
本研究探討攝食烏腳病地區養殖魚貝類對人體健康之風險,首先進行現地採樣,包括養殖池水與魚貝類(吳郭魚、牡蠣、文蛤),分析其總砷及物種砷As(III)、As(V)、MMA與DMA之濃度及含量。 由現場採樣及分析結果可發現養殖池水中無機砷約佔總砷72.6-88.1%,無機砷大多以H2AsO3-之As(III)或H2AsO4-之As(V)型態存在,而吳郭魚體內無機砷則佔總砷約5.6-12.8%,其中As(III)含量為0.017 -0.047µg/g,As(V)含量則為0.015 -0.048µg/g,兩者相近,而牡蠣體內無機砷佔總砷百分比約1.64%,As(III)含量為0.071 -0.145µg...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: 黃鳳美, Huang, Feng-Mei
Other Authors: 劉振宇, 臺灣大學:生物環境系統工程學研究所
Format: Thesis
Published: 2004
Online Access:http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/246246/56069
Summary:本研究探討攝食烏腳病地區養殖魚貝類對人體健康之風險,首先進行現地採樣,包括養殖池水與魚貝類(吳郭魚、牡蠣、文蛤),分析其總砷及物種砷As(III)、As(V)、MMA與DMA之濃度及含量。 由現場採樣及分析結果可發現養殖池水中無機砷約佔總砷72.6-88.1%,無機砷大多以H2AsO3-之As(III)或H2AsO4-之As(V)型態存在,而吳郭魚體內無機砷則佔總砷約5.6-12.8%,其中As(III)含量為0.017 -0.047µg/g,As(V)含量則為0.015 -0.048µg/g,兩者相近,而牡蠣體內無機砷佔總砷百分比約1.64%,As(III)含量為0.071 -0.145µg/g,As(V)含量則為0.032-0.068µg/g,而文蛤體內無機砷佔總砷百分比約10.9%,As(III)含量為0.190-1.671µg/g,As(V)含量則為0.000 -0.130µg/g。 將無機砷之致癌斜率強度(CPSo)以1.5 (mg/kg/day)-1 進行評估,在攝食率10及70g/d、18.6及56g/d、5及14.5g/d情況下,國人因食用吳郭魚、牡蠣、文蛤而暴露於無機砷之標的致癌風險(TR)累積機率95﹪的風險值為3.54×10-6及2.48×10-5、1.26×10-5及3.82×10-5、1.28×10-5及2.96×10-5。 由於As(III)與As(V)之毒性不同,將As(III)與As(V)個別之CPSo以 1.95及0.39 (mg/kg/day)-1作為評估無機砷之致癌風險時,在攝食率10及70g/d、18.6及56g/d、5及14.5g/d的情況下,國人因食用吳郭魚、牡蠣、文蛤而暴露於無機砷之TR累積機率95﹪的風險值為2.95×10-6及2.06×10-5、1.24×10-5及3.73×10-5、1.25×10-5及3.08×10-5。 在攝食10及70g/d、18.6及56g/d、5及14.5g/d的情況下,國人因食用吳郭魚、牡蠣、文蛤而暴露於無機砷之非致癌風險之標的危害商數THQ累積機率95﹪的風險值為0.019及0.138、0.071及0.214、0.057及0.166。皆低於1之安全基準值。 As(III)與As(V)個別CPSo以 1.95及0.39(mg/kg/day)-1評估無機砷之致癌風險時,因為魚貝類體內As(III)與As(V)的比例不同,推估之風險值略高或低於無機砷CPSo以 1.5 (mg/kg/day)-1所推估之風險值由於並無一定之規律,為求正確評估,以As(III)與As(V)個別之CPSo 1.95及0.39 (mg/kg/day)-1作為評估無機砷之致癌風險時會較能反應國人攝食魚貝類實際所暴露的風險值。 This study estimated the human health risk of ingesting farmed fish, oyster and clam in blackfoot disease area of Taiwan. Field samples were collected including aquacultural pond water, fish and shellfish (tilapia Oreochromis mossambica, oyster Crassostrea gigas and clam Meretrix lusoria). Concentrations of arsenic (As) species, included total As(AST), As(V), As(III), monomethylarsonic acid (MMA), and dimethylarsinic acid (DMA) were analyzed. The analytical result reveals that the ratio of inorganic As(ASi) to AST is 72.6~88.1% in the aquacultural ponds, and the H2AsO3-form of As(III) and the H2AsO4- form of As(V) predominate species for ASi. However, the ASi/ AST ratio in tilapia is 5.6~12.8%. The As(III) concentrations in tilapia range from 0.017 to 0.047μg/g, and the As(V) concentrations in tilapia range from 0.015to 0.048μg/g. The ASi/ AST ratio in oyster is approximately 1.64%. The As(III) concentrations in oyster range from 0.071 to 0.145μg/g, and the As(V) concentrations in oyster range from 0.032 to 0.068μg/g. The ASi/ AST ratio in clam is approximately 10.9%. The As(III) concentrations in clam range from 0.19to 1.671μg/g, and the As(V) concentrations in clam range from 0 to 0.13μg/g. An oral carcinogenic potency slope (CPSo) of 1.5 (mg/kg/day)-1 for ASi was used to assess the human carcinogenic risk of ingesting fish, oyster and clam under ingestion rates of 10-70, 18.6-56 and 5-14.5 g/day. The estimated target cancer risks (TR) based on a 95% occurrence probability range from 3.54x10-6 to 3.54x10-5, 1.26x10-5 to 3.82x10-5, and 1.28x10-5 to 2.96x10-5 for fish, oyster and clam, respectively. Owing to the different toxicity of As (III) and As(V), the CPSo of 1.95 and 0.39(mg/kg/day)-1 for As(III) and As(V), respectively, were proposed to assess the carcinogenic risk of ingesting fish, oyster and clam under the ingestion rates of 10-70, 18.6-56 and 5-14.5 g/day. The TR values based on a 95% exposure occurrence probability range from 2.95x10-6 to 2.06x10-5, 1.24x10-5 to 3.73x10-5, and 1.25x10-5 to 3.08x10-5 for fish, oyster and clam, respectively. A target hazard quotient (THQ) was used to assess the noncarcinogenic risk of ingesting fish, oyster and clam with inorganic As under the ingestion rates of 10-70, 18.6-56 and 5-14.5 g/day. The THQ values based on a 95% exposure occurrence probability range from 0.019 to 0.138, 0.071 to 0.214 and 0.057 to 0.166, respectively, for the three ingestion rates. All THQ values are below one within the safe for human health. The estimated TR values of using the CPSo of 2 and 0.4 (mg/kg/day)-1 for As(III) and As(V), respectively, are either larger than those of using the CPSo of 1.5 (mg/kg/day)-1 for inorganic As. Because of smaller no definite relationship were found on the proportion of As(III)and As(V)in fish and shellfish, using the CPSo of 1.95 and 00.39(mg/kg/day)-1 for As(III)and As(V), respectively, are recommended to accurately estimate the carcinogenic risk of inorganic As by consumption of farmed fish/shellfish in blackfoot disease area. 目錄 摘要.Ⅰ Abstract .Ⅲ 目錄.Ⅴ 表目錄.Ⅷ 圖目錄.XI 第一章 前言.1 1-1背景及研究動機.2 1-2研究目的.3 第二章 文獻回顧.4 2-1烏腳病地區水體物種砷分布.4 2-2魚貝類中物種砷的分布.9 2-2-1生物累積作用.9 2-2-2魚貝類中物種砷的分布.10 2-3人體健康風險評估.13 2-3-1砷對人體健康之危害.13 2-3-2健康風險評估.14 第三章 研究方法.19 3-1採樣與分析.19 3-1-1水樣分析.22 3-1-2魚貝類樣品分析.24 3-1-3品質保證與管制.26 3-2健康風險評估.27 3-2-1致癌性風險.27 3-2-2非致癌性風險.31 3-3不確定性分析.35 3-3-1不確定性來源.35 3-3-2蒙地卡羅模擬法.36 第四章 結果與討論.37 4-1吳郭魚.37 4-1-1吳郭魚養殖池水物種砷濃度.37 4-1-2吳郭魚魚體物種砷濃度.41 4-1-3適合度分析(Test of goodness of fit).46 4-1-4標的致癌風險(TR).48 4-1-5非致癌之標的危害商數(THQ).51 4-2牡蠣.53 4-2-1牡蠣體內物種砷濃度.53 4-2-2適合度分析(Test of goodness of fit).76 4-2-3標的致癌風險(TR).87 4-2-4非致癌之標的危害商數(THQ).99 4-3文蛤.101 4-3-1文蛤體內物種砷濃度.101 4-3-2適合度分析(Test of goodness of fit).104 4-3-3標的致癌風險(TR).106 4-3-4非致癌之標的危害商數(THQ).109 第五章 結論與建議.110 5-1結論.110 5-2建議.113 參考文獻.115