Diplomski rad „Siromaštvo od teksta do predstave“ prikazuje proces stvaranja lutkarske predstave unutar odgojno-obrazovne ustanove za koju je poticaj bio događaj iz naše okoline – siromaštvo. Cilj je rada bio kroz stvaranje lutkarske predstave djecu uvesti u svijet umjetnost te progovoriti o aktualn...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Šipalo, Renata
Other Authors: Grgurinović, Marica
Format: Master Thesis
Published: Sveučilište u Splitu. Filozofski fakultet. 2022
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Summary:Diplomski rad „Siromaštvo od teksta do predstave“ prikazuje proces stvaranja lutkarske predstave unutar odgojno-obrazovne ustanove za koju je poticaj bio događaj iz naše okoline – siromaštvo. Cilj je rada bio kroz stvaranje lutkarske predstave djecu uvesti u svijet umjetnost te progovoriti o aktualnom problemu, siromaštvu, kao i razvijati te osnaživati dječje dobrobiti osobito dječje stvaralaštvo i socijalnu kompetenciju. Iako je stvaranje lutkarske predstave dugotrajan i zahtjevan proces, ostvariv je u odgojno-obrazovnoj ustanovi, njegov smisao nije igranje predstave u vrtiću, već dobrobiti samog procesa. Teoretski je dio rada argumentiran praktičnim aktivnostima unutar odgojne skupine. Dramske igre i vježbe su razveseljavale djecu i pridonijele stvaranju predstave za koju su sami izradili lutke javajke i djelomično scenografiju te sudjelovali u njezinoj izvedbi. The diploma thesis "Poverty – from text to play" shows the process of creating a puppet show within an educational institution, the impetus of which was an event from our environment, poverty. The aim of the work was to introduce children to the world of art through the creation of a puppet show and to talk about the current problem, poverty, as well as to develop and strengthen children’s benefits, especially children's creativity and social competence. Although the creation of a puppet show is a long and demanding process that can be achieved in an educational institution, its meaning is not playing a show in kindergarten, but the benefit of the process itself. The theoretical part of the work is argued with practical activities within the educational group. Dramatic games and exercises cheered up the children and contributed to the creation of the play, for which they themselves made the Javanese dolls and partly the scenography, and participated in its performance.