The Gospel Trumpet - 10:22

Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 And he said un to me, liana seesk thou? And I answer. ed;/ see a flying roll. Then Mid he unto me every one that stealeth' evaisedhreya alolc ncbeoe rtd hcianutg te- olsto- rc ia...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Warner, D. S.
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Byrum, E. E. 1889
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Summary:Gospel Trumpet 1881-June 3, 1962, Vital Christianity June 10, 1962-Sept. 1996, One Voice June/July 2004-Apr/May 2007 And he said un to me, liana seesk thou? And I answer. ed;/ see a flying roll. Then Mid he unto me every one that stealeth' evaisedhreya alolc ncbeoe rtd hcianutg te- olsto- rc iaotr; nt : a ttiihnt iis sisdhea lat. c cboe redtitnt go Rt" o oitn. that will bring it forth, salt: tile lord of eeit. V: --_ y The Lail God. sha 1.1 LON' the Moivrgy. a /; il g o p. hithrind, s: Grand Inaction, Mick, Feb. nbilliA 11, .11' nther ? 2. that you flee from the wrath to come, for I know should you be called away unpre-pared to meet your God, you would glad-ly give all you possess, if you could have one moment to get ready for heaves. But the devil is deluding your poor soul by telling you that you have plenty of time to enjoy life, and be saved at sothe other time. But God has said in His holy Word " now is the day of salvation." There is nothing but a Vail of flesh between thee . and that amazing sight which will silence Deal Saints: With grateful heart to my dear Lord For blessings old and new, I write again ill Jesus' name A testimony true. Five years have passed since thaf, blest day When to my heart was given Such light and joy, such peace and rest, I Know it came from heaven. Transported as to worlds above My soul in visions rose, My precious Lord to me appeared Most glorious to behold. His ransomed child lie deigned to bless, Assurance sweet He gave, Though darkness railed my eyes without, ithin ' twits light and love. As one by one the years pass by, That light of life is mine; By faith I follow on to know The mysteries divine. The Savior's footsteps, blessed- path, 0 may I ever tread; And every whisper of His voice My waiting soul give heed. Till all any' pilgrim race is run, Probation closed below, Washed white in Jesus' blood, I'll sing As to His courts I go. Tour sister saved in Jesus. Emma Miller. A CALL TO SINNERS. 40. THE LIGHT HAS COME. - AIM He shall send HM angels with a great sound of a Trumpet, and they shall gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heav-en to the other. No* learn a parable of the fig tree; when his branch M yet tender, and inateth forth Laves. ye know that slimmer is nigh. So likewise ye when ye , hall see all these things, loinw that it is near: even nt the doors."— Matt. How few seem to appreciate this holy re- ilia. the Scriptures in regard to the Church ligion as proclaimed here. I was made to of God, and the image, ( Dan. 2) or the think of Christ preaching; while the com- Church of the world. 1 All professors deplore the divisions and I mon people heard him gladly, the . sects pray fog unity and holiness, and now when picked up stones. Strange creatures we are! lukewarmness of the ( so- called) churches, Holiness to the Lord, and salvation from sin and all sects Olt the face of the earth. ing to them on the straight Gospel line. meeting, and had the privilege of testify- I went on Sunday to the M. E. class it is offered to thein, it is utterly rejected. I had nothing to say until- the Baal proph-it is the old story over. The Jews were et called on the " strange brother;" then I anxiously waiting for the Messiah, but got up and opened my mouth, and God when He came they were filled with mad- filled it. Glory to His blessed name, for ness. The sects may hate each other, but it is " above every name."• it seems this is all forgotten in their unit- 0 t od pity the poor delude u creatures ed zeal and violence against the true who are worshiping the beast. The leader saints. It. seems now as then; the true of the class - was, as I learned afterwards, Gospel is either a " savor of life unto life, the shepherd- of - the flock in this place, in or of death unto death." But unto us that sect. Iii his opening prayer, he ac-who believe it is very precious.- Be it knowledged himself a. condemned sinner, known unto all the saints scattered abroadiand asked God to forgive his sins. The that here in Noble, Branch Co., Mich., are I flock also are dead in - sin, for there was on-a few that will not bow to babt), Ion; and, ly one Who seemed to have march of the now since the saints have been here, sect ! Spirit of God. I , . _ worship seems all the More tasteless. For went again at night to the Ith- angelicai God who said: " Go ye into ! dl the world, ye as we have - wondered - why the Lerd ! protracted meeting, and found again the and preach the Gospel to every creature." did not manifest Himself any more than same old lady that I have spoken of above, the recommendation—" Lo I am with He did; had He forsaken the earth ? or who,- Nvhen she got the opportunity. , preached you alwa ys, even unto the end of the could it be possible that the true ChurchiChrist to the people, and appealed. them world." still existed unbeknown to us ? Yes, we to forsake their sins and collie to ( 1,-;,(! d; c11 ), 1111, Bless the Lord 0 my soul. and all that see it now. It is still a glorious Church none moved. Sire seems to 11. e within me bless His holy name" for without spot. Now take courage and go light God has in the place, True there are saving and ,4anetii. vin, my soul, keepin t, on. Yes, Jesus surely has a Church with some who are very much opposed to the m y body in h ealth, and aivinir me lightin-ail His blessings and power. Blessed be His holy name! Now brethren, be pa-tient toward blinded sectdoith " they know not what- they do," any more than the murderers of Christ did. I fear nothint, more than that the saints might be over-come by stupidity and bigotry of sectdom. 0 be on your guard; be slow to speakeever think of Christ's dying prayer, " Lord, for-give thenn" yes and that with all humili-tY and meekness. All the good we have HEALED BY THE POWER OF GOD. the structure of a whole life, lion many, thei r nrh" e written in this elm V of God, and to the upbuilding of His earthly ties are United to make its memo- I - ) ea" h" • s" " " " Inivtase Irina- dour lIl thug- w-- orld. A short time ago ry sacred. It is there our Fathers W0? -- I from tine gold t o mile: clay. And how we received word from Charlotte. Mich. snarled, and our Youthful feet have trod. the blind seel arians love io set up this and like the old school- house which cluster age to look at and admire it, as you rill some nleasing thme • hts, though rude aud 1rhe by the folioW ;. na. which I clipped from almost wish to live them over. Of course late date.-- It is headed " Tim CunactiMust . . Praise God! e were there three day., s; perienced in those arctic I- et: ions aliro --" Ivent ists 100 4, -± 1 , ha ptit ss. 3, 971. New j_ crmu, aa_ wif oil in the name of the Lord, and the much in Christ as to eclipse all earthly illil," s; Moravians 1_ 0,9 Lord _ • ave ] ter immediate relief' Glory- ' lem, 5,750; Presbyterians, 1,136,6S5; Epis- • - • ties, and endearments. Our brothers, ale to His name forever! In a little over sisters and mother are those of like fliith. Vopalians, - 146,7S5; Refornied, , a week after we left there, she came to this abundance of charity for the week andiagam for toe e--, ar " ydr ich - la- ree ng. ' ' od upon me as I write. Praise the Lord oh with Gal. 27, " Rejoice. thou b G Jo ' His holy name I We had a glorious meet-unto you, he that abideth in me, the work; that I do shall he do also, and greater works than these shall he do, because I go to the Father. Whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Fath-er may be glorified in the Son. - If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it. If ye abide in me, and mywords abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. Herein is my Father glo-rified, that ye bear much fruit, so shall ye be my disciples. As, the Father hath lov-ed me, so have I loved you; continue ye in my love. He that bath the Son hath life, but he that bath not the Son bath not life. And this is the confidence that we have in him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He heareth us, and if we know that He heareth us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we- have the petition we de-sire of Him. Your Bro. and sister sanctified, meet for ilia Master's . use. J. T. & Emma Lyon. GRAND JUONTION, MICH. Deal B re th rev :— Glory be to God I I feel led of od to testify to the mighty power of od to save from sin; yes, from all sin. Glory to God forever and ever! 0 I never felt such joy and peace as I do this moment. I do know of a truth that there is power in Christ to save the soul; not only that-, but also to keep us from sin every moment and hour. If He is able to keep us 01115 moment from sin, He is able to keep us all the days of our life if we will only let. Him. I have tried this power now for six years, and have found it never- failing. In every trial I find the Lord. ready, waiting to help me out. Oh Praise His matchless name! I know not where to begin to tell of His goodness. It. is past finding out; the half has never yet been told. When a man gives his heart and life to ( hod, he is then ready to begin life in this world; he is ready to live or die, just as t od wills. I have testified to my healing several' times, but as we now have many new readers, I feel the Lord desires me to tell it again. 0 bless the Lord for all His benefits to me ! When I was a small child, 2: 1- years old, I was taken with hip disease; for four years I was unable to help myself, not even to turn myself on the bed. Then I became able to walk by the help of a crutch and cane. I used a crutch and cane from that time till I was 19 years of age. During all these years I was not- a moment free from pain. Many times, for a week I could scarcely get any sleep nights. I had tried several physicians, but all said there was no help; I must suffer on and die with the pain. But at the age of 19, on the 23d of Jan. 1883, I gave my heart to God. Until that time I had been taught that the days of miracles were past; the M E. preacher said we had no right - to ask God for such things. Daring the meeting in which I was saved I heard many testimonies to i; od's power to heal. I opened the Bible, there I saw the words " Is any among you afilicted, let him pray." I looked again; , Ask what ye will and it shall he done." " God is no respecter of persons." 0 how my heart. rejoiced over these blessed promises. While sitting alone meditating on the things, I asked God to remove the pain I was suffering with and that instant it was done. ( Jan. 25, ' S3.) I asked no more until Feb. 18. I then asked for a complete work, and. it was instantly done. Since that day there has not been a moment when I have felt. the need of a crutch. Who should praise God more than I? 0 Glory to God! My Whole life shall be spent in the service of God. Pray for me. Your Brother saved, sanctified and kept. Bert Spaulding, erri ---: 0:— WORSTVILLE, 0, DEAR B ETHRPIV— I do praise God for saving my soul froth the awful pit. I am saved just now and kept by his mighty power through faith, ready to be revealed in the laat time. ( dory to our God in the highest Jesus gives me victory over the beast, anti his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name. 0 how it makes my soul leap for joy. Pray for me that I may stand fast in the Gospel of Christ and do His will in all things. Praise God for salvation I Your brother cleansed from all sin. Larkin Howard, Flee i int of the Innii- t of ha and deliver every n on, Ills soul: be not co-: off in her inined ■ : for this the time or the veeite nee: be will eeiniee until tier t reeopipidise. Anil the hind treinlile and soy- 7' 1 ■ W f, r 4 ver Pur l me of L. rr Kali be performed bahrlon. to make the land f babylim a Lotion . se 51: a, 29. C 8 I LIVE, saith the Lord God; I have no pleasure in the death of the wick-ed, but that. the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn ye, turn ye from your evil way and live; for why will ye die, oh house of Israel?— Eze. 33 : 11. Once more in the name of the God of : Heaven I shall write tins as a call to all those who read it, who are not saved, and leave it in standing lines to convert, or condemn you: to change you, or rise up in judgement against you. Oh sinner! that you did but know the love that you neglect, and the riches of the Gospel, and blessedness of that everlasting life in God. Let me tell you that even on this earth you little know the enjok menu that the saints of God have. The sanctified are conversing with God when you scarcely think of Him; when you are conversing with earth and flesh. 0 sinner, there is a more joyful life for you to live if you would come to Christ and be saved. You might then draw near to God with bold-ness, and call Him Father, and trust Him with your soul and body, and when you read the Bible you could say the promises were all yours. Oh, glory be to God! I can say that the promises are mine, my unsaved friend, wherever you may be, I pray that you may heed these words. If I were not saved I would be afraid of hearing these words, " Tilt- hi fool this, night thy soul shall be required of thee."— Luke ! shall go in and out, and find pasture.— John 10: 9. Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not in by the door into the sheepfold, but clinibeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.- vr. 1. 0 so many try to climb up to the pear- 1.7,- gates through their choice of the sects, and they are too blind to see that they are thieves and robbers. And when they want to preach or go from one part of the coun-try to another, they must have letters of recommendation from some other manor men, so that they may be known and re-ceived as sectarians by others. But Paul intimates and plainly teaches that we have no need of such letters. He says: " Do we begin again to commend ourselves to you? or need we, as some others, epistles of commendation to you, or letters of com-mendation from you?" Then he says: " Ye are our epistles written in our hearts, known and read of all men." Paul got no letters of recommendation from any body but conduct m the sects, and talk against - 1th my soul on the Word of God, which is et they are hi the fog and cannot see afar - able to nrake us \ Vise unto salvation. Mo-nti: 0 I do praise God thin He has opened res to Clod ! I tun saved in Christ from all my eyes to behold at 1044 4 ■ 0;, 4 ie ' I' the sin and sects, and am standing on the sea deep things of Goa. I can how see how or sitess miinded with fire, the pure un-they have their names written In earth adulterated Word of God and the fire of who depart from God. La - " be- the Hol y Spirit. Hallelujah All is well. ctinse they have forsaken the to= n1." Then Your brother in the body of Christ which men gather them," John d. Daniel is the Church of the Iivin s- God. Amen! tells tibout the liTeat image, and. its " head R. AV. Swinburn. WaS of fine gold, his breast and his arme of 15,15 Loft- Ives- 1e St., Denver, Colo. cometh from God and that for the etlitiea- 1' 11- ver- bellY and 111 " - 13t. 11011 elf others'. To serve- the opposer and ilegs of iron his feet part iron turd part iGgondo. r aAnVt. eW meu asrt en soitm epxlpye ctht eo user rlvaabnotrs to l doof me- lt. i vL.•" e— t mD iann f. o 2a: l 3] 2at, o3l3lu. ."- Hoae, rtrs et ois- n wuiosg-, he appreciated by fallen babylon. Sectism 1count u umber Of the be as t: for its the - has become such a time honored idtd thatIlluild'er of a malt: and his number is six t a_ with it goes all with which their whole ! hundred three , more and six" or Rev. irrous morniin, I feel led of the Lord to life is interwoven. 0 this . area babvion IS' They that depart from God have write a fi_,,, x-'' lines to the honor and we who have tasted the new wine, chore at I ITAN r: It says: " The Independent rive.' , l ate',: - tor several montha. She was very a e - ssn ' once lost all relish and veneration for that the a101n- Fwm g t ati tic; of the christi, ,. much cOMforted by our coming, and 12 : 20. And that - sentence, " DEPART from w e rataaa ,-• I n"--."-- c- l1o yss _ ia t tiit. .- Id itst_, tI , S , t ,- tea , compin- led which satisfieth n. ot the soul. AV - . , +. , r. i . l',: i. tren- thened as we sang the. songs of Zion. me into everlasting fire." My heart goes remember the paraffin aching void we ex- t as on as poasoue i10- 111 01.1: . i. I hturns: Ad- , with these word for 1- 011 8V110 ' made white in the blood of the Lamb; night. Those upon whom many ! fiS5; phristian Union, 120,000: Con gree - ta- , eett no relief. The morning before we look as glittering monuments of steadfast- timlists• 457,584; tierinan Erin dual. - came awav she desired. us to pray for her ti 124.000: Lutherans 9S'T Alenno'fte- ' ness, look to ls more like icebergs with . "-' h healin ed We obeyed God, anointin s- her out either life or heat. AVe have ' Omni ( , e r is S. - 1 , r 3.-- • r ru she was doctoring all tile time but could - - - stating that dear sister Cogswell was very sick; not expected to live. She was un-der the doctor's care, and kept under the exceedingly uncomforttfble tiler were. wei hl' _ Northwestern Christian _ Loa orate or a • nu ' elite of morphine to deaden her sill-ternus. disease had been coming on thee. And how quickly might that MET I Noble, Mich. tarn be drawn and leave you speachless before the presence of God, the righteous judge. Still, with this awful picture be-fore your eyes, you seem willing to sell your Savior and salvation for a few hours of worldly pleasures, honor and . riches. When this is gone, you will then lament the misspent time, but / Araks! Too LATE I Too LATE II you must suffer through all eternity. " Oh that you were wise, and did consider your latter end."- LDeut. 32: 29. He that hath an ear to hear, let him hear the call of l• 3 od in this day of salvation.' Mary Kerr. T HE GOSPEL has at last : reached us. The saints held meeting in our grove, and: we - Were made to say'twe never heard in this sin- darkened place. Since my ma ' sanctified, when they should t ' know that it 011 this wised' Truly the gates of hell rival here, we ( my brother and I) have Christ says: I am the door: by me if any have: - not prevailed : against theOhurch. lbeen very busy and interested in search,- man shill enterin, he Shall be - saved, and We let the dead bury their dead eects. and ROman Catholics, 7,200000: Unitariana, fleshly relations J). 000., mversalists 37, S07. Total . We are all swallowed • - - 7 ( h)( 1. to heal the body as well as the soul. up in Heaven's glory. So let us have 760 3— 32 " Then it tees on to g ive the . qie. t Oh dear ones, I feel the mighty power of EAR >:" AIN FS OF zuEMosrilmn:— May port, it says, OTHEll Religiona. The united grace, mercy and peace from God the1Presb yterian church of Belleyne Pa. has Father and our Lord Jesus Christ be with divided on the question of using fermented you all and keep you steadfast unto the wine for communion. The twenty- eix who end. Amen ! favored unfermented wine haveitithdrawn I have often wanted or been impressed and organized a new society." So the im-to write to the TEAIMPET. I left Denver on age Wa- S 110t quite complete without this the 13th nit And came here to see my new sect. . Another is the little sect known brother in the flesh. I found him receiv- as " The Sal- cartion Church of Christ," ° r-ing the ri'EUMPET and enjoying its contents ganized and located in Kaneas, and- epee- He says he accepts its teachings, and also ated as all the reSt, aird having their Walls it is the best paper he has seen yet He of man- made. hm- s, and the doors have to gave one to another person, . MP and he too be opened by the blind guide of the blind, likes it. So I think the TRUET - Will be to admit to membership all AVIio can mos-the means of spreading the evening light ter up courage enough to say- they are THE CHURCH AND ITS IMAGE. —: 0:— lof they head if the heart is not also changed. LINCOLN-; KAN. I Then at the bottom of the drove sect re-barren that ' breek forth and cry thou that My h soul, and all t at- is within me, bless I = hn O. Smith. hem ei _ a. travailest not: for the desolate hath many no' yesterday with complete victory. Soon after the meeting was over, sister Silvers' little boy was taken with spasms and con-tinued having one after another for about three hours. But God made us feel that He was a present help in the time of need We prayed over the child, anointing him with oil, and again the Lord verified His promise. He was immediately healed. " 0, I'd rather be the least of them Who are the Lord's alone, Than wear a royal diadem And sit upon a throne." Jesus says: Go ye into all the World and. preach the Gospel to every creature; be that believeth and is baptized shall be saved: but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe: in my name shall they cast out devils,* * * they shall lay_ hands on the sick and they shall recover. Again Jesus says: All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth, verily, verily I say • more children than she which bath a hus-band." Yes, their converts are numerous, but 0 what salvation is there in a change ' dace and testified to the mighty power of III LaFayette, Gratiot Co. Mich., little Elsa May Zimmerman, daughter of Daniel and Hattie Z., departed this life Dec. 27 ' 88. Aged 1 year, 2 months and 18 days. The Lord. giveth and the Lord taketh away.- Blessed be the name of the Lord. Funeral services were held at the saints meeting house in LaFayette, by the writer. She is not dead, but sleeping The rest that God cloth give To that love and serve Him While here on earth they live. 0 weep not tears of parting, But bow to Father's rod; And if you'd see dear Etta, Prepare to meet thy God. C. E. Reeves. Dear Bro. John McIntosh of ( 4eneva Mich. departed this life in the triumph of a living faith Jan. 10th1889; aged 23 years 4 months and 18 days. Funeral services by the writer. S. Michels. Little Gracie, daughter of' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Merrill near Grand Junction Mich., died Jan. 10' S9, aged 1 year, 7 months and 21 days; leaving parents and friends to mourn their loss. Little Gracie is gone: we loved her dear, but Jesus loved her I I .1 Nta ' AI tc want to report o1110 scliVali011 wy soul Nfld. ItUs Nvork in I:; 1 11 401. are twine saved, prejudice is being retrieved and t here is a general good foolhi t4zmit rog t h o pooplo who lie the Ito Sectarians are 1.1: 0, V-- ing their 11.111- :: IA' .; r1; 01. The M. E. soot liar, on! Cell' supp1.1 prent d iers. to keep their Crelm 110: 11' 111g '.' k1 iv!' 1; 0; 1'. 1 Wei hy the entee ti Gull e, oNiloct Iin, trumpet ill this i".! eett until ill lit,; 11. \ Von; a (- 40. Now dear saint.,. pray rot. that it tl inay• rompicii, in all tIle tviii 01' 1: r ■ 011 0.1.01 . lie' IS. DUAR SAINrs A SBMI- MORTHLY EGLI= ZONAL DEFINITE, RADICAL, ANTI- SECTARIAN. Sent Forth in the name of the Lora elesus Christ For the Purity and TJr. ity of His Church, the _ De-fence of ALL His Truth, And. the Destruction of Sect Bab-ylon. 1, Our address until further notice is follows. D. S. WARNER, GRAND JUNCTION MICH SEBASTIAN MICHELS, BANGOR, ANTHEMS FROM THE THRONE. SECOND EDITION. It contains 148 songs. 90 with music About, all new. The pages are some larg er than Songs of Victory. When sang the Spirit Of God, these songs will bt fouml glorious. They hymn - the precious present truth, and the Gospel standard ef salvation. An important field of usefulness is open, for those saints who can teach the Church-es I hese songs, and the saints and their children to slug by note. It will be a great help to the cause of salvation, and give n t ereqt ta Sabbath Schools. Send in your order foraAnthems from the Throne, add start the soegs of praise anew. Prices as follo ws. Manilla . 30 cts. Cloth . . • 50 cts Per. dozen $ 3.00 & $ 4.80 Our Address. full," and John testifies saying: " of His fulness have we, received, and grace for ( upon) grace." The object of hungering saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height. and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye mighthe filled with all the fulness of God."--- Eph. 3 : 18, 19. Jesus did not say: " Blessed are they that hunger • and. thirst after righteousness for it is a bless-ed thing to hunger always." Nay, but " blessed be ye that hunger and. thirst af-ter righteousness, for ye shall be filled." It is a blessed thing to have a good. appe-the for our food, for then we may eat and be satisfied. But a person hungering at all times, and never satisfied, however much they may eat, are in an abnormal or dis-eased state. So all sect religion is more or less diseased; and the leprosy has now become so bad that God calls loudly upon all of His people to " come out of her." " Flee out of the midst of Babylon, and de-liver every- man his soul." In our last issue, we have the lamenta-tions of the Methodist Missionary, Ward, fearing that the awful contagious malady of " church sprees," raging fatally in his sect should spread to the heathens of India. What a pity it would be if the heathen were to be corrupted by Method-ist immoral& But to return to our sub-ject, ne know there have been many very good people in some of the sects, that once had spirituality. But never could they arties, stati n g that quite a number are of Jesus. Some of them had made a pro-fession before, and others not. The Lord has established a good little Church here, WO are still working away, with prospects of the salvation of other souls. Other places are awaiting us. We do not. know how long we will remain here. We should love to go back to Pa., invade Ohio. And we also feel a desire sometimes that Some one else should take our place in our heavenly little company, and we devote ourself more to writing. Tracts, etc., must be is-sued. We are now preparing a tract on the Church, with much care: It will set. forth the subject in a clear condensed form. I would to God it could be published and. scattered free. Dear Bro. J. W. Evans has also written a small work on that line for pnblieation. But our Onset, force at present is too small to do much beyond the Tr'in'ities and song book work. ( AO mu st raise up some more workers for the OFFICE. lire. James Newkirk With his com-panion, : deter Theresa, has returned to Nebraska , s6ine thineago; als.: 0 Minnie Car-michael has gone to Pa. Thanks for tile coining of Bro. Oliver Arms who is a gond servant of the Lord. But we ore praying God to send in more true wholly - cense_ crated workers for do;: us. A sister or twu who have a single eye to the glory of God. Meane are also greatly Restless. The Lord move the hearts ef ills saints to put His money to preaching i Ilk' GoTe` I. Do for Pentecost " they were all filled with tla. Spirit." Did they continue to h I as ungei and groan after Him? No! but they be ing filled, inclined to give vent to the pent up fire of God, injeyful testimony, " de - t h e wants of the sain! s. 7; Iny hv Le-daring the wonderful works of God," 1. e. hi their redeemed and satisfied souls. God- says: " I will dwell in you, and walk ur you." " As God bath said, I will dwell in you and. be your God, and ye shall be my people." Is God, the Infinite Creator; in His little creature, and his heart crying out for the Living God, as though the In-finite Divine were insufficient to fill the finite human ? Whoever reads these lines and is not filled with the blessed fulness of the love, peace and power of God, yea, with the all- pervading, Almighty God Himself, you should indeed so hunger and cry out for Him, until this is your experi- 1 ence. But to be full of God and all Rini Can a bird drink up the ocean,' Thirsting still from shore to shore! Or the God of all creation Leave thy heart yet craving more? al'ou'd my soul could more encompass Heaven's glory willed to me. 0 the love of nod, so precious! ' Tis a deep and -- zthoreless sea. reach the New Testament summit of per-fection. Their highest idea was ardent pursuit of the - inexpresaible riches of Christ. But to the Romans, the Apostle says:" Fe may be filled with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Jesus says, " ask that your joy may be IYal) LISTIED AT rt7X0 1 11017, non, D. , s. WARNER,-- Editor. E. E. BY: EU: IX- Office Editor. E, E. BYRUM and S. MICRELS,--- Pubi" TERMS, $ 1.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE . All business communications, moneys etc., must be addressed to the GOSPEL TRimirm, in- order to in-sre credit; otherwise we will not be responsible. Remittances should be sent by Registered Letter, or Express Order, through the American, or the United States Express Co. Small amounts may be sent in Two Cent Stamps. . We will not be responsible for money u nless sent by Begisteredletter or Express Order. to GOSPEL TRUMPET. NOTICE. A. commission of 20 percent will be given on each new, cash subscriber, to all who will labor for the GOSPEL ' TRUMPET. We make this offer so as to help Ur. brethren that are in the field, as well as the cir-cut t. lon of the paper. r- ff" Parties desiring papers to canvass with should notify us regularly of their When= abouts„ k1 recs. MISSING PAPERS occasionally hap-pens that numbers of our papers sent to our subscribers are lost. or stolen in rite mails. In case you do not. receive your SONGS OF VICTORY. FOURTH EDITION. line. The want of longing is death. Have THE SABBATH Tin CT• not poor who possesses this; unhappy the THE SABBATH, man who lives without it." lllis longin g and thou shalt live. He is -: OR:- Thus we might trace the best lights all the way through from the time the first WHICH D; 1Y TO KEEP. sect was made on earth, until God has de- ! livered us Out of all isms, and we should DIBLEPPoots that the change fromi find nothing better than an intense long- " the- seventh, to the first dacy of the I ing, hungering and groaning after the com-week, was 9nade by the Lord Himseif plete Bible standard of soul salvation. - This tract contains 64 pages : the - price And in fact they were so accustomed to reduced to only 10 cts. Per dozen $ 1.00. I the longing after, and not attaining that God has enabled us to set. forth the they made the state of longing the stand- . subject in the clear light of abundance of ard. So says Lull, " the more longing," EScTr icpatnu rgel. o rSifoy e Gvoedry, i nre saednedri nogf ythoeu rT RorUdMerPs- " the more life.- " Have this longing and for this Tract. This will also be a good fi- thou shalt live." But thank God! we are nancial help to spread ct her matter tor I able to lift a better standard of life. Souls the Lord, THE EMPHATIC DIAGrLOTT. -: o:- This is an excellent translation of the New Testament. And the genuine Greek text with the alphabet and directions to pure original Word of God. We have se-cured a stock of these vaitiabie books at a good percent, and offer them at the tab - lowing reduced rates. In cloth bind . . . $ 3 25. Library . . $ 4.00. We pay postage when ordered by. mail. A. small commission will be allowed to brethren who will Pell the book. God, a n d are rejoic ng in the precious love the Lord and you shall meet her on the unto the Lord. yids bless strids, and other shore. Funeral by the writer. thal will bless Tern soul. and what better Michele. can you do with the Lord's means. All our company are welLand tilled with f ! an, 1.0 Holy Spirit. I ray 1!, 1i! l! 1: 1111. ror Hs, I ITEWS FROM TEE FIELD, as glorious moral attributes, is the normal state of holiness, and not simply longing for the fulness: Surely God is sufficient to fill us; why not be filled then ? Glory to Jesus! My soul is satisfied. Allthis earth, its wealth and honor, Cannot sate the human breast, flat when filled with God our Father, Every want is fully blest. Chorus.- 0 wondrous love Divine! In me flowing all the time. I am satisfied forever; For in Jesus all is mine. All my soul can wish forever, I do find in Christ replete, Every blessing and the tive• In my peaceful bosom meet. Is thy life bereft of comfort? And thy heart a cheerless spot? Say not that Christ is in thy dessert; For we can believe it not. LIST OF MONEY LETTERS RECEIV-ED SINCE LAST ISSUE, NOT OTH-ERWISE RECEIPTED. JrtUaoNt etChsT eIaO sGN , pO MeSIrPC EdELo zTRenU. M APEdTd OreFsFsI CaEll. ( o= rRdeArNDt eheiias tuhs loofn ghinogl yo nleo nhagsi, n thge. mTohree omf loifree - h oef school. I near. I am just going into my Lord." All orders accompanied by cash, will be i The Mich Holiness Record quotes the promptly filled from single copy upward, e t, . Price, Single copy, Manilla cover. 30 ets. 1. LolIowing from Raymond Lull, of the 13th Cloth limp cover, 50 etc. Per - dozen, Ma ' century. nilla cover, $ 3.00. Cloth, 84,80 i " The spirit longs after nothing as after Parties may- order half doz. at 1 he same I God. No gold is worth so much as a • And yet I must live. Thus to lose my self in Him I find is my glory. Then nothing but Christ in thought, word Soof Vnictorygis ssppsecia lly adn) tEd to ! preaching' praying etc. All the Son of " rt Grove. and all other meetings for trod! His ud, His way, His work, His she worship of God. Also for the Sabbath I manner! To this I and comin g' I am Entered at- the Post Office at Grand. Junction, little love? Could I die for Thee ? Could Van Burnes. Mich., as second class matter. I I suffer long' and still love with . a passion like Thine ? I am crying to God daily, NOTICE. hourly, constantly, to receive a thousand Send money by Post Office Money Mimes more love. I must give myself Order or Postal Note. Where Rnoetg ibset eprreodc uLreetdt, e rs eonrd s mbya lElx apmreetsiusle nOsi° sr dcie, ntr n, 14;' atowoa my; u fsot rb teh ec osnascnrimfiecde, walal st hceo nmsaunm medu. s It ne cosumed one and two cent stamps. cosumed. ARE YOU LONGING FOR, OR POSSESSING? 11;: exchange quotes from Bramwell, generally acknowledged, and doubt Address all letters Io GOSPEL TRUMPET G less was- one of the most humble andpious tia, vm) JUNCTION, MICE. priinitive Methodists. " Am I right ? Can I be right in a this T C Pierce fiir- N () TICE. E Carmichael CHANGES OE A DDRESS:- SObScribers wish - 1 NHenderson ine t heir address changed, must be sure tolA E Maskrey give their FORRMME R, as well as their new ad- , W. P. Miller I Wm Speckles Rosa Smith Geo P Wilson M C Gardner Libbie Snyder Libbie Keefer p; q) er when due, after waiting a sufficient W .1- Evans length of time, write us a card and we will gladly send one in place of ins missing u in her. When you write, be sure and give your I FULL ADDRESS, NAME, POST OFFICE, COUNTY.! end STATE. Should there be a mistake at au; :; rite to us at once, and we will gladly rec-tify the same. A Dillon E C Swan C Guiss Geo E Bolds C J Light w flyers Thomas Carter Matthew Kerr Mary Kerr E J Hoffer A Rock Nannie Donnell H Loyd 3 - E Miller 3I H Basore Aaron Wagner S E Fairchild C 0 Bryant D H Staufer S A Harris John Morgan A Harman 3Irs M J Douglas ! dead in sins may long after life. The possession of Christ is life, and not the longing afterilimdlle that hath the. Son bath life, and he that hats not the Son of God bath not life," hoNfever much he may be longing after Him. James did not . say: read the Greek, thus giving access to the " ye ma- y be longing after perfection in Christ," but '' ye may be perfect and entire wanting nothing." How is a person to keep longing when he is perfect and en-tire, wanting nothing?" Paul did not write to the Ephesians, saying: " ye may long to be filled with all the fulness of God, all the days of your life " but ye " may be able to comprehend with all taken _ and longing is not for the sake of hun ger- I same family, aged 3 yeara and 25 dove. lug, in order to lead us' to the supplies w 0 suffering. W h severe e ome deepply s rest ". vial from very will: that we may be filled. On the daY , the bereaved famil y. Air ' Perry Ferk t-, r and I ter Forker 11110 hive he.- the ramp- ground, and who did so THU ., ' 11, I bless and Cw. litir; i! icir - M ay the Leril senteit`:- providt,: wc their good. tine mother stet ( sailed away. Services by the writer. layton, Pittsvil le Pa. died of , diptheria Dec. : 11 1" SS,, Herbert L. Forker aged years. 4 months and 3 days. There v,- as I not one of the famil y eseaped tide terrible disease. F uneral serveise eendueted I taro's . Mathorn and Martz. LATER. Dec. 29 little ti'harley : Porker the little house or wors'ip, and some of l! le people having aeen over 10 ht_, mecTing were eagt: r to have the avert!' trump t GodsQuntied in village There wa I a gC= Ftt- Tal truth. an, 1 even received the AVol.‘; with inueli enthusiasm. : Bur I Iwre only a very- . e, 1' who could he prevailed upon ta Low at the throne of mercy and seek .301 However we knew the " Word of God shall yet bi'ing forth : fruit- in . that plate. We received a letter - from there since leaving word through different yell anxious we should return; some even ! promising to seek God if we would do so. i Praise God ! We held the meetings ill a cold ! hall above a blacksmith and wagon shop. I cola placcabut God. gave us mild weal In 1Cl er, andhelped us mightily to preach the ospel. There was no small stir. 7l'he Methodist priest came to hear a few times, and thought we knew not his presence one night, he received a message by the Holy Spirit, that, to hint, was " wormwood and water of g How we pity the poor I that are writhing in pain bt,. , ca tl e (-, f t he taau consumes the wood. hay anti ble of vain religion. Next, we were conveyed by the saint. I to this little bur g, where we have been over a week. We have the use of a contfortre ble house of worship here. ( or woaid properly sea t ed; the owner of consecrated himself wholly to ( 3 1. vhicEl i theaes or ten souls have elven themselves u p t o t:- I CROW' AND, NT.„ TAN. 11::). , i INCE we have been in Canada tit( 1 roads have been very bad. No eleigh I i most of the time very muddy, and tlIt ' rest very - rough; this being a clay country We did not hold lacennee al l dn. limeatni t I I returned to the OFFWE for one Week" returning here we held meetings nine days in the village of Feuwick. This place is about two miles from the SZli t ti !-; more. And now Parents and trie n t .• us , A it. in 3 t oat. 1, ne:„ J't . 211. GREETINtt ILL Too SA --- May God ilvonderft: lly hies, you 11 all Ilisblis., od fulness: may you rojtinlet unspeak- 1 able and full or glory. Alnen _ After 0,0: 11' rte. Ilaner's room In tin - Benkee 11 11FL 1; Jantes 310., mained in the name 431 ' . l estis Ind attended IH • It adnlinisterin lit e oniinanees th, trs dear lit Ho ones r. T itutiker 11111. Four • dear precious studs rei't. 1' N't'd 1): Zpri, 11) 1 2nd at Jan. ' 1 ' he it hr tollowing we sill-lowed our Savior's t'XtUnple in washing the saints reel anti com mo: uoraling leis death l and s, tfiering for us. It \ vas a preeions mooring to oUr soulsand I , okl did wonder- Bully bless us. IlitIlelujah ! lie has said, If ye lilif111 17.; ose things. happy are ye if ye do them. Alinti ! ( C; Irtor and myself) then went Six miles East of Honker I. Iill. where we itresent ell. ? he pure Word of t; od. Three tit.' ar souls Were cleansed from all two of WIUIh had never' 1W1.': 1 convert- : 01. lintli 121 ii meeting. :". 41i1D' professing IltiildeSS in that tniuniry yltouts Iuut COMU ho heer the Word bevause we did not be-long lit a see:. One peer soul ( elute to our meeting : Mil ili: 1! I. W411 .001 to he right, but 11*: •. S so married lti OI, ! Nally . S el1t/ 11,4.1 11VtA 1. that he could metgi\ e her up. 1Jo } suss great in fluence. anti ihorefore . Ictid Ill the 11' 314 111; 11 ' L` Mal" Vei bring its:; eddi lo the elery t int!. nly\ 1 InKrat: \ n" s7at y" tites . mother alai three sisters are laboring in tlri. rtrt of Calve yesterday to this plat- e• ineothilz• last nizItt. I; I. erd NVith we expect to re- . tha (_ 1, :::: 1riZnellifs; : liu lito ■ vlotr111.0:: 1 1; i; 0110 l rests, and now-t ShOil the preparation of the Gospel, and helve tho shield or faith and the sword wit h athri, e leht . I know that the mighty rresnonLience. AKRON, Kan., JAN. 14, 1889. DEA a Ta aug READERS:— God bless yyo, From Stafford we went to theCentenni school- house, six miles Southwest of Ceda Vale, where we commenced a meeting i the name of the blessed Jesus, Dee. 17t1 1888. - As the meeting progressed we form that many of the dear ones were not, up to the full measure of God's Word; and some that were professing were not converted, others were under the power of, or pos-sessed of evil spirits, and had done mach through their crooked living which had dis-graced the cause of salvation in that local-ity and had given sectarians wherewith to accuse the saints. Glory to our God ! He set His separator to workaind all the little ones who were honest at heart were soon I separated from every chaffy thing or at least the most of them; but some had been so completely sifted by the devil, all good T n hr heaving been taken out of them,. that whe they passed tough the Lord's separator they were blown over- board and went oil Ramming and threatening. There were sev-eral who got salvation and we think that the Lord has greatly strengthened His Church in Centennial Valley. To God be all the glory. ' There were many who ac-knowledged the truth and treated us kind-ly that were not saved; and as I remember their kindness to us, I wonder if they will J get salvation and he among the redeemed in tlit great judgment day. Before leaving the Valley, we held an ordinance meeting at I3ro. Moorhead's and there were present twenty or more of the dear saints at the meeting. There were several at this meeting whohu ere seeking sanctification., After services we were con-veyed IT dear Bra. I far]) to his residence where we rested for a little season' and partook of some refreshments and I hen t he Bro. conveyed us to Cedar Vale who're we look train thr ' Winfield where we arrived in due lime and was met by Brother 13. Alderiells who conveyed us in a wagon to his residence about nine miles Northwest of Winfield, Cowley Co. Kan., • ind one : mile West of Akron at which place we have commenced a meeting in the name Of he Your saved brethren,--- A. J. Kilpatrick, S. L. Speck S. Jas. Willis U . • lion of the tribe of Judah and the bless& Lamb of God are gently lying together my soul. Glory to God for ever and ever I am rejoicing ever more. This command-ment with others, found in 2 Thess. 5: 16, 17, 18, I find are not being kept bys a great man y professing holiness. trod has cmo-manded: " Rejoice ever inore, pray without. ceasing, in every thing give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concern-ing you." And in Matt. 7: 21 He says: not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heav, en; but he that doeth the will of my Fa- 1 ther which is in heaven." Now dear broth-ren let us be sure we dd the whole will of; our Father, then the windows of heaven will be opened and the blessings poured I out. Hallelujah ! Amen ! Otto Bolds. 1! al dI LAGRANGE, IND. Dear TI: uni2 Readers.-- We praise Cod this morning for full and free salva-tion which delivers us from all sin. We commenced meeting in the name of the Lord, Dec. 23, about five Miles NM. Lime Ind. There was much opposition, but the enemy was defeated by the power of God, and a glorious work was done. There were about twenty consecrations. On Jan. 20, thirteen happy saints of God Were buried in baptism by Bro's Yoder and Eargood. 1 In the evening we observed the ordinances of the Lord's supper, and washin g the stunt s feet; in which act the dear Lord did wonderfully bless our souls fraise the Lord tor the victory we are havin g in this country in timi e name of sus. VI' e have just closed a meeting: g' miles south of town. God waa with " girt, and much crookednessw as made I straight by making a complete death: and much yet to do. But we feel assured that then a glorious resurrection. But there is the Spirit of God will complete- its work in pnrifying the Church at that place. Q11 the evening of the 25th we had an ordi-nance meeting at father Byers which was the most precious one that we have ever been permitted to enjoy. 0the sweet ho-ly calm of heaven that seemed to pervade every heart. There were 87 present, and 33 took part in the exercises. The blessed Spirit so gently and sweetly melted us all into one, and so lovingly presided over the meeting that even those who did not par-take were convinced and were sorry they did at participat e. Quite anumber of the saints in this vicinity were not perMitted to be present at this precious meeting. May God keep all these precious saints in the unity of the spirit and the bonds of peace, filled With the mighty power of God. Your Bro. saved and sanctified in the preciOuS blood of Jesus. Amen ! 11 We went the next day to Cotton Wood. io in Bro. Daniels nei eghborhood where We ! I commenced meeting in the name of King Jesus. God had revealed to us before we left home that there was much crooked- ! neTss in this place. 0 glory to God! the i Spirit at once began to. search, and the : deep and hidden things were brought to C. Z. Lindley. timee people are more noble here. I a. n d able to resist the temptation, at othem tc neigh There are meeting- houses in clifferent times I yield. At such times I am led b orhoods open for us here. doubt it I ever enjoyed it. Yet the prom-! Pray fQr us that we may have boldn n' ess. II - Ii is ' If we confess our sins. He is faith Iful and just to forgive us our sins, and tc I I power, wisdom, humility and grace to do , the whole will o f' Goi c l eanse us from all unrighteousness;" and h 1 fled before we left, and_ Weoheld an ordi-nance meeting on Sunday evening: 16 participated. Sister Shaw „ arrived the last day of the meeting from Stoneboro Pa. We are now at Cochran'sMills. NV'e h ave several calls in Ind. and idieh. whielm east helped the woman. ( ihe Chutes.) Rea. 112. Even among those of the baser, sort who were to 00 seen. staggeringsup the isle was the sect preachers, some of them under the influence of intoxicating liquors. The Lord restrained their rage and awful / wrath. Two were saved and two saneti - n; the power of God was so manifested as to con-found them, so they resarted- to violence. s- ha Some of the better disposed sinners were willing to take our place, - and take the lows in our stead " And the - th 42- 1s, PA. Dell: 1 Bvethren :--- L, 1 are still in t hei i ( glorious work, and the Lord is blessing! our souls and opening the way for the ' , truth. We were glad to Meet the little ones at Blanco once more. They are still strung and triumphing in the, Lord. The meeting at Blanco was a grand success: it commenced , Tan. i The enemy cam ill like a flood in the first: of the meetin and tried to turn it into derisio bur ' where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear. Truly we are in perilous times. Well may we receive the admon-ition, keep thyself Punt_ .- I go from here to Humboldt Kan. to hold meetings in that part. My Bro. J. is not with me at present. All the dear saints pray for me. Your sanctified sister in the patience and faith of our Lord Je. sus Christ, in the complete will of God. _ Mary Cole. I ST JAMES Mo. be wholly the Lord's. I a neaeta tmany good testimonies in the TaumeEns b I' , u hi Je- 1 g- oodness extendeth not to them." Sonic 10' dirk the, reason I have such a vascillat- I " If ye mortify the deeds of the body ye shall lived' This has been a great COnS0- lation to me. I . desire above all things to ei g. i —, 0:— ROANN IND., DEC. 29, 1888. Dear Friends: - I Mil not entirely satis-fiedeI fear I am not filled with the Spirit at least I am not always in the Spirit But when I ask His assistance, I almost al-ways receive it in a measure. A brothe lately asked me: " Do you enjoy full salva-tion?" I told him I had professed to enjoy had felt that it would be wrong not t do so; I have consecrated and believed foi it, yet at times I still feel the moving Io' anger, pride, etc.; sometimes I feel strong square up with the truth. God richl and abundantly blessed their souls. W earoestly invoke heaven's blessings an guidance upon the Church. Bro. Kauf man was chosen of the Lord as deacon also Bro. Porter was ordained elder of th Church. We pray- that God may ever keep them humble and qualified and used of Him in the office wherein they were plac-ed by the Lord. The' Church was blessed, advanced, and settled down in God. We hope that all hereafter will endeaver to keep- the unity 61' the Spirit in the bonds -) 1' piece and perfect love through much prayer imd watchfulness. Amen ! At present we are laboring out here. Souls are being saved, and the work is moving on. There are many doors open for us in the Gospel work. Love to all-the saints. Please pray for us that many outs may be saved, and the truth spread. Your free Bro. wholly § saannccttiiffiieedd." F. N. Jacobson ti ad pw fin is bu be see ing res Liu str the pro w Ion _ ofte tha 0 t the Stan thr her the mys n. t All fort t gi mat is gained, another can be easily gain- . Through observation of the lives of ersons this holy warfare, some of hom. haveeen heroes in the strife, we d that when the weak points are ni acked IT the enemy, - the shield of faith t in a somewhat unguarded hour the st strongholds are attacked. FAITH it-f bombarded by the enemy, and seem-ly the shield is. held down by some ir-istable power; just there and in such a eis where so many fall and give up the uggle, giving the victory to the enemy; y seem to forget that; the Lord has liaised that He. would be With them al-a a 1 the nn me of Jesus. The enemy genes-lly tries to break the ranks and gain a y of the elements of carnality. Prid e anger will find no place inyour hen d your life is hid with Christ in God." - fail to enjoy salvation because have- been . not make right— as far as lieth in e power— the things wherein they wronged their fellow men. Many had a blessed experience and labored for the Arnsiet. and then in some have lost that joy and peace, yet desire is to do good. There is always reason for such a. person becoming a ated from God and losing their experi Sometimes yon can review the past realize - what it is, while at other t it seems to be hidden from our v Sometimes the Lord empties us oat the saying is— and leaves us in thiscc o don for a while that we may feel and alize our nothingness, and littleness be Tim. . At such times it is necessary ue to seek a close communion and with Him, forHe says: " Lo I am A you al- Ways," and " I will never leave forsake yon." Bless the Lord for sue promise. " Yea, though I walk thro the valley of the shadow of death I fear no evil." In making your conseeratio be s that it is Complete; count all things on altar, all you know, and all you do know; then if anything should come the future of which youi - hu l not thong count it included in the consecration, a e atilt rt," fi r lien-en( e. i matcds iew. fore ha ugh w e not pin nd to not alli. v it to be taken from off the NION GROVE, Ian. All praise and glory to the God of all grace for wonderful works to the chil-dren of men, 1/ 1)( 1 for the glorious work he has wrought, in saving 111( 1 sanctifying souls in the meeting Which we closed last Sat-urday in lather Byers neighborhood. The dear Lord kept us laboring in that place and. in the town cif Albany for five weeks; in which time there were forty or fifty consecrations in all for both experiences. This includes those reported in our last. It was one of the most wonderfulmmeetings that we were ever in. 0 die glorious melt-ing power that rested on our souls from time to time in all its refining influence; -- Vtirifying and settling the dear saints in all' the will of God. 0 it was just wonderful to see the precious souls melted down be-fore the mighty power of the Holy Ghost till we were all compacted. together in one mind and one Spirit. 0 how blessed it was to realize the leadings of the blessed Holy Ghost in all the Work during the whole of time time. There was, not a sin-gle jar or discord among the workers. The Spirit leading each one just where they should go, and when they should work: and what they should do. 0 hallelujah to God. and the Lamb for ever and ever! Amen ! The last of the series of meetings • in the vicinity of Albany was held : at fa-ther Byers Saturday, Jan. 21, which was very . precious waiting before the dear Lord. the sweet holy calm of heavenly rest that filled all our hearts: with jOynnspeak-able and. full of glory, Your brothers in Christ. Wm. ooding, A. M. Eargood 1 BREEDSVILLP., MICII. Dori. mpe 17- Readert::— May the Lord bless you all. We are saved. through the precious blood of Jesus just now. We commenced meeting in the name of the Lord, Dec 28, atSwamp school- house. The power of God was wonderfully manifested during the meeting; and there were alment twenty consecrations. One woman, who was possessed with devils, was delivered from them by the power of God. A num-oer of persons were healed; and five were baptized in Scott Lake, on Jan. 21. Your brother and . ester in Christ, saved from all sin and sanetilied. by the blood of: MERIDEN, KAN. To all the saints greeting:— May the God of all grace keep you in His love. Amen ! My soul is joyful in the Lord. Oh how the dear Lord fills and thrills my entire being with His transparent. glory and the double everlasting joy. Truly , q) oth that sanctifieth and they who are sancti-fied are all of one: for which cause Die is not ashamed to call them brethren." " Bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh." Hal-lelujah to God and the Lamb forever! I came here in the name of Jesus Nov. 18, commenced meeting- the day following; found timings in a very discordant condition. Heresy of different kinds liad been brought in, not sparing the flock; and some of the saints had become ensnared and their ex perience almost gone; but when the straight Word was g` irv, en by the power of God, some of them heard the noise - of, the Shepherd and straightened up to time Word and found their home in Ohrist again. Others refused light and are now in a worse condition than when meeting commenced. Truly if our Gospel be hid it is hid to them that are lost; in whom the God of this world bath Minded the minds of them that - believe not; but the light of the glorious - Gospel which is the image of God should show auto them. I c ic not see as many saved as should have liked to; butthe promise is, In as much as ye know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. The Lord at-tended His Word in power. Amen ! The work was mostly among those : who were professing to be stunts, Init not clear. Judg-ment must first begin at the house of God; and if the righteous scarcely be: saved, s experience is because I do not and in -' 1 ow er, ant1 s on s1 N, s e- re sziA - iron ' fill sta;_- n• d. being deal: but I attribute int etro- „ Is P. ILmer. NOT being acquainted with the sister. we are unable to say just what all is in her way to prevent her enjoying full sal-vation. But it is evident that she is try-ing -, strength instead of letting ' he Lord do the work. and she onl y an spuement in His hands to do His bid; lg. So many people of to- day are in time smae condition, who are honestly and eatimea , seeking salvation and go through a form of consecration, seemingly with all sincerity: claim the blessing and make a profession; yet their heart is far from. God. ey still have the same longing, hunger ing, and thirsting, and wonder V- Iry such is the case. It is because they forget to give God a chance, instead of doing it all themselves. " For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves: it is a gift of God: not by works lest any man should boast."— Eph. 2 : 8, 9. An outward form or profession, reasoning' of the Mind etc., Will amount to nothing without a change of heart: " For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is- made unto salvation."-- Rom. 10 : 10. When you confess your sins and remember that Cod says" He is just and faithful to for-give," then take God at His Word and count the work done, and you can. truth-fully claim the blessing without a doubt, just as soon as you are willing to forsake all for Christ and confess your sins to Him for then you have the whole word of God as an evidence that it is true, and also the Spir-itwitnesseth to the same. " Therefore be-ing justified by faith, We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus ehrist2Tom. 5 : When you have reached this point, then you are in a proper condition to " present your body a living sacrifice," for Sanctification according to Born. 12 : 1. When this is done there will remain none wilk their have hai e 1( ng way their soil e s re-for - ark ith ncr will the ltar, nor to bother you in any way, and hus you resist the devil and give , no place o Him and you go on your way rejoicing othold at the weakest point, and when raised which wards off the darts; MIDDLEPOINT, 0. DEARLY BELOVED TRUMPET READERS:— I am also a reader of the TauateET, and praise God for the blessed privilege of being per-mitted to read it. This afternoon being alone in my room after having perused the paper, I feel led of the Lord to write my testimony for the glory of God. Oh how glad I am that Jesus is my satisfying por-tion. Ile has so completely cleansed and purified both soul and body. The old man is killed and every root of bitterness is tak-en out. of my heart. Dead to the world and alive unto Christ. I can never praise God enough for leading me into this blessed evening light, and sanctifying my soul by a second work of grace. Praise God ! " If we live in the Spirit, let us walk in the Spirit." Pray for me that I may be a faithful worker in the vineyard of the Lord. Blest was the hour when Jesus said: " Timy sins are all forgiven," And scattered rays of glory bright To lead my thoughts to heaven. Blessed still that morning fair After nine long years had fled, Since Jesus spoke. those blessed words To me those words how dear? I ggaavve my body a Sacrifice to His will; And praise be to His holy name, He sanctified my soul. He madenie happy in His lover He keeps lime from all sin; 0 may I always live for Hini And do His blessed will. Libbie ' Keefer. ys, and never leave nor forsake as g as they trust Him; and also that He uld fight their battles for them. How n persons who have special gifts in t line are baffled in that very same way. hat they would only trust more upcn blessed promises of the Lord, and in. Hy declare their freedom and victory ough the Lord Jesus Christ. Remen that FArrii is the key which unlocks prison doors and unfolds time deep and terious things ofGod, and if you are he hands of God you have that key, you have to do is to use it and co h in the name. of Jesus in the liberty ves. E. E. Byrum. Jesus. safely to Ind. and Midi. We long to see: Marion * k Ida Welch. the brethren in these stases. We are now - on our way to Rolla ' Moo 10 miles west of St James. to hold meeting. We ask all [ we expert to meet As soon as the Lord w ills. ' lea sk the Imre' hren to pray sua that we may be brought on our way sin. About six conaeerated entiree, nothing but weak faith. " Him that is anctification: others were deeply eoncit . t- lweak in the faith, receive ye." I would ed, but world not yield to God. N., Vimile t he glad if the Lord would put it into the Il I Arts were at this meeting, Bre. Houghton I hearts cd' some of the good brethren to I iad one nosh of town. Two sanctified. come here and preach to us some time. and three converted. The blessed work I Would be willing to help defray their ex-moves on in power: doors are opening for penses. Or if any good brother or sister and more cabs than we can pas- I has word of exhortation or instruction sibly fill in several mouths. and as we ex- me, I ( vould like to have you write to pest Bro. Bolds sOf1: 1, or in the spring, to me. It will be thankfully reeeived. work in this country, we expect if the! - Faint : yet still pursuing." Yours in Lord wills to start in Fell. for Ind. We hope offull salvati n. Susan B. Knife'. NOTE. time saints to pray f= ir us there. Wlire a send much love in greeting tc saints who read the Taumnyr. am your Bro. sanctified wholly. with ithe real fire in my soul. Hallelujah to the Lan? b!_ Deav Breth. fe ) ::— Mav r chly, bless given in lily last report, the Lor d sent - rue oe— NORTII ITA3letoN IAN. 7, hss./. and. keep you all pure and abounding in His perfect love. Amen! After my labors near Sidney Ohio, as to New Pittsburg Ind., where we corn-menced meeting in Praise Chapel in the name of the Lord; mighty conviction set-- I tied down upon the people. Before my arrival there, sratan got to working amongi some of them, which resulted in the break- I ing of the unity of the Spirit. 1 and the overthrow of some of them_ But was defeated. through the truth and the • power of God, and the unity of the Spirit I was again sweetly, and more perfectly re,' stored anmi ong the saints. There were a number of consecrations. Oh how some the prodigal children, who were again, made happy, did rejoice in God, their sal- I vation. Praise the Lord ! Some of the saints I at Portland were also present during some of the meetings, who aleo shared the heav, enly feast with Us. Dear• Bro. Jesse Mc- Farland and two of his daughters : from] North Hampton Ohio; one of - whom iwas- 1- sweetly saved before returning home. There was generally a geed attenance and j interest among the people. Nearly all of I the little ones were willing to settle and 11315.6399t. " Correspond nce it is so plain that no one need go astray. The Lord called us out of the sect and I can now see more plainly than ever the idolatry of. so- called churches of to-day. They do not get any - one saved; all they are after is numbers and wealth. 0 for more Holy Ghost preachers. Pray for us that the truth it ry prevail here yet and God be glorified. Amen., Your Bro. saved by the blood. Geo. W. Cave. immersed by them and - remained a mem-ber of that sect till 1873; then I saw in the Word of the Lord the ordinance of feet washing and I asked the preacher why we could not practice it. He said it was not for us to practice; but it was so plain to me I could not get it off my mind. Sometime after this I met the Church of God sect and they practiced washing feet, and I thought truly this is the Church of the liv-ing God. They said they took the Bible for their guide and the man of their counsel. I also read in the Word of God where sanc-tification is taught. I knew it was taught as a second work of grace. I went to the preacher and he said we received it when We come to die. - Yet that did not satisfy - me. Christ says: As He is so are we in this world, and also,' Thess.- 4: 3, " for this is the will of God, even your sanctification. rations, but it only makes us stronger. 0 He commands us to be holy for He is holy. how I praise God for this blessed evening I could not get rid of this. I attended a light. I praise the Lord for the healing Power. He healed me of lu ng trouble, for which- I give him all the glory. Pray for me that the Lord may entirely heal me of other afflictions, and make me perfectly whole. - About a year ago I was in the sect, but I heard His voice saying: " Come out of her my people," and I obeyed the voice, and am now rejoicing in the glorious eve-ning light. Your saved sister. Hattie A. Robertston. that He is going to do` work here soon. Pray for ns. We- need help here, that God's Church may shine forth as the noon day sun. Your brother saved from all sin, sanctified and kept by the power of God through faith in- Christ Jesus. Henry Latshaw. MARINE CITY MICH. WAR SAms:— Grace be unto you, and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Blessed be God even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the filth or of mercies, the God of all comfort, who comforteth us in all our- tribulations that we may be able to cOmfort those who are in any trouble with the comfort where-with we ourselves are comforted of God. Dear readers, I wish to glorify God by writing my experience. I was brought up in the darkness of the sect called the Church of England. I was baptized when an infant, for which I had a God father and two God- mothers who became respon-sible for my soul, and promised that I should renounce the devil and all his works. So then I was supposed to be a member of Christ, the child of God; and an heir to the kingdom of heaven. I learn-ed my prayers from my prayer- book and catechism. At the age of 22 I was con-firmed; for which I had to learn the Auoss ties' creed, the Lord's prayer and the 10 commandments, the Bishop laying his hand upon my head that the Holy Spirit may ever abide with me. But I knew nothing of salvation, for I had not been horn of the Spirit. But praise the Lord! nearly 5 years ago I saw my lost condition, and found peace and rest in my dear Sav-jar. Such a stream of light came into my soul, and I was filled with love to God and man. I rejoiced and praised God. But I thought I could not live a christian unless I joined one of the so- called church-es, so I united with the M. E. sect in De-troit. I soon found them to be more worldly than the one I had left; yet I stayed there nearly three yea