hands: which is simply a ratification or confirmation of the divine or-dination. " For we are laborers together with God; ye are God's husbandry ye are shawn me die seine thing ill His Word. ,". And in that day it F ha: I come to pesse that the glory of Jateob shell be ! untie thin, and the inttata ■ S Of his flesh shall wee aein, Yet Gleaning Grapes shalt be left in it, as the shah. jug of an Olive tree, two - al three berries in the top of the uppermost boogie f el or five in the on = Oat fruitful branches theref sh ths: Lord G i of Is. reel. In that day shall a man look to his Maker, and his eyes. shall have respect to the Holy One ee Israel. And he shall not look to t he niters, the works of his hands. neither shall reept et thin whieh his fin eels have made, either the groves or use images. In that day shall his strong cities be as a ken bough, and an uppermost branch, which they lefa because of- the children of Israel and there ehall ., deBsoelactaiuosne. thou hest forgotten the God of thy Intl, s vation, and hastuot beea mindful of the Rock_ et thy strength, therefore shalt thou plant pleasant plants, and shall set it with strange Alpe. on- ien. 17: 4, 6- 10. Surely the professed Isael of the present - Since the Lord, by the Spirit, sh isved* se that we are . just now gleanin g over the stubble of a past harveet, the 1. tord has 0 how sweetly I am resting in the presence of myGod I'm enjoying full salvation, Guided by His holy Word. 0 how sweet to walk with Jesus, 0 how wonderful His fame ! I will ever praise my J'esus, Bless His great and holy name. - o then let us stand up for Jesus, Crowning Him our Lord and King; : Knowing that He always loves us, 1Ate with note* of joy will sing. Cora Dick. " Idol worship." Steadfastly trying to pull others down, that themselves may have the preeminence, forgetting that Jesus made himself of " No reputation." Stead-fast in withholding what is due the laborer, that has toiled for them, and taking the money that is honestly due another, to go to the shows, or to the festival, or to con-ference, or to buy lace curtains, because the sect agent is coming, and the best room must be prepared. It matters not if the laborer's children cry for the bread he has earned, laboring for this " steadfast professor," if he and his xfa mil are clothed r. n Ube U1 W Quettons elnswerd. A Brothereasks the question, for informa-tion; and. desires an answer through The Trumpet. Questxont Do you require a course of study outsi : of the Bible; to , ordain min-isters of ChAt. Also just the study requi- red. •, lee:, - Now Deatiktrother we must refer you to the Head 4 the Church; Jesus Christ, Which has A- authority, . and power both in heaven in earth. He authoriz-es, quali. fiesand ordains His ministers: through thelpower of the Holy Ghost. Without whidh none are qualified, or have any authorit- to preach the Gospel. We hear a great deal said aboutbeing A'OTHORIZED by those wh ( ohta vbee nen redeemed from versation, received by tradi-riest's and dark age creeds, which mak$ the word of God of none ef-feet. Theylflk about their preachers bee-iw' regurlarly ordained and licensed and authorized by conference. And they are bound to rel_ leive him because- he comes authorized by conference. No Matter if he is as far from God as the sun is from the earth, which4s the case with most of them. I would as se: on a man would come author-ized by the Piee Mason lodge as from any of the present day sects, as far as their au-thority to priach the Gospel is concerned. He kas no an: tohrity at all, neither is he qualified, sinaply because he has taken a course of study in theology or a graduate from colleae. God's buildMg. Cor. 3: 9. saith the word. Study to show thyself ap-not to . be ashamed, ri ghtly dividintghe said unto them, go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature. Mark, 16: 15. " Preach the word, be instant in sewn and out of season: reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsun faring and doctrine."— II. Tim. 4. " HoldMg fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.— Titus 1; 9. " If thou put the brethren in rememberauce of these things. thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine, whereunto thou hest attained."— I. Tim. 4: 6. This is the course of study required, to be a qualified and competent, minister of the Lord Jesus Christ. Praise God! for deliverance from all the fogs of babylon, and their dark age super-stitions, creeds, and traditions; recieved from the traditon of the eccleasiastical dra-gon, of prieateraft, and popery. Hallelu-jah! Jesus makes us free, and we will preach the word in spite amen and Devils. Amen. JOSEPH. Grape Gleaning in Sodom. " Behold the voice of the cry of the daughter of my people because oi them that dwell in a tar noun-try: Is not thy Lord in Zion? is not her _ King baiter? Why have they provoked me to aeger with their graven images, and with strange vanities? The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved. For the hurt of the daugdter of my people am I hurt; I am black; astonishment hath taken hold on me. Is there no balm in Gilead is there no physician there ? why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered ?"— Jer. 8 : 19- 22 The nineteenth verse describes the deso-lation and apostasy of babilon, in the midst of which the " daughter of my peo- „ eel) Qualy •>. c beans. ensile spiritual life,) cry out for deliverance. For thus saith the Lord. " The daughter of Zion hath long dwelt with the daughter of babyion." " In a far country," far from the Jerusalem of God's truth and salve- Nou They have " provoked God to an-ger * Ilk their graven images,"— their sectarian inventions. " And their strange vanities." How babylon lontivally tax-ing their ingenuity to getup new vanities. Strange sensations in their damnable ca-rousals such as to allure the silly, and gather money by fraud, and sin. In the midst of this existing corruption and idol-atry, the prophet breaks out and says, " The Harvert is past, the summer is end-ad, and svee are not saved. The Spirit of the Lord was upon me, while sitting alone in the woods at a camp meeting. He showed me the application of verses 19, 21, 22, to the present day abominations. Then I was burdened to understand the 20. I said 0 my- Lord and my God, is it true that'the Gentile harvest is past? I sat a moment with my eyes- closed in deep meditation and prayer to God for light. Glory to God ! His Word was verified to my soul. " If any man lack wisdom lin ask of God, who giveth the Spirit whispered to my soul ds, " There is yet gleaning left nd then it passed in my mind rs, after the grain was haul-raenadl lhy apvaes ht, i mpu rtakeoayn udp tohne ah ahrovresset lwakaes, their vain tion of their 6 ship. If they are starving for the bread of life, this steadfast superintendent or class leader, must have a new dress, hat, or shoes because they are going to confer-ence, to represent their class, and the in-terest of " our cause" must not be neglect-ed. this same steadfast professor, will pray by the hour, walk up and down the aisle, of the steeple house, talking and warning sinners to flee the wrath to come, and in time of a protracted effort will pray two or three times in one evening. So earnest are they for the salvaton of oth• ers. But those efforts are alway in public-. What is their daily walk in private? Their children are among the worst if not the worst in the place; The pool' are seldom or never visited by them; The sick ( unless those that are able to hire, and so not in real need of their help) never receive as-sistance from them. They never deny themselves that others may be happy. They profess eanctificatioe, but their pro-fession is like " Sounding brass or a tink-lting cymbal," nothing but a hollw sound, no life or Spirit to it. They live on from yeas to year, frozen fast to the dead body of selfishness, bound to the living death of selfeighteousness. Their influence as dead and cold as the iceberg, and that they call " Steadfastness." Oh what a burlesque on the Bible meaning of the word. It means something more than mere words to stand before the flaming eye of Jeho-vah, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, to " keep ourselves unspotted from the world," " hating even the garments spotted by the flesh." Now can such individuals say in all can-dor, that they are walking in all the light that has shown upon their pathway that they are - Patient in tribulation," " kindly affectioned one to another," " not conform-ed to this world," " in honor preferring one an other." " To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world," " and weep with them that weep," " mind not high, things but codescend to men of low estate?" If so, they are fulfilling - the roy - al law. All that are found measuring , The course of study i'- equired. What proved unto God; a workman that needeth - word of truth. 2 Tim. 2: 15. __ And He themselves by any other line, but the word And I said who art thou Lord? And He This language portrays the d of God, will find in the great - day of the• d - a Lord, that they have been tryitg to climb , But rise stand wsaid I am jesdK2siihont . thou . iTeiKeeatest. sick an dying state of all the sect 46.1i . tilyfe. ee: foivigye ap aute of Christ, the great physic tip some other way. Aadvhaithpy stand. - Reared unto thatt-*! khia ? Tat** make they are at the present day* blind both shA iall into the ditch." The only real authority, is that which Christ enjoinePtipon the Apostles. Which is power from igh. " Ye shall receive you." " Nov herefore go, and I will be power after th lioly Ghost is come upon with thy mouth, Stnd teach aateE what thou shalt say; Ex 4:: 12. ' But the anointing which ye hays received ofTlim abideth in you; : andd ye as tie same not that gay man h you teach same anom. th. ee teacheth yon of all thirgs, and is truth, ancs is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ' 3., shall abide in ilia, - -" 1 John 2: 27. ' Now He which st. ablisheth us with y in Christ, and hath anointed Us, is G e 2 Cor 1: 21. "-. Xhave chosen you and dained you, thou should go and brin forth fruit, a. n44that your fruit should re-main; that whi'teoever ye shall ask the Father in my mime, He may give it you." John. 15: 16. ' sae maketb. His angels ( or messengers} spirits ( or spiritual) and His ministers a- IA: lame: of fire. '' Heb 1: 7. Praise! God he giveth them the keys of the Kingdom, invests with power and au-thority. " The thority, and n. speak, and exli thority.'' Sue ministers of C of commeisda Or license fro makes them Testament, no Spirit. All p dlital yti° Gnh' obste. 1° Appoint, or to or authority. m. " As they inistered to the. Lord, and fasted, the Holi, JO- Rost said, separate me IB haranvaeb caasl laendd t iSalaeu r- fd'os. r" tAhec tws o1r3k: awnhde 2reunto speak as one having au- ,41, B a tnhde rsecbruibkees w." it„ h " aTllh aeny-. are the truly authorized - at. " They need no letters to or from any one. conference. For He e ministers, of the New of the letter, bpi Os the r of appointment, or - or-to Christ, through the : he word ordain means to ar- ee, _ or invest with power le Ole these in her." how the fa ed into the it came to my mind r the stubble And vtshueems ts mtoufeb rtb hilsee etGnod egenadt. t i, hl eae nrw duo tpn . toash peea gsatrr, eeaa nrta dlki atihnree-0 what a task we heve to ei ore ssoouuls. vineyard of the Lord. What , in the hearts of stone. What awful b'° n posses the minds of the people. Loid I though the summer of the Gen mercy is past, give us patience to toil an glean on, ever in the dark Autumnal storms. • " Is there no balm in Gilead is there no physician there? why then is not the health of the daughter of my people re-covered ?" iseased, S des-ian, as even . e treac ers hay devil ant lies, and pr with untempei when there was world of formal Wine of her fornic 51 day sects is become very thin, and lean. The strong cities,— large secte— areas forsaken and desolate boughs, without fruit. They have . forsaken the God of salvation, the only Rock of etrength, and instead kind of trusting of " stranHgeim slips, they have set every "-- sensual). devilish scheme to prosper by. Though ba, b ylon has thus fallen into the depth of sin, " yet gleaning grapes shall be left in it." But there are very few comparitivel y who will ever see the light, and be '- saved out of their dwelling places wherein they have sinned." " Two or three berriee in the top of ihe uppermost bough, f( eir or five in the outmost fruitM branehes thereof, saith the Lord God of Israel." And this- gleaning, we are told will he ,, as. the shaking of the olive tree." Yea it is the very time that " God has arisen to shake terribly the earth." 131ess uotl for the - remnant that is gathered out. " In that day, a man shall look to his Maker-, and. his eyes shall have respeet , to the Holy One of Israel." That is, they• get their eyes off of the work Of men's hands turn away from & aeon powers, and sect machinery, and stay on God as their only help, and respeet llis promises for full salvation and keeping power. " The city of confusion is broken: every house I shut up, that no man may come in. There is a crying for wine in the etreets: all Joy is darkened, the mirth of the land is gOne. 6. M. Xiatteh: Nti citydoisstrluecittiodnesolation, and the When thus it shall be in the midst of the land among the people, there shell be as the shaking olive tree, and as the Gleaning Grapes w lieu the vintage is done. They shall lift up their voice, they shall sing for the majesty of the Lerd, they shall cry aloud from the sea. Wherefore glorify ye the Lord in the fina the name of the Lord God of isreel in the the sea. From the uttermost parts or the teirth have we hesrd songs, even glory to the righteous. But I said, My leanness, my leanness, woe unto me t the treacherous dealers have dealt treacherouely; the treacherous dealer: have ileeet very Here I8ang2laii1I0 is the ghtpt, g The word- glean means the gatlioring sectarian fruit. or grain, after the main crop has been taken up. The great _ has been cast into the sea, and has gath-ered. of all kind," but now the Master is gleaning out the good for IIimself, and will cast the bad away. " The city of confusion is broken down," namely " babylon is fallen.' ' 4n the city is left desolation." Now IVIten thus it shall be in the Midst of the land," that when the " city of confusion - lab- lo, shall - be left desolate," even a8 it is this time, then there shall be a, great shaking as of an olive tree, in which God gathers Out His remnant, " takes the precioes from the vile." This deliver-ance of God's children from inter- assoeias tion- with the daghter of Babylon, or " city of confusion," is every where described • as a shaking time, " the time of Jacob's trouble."— Jer. 33., Danel 9 : 25 12: 1. Here are God's orders to the escaped rem-nant, " Wherefore glorify ye the Lord in the fires, even the name of the Lord God of Israel." Praise the Lord ! their shouts of victory, and songs of praise, fall like a. noisome, grievous sore, upon all that worship the beast, his image, and that re-ceive his mark in their forehead. There-fore thus saitb. babylon, " From the utter-ost parts of the earth have we heard even glory unto the righteous. But my leanness, my leanness, woe un-. - he treacherous dealers have deal sly; yea, the treacherous deal-. t very treacherously." The prophets, have spoken d deceits have daubed rtar, and " cried pear C And now the " drink on the Wake IiII taken very bad, she suffered extremely. of what he calls, " our Church." We: MM r. Owen wwliss hed t o gof o rt h e doctor, b uut hope, in the providence of God to return Lula begged lief pa to send for us. to Greenville again. A sister told us that Though he had been extremely Dreju- we world receive persecution for pay. diced against us by some ungodly secta- Well praise God we were well remunera rian neighbors, he could not refuse the ated id that kind of curency, for Christs. e: eice of the sect apostacy ati has so neutralized, sensualized•, and fa* k: • men on the fade . o coini. ng nf, Christ." NO* if we look at those times, we see that " all flesh had corrupted their waYa" and there were none that did seek after God, no one being converted from the, evil of their way to the true God. No wonder therefore that in the midst of present day sectarian abomination, the prophet cries out, " The harvest is past the summer is ended." But what is the cause of this almost cessation of genuine Gentile conversions to God? We zee clearly enough from Luke 21: 30. Rom. 9 27- 29. 11: 22- 25, that when the Jews begin to go back to Jerusalem, and begin to have their eyes open to see Christ, their real Savior, that the " fullness of the Gen-tiles" shall have coma in. To the intelli-gent reader, it is known that that time has come. But that does not answer the question, why the Gentile world seems to be falling into the very blindness that has rested upon the Jews for the past eigh-teen hundred years. Alas for the Gen-tile world ! But has- God arbitrarily shut very few will tliatered out of , fore sayalhe, of Sod o4. in thed theiletaaftil . the - spare, - a • t- hë earth) In Re 14 . . ee. i arid the pit; and Ilade, 0 i abit an t of r. se 11 , dIdtas is announced that Baby) oii is- ftiTUen is fallen, that great ty, beconeeSh nati on s drink of the' winea the , wrath of her fornica-tion." . 41 :. iIef. 51 : 25, she is described as. 4- '- . ";( 1: estroying nation, saith the j.,, i0,44: - destroyeth all the earthal< 1:-: Ue, e4: 1 sbriptutes mean that the ba- nea Over Oriel.- and de- - A. rong- There- ' 14-*,. 5s. in the days . 4` q1' aliar.- And " As it was . tiah,', Zo shall it . be at the Attu Otiaion Odened, 4ted ' Abet but. from the evil of their doings."-- Verses 15- 22. The prophets make you vain. What are the sects but a hot- bed of pride and vanity, a place to see the latest styles, as exhibited- by the preacher, his wife, and the leading members, and followed by the silly throng. God is feeding these pro-phets with wormwood, and making them drink the water of gall, by letting fall the hail and sledge hammer of Eris Word up on their heads, even a " whirlwind - 3- of His wrath. And this sodom state a, nd God's whirlwind of burning jealousy, is declared to be " in the latter days."--- Ver. 20. Are we not living in those days? Do not all the spiritual know it? Thank God ! we are " not in darkness that that day should overtake us as a thief." In verses 21, 22, we have a rule by which God's ministers, and the devil's preachers may be measured and distinguished from each other, just as accurately as a carpen-ter can take a square and measure a pile of boards, and tell just how many are even twelve feet long. Christ says that " he that God hath sent speaketh the words of God." And the prophet says that they that cause the people to hear God's Word turn them from their way. Therefore prophets that do not turn the people from their pride, and worldliness and all other sin, are not sent of God. They make the people vain, and have turned the earth into a sodom of horrible drunkenness, ao that none of them return from their wickedness. How pertinent the words of Christ spoken to the Jews nearly ninieen hundred years ago. How fully pertinent to the gentiles now. " Save yourselves from this untoward generation." Escape for your life, flee quickly to Jesus. For the harvest is past and the gleaning is nearly finished. • Daniel. consider it perfectly. • I hay. not sent these prophets, yet they ran. have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied. But if they had ' stood in thy cousel, and h caused my beople to hear thy words, thei they should have turned thcm from their evil way, an ad - and bath preceived and heard His word ? who bath marked His word, and heard it? 0_ Behold, a whirlwind of the Lord is gone forth im fray, evett a grievous whirlwind. It shall fall griev-ously upoa the head 01 the wicked one. The anger of the Lord shall not return, until He have executed, and till He have performed the thcughts of His heart. In thelatter days ye aball wormwnod, and make them drink the water of gall, fr from the prophets of jerusalt in is ptetartenee. gone forth into all the land. Thus saitb the Lord God of hosts, Harken not un- ` o the prophets that prophesy unto you They make you vain, they spettk ts vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the Llrd Tbey say still tittto them that dt spies me, the .11- iro bath said, ye shall have peaee, and they say into every one that walketh after the imagination of hi, own heart, No evil shall come upon you. Po: who bath stood in the counsel of the Lord '• 916ret" ofe thus . saith the D. trd of hosts concern- i t . nOty p_. . yn.- ougnL m Lae " • , Li , , - ing the prophets, B lhold, I will ed them wih I toward God, and theirdloes all lit up with heaven's glow, and_ ' songs of redemption , w , stood in white robes, awat a 1, their invi-tation to cross to the celestial paradise. When sister Clayton, from Pittsburg, arose out of the water, he stood motion-less, with her eyes turned upward; when the heavens came down to her view. She saw into the glory of paradise. Her soul was filled with the heaven of peace. Mother Frost, who had been a Wesleyan Methodist member for, I believe over forty years, and who had experienced peace, and pardon during, the meeting, when we were starting', away from the stream, concluded to obey he Lord Jesus Christ, and was buried wigs. Him in bap-tism. The IA, rd bless her soul. Do we astonish you when we say that while shiners were melted to tears, by the power of God during theeednaptism, and said, " this is the right w*, this is the right way," an appostate, ind hypocrite preaher by the name of Wm. Moore, stood back and spake against " this way" of the Lord. Woe unto such 4,04- 1- ptY clouds," wandering stars, wells swithout water." of Bunyan's company. hearts , . the peOPle, II* the first Ser- . • vice o the close of meeting. On Tuesday Sept. 3d we e- rit tO the stream a mile ftomathe camp, and. immersed 14 of the dearliappy saints ' Of God. it was a glorious and- wonderful t,, ime, Tlie Spir- . . it of the Living God . W. 4.?., Poured out in tmhOe twYa pteorw sehro. u. § t. ionig n et h- e, went down into Pih praises of God, and nearly all : leaped and . shouted _ .,.- as they dame forth fro* the symbolic e. grave: What glor.,, y shOtin the faces of thoge blood washed ones The place was one of beautiful scenerY4On either side the stream, stood the ::;:. , nse and lofty pine. And as this bloOd' ' shed company aced the stream, with. 4.1Vir eyes lifted ilgrims, that the sweet saints at this meeting. 0 praise the Lord tion of babylon. for the wonderful bond of love that binds A fter preaching in a grove three miles our hearts together in the Son of God. from Greenville Pa, Saturday night Sent. Blind sectarians ask us, " What have you 6 we walked a mile and a half to find rest got to bind you together." We reply by for the night. The mother and two of the asking them, " What have you got to part family are fully saved. But the husband, us asaunder ?" 0 bless God for the balm is intemperate, and desperately wicked, la this union. We never know the He does not often stop with the family, strength- of the divide bonds of love, until as the little home belongs to one of the all the sect bonds of the devil are cast sons, who, with his brothers, afford pro-away, and we are led to suffer together tection to their mother, against his abuse. for the Gospel of God and the name of The wretched man had been drinkingliquor Jesus. 0 happy bond of perfect love, through the day, and was also well hie d which binds . all the pure in heart to God. with the wine of babylon's wrath, received from his sectarian neighbours, who bate any child of God, that " lives Godly in Christ Jesus," out side of her pah s. He seems to have come liquored up on purpose for a row. After entering the house, the frenzied man assaulted us with shocking oaths, and threats. He was des-perate. Just in that state of intoxication in- which he had more than his usual strength, and maddened beyond all reason. He soon struck me with all force in the forhead! but through God his blow was not more than a ball of cotton. We praised the Lord. And feeling a deep concern fur the wicked man's soul, we dropped upon our knees in the middle of the room, raised our hands and began to pray for hint. But this enraged satan more than evee. He seized a large rocking chair, and Blam-ed it down on us with all vengence, }, ur, through the Lord Jesus Christ, our At the Sandy Lake C. M. A true saint ed hands turned it off with ease. The from this place, invited us here, to preach storms of oaths and slamming of furniture the Kingdom of God. The Spirit led, and was terrific, It looked as though there God's providence permitted us to do so. would not be a whole piece left in the room. A grove was seated in the country. We The infuriated man grabbed acomnion went up on Friday, that evening spake the wood bottom chair by the back, and struck Word of God to a large audience on the down twice or three times at my head, streets of Greenville, had two faithful wit- which was safely shielded dy the hand of nesses to help sing and testify the Gospel the Lord. Glory to God in the highest ! of the grace of Gad. There was excellent our soul was filled with great peace in the attention, and many seemed effected by midst of the storm; we had not the slight-the truth. Cale poor drunken man made est fear of suffering harm. The kind wife, disturbance, but the people took him and a daughter that was gloriously say , away, and made him be silent: all seemed fled at Sandy Lake C. M. tried to prot eccdt-intent on hearing the Word of God: Sat- us, when the latter received a heavy blow urday P. M. and evening services in the on the shoulder front the chair, the legs grove. Sabbath A. M. we spalre about two having been threshed of by previoes hours and a quarter: in the afternoon put blows, making it all the better to maul in about three hours and twenty minutes, with. seeing that they were in danger of reading, and preaching the awfull Word being hurt in our protection, we arose and of God. There were many who did , not began to retreat. The savage Monster give attention, as it was in the days of followed us out of the yard, and some rods Noah. But a good many heard us clear on the road, with awfull curses, and open through, and were solemnly impressed; threats that he would kill us. Glory to no one came to the altar, nevertheless we the God of our salvation ! there was not a found a great many serious persons after hair of our head hurt, not a scratch or meeting. We appointed a meeting for mark upon our body; The next morning Monday P. wr. at which time we expected we felt our right wrist, was slightly sprain-several to consecrate and be saved, but the ed. by stoping the terrible blows, but it rain prevented a meeting. We praise God- soon disappeared. The man soon left, for having sent us here. We are conft- shortly after which his large son came, dent that much good was done. One whose delay furnished the intoxicated . brother who had been wonderfully con- man his oppertunity for an onslaught. verted and blessed, actually made an Praise God! the Lord led me to do just as appointment at a school house and talked I have: preached what a holy man should to the people by the Holy Spirit. People do, when thus assaulted, commit our life were moved, and asked the man to speak to God, fear no evil, and let Him be glori-again. But he consulted his M. E. Priest, fled in our death or deliverance, as He who told him, it would never do in the shall choose. Fearing the man might re-world for him to attempt to speak, and ex- turn that night, and our presence excite to hort without license, and if he hid so he deeds of violence, upon the family. One would be brought up and tried. The poor of the boys and us, went to the barn to man was sacred down, and was on back sleep, but we RPent the night in thanksgiv-ground but his eyes being opened to the lug to God for his sweet deliverance. Sur-dragon, be promised us to rededicate Jim- ly it is safe to trust God always. self to God, and go straight forward hi Daniel. Gods will: may God bless and help him, to render to her double. Such is the per- Ilid;: tUe work of the & VA) usuder the mash and to each other ! Friday morning the saints from Pitts-burg, and ourself bid farewell to the dear saints, some of whom accompanied us to Stonesboro where we all took train, they for their Sodom City home, and we for Greenville Pa. where the Lord had arranged for a grove meeting for us. May the boundless goodness and grace of God fill and keep all those beloved ones in Pa. Bros. Ga T. and Wm. Clayton, and brother Alfred Swartz of Allegheney, have given themselves wholly to the work of the Lord. 0 what a meeting there will be in glory when all . the dear ones shall gather home. 0 praise God I Daniel. wish of his suffering child. He gave his consent, and at 2 o'clock, we were called up and went to the house in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Lula had been praying the Lord to forgive her sins, and seems to haste found pardon : but she was an awful sufferer. Bro. V. and our-self lay hands upon her, and in less than a minute her awful suffering ceased. and she rested until Warning; Her body gradually recovered - strength, and two days later she was out to the meeting. Pofr aGisoed tshined Le othrde n0 smo ys osoftueln ! eTdh teh ep ohweaerrt Guslo, rfyr otom t hthaet Ghaondd ws ohfo aisll aobuler eton edmeliievse. r of brother Owen that ha has turned to " Woe unto them that rise up early in serve the Lord : his heart is so changed the morning, that they may follow strong that he not only loves God, but us also. drinkIthat continue until night, till wine May God bless the dear brother and ful- inflame them! Woe unto them that are ly save him for Christ's sake. mighty to drink wine, and men of strength There Were 13 healed by faith of the to mingle strong drink." Ise. 5: IA, 22, Son of God, and about 25 fuly saved The mingling of different kinds of strong some of whom were both couverted and drink, is pernicious, but no mixture is so. sanctified wholly. Praise God for all the beatifying, as the mixture of bad Whisky, glorious things He has done for the dear and the wine of the wrath of the fornica, ere reminded sake. Bless the Lord it has brought the " leap and rejoice," with " the Spirit ofGlo-ry and of God," in our soul. After the grove meeting, we spake again upon the streets of Greenville, to a very largeicrowd of attentive hearers. WO1DERF U L DELIVERANCE. FROM THE HANDS Olv .1A HUMAN BEAST, WM SOUGHT TO beat us to death,. the door of His lainvdom • in the face of Gentile sinners V. Not at all., " Why then" - we ask again . , not - the health of the daughter of my . vosOle".: Tecovered," and why so few aliens retimiing4tome to God. God, by the mouth 0. thtil'prophet, tells us just why it is. " For the land is full ' of adulterers; for because of swearing the land mourneth; the pleasant plates of the wildernes are dried up, and. their course is evil, and their force is . not. r. iot.- por: prophet air priest are profane; housh& ve I found tar ' WfieM6r,; way shall be unto them as slippery waYs in the darkness; they shall be drives on, and fail therein, for I will bring evil upon ttlen%,. even the year of their visitation, siatb. tti , L6r4. Anti 1 have seen folly in the prophets of Samaria; they proohesied in. Baal, and caused my people Israel to err, have seen also in the. prOphets of Jerusalem an horrible thing: they cOmant adultery. and walk in lies; the y strengthen also the hands of evil doers, that none cloth return front his wickedness; they are all of them auto me aa $. Jdom, and the inhabi - % ants thereof as Gomorrah,--, Ter. xxiii, 10- 14. " In my house I: halte found their. wick-edness," namely. " thou that are called the' house of Israel," the.: profess ed nominal Church. " Slippery ways in the darkness." " Therefore night shall, be , unto you that ye shall not- have a . - ViliOn."--- Micah 3 : 6. 0 what a picture Of the present day sect zeal ignorance. - WO busily working for the upbuilding ot stICeir . sect, and hop mg for prosperity, ` . they-:• haVe. entirely forgotten God, and fallen into.: darkness, and mists, and they % shall dbe. driven on and fail therein;'* d. Woe : unto the pbete, " they strengtlaen- the bands' Of evil doers that none dell return ins wickedness." Ali, here ie the,: an-swer to our question. God has aOt': with-drawn His offers of mercy, but the : 110Tri-pbrleie satnsd, adnadm tnhaebirl ed rwuonrkkesn' ovf- i ctthime hs, a - bhyalovne destroyed all . confidence in the things of religion and Salvation, -. so that the foun-dation of - conscience haa- giVen way, hard:. / less and blindness oi hit has ensu ed, as the enevitable fiuit4::-- 4.:, . 4iese. horrible wsoicckiaeld enveislss,, " a anndd " trhiteinii, a are„ stnrii „ from their the same thing that Clarisks that at His return He short. world as in the days of Sodom.- - at.: inorrah, the prophet adds, " they ' are of them ', into_ me as Sodom, and the. ir habitants thereof as Gomorrah." Surer+ " he that runneth may read" -. and under-stand these scriptiaies, . The prophet here descnbes the-,*( g i flat'S We - live 4, n, then compares them to jKayEr9f.:-. Plom. s and Gomorrah, which Ohaia. ifere , to : bp repeated in the age jupuor tu41i § . Bp*, ond advent And then:, basia oil 1h darkness, and impeniteneAl. e* _ opf, e orduitrio dna oyf . s o- Wulsh, oup aolnl - ot. fh. e . t: ik., e; s, i, ve,; C 1; eopi‘ r6c" nt'st adutery by their conformitY:.-. 4: Vie:** 14; spieittpl adultery, which in . Glidltiight is a- • gistrible .- thing." Let _ Us, : 14aci- still nor IuS chapter of presti. t Sandy _ Lake Camp effecting-. ach ham that al o day b e ing 0 _ OUTS Fro to t fOr. gt Another apostate Free Methodist preach- , er by the name of Spear; from Franklin, came to the meeting with hie heart full of sect idolatry, and bypoordegi, undertook to withstand . the " two edged4sword," was thrust through with U64ame, proved hguavilitnyg o` ft hlyuisn rge cbeyi vseedv . ethree/ s , wopit, nweesnset sM iamned diately out of the canto : and departed. As it is written, '' Every one that is found shall be thrust through; and every one that is joined unto them shall fall by the sword."— Isa 13: 15. We mention these names becaue it is our duty, te, warn all saints against them, and- for the destruc-tion of their own flesh, that' the Spint may be aaved in the day of the Lord Je-sns. Our prayer to God shall be for their recovery to God and salvation!, On Tuesday night, we all gathered in - Bro. and Sister Farrah's ouse and eyed the sacred commands the Lord us Christ, to " wash o4 another's t, and the communion ot le Lord's isnugp pperer. s e0n tchee ohfa ltlhoew Ledo radn dI Gh. el* ayrt tmo eHlti- s name ! The next day t closing was appointed for 2 P. M. Tw ouls were sanctified. The next morning r beloved Companions in the Gospel of Ghd, and in the " kingdom and patience ', of Jesus," Bro. and sister Fisher, took tir depar-ture, to return home, by wav of Cleve-land and cross the Lake Detroit. Bro. Fisher was ( pule sick when we reach-ed the grove, and after having been strengthened several times to , kireach the - Word, he was finally, and inst4taneously, healed, by faith and the laditing on of hands. The next evening Oe healing power was mightily- upon lime, and four of the dear saints were heale& various diseases and old complaints. : in the ear-ly part of the meeting Bron'and sister Frost's little girl was healed .-, of a very bad case a catarrh. The mning Bro. and sister Fisher left, the Lord - woke us up between three and fOur o'cicitk in the morning, and lead us forth inbtathe woods to commune with Him. Our! mind was led to ask for a more perfect Atith Praise God Re gave it. Early wet- walked to Bro. Farrah, s house, whereihvve found sister Clayton very sick witYi sick head C. In the name of the Lata we laid ds on her head, and she Naas imme-ely healed by faith in Jeans. Sever thers of the saints were healed that . Bro. Hiram Carmichael who had deaf in one ear, received his hear-in the same. Prase the Lord. ne evening Bio. and Sister Fisher and elf, went home with Bro.-: and sister st. Sister Owen lives a clOe neighbor hem. Her daughter had tile days be-been ta, lie- ti: sick, That nitrlit she was The Rattle at Greenville P. 1 to Glory be to the God of salvation power! ob These words seem best fitted to begin our et report of this heavenly convocation. fee Praise the Lord oh my soul 1. We were met by conveyances at StoreSboro, and the very instant we entered the prcious grove of the saint's encampment, we felt the very presence of God. Indeed it was wonderful to our soul. We were engaged in conversation as we drove in, and were not thinking of, or expecting such a glo-rious manifestation of God until we were suddenly filled with the conscionsneas of His holy presence, impressing heart and_ lips in praiaes to His holy name. As we reached the place of Jacob's tent, and met the dear ones, our heart was filled to overflowing with the burning love of God, and the joy of fellowship ' with the saints. Glory toGod in the highest ! What a meetimg; what shouts ascended into the • ears of God. We had been unwell Some days in the Oily, and feeling half sick on the train, but as soon as we breath-ed the God- pervaded atmosphere of that beautiful pine grove, all our infirmities fled away, and we could shout the praises of God in a Round body. How hallowed and. iweet the recollection of God's bles-ingspon that ground one year ago! How on! heart the precious chambersin brother am sister Carmichael ' s tent, where we often spent tuuch of the brief interval between the thre daily services, in near-ly all of which the- Loyd used us to read and teach His holy Word to the dear sain_ ts. Bless God! In that precious re-treat, He daily filled OUT SOU], and recu-perated the wasted energies of' our body and mind, so that We could etand and feed the Lord's sheep. Praise God! we found the same little sanctum prepared for us again. Thank - God 11. there were plenty to share the WOM • ue 41Ristry this ysa4. and washed in the blood of the L unb mid am not afraid to tell it. The Bible says " Pc rfect love east-eth out Mar." we are very thankful for the Trum-pet, and we will help to support it. Your Brother. Zadok Howe. MORI- 1) Es Mich, June 1. Dear Brethren;— We are living for the Lord. We enjoy ourselves very well, in our new home, more especially because we know our names are written in heaven. 0 how necessary it is to search , the scriptures. Many here claim they do not believe iikpActfiii, cation How can such ulaim light, wehave fellowship one with another; and th • blood of Jeans Christ His Son cleanseth M. from sad slit." Glory- to God tor His salvation just naw. " He that keepeth His commandinent3 dwelleth in Him, and # 0 in Min: and hereby we know that He abideth in tit, ity the Spirit which He hath given us." Ameia Enclosed one dollar for the Trumpet, and fifty ce- tfi;- t sfor tracts entitled " Christ is the Body, the relit" May Gad hless you all. Leroy Burden. the bible at all, when this great truth is see Lambert , wgut? 0, taught I believe that when nice are true and honest in nt the de Or sa4a