Summary:Here, we present a cosmic microwave background (CMB) lensing map produced from a linear combination of South Pole Telescope (SPT) and Planck temperature data. The 150 GHz temperature data from the 2500 deg 2 SPT-SZ survey is combined with the Planck 143 GHz data in harmonic space to obtain a temperature map that has a broader ℓ coverage and less noise than either individual map. Using a quadratic estimator technique on this combined temperature map, we produce a map of the gravitational lensing potential projected along the line of sight. We measure the auto-spectrum of the lensing potential ${C}_{L}^{\phi \phi }$, and compare it to the theoretical prediction for a ΛCDM cosmology consistent with the Planck 2015 data set, finding a best-fit amplitude of ${0.95}_{-0.06}^{+0.06}(\mathrm{stat}.{)}_{-0.01}^{+0.01}(\mathrm{sys}.)$. The null hypothesis of no lensing is rejected at a significance of 24σ. One important use of such a lensing potential map is in cross-correlations with other dark matter tracers. We demonstrate this cross-correlation in practice by calculating the cross-spectrum, ${C}_{L}^{\phi G}$, between the SPT+Planck lensing map and Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) galaxies. We fit ${C}_{L}^{\phi G}$ to a power law of the form ${p}_{L}=a{(L/{L}_{0})}^{-b}$ with a, L 0, and b fixed, and find ${\eta }^{\phi G}={C}_{L}^{\phi G}/{p}_{L}={0.94}_{-0.04}^{+0.04}$, which is marginally lower, but in good agreement with ${\eta }^{\phi G}={1.00}_{-0.01}^{+0.02}$, the best-fit amplitude for the cross-correlation of Planck-2015 CMB lensing and WISE galaxies over ~67% of the sky. Finally, the lensing potential map presented here will be used for cross-correlation studies with the Dark Energy Survey, whose footprint nearly completely covers the SPT 2500 deg 2 field.