
毛足裳蛾為裳蛾科中一個較被明確定義的亞科類群,牠包含了約1300種物種, 而地理上除了南極大陸以外皆有分布。過去此亞科物種被記載在鱗翅目類群當中 具有高多樣化的雄蟲二次性徵以及包含廣泛取食被子與裸子植物新鮮葉部、蘚 苔、蕨類、真菌、枯葉、昆蟲屍體以及脊椎動物的糞便 (即食碎性)等的寄主紀錄。雖然有上述形態與生態上明顯的特徵,然而此亞科過去在屬級關係與高多樣性物種的發掘與描述上卻缺乏充分的研究,致使此亞科在大多數生物地理區之夜蛾總科生物相研究中成為少數尚未被釐清的類群之一。 古北區與東方區的毛足裳蛾佔此亞科已知物種數約一半的數量,雖然歐洲、日本與婆羅洲的生物相已在過去被清楚地研究,然而其內部親緣...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: 吳士緯, Wu, Shipher
Other Authors: 指導教授:蕭旭峰, 臺灣大學:昆蟲學研究所
Format: Thesis
Published: 2014
Online Access:http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/246246/262113
Summary:毛足裳蛾為裳蛾科中一個較被明確定義的亞科類群,牠包含了約1300種物種, 而地理上除了南極大陸以外皆有分布。過去此亞科物種被記載在鱗翅目類群當中 具有高多樣化的雄蟲二次性徵以及包含廣泛取食被子與裸子植物新鮮葉部、蘚 苔、蕨類、真菌、枯葉、昆蟲屍體以及脊椎動物的糞便 (即食碎性)等的寄主紀錄。雖然有上述形態與生態上明顯的特徵,然而此亞科過去在屬級關係與高多樣性物種的發掘與描述上卻缺乏充分的研究,致使此亞科在大多數生物地理區之夜蛾總科生物相研究中成為少數尚未被釐清的類群之一。 古北區與東方區的毛足裳蛾佔此亞科已知物種數約一半的數量,雖然歐洲、日本與婆羅洲的生物相已在過去被清楚地研究,然而其內部親緣關係與屬級範圍界定則尚未被系統性的評估,而影響到後續其他鄰近地理區生物相之研究。 本研究之目的為(1)評估古北區與東方區系分類群之形態特徵多樣性與並驗 證其同源性;(2)首次重建以此亞科為主之高階親緣關係,並討論其內部之分群與屬級關係;(3)針對台灣生物相進行完整的分類修訂、更新過去混亂的地理分布之資訊,並釐清各物種之地理分布起源。 材料上選取42屬502個已描述與未描述種進行形態特徵評估;取樣21屬43種毛 足裳蛾作為內群,以擬燈裳蛾亞科之Asota heliconia zebrina (Butler, 1877) 以及Macodina subcostalis (Walker, 1865)作為外群,並使用部分粒腺體COI序列、核基因EF-1 α序列以及合併以上二序列,並以最大概似法重建其分子親緣關係樹。 結果顯示,古北區與東方區毛足裳蛾形成一單系群,內部主要分為三群,含 (1)多具有前足脛節鞘與前足跗節距突的擬胸鬚裳蛾屬群;(2)多具有前翅前緣兜片、前足多未特化的猗裳蛾屬群以及(3)多具有雄蟲觸角瘤突、雄蟲前足脛節鞘與跗節退化的棒鬚裳蛾屬群,此外亥鬚裳蛾屬物種雖成為一單系群,然而其 高階地位仍待釐清。在台灣與鄰近地區產物種之分類修訂上,共作3個種級之地位復活、19個新組合與9個同物異名處理。台灣產物種共計24屬148種,其中53種為新描述種、17種為新紀錄種。此外有6種過去被收錄於台灣名錄中,然而據存證影像與標本檢視判定為誤鑑定而由名錄中刪除,另一種棕長鬚擬胸鬚裳蛾Bertula alpheusalis Walker, [1859]尚無可檢視之存證標本,因此暫時仍至於名錄之中。 本研究之結果有助於未來針對古北區與東方區進行生物相研究之依據,以及 包含非洲區系與新世界等地分類群之更大尺度系統分類學之參考。 The herminiine moths represent as one of the rather well-defined subfamilies in Erebidae and comprise moderate richness with about 1300 species distributed in all the major land masses except Antarctica. Hitherto its members are well-known for the diversified male secondary sexual organs and harboring rather wider hostplant breath from fresh leaves of angiosperms, gymnosperms, mosses, ferns, fungi as well as dead broad leaves, dead insects and vertebrate dung (as detritivores) in Lepidoptera. Though the presence of significant morphological and ecological features, the facing challenge in fact is the poor knowledge on their generic relationships as well as unexplored high species diversity under generally dull wing colour patterns, leaving behind one of the last puzzles to compact the Noctuoidea fauna in most of the biogeographic regions. The Palaearctic and Oriental region harbors about half richness of known herminiine moths. Though the faunas in Europe, Japan and Borneo were surveyed well previously, the interrelationships and generic boundary of genera occurring in these regions have not yet been systematically studied, the situation impedes the subsequent faunastic study in the neighboring regions. The aims of the present study focuses on the herminiines of the Palaearctic and Oriental regions (1) to reassess the diversity and homology of morphological characters; (2) to reconstruct the first Herminiinae-based molecular phylogenetic framework then combine the morphological results for reassessing the groupings and generic relationships; (3) to comprehensively revised the Taiwanese fauna and update the species distribution that is enigmatic in the previous studies. Totally 37 genera and 492 described and undescribed species were collected for morphological reassessment. Twenty one genera and 43 ingroup taxa plus aganaine Asota heliconia zebrina (Butler, 1877) and Macodina subcostalis (Walker, 1865) as outgroups were sampled for reconstructing phylogeny based on partial COI, EF-1α and combined sequences and maximum likelihood analysis. The result shows the Palaearctic and Oriental herminiines form a monophyletic group and three main groups are included, i.e. (1) the Bertula generic group supporting by the male foretibial sheath and distal right-angulated process on 1st foretibia; (2) the Idia generic group supporting by the frequent presence of forewing costal fold and rather unmodified foreleg structures and (3) the Polypogon generic group supporting by the male foretibial sheath and reduced number of foretarsal segments. Though all Hydrillodes taxa form a clade based on molecular results, the higher systematic position of this genus still need further study. In taxonomic revision, 25 genera and 149 species are recorded in the Taiwanese fauna, including 54 newly described, 3 revived, 17 newly recorded species, 9 synonymous treatments. Six species previously recorded in Taiwan are reconfirmed to be misidentified and therefore are deleted from the Taiwanese checklist. The distribution of Bertula alpheusalis Walker, [1859] 1858 in Taiwan need to be reconfirmed. 宣告/DISCAIMER…………………………………………………….………………i ACKONLEDGEMENTS……………………………………………….…………….ii 中文摘要……………………………………………………………….…………….iii ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………….………….v 目 錄/ CONTENTS.……….……………………………………….…………….vii 圖目錄/ INDEX TO FIGURES.………………….……………….…………….x 表目錄/ INDEX TO TABLES.….………….…………………….………………xi CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION………………………………….……………….1 THE TAXONOMIC HISTORY OF HERMINIINAE……………………………….1 1.1. General information of Herminiinae….………………………………….1 1-2. Higher classification and phylogenetic affinity of Herminiinae……1 1-3. The internal relationship of Hermiininae.…………………………….3 AIMS OF THE PRESENT STUDY……………………………………………………5 CHAPTER 2. REASSESSMENT OF MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERS…….7 METHODS FOR MORPHOLOGICAL STUDIES……………………………………7 2-1. Abbreviations…………………………………………………………………7 2-2. Collecting……………………………………….………………………….7 2-3. Preparations for morphological studies……………………………….8 2-4. Terminology….……………………….………….………………………….8 2-5. Taxon sorting………………….…………………………………………….9 RESULTS OF MORPHOLOGICAL STUDIES….……………………………………9 CHAPTER 3. MOLECULAR ANALYSES….…………………………………….14 METHODS FOR MOLECULAR STUDIES……………………………………….14 3.1.1. Collecting and deposition………………………………………………14 3.1.2. Taxa sampling. …………………………………………………………14 3.1.3. Selected gene regions….…………………………………….….…….15 3.1.4. Molecular analysis.………………………………………………………15 RESULTS OF PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSES….…………………….………….16 3.2.1. The acquired sequences….…………………………………………….16 3.2.2. The monophyly of Herminiinae……………………………………….16 3.2.3. The interrelationships of Herminiinae………………………………17 CHAPTER 4. THE SYSTEMATIC ASSESSMENT OF COMBINING PRESENT MORPHOLOGICAL AND MOLECULAR RESULTS…….………………….…18 4.1. Comparison the phylogenetic signal between COI and EF1a sequence.18 4.2. Comparison the tree topologies between present and previous results……………18 4.3. Are there potential apomorphic characters to support the major groupings and deeper clades?. ……………………………………….…19 4.4. How many genera should be assigned in the Polypogon generic group?.20 CHAPTER 5. THE TAXONOMIC REVIEW OF THE TAIWANESE HERMINIINAE.…………………………………….………………………………21 ABSTRACT…………………………………….………………………………….21 INTRODUCTION…………………………………….……….…………………21 MATERIAL AND METHODS………………………….……………………….22 5.1. Abbreviations……………………………….…………….……………….23 5-2. Collecting………………………….….…………….…………………….23 5-3. Collecting locality…………………………….………………………….23 5.4. Determination of species identities and their distribution patterns…………….……………….……………….……………….….23 5.5. Diagnosis and description………………………….……………….….24 KEYS TO HERMINIINAE OF TAIWAN………….…………….…….……….24 TAXONOMIC ACCOUNTS…………….…………………………….……….27 Genus Bocana Walker, [1859] …….………………………….…………….28 Genus Edessena Walker, [1859].………………….….……….….…….…31 Genus Hadennia Moore, [1885] ……….…….……………….……………34 Genus Paracolax Hübner, [1825] ………….………………….…….……. 51 Genus Orthozona Hampson, 1895………………………………….…….60 Genus Idia Hübner, [1813] ………………………………….……………….61 Genus Cidariplura Butler, 1879………………………….…….…………. 66 Genus Mosopia Walker, [1866] …………………….………….…………. 77 Genus Hydrillodes Guenee, 1854…………………………….…….……. 94 Genus Adrapsa Walker, [1859] …………….………………….………….114 Genus Bertula Walker, [1859] ………….…………………….…………. 124 Genus Megaloctena Warren, 1913.………………….……….……….….146 Genus Nodaria Guenee, 1854……………………………….…….….149 Genus Simplicia Guenee, 1854……………………………….…….…….149 Genus Zanclognatha Lederer, 1857………………………….………….168 Genus Mesoplectra Butler, 1879……………………….…………….179 Genus Adrapsoides Matsumura, 1925…………………………….………189 Genus Treitschkendia Berio, 1989…………………….……….……….192 Genus Hywoolla Owada, 2010…………………………….………………. 197 Genus Herminia Latreille, 1802……………………….……….………….199 Genus Stenhypena Hampson, 1895…………….………….………….206 Genus Hipoepa Walker, [1859].……………….……………….………….210 Genus Lysimelia Walker, [1859].….…………………….……214 Genus Sinarella Bryk, 1949………………………………….………….….219 Genus Progonia Hampson, 1896…………………………….…………. 254 THE DISTRIBTUTION PATTERNS AND HOSTPLANT ASSOCIATIONS OF THE TAIWANESE HERMINIINES………………………………………………………259 CHAPTER 6. CONCLUSION……………….………………………………….261 REFERENCES……………………………….…………………………………….262