Summary: | The Black Sea turbot (Psetta maeotica maeotica Pallas) two-yearlings culture in the basin farm (YugNIRO, Kerch Strait, Black Sea) is presented for the period from April to October, 2013. The Black Sea turbot was cultured under conditions of natural water salinity variations (from 15.0 to 18.2 ‰). The temperature mode was regulated by means of the basin water heating in winter and its cooling in summer. In April the number of yearlings reached 77 individuals, in October the number of two-yearlings made up 65 individuals. The turbot was fed on the trout formula feed produced by BioMar (Denmark). During the turbot two-yearlings culture period, four test samplings were made in order to determine their linear-weight parameters, physiological state of the fish and their survival rate; each test sampling ranged from 10 to 65 ind. It is found out that the temperature ranging from 16 to 20 °С is optimal for vital functions and growth of the Black Sea turbot during the warm season, which proves literature data on its culture technology. Under the indicated temperature range, maximum survival rate (84 %) and growth rates of body length and weight (5.18 g and 176 cm, correspondingly) are recorded. The feed coefficient ranged from 1.2 to 1.8 units. Possibility of the Black Sea turbot replacement stock culture using the Kerch Strait water is shown. Приведены результаты выращивания черноморского калкана Psetta maeotica maeotica (Pal.) от возраста годовика до двухлетки в условиях бассейнового хозяйства научно-исследовательской базы ФГБНУ «ЮгНИРО» (Крым, Керченский пролив). Установлено, что оптимальными для жизнедеятельности и роста калкана является диапазон температуры 16-20 °С и солености 17- 18 ‰. При содержании годовиков и двухлеток калкана в оптимальных условиях существенно повышается эффективность потребления корма, а также отмечаются максимальные приросты по массе и длине тела. Выживаемость двухлеток калкана от годовиков за весь период выращивания составила 84 %, абсолютный прирост по массе – 356,8 г, по длине – 9,16 ...