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Page 2 — April 10 Wrong Is Transcended Indications are that the Concordia student body is behaving admirably—as of now, the Student Judicial Board has not handled one case this semester. "We seem to exist just for the sake of it," said Chairman Jan Overton. She noted that many infractions...

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Published: 1970
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Summary:Page 2 — April 10 Wrong Is Transcended Indications are that the Concordia student body is behaving admirably—as of now, the Student Judicial Board has not handled one case this semester. "We seem to exist just for the sake of it," said Chairman Jan Overton. She noted that many infractions are being handled in the dorms according to a list of fines and procedures set down by the Board. However, she emphasized that J-Board also functions as an ap-peals board for students who feel punishment meted out elsewhere is unfair. But thus far, the Board has heard neither cases nor ap-peals. Miss Overton pointed out that students often feel apprehensive about appearing before J-Board, but she added that it provides students with the opportunity to be judged by their peers. 'It's a farce/' she said. "Every-thing is done behind our back. There has been absolutely no communication at all between J-Board and the administration." President Don Gaetz told the student senate earlier in the semester: "There have been no cases brought before J-Board. "This is a very strange phenomenon. I've checked with the administration and they're all whistling the same tune there have been no cases. "No one has broken any rules all semester. I want to publicly commend everyone for that." The subject of J-Board's ap-parent lack of activity has been a source of discussion and con-cern among student government officials. Most recent mention of the issue came at a college coun-cil meeting of students, faculty and administrators. The admin-istration has thus far ignored matter. Assistants/tips Announced Miss Mirdza Kglitis, the Co-ordinator of the Modern Lan-guages Teaching Assistantship Program, has announced the re-cipients of Teaching Assistant-ships for 1971/72. In German the recipients are: Irene Peterson, Georgetown, Minn., and Mary Sitz, Cando, N. D. Winners in French include Cathlyn Emerson, Fordville, N. D.; Mary Hjort, St. Paul, Minn., and Peggy Linrud, Velva, N. D. Kim Borchers, La Salle, Colo.; Laurence Flooding, White Bear Lake, Minn., and Roberta Sten-nes, Fargo, N. D., took the hon-ors in Spanish. They all will spend some time Cobbers Obtain Science Grant Concordia College has receiv-ed $152,900 in grant funds from the National Science Foundation. Concordia first made application for the funds two years ago. Use of the money will extend over a three-year period. Funds will be allocated toward curri-culum development and instruc-tional aids, faculty and student research, a statistics laboratory for the social sciences, and im-provement of the computer cen-ter. These activities involve the departments of biology, chemis-try, economics, mathematics, physics, political science, psych-ology and sociology. The project is under the direction of Asso-ciate Dean Robert Homann. Kind of jacket that attracts crowds, man. Nor-folk cut, hip new polyester-cotton fabric, neat pockets — and a talent for absolutely destroy-ing the chicks. Pick one up, today. studying either in Germany, France, or Spain. Kim Borchers, however, plans to study at the University of Gogota, Colombia, in South America and Irene Pet-erson wants to attend the Dol-metscher Schmule in Vienna, Austria. Peggy Linrud will study at the Sorbonne in Paris. They will return to Concordia in Aug-ust 1971 and will teach begin-ning language courses on the Concordia campus. 'Sounding Board' Sought By Gaetz Student Body President Don Gaetz and Vice President Ron North announced this week that applications are open for the po-sition of student ombudsman for the coming school year. The Stu-dent Association Constitution provides that the outgoing presi-dent appoints the next year's ombudsman. According to Gaetz and North, the job entails being a sounding board for student complaints, re-actions, and suggestions regard-ing virtually anything on cam-pus. "The ombudsman is a cut-ter of red tape for students who get lost in the bureaucracy and need help," said North. Any interested student may apply at the student government office (second floor in the Com-mons) or by dropping a note in Box 1000, campus mail. Kingieos Breaking the Ice? E. T. Paulson and Arvid Benson of the C-400 club helped loosen the frozen tundra at ground-breaking ceremonies March 31. The one-year project of a $950,000, four-story addition to Ylvisaker Library begins immedaitely. THE CONCORDIAN Published weekly during the school year except during vacation holiday and examination periods by the students of Concordia College, Moorhead. Opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the college or student body. Second class postage oaid at Moorhead, Minnesota 56560 Printed by Knyc's Inc., Fargo, North Dakota, U.S.A. SUBSCRIPTION RATE: $6.00 Per School Year TWENTY-NINE TIMES ALL-AMERICAN TWO TIMES COLUMBIA "MEDALIST" Office: Cobber Commons Building — Phone 233-7522 Member: Associat-d Collegiate Press, United States Student Press Association Affiliated with College Press Service EDITOR — Omar Olson MANAGING EDITOR — Grace Horstmann ASSOCIATE EDITOR — Dan Mjolsnesi NEWS EDITOR Peggy Linrud BUSINESS—CIRCULATION MANAGER Dan Aarthun ADVERTISING MANAGER Dan Price SPORTS EDITOR Harold Anderson COPY EDITOR Marlene Jenson ARTS EDITOR Jessica Zuehlke LITERARY EDITOR Doug Gens GRAPHICS EDTOR Larry Rostad PHOTO EDITOR Terry Mahnke EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Shirley Hanson STAFF: Tim Johnson, Bryce Hugelmeyer, John Tunis, Kate Campbell, John Red-linger, Bruce Blake, Lee Silha, Bob Blomquist, Sonja Kruse, Kris Jacobsen, Mark Hinrichs, Nathan Thompson, Ron Nilson, Carol McLevige, Mark Marty. Paul Olson, Ruth Moen, Carol Johnson, Orian Hunter, Joan Lund, Stan Tofte-land, Ken Olson, Mark Olson. Robyn Moschet. Charles Johnson, Lynne Fifield, Pam Wahlberg. Mike Veseth. Gerald Hesse, Terri Magnuson, Carol Knapp. Linnea Hanson, Paul Selden, Donnette Ryckman. Laurie Erickson. Edie Neisch, Helen Berg, Lynn Gillis, Mark Molldrem, Mike Ennis. Gary Vangen, Mary Jerstad, Linda Leckner, Marsha Ostenson, Erik Johnson, Paul Peterson, Jackie Hinkle, Becky Stevens, Steve Peterson, Ron Scim. Jan Waye, Meg Skramstad, Lori Glade, Judy Lien and Paul Johnson WE HAVE THEM ALL! Onarlinson s Jewelers & Silversmiths Since 1911 Fouth Street at Center Avenue