The Gospel Trumpet - 11:16

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 STRONG IN THE LORD. trds above relate more particu- ) spiritual strength and valor of But since we are to glorify God es as well as in our spirits see I. : ' :; t1— f be measure...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Warner, D. S.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Byrum, E. E. 1891
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Summary:Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 STRONG IN THE LORD. trds above relate more particu- ) spiritual strength and valor of But since we are to glorify God es as well as in our spirits see I. : ' :; t1— f be measure of strength and effleieney in our bodies, as well as in Spiritual grin r, will lie idly measure of our tillilitr ( o glerity our Creator. Purity, health. and happiness, are the designs of God with regard to man, and these condi-tions arise from our conformity to the laws of mr entire being. Being blessed with both a physieal and a spiritual existence we are necessarily subject to the laws of Ged's criA kingdom as well as to the laws of llis spiritual empire. And the laws that govern the physical world are • of tdod, as well aa those of His tl religious code. And in fact, we regard ourselves as dishonoring God the violation of the formereas well as lie infraction of the latter, though prob-not to flw same exfent, for we confess the spiritual laws are higher then the phys-ical. .1111 human happiness arises from ohedience to t he moral and natural laws of God; : di distrer, a and suffering arise from a ion of those laws. Some times it true, suffering is inflicted by an invol-untary, and unavoidable infringement of the laws of our physical constitution whereas no person call be forced to sin against his will. The vole me of Divine revelation, inter-l by the Holy Spirit, gives us perfect guide in all our spiritual and moral obli-gation to God and to each other. But God has not seen fit, under the present dis-pensation, to give us legislation in natural laws respecting food, etc. Yea, His word even forbids one brother to" Judge anoth-er hi meats and. drinks," etc. Col. 2: 16. This takes the question of what we shall eat and drink, etc, out of direct religious legislation in matters of diet, as existed YE DID IT UNTO ME. Sinner, careless, proud, and cold, strayirig from the sheltering fold, Bast Pet thought how patiently The. Good Shepherd follows thee; Still with tireless, toiling feet, sTlirough the tempest and the heat Thought upon that yearning breast, ;) here He fain would have thee rest, And of all its tender pain, While He seeks for thee in vain ? :. jaost thou know what He must feel, Making vainly his appeal; When He knocketh at thy door Present entrance to implore; SAying, " ° parr unto lie, Will conic and sup with thee" — Forced to turn away at last From the portal shut and fast ? Wilt thou careless slumber on, Even till thy Lord has gone, Heedless of his high behest, is desiredo be thy guest ? Sinner, sinner, ( lost thou know What it is to slight Him so ? Sitting careless by the sea While He calleth, " . Fo? low 922, e "; Sleeping, thoughtless, unaware of his agonizing prayer, While thy sins his soul o'erpower, And thou canst not watch one hour ? Our infirmities He bore, And our mortal form He wore Yea, our Lord was made to be Here in all things like as we, And that pardon we might win, He, the sinless, bare our sin ! Sinner, though He comes no more Faint and fasting to thy door, His disciples here instead Thou ( east give t he cup and bread' If his lainhs Ilion ( lost not feed,' it is that feels their need; let suffers their distress, ilt ger, thirst, and weariness; Ile that loving them again Beareth all their bitter pain ! ant ;- a) reckless pl'OVO, allst , dares"( thou slight his love? 1) o 1101 rat Min lose the price is awful saeritice end of life. In what a perfect paradise does man's primitive constitution place him ! 0 ! if he would exercise his powers ill accordance with their original consti-tution, how perfectly holy and happy would he thereby become F' — of course before man can Jive perfectly in harmony with the laws of his soul, mind and body, he must be regnerated anid wholly sanctified, and thus restored from his fallen state.— After speaking of the pains suffering and wretchedness that torment mankind, Fow-ler continues: " Yet none of this suffering forms any necessary part of any constitutional ar-rangement or functions of our nature. Teeth are created and adapted to masticate food, not to ache; nor need they ever. The head was not made to ache, nor the stomach to occasion griping pains, nor in any way distress us. Nor are the lungs adapted to torture us while they waste a-way in lingering consumption, blasting all our hopes and happiness. Neither malig-nant fevers, nor distressing rheumatism, nor torturing gout, nor loathsome life eating cancers, nor any other kind or de- valid. This I thought a sufficient excuse to gree of disease or suffering form any part decline the holy calling. But the hand of of man's constitution, nor o. f natures ordi- God remained upon me, and grew so her-names but all are utterly repugnant to vy that I finally yielded. Then God gave both. - me a promise to sustain and heal me. I What then has caused all this wide entered the work and labored excessively. spread misery? Eve's eating the forbid- My lung trouble seemed to grow no worse, den fruit ? But that effects all human and the Lord gave me strength to preach, beings alike; so that for all its influences, not withstanding a fearful, cough, which all could be as happy as any one ever astonished the people. In a few years I his been or ever will be. What then is became increasingly afflicted with attacks the cause ? Hear nature's answer. All en- of sick headache. For this we besought wider the abolished code. Therefore, ilia joyment, all suffering is caused." The sen- God, earnestly pleading the promises He tnhoitsh sinegn sree, j" e cetveedr? y' cFrreoamtu trhei sis f gacoto dmd, e ann tdient world, in common with the physical, is had given us, finally this answer came have rashly concluded that it makes no dif- governed by law, the violation of which from the presence of the Lord. ference at all what we eat, and what we causes pain, and it's obedience pleasure, " REMOVE THE OACU." the Lord- God shall BLOW: Vie TRUMPET and go with- rhir2 wind Flee out of the midst of babylon and deliver everyman his soul; be not en t off in her iniquity; for this is the time of the Lord's vengeance he will render mite her a recompense And the land shall tremble, and sor-row for every- purpose of the Lord shall be performed against babylon, to makethe land- of babylon a deso-lation without an inhabitant.-- Jer. 51: 6 04 - FIRST puRg. i Then. ' All kinds of naturaifood- agree equally veil with all persons in apure state of Datum, excepting so far as the mere in-fluence of habit is concerned." There is, therefore no sense or reason, or justice in allowing one child to refuse whole wheat bread, for instance, and clamor for bread made from white flour that has had about all the nutritious part taken out, and sim-ply because bad custom has in the past produced an unnatural appetite, and a whimsical notion in that direction. If it were right in the sight of God to allow that ehiliLto grow up puny, and gloomy, when it could as well be cheerful, strong and useful then it were right to let the poor thing drift on in its perverted rut. The idea that children should have what hey prefer, after their appetites have been ampered with, by the various abornina-ions of white bread, meats, pickles and pastry that so commonly appear, upon our tables is false and cruel. VEVAY, To ALL TUE TRUE SAINTS OF GOD GREET-mo.— May the Lord fill you unutterably full of Nis love and truth. Though sep-erated from you all in body, yet praise God my soul is in harmony, unity, and fellow-ship with every true child of God, my soul is feasting on the Bread of life and drinking from the fountain of living Waters. David says in Psa. 23. " The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want." His children all realize there is no want to those who live under the shepherd- care of God. He leadeth them beside the waters of rest. They shall never know the want of rest. 0 blessed, blessed thought ! He that cometh to me shall never hunger. " He that be-lieveth on me shall never thirst." No drought can come where this river flows. This is eternal satisfaction. I have been asking the Lord to help me comprehend more fully the great provision He has made for His creatures and it has been indeed wonderful the vastness of His love and grace unfolded to my heart through His spirit. He has given me light on His Word. I realize the Lord is lead-ing me and is very precious to my, soul His word says: " I will instruct thee" etc. It is so sweet to be taught of God. We need to be taught of him as the world is so full of false teachers and Satan is try-ing so hard to deceive God's elect. But praise God iif we trust His guidance we need not fear. He wants us to trust Him in darkness as well as in light, resting assured he is with us and His light will never grow dim. " Even only God will be with thee, He will not fail thee, nor for-sake thee 1 Olaron. 29: 20. What a ful-ness there is in the promises of God. The dear Lord gave me such a precious promise by his spirit to day. It was so forcibly impressed. Blessed and holy is When God called me to preach His he that hath part in the first resurrection Gospel twenty- five years ago, I was an in- of the soul. Now the promise is Blessed and holy is he and etc. I thank the Lord His spirit shows me I have had part in that resurrection. May He whose infinite hand sustains us enable us to be loyal to Him and loyal to His truth. Your sister saved and healed and rejoic-ing in a Saviour's love. Mary R. Malcomson. ed; I set: : lei: 1Z ' than? A. m1 I a- t63715. net Sad he unto me every one that steale shall be ent oft on this esviedeti aocnceptituttifstelat; r 44.1111 shall ba cut often than th e lordO_ th_ o_ st_ s _,'"__:_"-- 2 : 11 — NoRWOOD, M. DEAR SAWN: two years ago I at-tended a holiness meeting, and the glorious light of God shone so . bright that I stepped outin the true light ofholiness. Since that time I have lived up to all the light I have, and to- day finds me consecrated and sanctified holy. Your brother. W Etheridge. " And lie shall send His angciswith a great sound of a Trumpet, and they shall gather brgether Ills elect from the four winds, frosu one end or heav-en to the other. Now learn a parable of the Sgtree; when WS branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh. So likewise ye when ye shall see all these things, knot that it is near, even at the door."— Mark 15; fit- 88, 1RUMP1 Grand Junction, Aria, Plugust 15, 1891. Mum 11 Amber t gdoreisn, kin; tbou tth teh mis oisu tah g dreoaets mnoistt adkeef. i lWe thhaet pCaAiUnSsE aAnNdD pElFeFaEsCuTr egso vinecrnlu adlel dn. a * tu* r* e — Thheesre Winfirtah othuer sme iwnodr ad sv oivf iwd icsodnocme pthtieorne ocfa mthee heart or conscience, as it would if we were laws reign supreme, and substitute perfect divinity, and stability of the laws of Da-llying under a moral code that prescribed order for complete confusion. Nor is their tare. The great facts of cause and effect what we should and what we should not action ever uncertain. Given causes al- in physical laws assumed a proper roe-eat. The want of legislation in the New ways produce specific effects, and their own ognition and force in our mind. Health, Testament respecting food, does not change appropriate effects only; while like causes we were enabled to see, was in the reach of suspend, nor reverse the laws of nature. invariable generate like effects. A11 there- all men, who are not too far destroyed, and Nay they are as inflexible as ever. And fore, that we feel, enjoy, and suffer, is who are not too indifferent to acquaint health of body and mind is the happy re- caused— is the absolutely necessary pro- themselves with its certain conditions. ward of fulfilling their demands, whereas ductof its own specificcause, and ofthat on- And though we had no books to aid our ] sickness and disease usually arise from ly." " To obey any law is to secure its legiti investigations, we soon arrived at the con-their violation. It is true however that mate blessing; to transgress is to insure its 1 elusion that many people expend more God, in His great mercy, often shields consequent sufferings. No escape, no 1 for things that are working their death, His trusting, children when ignorantly or evasion of either can possibly occur." than they appropriate for the natural unavoidable exposing themselves to the at- There is, however, we may say in modi- means fo life and'ealth. 1 tacks of disease. And he also heals them fication of the above, one appeal from! A little, attention soon enabled me to when they call upon Him in faith. But natural laws, and that is directly to God discover that my sick head- ache was pro-for all this there is no more good sense in the author of all these laws. He can sus- Ii duced by the use of coffee, tea, fat pork I / pork, disregarding God's natural provisions for Pend, and even reverse natural laws for land greasy victuals. Abstaining from those our good health, that His supernatural help the benefit of His children, when peculiar I causes, their dire effect soon disappeared may abound, than there is in sinning that circumstances require, and their faithiSince then we have been a lover of God's grace may abound. God forbid that we grasps it. But aside from the Almighty I natural laws, and a student of the same. should do either. But why did not Christ Himself, we know no power can set them And the blessings arising therefrom can-instruct us in _ the laws of health ? We aside. It is true that afflictions are ascrib- not be balanced with weights of gold. answer that man cannot, by the force of ed to the devil; but this does not conflict with our perception of causation in the unaided reason seek out the needs of his with the natural facts referred to. laws of health and disease, and a heart of soul, hence revelation's holy guide. But Doubtless satan infuses much of the sympathy for sufferers, we have been con-it was not necessary that the Author of stupidity which leads to the ignorance, strained occasionally to impart instruction salvation should give us a dietic regimen and consequent violation of the natural to the people on there things, by means because God has endued man with reason, conditions of health, or when menunavoid- of which others have shared many blessing. the ability to trace cause and effect in the able transcend the laws of health, if satan And we still feel this our humble duty. forces of nature, and thereby discover the has any power over their hearts and To do good unto all men, in every pos-laws that govern our physical organization minds, that forfeits the supernatural pro- sible way to glorify God. resulting in the great pleasure of good tection of God, and in that way men be-health and a cheerful mind. come physically " oppressed of the devil." " Health," says Dr. Nichols " is the nat- But if God may be said to afflict the child-ural condition of every living thing. All re p of men, it is by withholding that pro-creatures living in their natural condition tection for their good, or in special cases have health. by direct judgments. Yet with all these " Health gives to us full and perfect de- exceptional facts, it still remains a law, velopment of body and mind, with all the that health is the result of, a compliance strength, activity, and enjoyment of life with natural laws, and that sickness and which naturally belongs to us. disease spring from their violation . But " As health is the natural result of con- says, one " does not the adage hold good forniity to the laws of nature, disease, or teat," what is food for one person is poi-the absence of health, must be the result son to another." We will let Dr. Trail an-of the violation of those laws." swer. Perhaps no person is more capable. Here are some wise and truthful sayings A profound student of nature, and the a-of 0. S. Fowler. " Happiness is the con- daptation of her laws, not only to preserve stitutional and only legitimate product of health but also to restore the afflicted' he every faculty of the mind, every element has cured hundreds, and perhaps it of every being." could truthfully be said thousands, with.- " Our Creator has done all that even a out a particle of medicine but by the GG ood ccoouuld do to ppromote this one normal adaption of nature's forces in food, water, etc. in his Hygiene institution. He says, MOUT VERNON, Ouic DEAR Sanars:— I am saved by the mighty power of God. I was converted five years ago the eleventh day of last December in the U. B. sect of which I become a member, and then felt impressed to go and preach the Gospel and spoke to some of the members and they said," you must go to college and learn how to preach." I told them that if I had to go to school first I would never be a preacher I went on being attunes so burdened for souls that I could not sleep. But yet I was in bond-age under their discipline and could not go and preach the word of God to a dying world. So I went on and sorry to say I came very near losing all the light I had for the word teaches therefore to him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not to him it is sin James 4: 17. I prayed night and day for the Lord to reveal to the people that they could see that he wanted me to work for him and to open the way. He suffered me to be brought down on a bed of affliction I got very low I had three Hemorrhages of the lungs and was very near death's door; the phy-sician said there was no help for me; that I must die. But I told my mother who was a faithful christian that I believed God would raise me up again. So she told a good sister about it and they had a prayer meeting for the healing of my Body. I had not spoken above a whisper for two weeks, and immediately I could speak as loud as I ever did in all my life. That was on Tuesday and on Wednesday morning I got up and dressed. myself and on Saturday I walked five miles to a meet-ing. But with all that they would not allow me to preach the word so I went a-way from home and started a meeting in the name of the Lord not knowing any thing about this Blessed evening light. I started the meeting and God used me. But as soon as the U. B's- heard it they stopped me and said," you are out of place you promised to be governed by the U. B discipline now you must educate yourself to preach or else stop trying to preach his word." Oh brethren you do not know the feelings I had; but these words came to me " stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. I still trusted God to open the way although I had to stop preaching for about one year and six months. During this time I got married and moved to . Lodi Ohio. and was there about six months and I had an invitation to attend a meeting of the saints at Bro. Ezra Smith's. Bless God! I went and found they were the very people I wanted to meet. I then had them to pray for me. They gave me some scripture on the true church which I read and it led me right out of Babylon in-to this evening light. Hallelujah to the lamb forever! And I can say of a truth I am free from all straps and bands, He that the son makes free is free indeed. Glo-ry to Jesus 1 I mean to fight for Jesus and preach his true word. For I know that bad does not want division in his church. God led me out of the sect and has saved my wife. Praise God for sal-vation full and free. I am saved by the blood, free from all sin. He has answered my prayer and opened the way for me to preach his word, and I mean by the grace of God to ever stand to the true word I am in God's hands ready to go any where he wants me. Remember me in your prayers, also my wife who is afflicted that she may be restored to health. Your Bro. saved and sanctified by a second work of grace. Henry Gibson. Nola- wood Mo. DEAR SAINTS:— I feel led to write my testimony. This evening finds me still saved and sanctified, and trusting in God and ready to do his will at all times. Oh I cannot praise the Lord enough for the sweet peace and joy I find in doing his will. Glory to god! I am determined to live for Jesus and do his will while I live. Pray for me and the cause of Jesus, that the work may prosper in this place. Your sister saved through the blood of Jeans. Martha M. Etheridge, NORWOOD, Mo. CAMP- MEETING AT HEDRICK, IOWA. We think best to begin Aug. 2501. This will enable Bro. Palmer to get there, it the Lord wills, after closing the Fair Ha-ven tabernacle meeting. Bro. Wm. N. and Sister Smith, and Bro's Achor and Stovei Are expected to be at that meeting. A CAMP OR GROVE MEETING IN CANADA will beheld at Candasville, On-tario, beginning Sept. 4th and. continuing about five days. Persons coming from the West on the Mich. Central R. R. stop at Perry station. Address Bro. James Blanch-ard at Candasville, Ont. Those coming from the South and East - address me at Welland, Ont. 0. T. Clayton There will be a grove meeting, the Lord willing, about five miles south west Lima Ind. commencing Aug. 27th : an continue over Sabbath. Address Jacob Hart, Seybert, Ind. There will be a grave meeting et Blen-don,• Mich., comencing Aug: 2S and lasting over Sabbath. Those coming on the train stop at Hudsonville, and notify Bro. A. Mc Donald Blendon, Mich. A general invi-tation is given to - - Byron Wooden. A GROVE MEETING DESIRND, The Saints desire a grove meeting at Grover Paulding Co. O. about the 21st of August. We would be glad if sis-ter Cole could come, and whoever the Lord directs. Your Pro. in Christ. S. Capron. ,011.1111 , MEETING AT CARTHAGE, MO. Bro. Carter writes: " The saints desire a meeting here, and will expect the breth-ren to come here directly from the Frisco, Ark., meeting about Sept. 10th, and we will assist them on their way. All are in-vited who are interested in the wellfare Of their souls,. and - the souls of others. Any one coming from the east or west can come on the S. L. & S. F. R. R. From the north on the Missouri Paeifie, R. R" Yours in Him. Thomas Carter. H. W. Hechler. THE PA. CAMP MEETING. Will be held on the old camp ground near Rockland Station, Venango Co., Will begin Aug. 26th, and extend to Sept. 3rd. Therewill be a grove and tabernacle meeting on the farm of Bro. H. M. Cook, four miles south east of Tekonsha, Mich. Aug. 20- 23. mills set too fine, so it will grind faster than we stated. A bushel can be ground within three hours, and sufficient for a bak-ing is only the work of a few moments. We should also have informed you that it also grinds exeellent corn meal, and rap-idly. A $ 25. mill is made by the sa me company, which is suited to one or two horse power, and they say can be run by hand. It is very practical to grind feed for stock, as well as flour and. meal. But for family use only, the small mill is most practical. These mills can- not be pur-chased for less than $ 5. and. M. but owing to our favorable notice of the same in the paper, and the interest we take in the sale of the mill for the good of the people, a commisien is given us, which will help us in the work of the Lord. Please order the mill through us, and oblige. For circulars and testimonials, write, Wilson Bros. East 1 on, Pa. Perzons desiring to purchase the family grist mill, send us $ 5. and tell where to ship it to, and whether by freight or express. Charges to be paid by buyer. W. M. Wilson, Wm. G a u sv en er, Peter Me GROVE OR CA3IP MEETING, FRISCO, ARK. The Lord willing there will be a grove or camp ineeting, at the above place, Craw-ford Co. northwestern Ark., Sept. 1- 9. Persons coming by R. R. get off at Porter station. There is a good prospect of doing good if some one will go and preach the pure word. Address. D. H. A GROVE meeTme will be held the Lord willing, near Brock, Dark Co Ohio, Sept. 2- 6. Persons coming by R. R. come to Dawn on the C. C. C. & I. Bro. B. E. Warren expects to be there, and others are wanted. Address Bro. S. J. Holsapple. BROOK, 0. The grove meeting near Six_ Points, 0. will be on Bro. G. IV. Cupp's place, Sept. 16- 20. A GROVE MEETING wi ll be held, the Lord willing three miles north of Lewistown Logan Co. Ohio Sept. 8- 13. By R. R. parties can come to huntsville on the C. S. & C. on the Sandusky Division of the Big Four R. R. B. E. Warren and others. Address A. Focht • A from Frisco directly here. Any one wanting information can address NOTICE Saints coming to the Deerfield Ind. camp meeting had better come at or near the beginning, for it is quite likely the meeting will not continue over the second Sabbath as announced. THE SIIMING LIGHT is an illustrated paper for the children, and ought to be in every family. Price only 25 cents a year. Bro. L. Schroder expects to publish a holi-ness peeler in Santa Clara, Cal., as soon body invited. A GROVE MEETDIG. Will be held, the Lord willing, at Fair Haven, Carroll Co. Ill., commencing Aug. 21st, and continuing as long as souls are willing to be saved. Bra's Palmer and Dillon mid Co. are expected, and every CAMP MEETING, NORWOOD, MO. _ The Lord willing, a camp meeting will be held near the above place in Wright Co. Moobeginning Aug. 21- 30. Brethren write from there as follows : " We invite all saints that can, to come to the help of the Lord against the mighty. We have a good large tabernacle. We want some of God's Holy Ghost ministers to come and carry On the meeting, as we are not accustomed to holding camp meetings. We expect Bro. Bolds and fanaily, and any other preach-ers and companies the Lord leads. Such as need help to come, please correspond with us, and we will aid, if the Lord will, what we can. Let all the saints pray for us, that God may abundantly bless the camp meeting in the salvation of many souls. Norwood is on the Kansas Ft. Scott and Memphis R. R Persons coming on the line change at Sprigneld, Mo., and come THE GozrEL TRUMPET. D.' eExFiItN FIToErt, h R iAnD. ItChAeL n, aAmNTeI - o- Sf EthCeT LA oRrTdAN. Jesus Christ. Por the Purity- and Uxfieitny4c-„ eon otfl f. P tlhies CDhesutrrcuhc', tI i'sto- hunetb D„, e-of Soyto, otn 1.3ab- PIM= AT GUM MOTIOITI ZOE, • D. S. WARNEB,-- Editor. E. BYR UM,- Office Editor. E. S. BYRUM and S. AfICRELS,- Publishers. TERMO', $ 1.00 l'ER YRAR IN ADVANCE. FREE TO TILE POOR. k, litortd at the Post () MA at Grand Junction, an BurenCe. sta_ seeend ellss matter. NOTICE. A commission of 20 percent - will be given on each new, cash subscriber, to all who will labor for the GOSPEL TRUMPET. We make this offer so as to help the brethren that are in the field, as well as the cir-culation of the paper. Cr- Parties desiring papers to canvass with should n-: tify us, regularly of their whereabouts. HOW TO SEem Mois- Ev :- Remit by Post Office Money Order or Postal Note. Where these can not be procured, send by Express Order, Registered Letter or emelt amounts in stamps. CHANGES OF ADDRESS:- SUbSCriben wish-ing their address changed, must be sure to give their FORMER, as well as their new ad dre se. Missixe PAPERS :- It occasionally hap. pens that uumbc- rs of our papers sent to our subscribers are lost, or stolen in the - mails. In case you do not reeeive your paper when due, after waiting a sufficient length rf time, write us a carcrand we will gladly send one in place of the missing num her. When you write be sure and give your full Address, name, Post- office, County and state. Should there be a mistake at any time, write to us at once, and we will gladly rectify the same. Address all letters to Gospel Trumpet Grand Junction, Mich. . ANTHEMS FROM THE THRONE. SECOND EDITION. -: 0:- It contains 148 songs. 90 with music About all new. The pages are some larg-er than Songs of Victory. When sang in the Spirit of God, these songs will be found gloricus. They hymn the precions present truth, and the Gospel standard of sal vatien. Send in your order for An thems l'rom the throne, and start the songs of praise anew. ( . . . 30 cts. PRICE Cloth, .60 cts ( Pei. dozen. $ 3.0 0. & $ 4.80 MUST WE SIN? A conversation between Bro. Light and Foggy, giving Bible proofs that we must live freefrom sin. This tract has been enlarged to 48 pages, and is now ready. All who love to read the truth, send for them by the hundred. Per single copy . 2 cts Price, ' ' Doz. , e .20 44 ' ' Hundred. .-- 1 50 " A tract on the True Church, 50 pages 10 cts. --- easeeaaa n - A tract on the Sabbath, or which day to keep. 65 pages, 10 cts. THE BIBLE READINGS BY Bra's Kilpatrick and Speck, is a very thorough work giving the Bible readings or references on about 100 subjects. Single copy. . . . . . . . . $ .75 Per half Doz. . . . . . . . 3.30 4 4 Doz. . . . . . . . . . .6.00 ADDRESS:- GOSPEL TRUMPET, Grand Junction, Mich. A NEW BOOK FOR A LL. HOLINESS BIBLE SUBJECTS by H. C• W. 100 subjects with Scripture, a con-cordance, and definitions to subjects. Set-ting forth the true Church, its doctrine, it-ordinances and its fruits. The fall of Bab-ylon and the coming in of the evening light Illustrated. 376 pages neatly bound in cloth. Persingl', 0 copy $ 1.00. Price, Six or more 80 cts each. Address H. C. Wickersham, New Pittsburg, Ind. or Gospel Trumpet, Grand Junction. Mich. MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE. A small tract of 32 pages, setting this subject before the people, in. the clear light of the New Testament. Single copy, . . . 050th., Price Per. dozen, . . 40, Per. one hundred, . 2.50, THE ORDINANCES OF THE NEW TESTAMENT. A_ NEW TRACT, BY WM. G. SCSTELL, Setting forth the Ordinances of the Scripture in a clear light, showing which are abolished, and proving that the three ordinances instituted by Christ are not of the Old Testament, but of the New, and are still in vogue. PRICE / P Seirn dgolez. ecnop y 4055ecttss. Per hundred .$ 3.00. THE AGE TO COME, AND MILLENNItar TRADITION, Refuted by the inspired Word of God. Single copy.-. . . 10 cts. Price Per. dozen . 80 Per. hundred / - *** • . 5.00/ IN! 111 ■ 11MNIMM REFERENCE AND PRONOUNCING TESTAMENTS. As persons have frequently written to us for Bibles and Testaments, we have purchased a few New Tes-taments with the References in figures, directly un-der the verse refered " 0, which is very- convenient It also contains a key to the principles of pronuncia-tion and has a Dicitionary, and Gazelteer of 47 pages. ( Sheep- skin cover,.$ 1.00. Price, postage paid, Embossed " . $ 1.25. ( Embossed gilt. THE suesaiNe LIGHT. An interesting paper for the children, illustrated. It should be in every family where there are children. Only 25 cents a year. Address:- Tne SHINING LIGHT. Grand Junction, Mich. TIIE GREAT TOBACCO six. We now have the Tobacco Tract ready to send out for free distribution. It con-tains 30 pages, with a neat cover. We will send these tracts to any one sending us postage at the rate of one cent for three tracts. We make no charge foe our work of making the tracts. Always state just how many you wish sent. ass• v- gszw- v- megc- a- moi- v. LIST OF MONEY LETTERS RECEIV-ED SINCE LA ST ISSUE, NOT OTH-ERWISE RECEIPTED. , T. Bentley, A. A Kinzie, S B. Hester, Della Gardner, W. H. Defore, S. B. Hester, Nelson Mer-yen, J. B. Strickland, Emma Miller, Emrna I. Casten W. C. Olinger, Emma Huffrey, A Markwell, J. E. Watkins, J. S. Srnurr, Harriet Crawford. REQUEST FOR PRAYER Sister Hannah Cory, Gowen Mich., re-quests your prayers for the healing of her body, also that she may receive the Holy Ghost. Sister G. A. Watson, Daleville, Miss, has been afflicted several years with lung and heart disease and asks that you pray for her healing. tarvtzazimirszsrv‘ zwpv•= winricicanrquwv• eas • EDITORIAL NOTES. On t Bro. C. Shinn Writes e We would come down hens and hold eetings ter 1/;. end also at Patton, t. n miles east ot hem:, At the latter place a brother has come aith:: of all seetisms, and is preaching with : lit' - hie power. He wants some good realistei-to come and baptize him, be also needs the-, way 01 the Lord taught him more perfeet! e one ShOUld gt) to these places semi: Hope Bro. Kilpatrick kti.• Co. win - those plaeee in their tour, if no one else responds sooner. Amen. 1. ' me - time during this fall or wheneyerit convenient. DoeS any one feel led Of eed to conu.‘, ? Can Bro. Kilpatrick OR Ifif, our 1 hrough Mo. vhit our town and hold a, meeting ? if so please notify us so thet * a. ma- make sOnee preparations. From your Bro. in Christ. R. U. Stew NOTICE I desise to say to Bro. Palmer those who are going west to the mectiage: in Ia. Ill. Mo. and Rom that there Sje: two places in Ia, adiere yoti are ratieh.:: needed: Manehester, and Dysart. Itruly-:-. hope and pray t hat you may be able to ars range your appointments so that ( hose tAto, places piny not be missed. At ManchesterT:, there is a hungry little Hoek, but will not-" -- feed upon any thing else but the truth. Brethren) make especial effort to reachi: those places. Address Bro. Con rad Sauer.' Dysart. l3ro. C. B. Heynes, Manchester a Our prayers go with you. J. W. Byers,. W V A VA I': ABLE B. ECIPE. To t he Gospel Trumpet readers and others', . ‘ ontemplating buying one ofthe mills spol HI of in. the Trumpeldet me say; that wheat browned in the oven as coffee, but not toe brown, as that would spoil the flour, and: ground co: wady and eaten in milk - iiiakes 4 most deilieous and henithrul vticip n: food for old and young, equeli4 the: ebrated preparation of food from - wheat,. celled " Granule'''. I t is extensively and ale .-. most exclusively used in I he lirst dams in the country. Being perfeet in action as a laxative mid nourishment. The': preparation of wheat in this one way - would be worth more in one year than the". puce :- of the mill. Let the granule soak a short time in the milk before eating, the same as for popcorn. Mrs. M. Lane.' IS QUESTION Faisco, AU, List of Camp and Grovz• Meetings. A Grove meeting is desired at Zenia Ind. Address Wm. Bragg, Sweetzer, Ind. 4- 4 .- A grove meetieg is greatly desired at Antwerp, Ohio. Address B. J. Fleck. DEERFTELD CAMP MEETING. This assembly will take place, Lord will-ing, Aug 21- 30, on the pleasant ground one mile east of Deerfield, Randolph Co. Indiana. Saints from all parts are invited to come and tent on the grouud. If you cannot tent, come any how, and you will b3 taken care of in the name of the Lord. All coming on the Bee line from the east stop at Union city, and those coming from the west on the Bee line stop at Winchester. Those coming from the west on the Pan-handle R. ‘ R stop at Deerfield. Those coming from the north or south on the G. R. I. R. le stop at Ridgeville. Those coming to Union city address Bro. Fletcher Byrum New Pittsburg Ind. Those s toping at Winchester, notify Bro. Peter Whitsel Uthon City Ind. Those stopiug at Deerfield or- Ridgeville notify Bro. Samuel Grow Deerfield Ind. Please notify in good time so as to be sure to have some one to meet you at the station. Everybody that loves God and wishes to seek Him is invited. Any information desired concerning the meeting address H. C. Wickersham. NEW PITTSBURG, RANDOLPH Co, IND. Frisco, Ark: The anouncement of a camp meeting at Odon Daviess Co, Ind., in last Trumpet, we are requested to change to a grove meeting- Time Sep. 10- 15. All coming on the E. & R Railroad to Odon Ind., write to Bro. Win. E. Moore at that place. A GROVE MEETING Will be held the. Lord wilting near Tanapico, Jackson Co. Ind Sept. 3- 9. Every body invited, especi-aly all saints in southern Ind. Bro. J. N. Howard will be there, Bro. II. C. Wicker-sham is desired, and whosoever the Lord leads. For paitieulars address Charles Orr, Tampico, Ind. We have concluded to have a tabernacle meeting atTable Rock, Neb. this fall begin-ning Sept. 18, and continue as long as the Lord wills. We expect Bro's. Willis, Achor and Co. and are looking for a grand meet- Lewistown, 0. SENI- NOITTELY EOLINESS 3OU3IZAL NOTICE. All business communications, mon6ys etc., must be aldressed to the GOSPEL TRUMPET, in order to in-sure credit; otherwise we will not be responsible. as means are provided tro pu chase Swedish type. Who will help to push the work? oc Your brother in Christ. We now have on hands several man-uscripts for tracts, etc. ready for publica-tion; most of them are for free tracts; we are in great need of a few hundred dollars to buy paper and type to publish them. A number of bills are now about due, and must be paid soon; several hundred dollars must be raised in a very short time and we are looking to the Lord to have the needed amount raised. Brethren will you give your earnest united prayers in behalf of the work? More Gospel truth must be sent forth; souls are starving dying, and going to everlasting destruc-lion. Let us all put our - shoulder to the wheel and push the work along, and clear ourselves of the blood of souls. Read Ezele 33: 7,8. As a general thing through-out the United States the people are bless-ed with good crops. The Lord bas saved many from whiskey, tobacco, tea coffee, worldly conformity etc., now can you not honor Him by helping along His cause in seine way. Be not slow to move, and the windows of heaven will be opened unto you with showers of blessings upon- you rsoul. SAVE YOUR HEALTH AND YOUR WITEAT. The brethren to whom we have shown the little mill, are highly pleased with it. Some have ordered, and many will as soon as practical. We found that in . t all come pra Tabl Rock * irlingtonetral 11. R. R. R. - W. W. Carmichael. Iarquand 110. have a brother A VRORA SPRINI1S, 4171, y 2 TRUMPET . FAmiu:- Dear bretl want some of God's I loly come to our town and hold a me DEAR BRO:- There are two preacheriL here that oppose the washing of the saints-:-: feet, and otherNew Testament commandsl. and we have said we would not hear. - them preach unless they straighten up . hs'-: the Word. Would it be right to hear thedn knowing they are crooked ? Please ex-: plain 2 Con 6: 14- 18, Rev. 18; 4, Or other scriptures on this line. Your Bro. C. C. Lanene ANSWER Thus saith the word of the Lord: 1 Thu. 6: - 5. " If any man teach otherwise, and-. consent not to wholesome words, even Lions words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to bees', doctrine which is according to godliness He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting-;': about questions and strifes of words, where-.",.:. of cometh envy, strifes, railing, evil stiry misings," Perverse dirputings of men of - Corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself. The words even includ-ing the words of our Lord Jesus are wholesome words and example in Johu., 13. The above scripture shows where all Opposition to the truth comes from, pride of hearts, ignorance, and perverse,,. ness, and from such we have plain direq--,',;- tions to withdraw ourselves. " Whosoever transgresseth, and abidetla not in the doctrine of Christ, bath not God.,-: He that abideth in the doctrine of Chris: t. he hath both the Father and the Son." there come any unto you, and bring this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neithe: bid him God's speed he that biddeth him God speed is partakeY- s-of his evil deeds." John 9- 11. - This is too plain to need cartatn. e1.1.4- 1: 1',-; let it be obeyed in the fear and God. f " tttli„ FREEMAN, Mo. DEAR SAINTS:-- This finds us well and happy in the love of God, it is blessed to be in His service. I wish that some of the dear saints would come here and hold a tabernacle meeting this summer or fall, for the people here are in need of a Bible salvation. Who will volunteer to come? It will be necessary to bring a tabernacle, as all sect houses are closed, and they all seem united against the truth of God's Word. We can get several nice groves in which to hold meeting. I believe in obeying all of God's ordinances, but there are but few in this country but what are against the ordinances, so I would like for some able minister of God to come, in or-der to get the true Church established in this place. There seems to be no one possessing the healing power, and as my wife is in somewhat poor health, I ask all the dear saints to pray that she may be healed. I remain your brother, saved from all sin and kept by the power of God unto salvation. Praise our dear Redeemer's name! J. D. Barnes. CUBA STATION, ALA. DEAR SaINTse— Iam happy to say that the' Lord saves and sanctifies me wholly. Praise His name for saving a sinner like me. I had a church religion for fifteen years, and when the doctrine of holiness was taught here, I was the worst enemy to the cause of holiness. I went on persecut-ing God's people for four years, knowing that I was wrong, but I was led by the devil. Dear friends, I am so glad that I saw my condition in time to be saved, for I was lost, but praise God, I am found and kept from all sin. I find joy and peace in serving the Lord. When I was first sanc-tified my wife and friends all opposed me, it seemed as if they thought I had gotten in-to bad company when I started out with the holiness people. The devil tried me hard, but I had the Lord on my side, and He brought me through many trials. After I was saved my wife became convicted, and went to the Lord for pardon, and then conse-crated every thing and received the exper-ience of sanctification. We ask the pray-ers of God's people that we may live the life of the righteous. Your brother saved in Christ. J. R. Truelove. OBITUARIES. NisuNABoTNA MO. Henry L. Shell, son of G. W. and C. Shell departed this life, July 24th 1891. to he with Jeeits. Aged 5 years, 3 mo. His little brother George aged 3 years, 3 mo. and 17 days, died July 21st 1891. May God bless and comfort the beloved and bereaved par-ents and friends. A. A. Kinzie. " My sheep hear my voice, and 1 know them, and they follow me". Joh n 10: 27 Those false teachers say they do not believe in the ordinance Christ so • forci-ely enjoined in John 13. Thus saith the Lord " But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you." John 10: 26. 2 Con 6: 14- 18 is all plain English fen who transgress and abide not in the doctrine of Christ have no the Father our the Son. Then they are destitute of godliness no matter what their pretention smay be. By not following Christ they prove them-selves not His sheep, and thi s accounts for their unbelief and we must not indorse such, nor bid them God's speed by going to bear them. Rev. 18: 4, is God's present call to all Iris people to come out of sect-ism which is a babel of confusion. The above false teachers alluded to are de-rotees of the crooked creed invented at Ft Scott, and is just as sectish as any on earth, and is squarely committed against part of God's word, and against all who follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth. and many unsaved were made friends ofly shown, and as many 11 as seekers were at the truth, in farther results of salvation the altar at one time. There were many I less was accomplished than any meeting consecrations during . the meetings, some we have been at for a long time. But we trust the truth will bring forth fruit - in the future. From here Bro. and sister Schell, Bro. and sister Warren, and Bro. and sister How-ard went to West Liberty, Logan Co., 0., to begin meeting, while we came alone to Praise Chapel, Ind., where we preached to the people two days and nights. Praise' Chapel was well filled at night, and quite large congregations attended the day meet ings. Through a very strongly brass clad agent of Satan, the Church had been troubled. Not that anyone had fellowship with the cloaked spirit, but there had been disagreement in the steps taken against the same which led to a breech in the unity of the body, and much loss of the Spirit's presence, and consequently much embold-ened the anti- christ spirit. Praise God, the hammer of God's Word cracked the heavy brass covering. The unity of the Spirit was restored, and the power of God was manifest. One poor afflicted one was gloriously saved, and two were-- sanctified and filled with the Spirit of God. Several more were under much conviction, and raised their hands for prayers. How won-derfully God began to work as soon as judgment had gone forth against the false spirit that had assembled with the church under satan's design of making division and destruction of the flock. Could we have continued the meetings, salvation work no doubt would have moved on glo-riously. But we think all is ripe for a good harvest at the near approaching Deer-field camp- meeting. We would add this as an exhortation to all saints. When any brazen faced spirits im-pose themselves in the midst of God's peo-ple, let every child of God keep their eye on God. And do these two things, in your soul resist and rebuke the foul spirit, and thereby keep clear from, and have victory over them, and in the second place be sure that the obnoxious presence does not draw you out in praying at, or flinging at the person something God does not give you to say. It will be sure to add boldness to the satanic agent, and likely result in taking sides on the part of the brethren. - Let all pray much for God to manage the case, and believe He is able and will do it. Let the elders take coun-sel with each other and with God, and if rebuke is administered and judgment goes forth, let it be in the Spirit, and let every child of God stand by the Elders, ignore the evil spirits, never parley with satan but go right forward serving God in the Spirit, and sinners ( of that class) shall not be able to brass it through. of whom were Indians who said it was the most wonderful meeting they ever wit-nessed. This salvation makes sad hearts happy, and gives rest and peace where peace was never known. Your sister in Jesus. Retta E. Grover. Nr97$ MOM ME FIELD ON " a few days notice a grove meeting was gotten up at Walkerton, Ind. From July 11- 13. We expected the help of Bro. and sister Warren, but they being detain-ed in a fruitful meeting at Muskegon we went up in the name of Jesus. God gave es strength to preach three times on the Lord's day in the grove. Doubtless all of seven hours were employed in publica-tion of the glorious Gospel and truth of the Lord Jesus Christ, by the wonderful help of the Lord. Thank God a few souls came to God and were fully saved. The Lord bless His precious Church at WaLker-ton.- They need. a house, of worship, and we hope God will enable them to build or otherwise procure a place to assemble in His name. From there we came to the saints at Bea-ver Dam, and stopped three days, having a few meetings. Here . it pleased the Lord to have our beloved Sidney remain again at his old home with the Ballenger family. The Lord keep him saved, and bless the kindness of those loved ones in caring for he From there we came on to Sidney, Ohio, where we had the pleasure of meeting our dear Bro. Schell and companion . Also Bro. and sister Warren reached there on Saturday. The Lord worked powerfully the meeting, and several unhappy back-sliders returned to God, and were made joyful in their reception back to Father's house and favor. They all testified that they had been very wretched while in the prodigal's foolish wanderings. One brother. said the Lard had " persecuted him great-ly," that the persecutions of the world and satan upon the children of God was light tempered with it. Certainly it is much harder to fight against God than to resist devil. May all God's people take warning and abide at home. It was sad to leave there without seeing the salvation of the last backslider, but it seemed we had to do so. May God keep His hand upon the few that refused to come to God, and all sinners who were under conviction. From there, Bro. and sister Schell, ac-companied us all to Clark Co., Grove- meet- : pg. Bro. George W. Howard met us at New Oarlisle, and conveyed us to Bro. J. Mc- Pariands, July 22. _ The meeting began that night in a grove. Near the place is an old Methodist camp- ground, with a ticket office by the gate in fairground or, circus style. Upon this babylon ground, some time after we had announced the grove meeting, the Mennonite sect rallied with their Methodist and Baptist, and Heavenly Recruit sisters to hold a camp-eetinge which they began shortly after e began. Here it could be seen clearly that even the youngest daughters of baby-on had fallen. A few years ago these Itennonites, eschewed gate fees at camp-lueetings and all such abominations as lem-onade and cigar stands on the Lord's day, but now they go in dud help to run such ahominationcamps, and join heart and hand with their old corrupt sisters that used to persecute them. A good many of the sin-ners Were able to see the selfishness and emptiness of their babylon union, in con-trast with the pure Gospel of Christ, and some said they had no money to support the gate fee force of religion, not to admit any of their family. This gcg and magog combination seemed to interfere but little with the congregation, at the grove. On Lord's day we had quite a large attend-ance. But while the saints thanked God sfor the benefits derived from the meeting, NATIONAL CITY, CAL., Aug. 6th, ' 91. To ALL THE DEAR sansies:— We are still holding forth the word of life to this sin cursed city. The very atmosphere some-times seems filled with demons, " The prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of dis-obedience;" but we have perfect victory through Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood. In spite of all the opposing powers of the devil there is some work being done for God and we are blessedly assured that our la-bor is not in vain in • the Lord. Sunday Aug. 2, there were five consecrations for sanctification. Our congregations are most-ly non- professors, many of which are Spirit-ualists. The sectarians stand afar off, Rev. 18: 10, but the judgments continue to be poured out upon babylon. Halle-lujah 1 The number of God's elect, is small here but are by no means discour-aged. One dear Bro. says he has been looking for this reformation for twentyfive years, and now rejoices with old Simeon, for what his eyes have been able to behold. Our tent donation has now reached $ 75. for which we thank God and take courage. We expect to remain here as' long as the Lord will. Let all our corespondents address us here until further notice. Your humble co- workers sanctified, and upon the gospel altar. J. W. ce J. Byers. & R. A. Cannan. EAST JORDAN, Mion., JuLY 28, 1891. DEAR Siirrs:— Having just returned from the grove meeting at Clara River, I feel like giving a report of it to the glory of God. The Lord did manifest himself in a wonderful manner. Meeting begun July 24, and Bro. Grover, Bro. Sheldon, and Sister Courtney- read and preached the word of God, which was indeed manna to the hungry souls. The plan of salvation and redemption through Christ, was clear-were united together in the love of God. God bless them and keep them faithful. We next came to the TRUMPET dice, where we found the little ones praising God, and hard at work for the Lord. God bless them. We also discovered that they are in need of some of the Lord's means to carry on the work of the Lord; I also was impressd to ask Bro. Byrum how much they were in debt, he said $ 1000. would clear up the whole indebtedness. Now beloved saints, before you were saved How much did it cost you per month for Tea and Coffee and Tobacco etc. and since God has cleansed you, how much of the money, that it took to purchase the same, have you given to the Lord to carry on His work. If all the saints would send one- half of what it cost for the above per month, to the Gospel. TRUMPET office the debt of one thousand dollars would be payed off inside of six months. And the work of the Lord would move on much faster. Let every one put their shoulder to the work of salvation, and move it along with your means, God bless you. We next went to our dear Bro. & sister Palmer's neighborhood, and held a few meetings, and with our Bro. & sister Palmer we started for Cheshire to hold a Tabernacle meeting, which was a glorious feast to our souls, by seeing many souls re-claimed and brought home to God, hallelu-jah! at the close of the same our Bro. had to go home to look after business on his farm and get things so arranged to get out into the field of the Lord. We next moved to Plainwell where we found the little ones looking for our coming. Hallelujah! On July 28 we commenced meeting with good effect, and before the close of the meeting our souls were rejoiced to see souls falling at the feet of Jesus and on the last night of the meeting poor sinners flocked around us requesting us to stay longer. But hav-ing to go on to Hope, we promised them, the Lord willing, we would return to them soon. Aug. the 3rd we arrived at Hope and on the 4th commenced again with our bod-ies very tired and sent the Gospel forth in the name of Jesus with wonderful effect and through the whole meeting .15 souls fell at the feet of Jesus and on the 3rd day of the meeting our souls were rejoiced by the coming of Bro. and sister Wm. N. Smith whom God used to His glory. Yours in Him. J. A. Dillon & Co. FLORIDA, OHIO. DEAR SAINTS OF THE LIVING GoD:— thiS leaves me well and saved in Jesus. 1 ever want to be kept low down at the feet of the master ready to do his will in all things. This is a very dark sectish place, the people do not think it possible to serve God without joining some church( so called) may God open their eyes before it is too late is my prayer. Your sister all on the altar. M. E. Hurd. DEARLY BELOVED SAINTS GREETING.— We are glad to report that we are still saved and in the hand of our Father to be used to His glory. After the Reddick, Ill. meet-ing we stopped a few days in South Chi-cago; found the church not in a good con-dition, but God brought the little ones to-gether; and they confessed their faults and TEMPLETON, CAL. JUNE, 1891 DEAR BELOVED SAINTS:– The richest bles-sings of Heaven ever abide with you for Jesus sake; Amen ! We left Lompoc June 2nd happy and rejoicing in the Lord, and truly thankful in our hearts for the mighty work that He there wrought. We rode through sand and dust that day about fifty or sixty miles, and arrived the same evening at Arroyo Grande, where we stop-ped in Bro. and sister Clayton's beautiful little home that is built under a large Live oak tree. The next night we had meeting in the town. Bro. Byers preached on the subject' "' Gathering of the people." An M. E. preacher was present, but he did not like it very well. The result seemed to be that the Presbyterians and him who before had had somewhat trouble between them-selves, now united and made friends to-gether to fight the truth. June 4th we took train for San Louis Obispo, a town of about 3000 inhabitants; here we abode over night. The next morning we sep-erated again. Bro. Byers to go down to San Diego, and I to Templeton Cal. to preach to the Scandinavian people. I ar-rived here June the 5th had a meeting the same night. The doctrine of entire sane tification had never been preached to them before. some holding to their early educa-tion that we must sin every day and hour of our life rejected the light. But some accepted it as truth. Three made the conse-cration for entire sanctification and others are convicted for it. Some have acknowl-ged ant discovered the body of Christ, and are sa tisfied with Jesus only. I had preach-ed seven times to them when they told me ( those that were drunk on Babylon wine) that they'did not want me to preach to them any more. " We do not know what you are talking about." they said, " We do not understand." Others said 44 You connot preach the whole Word, it does not suit the times." Pray dear Saints that the Lord will open their eyes to see that the Word is the standard whereby Wieesmaie, Onio. JULY, 21st 1891. we are measured. I closed. the Swedish DEAR SaiNxs:-- We are happy to report meetings. " When they receive you not that God is in us of a truth, and we are in one city flee to another." but I did not enjoying the fullness of His love. Last have to do so for the Lord stirred up my Saturday evening we met at a private heart to try to reach the English speaking house in Wilshire to worship God. and people, also I saw some grain of truth a- the dear Lord wonderfully blessed our. mong them, and as I got the use of the souls. In the morning, being the first day Presbyterian meeting- house, I announced of the week, we met in a beautiful grove, meeting to commence Sunday evening, with large attendance. The Lord blessed June 14th, I have been preaching every us in dealing gut the truth to the people. night since that, I closed the meeting last. After meeting, six were buried with Christ night with grand victory for the Lord. in baptism; and we did not shun to de- Some of the Americans have been Corwin- dare the whole council of God, after ced of the truth, that the true light now which, we had a glorious ordinance meet-shineth. There have been a few consecra- ing. The church west of Wilshire met dons among them, and many are about with us, and 0 how our, souls did rejoice persuaded to surrender. The Lord has in God I truly we felt as the prophet Micah. some dear children in this place who are We were full of power by the Spirit of now free from the burden and the yoke of the Lord, and of judgment, and of might babylon, standing on nothing else but the to declare unto Jacob his transgressions Word of God. One sister said " now when and to Israel his sin. Twenty- five partic-you go and see any of the true ones, that ipated in the washing of the Saint's feet, are willing to go where the Lord calls them and the Lord's supper. 0 glory to Jesus send them here; this place needs some He does verify his promises unto us. " If straight preaching. We do not want any ye know these things, happy are ye if ye sham religion, there has been too much do them." Jesus says " If a man love me, of it already." 0 that the Lord may he will keep my words." St. Jno, 14: 23. send some of His called messengers here " By this we know that we love the chil-to the coast. Here are many that are suf dren of God when we love God and keep his fering from thefamine, that is in the land. commandments; For this is the love of God It is " not a hungering for bread, nor a that we keep His commandments, and His thirst for water, but of hearing the words of commandments are not grievous." 1st the Lord." I for one would be glad to stay Jno. 5: 1- 2. The meeting resulted in one here and hold forth the word of life, but soul being sanctified and prejudice was I realize the Lord is calling me to other broken away. Many poor souls seemed to duties, and to work in other places. The be starving for spiritual food, and inquiring truth has gained many friends in this the way to Zion. We - expect to have a place. few days grove meeting this summer. Pray dear saints for the work of the Pray for us. Your sister, Lord here in California, and especially Belle Stetler. for the Saints in Templeton, that the Lord may more and more establish them in the truth. Your Brother, all on the Gospel altar. Ludolf Schroder. Tny TEsTuroms ARE WoNDEBruL."— Psa, 119: 129. DEAR SAINTs: — I feel led of the Lord to write mytestimony. I am saved from my sins, and walk in the light as the good Lord teaches me. Oh it does my soul good to read the testimonies of the dear saints as I cannot go to meeting for I live so far from the saints. Pray for me. Your sister all on the altar. S. M. Clemons. TESTIM01\ IES — It.— CoLESRURGH, IA. DEAR SAINTS:- It has been quite a while since I sent my testimony to the Trumpet but the Lord is filling my soul full of love to- day, and I want to tell it. Praise His holy name forever! He keeps me day by day, and gives me the sweet peace in my soul that assures me that He is my Lord, and that I am His humble child. Oh, I do want to keep low down at the Master's feet; where He can ever be my teacher. Glory be to Jesus for full salvation. Pray for me. Your sister in Christ, saved and sancti-fied by the power of God. Mrs. F. A. Newville. Died— July 2nd 1891 Infant daughter of Bro. Joseph and sister Mary Bennett, of Stafford, Kan. She was 5 days old, and budded on earth to bloom in heaven. Anion Allen. Died:– at Benton, Miss. July 16, 1891. Ella Shoemaker, wife of J. N. Shoemaker, after an illness of only 7 hours. Aged 39 years 10 months 3 days. She was a true devoted wife and. mother. God bless the dear be-reft family and friends. Alice Turner. Died:– June 30, 1891 sister E. Shaver aged 55 years. She had been a sufferer for nearly two years and has no* gone home to be with Jesus. Lizzie Fish. Portland Mich. cusPd Him of casting out devils, by Beel-zebub when lie adds," Because they said he bath an unclean spirit." But we should remember that actuating motives, and de-grees of ignorance and understanding modify the sin of words spoken against the Holy Spirit. That men have spoken hard things against the operations of God': Spirit and still have found pardon, and may find pardon, is undoubtedly true. But the circumstances which involve the unpardon-able sin must undoubtedly be such as give clear conclusive evidence that the oper-ations ascribed to satin were actually wrought by the Holy Spirit, and the person must have a degree of intelligence sufficient to comprehend the force of those evidences,- and therefore the act of blasphemy springs from a willful malicious hatred of God and His holy work. NPIP` SIZIPITBEIFFIMMEWYWQ210v71.21VVIIN TESTI MONI- 14 S " Tay TESTIMONTES AItE WONDETWL. Rift. 119: 129. AUGUSTA, GA., 1426, 12. rn, ST. DEAR BRETHREN: J— I will try and give you some account of our little band of saints we have in Augusta, Ga. There are a-bout thirty colored saints. Their preach-er's name is Bro. William Mays who meets three times on Sunday, and every Wed-nesday . and Friday night, in second Ave., 942. The Lord is raising up a little band of white brethren. We have about eight souls in oneness and unity of the Church Jolin Jories, KENNARD).- 0. DEAR SAINTS:— NVO feel led of title L01 to testify through the Trumpet that Ise are saved and sanctified wholly and. 00ing God for salvation that keeps free.** all sin, and has taken us out of seer0A'an We give God all the glory. God for the good grove meeting etlit4iita' here in this community which WM. alreat feast to our souls. 0 praise Got“ er isal-vation full and free, Pray for Your brother and sister in ' f Jesus. S it; is rq S. L._ 41,- : Net ALMERIA; NO.:- DEAR SAINTS:— I came out of habylen;: r was made free in Christ twO.: YeAr15- te RA There are a few of the: L* 17s here, and we trust theretwin:. i others. Ohl` how I do praises- GO salvation that makes us PerfeCtlYie* F-"-' e. that cleanses us from all sin, socIP?!.- 11. way all desire to sin. Your saved sister, 0 1 ti Spain Oh what will I ? " Will the Lord absent himself forever?" " And will he le no more entreated" ? " And are his promises come utterly to an end forever"? These scriptures as sometimes interpreted blast all the hope of the backslider ever coming again to the feet of mercy. It is the purpose of this article, by the help of- God, to refute these erroneous ideas and establish the truth. Let us first notice Heb. 10: 26, 27. If we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation which shall devour the adversaries. Does that leave any hope for poor backsliders? Shall they escape the damnation of hell? This does not have reference to the unpardon-able sin: because Christ said," All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven un-to men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men." Now if you will notice ' by reading the Epistle to the Heb. that. Paul started out by using Christ as a text: showing that he was the son of God; that the world was made by him; of his glory that he far ex-ceeds Moses; that he is our glorious high Priest; that his priesthood is unchangeable; of the excellency of his priesthood, by Christ's Priesthood, Aaron's was abolished; of the new Testament and sacrifice of Christ; of the insufficiency and weakness of the legal sacrifice, and that he is the only sacrifice for sin. Also showing that if we backslide there remains no other sac-rifice. If we by disobedience lose Jesus as the Saviour there remains no more sacrifice for sin, because he is the only sacrifice that can 11( 0Ite for sins, mid the only way to have a sacrifice again is to accept Christ as such. Our sins separate us from God. If we sin willfully we are cut off. We take all off the altar, there remains no more sacrifice: We have rejected Christ the only sacrifice, and in order that this sacrifice may reach us again we must re-pent, make a new offering of ourselves up-on the altar as a sinner that had never had salvation and do the first work. If it be asked, do any real backsliders find mercy from God? Do any that have made shipwreck of faith and a good COn-science, recover what they have lost.? Do you know of any persons who were once saved and afterwards backslid and yet were restored ? Yes, many wherever the church has been reveated, and sinners con-verted to God. For many," It had been better never to have known the way of righteous-ness." But others there are who look unto him they have pierced and are made whole. He strengthens the hands that hang down and confirm the feeble knees. There are a great many that have f