Summary:In a period of increasing body burdens this project elucidated in great detail the radioactivity of the diet and tissues of reindeer and of reindeer herding Lapps, who consume large amounts of reindeer muscle and other tissues. The detailed and precise results made possible accurate forecasts of the change of radioactivity on all trophic levels and in the critical items of the foodchains elucidated. The accurate and reliable forecasts were made possible by a detailed knowledge of all environmental and dietary factors involved. The reliable forecasts made possible correct early decisions regarding eventual application of protective measures for reduction of the extra dose from /sup 137/Cs to the population group submitted to the highest extra dose, the adult male reindeer herders. The decision made was: no protective measures were necessary or recommendable, although a few individuals' dose commitment from /sup 137/Cs in the body exceeded 350 mrem/y in 1965. Any protective measure which would have cast some doubt on the safety of reindeer meat as human food from radiation point of view could have jeopardized its markets. Since the Lapps' only income was reindeer meat their loss of income would have caused them much greater health hazards than the temporary extra radiation dose which would only grow to 1 rem/30 years. This project also elucidated the relatively high natural radiation dose Lapps have always received from /sup 210/Po (e.g. in genitals 2500 mrem/30 y). This nuclide is cumulated in lichen from natural fallout and becomes just like /sup 137/Cs enriched into reindeer (particularly its liver) and Lapps. /sup 210/Po approximately doubles the natural background dose of Lapps in comparison to non-reindeer consumers.